The Banner Saga
| |
| THE BANNER SAGA - FAQ/Walkthrough |
| Version 1.02 |
| Created by Mythril Wyrm |
| |
Table of Contents
I. Update History
II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer
III. Foreword
IV. The Basics
A. Controls
B. Stats
C. Battles
D. Wars
E. Camp
1. Training
2. Heroes
3. Rest
4. Leave
F. Helpful Hints
V. Heroes
A. Gunnulf
B. Eirik
C. Valgard
D. Hakon
E. Ludin
F. Mogr
G. Rook
H. Alette
I. Iver
J. Egil
K. Oddleif
L. Hogun
M. Mogun
N. Bersi
O. Yrsa
P. Griss
Q. Fasolt
R. Onef
S. Ekkill
T. Krumr
U. Eyvind
V. Nid
W. Sigbjorn
VI. Walkthrough
A. Prologue
B. Chapter 1: Only the Sun Has Stopped
1. Strand - Market
2. Strand - Mead House
3. Strand - Docks
4. The Road from Strand
5. Vedrfell
C. Chapter 2: Cut with Keen-Edged Sword
1. The Forest near Skogr
2. Skogr - Houses
3. Skogr - Great Hall
4. The Road from Skogr
5. Village
6. The Road to Frostvellr
7. Frostvellr - Gate
D. Chapter 3: Little Did They Sleep
1. Vedrfell
2. The Road from Vedrfell, Part 1
3. The Road from Vedrfell, Part 2
4. The Road to Denglr
5. The Road from Denglr
6. Ridgehorn
E. Chapter 4: Lest They Not Come Home
1. Frostvellr
2. The Road to Wyrmtoe, Part 1
3. Radormyr
4. The Road to Wyrmtoe, Part 2
5. Wyrmtoe
6. The Road to Grofheim
7. The Road to Einartoft
8. Einartoft
F. Chapter 5: Weary the Weight of the Sun
1. Ridgehorn
2. Einartoft
G. Chapter 6: Of Our Bones the Hills
1. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 1
2. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 2
3. The Road to Dundr
4. The Road to Ingrid
5. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 3
6. Sigrholm and the Woods
7. Bjorulf and Reynivik
H. Chapter 7: The Slayer and the Slain
1. Boersgard
2. Stravhs
3. The Final Battle
VII. Items
A. Rank 1
B. Rank 2
C. Rank 3
D. Rank 4
E. Rank 5
VIII. Questions & Answers
IX. Special Thanks
X. Contacting Me
To skip to a specific section, press Ctrl + F, type in a section name, and
press Enter.
I. Update History
v0.25 - Completed walkthroughs for Chapters 1 and 2. Will add more information
as I progress through the game.
v0.40 - Added walkthrough for Chapter 3 and made organizational changes.
v0.60 - Added walkthrough for Chapter 4, started walkthrough for Chapter 5,
revised information on wars, and made some minor changes.
v1.00 - Added walkthroughs for Chapters 5, 6, and 7, revised Items section, and
made some minor changes.
v1.01 - Fixed some minor errors.
v1.02 - Added missing item properties and methods for acquiring some of the
items, and made some minor changes.
II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer
This FAQ is copyright 2014-2015 by Devin McCain. At this time, only the sites
on the list below have my permission to host this FAQ:
GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
IGN (http://www.ign.com)
Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com)
Super Cheats (http://www.supercheats.com)
Please notify me as soon as possible if you find it posted anywhere else. If
you want to post this FAQ on your own website, you may do so only if you obtain
my permission in writing and agree to leave the FAQ completely unchanged. If
you post it without my explicit permission or change it and try to pass it off
as your own, there will be unpleasant consequences when I find out. Feel free
to print a copy of this FAQ for personal use, but do not publish or distribute
it with intent to turn a profit on it. I'm sharing it free of charge, so please
respect that.
All other copyrights and trademarks mentioned in this FAQ are the property of
their respective owners. I neither claim nor challenge their ownership.
This FAQ may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk.
I take no responsibility for any embarrassment, injuries, or deaths that result
from the use of this FAQ or any of the information contained herein. If you're
that stupid, it's your own damn fault.
Got that? Good. Now, let's move on to the fun stuff...
III. Foreword
Hello, and welcome to my FAQ for The Banner Saga! I'd been curious about the
game since I saw trailers for it months ago, and after partially working my
way through my current backlog of games, I decided to give it a try. The
beautifully animated graphics, challenging tactical combat, and myriad choices
that affect the direction of the plot were all powerful incentives to continue
immersing myself in the story of the humans' and the varls' struggle against
the dredge.
The story of The Banner Saga can change dramatically depending on your choices,
and some of the battles can be rather difficult if you aren't properly prepared
or your characters haven't been developed evenly. It is my hope that this FAQ
will provide you with the information you need to get the results you want from
the decisions you make and win the battles ahead with minimal frustration.
IV. The Basics
A. Controls
Clicking the left mouse button confirms decisions. Clicking and dragging will
scroll you around the battlefield, and hovering the cursor over an icon or a
character will show tooltips. The Esc key brings up the Options menu, and the
Tab key toggles Stat Banners (which display each unit's Willpower, Armor, and
Strength in battle) on and off.
B. Stats
All characters have six stats:
Armor - Indicates how much damage from each Strength attack is negated. If the
defender's Armor is higher than the attacker's Strength, each extra
point of Armor gives the defender a 10% chance to deflect the attack.
Strength - Indicates how effectively a character can deal and soak damage. All
Strength attacks that are not deflected will deal at least 1 damage.
A character is incapacitated if reduced to 0 Strength.
Willpower - Indicates how hard a character can push himself or herself to
extremes. Spending 1 Willpower allows a character to move 1 tile
farther than normal or deal 1 additional damage with an attack.
Abilities also consume Willpower when used. Characters regain 1
Willpower if they do not move and take no action on their turn.
Exertion - Indicates how many points of Willpower a character can spend to
boost the damage of an attack.
Armor Break - Indicates how much damage the character does with an Armor
Ability Rank - Indicates the highest rank of the character's ability that can
be used. Using an ability consumes Willpower equal to its rank.
Stats can be increased each time a character is promoted. Maximum stats vary by
character and class.
C. Battles
Combat is a grim inevitability in the world of The Banner Saga. Learning the
ins and outs of the combat system will greatly improve your odds of survival.
Battles in this game are turn-based. The portraits in the Initiative Bar at the
bottom of the screen indicate who will act and in what order. Allied units'
portraits are surrounded by a blue border, and the Active Character and his or
her stats are displayed on the far left. Allied and enemy combatants act in
sequence until only one enemy is left alive, at which point Pillage mode is
triggered and combatants begin acting in order.
The combat map is two-dimensional and consists of numerous square tiles. Humans
occupy a single square; varl and some of the larger dredge occupy a 2x2 square
grid. This can have an important bearing on battle tactics.
Movement always takes place before attacks. Moving within range of an enemy
will allow you to attack by clicking on its tile. You can choose to attack
either your target's Strength or its Armor, or to use one of your character's
abilities. The damage that will be done with a Strength attack is displayed
under each possible target's feet.
Eventually, you will be able to utilize a Horn in battle. Each kill adds one
star to the Horn, which can spent to give 1 Willpower to the currently active
hero. Each kill and each victory in battle will also earn you Renown, which can
be used to strengthen your characters in camp or buy supplies and items at
markets in town.
D. Wars
Later in the game, you'll have to lead your troops in large-scale battles known
as wars. You'll be given a breakdown of the enemy's troop numbers and your own
before being asked to choose one of five strategies:
Charge! - Allows your army to focus on offense. Your heroes will fight a harder
battle, and you will suffer minor troop losses. A good option to
choose when you hold the advantage.
Formations! - Allows your army to focus on balancing offense and defense. Your
heroes will fight a battle of average difficulty, and you will
suffer moderate troop losses. A good option to choose when you
and your enemy are about equal in strength.
Hold them off! - Allows your army to focus on defense. Your heroes will fight
an easier battle, and you will suffer major troop losses. A
good option to choose when the enemy outnumbers you or has
very high morale.
Retreat! - Allows your army to flee from overwhelming odds. Your heroes will
not have to fight a battle, but you will suffer severe troop losses.
A good option to choose when the enemy has a significant advantage.
Oversee! - Allows you to play the role of strategist for your army and avoid
getting your heroes involved in battle. Unless you're very lucky,
this option tends to result in greater troop losses and earn you
less Renown than the more proactive options, so you should try to
avoid selecting it unless you have several wounded heroes or a
significant advantage over the enemy.
Winning the battle that results from choosing any of the first three options
will present you with the option of pursuing the surviving enemies or allowing
them to flee. Choosing to pursue will plunge your current party into a second
battle; if you win that one as well, you'll be rewarded with additional Renown
and have a chance of finding a random item.
Note that the enemies you encounter in a war will be dependent on your chosen
strategy and battle lineup. All of the enemies I list in the war walkthroughs
are the ones I met after choosing the strategy and battle lineup described.
E. Camp
Between most battles, you'll have an opportunity to rest and reorganize your
party in town or at camp. Your Renown, troop numbers, morale, and days' worth
of supplies you have in stock will be displayed at the top of the screen. High
morale grants bonus Willpower in battle and increases your troops' likelihood
of surviving wars. If your supplies are depleted, your troops will begin to die
of starvation.
1. Training
Allows you to pit your characters against a group of opponents who are equal in
strength. You do not earn Renown from training sessions, but they provide a
good opportunity to test your strategies in a risk-free environment.
2. Heroes
Allows you to view your characters' stats and abilities and equip them with
items. You can also spend your accumulated Renown to promote characters who
have felled enough foes in battle. Each promotion gives you 2 points, which you
can spend to raise a character's stats as you see fit.
Rank 2: 2 total kills, 5 Renown
Rank 3: 5 total kills, 10 Renown
Rank 4: 9 total kills, 15 Renown
Rank 5: 14 total kills, 20 Renown
3. Rest
Allows your caravan to spend a day resting, which raises your troops' morale
and gives heroes who were incapacitated in battle a chance to recover from
their injuries. Each day of rest consumes one day's worth of supplies, so use
this option prudently.
4. Leave
Allows you to leave the town or camp and advance the storyline.
F. Helpful Hints
The game automatically saves at the beginning of each chapter and after each
event and battle. If you don't like the result of a decision or you're getting
trounced by your enemies, load your last save file and try again.
The battle difficulty can be changed at any time. Don't be afraid to adjust it
if you need more of a challenge or you're in over your head.
Archers have superior range, but can't use their regular attacks at point-blank
range. Keep them away from melee fighters.
Send heroes with high Armor ahead of heroes with high Strength. Even the most
powerful attackers will lose their effectiveness if they take damage before
they have a chance to attack.
Try to deplete the Strength of all the enemies in a battle before you start
killing. There are strict limits on the damage that Armor attacks can do, and
weakened enemies will have a hard time damaging well-protected characters.
Armor attacks may have strict damage limits, but they never miss. If an enemy's
chances of deflecting a Strength attack are too great, target its Armor first.
Try to let every hero in a battle land at least one finishing blow. Kills are
needed to earn promotions, and more promoted characters will give you a better
roster to work with.
V. Characters
All of the playable characters in the game, listed in the order they can join.
A. Gunnulf
Race: Varl
Class: Warhawk
When Ubin became the Varl king's tax collector he was given an entourage of
bodyguards to help transport gold collected across Hraun. Gunnulf is the only
one from the original group still alive, and for good reason.
B. Eirik
Race: Human
Class: Warden
Eirik is the guy who gets stuff done for the governor of Strand, though for a
man with a heavy responsibility he seems to have an awful lot of freedom in his
methods. Plenty of warring clans within Strand have tried to take him down,
none have succeeded. Eventually he earned himself the nickname "The Iron
C. Valgard
Race: Human
Class: Shieldmaster
Valgard only joins the party for one battle, so no lore is available for him.
D. Hakon
Race: Varl
Class: Warmaster
Hakon is something of a legend in Varl culture. When he met Vognir it was
during the second great war, in which the two become known for cutting a swathe
through Dredge where others were struggling just to stay alive. Vognir was
always the charismatic leader, but there was no question about which of the two
would win in a fight.
E. Ludin
Race: Human
Class: Spearmaster
Ludin is the Prince of men. The next in line to become king of most of the
continent. He is not well-liked amongst either peers or rivals, mostly due to
his high-born attitude. However, not many will claim that he isn't smart, a
well-trained fighter or lacking courage. He currently finds himself, somewhat
against his will, on a visit to the Varl capital in what his father hopes be-
comes a new era of rule by lineage.
F. Mogr
Race: Varl
Class: Shieldmaster
Mogr's an old hand in Varl culture, long on the frontline of the fight against
the Dredge. He's had the occasional brush with leading a clan of his own, but
eventually settled well into commanding Vognir's personal army of Varl war-
riors, and is highly respected among them.
G. Rook
Race: Human
Class: Hunter
Rook is a skilled hunter from a long line of woodsmen who have lived in Skogr,
though none of his family have survived the long, hard winters of the north.
Since childhood, he has been close friends with the town's resident varl, Iver.
His talents quickly landed him the position of huntmaster of Skogr, and Rook
wrestles with wanting to teach his daughter, Alette, to become a self-suf-
ficient woman while also keeping her safe from harm, something he was unable to
do for his wife Aldis years ago.
H. Alette
Race: Human
Class: Eagle Eye
Rook's daughter, Alette, only vaguely remembers her mother, who died when she
was a child. Since then, Alette spends most of her time with her father, un-
impressed by the traditional roles of other girls in town. She hopes to become
a hunter like her father, and in her spare time she practices archery with
Oddleif, the wife of Skogr's chieftain, who has become a motherly figure to
I. Iver
Race: Varl
Class: Strongarm
When Skogr was still young, Iver wandered into the town's center, startling the
settlers from Rundwall who had rarely seen a varl before. He's never said why
he left varl lands to help men build a small townb, but each chieftain in
Skogr's family line is happy to have him. He's known Rook since the man was
young, and the two formed a fast kinship.
J. Egil
Race: Human
Class: Raidmaster
A young boy growing up in Skogr without parents. Egil spends a lot of
time behind a battered metal shield, training to be a fighter. The few who know
him well call him Gil.
K. Oddleif
Race: Human
Class: Skystriker
The chieftain of Skogr was considered one of the luckier men in town when he
wooed the beautiful daughter of a well-known fighter. These days most people
consider him a lucky man for marrying someone who knows how to run a town.
L. Hogun
Race: Human
Class: Thrasher
Hogun and his brother Mogun have gotten the same question their entire lives.
You don't find many twins about, and even fewer who know how to use an axe.
Hogun tends to be the more level-headed of the two, which may explain why he
ended up with a child and a wife.
M. Mogun
Race: Human
Class: Thrasher
Mogun and his brother Hogun have gotten the same question their entire lives.
You don't find many twins about, and even fewer who know how to use an axe.
Mogun tends to be the sort to act first and think later. This may explain the
scar, amongst other things.
N. Bersi
Race: Varl
Class: Warhawk
Of all Ludin's traveling companions, Bersi is the most likely to stand out,
being a literal giant amongst men. Even Ludin seems afraid of him, which may be
the primary reason he hasn't been sent away. On the rare occasion it has been
whispered that the varl doesn't even work for prince, but some other group al-
together. What is well known is that he's already saved Ludin's life on more
than one occasion.
O. Yrsa
Race: Human
Class: Siege Archer
Not many people know much about where Yrsa came from, but ever since Ludin be-
came old enough to train, Yrsa has been close by. Rumors used to spread about a
romantic relationship between the two until Yrsa found out about them, and then
suddenly they stopped. Those who have spent much time near her have described
the woman as intimidating.
P. Griss
Race: Varl
Class: Strongarm
The model varl warrior. Griss doesn't have much distinction to his name and
little influence on the politics of varl, but he's a warrior through and
through, having fought in every great war and killed countless Dredge and men
alike. Dependable, when he's not shooting his mouth off.
Q. Fasolt
Race: Varl
Class: Provoker
Fasolt has spent a lot of time with warriors under his command. Known for being
something of a vicious commander who may have at one point been a brigand with
a grudge against mankind, he’s also one of the most respected for reliably
getting the job done. Most recently he’s been posted in Schlid, holding off the
dredge. If Fasolt is anything, he's a varl loyalist.
R. Onef
Race: Human
Class: Backbiter
Some relation to Ekkill has seemingly driven this man away from Frostvellr,
though he has never told you much about the exact reasons why.
S. Ekkill
Race: Human
Class: Grudgewielder
Run-ins with this lunatic have made you hesitate to let him fight by your side
but his strength and skill almost makes it worth the risk.
T. Krumr
Race: Varl
Class: Warleader
There are not many varl older than Krumr, and not many who have had as much ex-
perience fighting the dredge. In Wyrmtoe, eager fighters would regularly come
to him to learn his secrets.
U. Eyvind
Race: Human
Class: Mender
Eyvind is the apprentice to one of the mender's inner council, Juno. He seems
to have a variety of different quirks, least of which is an uneasy nervous en-
ergy that seems to influence everything he does. Despite this, it's hard not to
feel a bit intimidated around the man, like he's holding back from...something.
V. Nid
Race: Human
Class: Bowmaster
A mother of three, Nid comes from a life that never had to worry about things
like dredge destroying her home town of Frostvellr, but has adapted better than
anyone expected.
W. Sigbjorn
Race: Varl
Class: Warhawk
Found in a drunken stupor, Sigbjorn appears to be part of a clan of question-
able morales currently residing in Boersgard.
VI. Walkthrough
This walkthrough was written while playing through the game on Hard difficulty.
The troop counts are my personal counts upon reaching this point in the story;
depending on your choices and your supplies, your numbers may differ from mine.
The items sold in the markets may also vary.
A. Prologue
After watching the introductory movie, you'll be thrown directly into your
first battle - a good, old-fashioned bar brawl.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Gunnulf, Shieldbanger
Enemies: Chieftain, Enemy Raider (x3)
Reward: 5 Renown
Strategy: The game holds your hand as you fight this battle, so make good use
of the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the interface. Start by moving
your Shieldbanger toward the Enemy Raider, who will fall with one Strength at-
tack. The Chieftain will barely scratch him, and Gunnulf will then be able to
move and dispatch the other two Enemy Raiders with Tempest. Your Shieldbanger
will then be able to spend a point of Willpower to finish off the Chieftain.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
B. Chapter 1: Only the Sun Has Stopped
This chapter puts you in control of the varl Ubin, who collects tithes for the
king of the varl.
As the chapter starts, you'll be approached by a young man who introduces him-
self as Eirik, the steward of Strand. He requests your help dealing with some
Skalfings who scattered after their chieftain was defeated and requests that
you meet him by the docks.
1. Strand - Market
Troop Count: 32 varl
Eirik runs into an old man named Hadd and asks him where the Skalfings have
gone. Hadd pleads ignorance at first, then requests a small payment in return
for his information. You will then be given three dialogue options.
1: Intimidate him
2: Pay him
3: Do nothing
Once you've paid or intimidated Hadd, he'll drop the name of Nobleman, a mead
hall by the east wall. Gunnulf will then arrive to show off his new green
clothes, and Eirik will suggest that the Skalfings have gone back to one of
their old haunts before leaving to find someone to help subdue them.
2. Strand - Mead House
Troop Count: 32 varl
Eirik meets you in front of Nobleman with a weather-beaten man he introduces
as Valgard, and asks if you're ready to start the fight.
1: "Let's get it over with"
2: "You're walking through the front door?"
3: "I'd rather sit this one out."
If you choose the third option, you will not have to participate in the battle.
If you choose one of the others, Valgard kicks down the door to the mead hall
and sends the Skaldings scrambling for their weapons.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Gunnulf, Eirik, Valgard, Shieldbanger
Enemies: Thug leader (x2), Thug swordsman (x7)
Reward: 11 Renown
Strategy: The brown-haired swordsmen have Run Through, which allows them to
deal both Armor and Strength damage. Eirik should focus on using Rally to raise
the varls' Willpower, which should allow them to fell the thugs with one or
two hits each. Valgard's Stonewall will boost his Armor to the point where
none of the enemies can penetrate it, so use him to draw their attacks and
maneuver them into position. When they're all clustered together, close in with
Gunnulf and start unleashing Tempest. Valgard and the Shieldbanger should then
be able to finish off the damaged enemies with ease. Keep Eirik away from the
frontlines unless he's able to kill an enemy without putting himself in danger,
and spend Willpower to do additional damage as needed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Eirik hears a horn and sees longships flying red and blue
banners in the bay. Ubin identifies identifies one as belonging to Vognir, the
next in line to be king of the varl, and Eirik gets ready to leave and make
ready for the guests' arrival. Before he does, he asks a final favor.
1: No, Eirik, I've done enough already
2: What is it?
If you choose the second option, he asks you to stall the guests.
3. Strand - Docks
Troop Count: 32 varl
Ubin goes to greet Vognir and Hakon, who mock him for asking the humans for
tribute. Vognir mentions that he just returned from Arberrang, the capital of
the kingdom of men. Hakon reveals that Prince Ludin is aboard one of the ships
and is bound for the varl capital of Grofheim, and Ubin suggests they all form
a caravan and head there together. Vognir agrees, then leaves to meet with the
After the cutscene, you are given the choice between seeing the governor at the
great hall, drinking with Vognir, or meeting with Prince Ludin.
If you meet with Vognir, Hakon and Ubin will talk about the difficulty of
dealing with humans because of their short lifespans and reckless natures.
If you meet with the prince, he mocks the thought of traveling with a tax col-
lector and asks you what you want.
1: Just to introduce myself
2: I hoped to learn more about you
3: I have a habit of recording history. I thought we might talk about your
If you choose the third option, Ludin mentions that his visit to Grofheim will
formalize an alliance between men and varl, but does not show any enthusiasm
for either the opportunity or the weather.
If you go to the great hall after completing all of your objectives, the day
will end and you will receive 20 Renown. You will then join the caravan to
leave Strand.
4. The Road from Strand
Troop Count: 85 fighters, 366 varl
Mogr, the quartermaster, will crack open some mead casks given to the company
by the governor of Strand.
1: Drink a little
2: Drink a lot
3: Toast to Vognir
After the event, Ubin and Vognir will talk about what will happen after Ludin's
visit to the capital, and Vognir will confess that he misses the battlefield
and the old way of attracting followers through great deeds. You will then
have an opportunity to consult the map and learn about the world.
Vognir declares that the caravan will head north, then east past the forts to
reach Grofheim. You will then be given a chance to promote, train, and rest
your party members at camp.
5. Vedrfell
Troop Count: 85 fighters, 366 varl
A peasant in the town mistakes the caravan for an army sent from Strand to re-
trieve some missing cattle. Vognir decides to look for the thieves and offers
the peasant some silver for food, but Hakon is distracted by Ludin's absence
and the sounds of fighting and runs off to investigate.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Ludin, Gunnulf, Hakon, Mogr
Enemies: Dredge Brute, Dredge Grunt (x2)
Reward: ?
Strategy: Ludin begins this battle alone. After a short tutorial on setting
waypoints and the importance of breaking Armor, the Dredge Brute will strike
Ludin down, leaving you with only three characters to use in this battle. The
Brute can summon allies with Tremble and has a Strength of 16, so you'll want
to defeat it first. Move Hakon directly in front of the Brute and hit it with
Sundering Impact, then move Mogr right next to Hakon and have Gunnulf move up
and use a Strength attack. The Grunts will move next to the Brute, which will
cause them to take Armor damage every time the Brute takes three or more Armor
damage from an attack. Another Sundering Impact and some Willpower-boosted at-
tacks from Gunnulf and Mogr should topple the Brute, allowing you to deal with
the Grunts in a more leisurely manner.
As an alternative, you can spare the weakened Dredge Brute and let it summon
additional Dredge Grunts, which you can then kill to get more Renown.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Hakon chides Ludin for his reckless behavior and reminds him
to break the dredges' armor first. He then notices that Vognir has been slain.
C. Chapter 2: Cut with Keen-Edged Sword
This chapter puts you in control of Rook, the human huntmaster of Skogr.
1. The Forest near Skogr
Rook and his daughter Alette are in the forest when a dredge spots them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Rook, Alette
Enemies: Starving Dredge
Reward: 3 Renown
Strategy: You'll be given a tutorial on deployment at the beginning of battle
and allowed to position your characters as you choose. Be sure not to put Rook
directly in front of Alette, or he'll be at risk of getting hit when she uses
her ability. Move him forward and fire an arrow, then have Alette move within 5
tiles of the dredge and use Thread the Needle to deal both Strength and Armor
damage to it. Try to use Rook to hold the dredge's attention, and keep dancing
and shooting until it falls.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Alette is shaken by the dredge's attack. Rook notices that it ransacked their
supplies and tries to calm Alette down as he figures out what to do.
1: Forget the supplies, let's get back to Skogr.
2: If we hurry we can gather them before more dredge appear
3: Do you think you can handle more of them?
After making your choice, you'll return to Skogr and meet Iver, a varl. He is
surprised to hear about the dredge and wonders how they got past Greyhorn.
Upon hearing screams and seeing people fleeing toward the great hall, Iver or-
ders Egil to take Alette there and tell the chieftain what's happening. Alette,
however, wants to help.
1: Go with Egil, Alette.
2: Let them fight, Iver.
Your choice will determine whether or not they help you in the coming battle.
2. Skogr - Houses
Troop Count: 0
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Rook, Alette, Iver, Egil
Enemies: Dredge Stoneguard, Dredge Grunt (x3)
Reward: 6 Renown
Strategy: Before starting the battle, move Iver and Egil to the front of the
initiative queue. Place Egil directly in front of the second Dredge Grunt from
the right and Iver next to Egil. Keeping them adjacent to each other will boost
their Armor and make them harder for the dredge to damage. Place Rook on the
far right so he can move to flank the dredge and use Mark Prey, which will give
the rest of your characters free chances to attack his target. Try to leave the
Grunts alive with 1-2 Strength each, then have Egil use Stonewall and try to
draw the Stoneguard's attacks while the rest of your party focuses on chipping
away at its Armor. Iver's Battering Ram works well for keeping the Stoneguard
at bay, especially if you can knock it through its allies. Once it falls, the
Grunts will be easy to finish off.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Iver sees more derdge assembling at the tree line and asks Rook to search the
area for survivors.
1: Keep watch
2: Argue to head back immediately
If you choose the first option, Alette will be faced with a colossus.
1: Shout at Alette
2: Shoot it with an arrow
3: Run at it, axe ready
If you choose the second option...
1: Stop thinking! Shoot the dredge!
2: Shout to get her attention, instead
3: Fire safely above the dredge to distract it
The first option will allow you to save her with no ill effects.
After saving Alette, promote any eligible characters and equip someone with
Alette's Bracelet. You can also visit the market, which has the following goods
for sale:
Supplies | 3/1 Renown
Lightning Runestone | 10 Renown
Skjule | 10 Renown
3. Skogr - Great Hall
Troop Count: 0
Rook observes that Iver has always been reluctant to talk about the dredge, to
which the varl replies that they never rest and come forth in endless hordes.
Though he has fought and killed many of them, he insists that he does not want
to be the townspeople's savior as he and Rook enter the great hall.
Inside, the chieftain and his wife Oddleif wonder why the dredge haven't at-
tacked the refugees yet. When the chieftain asks Iver and Rook what they would
have done in his place, Iver says he would have fled the village by now.
1: I trust Iver on this
2: It's not a decision I care to make
3: I think we can hold out
If you choose the first or second option, the chieftain decides to evacuate
Skogr and make for the walled city of Frostvellr in the west. Iver volunteers
to distract the dredge and catch up with the fleeing townspeople later.
1: That sounds like suicide, Iver. Let's do as the chieftain says.
2: Iver's right. I'll help with the distraction.
3: What if we set the town on fire as we left?
4: Do we abandon the storehouse?
If you choose the fourth option, the chieftain worries about the town's food
supplies during the week-long journey. Iver then reiterates his offer.
1: Let's all just get out here, like the chieftain suggested
2: Iver usually knows what he's talking about. I'll join him.
3: We can't afford to leave the food behind
If you agree to assist Iver, Oddleif will volunteer to stay behind and help,
and Alette will as well.
1: "Ok, Alette. Just promise to listen."
2: "Not this time. It's too dangerous."
Your decision determines whether or not she will join your party in the next
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Rook, Iver, Egil, Oddleif, Alette (optional)
Enemies: Dredge Stoneguard (x2), Dredge Grunt (x5)
Reward: N/A
Strategy: You can position your characters all around the outer edge of the
battlefield here. Keep them close together, with Egil and Iver in the front,
and use Oddleif's Rain of Arrows to set traps in front of Egil while he uses
Stonewall to soak attacks. When the Stoneguards close in, use Battering Ram to
knock them back and damage their Armor, which will cause even more serious
damage when they get knocked through their allies. Take down at least one of
the Stoneguards as quickly as you can, and the rest of the battle will be more
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you chose not to bring Alette into the battle, she'll save the chieftain's
life during the evacuation and earn you 30 Renown.
4. The Road from Skogr
Troop Count: 270 clansmen, 45 fighters
As you push on, Iver will observe that some of the townspeople are growing
tired and lagging behind.
1: Call an early stop for the day
2: Slow the pace so everyone can catch up
3: Keep a steady pace
4: Rally the caravan with a speech
If you choose the fourth option, you'll earn 5 Renown.
After a few days of travel, the townspeople stop at the godstone of Hridvaldyr.
Rook laments that people abandoned their homes because dredge appeared, but
Iver says that Rook now needs to help them hold together.
1: How am I supposed to do that?
2: What do we do if we run into more dredge?
3: But you're the dredge-killer around here.
If you choose the third option, Iver will insist that the people want to listen
to someone who looks like them. If you choose the second, he'll insist that he
resents caring for "weaklings" and that men are a worse plague on the world
than the dredge are.
You will have the option of inspecting the godstone before you move on. Do so
to receive a Bjarken Rune.
As you get closer to Frostvellr, you'll meet a group of men who offer to show
you a watering hole where you can restock your supply wagons. The people of
Skogr, however, are suspicious of the strangers.
1: Allow the men to join you
2: "What are you doing out here alone?"
3: Refuse the men and make sure they don't follow
If you choose the second option, they tell you that they are hunters whose
village was destroyed by dredge. Letting them join you will earn you 12 more
fighters, 5 Renown, and 18 days of supplies.
Shortly thereafter, a drunken brawl will ensue, and the drunk instigator will
be brought before you for punishment.
1: Coerce a public apology from him
2: Tie him up until he dries out
3: Laugh off the scuffle
4: Encourage the others to let the issue drop
5. Village
Troop Count: 270 clansmen, 57 fighters
Next, you will reach a village where you can rest and restock. The market there
sells the following items:
Supplies | 3/1 Renown
Charm of the Wandering Mind | 15 Renown
Obsidian Ring | 15 Renown
You will also have an opportunity to talk to Egil. He promises that he was
serious about making sure nothing happens to Alette.
1: I've never seen a shield like that before
2: Iver seems to think you're pretty good
3: You're protective of Alette, huh?
4: I'm heading back to camp. Stay strong.
Go through the first, second, and third options to learn more about him before
going back to camp, and hit the road again when you're ready. You'll be stopped
by two men in red named Hogun and Mogun, who want to join the Rook's caravan
the town leader, however, is opposed to letting half the villagers desert. An
angry mob adds gravity to the situation.
1: There won't be anything to tend once the dredge arrive.
2: Let your people decide on their own.
3: I don't want anything to do with this.
4: Say nothing
If you choose the first or second option, the village chief will threaten the
brothers' lives if they try to leave.
1: Settle this yourselves (don't get involved)
2: I won't kill men for defending their homes (side with the villagers)
3: Iver, let's make this a fair fight (side with the brothers)
You'll have a battle on your hands if you choose the second or third option.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Rook, Iver, Egil, Oddleif, Hogun, Mogun
Enemies: Raider (x4), Thrasher (x2), Backbiter, Archer
Reward: N/A
Strategy: You can position your characters all around the outer edge of the
battlefield here. I recommend keeping them close together, with Iver and Egil
and Hogun and Mogun side by side and Rook and Oddleif in the rear ranks. Keep
the brothers close to your frontline fighters, which will boost the damage they
can do with Bloody Flail and allow everyone to earn Armor bonuses, and focus on
weakening as many enemies as possible and defeating them in sequence. Be sure
not to send Iver too far ahead of the rest of the party, or the enemies may
surround him and cut him down.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Winning the battle after siding with Hogun and Mogun will earn you 165 clans-
men, 22 fighters, 10 Renown, and 30 supplies.
After the battle, Oddleif gives Alette a banner and asks her to sew the history
of the town into it. Suspecting that Rook has become the new chieftain, Alette
expresses her reservations at killing another human and asks why he had to do
what he did. They then recount the history of Skogr together as Alette sews.
After this conversation, you'll be taken to the camp screen. You'll have an
opportunity to talk to Oddleif, who says that her husband is still alive, but
drifting in and out of consciousness. She ponders what it means to be a "strong
woman," and explains that the chieftain wanted Rook to have the banner if any-
thing happened to him. She encourages him to carry the banner and be a strong
leader to the people.
6. The Road to Frostvellr
Troop Count: 435 clansmen, 79 fighters
Some of the fighters will stop to speak with you and request to be allowed to
warn their kin about the dredge. They expect to rejoin the caravan in less than
a week.
1: Wish the fighters well
2: See them off with extra supplies
3: Remind everyone that they're free to do as they please
4: "You think you'll survive out there on your own?"
5: Tell them they're needed here
You'll lose 8 fighters if you let them go.
Rafnsvartr, the drunk from earlier, will nearly cause a fire in the camp.
1: Punish him physically
2: Ban him from camping near others in the future
3: "This man drinks nothing but water from now on"
If you choose the third option, he'll soon start drinking again, leaving you
to choose between banishing him or letting the townsfolk deliver their own
Huddled masses are out in the cold in front of the gates of Frostvellr. Oddleif
talks to the women and learns that the city has taken in refugees from all of
the nearby villages, so no one else is being let in. Iver insists that they
need to find a way in before the dredge catch up to them.
1: We're getting in the walls somehow
2: I want to know more about what's going on in there
3: Let's lay low for now and see what happens
4: Where else could we go?
5: I don't know what to do
If you choose the second option, you'll be able to talk to the refugees before
Iver decides to smash the gates open. You'll also be able to visit a market,
which sells the following goods:
Supplies | 3/1 Renown
Valka Thread | 20 Renown
Bloodshed Coins | 5 Renown
Tistelberry | 10 Renown
Obsidian Powder | 20 Renown
7. Frostvellr - Gate
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 71 fighters
Rook and Iver can see that the archers atop the city walls intend to keep the
refugees out.
1: "Iver, did you really expect to push these gates open?"
2: Find out more from the crowd.
3: Shout at the guards on the wall.
4: Leave the gates and try something else.
If you opt to have Iver push the gates open, you'll succeed with the help of
the refugees and be able to fight your way in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice
Enemies: Backbiter, Thrasher (x2), Archer (x3)
Reward: ?
Strategy: The Archers have 9 Strength each, so the damage from their arrows can
add up fast. Charge them and try to take them down quickly. If Egil is in your
party, have him take the lead and distract the Backbiter while the rest of your
party deals with the Archers, then attack the remaining foes together.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you chose to talk to the crowd instead, they'll reveal that chieftain shut
himself in the city two days ago and has refused to admit any more refugees.
Egil will then pull you aside and mention that he found a water passage that a
small group might be able to use to enter the city and open the gates. Iver
won't fit through it, so if you choose this option, you'll have to remove him
from your party.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Rook, Alette, Egil, Oddleif, Hogun, Mogun
Enemies: Thrasher, Backbiter (x2), Archer (x2), Raider (x3)
Reward: ?
Strategy: You start this battle in the middle of the enemy party, with a
Thrasher and a Raider on one side and the rest of the enemies on the other.
Have Egil distract one group with Stonewall while Hogun and Mogun handle the
other. Rook's Mark Prey is very useful for enemies who wander into the middle
of your party here.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Once the gates are open, Rook and Iver are approached by a man in black. He is
impressed by their efforts, but warns them that all the people they let into
the city will die. He then introduces himself as Ekkill, the one who has been
in charge of the city since the chieftain was killed. He also informs them that
at least three clans in the city are fighting over turf and food, but agrees to
shelter them in the great hall if they fight for him and help him restore order
to Frostvellr.
1: We'll join you. For now.
2: We'll fend for ourselves. Inside Frostvellr.
3: We're not staying here. Let us out.
Your choice determines how the chapter ends.
D. Chapter 3: Little Did They Sleep
This chapter puts you back in control of Hakon.
1. Vedrfell
Troop Count: 185 fighters, 466 varl
Mogr returns from Strand with extra 100 warriors, 100 varl, and 200 supplies
for the caravan. Eirik will also join your party if Ubin was polite enough to
him in Chapter 1. Ludin insists that the party move on, but Ubin urges the
wounded prince to caution.
1: They're right, Ludin. Return to Strand. Go home.
2: Ludin makes his own decisions
3: Vognir's dead. There's no reason to stay.
After deciding how to respond to him, Mogr asks Hakon what he should tell the
1: Tell them to be cautious. No more losses.
2: Tell them we cover the mountainside in dredge bodies.
3: Tell them we don't stop until Schlid is retaken.
You'll have a chance to rest, reorganize your party, and talk to Ubin and Mogr
before you leave town.
Ubin will reminisce about Vognir and opine on Hakon's fitness to lead the varl.
1: What are you always putting down in that journal?
2: I heard you were a terror in your day
3: What do you suppose happened to the sun?
4: Get some rest. Always more marching to do.
Choose all of the first three options to learn about the Long Banner, Snorri,
and Ubin's feelings on the sun's disappearance. You can then visit Mogr and ask
him some questions.
1: Anything you can tell me about the caravan?
2: Haven't you ever wanted to be in command?
3: You think we're walking into a death trap?
4: Let's get back to it
Choose the first three options to learn about Ludin's companions Bersi and
Yrsa, Mogr's ambitions, and his thoughts on Vognir's sudden death. If you press
him for details, he'll voice his suspicions that Ludin had a hand in Vognir's
demise and advise you to keep a close eye on him.
2. The Road from Vedrfell, Part 1
Troop Count: 185 fighters, 466 varl
As the caravan leaves, Ludin notices a dozen dredge heading toward Strand.
1: It'd be a waste of time. Strand can handle that
2: Mogr, send some warriors to take care of it
3: We'll deal with it ourselves
The second option will give you +5 Renown and cost you 10 varl.
Soon after, Ludin speaks to Hakon privately, asking him if he plans to kill a
lot of dredge.
1: You're not wrong
2: Why do you ask?
3: In fact, I plan to go out of my way to kill them
4: We only kill dredge when necessary
Regardless of what you choose, Ludin will insist on joining in battles. To his
surprise, Hakon agrees, and Ludin will ask if being Vognir's kendr means that
Hakon takes on the late king's responsibilities.
1: That doesn't mean I care what happens to you
2: In my own way
3: Why the tough act, kid?
You'll then stop to make camp, where you'll be able to add Ludin, Bersi, and
Yrsa to your battle lineup and engage in dialogues with the latter two.
Bersi will be surprisingly forthcoming with information, revealing that he's
looking out for himself before Ludin and stressing the importance of keeping
the prince alive. Yrsa is more reticent, insisting in a voice of obsidian that
she doesn't talk and giving perfunctory answers to all of Hakon's questions. If
you go through all of the dialogue options before saying goodbye, she'll warn
you that she's a witch and advise you to be careful.
After breaking camp, you'll see an event in which one of the varl warriors says
he didn't sign up to take orders from or die for Hakon. You're left to choose
how you handle his insubordination.
1: Make your presence known but walk on
2: Challenge the varl to a fight
3: Threaten them loudly
4: Blindside him
Choosing the second option will earn you 5 Renown.
During the next event, you'll meet a company of merchants camped around a god-
stone. If you agree to trade with them, one of the merchants will give you 35
supplies in return for a promise to tell his wife's brother that the company
made it to Strand safely.
Next, Mogr will tell you that a large force of dredge has been sighted, and
you'll engage in your first war. You'll be up against a force of 500-600
dredge; based on their reactions, I chose to charge them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Gunnulf, Ludin, and
Enemies: Dredge Grunt (x11)
Reward: 13 Renown
Strategy: You start this battle lined up across from the Grunts. They can do
some pretty serious damage to your human allies, so keep Ludin and Yrsa away
from the frontlines. Use Gunnulf's Tempest and Yrsa's Slag and Burn to severely
damage groups of Grunts as the heroes with the highest Armor draw their attack.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After winning the battle, make camp and give any wounded characters a chance to
recover before pressing on.
3. The Road from Vedrfell, Part 2
Troop Count: 183 fighters, 451 varl
If you accepted the supplies from the merchants earlier, Mogr will point out
that a lot of warriors are claiming illness and have been seen vomiting or
stumbling around. Even the humans have been affected.
1: We pushing too hard?
2: Some kind of disease?
3: Something to do with the dredge?
If you choose the second option, he'll suggest that some of the rations were
poisoned, but he can't prove anything.
1: Keep some trusted varl on watch
2: Keep asking around
3: Threaten the group
4: No need to foster suspicion over stomach aches. Let it blow over.
5: Might not be the food. See if you can find some other connection.
Next, one of Ludin's scouts will report that dredge have been seen tearing a
nearby city apart.
1: Draw some of them forward and split them
2: Get closer before making a move
3: Wait and see what they do
If you choose the first option, you'll have to fight another war with the
dredge. I chose to charge them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Gunnulf, Ludin, and
Enemies: Dredge Scourge (x2), Dredge Grunt (x8)
Reward: 13 Renown
Strategy: You start this battle in the middle of the battlefield. The Scourges
are the biggest threat, but the Grunts can also do serious damage to your human
allies. Let them close in, using Gunnulf's Tempest to severely damage any
Grunts who cluster together, and don't give the Scourges the chance to summon
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you chose to challenge Griss, the insubordinate varl from earlier, you'll
see another event with him after winning or avoiding the fight against the
dredge. He'll ask for permission to fight at your side.
1: "You, protect me?"
2: "Get out of my face."
3: "You've got one shot."
Choose the third option, and you'll be able to add him to your battle lineup.
As you near the village, you'll have the option of fighting the dredge there
or skirting around the village. Griss can die if you're defeated here.
4. The Road to Denglr
Troop Count: 136 fighters, 746 varl
Past the village, you'll meet Fasolt, a varl who says he was sent to meet with
Vognir. He reports that dredge are coming from Ridgehorn en masse, but Ludin
angrily interjects himself into the conversation. Fasolt demands to know who he
1: Nobody
2: Take him and go to Grofheim. We'll meet you later.
3: Shut your mouth, Ludin, or I'll smash your face in
Regardless of what turn the conversation takes, Ludin will oppose an attack on
Ridgehorn and insist that you accompany him to Grofheim. You'll have to choose
between ignoring his inflammatory remarks or knocking him out and sending him
to Grofheim with an escort. Knocking him out out will cost you 45 fighters,
plus Ludin, Bersi, and Yrsa, but will earn you 300 varl, 50 supplies, and
Back on the road, Mogr will mention that the food received from the merchants
near Vedrfell is spoiled and says that up to half the caravan's supplies could
be affected.
1: Dump only what we know is tainted
2: Dump everything that could be unsafe
3: Do nothing. Can't afford to throw out good supplies.
After throwing out the tainted supplies, Mogr asks what to do about the sickly
1: Tell them to avoid fighting until they recover
2: Tell them to tough it out
3: Send them back to Strand
As you approach the godstone, you'll encounter a force of dredge, with which
you'll have to go to war. I chose to charge them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Griss, Gunnulf, and
Enemies: Stoneguard Defender, Dredge Grunt, Slag Slinger Veteran, Slag Slinger
Marksman (x3), Dredge Slag Slinger (x5)
Reward: 15 Renown
Strategy: You start this battle surrounded on three sides. All of the Slag
Slingers have the ability to move when hit, so try to surround them and cut off
their escape routes. Use Fasolt's Malice to draw the Stoneguard's attacks and
Gunnulf's Tempest to hit foes who cluster together.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, another one of the dredge will try to knock a treasure wagon
off a cliff, but Gunnulf will catch it.
1: Tell Gunnulf to let go
2: Try to help Gunnulf haul the cart back up
3: Try to knock the dredge off
If you choose to help Gunnulf haul the cart back up, you'll be prompted a
second time to tell him to let go. Not doing so will result in his death, as
will choosing the third option initially. You'll then be asked what to do with
the treasure at the bottom of the cliff.
1: Nothing for it. There's no time to stop now.
2: Try to recover what you can quickly
3: "Your call, Ubin."
4: Try to cover it up and come back later
5: Leave some varl to gather and return to Strand
Choosing the fifth option will cost you 15 varl. Rest and recover after making
your choice.
Upon reaching the godstone, you'll see several dead merchants and a variety of
1: Leave the dead and their offerings alone
2: Leave the offerings but check for the merchant's brother
3: Gather whatever you can
If you choose the third option, you'll receive the Five Ring Necklace. If you
chose the second option, you'll find a necklace that belonged to the merchant's
1: Take the necklace with intent to return it
2: Take the necklace for yourself
3: Leave it
Choosing the first option will earn you 10 Renown and make Mogr wonder why the
merchants thought the godstone would be safe.
1: Examine the godstone
2: Move on
Choose the first option before proceeding.
5. The Road from Denglr
Troop Count: 132 fighters, 706 varl
Back on the road, Mogr will notice fires rising from the trees and suggest an
1: Not worth the risk. Keep moving.
2: Send some varl to take a look
3: Check it out yourself
Choosing the second option will add 215 varl to your caravan. Choosing the
third option will start a fight.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Griss, Gunnulf, and
Enemies: Scourge Warrior, Enraged Grunt, Dredge Scourge (x2), Dredge Grunt (x2)
Reward: ?
Strategy: You start this battle with your enemies surrounded. The Scourge
Warrior has a Strength of 19 and should be a priority target. As long as the
Scourges don't get a chance to summon new foes, this battle shouldn't be all
that difficult.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Next, Mogr will talk to you during a rest break and suggest following a flock
of ravens.
1: "Why?"
2: "That's the plan, isn't it?"
3: "Are you ok?"
After a vision of him flying through the air and immolating himself, you'll
wake up and agree to keep it a secret.
Soon after, Mogr will inform you that you're being followed by the dredge, but
can lose them in the thick woods that are half a day away.
1: "No, stop and get everyone ready for a fight"
2: "We'll lose them"
3: "Good, more slags to kill"
Choosing the first or third options will start a war. I chose to charge.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Griss, Gunnulf, and
Enemies: Scourge Warrior, Dredge Scourge, Dredge Stoneguard, Vicious Grunt,
Enraged Grunt (x2)
Reward: 11 Renown
Strategy: Try to surround the Stoneguard and get it to use Splinter. This will
knock you back and damage your army, but will also affect any nearby dredge.
Take down the Scourges first; the rest of the enemies are less of a threat.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You'll have another war on your hands as you enter the woods. I chose to over-
see it and earned 6 Renown. Be sure to rest before reaching Ridgehorn.
6. Ridgehorn
Troop Count: 124 fighters, 862 varl
Mogr remarks that it looks like a battle happened recently, but Ubin notices
that only dredge bodies are left. Hakon orders his followers to take to the
tower that overlooks the area.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Griss, Gunnulf, and
Enemies: Dredge Stoneguard, Scourge Warrior, Inferno Slinger, Slag Slinger
Veteran, Slag Slinger Marksman, Dredge Slag Slinger
Reward: 8 Renown
Strategy: Watch out for the Inferno Slinger, which has an Armor Break of 3 and
can do damage over a wide area with Shatterstone. You won't be able to fit more
than one varl at a time on the left walkway, so have any allies on that side of
the battlefield fall back and wait for the dredge to move into the open area
with them. They'll be much easier to engage there.
Do your best to keep any of your allies from being knocked unconscious in this
battle, or you may have serious problems with the next one.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As Hakon sees endless waves of dredge marching below, Mogr sees the bodies of a
man and a woman.
1: "Why would anyone be here?"
2: "Any idea who they are?"
3: "Search them."
Mogr will find that the man is alive, but Hakon has no time to rest as a dredge
army appears below. I chose to oversee the war and earned 4 Renown.
Afterward, Ubin tells Hakon that the dredge started swarming into Ridgehorn's
courtyard during the fight in the tower. Mogr says that they'll have to fight
their way back across the bridge unless they plan to cut through the valley,
and Ubin posits that the man they saved from the tower is a mender. Though the
army needs rest, Ubin points out the dredge will keep massing if Hakon chooses
to wait, and Mogr says that anyone who falls will have to be left behind.
1: I'll take that risk. Let's make a plan.
2: We wait for now. Let's make this place defensible.
If you choose the second option, Mogr will set up a watch and suggest keeping
tabs on the dredge.
1: Keep as many on watch as possible
2: Focus on getting everybody rested and ready
3: Try to get a better count on the dredge
I chose the third option, which will inform you that more dredge are gathering
by the day. Be sure to rest before leaving, which will prompt Mogr to ask you
what to do.
1: Bait the dredge into attacking and wear them down
2: Break through the front lines and don't stop
3: Send the shieldbangers forward and fight defensively
4: Go all out, strike hard and drive them off
5: Send a diversion to draw their attention and escape
If you choose the fifth option, Mogr will volunteer to lead the suicide mission
and cover the army's escape. You will permanently lose him if you accept, but
his sacrifice will make the battle that follows quite a bit easier.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Hakon, Mogr, Eirik, Griss, Gunnulf, and
Enemies: Variable
Reward: 12 Renown
Strategy: You'll be facing a combination of Slag Slingers, Grunts, and Scourges
here that will vary in size depending on how many days you spent resting. Try
to defeat any Slingers that have Shatterstone while using Mogr and Fasolt to
draw the attacks of the strongest enemies.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, you'll be able to flee from Ridgehorn and the dredge. Do so.
As the army nears Grofheim, Ubin asks Hakon to see the mender, who has woken up
and introduced himself as Eyvind. He asks where he is and insists that they
return to Ridgehorn for Juno, grieving and losing consciousness when Ubin tells
him that she is dead.
Two days later, Hakon and his followers reach Grofheim...and find it engulfed
in flames.
E. Chapter 4: Lest They Not Come Home
This chapter puts you back in control of Rook.
1. Frostvellr
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 71 fighters
Ekkill encourages an angry Rook to think carefully about what he wants and
leaves him to deal with a group of thugs.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Egil, Iver, Hogun, Rook, Alette, and
Enemies: Archer, Thrasher, Backbiter, Bowmaster (x2), Thrasher veteran (x2),
Raider (x2)
Reward: 11 Renown
Strategy: You start flanked by two groups of enemies. Kill the Thrashers before
they can use Bloody Flail, and weaken the ranged attackers to mitigate the
damage done by their arrows. Make sure Egil and Iver stay close together for
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Iver admits to Rook that the city isn't safe and that they
need a plan to escape. Alette discovers a wounded thug named Onef, who tells
Rook and his companions that Ekkill is a lunatic who seized control of the city
guard after murdering the previous chieftain.
Iver suggests leaving the city and heading south to Wyrmtoe, where he knows
someone who might help. Rook is concerned about supplies, but Onef offers to
help him pilfer Ekkill's stock if allowed to join the caravan.
IMPORTANT! If you let Onef join your party, you will be unable to earn two of
the achievements in Chapter 6.
1: Shut that guy up
2: What's the catch?
3: How do you know where the supplies are?
If you agree to his terms after questioning him, he'll join you and help you
steal Ekkill's supplies. Before leaving, you can visit the market, which sells
the following goods:
Supplies | 1/1 Renown
Worldhook | 10 Renown
Bjorg av Leander | 25 Renown
When you raid the storehouse, you'll be able to choose what to do.
1: Make multiple trips to take everything
2: Take what you can and get out
3: Take what you can and destroy the rest
The first option will net you 140 supplies and plunge you into a battle. Lose
it, and you'll lose the supplies as well. The second option will net you 80
supplies and 32 fighters. You're free to leave after making your choice.
2. The Road to Wyrmtoe, Part 1
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 103 fighters
On the road, you'll meet an old man named Unnarr who wants to join your
1: "We've already got enough mouths to feed"
2: "You're welcome to join if you can keep pace"
3: "Who are you and what are you doing out here?"
If you make camp, you'll hear an argument between Hogun and Mogun and can have
an existential conversation with the wilder brother.
Next, you'll see Ekkill leading some men in pursuit of your caravan.
1: Outpace him
2: Dig in for a fight
3: Lead a charge, keeping him away from the caravan
4: Try to work things out peacefully
Choosing the fourth option will allow you to converse with him. He shows no
great anger at having his supplies stolen and losing Onef, instead defending
his actions in Frostvellr and asking Rook what kind of man he is.
1: I'm nobody special
2: I'm doing my best like everyone else
3: The kind who does what needs to be done
4: I protect my kin
Ekkill then says that he cannot return to Frostvellr and turns himself over to
Rook as a prisoner.
1: Take Ekkill and his men as prisoners
2: Leave them in the wastes
3: Ask Onef his opinion
4: Kill him on the spot
5: Let Ekkill join you, on strict terms
Asking Onef's opinion will remove the option of killing Ekkill. If you take him
as a prisoner, you'll have another chance to let him join you later.
3. Radormyr
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 103 fighters
Rook finds many people camped out at the godstone. Their leader asks him to
join them in their tribute.
1: Accept their offer
2: Ask what this tribute involves
3: Politely decline and move on
4: Decline and inspect the godstone before leaving
One of the worshippers will tell you about gullenfyri, a golden oil that burns
like the sun and lets them "see things clearly," if you choose the second
1: Decline and move on
2: Decline and inspect the godstone before leaving
3: See if anyone in the caravan is interested
4: Try it yourself
No one in the caravan will try it, so choose the fourth option and then inspect
the godstone to receive Gullinfyri.
4. The Road to Wyrmtoe, Part 2
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 103 fighters
Oddleif will shoot at some vultures that circle the caravan.
1: "What are you doing?"
2: Let her get out some aggression
3: Ask her to stop wasting arrows
4: Join her in shooting at the vultures
After you make your choice, Oddleif's eyes will light up as she mentions that
many of the women in the caravan could become great fighters.
1: Encourage Oddleif to train the women
2: Try to keep her expectations in check
3: Tell her you think it's a bad idea
Choose the first option.
Later, two of the women in the caravan will almost come to blows over which of
their daughters will marry Ragni.
1: Let the argument play out on its own
2: "Worry on marriage another time!"
3: "Explain yourselves."
4: Keep the women separated
Choosing the third or fourth options will separate the women and (temporarily)
resolve the conflict.
As you approach Wyrmtoe, a woman will tell you that someone's been stealing
supplies and is putting the caravan at risk of starving.
1: Post a few extra guards to watch the supplies
2: Ask clansmen if they've seen anything suspicious
3: Announce that any more missing supplies results in rationing
4: "Tell me if you see it again."
The second option will end the dialogue.
5. Wyrmtoe
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 103 fighters
When you reach your destination, you'll be greeted by Iver's old friend Krumr.
They go to the mead hall, where Krumr listens to Iver's account and tells him
some of the warriors want to know what happened in Blotsbalkr, while the rest
want to head to Grofheim. Rook offers to help make the town livable, but Krumr
says the varl want to escape from civilization rather than creating their own.
However, he says that Jorundr needs to know what happened and says that he'll
see off the varl who want to head north as soon as possible.
Krumr will join you after the cutscene. Talk to him and take the opportunity to
rest and reorganize your party before moving on. You can also buy the following
goods at the market:
Supplies | 4/1 Renown
Studded Pommel | 15 Renown
Narwhal Horn | 5 Renown
Iron Bands | 5 Renown
Lightning Runestone | 10 Renown
6. The Road to Grofheim, Part 1
Troop Count: 434 clansmen, 103 fighters
You'll gain 62 varl and 20 supplies as soon as you depart.
Early on, you'll notice some clansmen eating and gathering wild fruit, which
one of the children says taste funny.
1: Take a bite yourself
2: Discourage them from eating the fruit
3: Observe someone who already ate some
4: Offer a piece to one of the animals in the caravan
5: Gather as much as you can
The third or fourth options will not reveal any ill effects. Taking a bite of
the fruit yourself will earn you 12 supplies.
Later, some of your clan members will get lost in a blizzard.
1: Make a thorough search for lost clansmen
2: Ask volunteers to scout the immediate area
3: Make a bonfire and wait for missing members to return
4: Move on, saying a blessing for the lost
5: Commit to an hour more searching before departing
The fifth option will cost you 32 clansmen.
Alette will return to camp looking sullen after keeping a low profile for the
1: Ask her what's going on
2: Sit quietly beside her
3: Give her some space
If you choose the first option, Alette will admit that she's been talking with
1: "Stay away from him. He's dangerous."
2: "What has he been telling you?"
3: Threaten Ekkill immediately
If you choose the second option, Alette will tell you that Onef was married to
Ekkill's sister, who died a long time ago. Ekkill pursued Onef when he left
without an explanation.
1: "Don't trust that man."
2: "I don't care what he says, stay away."
3: Confirm Ekkill's story
4: Threaten Ekkill immediately
Confirming Ekkill's story will trigger a conversation with Onef, who says that
Ekkill became mentally unstable after his sister died.
1: Tell Onef to keep him away from Alette
2: Let the issue drop
3: Confront Ekkill
If you confront Ekkill, he will say that Alette is doing more to bring cheer to
the caravan than Rook is and opine that they follow his lead because of Alette.
You will have the option of killing him, or telling him to stay away from her
if you choose.
After a few days of travel, you'll reach Marek, the godstone. The people in
your caravan will start finding and gathering fish scales.
1: Let the caravan take their time
2: Cut them off after a reasonable amount of time
3: Leave now, before this gets out of hand
The third option will boost your caravan's morale. Choosing the first option
will cost you two days; if you allow the caravan to continue collecting scales,
you'll spend another day there and receive the Godscale.
As you leave the godstone, Oddleif will introduce you to the group of women she
has trained. One will shoot a rabbit, but the men of the caravan will express
concern for the women's safety.
1: Encourage Oddleif to train even more archers
2: Stand by the women becoming fighters
3: "I'm having second thoughts, Oddleif"
Choosing the second option will turn 25 clansmen into fighters and increase
your morale.
Soon after, the varl of the caravan will become restless, and one of them will
yell at an inquisitive young girl.
1: Break the tension by making a joke
2: "I'm impressed you've kept it together this long"
3: Send the varl ahead in the caravan to put some space between you
4: "What is wrong with you?"
The first option will resolve the conflict with no losses.
Krumr will spot a line of varl being pursued by a swarm of dredge. As you draw
nearer, you will meet Fasolt and be forced to engage the dredge in a war. I
chose to take formations.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Egil, Iver, Krumr, Alette, Rook, and
Enemies: Stoneguard Defender, Dredge Stoneguard, Vicious Grunt, Dredge Fire
Slinger, Dredge Slag Slinger (x2), Enraged Grunt (x3)
Reward: 11 Renown
Strategy: You start in the middle of the battlefield with groups of enemies on
three sides. Choose one enemy group to focus on, drawing the others together as
you whittle down the Stoneguards and the Grunts.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fasolt wastes no time telling Iver and Krumr that Grofheim has been razed and
Jorundr has moved to Einartoft. He wants to join him, but does not want Rook's
caravan to follow.
1: What do you mean, not them?
2: We just saved your ass!
3: I'll die before you send us away
A rumbling interrupts the discussion, and Fasolt instructs Rook to lead his
caravan to Hadrborg.
After three days of tremors, you'll reach the godstone and see varl setting up
defenses. Fasolt insists that Rook and his caravan won't be allowed to go to
Einartoft, but Iver says they have no other option. Upon recognizing Iver as
Yngvar, Fasolt relents.
1: Inspect the godstone
2: Suggest leaving immediately
3: See what other news you can pick up
If you inspect the godstone, Krumr will give you the Farthinjörð, Iver's old
belt. Fasolt will join you, and you'll get 20 supplies as you depart.
7. The Road to Einartoft
Troop Count: 367 clansmen, 110 fighters, 54 varl
You'll meet a group of peasants surrounded by brigards. One of the brigands
offers you a supply wagon if you agree not to interfere.
1: Accept his offer
2: "Back away from these people or die"
3: "What's going on here?"
Choosing the second option will plunge you into a battle.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Egil, Iver, Krumr, Alette, Rook, and
Enemies: Thrasher veteran, Bowmaster, Backbiter (x2), Thrasher (x3)
Reward: 9 Renown
Strategy: You start in the middle of the battlefield. Focus on one side at a
time, and try not to let the Thrashers cluster together. Not a terribly hard
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Winning the battle will earn you 22 supplies and 37 clansmen. You'll be given
a chance to stop and stock up on supplies afterward, which Iver encourages. The
market sells the following:
Supplies | 4/1 Renown
Dragon Stone | 15 Renown
Bail's Locket | 10 Renown
8. Einartoft
Troop Count: 404 clansmen, 110 fighters, 54 varl
After three days of travel, you'll reach Einartoft. Krumr predicts that another
great war is at hand, with the dredge planning to exterminate the varl if they
can. If you knocked Ludin out in Chapter 3, he'll be here as well. Krumr en-
courages Rook to keep a low profile while he waits for an audience.
The market here sells the following:
Supplies | 3/1 Renown
Obsidian Bell | 25 Renown
Leather Flask | 5 Renown
Svalinn Dust | 15 Renown
Dragon Stone | 15 Renown
Rest for a day, and you'll be allowed to enter the great hall.
Krumr introduces Rook and Iver to King Jorundr, and Hakon reports that Bellower
has followed the varl from Grofheim. He balks at the king's insistence that he
take the best varl warriors to Arberrang, and reports of a Stonesinger on the
bridge make Eyvind plead for permission to collapse it. The king does not grant
him permission, so Eyvind goes to confront the Stonesinger himself.
1: "We should help him."
2: "What is that thing?"
3: Say nothing
If you agree to help him in spite of Iver's warnings that everyone on the
bridge will die, you'll enter a battle.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Eyvind and 5 of your choice (I chose Iver, Fasolt, Alette, Rook, and
Enemies: Dredge Scourge, Dredge Stoneguard, Stonesinger, Blind Slinger, Dredge
Fire Slinger, Dredge Spark Slinger, Flame Slinger, Enraged Grunt (x2)
Reward: 11 Renown
Strategy: You start on the side of the battlefield opposite your opponents.
Put Eyvind in the back before the battle starts, because he's not very durable
and can easily be killed if the enemies reach him. Have him hang back and use
Arc Lightning and Mend while your frontline fighters deal with the hard-hitting
enemies and your archers provide support. Try to defeat the Stonesinger before
it uses Umbrage, or the surviving dredge will become much more dangerous.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Bellower steps to the forefront of the dredge horde. Iver
orders Rook to get the mender out of the way, then steps forth to deal with
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Iver
Enemies: Bellower
Reward: 0 Renown
Strategy: With 21 Strength, 21 Armor, regenerative powers, and a skill that can
stun, Bellower is more than a match for Iver. Do whatever you want until he
defeats you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bellower severs Iver's arm and prepares to finish him, but Eyvind issues him a
challenge. However, they are interrupted by a massive serpent that appears in
the distance, throwing the dredge into confusion. Bellower withdraws as Hakon
and the varl push the attack, and Rook and Eyvind take the opportunity to drag
Iver into the city.
Eyvind starts at Rank 5, so be sure to spend his points before conversing with
him. He'll heal some of Iver's wounds and predict that the varl's condition
will improve before passing out from the exertion.
F. Chapter 5: Weary the Weight of the Sun
This chapter briefly puts you in control of Juno before putting you back in
control of Rook.
1. Ridgehorn
Juno remembers who she is...and notices that she is staring down a massive
serpent. Though she knows that she died before and predicts that she is about
to die again, she magically shields herself from the serpent's blazing breath
and comes to understand its language. It asks her who and what she is and what
has become of the gods, but when it cannot get satisfactory answers from her,
it states that the world it is prophesied to devour will be consumed by a wall
of night and demands that she return its destiny.
As the serpent attacks again, Juno sends a dream message to Eyvind, who says
that he saw the same serpent at Einartoft. She tells him of the prophecy and
the darkness seeping from the north, and insists that he do whatever it takes
to get out of Einartoft and meet her in Sigrholm. She also professes her love
for him.
2. Einartoft
Troop Count: 404 clansmen, 110 fighters, 54 varl
Rook and Alette are with Eyvind as he awakes. They tell him that he was uncon-
scious for two days, that Iver is still recovering, and that Jorundr has sent
Hakon, Ludin, and several hundred varl to Arberrang. Eyvind insists that he
needs to meet Juno in Sigrholm and asks Rook and Alette to accompany him, but
they do not see a way to keep the dredge out of Einartoft without destroying
the bridge, which Jorundr still opposes. Rook is given the choice of asking
several questions.
1: Why won't the varl king destroy the bridge?
2: How would you collapse that bridge by yourself?
3: What do we do about Bellower?
4: What is going on around here? That serpent? Bellower?
Ask him all four, and he'll give you a history of how men and varl were made by
the Loom-mother and the other gods. He'll also tell you about the dredge, their
Sundr leaders, and the Valka - powerful menders who banished the dredge and the
Sundr deep underground. Juno, he says, is part of the Valka bloodline, but he
knows nothing of the serpent.
After hearing Eyvind out, Rook will request time to choose between trying to
destroy the bridge or beseeching Jorundr for permission to destroy it. If you
choose the latter option, head to the great hall, where Jorundr will have an
audience with you after Fasolt leaves. He will also explain that Iver fought a
Sundr and won when he was younger, so he thought he could defeat Bellower in
battle. However, he still refuses to let Rook destroy the bridge.
IMPORTANT! You will only have one day to rest after each of the battles in this
chapter. Fight cautiously and try to avoid getting party members wounded.
After your audience, you will have the choice between destroying the bridge or
helping Fasolt defend it. He won't turn down your offer for help, and you'll be
given three options.
1: "We'll fight on the bridge"
2: "We can treat the wounded"
3: Make an excuse to get out of this
If you choose the first option, you'll gain a morale bonus and spend the day
fighting a battle.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Krumr, Egil, Alette, Oddleif, Rook, and
Enemies: Stoneguard Colossus, Scourge Destroyer, Scourge Warrior, Flame
Slinger, Dredge Fire Slinger, Dredge Spark Slinger, Dredge Slag Slinger,
Enraged Grunt
Reward: 10 Renown
Strategy: You want to weaken the Destroyer as quickly as possible. Have Krumr
and Egil stay close together and draw the enemies' attacks while your archers
and Eyvind chip away at their Armor and Strength. Make sure the Destroyer and
the Warrior don't have a chance to summon reinforcements.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Spend your Renown as necessary, then return to the bridge. Again, you'll be
given three choices.
1: Fight again on the bridge
2: Help remove the bodies
3: Excuse yourself and leave
If you choose to remove the bodies instead of fighting on this day, Egil will
be killed by a dredge. Otherwise, you'll participate in another battle.
On the third day of defending the bridge, Iver will appear to help you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Iver and 5 of your choice (I chose Krumr, Alette, Oddleif, Rook, and
Enemies: Scourge Warrior, Slag Slinger Marksman (x2), Enraged Grunt (x3),
Dredge Slag Slinger (x4)
Reward: 12 Renown
Strategy: Iver has only 12 Strength and 12 Armor in this battle, so you'll have
to be more careful with him than usual. Hang back and wait for the enemies to
come to you, sniping them with your archers as they approach blasting them with
Arc Lightning when they cluster together. Try to save the Slingers for last,
since they tend to stay closer together and can't take as much abuse as the
Warrior and Grunts.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Iver will enter the great hall and insist to Jorundr that the
fight is unwinnable. Jorundr reminds him that the varl can no longer increase
their numbers and laments that the bridge will someday be the last remaining
sign of their people, but Iver says that the varl will follow him rather than
die defending Jorundr and his landmark. Shaken by his words, Jorundr agrees
to let Eyvind destroy the bridge...and also dissolves the alliance between man
and varl, telling Iver and all who would follow him to leave the city forever.
Eyvind collapses the bridge, and Iver departs for Sigrholm with Rook's caravan.
G. Chapter 6: Of Our Bones the Hills
This chapter puts you in control of Rook.
1. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 1
Troop Count: 404 clansmen, 110 fighters, 54 varl
As the caravan marches on, numerous complaints and suspicions arise among the
clansmen, and the fighters complain that they are too few in number to protect
1: Carry on and put up with it
2: Try to address the major issues
3: Try to keep people useful and too busy for petty squabbles
4: Form a council to handle these problems
5: Split the caravan
Choosing the third option will earn you 15 supplies.
Later, a group of men with broad shoulders and thick cloaks will approach the
caravan, one of them saying that they've run out of food and would appreciate
any help.
1: Offer no food, but inform them of the dredge
2: Ask them how they came to be here
3: "Fight with us and earn your food."
4: Decline to help the strangers
5: Offer them a few days worth of supplies
If you choose the third option, the men will soon vanish, taking a portion of
your supplies with them.
Soon after, Ubin and a caravan of varl will catch up to you. Iver asks him why
he decided to leave, and Ubin warns them that Bellower chased a group of varl
past Wyrmtoe, proving that the attack on the bridge was a feint. However, Ubin
says that he is not after Einartoft, but Iver's caravan. Although no one is en-
tirely sure what Bellower wants with Iver, Eyvind insists that they press on,
and Ubin decides to accompany them.
After this cutscene, you will receive 30 supplies and 15 Renown. Make camp, and
you'll have a chance to converse with Gunnulf.
2. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 2
Troop Count: 389 clansmen, 103 fighters, 47 varl
The path leading to Sigrholm veers off into the hills, which are full of
dredge. The Summer Path is the more direct route, and Rook is left to choose
what to do.
1: Send scouts to see how dangerous the Summer Path looks
2: Start cutting a path through the dredge
3: Go around, past Haukstorp
Choosing the second option will cost you one fighter and prompt you a second
time to choose the Summer Path or the detour. Choosing to go past Haukstorp
will earn you 5 Renown.
When you come to the abandoned great hall, do not choose to sleep in it. Soon
after you pass it, you'll enter a mining village full of people who will only
be more mouths to feed.
1: Encourage them to join you
2: Let them make their own decision
3: Don't expand the caravan further
Choosing the second option will earn you 68 clansmen. You can then visit the
market before pressing on, which sells the following:
Supplies | 6/1 Renown
Svalinn Dust | 15 Renown
Obsidian Ring | 15 Renown
Studded Pommel | 15 Renown
3. The Road to Dundr
Troop Count: 457 clansmen, 102 fighters, 47 varl
Dredge will attack the mining village as you leave and pursue the caravan, only
to be shot by Nid, Oddlief's trainee archer. If you choose to leave rather than
searching the village or letting her fire off additional arrows, Nid will join
your party and you'll be able to have a conversation with her in camp.
Later, you'll hear a mother in the caravan sing a song, slowing the caravan as
others participate in a poetry competition.
1: Join the crowd and cheer on the competitors
2: "We need to stay vigilant."
3: Ignore the poetry content and keep an ear out for danger
4: Join in with a verse of your own
Choosing the third option will improve the caravan's morale.
Soon after, you'll reach godstone Dundr. Iver suggests staying there for the
1: Stay here overnight
2: Inspect the godstone but move on afterward
3: Get back to the road without stopping
If you choose the first option, some boys will find a puzzle box. Try to open
it once, then give up and go to sleep to get the Puzzle box of the Twin Rivers.
4. The Road to Ingrid
Troop Count: 444 clansmen, 94 fighters, 42 varl
You'll come across as a farm with many livestock as you leave Dundr. The farmer
and his workers draw weapons, ready to defend it as you approach.
1: Offer some kind of trade for the livestock
2: Intimidate the farmer into giving you livestock
3: "Come with us, it's not safe here."
4: Leave the farmers and their animals alone
He won't trade, but choosing to intimidate him will earn you 36 supplies and
upset Alette.
As you approach Haukstorp, you'll see it smoldering. You can choose to either
investigate or ignore the town; investigating it will trigger a fight.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Iver, Krumr, Alette, Oddleif, Rook, and
Enemies: Scourge Warrior, Stoneguard Defender, Enraged Grunt, Flame Slinger
(x2), Dredge Spark Slinger (x3), Dredge Fire Slinger (x3)
Reward: 14 Renown
Strategy: You start in the middle of two groups of dredge. Focus on one group
at a time, whittling the other down as you're able and targeting the Warrior
and Defender before the Slingers.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, you'll find a man hiding among the ruins of the town and take
him into the caravan. You'll also be able to visit the market, which sells the
Supplies | 1/1 Renown
Svalinn Dust | 15 Renown
Obsidian Ring | 15 Renown
Studded Pommel | 15 Renown
Unfortunately, the merchant has no supplies in stock, so you can't spend any
Renown on them. Leave the town when you're ready.
As you approach the next godstone, a scout runs across a little girl who's
nearly frozen. You have the choice to keep moving and tend to her, stop the
caravan and tend to her, or search for other survivors. Stop moving and tend to
her if you want to save her without wasting time.
When you reach the godstone Ingrid, stop and examine it. Some boys will find
a small figure near a dead dredge, which Oddleif realizes is a dredge infant.
Iver explains that the female dredge are fleeing, which makes Eyvind realize
that the dredge are just as terrified of the encroaching darkness as the humans
and varl are of the dredge. Oddleif insists that Iver knew what was happening.
1: Iver! Say something!
2: Iver?
3: This isn't the time.
If you choose the second option, Iver will say he killed the Sundr Raze - and
her infant son - when he was younger. The varl wanted to make him their kendr,
but he refused and settled in Skogr to hide from his ill-gotten fame.
After hearing Iver's story, you'll have to decide what to do with the baby
1: Put it to a vote
2: Insist on taking it with the caravan
3: Insist on leaving it behind
4: Stay out of this one
If you choose the second option, one of the women in the caravan will present
you with a Vadrun Silver Brooch that was in the infant's hand.
5. The Road to Sigrholm, Part 3
Troop Count: 445 clansmen, 94 fighters, 42 varl
As you leave Ingrid, you'll hear a debate among the varl in the caravan. Krumr
chides Ubin for not being willing to fight against the dredge, but Ubin insists
that Bellower's presence mandates caution. Krumr is less concerned about the
Sundr and suggests that he and his warriors could slow down the dredge that are
following the caravan.
1: I'll leave it to you
2: Old rivalry you've got here
3: Nobody's going anywhere
Regardless of what you choose, you'll lose Krumr and 40 varl. Ubin fears he
won't be returning.
As you press on, you'll see a large, wounded varl who appears to be delirious
in a clearing.
1: Leave food and medicine and walk away
2: "We can help if you want it."
3: Try to have healers tend to his wounds
4: Abandon the varl and move on
You'll lose two clansmen if you choose the third option.
Krumr and his band of warriors will rejoin the caravan as you progress, giving
you 20 Renown and a Dundr's Hand.
6. Sigrholm and the Woods
Troop Count: 423 clansmen, 86 fighters, 33 varl
As the caravan enters Sigrholm, Oddleif notices that the town is sinking into
the lake. Eyvind searches frantically for Juno, and Rook walks into a debate
between Oddleif and Eyvind as he takes stock of the caravan. Eyvind insists on
waiting for his mistress, but Oddleif and Alette feel uncomfortable and want to
You'll be able to converse with Eyvind after the cutscene. He confesses that he
isn't sure if his vision of Juno was real or a dream, and you'll have a chance
to ask him some questions. You'll also have a chance to buy the following items
at the town market:
Supplies | 3/1 Renown
Iron Bands | 5 Renown
Svalinn Dust | 15 Renown
Leather Flask | 5 Renown
Comb of the Loom Mother | 15 Renown
When you're through resting, shopping, and speaking with Eyvind, you can either
leave town or rest and wait for Juno. If you rest, one of the people in your
caravan will see some thieves fleeing.
1: Chase the thieves
2: Try to talk it out with the locals
3: Tell the caravan to get ready to leave immediately
4: Ignore the theft and protect the caravan
If you rest again, a few dozen people in the caravan will insist on leaving
1: Wish them well
2: Encourage them to stay
3: Refuse to let them leave
4: Join them and get ready to depart
You won't be able to convince them to stay, and any further waiting is a waste
of time and supplies. Get ready to leave, and Iver will warn you that the mud
and flooding will make your trip slow and hazardous.
1: Attempt to ford the river
2: Caulk the wagons and float across
3: Pay some locals to help
4: Detour around the flooding
The second option will cost you some time and supplies.
As you leave town, a woman whose daughter has been murdered will accuse another
of being responsible for the murder.
1: Leave it to a vote
2: Try to discourage further violence
3: Investigate the death
4: Banish the accused and her daughter
The third option will reveal that the daughter died of illness, not foul play.
The other options will remove some clansmen from your caravan.
If you recruited Onef, he'll pull you aside to talk to you privately as you
pass through a forest. First, he'll ask you how well you know the people in
your caravan.
1: Who are you worried about?
2: The group decides, not just me
3: We have picked up quite a few...
4: Is this about Ekkill?
Next, he'll ask about the varl.
1: They joined us voluntarily
2: I trust Iver to handle it
3: If they're willing to fight it's worth the risk
4: We could be more cautious
Finally, he'll voice suspicions about Eyvind and his unseen master, and his
fears about the kind of power he must have if he can cause a world-eating
serpent to flee.
1: You make some valid points
2: You might be distorting what happened
3: Eyvind could have taken control long before now
After the conversation, he'll stab you in the ribs and stage a mutiny, killing
Egil, running Oddleif through, and dragging Alette off before Iver steps in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Iver, Gunnulf, Krumr, Nid, Rook, and Eyvind.)
Enemies: Thrasher veteran, Backbiter, Archer, Backbiter veteran (x2),
Bowmaster (x2), Raider (x3)
Reward: 12 Renown
Strategy: Rook will be wounded if you use him in this battle, and Oddleif and
Alette are both unusable, so you won't be able to rely on archers as much as
usual. Promoted varl, however, will serve you well. You begin the battle with
enemies on three sides, so move toward the side where they're most concentrated
and let the rest advance on you. Get your varl on the front lines as quickly as
possible, and use their raw power in conjunction with Rook's Mark Prey and
Eyvind's Arc Lightning to make quick work of the enemies. You should have few
problems with this battle, and it provides a good opportunity to get some kills
for your low-ranking heroes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Soon after the battle, you'll find Alette, who killed Onef in self-defense by
stabbing him through the eye with an arrow. Eyvind treats Rook's and Oddleif's
wounds, though he regrets that he couldn't save more people. Iver then reveals
that it was Onef, not Ekkill, who was running Frostvellr amidst the chaos and
urges Rook to be more careful when deciding who else joins the caravan.
1: No, nothing changes. We're not like him.
2: Where do you draw the line, Iver?
3: We'll be more cautious
After deciding how to respond, you'll have a chance to converse with Oddleif
and Ekkill in camp. If you took Ekkill prisoner instead of accepting him into
your party, you'll be able to choose between sending him away or unbinding him
and letting him fight with you. Better late than never, right?
As you leave the forest, the varl will begin a game in which each participant
drinks some mead when a story that is more miserable than the last one is told.
1: Leave the others to their drinking game
2: "This will only make things worse."
3: Join the giants in drinking
Choosing the third option will boost the caravan's morale.
7. Bjorulf and Reynivik
Troop Count: 350 clansmen, 44 fighters, 19 varl
You'll reach a town in which you'll be joined by 15 clansmen. You'll also have
a chance to buy the following items at the market:
Supplies | 5/1 Renown
Charm of the Wandering Mind | 15 Renown
Björg av Leander | 25 Renown
Svalinn Dust | 15 Renown
Eitrfang | 20 Renown
Worldhook | 10 Renown
As you leave town, you'll be ambushed by a group of bandits who demand that you
leave behind a couple of wagons and keep moving.
1: Attack immediately
2: "How about you leave what you've got, instead."
3: Inform them about the coming dredge
4: Do what they ask
If you choose the second option, you'll surprise the bandits long enough for
Oddleif to shoot their leader and send them running.
Soon after, an expectant mother will give birth on the road.
1: Call for a day of rest and celebration
2: Congratulate the new parents privately
3: Offer the family extra rations as gifts
4: Do nothing special, allowing the mother and child some peace
Choosing the first option will earn you 15 Renown and a morale bonus.
Your travels will take you to the godstone Bjorulf. Hogun starts collecting
some strange red berries that grow nearby while the people of the caravan open
kegs of mead and wine to celebrate.
1: Inspect the godstone
2: Join the merrymakers
3: Join Hogun in collecting berries
4: Get everybody ready to travel again
You'll receive a Tistelberry if you choose the third option.
If you saved the frozen girl earlier, the women of the caravan will see her
drawing in the dirt with a stick.
1: Study Aukfrosta's drawings
2: "We don't need a panic, keep her from making a scene."
3: Try to talk to Aukfrosta
4: Leave the child alone
Choosing the third option will help you connect with her.
Your next stop is the town of Reynivik, which is full of dredge. Oddleif sees a
laughing varl stumble into a longhouse, which the dredge begin assaulting.
1: Leave quickly, while your luck holds
2: Rush to help
3: Lead the dredge away
Choosing the second option will initiate a battle.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Sigbjorn and 5 of your choice (I chose Krumr, Ekkill, Rook, Alette, and
Enemies: Stoneguard Colossus, Stoneguard Defender, Vicious Grunt, Dredge Fire
Slinger, Inferno Slinger, Blind Slinger, Sun Slinger, Flame Slinger (x2), Slag
Slinger Marksman (x2)
Reward: 13 Renown
Strategy: Keep your allies close together and let the enemies advance on you.
Use the varl to weaken the Slingers and herd them into position for Eyvind to
use Arc Lightning, and your archers to chip away at the Colossus and the
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sigbjorn will welcome you to his mead house and introduce you to the townsfolk
after the battle. If you choose to welcome the varl, his friends, and their
mead your caravan, you'll earn 20 supplies and 10 Renown. Sigbjorn is a Warhawk
who comes equipped with a Scarlet Feather and starts at Rank 5, though his
stats are rather low.
As you leave Reynivik, Sigbjorn will wake up drunken and fuzzy-headed.
1: Help him recover
2: Post some guards nearby, just in case
3: Leave and make sure he doesn't follow
Choosing the first option will reduce your supply count by 1 and make Sigbjorn
confess that he drank about half of the mead he was supposed to deliver to
Boersgard. In exchange for keeping his secret, you'll receive Bjorulf's
If you saved Aukfrosta, she'll stand still and point off to the side of the
trail, much to the consternation of a nearby clansman.
1: Ignore her and move on
2: "Show me."
3: Stop the caravan and find an alternate route
4: Send scouts ahead to check, just in case
If you choose the second option, you'll have the option of leading a full party
to attack a suspected dredge encampment. Do so to boost the caravan's morale.
Later, you'll see a varl being attacked by half a dozen armed fighters, one of
whom claims the varl murdered his father for no reason.
1: Defend the varl
2: "Let us hear what the varl has to say."
3: Return to the caravan without interfering
If you choose the second option, the varl will say that he killed the man for
reneging on a business deal, further enraging the dead man's son.
1: Defend the varl
2: Let them settle their own dispute
Choosing the first option will earn you a varl and 5 Renown.
The chaper will end once you reach Boersgard.
H. Chapter 7: The Slayer and the Slain
This chapter puts you in control of Rook.
1. Boersgard
Troop Count: 319 clansmen, 27 fighters, 10 varl
You'll see a striking varl with matted black hair watching over the city gates.
His name is Bolverk, and he'll open the gates and let you in if Sigbjorn is in
your caravan. He's disappointed by the lack of mead but pleased to see Eyvind,
who he takes to meet with the governor. Rook worries that the situation is like
the one in Frostvellr, but Iver assures him that they'll be safe as long as the
Ravens are working for the governor. He suggests going to the docks so they can
evaluate their options and have a way to flee if necessary.
Before progressing, you may want to visit the city market, which sells the
following items:
Supplies | 1/1 Renown
Tistelberry | 10 Renown
Tortoise Band | 15 Renown
Namejs' Ring | 25 Renown
At the docks, Eyvind informs you that every citizen with access to a ship has
fled and the governor has gone into hiding. Iver infers that the governor is
paying the Ravens to protect him against his own people, who are starving and
unable to leave the city, but Eyvind says they can forage for materials to
build new ships and take them down the Ormsa to reach Arberrang. He says the
ships will be ready in a month, but Iver protests that Bellower will reach the
city in a week and storms off in frustration, leaving Rook and Eyvind uncertain
how to deal with the Sundr.
Follow Iver and converse with him, and he'll talk about ways to protect the
city. He advises Rook to figure out how to protect the caravan and procure sup-
plies while he and Eyvind protect the city walls from the dredge, leaving you
with several ways to spend the next few days.
IMPORTANT! Your goal at this point is to keep the city from being overrun for
the next five days. Depending on the order in which you perform certain tasks
and the number of times you defend the walls, the battles you participate in
will play out differently.
1: Find a safe place for the caravan to stay
2: Join Iver in defending the walls
3: Find a source for supplies
4: Help down at the docks
5: Put Krumr in charge of leading the warriors
6: Try to get some rest
If you choose the first option, you'll then be given several more choices.
1: Gather in the public rest house
2: Make camp in an open space, keeping everyone together
3: Look for abandoned houses
4: Put some people in charge and let them deal with it
You can leave some fighters behind if you choose to let the caravan stay in the
rest house. While this will weaken the defenses on the walls, you'll earn 10
Renown the next day.
When finding a source for supplies, talk to the Ravens and offer Bolverk the
mead from Reynivik. He'll give you 70 supplies in return.
Assuming you've found a place for the caravan to stay and a source of supplies,
you'll face dual problems of dredge at the walls and a riot at the docks the
next day.
1: Join Iver in defending the walls
2: Investigate the riots down by the docks
3: Put Krumr in charge of leading the warriors
4: Try to get some rest
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Krumr, Iver, Oddleif, Alette, Rook, and
Enemies: Stoneguard Defender, Stoneguard Colossus, Slag Slinger Veteran,
Stonesinger, Scourge Warrior (x2), Scourge Destroyer (x2)
Reward: ?
Strategy: Stand back and abuse Splinter to weaken the Armor of the stronger
dredge as they approach. The Stonesinger will abuse its Umbrage ability, so use
Oddleif's Rain of Arrows to interrupt the movement of approaching foes. Try to
finish off weakened frontline fighters before the Stonesinger can use Rupture,
or you may soon find yourself in an unwinnable situation.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On the fifth day, as the situation begins to look hopeless, Hakon's army will
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Gunnulf, Ekkill, Oddleif, Alette, Rook, and
Enemies: Scourge Destroyer, Enraged Grunt, Vicious Grunt, Flame Slinger, Dredge
Stoneguard (x2), Dredge Slag Slinger (x2), Inferno Slinger (x3)
Reward: 13 Renown
Strategy: Keep your party clustered close together and defeat the Destroyer and
Stoneguards before they become a problem. Eyvind's Arc Lightning will do
serious damage to enemies that pack together, and your frontline fighters
should be able to handle the Slingers without too much difficulty.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Eyvind meets up with Juno, who apologizes for being unable to
make it to Sigrholm. Hakon says that dredge are pouring out of a mile-wide
canyon that opened in the earth, and is none too pleased to hear that Bellower
is attacking Boersgard. Juno offers to deal with him as the party enters the
Hakon's caravan enters the city, adding 280 varl and 315 supplies to your
stock. Ludin will also be there if he and his entourage survived the events of
Chapter 3. Juno then asks Rook to accompany her on a trip.
2. Stravhs
Troop Count: 227 clansmen, 280 varl
A couple of days later, Juno and Rook arrive at the godstone of Stravhs. She
informs him that she has made the dredge unable to perceive them as a threat
and allows him to ask questions.
1: Who are you?
2: What are we doing out here?
3: Why are we surrounded by dredge?
4: Why did you pick me?
After answering his questions, she instructs him to take at least a fistful of
silver from the godstone, which will be used to forge an arrow that will slay
Bellower - or, more accurately, make him believe that he is dying.
1: Try to quickly wrench out the nearest chunk.
2: Climb higher where it may be easier to remove
3: Go back and tell Juno you can't do it
Choose the second option, then the first when you're given another choice.
You'll receive Stravhs' Whetstone for doing so. You'll return to Boersgard with
Juno, who asks you to find someone capable of crafting the silver arrow and
meet her on the walls when you're done.
3. The Final Battle
Troop Count: 227 clansmen, 280 varl
Go to the crafters after reequipping and promoting your party members and
spending your Renown. While the craftsman forges the arrow, you'll speak with
Alette, who talked to Eyvind while you were gone. Rook urges her to be brave
and reminds her that they can't run away, and Alette asks him to let her shoot
Bellower with the silver arrow.
IMPORTANT! Your choice in this dialogue will determine how the final battle and
the ending play out. The silver arrow will also overwrite the wielder's normal
skill, so consider carefully before deciding who you want to have it.
1: I know you can do it. Take the arrow.
2: I'm sorry, Alette. No.
After making your decision, speak with Juno. She informs you that Bellower has
not moved from his position and will not be expecting a direct assault, which
she will help a small group conduct by shielding them from sight. She then en-
courages Rook to rest until morning.
Your party members' wounds will be fully healed after the cutscene. Make any
last-minute preparations, and click on Bellower when you're ready to begin the
final battle.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: 6 of your choice (I chose Krumr, Iver, Oddleif, Rook, Alette, and
Enemies: Bellower, Stoneguard Colossus, Sun Slinger, Inferno Slinger, Scourge
Destroyer (x2)
Reward: N/A
Strategy: Juno warns you at the beginning of the battle that you can't use the
arrow until there's no chance of missing. This means you must reduce Bellower's
Armor until it's less than the Strength of Rook or Alette, but you'll have to
break through his minions first. Bellower will use Quake and Despair on his
first turn and any turn that he can't move forward, pushing back and damaging
your party and stunning one character, so be ready to change tactics on short
During this phase of the battle, Bellower will regenerate 6 Strength and Armor
on each of his turns and cannot be reduced below 5 Strength, so don't waste
time trying to kill him. Focus on damaging his Armor and surviving the attacks
of his minions, and let fly the silver arrow as soon as it can hit him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Successfully shooting Bellower with the silver arrow will trigger a cutscene in
which he kills the archer. The second phase of the battle will then commence.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Allies: Same as the previous battle, minus the wielder of the silver arrow
Enemies: Bellower, Stonesinger, Sun Slinger, Stoneguard Colossus (x2)
Reward: N/A
Strategy: This battle is the ultimate test of your tactical prowess. Either
Rook or Alette will be dead when it starts, and any party members who fell in
the previous battle will start out wounded. Juno also warns that Bellower will
respond to every strike, so try not to defeat too many of his allies - he'll be
moved to the front of the Initiative Bar every time he takes Strength or Armor
damage, so he won't be much easier to fell in Pillage mode. First, take down
the Colossi to stop them from getting in your way, then focus your attacks on
Bellower. Use Eyvind and your archers to weaken him before closing to engage
him in melee, and keep the pressure on him - he only regenerates 1 Strength and
Armor per turn during this phase, but this is not something to underestimate.
If you still have Rook, move your party into position and use Mark Prey to do
massive damage to Bellower in short order. As an alternative, if you managed to
keep Egil alive, he'll be invaluable for obstructing Bellower's movement and
using Stonewall to soak the damage from enemy attacks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Once Bellower's Strength is exhausted, victory is yours. When you return to the
city, talk to Eyvind to begin the rather somber ending, and take a much-needed
rest - after repelling the dredge, you've definitely earned it!
VII. Items
A list of all the equippable items in the game.
A. Rank 1
Can be equipped by characters of Rank 1 or higher.
Alette's Bracelet | +1 Armor
| +1 Strength
| +1 Willpower
Bloodshed Coins | +1 Willpower per kill
Iron Bands | +1 Strength
Leather Flask | +1 Willpower on rest
Narwhal Horn | +1 Armor Break
Padded Undercoat | +1 Armor
Serpent Earrings | 10% chance dodge Strength attacks
Warrior's Oath | +1 Willpower
Whalebone Needle | +1 Armor on rest
B. Rank 2
Can be equipped by characters of Rank 2 or higher.
Bail's Locket | +2 Willpower
Bjarken Rune | 15% dodge Strength attacks
Lightning Runestone | +10% chance 2x Strength damage
| +1 drawing aggro
Singing Stone | +2 Willpower per kill
Skjule | -1 drawing aggro
Tistelberry | +2 Willpower on rest
Worldhook | +2 Armor Break
C. Rank 3
Can be equipped by characters of Rank 3 or higher.
Charm of the Wandering Mind | 20% dodge Strength attacks
Comb of the Loom Mother | -2 drawing aggro
Dragon Stone | +2 Willpower
Gullinfyri | 15% chance 2x Strength damage
Horseskor | +1 movement
| 10% dodge Strength attacks
Jarl's Seal | 1 Willpower per turn
Obsidian Ring | +2 Strength
Ring of the Wolf | Protects from death unless Strength is 1
Sporðdreki Búr | +2 drawing aggro
| 5% dodge Strength attacks
Studded Pommel | Knockback on Strength attacks of 5
Sun Stone | Attacks never deflected
Svalinn Dust | +2 Armor
Tortoise Band | +2 Armor on rest
Vadrun Silver Brooch | 1 Strength deflected
D. Rank 4
Can be equipped by characters of Rank 4 or higher.
Eitrfang | +3 Willpower per kill
Eyeless Rift | Attacks never deflected
| 10% chance 2x Strength damage
Farthingjörð | +3 Armor Break
Haldan's Razor | +3 Willpower on rest
Obsidian Powder | Knockback on Strength attacks of 4
Puzzle box of the Twin | 1 Willpower per turn
Rivers | +3 Willpower
Scarlet Feather | +2 movement
| -1 drawing aggro
Valka Thread | 1 Armor per turn
E. Rank 5
Can be equipped by characters of Rank 5.
Ash Mead | 1 Willpower per turn
| +2 Strength
Björg av Leander | 2 Armor per turn
Bjorulf's Blessing | Knockback on Strength attacks of 3
| +1 Strength
Calabilla | 1 Willpower per turn
| 1 Armor per turn
Dundr's Hand | +3 Strength
Five Ring Necklace | +1 drawing aggro
| +1 Strength
| +1 Armor
| +1 Willpower
| +1 Armor Break
Godscale | +3 Armor
| +1 drawing aggro
Namejs' Ring | 2 Strength deflected
| +1 Willpower per kill
Obsidian Bell | +3 Armor on rest
| +2 drawing aggro
| +1 Strength
Shepersky Stone | 2 Strength deflected
| +2 drawing aggro
Statue of a Sightless Man | 20% dodge Strength attacks
| +2 Strength
Stravhs' Whetstone | 20% chance 2x Strength damage
Most items can be purchased from markets at the cost of 5 Renown per Item Rank.
VIII. Questions & Answers
Q: Why a FAQ on The Banner Saga?
A: It hadn't been done yet, and I wanted to write a FAQ for a strategy RPG.
Q: This game was supposed to have multiplayer! Why doesn't it?
A: You're thinking of The Banner Saga: Factions. Look into that one instead.
Q: Are you ever going to add the results of the dialogue options you missed?
A: Yes, when I get around to replaying the game.
Q: Your FAQ is filled with typos and inconsistencies!
A: That's not a question, but since you brought it up...so is the game. There
are several misspellings and missing punctuation marks in the menus and dialog
windows. I did the best I could to correct the more obvious errors while typing
up the descriptions exactly as they appeared in front of me, but there were
places where I felt that more or different information was needed to provide an
accurate and comprehensive guide to the game.
Q: Your strategy for sucks! You should have used
A: All of the battle strategies that I outlined in the walkthrough worked fine
for me. If you have an effective strategy for winning a battle that differs
from one of mine, send it to me and I'll consider posting it.
Q: Your FAQ sucks! I've crapped out better FAQs than this!
A: As soon as you find a way to upload excrement, you should post your wondrous
creation for all to see.
Q: I posted my FAQ, and everyone I know thinks it's better than yours! Your FAQ
really DOES suck!
A: Congratulations! I am in awe of your superior FAQ-writing skills! Now go
Q: This is the best FAQ I've ever read! You're a genius and a god among men,
and I want to know more about you so that I can immortalize you!
A: Yeah, I get that a lot. My contact info's listed below.
A: See the second sentence of my previous answer.
IX. Special Thanks
I would like to thank...
...Stoic and Versus Evil, for creating The Banner Saga.
...the Banner Saga wiki (http://bannersaga.gamepedia.com), for providing a
wealth of helpful information on the game.
...GameFAQs, for posting this FAQ.
...IGN, for posting this FAQ.
...Neoseeker, for posting this FAQ.
...Super Cheats, for posting this FAQ.
...you, for reading this FAQ.
X. Contacting Me
If you want to get in touch with me, send an e-mail to the following address:
Be sure to replace [at] and [dot] with the appropriate symbols, and put the
word "FAQ" in the subject line of your e-mail to ensure that it doesn't wind up
in my spam folder. I check my e-mail every day, so you should receive a reply
quickly in most cases. I happily accept praise, corrections, and constructive
criticism, and will give you credit for any information you share with me that
I decide to add to the FAQ. Rude, crass, or incomprehensible e-mails will be
ignored or mercilessly ridiculed as my mood dictates, so keep your e-mails
clear and polite if you want me to respond in kind.
I also use Skype and various IM clients occasionally. If you want my contact
information, ask for it via e-mail.
Happy gaming!