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Bioshock - Games Trainer

         Bioshock - Screenshot 

Bioshock Trainer

Welcome to the Cheatbook Trainers section! Trainers are programs that allow you to alter the way the game works so that you could cheat. They enable features that are similar to cheat codes, for example you could get unlimited health, ammo etc. when using a Trainer.

Bioshock - Games Trainer

Bioshock - Games Trainer

Bioshock - Cheats Codes

BioShock is a unique game that mixes a spine-chilling setting illustrated with art deco art and architecture, sci-fi themes of bio-genetic mutation and self-modification, a deep storyline with open-choice freedom to interact with the world as you choose, and first-person action that requires you to think every time you pull the trigger. After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea. Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn.

 Special Features:
  • Take control of your world by hacking mechanical devices, commandeering security turrets and crafting unique items critical to your survival
  • Upgrade your weapons with ionic gels, explosives and toxins to customize them to the enemy and environment
  • Genetically modify your body through dozens of Plasmid Stations scattered throughout the city, empowering you with fantastic and often grotesque abilities
  • Explore a living world powered by Ecological A.I., where the inhabitants have interesting and consequential relationships with one another that impact your gameplay experience


    Once you've obtained the Dart Gun, you can try this technique. All that's required is Electrical Trap Darts (4-6 per Big Daddy). Take your 4-6 Trap Darts and line them down a hall or near where you can see a Big Daddy, making sure the path he'll take towards you is amply covered. Once that's done, shoot at the Big Daddy to get his attention and keep him running towards you. He'll run into each dart and kill himself.


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