
American McGee's Alice Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 American McGee's Alice

American McGee's Alice

Solution for Alice 


This is by way of an easy entry to the game. Practise your movements and combat. 
There are large red tongue-like things throughout the game, which seem harmless. 
Alice is at the bottom of the shaft. Move forward into the village and approach a 
few strange men with glowing crystals strapped to their backs. None of the house 
doors will open. The Cheshire Cat tells you to 'ride the wind' so you run and 
jump over the water through the Thermal, a rising air current, over to the next 
man. If you need some height from a Thermal, just jump into it not through it. 

Whenever you jump anywhere, the longer you keep the keys pressed the farther you 
go. To jump up high and move forward, jump first for maximum height then hit the 
W key. Continue along the tunnel and collect some META-ESSENCE (will be referred 
to as 'ME') and the VORPAL-BLADE knife by walking right up to them. The Vorpal 
Blade is the only weapon with no drain on your Will. 

You will see the White Rabbit shrink and go through a small hole, but you don't 
follow him, you can't. You are attacked by a CARD-GUARD (will be referred to as 
a 'CG'). There are four types (suits) of CGs. The Clubs just have a Pike. The 
Diamonds also have a long-range Card weapon. The Spades can throw Grenades. The 
Hearts can throw Homing Grenades. Kill this one with a few swipes of the knife 
and collect his ME. Continue into the tunnel and in the next chamber, keep to the 
left path. The planks by the 'Buz Saw Mill' sign are for coming up if you fall. 
Jump and climb up the wall in front of the house with the rotating steaming pipes 
where the Cat appears, and jump over to the entrance to the 'Yur Mine' and enter. 

Enter the chamber and walk out onto the wooden platform. You need to get to the 
wooden walkway opposite with a small figure on it, over to the right. It's 
possible to jump but why not practise your VINE swinging and climbing. The secret 
is to jump at the vine and release the jump (space) key to make Alice grab the 
vine. Climb with 'Enter', descend with 'F', swing with 'W' and 'S', jump 
with 'Space'. Swing and jump over to the small figure of the old Gnome. He will 
help you if you help him. Follow the tunnel, picking up any ME and Sanity lying 
about, and take the lift to a cart-ride to the next chamber. Kill the CG and get 
the ME and your new weapon, the CARDS. 

Enter the door to the CG Compound and go up the stairs. Try out your new weapon 
on the 3 CGs in the room at the top and get the Rough Diamond Key. Left-click 
fires a single card or stream as long as its pressed, right-click fires a small 
spreading salvo. Go up the stairs and through the door and the VORTEX Exit 

You'll use a lot of these Vortex doors during the game. A Vortex you can enter is 
a green colour. The other side, which you can't re-enter, is a reddish orange. 

In the next chamber you must get to the other side and follow the Gnome through 
the Vortex exit. You can practise your new combat weapon skills and your Vine 
expertise, or you can just run for it. With a few careful jumps you should 
sustain little damage. Don't stand still for too long, the CGs are experts with 
the Card weapon. 

You take an aircraft ride with the Gnome to the next part of the journey. 


Fortress of Doors 
You're on a ledge outside the walls. Turn round and around the corner is a CG. 
Kill him and jump to the floating rocky islands to get the Large Will if you need 
it. Come straight back to avoid missiles from the CG on the ramparts. Go back 
round the corner (clockwise) and enter through a hole in the wall. Turn right and 
follow the ledge to a doorway in the wall on your right. Don't bother trying to 
get to the school building floating in the middle; it's locked. 

You come into a small courtyard with some stairs opposite, leading to a broken 
wooden floor and a zigzag walkway to a new Vortex door. In this courtyard you 
will meet your first SCREAMING-BANSHEES (will be referred to as SBs, some people 
call them BOOJUMS). These fly about screaming and are dangerous and hard to kill 
at this stage in the game. They send shrieking blasts that can injure you and 
knock you over an edge. The thrown knife works best. In this case it's best to 
just run for the stairs and walkway, having saved first of course. As they hurl 
their blasts, the floor gets more and more damaged, so it gets harder. There's a 
large ME in an alcove to the left of where you come into the chamber. 

If you fall through the holes in the floor, you will find yourself back at the 
entry to the area. If you are killed by your enemies you will have to reload to 
your last save. I call this restarting 'puzzle rules' as it seems to occur where 
you are expected to fail many times, especially in puzzle areas. 

Beyond the Wall
You enter a large complex stone courtyard, which is really just one large chamber 
with thick stone wall piers jutting out into it. There are several CGs in here. 
Don't fight them yet unless you're cornered, just run about to end up in the 
centre by a raised block with a RAGEBOX on it. When you activate a Ragebox, Alice 
becomes like a maniac with super strength and killing ability. It doesn't last 
long so you want to get as many enemies around as you can before you activate it. 
In this case kill 6 CGs. You can just run for the door but the CGs will still be 
here later on. 

Enter the large wooden door diagonally opposite the corner where you came in. You 
go through several doors and come out onto a ledge with a whirlwind blowing all 
sorts of debris about, including pieces of the floor. There are two fixed floor 
pieces between your ledge and the distant Vortex, which is your way out. 

Wait until the floor pieces make up a square extension to your ledge and quick-
save, then move forward to the left front edge. When two pieces have broken off 
from behind you and made a platform, jump over to get to the first of the 
islands. Repeat this to get to the second island. Repeat again to get to the 
other side. 

If you stand and watch the repeating pattern before you start, or on the islands, 
it will help. Quick-save on each island. Puzzle rules apply. As you get to the 
other side, 2 SBs appear behind you and follow you to the next area. 

Save again, you have to fight and it's not easy. Run down the spiral stairs on 
the left, and in the room below, go round to the right and shelter behind the 
large pillar. 

They attack one at a time. Use the throwing knife, and the closer the enemy, the 
greater the damage. When they are dead you must use the levers to open some doors 
in the castle opposite. There are 3 levers and the Cat says that the order is 
critical. This works, right-left-centre. Pulling the single lever on the first 
floor resets the lower floor levers if you got it wrong. When you do it 
correctly, all the levers disappear and you see the doors open again. Go back up 
to the first floor and start to cross the chequered floor to the castle opposite. 
It automatically extends in front of you to get you over. You have to take care 
of the 2 CGs first before you are free to enter. Inside is another CG, then you 
can enter the Vortex door. 

As you enter the next chamber, the floor breaks up and forms a floating moving 
staircase of floor segments. Puzzle rules apply. It's fairly easy to jump from 
piece to piece up to the next Vortex door. In the next chamber you find yourself 
on the tops of the pier walls of the chamber with the Ragebox. The first problem 
is that there are 2 SBs attacking you. Take them on and replenish with some ME on 
the far wall. If you fall to the ground, you can get back up because the plinth 
that the Ragebox was on is now a rising and lowering platform, but you may have 
more enemies to deal with. There are 3 floating doors at the end of 3 walls. They 
all seem to have a Vortex to the next area when they open. 

Skool Daze
You are on the ramparts with the floating school inside. Kill the first CG at 
long range and head for the second. Two SBs come to attack as well. If you are 
short of ME, you can jump down over the wall to the left and pick up some at the 
end of the ledge, if you didn't use it earlier. You can get back up by climbing 
the rocks in the corner. You can stay and fight or you can run along the rampart 
until you reach an open window in the school building on the left. Fighting from 
the end turret helps. At the Cat's advice, climb onto the wall and jump over to 
enter the window. 

You are in the school. Ignore the harmless insane child and go through the large 
door into the main hall. Don't fight the CGs, just run left to go into the large 
door to the theatre where you meet the Gnome again. He tells you to go to the 
library and consult the Book of Bizarre Things. Later you see him open the way in 
for you. 

Fight the 2 CGs who enter, or dodge them and run back to the main hall. Kill the 
3 CGs if you can. Go left up the stairs and you should see a new weapon across a 
gap on the landing. Use the fireplace to jump over to it and you have gained the 
CROQUET MALLET, a powerful club with a good right-click long-range fiery-ball 
device. Try it out. 

On the right landing is the door to the Library. Go in and turn left. There's a 
CG on your left. As you go into the main library, kill 3 more CGs. Go left in the 
centre of the room to find a Magic Book that flies off. Then go back and turn 
right to go up the spiral pillar staircase lift to the next floor. Go left to 
find another Book. The Cat tells you to keep going up. 

Don't fight any more CGs than you have to, there are a lot of them. Take the 
right one of the two slopes and turn right at the top. Kill the CG and find 
another Book. Take the large platform lift up again and after killing a CG find 
one final Book. The Books form floating stepping stones to a large alcove. Save 
first then try the steps to the final large Book of Bizarre Things, which you 
climb over. Alice pushes the Book to the ground to open it. Go back down the new 
book stairs, killing any CGs who attack, and go on down to read the opened Book 
to find out which ingredients you need for the shrinking spell. You don't need to 
remember them if you follow this walkthrough. 

Skool's Out
As you enter another large hall, once again ignore the enemies and run left to 
exit through a large door. Go down the stairs and use the Large ME under the 
stairs if you need it. Run and jump over to the ledge with a new weapon for you; 
the DEMON DICE. As soon as you have them you will be attacked by 2 SBs. Jump back 
over to the stairs and when you are near the top use the dice on the SBs. Your 
Green Demon should kill them for you. There's an element of luck, as with any 
dice, it doesn't always work. Never use the dice when you're alone or the Demon 
will attack you, though you can fight back. Your enemies can kill the Demon if 
they're strong enough. 

Go back through the door into the hall. There are several CGs and SBs and this is 
another time to run and fight later. You can go right, to the 1st Grayd 
Gymnasium, but why not have a look round and clear the enemies from some of the 
upper rooms. 

Go up the stairs and turn left, avoiding the CG, and enter the large doors. 
Inside are 3 more CGs and perhaps a SB as well. Jump over them and run into the 
2nd Grayd room at the far end. This is the Laboratory. Now you can turn and fight 
them one at a time either through the doorway, or tempt them into the room, one 
at a time. 

When they're all dead go out of the room into the hallway and take either of the 
two side-doors (they both go to the same place) to another hallway and kill 2 
more CGs. Go into the 3d Grade Room at the end. Kill 2 more CGs. 

If you missed the Mallet weapon before, here is another chance to pick it up or 
boost your weapon and Will. Go through into the next room and kill 2 CGs and a 
SB. You can't do any more here at the moment, but by all means have a good look 
round. Note the poppy seeds. 

Return to the ground floor in the main hall. The 3d Grayd room is at the top 
landing with no stairs; the 2nd Grayd room is on the middle landing with the 
stairs. You can fight the remaining CGs and SBs or run for the Gymnasium through 
the doors marked 1st Grayd, with the hearts. Kill any CGs and operate the lever 
in the alcove on the left. There's a large ME in the other one. Steps will unfold 
from the wall-bars. 

Go to the top of the left side of the steps, turn round, and jump onto the broken 
beam. Walk along the beams, avoiding the swinging lights, to where the Gnome is 
waiting. 3 SBs fly in, so use the Ragebox to see them off. You see the Gnome in 
the Lab, so go back there, fighting or avoiding the 2 more SBs in the hall with 
the stairs to the 2nd Grayd. 

Two CGs are attacking the Gnome in the Lab, so take care of them. Take the flask 
with the Jumbo Grow Potion from the cupboard and return to the 3d Grayd and the 
Poppy Seeds. You will meet several CGs and SBs on the way, but by now you should 
have developed a fighting and running strategy. Pour the Potion on the Poppy 
Seeds and when the plant has grown, pick it and return once more to the Lab. 

The Gnome makes your final Shrinking Potion and leaves you a Star Key to enter 
the Observatory. Leave with both through the Vortex door to return to the first 
of the large school halls with the central staircases. There are 2 CGs in the 
hall. Go up the stairs, turning right to the Library. In the main library hall 
you will fight 3 more SBs before using the spiral column lift back up to the next 

This time take the left slope to the next floor up, dealing with several CGs on 
the way. Turn left at the top of the slope and go through the doorway to a lift 
which is operated by the Star Key. You enter the Observatory and have to kill 
some more CGs before you can go up the broken stairs to the telescope platform. 

You will see a cut-scene where Alice drinks the Potion, shrinks, and jumps 
through a Vortex to the next area. 


Pool of Tears
Alice is on a hillside with some small live mobile Boulders that are harmless 
fun, try pushing them. You see a cut-scene of some large ants pushing a rock over 
the cliff top and blocking a pathway through the cliff face; the only way is up. 

Down the hillside, on the left by a notice warning of falling rocks, jump over to 
the ledge and start up the slope. Jump over the gaps. Each time you see a short 
scene of the ants pushing a rock over onto the path, you should have time to take 
avoiding action, either by standing still or jumping back over the previous gap 
or two. Use the quick-save frequently, after each success. Try to ignore the 
HELICOPTER BEETLES (I will refer to them as HBs as they sound like helicopters) 
they will only deplete your will. They drop bombs but they're only really 
accurate when you stand still too long. 

At the top there are three giant SOLDIER ANTS (I will refer to them as SAs) that 
fire muskets, and will throw Alice high in the air if she gets too close. Some 
SAs are more dangerous with better weapons, depending on rank. Use the long-range 
Mallet weapon. Kill them and replenish your strength. 

Follow the river upstream until you meet the Mock-Turtle. He tells you that if 
you help him get his shell back from the Duchess, he will tell you where the 
Caterpillar is, who will help you find the White Rabbit. He then jumps onto a 
floating leaf and floats off downstream. Jump onto one of your own and follow 

In the deeper water there are numerous savage fish, probably the SNARK, which 
should be avoided if possible. If you stand about on the water's edge, they will 
spit at you.You can easily kill the Snark with one swipe of the knife if you go 
underwater, but there is a risk of drowning. Whenever Alice enters the water, the 
weapon she's holding changes to the knife as that is all she can use. When she 
gets out, it changes back to whatever she had before she went in. 

Try and stay in the middle of the leaf, facing forward. You can be knocked off or 
injured by sharp objects hanging over the water. Try to dodge them, but keep 
the 'Walk' key pressed or you will fall off the leaf. The leaf will enter a small 
pool with a medium ME over some low branches. As the leaf passes under the 
branches, jump up, collecting the ME and land back on the leaf. As you approach 
another stream, you see the Mock-Turtle and his leaf just ahead of you. You both 
go over a small waterfall, so you should run and jump to land on his leaf with 
him, otherwise you will end up in the water. You may have to try this several 
times so save first. You continue on to another low branch with more ME; jump 
again or you will be swept off. Try to ignore all attacks from SAs and HBs during 
the trip, and save frequently. 

If you do end up in the water, keep moving downstream and don't drown by keeping 
the Jump key pressed. Climb out at the first bit of low bank and jump back onto a 
passing leaf. There is some large ME on a bank to the right. 

Eventually you will see the Mock-Turtle again, shortly before you have to grab a 
hanging Vine as your leaf goes over a deadly waterfall. If you are in the water 
at this point, keep to the left and climb out onto a rocky bank. This may be the 
best tactic anyway. You can jump from here to the vine. Climb halfway up the Vine 
and swing and jump to the path above the left bank. 

Follow the path away from the river and you will see the Mock-Turtle leaving on 
another leaf. Take the next one to appear and follow him over the waterfall. 

Hollow Hideaway
You are on the right bank of a river. Follow it round the corner and kill the 2 
SAs at long range with the Mallet and Fire-balls. Replenish with available ME. 

Continue on the right bank to fight 2 more SAs. There are also HBs trying to bomb 
you from time to time. Ignore them as long as you keep moving. 

When you can't go any further, jump across to the far rock using the two 
convenient lily pad leaves. If you fall into this water a giant Snark eats you, 
every time. 

Round the next corner, the only way to go is to walk out along the fallen branch 
and step down onto yet another floating leaf. There are 3 hanging spikes to 
avoid. Staying on the leaf, dodge right, then left, then right. The leaf comes in 
close to the left bank where you jump back to dry land. Go left and use the lily 
pad to jump over the gap. 

There are several SAs up on the hill, as well as a Large ME under a large KILLER 
MUSHROOM (will refer to these as KMs). It's a trap by a killer carnivorous fungus 
with the power to draw Alice towards it if she gets too close, and it has a 
poisonous spore cloud weapon. It's worth going up to it to see it eating her. 

If you keep using a weapon while you are being eaten, you can kill it but with a 
big cost in Sanity. If you want to kill it from a safe distance, you must first 
activate it by going close, but its quick. If you jump about, you can get the ME 
and get away again. 

There are also giant ROSES that spit thorns like machine-gun bullets. Use the 
Mallet fireballs. 

Save, then go over the hill, to the right of where you jumped to the bank. After 
killing 2 more SAs and another Rose, go to the water's edge and get on another 
floating leaf and set off downstream again. After a short way you will see some 
lily pads on the right. Use them to jump over to the bank, or you will end up in 
a killer whirlpool. 

Up the bank, which has torches on poles, there are 2 more SAs. As you approach 
the house you meet a worker Frog who lets you in after a chat. 

Just Desserts
This is the first 'Boss' fight. You enter a large kitchen with a central raised 
and lidded well with a new weapon for you in the centre. Jump up and claim the 
JACKBOMB weapon. Unfortunately this also brings the DUCHESS into the room. 

She is a formidable opponent with a long-range Pepper weapon and an unfortunate 
short range one; she eats you - but not all at once. Keep out of her way by 
dodging around the central well and use long-range weapons. Replenish your 
strength with the small MEs dotted round the room. I found that the new weapon 
was more dangerous to me in the confined space, so I used the Mallet. The dice 
wouldn't work here, even though the Pentagram would display. 

When she is dead, she sneezes her head off, the Frog and the Mock-Turtle re-
appear and you end up jumping into the well. 

Wholly Morel Ground
Follow the Mock-Turtle as though you were flying using the mouse and the 'AWD' 
keys. Keep close behind him in the bubble stream to keep breathing. If you get 
off course, it's not fatal, just catch up again. If you loose Sanity you can 
replenish from ME on the way. The Mock-Turtle weaves about quite a bit to give 
you time to deviate a little. Avoid the various traps, they are fairly obvious 
but the slightest touch from falling boulders will kill you. Bubble jets can blow 
you up against roof spikes. You may have to stop and kill some Snark, but there 
is still time to catch up again. You can use the quick-save under-water. After 
you've finished the level, try it again in God mode and explore the whole area to 
see the treasures and some odd fish. 


Dry Landing
You talk to the Mock-Turtle who makes you an honorary reptile, which means that 
you can swim underwater a little better, but you can still drown. Try it out 
later. All through this level you are bombed by the HBs again. They seem to come 
in threes. If you have plenty of Will, try to shoot them down. It's easier to 
just keep moving unless they are very close and you can get their ME when killed. 
Two Mallet fireballs for each should do it. 

Follow the path a short way and kill a SA. After a few seconds, another appears 
on the far left bank. Kill him now at long range. Jump into the water and kill a 
Snark with your knife, then jump onto the lily pad. Climb up the vine and jump to 
the bank. 

As you go round the next corner, kill the Rose on the far bank, then follow the 
path behind the waterfall and up the bank and jump onto the Jump Mushroom. You 
should end up on a vine but it's a bit unpredictable, so always save first. The 
direction of the mushroom jump depends on which part of the curved surface you 

Turn round and swing-jump over to the path with the White Rabbit. As he leaves, 
follow him over the hill to a huge giant tree and jump over to the large flat 
fungi with a vine on the other side. There is a SA on the far side of the chasm, 
so try to kill him from here with the Cards before you swing over. Swing over and 
proceed down the path, which has several Roses, SAs, and HBs of course. It pays 
to pick up all the ME you can see, even if you have to climb for it. 

Continue up over the hill and turn left. Kill the Rose and the far SA. If you now 
use your Mallet anti-aircraft device on the HBs it will make life easier. Jump 
down to the Rose's ledge then use a vine, or risk the Jump Mushrooms, to get to 
the SA's ledge. 

Go through a small opening to a new area with a vine and Jump Mushrooms. Climb 
the vine and swing and jump, using the Mushroom, up to some high fungus ledges 
with a Ragebox on top. You can use this to get through the next bit. 

As soon as Alice is mad with Rage, turn and run and jump to the far fungus ledge 
with some ME, then turn right and jump to the next ledge. Pick up the 2 small 
Will and kill the SA. Without pausing, run along the path and kill the Rose and 
another SA. When Alice is mad with Rage always get in close with hand weapons for 
best results. Continue to a chasm with a bridge and Jump Mushrooms. The bridge 
collapses before you can use it. Take out the HBs then use the Mushrooms to jump 
to a small ledge to the right of the bigger one with a KM and a Rose, which you 
can now kill. 

The KM guards a Jackbomb weapon that you should get as a booster if you got it 
earlier. It will also boost your Will. You can ignore it, if you prefer, and 
climb the rock behind you to proceed along the path. 

Over the next rise is a canyon with a vine. Swing over to the fungus ledge and 
climb another vine. There is a SA waiting at the next ledge. Deal with him, then 
go round the corner and take care of some more HBs. Don't fall in the rapids or 
you will be swept downstream, over several waterfalls, and back to the pool at 
the beginning of this level. If you do, there's a new Vortex behind the small 
waterfall to get you back to the ledge with the SA. 

Step left out from behind the rock and kill the Rose on the right bank, then jump 
to the mid-stream rock, then jump to the right bank where the Rose was. Kill the 
Rose on the left bank, then jump to two of the three rocks and then over to the 
left bank. If you go further, a Snark will jump up and spit at you. Keep away 
from the water's edge, and keep moving until you're at the end of the level. 

Herbaceous Border
At the end of the cut-scene, the White Rabbit has been squashed underfoot by what 
seems to be a skinny giant who later turns out to be the MAD HATTER (MH). The 
Mock-Turtle and the Cat urge you to continue. You can shoot down the usual HBs, 
and if you hang around and explore the dead-end right path, you will have to deal 
with a SA and a lion-tailed whiskered SCORPION. These have a habit of burrowing 
into the ground and re-appearing and they seem to have to be killed twice. Best 
to take the left path, kill the Rose, and go down the rabbit-hole. 

You come to the first cavern (A) with 2 Thermals over to the other side. Ignore 
the SA high up on a ledge. If you fall into the acid lake, which all the caverns 
have, jump out quickly onto the ledge and climb the vine. You come to a Y fork 
junction. Save here and explore. Both tunnels lead to a complex of caverns with 
bridges, thermals, vines, jump mushrooms, and lakes of acid at the bottom. 

The left one leads to a cavern (B) with a bridge, which is immediately destroyed 
by the MH stamping on the surface. Use the Jump Mushroom on the left to get up to 
a higher bridge to a Mallet weapon. If you already have the weapon, these pickups 
boost the weapon and your Will. Follow the tunnel through cavern (C) to the next 
cavern (D). At the lake level in (B) is a large ledge with a KM. You can get back 
up again. All caverns are well worth exploring, using everything, just for the 
fun of it. 

The right fork at the Y takes you to cavern (C) with a bridge leading to a 
central island. There's 2 SAs who will keep shooting if you don't kill them. When 
on the island the MH again destroys the bridges so you have to use the Jump 
Mushroom up to a high ledge on the right, then jump down to the tunnel out. 

While in cavern (C) if you get to the tunnel where the higher SA was, it leads 
back to cavern (A) on the high ledge. The different exit tunnel from here to the 
surface has a KM that you'll have to kill or sneak past. On the surface, if you 
go to the right you will come back to the original rabbit-hole entrance. 

When you get to cavern (D) go to the centre and use the thermal to get to the 
first vine. Swing to the second and then swing to the ledges. The pickup beside 
the Cat is a Cards weapon power-up. Take the tunnel back to the surface. 

On the bottom of cavern (D) is another KM guarding some GRASSHOPPER TEA, the 
speed and agility booster. Try it. 

At the surface, after you get the Cards power-up, go left and after doing some 
anti-aircraft shooting, jump to the vine and climb and swing to the fungus ledge 
with the ME. Kill the Rose and the Scorpions and head along the path to another 
rabbit-hole. Go down to end the level. 

Rolling Stones
The HBs drop a huge stone ball into the tunnel behind you. There is nowhere to 
hide so you must run down the tunnel. You can keep well ahead of it. When you 
come to a cavern with Jump Mushrooms, jump to the one on the right and keep 
moving and jumping to the other side. Carry straight on over the spindly bone 
bridge and keep going. 

Don't stop, the ball won't, until you have crossed an ice-covered lake. The ball 
falls through the ice. Don't be tempted to dodge into the little alcove on the 
left just before the lake, or you will have the problem of crossing the broken 
ice. A little further on, a hole appears in the ground and, one way or another, 
you fall through to the next level. 

Icy Reception
Practise Alice's movements on the ice. Jumping, and running, ends in a slide 
unless checked with a backwards or sideways step. Walking helps but many surfaces 
have a chamfered sloping edge so she can slip off instead of stopping. Some 
surfaces are only a little slippery and some are dry rock. 

At the tunnel exit, go over the rocks on the right and jump to another tunnel 
entrance. Stay on the lighter area near the edge or you will trigger another 
rolling stone. From there walk back over the narrow pathway to collect the 
ICEWAND weapon. It's possible to jump down to here, and back up. But why not 
carry on down the path, jumping over the gap caused by the rock-fall, and jump 
over to the right near the ME. Climb the slippery rocks, noting the ice encased 
SA. At the top, jump back to the rocks where you started, and on to the second 
tunnel entrance again. 

There's a cut-scene showing another stone ball arriving, so run up the tunnel, 
avoiding the falling rocks, and as you come to the exit go into a small alcove on 
the left and let the ball pass. Kill the HBs and pick up the weapon booster on 
the left. 

Go round the path to the right until you can use the two Thermals to cross the 

You find and talk to the CATERPILLAR who says that you must confront the 
Centipede, in the Fungiferous Forest, and nibble his Mushroom of Life. Your 
mission is to kill the Red Queen of Hearts to restore Wonderland. He creates a 
Vortex for you. 

Fungiferous Flora
You're in a cavern with many KMs. Behind the left pillar is a DARKENED LOOKING 
GLASS that makes Alice invisible for about 15 seconds. Use it and run past all 
the KMs and SAs and through the left side of a Snark filled pool under the rock 
face on the left. You should have just enough time to get past the KM on the 
other side, keeping well to the left. Kill the Rose and a Scorpion. 

There's a Demon Dice power-up in a cave above the rocks on your right. The Dice 
will now summon a bigger Demon but it uses up more Will. Your way is barred by 
two more KMs that can be dispatched, with care, using the Jackbomb. Go down the 

Jump down into the small chamber. In the next large one are several SAs and HBs. 
If you keep back and throw in the Dice, you can watch the Demons wiping them out 
for you. Anyway, you are captured and brought to fight the CENTIPEDE. 

Centipede's Sanctum
The Mushroom of life is on the central rock. The Centipede is slow moving but 
hard to kill. He spits green poisonous slime and small ant creatures that can 
bite but are short lived and easy to kill with the knife. They won't follow you 
onto the ledge that runs around the edge of the arena. They soon die and are a 
source of short-lived ME. 

Because the Centipede is so vicious you need full Sanity and Will when you start 
the fight; best to bring it with you. 

Keep as close to his front as you can. If you have your back to a high wall, he 
comes in close to your front and doesn't use his long-range weapons. A good place 
is against the wall under the entry tunnel. Your only problem is when he decides 
to bite Alice, but it takes several bites to kill her. 

Each time he rears up he exposes his only vulnerable spot, the sore-looking red 
blob underneath, and for just a moment so don't waste energy. Use short blasts of 
the Icewand, then when all the Will is gone throw the knife, or you can use only 
the knife. It does work, if not the first time. Bombs are hopelessly inaccurate 
and the Dice won't work. It is possible to recharge with the ME if you move fast 
and dodge about. 

When he's dead, the large stalactites in the roof fall down making rock steps up 
to the central rock with the Mushroom. There's a Grasshopper Tea behind the big 
rock in the middle of the outer lower ledge. If you haven't used it before, you 
can also use this to jump up, on the side away from the Mushroom. Alice eats some 
Mushroom and goes on to the next level. 

Caterpillar's Plot (1st time)
The Cat tells you that there is only one path to the endgame. Kill the 3 red IMP 
DEVILS (will be referred to as Imps) then make your way to the central rock with 
the new weapon on top. It's the Jaberwock's EYESTAFF weapon, or to be more 
precise a part of it. You see a portcullis lowered in the tunnel gateway. The 
Imps are easily killed with short bursts of the Icewand at close range. 

There are 4 ways out of this area. The far left one is the entrance to the 
Jaberwock's Lair and is closed for now. The far right one is to the Majestic 
Maze, which we will come back to later. You take the left one of the middle two, 
to the Oracle. If you go close to the small lava pools, a LAVA MONSTER comes out 
of each one. They're slow and easily killed with the Jackbomb or the Icewand. 
There are also LAVA SNARK Fish in the rivers of lava, and they can spit fire at 

Another new enemy, the GHOSTLY VAMPIRE (will be referred to as GVs) is waiting in 
the tunnel. Throw in a Jackbomb when he appears, or get closer and use the 
Icewand. As you exit the tunnel, kill an Imp and a SB, ignoring the 2 CGs over 
the top, and turn left. 

Kill 3 more SBs and listen to the ORACLE. It tells you that you have to kill the 
Jaberwock and it can only be done with the complete Eyestaff. 

Go back through the tunnel and turn left down the narrow path in the rocks, 
killing 2 more SBs. You also kill your first CHESS PIECE, a red Pawn. There are a 
number of them hopping about on a stepped path up. Short bursts of the Icewand 
close in works very well on them. Don't let them get too close, they pack a nasty 
kick, delivered with a little 'Eeek'. Kill the 2 CGs at the top. If you find this 
tricky, there's a Darkened Looking Glass under the first steps. Look around the 
nooks and crevices for some ME and Will power-ups. If you fall through any of the 
deep holes, you're dead. 

At the next area kill the first 2 red Pawns, then kill the CG above the wall on 
your left and mop up any remaining Pawns before taking the Vortex exit. 


Pale Realm
You're in a world of chess and chess pieces. Red are your enemies and you are an 
honorary white so they are your friends. I found that the Icewand worked well on 
all the pieces here if you stay close in. The combat is so easy that I'll ignore 
it. Go over to the white Bishop who turns Alice into a Bishop to cross a puzzle 
chessboard. It's pretty simple, just remember that a Bishop moves diagonally and 
look ahead for the roof spikes and the floor holes. 

In the Town Square head for the Town Hall steps. By the Town Hall locked doors, 
take the larger side-doors near the barrels, take the lift up to the next floor 
and go through the right door and along the veranda. Go slowly round the corner 
and watch out for the Spike Trap. The spikes run diagonally and move down the 
corridor in a sequence, so time it right and run through. Cross the footbridge 
and turn right through the doors. Go up the steps, stopping to get the Cards 
power-up, and through another door to a balcony with a lever. This opens a door 
in the Town Square guarded by a white Rook (Castle). Jump back down and go 
through it. Help the Rook fight off an attack and cross the bridge, noting the 
waterwheel on the right. If you fall or jump into the water, you can jump out 
opposite the wheel, by the bridge. Mop up all the opposition and the large doors 
on the left, guarded by a white Knight, will open to another of those easy floor 
puzzles. Remember a Knight moves 2 squares forward and 1 sideways. 

Go up the steps and turn right to enter a small door. Go up the stairs to a room 
with a Jackbomb power-up and a cracked wall behind the barrels. If you break the 
wall you can jump to a difficult ME. If you don't, take the far door and you come 
to a small tower room with another lever that starts the waterwheel and raises 
the water level. 

Go back down and jump into the water and climb out onto a small landing with a 
small ME, at the far end away from the waterwheel. This was inaccessible before. 
Go through the doors to end the level. 

The combat using the Icewand is as easy as the previous level, so I'll ignore it. 
In the large courtyard, go up the steps and through the large doors. You see the 
White Queen being dragged off by a red piece raiding party. Enter and make your 
way to the throne room and talk with the White King who gives you a Pawn. Follow 
the left Rook and jump through the Vortex exit. 

Checkmate in Red
You find yourself in what appears to be a red copy of the white town with the 
canal and waterwheel, but there are no open doors. Jump over the left side of the 
bridge and swim into an opening on the left with bubbles and MEs. Climb the rope 
and make your way, through a room with a power-up, until you see a cut-scene of 
the White Queen having her head cut off by the guillotine. Along the corridor and 
after some steps and a door, you come to a square hole in the floor and jump 

Cross the drawbridge to the chessboard courtyard and the RED KING, who is more of 
a challenge so do a save as soon as you arrive. Keep moving but don't fall off. 

When he is dead you see a cut-scene where Alice changes the Pawn she was given 
into a new White Queen, but is knocked out by the Mad Hatter. You arrive at the 
next level. 

Mirror Image

Mirror Maze - The combat gets a bit harder again. You are in a crazy-house world 
of corridors and huge mirrors. It's just a rectangular maze with some corners 
made as tunnels to aid navigation. You start in a hallway with two raised alcoves 
containing a Ragebox and some ME. You can climb and jump up using the angled 
beams on the wall, but leave them for now unless you're desperate for a health 
boost. You can start in either direction, as it's one complex circular route. As 
you progress you will meet some ONE WHEELED ROBOTS (will refer to them as WRs) 
who crash out through the mirror walls at certain points. Long range they throw 
Homing Grenades that do a lot of damage. Try different weapons on them. I found 
that the Jackbomb and the Demon Dice worked best, but even the knife will 
eventually kill them. You also meet some GVs. Notice that the Dice, now three, 
can now summon up a much bigger and nastier Demon, but not every time you try. 
The bigger the Demon, the more Will it uses up. 

After each successful kill, look in the space behind the broken mirror for ME, 
and in one space you will find a new weapon, the JACKS. These turn out to be the 
most effective weapon against most of the enemies, and for only a small drain on 
your Will reserves. Try them out. They work best when the enemy is targeted. 

Just keep going and kill off any enemies, it's not as extensive as it first 
seems. If they gang up on you, and you can lead them back near the starting hall, 
use the Ragebox. Then in one corner, halfway round the maze on the far side, 
you'll see a clock mechanism behind a broken mirror. Jump through the works onto 
a ledge with a wall-clock and a transparent wall. Break the wall-clock and you 
can see, through the unbreakable transparent wall, a new round tunnel has 
appeared. Get round there by jumping back and keep going left, then face the 
tubular tunnel. If you haven't yet found the new Jacks weapon, turn round 180deg. 
and the mirror at the far end has a WR and the Jacks. 

Ignoring enemies, the shortest route to the clock is to leave the start in the 
corridor on the Ragebox side of the hall. At the end turn right and go through 
the tunnel. Go through another tunnel and ignoring the tunnel straight ahead, 
turn right. The mirror with the clock mechanism behind it is the second on your 

Jump over the gap into the tubular tunnel and kill the GV at the far end. Don't 
walk out of the end just yet because the tunnel is rotating 90deg. to line up 
with two new corridors which are part of the Asylum Maze. 

The Asylum Maze - Whichever way you go in, you enter one of the two corridors 
with padded cells, each with two inmates, a ventilator, and a clock. One cell in 
one of the corridors has a broken ventilator and broken clock! High on the 
corridor walls you will see some white lamps that turn out to be new enemies, the 
SPIDERS. They bite and fire a hazy web that confuses their prey. When you reach a 
certain place in the corridor they come down, several at a time, to attack you. 

Keep moving and jumping to avoid them, you can even take refuge in a cell but 
they will follow you but it keeps them away from your back. The Icewand and the 
Jacks work well. Get rid of them all. Through the doors at the end you will meet 
another SB and plenty of his pals, as well as some more GVs. Save here. 

Outside, you have to make your way over tilting floor sections to a room and 
doors at the top. Some sections have a sideways tilt and some are fore-and-aft. 
The secret is to try to stay near the axle, if you get well off-centre the tilt 
can throw you off. Jumping helps by keeping your weight off the floor. It's made 
worse by the numerous enemies. I found it best to keep moving until I was on a 
small fixed section, then fight with the Jacks at close range. Use the tilt of 
the floor to get you up to the top room opposite the tower room where several 
inmates are roaming about. Only quick-save when you know that you are safe for a 
few minutes. The top room is a padded cell with an open door and a broken clock! 
The top room seems to serve no real purpose, but it's a refuge and a clue! 

You can jump from here to the roof of the tower to get the Ragebox or the large 
ME, using the floating roman numerals, but you don't have to. When you use the 
other corridor, you find the same layout but the mirror image. 

At the end of the last tilting section is a large door and inside is another, but 
it's locked. You may notice that the ventilation pipes come through the walls 
near this last door! It's the same whichever way you come, just a different door. 

Go back and jump down to the corridors again. In one of the corridors is the cell 
with the broken clock but now the door is open! It's trying to tell you 
something. In the last level, the way out was revealed by breaking a clock so 
this is the same. Go into each cell in both corridors and break the clocks. One 
or two well-aimed Cards will do it. When all the clocks are broken, you see the 
locked doors opening so get back up there. There will be some more enemies about. 

The Windy Chamber - This chamber has a raised walkway above an acid pool where 
survival time is short but you can get back up using some vines. There are strong 
draughts, from the breathing of three huge mechanical faces that will suck you 
over the edge, so be prepared and watch the mouths. Kill the WR in the centre and 
the SB who comes to help him and walk down the narrow path beside the three 
swinging cylinder sections. You have to use these to get across. 

On the far side is a WR who hasn't seen you yet. If he does he will throw homing 
grenades and life becomes difficult. Kill him at long range, or to get his full 
ME jump over to the third cylinder and throw the Jacks. Jump quickly over to 
where he was standing, then go down the path to the door. 

Inside, you go straight into a battle with TWEEDLE-DUM and TWEEDLE-DEE so save 
before you enter. If injured they split up into many smaller versions of 
themselves. I found it easiest with the alternative Jackbomb, but keep moving. 
Afterwards Alice talks to the Mad Hatter and the level ends. 


Crazed Clockwork
Go through the doorway and kill the SB with the Jacks as usual. Ignore the large 
clock and jump over to the door on the right. If you fall, puzzle rules apply, 
but not everywhere in this level. There's a lot of acid about. There's also a lot 
of Spiders that are easily killed with the Icewand but it uses a lot of Will so 
keep it topped up. 

Go down the steps to a tower with two corridors to two levers; pull them both. 
They open a door and bring a rotating gear wheel into the centre of the tower. 
Use this to get across the gap and jump over to the alcove with the ME. Go 
through the door and up the steps to a doorway. There's a Grasshopper Tea under 
the stairs but you don't really need to use it. 

There are stepping-stones, but some are just floating and will sink into the 
acid. The Cat tells you to look in the mirror, which helps. Use the footprints to 
jump carefully and pull the lever, then jump to the far door which will close 
behind you. 

All the doors are locked but if you go left, all the way along the corridor, 
there's a room with a hole in the floor. Jump down through it, and go through the 
door into the Mad Hatter's experimental laboratory. You meet the March Hare and 
the Dormouse but you can't help them so just pull the lever. You see a cut-scene 
where the barred way up again is opened, and the Mad Hatter opens the door with 
the outsize key. Get up there, killing some WRs, and through that door. 

Take the steps down and up to a door to a room, and talk with the Gryphon in a 
cage. Go back out and take the steps to the right door. This door only opens 
after you talk to the Gryphon. There are several Spiders but you shouldn't need 
the Ragebox opposite the Gryphon's door. Cross the bridge and enter the Vortex. 

You find yourself on the Tea Party table with 4 large cups. Each cup has a sugar 
lump floating in the hot tea, which is like acid. You have to climb up, or bounce 
on the chairs, and jump onto the sugar lumps to sink them. When you have done 
them all, the clock at the other end of the table opens as you approach to reveal 
the Vortex exit. 

The cups are guarded by Spiders on the chairbacks, but you can easily kill them 
from below. Stay close to the cups and the Spiders don't come down, so just throw 
the knife or the Jacks until they're dead. You are now in the clock's works 
again. Pull the lever to make the time 6 o'clock and take the next Vortex out. 

About Face
Cross the bridge to another 'Boss' fight arena where you can fall over the edge 
and die. Note the clock that keeps chiming. Save first. When you pick up the 3d 
piece of the Eyestaff, the Mad Hatter jumps down from above the entrance. Several 
weapons work well so try them out, but above all keep moving; sideways is best 
but don't fall off. There seems to be several rounds to this fight, timed by the 
chimes of the clock. When the MH has had enough, 2 WRs take over, so kill them or 
avoid them until the end of their round. This alternates until the MH blows his 
own head off as he dies. 

When all are dead, use the clock weights to ride up and pick up the DEADTIME 
WATCH. This can freeze all movement except Alice for about 15 seconds, but it can 
only be used once per level. There's a large ME on an outside ledge through 
either small doors. Exit via the Vortex Portal. The Gryphon is released and vows 
to help. 


Burning Curiosity
The Gryphon gives you a lift to the Jaberwock's Lair. There's a lot more lava 
with Lava Snark spitting lava at you if you get close. It sets Alice on fire and 
costs much Sanity as well as knocking her off balance while jumping. 

Kill about 6 Imps with the Icewand, they're so easy that I won't mention them 
again. They're only a problem because when you stop to kill them you are 
vulnerable to a Snark attack. Jump across the rocks in the lava and go up the 
rocky path on the far side. At the top you meet 2 JABBER SPAWN (will refer to 
them as JSs); they are the Jaberwock's helpers. They are easily killed with the 
Jacks or the Jackbomb. You shouldn't need the Ragebox on the far rock. Try out 
the new Deadtime Watch somewhere on this level, but you can only use it once each 
level. It stops all movement except Alice. 

Go down the slope into the cave and kill 2 SBs before crossing some lava and 
climbing up to a small cave on the right with 2 more JSs. Ignore the 3 ME on the 
right hand wall, you'll end up in the lava. It's now a jumping exercise, so save 

Climb over the rocks and jump to the left side, then jump back over to the right 
to get the Jacks Weapon power-up, and don't dawdle or the Lava Snark will get 
you. Immediately turn and jump over the rocks to the end of this broken path and 
climb up. 

Continue along the lava river, using the rocks to get from bank to bank to make 
progress. Save often as the Snark is deadly accurate with it's spitting. 

Halfway along this section there is a JS firing at you from the left bank. At the 
end of the river, on the right, is a cave entrance, guarded by 2 SBs and a GV. 
You can ignore the Ragebox over to the left. Enter the cave and talk to the 
Oracle again, who turns out to be the Caterpillar. Alice starts to understand why 
she is there, and why she must kill the Jaberwock and the Queen of Hearts. 

Climb up the rocky cliff, following the route shown by the MEs. At the top you 
see another lava-dominated area. Save. 

You can go left, but all that's there is a large ME and a JS, so go right. Jump 
across and climb the rock straight in front, then come back down and start rock 
jumping again, making your way along the lava river as before. 

At the end, climb the rock ledges - first on the right then jumping over to the 
left - until you are just below the top with the building and a JS, which you can 
kill before you climb up. There are 2 more JS round the corner. Enter Alice's 
burning house. 

Jaberwock's Lair
The JABERWOCK taunts Alice then tries to kill her. It's another 'Boss' fight. 

The only weapon that can kill it is the Eyestaff, but it is still not complete as 
it's missing the all-important Eye. So you can't kill it, but as the fight gets 
underway several JSs come to help, and you can kill them quite easily, with the 
Jacks for example. 

When they're dead the battle is over and the Jaberwock escapes, but not before 
the Gryphon tears out one of its eyes to complete the Eyestaff. Pick it up to end 
the level. 

Caterpillars Plot (2nd time)
You're outside the barred entrance to the Jaberwock's Lair. Round to the left is 
HUMPTY DUMPTY sitting on a wall, or a rock. He doesn't say or do much except 
point to a protruding stone in the wall on his left. Pushing it in opens a gap in 
the wall down by the blocked tunnel to the Oracle's cave. It's the doorway to 
pick up the BLUNDERBUSS weapon. It is your most powerful weapon but as it uses 
the full Will reservoir, it should only be used in emergency. 

As you go over to the last remaining passage from this area, the Majestic Maze, 
you may have to fight some more GVs and another Lava Monster. There are the usual 
SBs and CGs in the passage. There are more Spades and Hearts CGs from now on so 
they get more of a challenge. When you get to the blank wall at the end, break it 
open with the Eyestaff. You need a lot of Will. 


This section consists of three easy mazes, each leading to a tricky tower. 

Majestic Maze
You are entering a small maze of hedges, walls and tunnels, with lots of CGs, 
JSs, GVs, and SBs. It's just a matter of working your way through and killing all 
in your way. Save after each successful kill. If you repeat any part of the 
route, the enemies will re-spawn each time. This is the shortest route but not 
the only one. 

Turn left and follow the path up the slope killing the 2 CGs. At the next T-
junction, go right and kill the JS and 2 CGs. Continue to the T-junction just 
after a Ragebox. Use it to help you kill a JS, 2 GVs, and a SB. Go left here down 
to a tunnel entrance. 

In the tunnel you must kill 6 CGs. As long as you take them on 1 or 2 at a time 
and replenish with their ME it's not too bad. Don't go left in the tunnel, go 
straight on turning left at the end and down the slope to fight 2 JSs. After 
leaving the tunnel you come to another T-junction with a Vortex Portal, but this 
is for coming out, not entering. Kill the SB and the GV and turn left. At the 
next left turn there are 3 CGs and a JS. 

You go through a short tunnel and have a tough fight with 4 CGs and 4 SBs. Then 
go through the next tunnel entrance to an open gate that closes when a child 
steps off the plinth he was standing on and runs into a Vortex on the right. 
Don't follow him or you will come out of the Vortex that we saw earlier, and have 
to fight lots of enemies all over again. 

Stand on the plinth and you see the gates open. As you get off to go through, 
they shut again. Time to use the Deadtime Watch to prevent movement while you are 
standing on the plinth with the gates open, then you can walk through to the 
first tower. 

Airborne Terror
You're inside the first tower. This is an exercise in riding Thermals. Keep Alice 
centred in the Thermals with the A,W,S,D keys or she will float out and fall to 
her death in the lava below. It helps to adjust your viewing angle so that you 
are looking down on Alice a little more. No sooner do you start, than you keep 
getting attacked by SBs, luckily only while you are on the wooden walkways. 

Jump across two gaps to the walkway that winds up the wall to near the top. 
Resist the urge to go over to the Vortex, it's not your way out, it's your entry 
portal. Instead you must work your way along the row of Thermals on your right 
stretching across the tower and going round to the left. Look out for the Stone 
Faces, on the left wall, that blow at intervals and will send you into the lava. 
Just pause and hover to let them blow first then continue. Just go slowly and 

At the other side, go up to the top and repeat the whole thing again with a new 
line of Thermals, but this time the blowing comes from the right wall. On the far 
side is the Vortex to end the level. 

Mystifying Madness
This is another hedge, wall, and tunnel maze. This time it consists of three 
levels, one above the other. The lower one is mostly water-filled tunnels. The 
upper one is on the tops of the hedges and walls. The combat is the same as in 
the previous hedge maze. 

Go up the steps and turn right at the T-junction. Fight your way into the tunnels 
until you come to a larger space with 2 JSs and an open grate in the ground. 
Inside is water. 

Alice needs air fairly regularly to keep breathing, so keep moving only pausing 
to kill any Snark with a single swipe with the knife. If she badly needs health, 
she can come back for the ME. She has to find bubbles of air, or a spot with a 
breathable surface. 

With your back to the way you came in, jump into the water. Descend to the bottom 
and go straight ahead into a rocky tunnel with some bubbles, not into the round 
pipe. Go on again to some bigger bubbles near a white diamond lantern and enter a 
crevice on the bottom. Continue to a large pool area with rocks and a beach with 
5 MEs behind a large rock on the right. Jump out. 

Any time when Alice is near water and you see a Snark jump, or even if you see 
the target rings in the water, throw the Jacks; they usually kill it. 

While you're in the water, you may see an entrance to a tunnel, but avoid it for 
now, it's blocked further along inside. 

Clamber up the rocks and jump over the water to the rocks on the right with the 
large ME at the back. At this range you shouldn't alarm the CGs on the far side. 
When they walk off down a tunnel, jump over onto the platform. Kill the CGs and 
pull the lever at the end of their tunnel. This opens the tunnel below, but also 
cuts off your return and releases 2 WRs. Go back and turn into another tunnel to 
a chamber with 2 CGs and a spiral metal staircase. Make your way up, all the way 
back to the underground pool area and enter the now-open tunnel under the 

Kill some Snark and use the bubbles to get to the open grate and the large ME. 
Swim upwards to come out at the top of the three levels. 

At the T-junction, kill the enemies on the right but go to the left. If you keep 
going to the left you will find another Darkened Looking Glass. With Alice now 
invisible, run back keeping left again, across a small stone bridge, to a gate 
with a lever. When you pull the lever you can see the open Vortex on the level 
below. You will have to jump down to get to it, but not here as this gate is 
still locked. 

If you jump down round the corner by the lever, go right, right again, then left. 
You may have to fight some more enemies to get there, or you could consider using 
the Watch. 

Water logged
You're in the second tower, which is a water tower. The green liquid is harmless 
water but there are still lots of Snark in it. You need to swim quite a lot, so 
kill all the Snark in each area before you explore. 

The large tub things are the ends of water pipes, which are remotely opened by 
swing-like platform switches that Alice must stand on. This raises the water 
level each time and the pipe ends are kept open by the floats attached to the 
lids. The pipes provide the route onwards. 

From the start, turn right and walk into a second area through the passage. Get 
into the water and swim to the far end and under a low arch on the left and 
surface by the first platform switch. The water rises bringing more Snark. 

Return to the first area and swim into the opened pipe, through the holes in the 
mesh layers, and along the tunnel. At the T-junction, turn right to get some air 
bubbles. Go towards the fan, keeping well away from it, and turn left. You come 
out above the entry Vortex near the second platform switch. Stand on it and fight 
some more Snark. 

Swim to the now open pipe at the far end and swim in. This one is longer so stop 
at each set of bubbles. At the T-junction turn right for a breather. There are 3 
strong fans, one below, one on the right, and one straight ahead, so swim near 
the roof and to the left. Around the corner, go straight on and down for another 
breather, then take the last pipe in the roof and swim through the gap in the fan 
to the top. The fan can still damage you. Climb up to the last platform switch. 
You could now use the Watch to save having to keep fighting the Snark, but it's 
not essential. 

After you've killed all the Snark, swim to the doorway in the centre to a passage 
with a large ME and jump into the water. Kill some more Snark and swim back to 
the other area that had the first platform switch. Swim into the last open pipe 
and into the Vortex to end the level. 

Labyrinthine Revenge
This is the last maze level but it's not really a maze as there's only one path 
through it. It's a jumping and floating exercise with a fall into the lava if you 
make a mistake, so save often. 

From the start, jump down on the left to the ledge against the wall, then use the 
thin cog to jump to the small island. Kill the CG on the right hand ledge. Jump 
to the cog and up to the ledge. Don't linger as the cog starts to sink. Go down 
the path and kill 2 SBs, then jump over to the doorway on the left. 

Climb the slope in the tower to the top and cross the rotating wheel to get to a 
door. There's lots of doors, just keep going through them. Inside is a room with 
two large rotating wheels with cut-outs for Alice to jump through at the right 
moment. There's a WR between the two. 

In the next chamber, with a pit in the floor, are 2 WRs. There's a vine to a 
large ME on top of a tank. You'll meet 2 Imps and a JS before going outside for a 

There are 3 small groups of enemies before you go back in again. You have to get 
through 2 cogwheels with strong jets of steam from the left. Save first, it's 
just a question of timing as you walk in the cog spaces. If you touch the cogs, 
you die. Around the corner are a WR and a SB. I used the Dice as the Jacks were 
getting boring. 

In the next chamber use both thermals to get maximum height before jumping to the 
ledge with the 2 JSs. Save, then use both the next 2 Thermals to get to the top 
central gear. Save, then jump to the last ledge and another WR and a SB. 

Before you jump to the large cog to get you to the far door, kill the CG at long 
range. The door takes you outside again to the hedge paths and 2 CGs. There's 2 
more at a series of moving sharp Spade shaped blades blocking some doorways. It's 
best to kill the second at long range. Time it well and jump. 

Jump and float up the 3 small Thermals to 2 more SBs and the last timing test. 
Save, then get close to the rotating gear wheel and run through the cog space, 
and don't stop too soon, it's deceptive. After three of these you come to the 
Vortex exit. 

This is the third tower, with three rooms full of clockwork. Puzzle rules in 
each. Take your time, you don't get swept off by anything and there are no 

Room 1 - start by jumping over to the sloping gear, then to the one on the right. 
Jump back over 2 more, heading for the Cat's ledge. Turn right and jump onto the 
rising gear and on to the next. Come back over 2 more to the final ledge. 

Room 2 - take the left one of the 2 pedal platforms and straight on to the next. 
Go diagonally left to another and straight ahead to the next that is at 90deg. 
Jump to the top of the rising deep gear and jump into the cage gear. Jump from 
the far side to a pedal platform to get up to the top of the same cage gear. Jump 
back to the top of the upper rising deep gear, then over the gears to the exit. 

Room 3 - jump down onto the rising gear, slightly to the right, then onto the 
spiked cogwheel running against the wall. Come back along the operating arm and 
jump to the gear on the right and onto a tilting platform. Use the tilt to jump 
to the rising gear at the other end, and when it has risen, jump back to another 
tilting platform above the first. At the far end, jump to a deep cogwheel and 
onto the big spindle wheel. Try to land on the rim as you can fall through. Jump 
onto the face of one of the sharp cogs and ride up to the escapement lever. Walk 
along it and jump over to the Vortex exit. 


Royal Rage
You see the Gryphon fighting the Jaberwock, then it's your turn for a 
difficult 'Boss' battle. As usual, keep moving to avoid blasts of fire and use 
the Eyestaff, which seems more effective from behind. Try the right-click. After 
7 or 8 hits he can't fly and is a good target for the Blunderbuss, 3 or 4 blasts 
will kill him. The Gryphon dies and tells Alice to continue. 

Cross the drawbridge and finish the level. 

Battle Royale
Follow the long path and fight the large numbers of Spade CGs who seem to drop in 
from above. If one comes at you, use the Jacks, if they are in a bunch, use the 
alternative Jackbomb or the Dice and immediately retreat to avoid grenades and 
find some ME. Save often. There's several large MEs to help. 

First, you meet a pack of 5 CGs, then 2 Lava Monsters, then 2 lots of 5 CGs, as 
you kill some more drop in. There's a Ragebox up on the rocks to the right to 
help you with the next repeat of the last CGs fight if you are having trouble. 
You can drop down on top of them. Near the end now and you could use the Deadtime 

You have one more pack of CGs and then a pair before the final door. 

Jump and climb and keep going upwards. Most of the CGs are Hearts. Ignore the ME 
ahead and jump over to the red ledge on the right and run up the slope on your 
left. Climb up and jump to the ledge on the left, with the ME. Run up the slope 
and you are above the 2 CGs who have been firing at you. Throw a couple of 
Jackbombs down, then jump down and use the Jacks. 

Enter the small cave in the opening on the right and kill the 2 CGs. Temp them 
down one at a time. Cross the bone bridge and kill 3 Imps as you clamber up. At 
the top, turn left under the slope and jump to the rocky ledge on the right with 
another Imp. Go left around the pillar and kill 2 more Imps, 2 SBs, and a JS. 

Enter another cave, and as you clamber on up you kill 2 more Imps and a GV. At 
the first Thermal, there's a CG at the top on the right. It's easiest to float up 
and throw the Jacks at close range. There's another CG below the ledge you're now 
on, so kill him and jump down. Ride the next Thermal all the way to the top 
unless you're desperate for some ME. Across a long bridge are 2 more CGs. Run up 
and use the alternative Jackbomb then the Jacks. Top up your health, as you need 
a full tank for the next bit. 

In the next chamber are too many strong CGs for normal fighting as they're spread 
around on ledges. If you rush straight up the red slope there's a Grasshopper 
Tea, but I found it easier to climb up to the first Heart CG and blast him with 
the Blunderbuss. It killed all the other CGs at the same time. You could use the 
Watch here. Top up to full health before taking the platform elevator to end the 

Castle Keep
Go forward and enter the large doors. There are 3 CGs near you and 2 more at the 
upper back of the chamber, near a large Heart Door that you have to unlock. 

In the lower part is an oddly shaped rotating mirror and 3 portraits on the wall. 
Note the position and subject of each. Above, there's a lever by the Heart Door. 

Go and pull the lever to make the mirror rotate to reflect a portrait, first its 
Tweedle Dee. When you jump down and look in the mirror you only see the Club 
sign. Go back through the arrival room, taking care of the 2 CGs, and go into the 
passage on the far side. It leads to a small Thermal to the next floor up, also 
to 2 more CGs. 

There are 3 doors up here and you want the Club one that is in front of you. 
Inside is a dark chamber with a shaft of light. Move forward into the light and 
the whole chamber lights up revealing the 3 portraits again. You have to hit the 
portrait corresponding to the Club sign to complete part of the sequence. Use the 
Knife or the Cards. When you entered, the shaft of light indicated which portrait 

If you choose the wrong one, you will be back in the room below with some more 
CGs to fight before you try again. If you were correct, you can go back down by 
the Thermal, fight a Heart CG or 2, and go back to the lever for the next 
portrait. You do this 3 times to unlock the Heart Door. 

Diamond is the Jaberwock, and Spade is the Mad Hatter. 

After you go through the unlocked door, you see a cut-scene where the Cat is 
killed while its talking to you. You go on to the final battle, alone. 

Heart of Darkness
There is some confusion in the game between the Red Queen and the Queen of 
Hearts, but it's probably the same person so it doesn't really matter. 

There are two rounds to the last 'Boss' fight. As you approach the QUEEN OF 
HEARTS, her face-mask falls off and she rises off the throne on the end of a 
large tentacle. She has several long-range weapons and a Tractor Beam to draw you 
closer so she can use her Claws. 

As usual keep moving and use your most powerful weapons. During the fight, some 
ME keeps appearing, alternately, behind the two pillars at the back of the room. 
If you can use your weapons at close range they are much more effective. 

When you have killed the Queen, it turns out that you were fighting a puppet on 
the end of a tentacle of the real, and much more horrible Queen, and now you must 
do it all over again with the real thing. Alice does acquire a protective 

By now you have discovered that the problems in Wonderland are caused by Alice's 
mental state and the final battle is really against the dark side of herself. 

You are on one of a circle of small rocky islands floating in space, with the 
Queen Monster in the middle. Over to the right on an island is a Super ME. You 
can jump around the circle in either direction. If you fall, you're dead. As you 
pick up the ME, another appears on a different island. On another island, further 
to the right, on a ledge below the top, is a BLUNDERBUSS pick-up, so get it. 

The Queens attacks are fairly spread out, so it gives you time to keep jumping 
and reloading your ME reserves to maximum for the Blunderbuss to work. About 4 
well-aimed shots at close range should kill her. She explodes and you see the 
final cut-scenes where Wonderland is restored to normal, all Alice's animal 
friends come back to life, and Alice walks out of the asylum with her mind cured. 


NOTE: Some people have criticised this ending, but it seems perfectly 
satisfactory to me, even if some of the graphics are poor. 

Copyright: - This walkthrough was compiled by John C. Wright. By all means copy 
it and pass it on to anyone else, BUT include this notice and do not alter the 
text without a note to that effect. 

J.C.Wright: - email:

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