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Spore Creature Creator - PC Games Trainer

Spore Creature Creator - Screenshot

Spore Creature Creator PC Trainer  Welcome to the Cheatbook PC Trainers section! Trainers are programs that allow you to alter the way the game works so that you could cheat. They enable features that are similar to cheat codes, for example you could get unlimited health, ammo etc. when using a Trainer.
Spore Creature Creator - Trainer Spore Creature Creator - Games Trainer
Spore Creature Creator Cheats Tips Spore Creature Creator - Cheat Codes

The next evolution in gaming is upon us. From the mind of Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, comes SPORE, an epic journey that takes you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and technology and eventually all the way into the deepest reaches of outer space.

Spore Creature Creator is a stand-alone product and creativity toy box where players create their own unique creatures, bring them to life with entertaining animations, and share them online with friends around the world.

You can import creatures made in the Spore Creature Creator into the full Spore game, thus populating your own galaxies when the game ships worldwide later this year.

The Spore Creature Creator lets players create their own creatures, take them on a test drive, snap pictures, and make movies of them. Sharing pictures or videos with friends is as easy as the click of a button. Players can also share their creations with others by uploading to the Sporepedia. The Sporepedia is an extraordinarily vast online destination where people worldwide can search for and share Spore creations, comment on other player’s designs, check out celebrity creature creations and much more.

The ability to upload players’ creations to YouTube has also been integrated into the Spore Creature Creator. Players can import and upload video of their creatures' moves directly to YouTube with only two clicks within the game. Spore will have its own YouTube Channel where all videos of users' creations uploaded from the game will be showcased for the YouTube community to watch, share, rate and comment on.

Spore, the highly-anticipated game from the creators of The Sims, gives players their own personal universe in a box. Create and evolve life, establish tribes, build civilizations, sculpt entire worlds and explore a universe filled with creations made by other gamers. Spore gives players a wealth of creative tools to customize nearly every aspect of their universe: creatures, vehicles, buildings, and even UFOs.

Here are some key features of "Spore Creature Creator":

· BUILD using 228 drag-and-drop, flexible parts – is it fashion, function, or fashunction?
· PAINT with unique patterns, make your creature stand out in a crowd
· PLAY with your creature as it comes to life with dances, poses, and emotions
· SHARE using built-in snapshot and video tools—make your creature a star.

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