Grim Fandango
Complete Solution:
Robert Readman AKA Killjoy Submited the following info
Email (Robert_Readman@Hotmail.com)
Grim Fandango is a huge game and one which deserves more
than a cursory walkthrough. Below are the solutions to
every puzzle in the game. Some (particularly in Year Two)
may be worked on in various orders and many require a
couple of puzzles to be completed before you progress.
Think long, hard and laterally before using our solution
and whatever you do, explore the conversations that are
on offer. There are some magical moments in there which
don’t directly affect the plot but flesh out the story.
Game on.
You need to get Glottis to be your driver, so you can get
to the mass poisoning in the Land of the Living. He will
agree if you convince him that he is not too big, but that
cars are just too small. The poor sap. But Glottis can’t
fit into the car, so get a work order by fooling Eva,
Copal’s secretary.
Climb up the rope to Copal’s office, and change the
intercom message to 'Just sign it yourself'. When you
take the order to Eva, she will sign it and you are on
your way. Once you get to the restaurant in the Land of
the Living, you’re a bit late and there’s only a twitching
cocoon in the corner. All you have to do is use the scythe
to open it and out will pop a certain Bruno Martinez.
Once Martinez is dispatched, you’ll need to pinch a
premium work order. To get into the tube switcher room
on the ground floor, you’ll need Brennis, the repair man,
to open the door. To do this, you’ll need to block the
machinery with two sabotage messages from your own office:
get two worms (uninflated balloons) from the clown, and
fill one with the light packing material and the other
with the dark packing material from the ground floor
hosepipes hanging down. Send them both down the tube in
Manny’s office and they will burst and clog the tubes in
the switcher room.
Now Brennis, keen fellow that he is, will come to fix the
switcher; but he won’t let you in while he’s working and he
will lock the door when he leaves. To get around this (and
if you’re stuck here, don’t be too surprised) you have to
turn the latch while Brennis is working inside the tube
delivery room. When he leaves, the door will stay open.
Now you need to stop a work order flying through the tube.
For this you will need a card from the pack in Manny’s
office, but you will need to punch it with Eva’s holepunch
on her desk so it will let air through the tube. Voilà! One
choice work order, and it’s off in the motor with the ever-ready
Oops. You need to get out of Glottis’ shed, but apologising to
the guard won’t help a bit. If you declare your intentions of
destroying the company, however, the guard will set you free
because he is secretly Salvador Limones, the leader of the LSA.
Who would have thought it? To get away from the LSA, you need
to give them your teeth... but a cast of them will do, so use
Domino’s mouthpiece from above the punch glove in his room with
a squirt of Fil-A-Dent and stick it in your mouth.
You’ll also need to get on the roof above the ledge to get the
pigeon eggs. Use the green coral from Domino’s office with the
rope as a kind of grappling hook, throw it onto the ladder and
up you go. To scare away the pecking pigeons, you’ll need a
balloon (inflated, this time) from the clown and a loaf from
the stall next door. Bury the balloon in the hopper under a
pile of breadcrumbs, and when they pop the balloon the pigeons
will fly away. Take the eggs to Salvador and Eva, and you will
be shown out of town.
Glottis soon has an accident and requires you to retrieve his
heart back >from the spider-web. Take as many bones as you can
from the pile (for later) and put just one on the web. Hook
the scythe onto the bone and stretch the web back like a
catapult... when it snaps back, it will propel Glottis’ heart
over to where he is sleeping. Just stick it back into his chest,
and he will revive.
Leave via the car into the room with the signpost - it’s a
tricky one as you have to find the secret exit but all the
trails lead back to the clearing. Take the signpost which
Glottis ran over and plant it anywhere in the Navigation Room
(the room with the trails leading from it). You will notice
that, wherever the signpost is planted, it will always point
to a spot in the centre of the room. When you’ve worked it out,
plant it there and a door will open up.
To get the pumps from the trees in the Tree Pump Room, you need
to synchronise the pumping on each side by moving the weights on
and off the pneumatic tubes. If you do this right and turn on
the harmonic balancer, the tree shakes down and the pumps can
be used to make the big shock-absorbers needed for the Bone Wagon.
Of course, you can have some fun with Glottis here. This one
requires patience.
Now, a problem with Flaming Beavers. For this trick you’ll
need some more bones from the pile by the web and a fire
extinguisher. Stand under the rocky outcrop by the river of
tar, and lure the beavers, one by one, off the outcrop by
throwing a bone onto the river. When the beavers leap, give
them a burst with the fire extinguisher. The little darlings
will then sink, cold and hard, to the bottom of the river.
Once you’re in Rubacava, you’ll bump into Celso at the Rubamat.
From here, you now need a job, and luckily Celso’s will do.
If you show him the log-book from the dockmaster Velasco, he’ll
leave to try and find his sweetheart, leaving you his mop so
you can take over his job. And on that menial note, Year One ends.
Once you go out of the café, a cut-scene starts which ends with you
talking to Velasco again. Exhaust all the available conversation
strings or you will miss out later in the game.
You need to get on board the ship, and the best way to do this is to
ensure the sailor Naranja doesn’t. You need to find a Mickey Finn with
which to spike his drink, but talk to Chowchilla Charlie first and take
his ticket machine, then talk to him about getting him a fake union card.
He will ask you to get the suitcase from the High Roller club - you do
this much later. Go there anyway, and pinch a turkey baster from the
kitchen. Go to the Blue Casket and suck up some of the dirty hookah-pipe
water from the sink.
Naranja is at the scrimshaw parlour getting some tattoos done. To distract
Todo and Naranja, jam the door of the refrigerator (in the next room) open
by opening the lettuce crisper. This energy drain will slow down Todo’s
drill, so you can nip in and spike Naranja’s bottle with the wacky water.
To fake his death, simply take off his dog tags and stick them on a corpse
in the morgue. When Membrillo, the coroner, finds them, he will pronounce
Naranja dead.
Only he won’t, because the dull doctor can’t find the tags. He needs a
metal detector; luckily Carla at the Land of the Living Security Gate has
one. To persuade her to give it to you, drink the gold-flake liqueur from
the bar, go through Carla’s security gate and, when it goes off, she will
take you into the back room for a thorough going-over. Keep asking her
about the metal detector, and eventually she will hurl it out of the window
in frustration. There are some wonderful moments here if you keep talking
to her.
Go outside, and you will find it in the giant cat litter box. Wave your
scythe over the box to locate the detector by its beeping, and then you
can give it to Membrillo. Once he finds the tags, he will call the Police
Chief, who in turn will call Velasco. Velasco will now offer you Naranja’s
job - providing you can get some union credentials.
You need to start some insurrection among the SeaBees. Take the letters
from the desk in the café office to the Blue Casket. Show them to the
beatnik chin-strokers, and if you ask them about their book - 'Labor Revolt
Made Easy' - they will give it to you. Give the book to Terry down by the
docks. Unfortunately for him (and you), just as he’s about to down tools he
gets dragged away to jail.
It all gets complicated now. Go to the High Roller and speak to Nick Virago;
he will refuse to help you get Terry out of jail, so you need something to
blackmail him with. Remember that photo Lola took of him and Olivia? For the
time being, just take the case which he leaves behind on the table - it has
a key in, but you can’t get it out. Take it to Carla, tell her it’s a bomb
and she will blow it up. Bingo: one key.
The key opens the lighthouse door; you’ll find Lola at the top, but she’s
nearly dead. She’ll leave you a tile with ‘22 Lengua’ inscribed on it.
Take it to Lupe, and she’ll give you Lola’s coat (the tile was a coat-check
receipt, you muppet), which, if you search, contains a slip of paper reading
‘Rusty Anchor’.
Take it to Todo the tattooist, who recognises it as the name of his most
famous design. In his binder, there is a photo along with the ‘Rusty Anchor’
design. It’s not the one you’re after, though: that one is at the photo
booth. To get that one, you need to print a false ticket using the machine
from Charlie, with the details of the race in the photo you already have.
Confused? You will be.
The race number is in the photo itself: six. The airship in the picture,
Manny remembers, crashed in the second week of the racing season and,
since all the spectators are wearing kitty hats, it must be Tuesday.
Print off a ticket with this information, and give it to the ‘good’ Doug
at the photo booth, who will give you in return the photo of Nick and
Olivia kissing. Give the other photo back to Doug. Show the photo to Nick,
and he will spring Terry from the jailhouse. Terry will get the SeaBees to
down tools, and then you can grab them.
Now you need to get down the service elevator in the High Roller. You’ll
need the drinking prowess of Glottis to empty a cask, which you can get
inside, and get sent down the elevator by Aitor. To get Glottis there,
you need the VIP pass from Charlie. Then, while he is drinking in the
lounge, wait in the kitchen until Raoul comes in to get a new cask. Shut
him in the pantry by closing the doors and jamming them with your scythe.
Glottis will get impatient, come into the kitchen and see away an entire
cask. Good man.
To get into the cask, you need the big electric can opener >from the kitty
stables. Once you’re inside, Glottis will open the pantry and free Raoul.
Aitor will then send the cask, with you inside, down to the cellar. To get
to the level in between the kitchen and the cellar, drive the forklift
into the elevator and drive forward when you see the secret level.
The forks will catch and the elevator will stop. Then raise the forks to
widen the gap, slide through and find Charlie’s suitcase, which he asked
you for earlier. If you look inside, you’ll find tickets for the No 9
train, but when you leave the club, Charlie will collar you, take the
suitcase and give you the fake union card. Mental. Roll on Year Three.
To get the ship out of port, once you are in the engine room, you need to
perform a series of actions. There is an invisible button in the far left
of the room which will pull up the anchor on the ocean side. The red button
on the right side will pull up the dock side anchor. With me so far?
There are levers in the middle of the room which, when you turn to the
right, will prompt a shot of the ship moving away from the dock. Put down
the levers, and press the red button again to drop the dock side anchor.
Grab the levers again and turn to the left, then press the hidden button to
drop the ocean side anchor. Grab the levers again, and you will see that the
ship is away from the dock, with the anchors hooked together.
Put down the levers and hit the dock-side anchor button to pull it up, then
use the scythe on the anchors to put them onto the porthole. Hit the ocean
side anchor button to drag both anchors along the ship, ripping a gash. Grab
the levers once more to put the engines in reverse, ripping the ship in half.
It’s dark beneath the waves, so you need Chepito’s lantern. Talk to him, grab
his lantern, and proceed towards the glowing Pearl. To distract the octopus,
walk around the crater to where Chepito will get stuck in the barnacles. The
octopus will grab him and go into the yellow submarine; you will follow and
be taken for a magical mystery tour to an octopus’ garden, beneath the waves.
Sort of. Walk into the building, and use the elevator air lock. Walk out,
take a right, past the vault door, into the ashtray room and then into
Domino’s room.
When you wake up in the foreman’s office, go and talk to Meche in the ashtray
room. You need a gun, so do the obvious thing: move Meche’s ashtray slightly,
and she will flick ash onto her tights. When she dumps her unwanted nylons in
the bin, pinch them and take them to Chepito. He will trade them for a gun,
which you can then give to the bare-legged Meche.
To get Meche out of the awkward situation she got herself into, you need a
power chisel, and again, Chepito is your man. If you talk to the angelitos
about helping them, and say you don’t have the tools, they will give you a
tiny hammer. Chepito will accept this for the chisel, which you can use on
the door of the vault. However, this only exposes a set of tumblers.
To open the door, spin the wheel clockwise to line up the top tumbler’s spot
with the lock; anticlockwise for the second, and so on. Use the scythe to lock
the tumblers in place, and pull the handle to find... no Meche. Hmm. If you
close the door, you’ll see an electrical terminal on the back. Touch this
with the scythe, and a secret door opens. Meche is in this secret vault.
To get out again, touch the sprinkler with your trusty scythe. Turn the valve
on, then off and you will see water drain away. Take the axe to the back vault
and drop it on the dark square by the valve. This will smash the floor tile
and reveal the pipe through which the water was escaping. It is also your
escape route.
You’ll need a ship to get off the island. Take the crane to the other side of
the island, go down the conveyor, then past the lever and the anchor to find
Glottis working on the Lamancha. You need to get the Lamancha up to the beach,
so take the crane back to the beach and use the power chisel to detach the
crane from the chain. Take the crane back to the other side of the beach and
let the chain down - the conveyor will move the chain to the anchor.
Go back and flip the lever to make the chain pull away from the anchor and
start to pile up on the conveyor. Flip the lever once again, and the coiled
chain should hook onto the anchor. Go back to the crane and pull up the chain,
anchor, ship and all. To get through the coral reef, use the crane to drop the
chain onto the crushers which Glottis spotted. Pull it back out, and the
crushers will be ripped out of the machinery. The trusty Glottis will do the
When it comes to the duel with Domino on the sub, Dom will block all your
attacks. By now, you should know you have to be lateral about this - use the
scythe on the octopus’ eye to make it swim away madly. Dom will push you down
and shout a lot. Meanwhile, the Lamancha comes along and the crushers deal
with Domino... A gruesome end to Year Three.
Much fresh weirdness brings Manny to Glottis’ side at the
foot of the temple stairs. You need some rocket fuel, so go
right to the bottom of the stairs to find... our old friend
Bruno Martinez. Take the packing material he throws at you,
which can be used as fuel when mixed with the demons’
magnesium fire extinguishers.
To prove the fuel works, put the mug in the rack in the
demons’ kitchen. Take a rag from the drawer, soak it in oil
from the barrel outside, then stick it in the toaster. When
it catches fire, the demons will use their fire extinguishers,
which squirt onto the mug. The mug whizzes around violently,
and the demons will quickly realise the fuel’s viability.
Back in Rubacava, you need to defuse the domino bomb which is
linked to the Bone Wagon. To do this you will need the powers
of Glottis’ remarkable digestive system, but first go to the
Scrimshaw shop and get the liquid nitrogen. Then go to the
docks and idly mention to Velasco that you found the Lamancha,
whereupon he will dash off and you can pocket his ship-in-a-
bottle. Then go to the Blue Casket kitchen and fill up the
bottle with the dodgy cocktail in the barrel. While you are
here, chat to Olivia and arrange to take her back to El Marrow.
Return to the lock-up and give the bottle to Glottis. He’ll
drink the lot, then run off to the Blue Casket and, frighteningly,
drink the whole barrel. When he returns, casually mention
something unpleasant and he will promptly evacuate his stomach
all over the floor of the garage. Use the liquid nitrogen on
the pavement pizza and it will freeze, allowing you to safely
drive off in the Wagon.
Great to be back in El Marrow, right? Only now it’s Nuevo Marrow,
and things have changed somewhat. You need to get Bowlsley the
florist on your side, and the first step is to use the note from
Hector to scare him. Give the note to the carrier pigeon, and
show it the photo of the dead agent from the trash can. It will
then fly off to the florist’s.
In order to follow Bowlsley’s trail of sproutella, you’ll need
a strong stomach: take the severed arm from the LSA HQ and go
down into the sewers. You can’t follow the trail just yet,
though: find the sewer entrance to the backstage area of the
theatre, and take the grinder. Go to the start of the sproutella
trail, and pick up the remote control for the Bone Wagon from
Glottis on the way. Grind some of the arm in the grinder, and it
will sprout into a trail of baby tears. Follow the trail, and
Glottis will follow in the ‘wheels’.
To get around the alligator demon, descend the ladder until you
have its attention. Then, using the remote control, lower the
Bone Wagon onto it, trapping it. Go into the florist’s, and,
after you’ve freed the bell on the door, re-enter. The ring of
the bell will jolt Bowlsley’s frazzled brain into thinking he’s
a florist again, and he will happily furnish you with sproutella
and a gun.
To get a disguise for Hector’s casino, return to the theatre
and chat with the Thunderboys. In order to join their ranks,
take the coffee up the scaffolding and pour it onto them. When
you next ask them, they will agree, since one of their number
is unable to continue. They will give you a make-over,
Thunderboy style, and you are ready to go to the casino.
In the casino, talk to Meche, and get Charlie’s suit. To do
this, throw the sheet over him and get the one-armed agent to
enter the one-armed bandit, and release the coins. Charlie
thinks he’s won, and agrees to go to the party with Meche.
He’ll change into the sheet/toga in the bathroom, and then
you can put on his clothes and head for the elevator with the
lovely Meche.
To get upstairs, the elevator demon wants to hear the last
keno number that came up on the board in the casino. To impress
Hector, you just need to convince Celso and his wife to buy
Number Nine tickets from him. Then you will have his attention,
and he will offer you a job... and before you know it, you’re
trying to blow him away. To dislodge the neon woman’s grip on
the gargoyle, use the grinder to grind some bone into the crack
in the gargoyle, and then add some sproutella from the florist’s
can. Slide down the leg, jump to the next building and pick up
the suitcase full of tickets.
Once you’ve been shot by Hector, use the liquid nitrogen (from
Rubacava, remember?) on the wound. Then open the suitcase and
follow the floating ticket - it indicates where Sal’s body is
buried. Dig him up with your scythe and you’ll find the key to
the trunk of the car where you will find the gun. To kill Hector,
shoot the water in the tank: this will rain down on Hector and
kill him.
And that is the end. Sit back and enjoy the last cut-scene of
the Eighth Underworld.