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Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded - PC Games

Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded - Screenshot

Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded  Welcome to the Cheatbook PC Trainers section! Trainers are programs that allow you to alter the way the game works so that you could cheat. They enable features that are similar to cheat codes, for example you could get unlimited health, ammo etc. when using a Trainer.
Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded - Trainer Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded - Trainer
Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded Tips Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded - Cheat Codes

In modern society, war can mean business opportunity, but to that of Master Gunnery Sergeant Cole of the U.S. Marine Corps, it means duty. Jack Cole, an elite sniper, and veteran spotter Dylan Hathcock deploy to investigate a new technological advancement in nuclear warfare threatening the security of their nation. Using untraceable stealth and surgical strike capabilities, the worlds' best trained weapons mobilize into the depth of Russian territory where a black market deal is about to be handled...

This is the 4th installment of the Marine Sharpshooter series. It's a PC only games. Compared to MS3, the focus was brought back to playing only the sniper, which was the core gameplay of the first 2 games. New to the series is realistic breath control which allows you to steady your aim (this slows the game down as well). With timing, you can also see the game's bullet cam, following the bullet to it's target. The AI can patrol between 2 points. The player can also use grass as cover, making it harder to be detected.

The world lies under the escalating threat of potential nuclear annihilation. Only you have the power to bring the threat under control. As part of a sniper and spotter team, you must pursue a covert Private Military Corporation and bring the group to justice. With the fate of the world resting on your shoulders — not to mention your sharp eye — will you have the speed, the smarts and the steadiness of aim to fulfill your mission?

Prepare to reenter the hot zone. Marine Sharpshooter 4: Locked and Loaded immerses you in fast-paced, high-intensity action like you've come to expect from this incredible series. Travel the globe and train your eye as you strive to hunt down the secret Private Military Corporation. Employ clever strategies and wield whatever weapons and equipment you can find along the way. Just remember, it all might come down to just a single bullet. Steady your nerve and move without hesitation, for every shot in this violent world could be your last. 

  • Return to the hot zone as a member of a skilled sniper and spotter team
  • Defend the world against an escalating nuclear threat
  • Root out and destroy a corrupt Private Military Corporation
  • Cross the globe and apply your best tactical thinking
  • Employ all the weapons and equipment at your command to accomplish your mission

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