Goblins 2
Part 1 - Village, Fountain, Wizard, Giant
The Village - Part I.
Speak to the Notable. He's the one sitting on the porch. Talk to the two old
men with both Fingus and Winkle. You need to get their bottle. Have Winkle try
to steal the sausage while he is standing on the ground. While the two old men
laugh, Fingus can take the bottle. Go to the Fountain.
The Fountain - Part I.
Use Fingus to turn on the fountain. Use Winkle to place the bottle under the
jet of water. Use the full bottle of water on the Toad with Winkle. Pick up the
stone that was under the frog. Knock on the Wizard's door and talk to him. Have
Fingus use the stone on the mechanism. Make Fingus pull down the ladder rung
and have Winkle climb the ladder to the roof. Have Winkle enter the chimney and
enter the Wizard's house.
The Wizard's House.
Talk to the Wizard with Winkle and Fingus. Have Winkle step on the tiger's
tail. Take the matches in the tiger's mouth with Fingus. Use the matches to
light the fire under the kettle. Pour water in the kettle. The poster will be
partly steamed off the wall. Blow the fire out by touching the kettle. Take the
spring key. Have Fingus use the key on the cuckoo-clock. When the cuckoo comes
out with the big key, use Winkle to throw a stone and knock the key down. Take
the big key and leave.
The Fountain - Part II.
Open the door of the cellar with the key. Take the wine and go to the village.
The Village - Part II.
Use the bottle of water to water the flowers. Make Fingus give a flower to the
Notable. Place Winkle on the platform and have Fingus press the switch. When
Winkle is thrown onto the roof have him steal the sausage. You can now visit
the giant!
The Giant.
Use the sausage on the pot hole with Fingus. Take advantage of the moment to
let Winkle pass by the dog. Open up the burrow with Winkle and go through the
hole in the tree. Have Winkle tickle the chicken and use Fingus to hit him with
the sausage. Take the chicken's egg with Fingus and light the wood with Fingus
or Winkle. Place the egg on the fire with Fingus. As you are talking to the
awakened giant, give him the wine and sausage. Winkle and Fingus can now exit
at the top.
Part 2 - Trench, Tom, Kael, Vivalzart, Musicians
The Trench.
Enter the small tower with Fingus. After picking up the bomb with Fingus and
lighting the fuse with Winkle, the guard will explode. Enter the small tower
with Winkle. Pick up the bomb with Fingus and light the fuse with Winkle, the
carpet will drop and a hand will catch the carpet. Enter the small tower with
Fingus, pick up the bomb with Winkle and transfer it to Fingus so he can light
the fuse. The hand will drop the carpet. Walk on the carpet. Go talk to Soka.
He will advise you to look for "the sand of time" to cross the trench.
Tom - The Master Clock Maker.
Use the stone on the ball. When the ball drops, the little boy catches it and
goes to the window of a house. Make Winkle enter the door of the house with the
boy in it. The little boy will disappear and reappear through the door on
bottom right. During the little boy's brief reappearance, Fingus must go in
through the door on the top right in order to come out behind the boy and catch
him by the collar. Recover the ball and have Fingus give the ball to the
basketball player, who throws it into the basket. Make Winkle jump up into the
basket and hit the ball with his head, bouncing it into the mayor's window.
When the mayor comes out to talk to him, go to Tom, the master clock maker
whose house is at the top. Speak to Tom to obtain the hourglass. He will demand
a melody. You will get the melody later on in the game and come back.
Have Winkle use the bottle on the nymph to wake her up. Give the tree a drink
with Winkle and climb onto the tree's hand. Place Fingus on the rock under the
branch. Use Winkle to knock down a flower by shaking the branch and have Fingus
ready to catch it. Use the flower on the stone under which the bees live. Use
Fingus on the stone. When a bee flies out, Fingus will get honey. Put Fingus on
the big rock to the left of the stone and use Winkle on the stone to make the
bee come out. Put Fingus on the bee's back. When the bee takes Fingus near the
nymph, have him give the honey to the nymph. The nymph will point out the
correct mushroom. Pick the mushroom and use Winkle to knock on Vivalzart's
door. Show him the mushroom with Winkle and enter his house.
Vivalzart's House.
Put the mushroom into the machine with Winkle and activate it with Fingus. When
the machine starts, the liquid is blocked by the clothes pin. Take a worm from
the jar with Winkle. Place Fingus on the left trap door under the vulture.
Activate the shelf button with Winkle. This tosses Fingus to the vulture. While
Fingus is hanging, throw the worm to the vulture with Winkle. Fingus will drop
with a piece of meat. Give the meat to the piranha who spits out the bone.
Place a goblin on the trash can. Take the bone and give it to Vivalzart. When
he throws it into the trash can, a goblin will bounce onto the shelf. Get the
Kind Elixir and the clothes pin blocking the pipe. The liquid will go into the
container. Use the bottle and give each goblin a few drops to drink. Watch the
gobliins disappear into a dream.
The Musicians.
Put a hand on the headlight with Winkle to recover the drumstick. Make Winkle
put the drumstick on the stocking cap to create a net. When you activate the
spring with Fingus, a bicycle pump appears for a short time near the drummer.
During this brief period, put Winkle's hand on the headlight and put the
bicycle pump in inventory. Place a gobliin on the spring. Activate the spring
with the other goblin. The gobliins will jump in turn and a door on the left
will open. Go through the door.
Part 3 - Water Hose, Hourglass, Gromelom, Amidal, The Well
Water Hose.
In the musician room, at the top, the way is blocked by a water hose. Use the
clothes pin on the base of the hose with one of the gobliins. Go through the
bottom right hole and speak to the guitarist. He plays and a note dies out at
the top right. Capture the note with the net. Have Winkle use the bicycle pump
to pump up the saxophone player. Use Fingus to catch the mosquito coming out of
the sax with the net. With Fingus, use the bicycle pump to pump up the sax
player. Use Winkle to catch the note coming out of the sax with the net. Use
the mosquito on the headlight with Winkle to make the drummer play. When Fingus
catches the last note with the net, you'll have the melody. Use the melody on
the bottom left door. It will enter the clock. Go see Tom and he will give you
the hourglass.
What do I do with the Hourglass once I have it?
Use the hourglass on the trench in the trench room. Go through the opening.
Get the mayonnaise and put it near Gromelon. Put Fingus on the shelf and make
him jump on the mayonnaise. While Gromelon is drenched, pick up the sword with
Winkle and activate him on Rustik. When Stalopicus' mouth is open, take the gum
with Fingus. Use the gum on the cupboard lock to take an imprint. Take the
mayonnaise before leaving.
What do I do with the imprint?
Give the dwarf blacksmith the imprint, then the sword. He will ask for help
with the bellows. Use the stool with Winkle on Otto to make him grimace. When
he shakes his lance, hang Fingus on it. Fingus can then jump on the bellows and
the dwarf blacksmith can forge the key. Take the key from the blacksmith and
use the mayonnaise on Focus with Winkle. While the meat is lowered, use the
stool with Fingus to take a piece. Take the anvil before leaving.
Make Fingus use the meat on Amidal to get his false teeth. Use the key on the
cupboard. Each gobliin will take a diving suit.
The Well.
Enter the well with Winkle. He will press a button which reveals a door into
the monster. Lift the hatchet with Winkle to reveal a switch. Press the switch
with Fingus before the hatchet drops back. The monster's door will open. Enter
the well with Fingus. When the monster starts to speak, go through the
monster's door with Winkle. The combination of the monster's jaw moving and
Winkle's voice will stun Schwarzy.
Part 4 - Schwarzy, Ship Wreck, Big Shell, Store Room, Glove
While Schwarzy is stunned, use the stool on the hoist with Fingus to hitch him
to the hoist. Use the false teeth with Winkle to scare Schwarzy, who'll hang
for a moment. Throw the anvil at Schwarzy before he comes up. He will go down
farther to lift the cover off the well. Each goblin will use a diving suit to
go down into the well.
The Ship Wreck.
Go on the lower deck and through the door with Winkle to move the skull. Light
the lamp with Fingus and a lamp fish will arrive. Catch the lamp fish with
Winkle placed on top of the mast. Use the lamp fish on the three question mark
zone and a chest will appear.
The Sea Horse.
Use the stool on the sea horse. From now on, use the sea horse directly to go
up. Send Fingus through the hole on the right. Activate the shell with Winkle,
who throws it up, and catch it with Fingus. Send Winkle through the hole on the
right. Activate the cavity with Fingus and a gloved hand will emerge. While the
hand is stopped, drop the shell on it with Winkle. Pick up the shell with
Winkle. He can now take the glove with the starfish inside.
The Big Shell.
Place Fingus on the big shell. Light the lamp with Winkle. When the moray eel
appears, activate the rudder. This will throw Fingus by the big shell near the
statue. Use the starfish on the chest with Winkle. While the chest is open,
activate the statue with Fingus to get the sword. Use the sword on the skull.
Pick up the diamond.
The Glove, The Blob.
Use the glove on the blob to neutralize it. Grasp the bottle with Fingus. The
bottle contains a parchment with an "SOS" message from the Prince Buffoon.
Grasp the bottle with Winkle. It contains a pearl. Give the pearl to the
mermaid and give her the diamond. The Mermaid will open part of the passage.
Use the parchment on the octopus with Fingus. the octopus will open another
part of the passage. Recover the glove on the blob and the stool. Exit through
the passage.
The Storeroom.
Activate the swordfish with Fingus and take the salt. Lift the large pot cover
with Fingus. While he's holding it, pour the salt on the little guy with
Winkle. Take the file in the small pot with Winkle. While Fingus is holding the
rope on the right, activate Winkle on the left rope to pull Fingus up onto the
shelf. Free Colibrius from the chain by having Fingus use the file. Colibrius
will fly off with his cage. Take one of the thumbtacks on the wall.
Salt the dish of meatballs with Winkle. When Oumkapok's hand grabs the cook,
place the thumb tack on the case with Fingus. The cook, in pain, will throw the
meatball up in the air. Use the Kind Elixir on the meatball with Winkle.
Oumkapok is now neutralized and you can go to the Throne.
Part 5 - Throne Room, Armor, Knife, Tree
The Throne Room.
To get to the cornice, use the stool with Winkle and climb using his hands with
Fingus. Press the switch with Fingus and make Winkle go through the door that
opens in the bottom right eye. Winkle will join Fingus at the top. To take the
crown, walk Winkle into the ear and activate the tongue immediately with
Fingus. Make a cockroach come out, by sending Fingus into the ear. Activate the
tongue immediately with Winkle.
The Cockroach.
To catch the cockroach, use Winkle on the left orifice. Immediately use Fingus
on the right hole with the glove. Put the cockroach in front of the right hole
and pour Kind Elixir on it. Glotziok will eat it and become neutralized. Make
another cockroach come out by using Winkle again on the left orifice. Use
Fingus on the right hole with the glove to get it. Pick up the pepper and
return to the left side of the room. Exit out the door on the left.
The Armor Room.
The cockroach must be disguised as a ladybug and coated with the Kind Elixir in
order for Amoniak to eat it. Take the helmet feather and dip it in the paint
pot. Put the cockroach in front of the hole through which the painter feeds the
king. Paint the cockroach red and pour pepper on it. Pour the Kind Elixir on
the bug. Speak to the king in the armor. To do this, click on the stone to go
up, then click on the helmet. Give the king back his crown by putting it on the
helmet to return him to normal size.
When can I rescue the Buffoon?
When Amoniak has disappeared and Glotziok and Oumkapok have silly smiles. You
can rescue the Buffoon.
The Armor Room - Part II.
Take the Buffoon to the shrinking machine. Put the gobliins under it one at a
time. The Buffoon will start the machine and shrink them both. The gobliins
will then jump out of the scientist's window.
The Knife.
Click Fingus on the handle. Just before lifting it, click Winkle on the point.
They will move the knife. Repeat this operation to move the knife again. Click
Fingus on the bookmark. Use it on the candle with Fingus. Pick up the match and
use it with Winkle on the eye. Click the Buffoon on the eye. He will kick it
and break the glasses. Pick up the shard of glass and use it on the ray of
light with Fingus. Pick up the lump of wax and use it on the seal. Use the
imprint on the keyhole. Pick up the seed and use it on the map village. A plant
will grow. Put the Buffoon and the two gobliins on the plant.
How do I get the Buffoon out of the Tree.
The Buffoon is hungry and won't come down until he is fed. You can obtain
apples for the Buffoon from Kael, the tree. You need to obtain a container
first though. Go through the hole with Winkle to get to the Buffoon. He reacts
violently and a bean drops. Click on the stone and a mole appears. Use the bean
on the mole with Winkle. While they struggle, take the mole's cap with Fingus.
Use the match on the apples with Winkle. While the apple is bouncing, use the
cap on it with Fingus. Use the apple on the hole with Winkle to give it to the
Buffoon. He comes down and rushes to the mushrooms. In turn, the two goblins
eat the mushrooms.
Part 6 - Toys, Safety Pin, Mountain
The Toy Room.
Use Fingus on the bowling pins. As the bowling ball arrives, put Winkle on the
right star so he can jump on the ball and intercept it. Put the bowling ball on
the lid with Winkle and place him on the lid too. Activate the bottom flagstone
with Fingus. The safety pin drops and lands on the umbrella. Catch another
bowling ball. Put it on the lid. This time, place Winkle on the catapult at the
bottom left. Activate the bottom flagstone with Fingus. Use Winkle on the
feeler and make him jump on the bubble. The bubble will float down with him
onto the lid. Activate the bottom flagstone with Fingus. When the bubble is
blown towards the umbrella Winkle can take the safety pin.
What do I do with the safety pin?
Catch another bowling ball. Put the bowling ball on the lid and put Winkle on
the catapult. Activate the bottom flagstone with Fingus. Make Winkle go up and
activate the top flagstone after placing Fingus on the flagstone at the
rainbow's end. If necessary, Fingus can be returned to the bowling pin side of
the room by using the catapult. Put him on the catapult and have Winkle jump
from the star on the left onto the catapult. Activate the switch with Winkle to
make the Buffoon fall. In the short time he's in the bubble makers circle,
quickly use Fingus on the feeler to enclose him in a bubble. Make Winkle burst
the bubble with the pin to free the Buffoon.
The Buffoon in the Tree - Part II.
Place the Buffoon on the catapult. Press the button with a goblin. Once the key
comes out of the statue's eye, activate the catapult with the other goblin. As
the Buffoon is catapulted up, he will grab the key and be taken away by a bird.
Exit at the rear of the scene.
The Mountain.
Have one goblin lift the stone. Situate the other goblin on the upper platform.
The goblin should take the stone and put it on the 2nd level. Repeat the
operation to put the stone on the 3rd level. Place a goblin on the lion. Throw
the stone from level 3 with the other goblin. When the first goblin is on the
giant's right shoulder make him act on the red head, which falls off. Come down
and take the stone to level 2. Place Winkle on the lion and throw the stone
from level 2 with Fingus. Winkle will be placed on the giant's left shoulder.
Go through the shoulder hole and bring him near the fallen red head. Place
Fingus on the lion and activate the head with Winkle. Fingus will land on the
levitating rock.
The Levitating Rock.
As Fingus lands on the levitating rock, move him to the rock's "!!!" zone. When
he starts jumping, the rock will descend. When the rock gets to Winkle's level,
make him jump on it. The rock will rise. Use Winkle on the small rock near the
bird cage. Quickly make Fingus walk on him. Use the file on the cage with
Fingus and get back the key.
How do I open the gate in the Tree scene?
Use a key on the door.
Part 7 - Lab, Toothpick, Doom and Gloom, Sponge
The Lab.
Use water on the Buffoon. An evil creature will take him to the Kingdom of
Gloom and Doom. Have Winkle take the pencil and use it 3 times on the
blackboard. Take the sponge which the furious magician throws at him. Have
Fingus use the pencil on the magician's portrait. While he's being hit by the
boomerang, jump on the armchair with Winkle to catch it in flight. Make Winkle
use the mug on the magician who will bang on the table. He'll knock a toothpick
to the other side of the room. While the toothpick is still bouncing, make
Fingus throw the boomerang.
What do I do with the Toothpick?
Have Winkle use the toothpick on the skeleton to open the rib cage. A bottle
will smash on the ground leaving a puddle. Use the sponge on the puddle. While
Winkle acts on the pipe, use the wet sponge on the smoke with Fingus. The way
to the Kingdom of Gloom and Doom opens. Send the gobliins through.
The Kingdom of Doom and Gloom.
Place Fingus on the bottom right eye, and Winkle on the left edge (with the
"!!!" marks) of the top right platform. Winkle will jump and Fingus will be
thrown. Pick up the mouse and use it on the mud. Jump on the crocodile. As
Amoniak reaches to catch the goblin, use the boomerang with the other goblin on
the teeth. This will cause the Buffoon to fall. Before the little demon can
send the Buffoon back to Amoniak, make a goblin jump from the left edge (with
the "!!!" marks) of the top right platform. The eye will pop out and hit the
little demon.
The Buffoon and the Sponge.
Put the sponge on the rock. Place the Buffoon on the eye and make Winkle jump
from the left edge (with the "!!!" marks) of the top right platform. This
throws the Buffoon onto the sponge which wets the rock. As the water flows, use
the pencil with Fingus on the rock. He draws a magic door which lasts a short
time. Make Winkle turn the handle. The three heroes go out the door and you
have won the game!