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 Battlefield 2 - Weapons/Classes FAQ

Battlefield 2 - Weapons/Classes FAQ


Weapons/Classes FAQ by TripleJump
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: April 19th, 2008
Copyright (c) 2008 TripleJump
Contact: triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com

            1.1. Special-Ops........................................[110]
            1.2. Sniper.............................................[120]
            1.3. Assault............................................[130]
            1.4. Support............................................[140]
            1.5. Engineer...........................................[150]
            1.6. Medic..............................................[160]
            1.7. Anti Tank..........................................[170]

POWER: The damage done to enemies
ACCURACY: How well it can hit enemies
RANGE: How far it can EFFECTIVELY fire
RELIABILITY: Is it likely to fire off shots in a random angle? Or will it always
fire right down the sights?

\ Special-Ops                                                           [110]  /


1 Knife
1 Silenced Pistol
1 Primary Weapon (See below)
4 Frag Grenades
5 C4 Charges
1 Zip Line

     G36K                             /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

Very rarely with assault fail you. It has fully automatic and 3 burst firing
modes. Keep it to fully automatic though, and just fire in small bursts or
single shot yourself. This gun is great in closer combat because it fires very
accurately even without the iron sights. 9/10 it will never miss if you are
aiming at them, but sometimes RARELY it will.
     AK-74U                           /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The 74U is an average gun, it doesn't have a lot special about it. Honestly it
seems a little inaccurate considering it has a scope (there is something about
scoped weapons that seem to make them harder to use.) The G36C is much better,
but if you haven't unlocked it using this is fine too.
     SCAR-L                           /                       NAVY SEALS

POWER: ****
RANGE: ****

Overall the Scar is a good weapon to use. It's nothing amazing, but is more than
competent in each field. As I've found, most scoped weapons actually have less
accuracy than most non-scoped (not with sniper rifles, of course). The only time
this doesn't work too well is with a moving target, and when I say that I mean
people SPRINTING, not walking. This is an unlock for Battlefield 2 but not in
Special Forces.
     AK-74U                           /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The 74U is an average gun, it doesn't have a lot special about it. Honestly it
seems a little inaccurate considering it has a scope (there is something about
scoped weapons that seem to make them harder to use.) The G36C is much better,
but if you haven't unlocked it using this is fine too.
     AK-74U                           /                       REBELS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The 74U is an average gun, it doesn't have a lot special about it. Honestly it
seems a little inaccurate considering it has a scope (there is something about
scoped weapons that seem to make them harder to use.) The G36C is much better,
but if you haven't unlocked it using this is fine too.

     AK-74U                           /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The 74U is an average gun, it doesn't have a lot special about it. Honestly it
seems a little inaccurate considering it has a scope (there is something about
scoped weapons that seem to make them harder to use.) The G36C is much better,
but if you haven't unlocked it using this is fine too.

     G36C                             /                       UNLOCK
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

This assault rifle seems a little worse than the G36K, but not by much! It has
Single and Fully Automatic firing modes, and seems a little less accurate
(though still quite accurate). If you dislike your current rifle, use this one
in place.

\ Sniper                                                                [120]  /

1 Knife
1 Silenced Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
4 Frag Grenades
2 Claymores
1 Zip Line

     M24                              /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ****
RANGE: *****

The M24 is a very reliable, powerful and accurate rifle, outmatched only by the
L96A1 (which is only in Battlefield 2 Vanilla). In reality almost every sniper
weapon is very reliable and only a problem when you are in close quarters, so
it's not necessarily amazing, but it is still the best Sniper rifle in Special

     SVD                              /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ****

The SVD is a weaker semi-automatic Sniper Rifle that fires off 10 rounds in a
row. It does less damage, but the ability to hit multiple times in a row makes
it better fit for close range combat than the bigger bolt action rifles. The
crosshair is a little harder to get used to, but it's fine overall. The range is
a bit smaller than the big ones as well.
     M24                              /                       NAVY SEALS

POWER: ****
RANGE: *****

The M24 is a very reliable, powerful and accurate rifle, outmatched only by the
L96A1 (which is only in Battlefield 2 Vanilla). In reality almost every sniper
weapon is very reliable and only a problem when you are in close quarters, so
it's not necessarily amazing, but it is still the best Sniper rifle in Special
     SVD                              /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES
POWER: ***
RANGE: ****

The SVD is a weaker semi-automatic Sniper Rifle that fires off 10 rounds in a
row. It does less damage, but the ability to hit multiple times in a row makes
it better fit for close range combat than the bigger bolt action rifles. The
crosshair is a little harder to get used to, but it's fine overall. The range is
a bit smaller than the big ones as well.

     SVD                              /                       REBELS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ****

The SVD is a weaker semi-automatic Sniper Rifle that fires off 10 rounds in a
row. It does less damage, but the ability to hit multiple times in a row makes
it better fit for close range combat than the bigger bolt action rifles. The
crosshair is a little harder to get used to, but it's fine overall. The range is
a bit smaller than the big ones as well.
     SVD                              /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ***
RANGE: ****

The SVD is a weaker semi-automatic Sniper Rifle that fires off 10 rounds in a
row. It does less damage, but the ability to hit multiple times in a row makes
it better fit for close range combat than the bigger bolt action rifles. The
crosshair is a little harder to get used to, but it's fine overall. The range is
a bit smaller than the big ones as well.
     M95                              /                       UNLOCK
POWER: *****
RANGE: *****

The only problem with this weapon is it's hit detection. It fires an incredibly
powerful armor piercing round, but the hit detection is so poor that it's only
2/3 times it will hit. Easy shots with the L96A1 will not be made with this
rifle, but it's still pretty good. My advice: Use it while camping an airfield
or carrier, you can take a pilot right out of a vehicle before they take off.

\ Assault                                                               [130]  /

1 Knife
1 Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
4 Frag Grenades OR 4 Grenade Launcher Grenades
3 Flashbangs OR 1 Smoke Grenade
1 Grappling Hook

     FN2000                           /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ***

This weapon is very accurate, it has a different scope than the red dot. It has
an open area in the center, allowing for decent viewing of the enemy, and firing
the rounds into him will bring them down. The problem is the scope limits the
range. Firing single shots will allow for very precise takedowns, and going full
auto up close will also drop them.

     AK-101 WITH GP-30                /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy. The Grenade Launcher adds an extra star to
this weapon to move it up to four overall stars.
     SCAR-H                           /                       NAVY SEALS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ****

Overall the Scar is a good weapon to use. It's nothing amazing, but is more than
competent in each field. As I've found, most scoped weapons actually have less
accuracy than most non-scoped (not with sniper rifles, of course). The only time
this doesn't work too well is with a moving target, and when I say that I mean
people SPRINTING, not walking. This is an unlock for Battlefield 2 but not in
Special Forces.
     AK-101                           /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy.

     AK-101 WITH GP-30                /                       REBELS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy. The Grenade Launcher adds an extra star to
this weapon to move it up to four overall stars.

     AK-101 WITH GP-30                /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy. The Grenade Launcher adds an extra star to
this weapon to move it up to four overall stars.

     G3                               /                       UNLOCK
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The G3 assault rifle is possibly the most powerful weapon in the game besides
the sniper rifles. It is somewhat accurate, hitting it's targets a little more
than half the time. This limits its range somewhat, and reliability as well. The
real hamper it has is the small 20 shot clip, meaning that you will definitely
want to be firing single shot to conserve ammo. However, situations where you're
firing in the distance and all of a sudden someone jumps out occurs, and you
are low on ammo, go fully auto and die. This is why this rifle receives such a
low score, if it had a normal clip then the overall would be four stars.

\ Support                                                               [140]  /

1 Knife
1 Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
4 Frag Grenades
Ammo Bags
3 Tear Gas Canisters

     MG36                             /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The MG36 isn't quite as good as the other weapons. But it is still decent. It
has a little less power than the PKM, and a lot more recoil. However, it's
somehow EASIER to land hits on enemies with this. Why? Because the sights are
thin. It's pretty much an automatic, huge clip G36E. It has the RPK ammo clip
and is a fair gun. I prefer the PKM, but it all comes down to what you prefer.
To get this you will need the PKM anyway, so what does it matter.

     RPK-74                           /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The RPK-74 is the best normal weapon you can use for support. It is powerful,
accurate and noisy. Just the way you like it. It has little recoil and can fire
single shots fairly accurately. I play better with this than all the other base
weapons combined. Bursts are even more effective here because there isn't much
recoil, so you will hit 90% of the time if you have a good shot. The muzzle
flash is slightly less, but not by much. It also carries less ammunition than
the other one, but it is many times more powerful.

     M249 SAW                         /                       NAVY SEALS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ***

The M249 SAW is probably the weakest of the support class weapons. It has little
accuracy and low power. However, it does have a large clip size. It will still
overheat though. This, along with the other support guns, should NEVER be fired
rapidly. Fire it in small bursts of no less than 3 to no more than 10 bullets.
This means you can check if an enemy is repositioned or dead, as the heat of the
battle can get to you and the muzzle flash is there a lot. The bursts themselves
should be fairly rapid. Pause for a third of a second and fire. The recoil on
this gun is crazy, even while prone and using sights.

     RPK-74                           /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The RPK-74 is the best normal weapon you can use for support. It is powerful,
accurate and noisy. Just the way you like it. It has little recoil and can fire
single shots fairly accurately. I play better with this than all the other base
weapons combined. Bursts are even more effective here because there isn't much
recoil, so you will hit 90% of the time if you have a good shot. The muzzle
flash is slightly less, but not by much. It also carries less ammunition than
the other one, but it is many times more powerful.

     RPK-74                           /                       REBELS

POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The RPK-74 is the best normal weapon you can use for support. It is powerful,
accurate and noisy. Just the way you like it. It has little recoil and can fire
single shots fairly accurately. I play better with this than all the other base
weapons combined. Bursts are even more effective here because there isn't much
recoil, so you will hit 90% of the time if you have a good shot. The muzzle
flash is slightly less, but not by much. It also carries less ammunition than
the other one, but it is many times more powerful.

     RPK-74                           /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The RPK-74 is the best normal weapon you can use for support. It is powerful,
accurate and noisy. Just the way you like it. It has little recoil and can fire
single shots fairly accurately. I play better with this than all the other base
weapons combined. Bursts are even more effective here because there isn't much
recoil, so you will hit 90% of the time if you have a good shot. The muzzle
flash is slightly less, but not by much. It also carries less ammunition than
the other one, but it is many times more powerful.

     PKM                              /                       UNLOCK
POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

The best support gun in the game. This firearm suffers from virtually no recoil
while you hold it down automatically. So the accuracy is unmatched, and when it
is fired in bursts, it's even more accurate! The PKM is VERY loud. Half the time
I feel like I'm going to go deaf. The gun loses ammo rather slowly but overheats
quickly, and it's the most powerful support gun as well. I've shot down choppers
from roofs before. It's not very good at cover fire, but it's good for going for
some kills! The only problem is the overheat and small clip size.

\ Engineer                                                              [150]  /

1 Knife
1 Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
4 Frag Grenades
5 AT Mines
1 Wrench

     MP7                              /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ***

The MP7 is a fairly average gun, but it's real pitfalls aren't in it's technical
skill. The real hampers in this thing are the two magazines. Although each clip
holds 40 bullets, you only get two clips. This is really annoying for when you
try to reload after killing someone and waste half your ammo. Otherwise, it is
okay in close quarters, but don't expect it to hold up anywhere else. Also, it
can be a bit difficult to see around with the iron sights.
     S12K                             /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ****

This semi-automatic shotgun fires a rapid 7 shots before reloading. It's a good
little weapon, and can quickly take down your enemy, but if there are multiple
troops you better be close up and personal so you can paste them in the head
until they die, because this sucker will run out of ammo QUICKLY.

     M11-87                           /                       NAVY SEALS

POWER: ****

The M11-87 is very powerful and can one hit kill someone if you are close enough
and hit the head. It's a very poor weapon used over long range however so don't
use it unless you are entering a building or you have someone else helping you

     S12K                             /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES
POWER: ****

This semi-automatic shotgun fires a rapid 7 shots before reloading. It's a good
little weapon, and can quickly take down your enemy, but if there are multiple
troops you better be close up and personal so you can paste them in the head
until they die, because this sucker will run out of ammo QUICKLY.

     S1K                              /                       REBELS
POWER: ****

This semi-automatic shotgun fires a rapid 7 shots before reloading. It's a good
little weapon, and can quickly take down your enemy, but if there are multiple
troops you better be close up and personal so you can paste them in the head
until they die, because this sucker will run out of ammo QUICKLY.
     S1K                              /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ****

This semi-automatic shotgun fires a rapid 7 shots before reloading. It's a good
little weapon, and can quickly take down your enemy, but if there are multiple
troops you better be close up and personal so you can paste them in the head
until they die, because this sucker will run out of ammo QUICKLY.

     DAO-12                           /                       UNLOCK
POWER: *****
RANGE: ***

The DAO-12 is a semi automatic shotgun, think S1K but with a larger clip, more
recoil and more ammunition. A good feature for this gun is that you can load
shots 1 by 1, meaning if you kill someone you can reload without fear of running
out of shots completely.

\ Medic                                                                 [160]  /

1 Knife
1 Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
4 Frag Grenades
First Aid Bags
Shock Paddles

     G36E                             /                       BRITISH SAS
POWER: ****
RANGE: ****

This assault rifle seems a little better than the G36C, but not by much! It has
single and three bursy firing modes, it has almost no recoil and easier to aim
because of it's three burst mode. If you dislike your current rifle, use this
one in place.

     AK-101                           /                       INSURGENTS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy.
     M16A2                            /                       NAVY SEALS

POWER: ***
RANGE: ****

Everything the AK-47 isn't, the M16 is, but vice versa. In real life, it uses a
smaller round but has more accuracy. In Battlefield 2, a smaller round just
means a tiny little bit of less damage (which isn't a huge deal). The M16A2 is
fairly reliable and a worthy weapon. It'd be a bit better if we could do fully
automatic but the three shot burst is handy to have too.

     AK-47                            /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES

POWER: ****
RANGE: ***

Well, the real problem with the AK-47 is the accuracy. It's not that it doesn't
shoot very far, it's just it's so poor to aim that after a certain distance it
can't hit consistently. The reliability is affected by this as well. If you are
doing some close quarters combat this is a deadly weapon and very worth it. As
a medic you will usually be at the forefront of the fight anyway. If you can't
get used to it, you will be using the more accurate L85A1.

     AK-101                           /                       REBELS
POWER: ***
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy.

     AK-101                           /                       SPETZNAZ
POWER: ***
RANGE: ***

This is your average assault rifle. It doesn't have a lot of actual accuracy,
but it can be deadly from up close. Your best bet is to tap away at the head in
single shot mode. If you are very close, just let fly with fully auto and empty
the 30 shot clip into your enemy.

     G36E                             /                       UNLOCK
POWER: ****
RANGE: ****

This assault rifle seems a little better than the G36C, but not by much! It has
single and three bursy firing modes, it has almost no recoil and easier to aim
because of it's three burst mode. If you dislike your current rifle, use this
one in place.

\ Anti-Tank                                                             [170]  /

1 Knife
1 Pistol
1 Primary Weapon
6 Anti Tank Missles
1 Grappling Hook

     MP5                              /                       BRITISH SAS

The MP5 is a close range, poor accuracy, low powered submachine gun that you
will probably run out of ammo for quickly as it only carries 30 shots and fires
rapidly. Only use it if you really have to, the Anti Tank missles are actually
deadlier than the Submachine guns.

     PP-19                            /                       INSURGENTS

This weapon was clearly put into the game with the idea that the player would
not be living very long. The weapon itself is rather poor, doing minimal damage
and with poor accuracy. The only time I've ever found it useful is up to ten
feet going fully automatic without the iron sights (spray and pray). It has a
big clip of 45 shots, which would be fine if it came with more than 2 clips.
I often like to reload my clip after killing someone to make sure I don't run
out in the next fight, however this limits me from doing it. Use the DAO-12.

     MP5                              /                       NAVY SEALS

The MP5 is a close range, poor accuracy, low powered submachine gun that you
will probably run out of ammo for quickly as it only carries 30 shots and fires
rapidly. Only use it if you really have to, the Anti Tank missles are actually
deadlier than the Submachine guns.

     PP-19                            /                       MEC SPECIAL FORCES

This weapon was clearly put into the game with the idea that the player would
not be living very long. The weapon itself is rather poor, doing minimal damage
and with poor accuracy. The only time I've ever found it useful is up to ten
feet going fully automatic without the iron sights (spray and pray). It has a
big clip of 45 shots, which would be fine if it came with more than 2 clips.
I often like to reload my clip after killing someone to make sure I don't run
out in the next fight, however this limits me from doing it. Use the DAO-12.

     PP-19                            /                       REBELS

This weapon was clearly put into the game with the idea that the player would
not be living very long. The weapon itself is rather poor, doing minimal damage
and with poor accuracy. The only time I've ever found it useful is up to ten
feet going fully automatic without the iron sights (spray and pray). It has a
big clip of 45 shots, which would be fine if it came with more than 2 clips.
I often like to reload my clip after killing someone to make sure I don't run
out in the next fight, however this limits me from doing it. Use the DAO-12.

     PP-19                            /                       SPETZNAZ

This weapon was clearly put into the game with the idea that the player would
not be living very long. The weapon itself is rather poor, doing minimal damage
and with poor accuracy. The only time I've ever found it useful is up to ten
feet going fully automatic without the iron sights (spray and pray). It has a
big clip of 45 shots, which would be fine if it came with more than 2 clips.
I often like to reload my clip after killing someone to make sure I don't run
out in the next fight, however this limits me from doing it. Use the DAO-12.
     DAO-12                           /                       UNLOCK
POWER: *****
RANGE: ***

The DAO-12 is a semi automatic shotgun, think S1K but with a larger clip, more
recoil and more ammunition. A good feature for this gun is that you can load
shots 1 by 1, meaning if you kill someone you can reload without fear of running
out of magazines. The recoil is pretty bad though so make sure if you do shoot
you aren't pointing it at a tiny target, get nice and close and try to shoot
enemies while they still stand.

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