
Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis FAQ Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis FAQ

Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis FAQ

Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis
By Exodist

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Title: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Platform: PC
Release: 1992
Genre: Adventure


Document by: Exodist/Ryan Haighton
Document size: 67KB
Document version: 1.000 - FINAL
Document hosted by: Gamefaqs (
Document written: Started 12th July, latest version 12th July
Document © Copyright 2006 Ryan Haighton, DO NOT STEAL, IT IS MY WORK!


This guide is © Copyright 2006 Ryan Haighton, DO NOT STEAL, IT IS MY WORK!
This guide is for Fate of Atlantis, the PC version, made by Lucasfilm in 1992.






Welcome to my guide for The Fate of Atlantis, LucasArts second attempt at
making Indiana Jones into a SCUMM game, and they did it right, yet again. The
fighting from Last Crusade has returned, but is even more better then last time
and basically, the whole game is better. An Adventure game is a good genre for
Indiana Jones, although the action games were pretty good. As you can see I
have wrote a guide for nearly all of the SCUMM games, but there are 2 which I
can't write one for at the moment, because I don't have them. Lets see if I
write a guide for all of them in the future!




I decided to get straight onto the walkthrough of the game. You will start with
a small introduction before the real game begins, that explains the missing
command/inventory box at the bottom. I will try to keep spoilers to the mininum
but I can't promise anything.


As you start, walk over to that statue to the left of you to fall down a hole.
After this, examine the rope to fall down another hole. Now look at the book
case to the left and fall down yet another hole. Now, examine the cats and one
of them is live, which makes Indy fall down a coal chute. Open all the lockers
and the last one will have a statue in it, collect it. After the cut-scene, you
will be at New York.


Walk to the right and PICK UP the NEWSPAPER from the News stand, and then
continue going to the right. There are 3 different ways you can get into the
building to see Sophia, you can open the door and fight the man, talk to him
about clever and good etc. Sophia is, or PUSH/PULL those crates to the right
around and climb up the fire escape ladder. I beat the guy up, but it doesn't
matter that much, something will happen later on though to do with a path that
gets recommended. Once your inside, try walking out on stage, and the old
geezer will stop you. After watching the show twice, TALK TO the old guy and
ask him if he has any hobbies, or ask him if he reads. He will say yes, its a
hobbie of his, then GIVE him the NEWSPAPER. Once he leaves, PUSH/PULL the
levers on the machine until all the lights are green, I think you just need to
PUSH the left and right one, then USE the button to send off the ghost. After
the cut-scene, you will enter a conversation, it doesn't really matter what you
say. After this, you will head off to Iceland.


Once you arrive, go into the Old Dig Site and talk to Dr. Bjorn. Ask him about
the book, and he will tell you of some people you might want to visit. Head
back outside, and go into the truck and off to the airport. Select Tikal.


Once you arrive, head through the jungle paths. What you need to do here is to
walk near the jungle rodent, and make him stand in front of a certain path.
Then USE the WHIP on him to make him go through it, you need to get him through
the right one, and he will end up being eaten by a snake. Head over to there,
and walk onto the tree, to make a bridge. Sophia will meet up with you again.
PICK UP the KEROSENE LAMP, to make Sternhart come out. He will ask for the name
of this book your looking for so you can enter the temple, answer that you dont
know. TALK TO the parrot, and say Title, he will tell you it. TALK TO Sternhart
again, and tell him the title is Hermocrates to gain entrance. TALK TO Sophia
and ask her to distract Sternhart. Go back outside and PICK UP the KEROSENE
LAMP. Go back into the temple, and OPEN the KEROSENE LAMP. USE the KEROSENE
LAMP with the spiral design, make sure its the Spiral Design, not the spiral
designs. PICK UP the SPIRAL DESIGN, then USE the SPIRAL DESIGN with that animal
head to the left. PULL the SPIRAL DESIGN, and a tomb of an atalean king will
open up. Once Sternhart goes away, PICK UP the ORICHALCUM. Go back to the truck
and go to Iceland.


Go into the old Mine, and Heimdall has been frozen over, oh dear. Anyways, USE
the ORICHALCUM with the eel head, to melt it out of the ice. PICK UP the EEL
FIGURINE, then leave Iceland and head for Azores.


Knock on the door to talk to Mr. Costa. Indy won't have much success, so TALK
TO Sophia and take other. TALK TO Mr. Costa again and ask him about the book,
and then ask him if he will do buisness with Indy. He will says yes, so switch
back to Indy, and TALK TO Mr. Costa again. This time, talk about trade and
offer him the EEL FIGURINE, and he will tell you the book is in a certain
collection, write this down, its different everytime. Mine was the Ward
collection. Its time to head back to Barnett College.


Once you arrive, there are some items you will be needing first. First head off
to Indys office to collect the JAR OF MAYONNAISE, its inside the Ice box so
remember to OPEN the ice box first. Head back to Caswell Hall, and go to the
left and down the stairs. PICK UP the DIRTY RAG and the LUMP OF COAL. Now go
back upstairs, then go up some more stairs to the big library like room. USE
the ROPE to get into the blue/purple room, and PICK UP the ARROWHEAD from the
shelf at the back of the room. Go back down, and LOOK AT the school desk, then
PICK UP the GUM. Now its time to find the Lost Dialogue of Plato. There are
3 different places it will be in, random each time. Whilst your still in this
room, LOOK AT the tipped over bookcase, and see if Indy says it belongs to the
whatever collection, if its the same collection as the collection the Lost
Dialogue is in, then you need to open it. USE the DIRTY RAG with the ARROWHEAD
then USE the WRAPPED ARROWHEAD with all 5 of the screws on the back of the
bookcase. Once they are all gone, OPEN the tipped-over bookcase to get the LOST
DIALOGUE OF PLATO. There are 2 over places to get it from too. If it isn't the
bookcase, go back up the rope, or look ahead a little bit and read on for the
other location of the item. Once your up the rope, check if there is a Chest
behind that statue that fell. If there isn't, I think that means your best off
looking for the Cat figurine. If the chest is here, and its not in the bookcase
then your best off getting this open. To get back into the attic, you will need
to do some things first. USE the JAR OF MAYONNAISE with the totem pole, then
PULL it twice. Climb it, then OPEN the URN and PICK UP the Key. Now USE the KEY
with the chest to get the book. OR, you can head off to the coal room right now
to find the cat statue. USE the GUM with the coal shute, and go up. Then, find
the statue that is made of wax, then PICK UP the item. USE it with the furnace
to find the book. Once you have it, return back to Sohpia. Here, its choice
time. You have 3 paths to go on the game, each one a bit different to the other
but its nothing radical. I will explain how to complete the game on each of
these paths too. It doesn't matter what you say, she will predict the future,
your best off saying the top line. Depending on what you did to get into the
theatre at New York, she will predict a path for you, the path with her, the
path of fighting, or the path of thinking. You can choose, fighting will
obviously require you to do a lot of fighting, the path with Sophia you will
get help from her, and the thinking path you will think your way through, yet
again, alone like the fighting path. Its time to choose now.


So you decided to team up with Sophia? Good choice, lets get cracking! Once you
get the choice, go to Algiers. If you are not using this path, skip ahead until
you see the walkthrough for your path.

Once you arrive, go left and TALK TO the knife thrower. Ask him about Omar
Al-Jabbar and he will say that he has his own shop down an alley way. He will
also mention he needs a volunteer. TALK TO Sophia and ask her to volunteer, but
she won't. Tell her its perfectly safe and that he won't hurt her. Once you get
her to look at him, PUSH her. She will return and give you a BLOOD STAINED
KNIFE, nice. Now go to the left, and into the alley. TALK TO the guy there, and
ask for the mask, which is why we came here. Once you have it, talk about
Atlantis to him, and he will tell you more if you bring him one of those stone
ring items. Hmm, head out of here and travel to Monte Carlo.


Once Sophia goes to get ready, wait outside until you see a man which is bold,
but has hair around his head, not on the top, and is in a brown suit. TALK TO
him, and ask him if he is Trottier. Say your Indiana Jones, and be as polite as
possible, and convince him to go to a seance with Sophia. Tell Sophia you want
to try something, and then when you gain control, OPEN the cabinet just next to
you. PICK UP the FLASHLIGHT, and then PICK UP the bedspread to get a bed sheet.
OPEN the fuse box and pull the circuit board to turn the lights off, USE the
BED SHEET, the MASK and the FLASHLIGHT and you will scare Trottier off, and you
will automatically PICK UP the SUNSTONE. You can do this with Sophia, but you
will do it a different way, but for this guide, lets stick with Indiana doing
it. Once you have the SUNSTONE, get a cab and head back to Algiers.


Go back to the alley way, and GIVE the SUNSTONE to the guy, and he will tell
you some things. First off, he will tell you that theres a dig site which he
thinks might be antalean, tell him you will go and he will give you a MAP and
some camels to go on. Once you arrive back, he will offer a trade, accept it,
it could be any item. Take it to the grocer, and ask if he will give you that
SQUAB-ON-A-STICK for it. If he accepts, well done. If he doesn't, take the item
you just got back to dealer, and ask for another item. Once you get it right,
you will get the SQUAB-ON-A-STICK. Go to the exit, and you will notice that a
beggar has suddenly appeared. GIVE him the SQUAB-ON-A-STICK and he will give
you a BALLOON TICKET! Go up the stairs to the right of the beggar and onto the
roof. GIVE the BALLOON TICKET to the man there, and go into the balloon. USE
the BLOOD STAINED KNIFE with the rope to set your self into the air.

Once your in the air, you will have to learn how to ride this balloon. It can
be annoying at times. Basically, you press the left and right mouse buttons and
you can make your balloon turn a direction, and either go up or down. Try to
learn it, so you can land at places well. Land at a nomad camp, and ask about
the dig site, by asking them to check your MAP. They will say where abouts you
should go, North, West, East, that sort of thing. Also, a red X will appear on
the map too. Once you get near to landing, you will be shot down by a Nazi.


After Sophia falls into the dig site, head over into the actual thing, by going
down that ladder to the left. Then look around and PICK UP the HOSE, CLAY JAR
and WOODEN PEG, your in the dark so the items will be called different things.
The HOSE is a long tubular thing, the CLAY JAR is the clay thing, and the
WOODEN PEG is the sharp wood thing. Once you have them, go back outside and go
over to the truck. OPEN the gas tank, its hard to find but its there. USE the
HOSE with it, then USE the CLAY JAR with the end of the HOSE to get some gas in
the CLAY JAR. Go back into the dig site. Find the gas cap, and OPEN it, and
then USE the GAS FILLED CLAY JAR with it, and then USE the metal thing, which
is a portable generator. The lights will come on! PICK UP a SHIP RIB, and then
walk to the right. USE the SHIP RIB with the crumbling wall, and then USE the
WOODEN PEG with the hole, then USE the SUNSTONE with the WOODEN PEG. Then USE
the Lost dialogue of Plato to find out where to posistion the sunstone, click
on it and move it around, and then PUSH the PEG. Once you have the right
setting, a door will open, and Sophia will come out. After the conversation,
you need to get back to the airport. PICK UP the SUNSTONE, and then move to the
left and OPEN the generator. USE the generator to turn it off, then PICK UP the
SPARK PLUG. Go outside, and go over to the truck, and OPEN the hood, then USE
the SPARK PLUG with the engine, and the DISTRIBUTOR CAP. Once its done, USE the
truck. Your next destination, Crete.


Once you arrive, head to the left, and keep going down that path. You should
end up at some ruins, and you should see a bridge right in front of you. Walk
across it and go to the left, until you find the TRANSIT, PICK UP the TRANSIT
and then head back to the bridge, but go under it this time. Here, go through
every door way you see, until you see a mural on one of the walls. LOOK AT it,
and then head outside. LOOK AT the stones until Indy says that some are loose,
if they are loose, PUSH them, and you will find a bull's head and the bull's 
tail, you have to look for BOTH of them, they are seperate. Once you find them,
USE the TRANSIT on the Bull head, and the use those buttons at the botton to
move around. With the Bull head, you want to align it with the left side of the
horn, which is in the middle of the ruins. Once you think you have it right,
left click and Indy will say what he is looking at. If he says the left side of
the horn, a line will come out with a yellow X at the end. PICK UP the TRANSIT
and USE it with the Bull tail, and then align yourself with the right side of
the horns. Once again, if you get it right, a line will come out, and a X marks
the spot will appear. USE the SHIP RIB with it to get the MOONSTONE, the second
disc! Now that you have it, head back to the area you started at. Go to the
right a bit, and you will notice a little thing in the floor, USE the SUNSTONE
with it FIRST, then USE the MOONSTONE with it second. LOOK AT the lost dialouge
of Plato, and find out where to align the stones, and do so, then PUSH the
spindle. Once you get it right, a secret door will then open. Go inside.


Now its time to find the last disc, beyond that door. First, PICK UP the two
STATUE HEADS on that shelf to the right of the door, and then go through the
door to the right. Then, USE the WHIP with the STATUE HEAD you can see through
the door to get all three of them, and without the door closing on you. Now,
search around the place until you find a room with a giant statue in the middle
of it. USE the WHIP with the statue head, then stand on that platform it fell
onto. When it reaches the bottom, LOOK AT the skeleton, its that guy from the
start that robbed YOUR WORLDSTONE. PICK UP the STAFF and the WORLDSTONE, and
then LOOK AT the waterfall to the right, and USE the chain. Once your at the
top, make sure you dont step onto the elevator, otherwise you will have to
climb the chain again. Now look for a room with a wooden door over a doorway,
and next to that, a shelf. USE all three STATUE HEADS with it, and then go
through the doorway. Keep going until you find a room with a big gap in the
middle, USE the STAFF with the chock, then go back a couple of rooms until your
in a room with another door way. Go through until you find the giant stone head
and USE the STAFF with the hole in its mouth, this will make the elevator work
and you can get across the gap. PICK UP the GOLDEN BOX and you will get the
OPENED BOX and the ORICHALCUM beads. Now head back to where Sophia is, and
then go through the door at the back. Here, try to go through the gate and the
hole, then TALK TO Sophia and ask her to boost you up, she will say no. Keep
asking her to go through, and eventually, she will. Go through the door, and
then USE the ORICHALCUM with the GOLD BOX, and CLOSE it. Now, USE the AMBER
FISH ON A STRING and it will point at Sophias necklace. TALK TO her and ask
her for the necklace, and she will put it into the GOLD BOX. Now, head into
any room and USE the AMBER FISH ON A STING and it might point to a wall, if it
does, USE the SHIP RIB on it to get through, OPEN the door. Go through, and
you will find a big room with a giant model of Atlantis in the middle. Head
over to the spindle in the middle and USE the SUNSTONE, then the MOONSTONE and
lastly, the WORLDSTONE with it, and LOOK AT the lost dialogue of plato to find
out the posistion to turn them. Once a door has opened in the wall, go through
and that german guy will come. Give him the stones for Sophias safety, and he
will go off. Make sure you don't say he is bluffing, he will shoot you and the
game will end. Once he goes, USE the SHIP RIB with the wall to the right.
After the cut-scene, go towards the Nazi U-boat, and then go through the hatch
and Indy will beat the captain up.


Once you gain control, USE the intercom and tell everyone to head to the
torpedo bay. Once you have done that, head down the ladder, and then go to the
left. PICK UP the BREAD, COLD CUTS, and the PORCELAIN MUG, from the kitchen.
Head even further to the left. USE both of the levers, then head back to the
kitchen. OPEN the trapdoor, and USE the PORCELAIN MUG with the battery acid,
and then go to the right. TALK TO Sophia, and ask her to distract the guard
for awhile. Go back to the left, and go up the ladder, then back to the right
and climb down the ladder here. PICK UP the PLUNGER, then go back up the
ladder. Go to the right, and OPEN the next trapdoor, and go down, and USE the
PORCELAIN MUG FILLED WITH BATTERY ACID with the strongbox to get all the stone
discs back, and a SMALL KEY. GO back to the guard, and TALK TO him, and make
sure you mention bucket or pail in whatever you say, and Sophia will hit him
across the head with a bucket. USE the SMALL KEY with the wheel, then head up
the ladder to the top. PULL that lever to the left, and it will break, so USE
the PLUNGER instead. You will now have to steer the sub into Atlantis, and i'm
telling you now, its bloody hard. Basically, if you go really far to the right
you will see a small black hole, you need to get in there. Once you figure out
how to control the sub, and get in the hole, you will find yourself inside the
one and only, Atlantis. Skip ahead until you find the section saying ATLANTIS
to continue your epic journey.


So then, you choose to go it the thinking way. Not a bad choice, you shouldn't
get stuck anyways because your reading my guide. If you are not using this
path or are looking for the Atlantis section, skip ahead until you find it,
the TEAM PATH is the section before this one.


The first place you will be wanting to go to is Monte Carlo. Once you arrive,
you will be looking for Trottier. This is pretty easy, just wait until a guy in
a brown suit, that is bald on the top and has greyish hair around the side comes
and TALK TO him. Ask him if he is Trottier, and he will say maybe. Talk to him
about non insulting things, and try to be as polite as possible. Soon he will
ask you a random question, the answer can be found inside the Lost Dialogue of
Plato, your best bet is to just guess randomly, or if your using SCUMMVM, then
save it before you answer and keep guessing until you get it right. Once you do,
he will give you his BUISNESS CARD. He will then leave, head over to a taxi and
leave, head for Algiers.


Once you arrive in Algier, you will be wanting to find Omar Al-Jabbar. Head to
the left, and go into the back alley. TALK TO the guy there, and he will tell
you he is Paul, Omars helper. GIVE him the BUISNESS CARD and ask him to find
Omar and ask for a meeting. Follow him, and go onto the city map, and you will
see a lot of white dots. It is possible to follow him to Omars house, but there
is another way. You will see a red dot moving around, when he stops just above
the market, go into the market and you should find him standing around. TALK TO
him and says these lines to get the BRIGHT RED FEZ: Nice Fez, No but its quite a
hat, its better then a sharp stick in the eye, its kind of festive, Well, and
then choose any of the last two. He will gladly give you his BRIGHT RED FEZ. Go
back to the alley way, and if Paul is back, GIVE him the RED FEZ. You will have
to give him a reason, just guess and if you get it wrong, try again. Once he
has it, ask him to go find Omar again, and head out onto the city map. This time
it is a lot easier because he is the red dot, wait for him to go inside a house
and follow. After the servant leaves, walk into the closet to the left of the
door, and then Omar will follow you telling you to leave his stuff alone. Walk
out of the closet, then CLOSE the closet door, to lock Omar inside. PICK UP the
pole which is sticking out of the box, which is the BAMBOO STICK, and PICK UP
the BLACKBIRD STATUE and OMARS STATUE from the left on the table. USE the BAMBOO
STICK with the piece of cloth near the top of the screen, and you will then get
OMARS MAP. USE the camel outside to escape. On the map, you will want to get to
the Nomad camps, and TALK TO the nomad. Ask them about what they think of your
map, and they will give you a direction to go in. Keep going to Nomad camps and
ask for their opinion on your map, and eventually, a small red X will appear on
your map. Head there, and be careful of the trouble hanging around. If you do go
into one, make sure you say the top line, and GIVE them either of the statues as
a bribe. Soon, you should find your way to the digsite.


After you finally reach the dig site, head over into the actual thing, by going
down that ladder to the left. Then look around and PICK UP the HOSE, CLAY JAR,
your in the dark so the items will be called different things. The HOSE is the
long tubular thing, the CLAY JAR is the clay thing. Once you have them, go back
outside and go over to the truck. OPEN the gas tank, its hard to find but its
there. USE the HOSE with it, and USE the CLAY JAR with the end of the HOSE to
get some gas in the CLAY JAR. Go back into the dig site. Find thegas cap, and
OPEN it, and then USE the GAS FILLED CLAY JAR with it, and then USE the metal
thing, which is a portable generator. The lights will come on! Now you have the
lights on, PICK UP the SHIP RIB. Now, PUSH the little round thing above the
painting to the left, and then PICK UP the STATUE that appears. USE the button
on the generator, and PICK UP the SPARK PLUG. Go back outside, and OPEN the hood
of the truck, and USE the SPARK PLUG with the SPARK PLUG, then OPEN the truck
door. PICK UP the TELEGRAM, and then USE the truck. Unfortunately, it wont work
so instead, USE the ORICHALCUM BEAD you got when you picked up the CLAY JAR,
with the STATUE then USE the STATUE with the SPARK PLUGS and the engine will
then start. USE the truck to and head off to Monte Carlo!


Once you arrive, wait for Trottier to come, and say the second line, and he
should wave his sunstone about. Some Nazis will come, and kidnap him, and take
him away in thier car. Indy will get into a car to chase. You will appear on a
giant map of Monte Carlo, and you need to chase the red car and bash into it a
couple of times. Soon it will crash, and you will see Trottier on the floor.
TALK TO him, and then ask him about the sun stone. He will say he threw it out
of the car window, and he will then give you the street. LOOK AT your TELEGRAM
to find out the street, and then search for it, LOOK AT the sign posts to find
out where you are. Once you find it, LOOK AT the drain pipes to find it, and
make sure you check the whole street. When Indy says he thinks something is down
there, OPEN the drain to get the SUNSTONE! Now, head back to the Hotel, and take
a taxi to the airport. Head over to Thera.


Once you arrive, go to the left and PICK UP the FISH NET, then go left a bit
more to find some mountains. You will be able to find either a Notch, Gap or
Cleft in the mountains, go to each one, one of them wont be a dead end. When you
find that one, CLOSE the empty crate and PICK UP the INVOICE that is on top of
it. Go into the cave to the left, and go through to the left. In here, PICK UP
the ENTRENCHING TOOL from the left, and then CLOSE the door. USE the SUNSTONE
with the spindle, and then LOOK AT the lost dialogue of Plato for the alignment,
and then align the sunstone correctly. If KLICK comes up at the door, OPEN it,
and PICK UP the CARVED SIGN, then CLOSE the door and PICK UP the SUNSTONE. OPEN
the ENTRENCHING TOOL to find a message from Sophia, and then go back to the
entrance of the cave. USE the ENTRENCHING TOOL, and you will get a cut-scene.
After this, head all the way back to the docks. GIVE the INVOICE to the guy here
and OPEN the crate, then PICK UP the LARGE RUBBER BALLOON. Then, go to the left
and PICK UP the VERY LARGE BASKET, but the guy will stop you. Offer him the
CARVED SIGN, and he will translate it, then take it away. PICK UP the VERY LARGE
combination of that with the VERY LARGE BASKET, then USE the HOSE with the
combination of those three items. Now, you need to inflate it, head back to the
cave, and instead of going in, USE your balloon with the vent to inflate it! USE
it, to take to the skies. Basically, its exactly the same as flying the balloon
on the TEAM PATH, but instead, you have to find and land on the Sub. Once you
find it, try to land on it.


Once you gain control, head up the ladder, OPEN the hatch and go down. Walk to
the left, and into the kitchen. PICK UP some BREAD and some COLD CUTS, then USE
both together. Go back right, and GIVE the SUBMARINE SANDWICH to the guy that is
next to the lockers. He won't take it, but you suggest he makes his own. When he
is gone, OPEN the locker and PICK UP the MOONSTONE, and the TORPEDO INSTRUCTIONS
that are inside. Go to the right, and PICK UP the OILY RAG from the room to the
far right, then go left again. PICK UP the CLOTHESLINE, then head back to the
far left of the sub. USE the TORPEDO INSTRUCTIONS with the control panel, then
USE the OILY RAG with the wires. PULL the lever, and Indy will run away. Go back
to the right, and OPEN the head door, CLOSE it, and USE your INDYWEAR™ BY 
LUCASFILM. OPEN the door again, and go to the right. USE the TORPEDO INSTRUCTION
with the control panel again (this time we are at the right side of the sub) and
then USE the CLOTHESLINE with the lever. OPEN the tube, and get insde. PULL the
CLOTHESLINE to fire yourself outside.


OK, so we aren't actually in the Labyrinth yet, but we will be soon. Go to the
right, and USE the SUNSTONE with the spindle first, then the MOONSTONE. LOOK AT
the lost dialogue of plato, to find out the alignment, and align both of the
stones. Once its done, PICK UP the MOONSTONE and the SUNSTONE again, and then
enter the Labyrinth. Once your inside, PICK UP two of the statues on that shelf
like thing near you, and then go through the door. USE the WHIP with the last
statue, and you will now have all three statue heads. Keep looking around until
you find a room with a giant minotaur statue inside it, USE your WHIP with its
head, then step onto the small platform. It will start to head down, and you
will find a skeleton of Sternhart down here. PICK UP the WORLDSTONE, STAFF, and
the WOOL SCARF, there is a HARD RUBBER COMB inside. Now, LOOK AT the note next
to the skeleton, then walk to the waterfall. USE the chain that hides behind it.
At the top make sure you dont step onto the elevator, otherwise you will have to
climb the chain again. Now look for a room with a wooden door over a doorway,
and next to that, a shelf. USE all three STATUE HEADS with it, and then go
through the doorway. Keep going until you find a room with a big gap in the
middle, USE the STAFF with the chock, then go back a couple of rooms until your
in a room with another door way. Go through until you find the giant stone head
and USE the STAFF with the hole in its mouth, this will make the elevator work
and you can get across the gap. PICK UP the GOLDEN BOX and you will get the
OPENED BOX and the ORICHALCUM beads. Go through the door above you, and then
USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with the STATUE to charge it. Then USE the STATUE with
the hatch on the minotaur to make a big hole through the wall. You will find
yourself at a giant model of Atlantis. USE the SUNSTONE, MOONSTONE and then the
WORLDSTONE with the spindle in the middle. Align it according to the lost
dialogue of plato, and once you get it right, a door will open. Go through, and
go through the door at the right. LOOK AT the bones, and you will get two
ORICHALCUM BEADS. Go back into the room before, OPEN the GOLD BOX and USE the
CLOTHESLINE, and then USE it and it should point to a wall in this room. USE
the ENTRENCHING TOOL with this part of the wall. Go into the next room, and then
PICK UP the ORICHALCUM BEAD lying on the floor. Next, OPEN your GOLD BOX and USE
a ORICHALCUM BEAD with the mouth of the stone machine. Your destination,
Atlantis. Skip over the FISTS path section to find what to do once you reach


So you decided you want to fight your way through the game? Well, as long as you
are good at fighting, this shouldn't be too hard! If you are not following the
FISTS PATH, but are doing a different path, head BACK to find it, or if you are
at Atlantis, then skip ahead until you find it.


The first place you will be wanting to go to is Monte Carlo. Once you arrive,
you will be looking for Trottier. This is pretty easy, just wait until a guy in
a brown suit, that is bald on the top and has greyish hair around the side comes
and TALK TO him. Ask him if he is Trottier, and he will say maybe. Talk to him
about non insulting things, and try to be as polite as possible. Soon he will
ask you a random question, the answer can be found inside the Lost Dialogue of
Plato, your best bet is to just guess randomly, or if your using SCUMMVM, then
save it before you answer and keep guessing until you get it right. Once you do,
he will give you his BUISNESS CARD. He will then leave, head over to a taxi and
leave, head for Algiers.


Once you arrive, head to the left and into the back alley. TALK TO Paul, Omars
servant, and ask him if you can see Omar. He will say no. GIVE him the BUISNESS
CARD, and he will go and ask. Follow him, onto the city map. You can tell who he
is because he has the red fez on, and thus looks like a big red dot on the map.
Once he goes into a house, follow him inside. Omar is being talked to by a Nazi,
you can either beat the Nazi up, OR you can USE your WHIP with the thing hanging
above him. Once Omar leaves, PICK UP the pole, which is a BAMBOO STICK, then USE
it with the hanging cloth. You will now have OMARS MAP, USE the camel you can
see through the window. On the map, its a bit like with the WITS path, you must
go to each of the Nomad camps and ask them what they think of the map. They will
give you a direction to go in to find the camp, Evade the Nazi Patrols whilst
you are going around, if you run into one, you will have to fight them. But hey,
you chose the FISTS path, you can kill him, can't you? Soon you will reach the
Dig Site.


Head to the left, and you will notice a rope ladder to the far left. Don't go up
it though, go down into the actual digsite. Here, look for a small metal thing,
and then look for the switch, and when you find it, USE it. Once the generator
has been turned on and the room has been lit up, PUSH the round object above the
painting to the right, and PICK UP the SUNSTONE. Now, PICK UP the CLAY JAR, then
SHIP RIB and the WOODEN PEG. Go to the right, and USE the SHIP RIB with the wall
and then USE the WOODEN PEG with the hole, then USE the SUNSTONE with the WOODEN
PEG. Now, LOOK AT the lost dialogue of plato for the alignment, then align the
sunstone. Press the peg down, then PICK UP the SUNSTONE, and go through the door
thats appeared. If you exit the normal way, the Nazi outside will get you. Once
your at the top, dont do anything, answer with any line, and don't move after
that. USE your WHIP with the Nazi to disarm him, then beat him up. You can't USE
the truck, so instead, go up the ladder and into the balloon. Just make it go
North, and you will soon come to the map. Head over to Crete.


Once you arrive, head to the left, and keep going down that path. You should
end up at some ruins, and you should see a bridge right in front of you. Walk
across it and go to the left, until you find the TRANSIT, PICK UP the TRANSIT
and then head back to the bridge, but go under it this time. Here, go through
every door way you see, until you see a mural on one of the walls. LOOK AT it,
and then head outside. LOOK AT the stones until Indy says that some are loose,
if they are loose, PUSH them, and you will find a bull's head and the bull's 
tail, you have to look for BOTH of them, they are seperate. Once you find them,
USE the TRANSIT on the Bull head, and the use those buttons at the botton to
move around. With the Bull head, you want to align it with the left side of the
horn, which is in the middle of the ruins. Once you think you have it right,
left click and Indy will say what he is looking at. If he says the left side of
the horn, a line will come out with a yellow X at the end. PICK UP the TRANSIT
and USE it with the Bull tail, and then align yourself with the right side of
the horns. Once again, if you get it right, a line will come out, and a X marks
the spot will appear. USE the SHIP RIB with it to get the MOONSTONE, the second
disc! Now that you have it, head back to the area you started at. Go to the
right a bit, and you will notice a little thing in the floor, USE the SUNSTONE
with it FIRST, then USE the MOONSTONE with it second. LOOK AT the lost dialouge
of Plato, and find out where to align the stones, and do so, then PUSH the
spindle. Once you get it right, a secret door will then open. A Nazi will then
come out, beat him up and go inside the Labyrinth.


Once you are inside the labyrinth, PICK UP two of the STATUE HEADS, and go then
go through the door. USE the WHIP on the last STATUE HEAD and you will now have
all three. Keep looking around until you find a big room with a giant minotaur
statue in the middle, USE the WHIP with the head and it will fall off and onto
the platform. Step onto it, and it will take you down. Here you will find the
guy Sternhart that stole the World stone you found! PICK UP the STAFF next to
him, and read the note. Climb up the chain in the waterfall, LOOK AT it first.
At the top make sure you dont step onto the elevator, otherwise you will have to
climb the chain again. Now look for a room with a wooden door over a doorway,
and next to that, a shelf. USE all three STATUE HEADS with it, and then go
through the doorway. Keep going until you find a room with a big gap in the
middle, USE the STAFF with the chock, then go back a couple of rooms until your
in a room with another door way. Go through until you find the giant stone head
and USE the STAFF with the hole in its mouth, this will make the elevator work
and you can get across the gap. PICK UP the GOLDEN BOX and you will get the
OPENED BOX and the ORICHALCUM beads. Now, head back and keep on going through
the doors until you find one blocked by a stone slab. PUSH it five times to make
it fall, and then go through. USE the WHIP on that small stone outcrop above the
chasm, and you will get across. Go through a doorway, and you should soon find
a hallway with two Nazis down it. Walk in front of it, then hide behind the
right stone slab when one of them comes for you. When he is standing infront of
it, PUSH the stone slab onto him. Walk down the hall and beat up the other Nazi
here, go through the doorway.

Now, there are four different doorways. Don't go through the one to the far
right, because there is a guy in there that is really, really hard to beat hand
to hand. Instead, go through the door before that, and beat the Nazis up. Soon
you will come to a room where you are stading above the Nazi, PUSH that big rock
and it will fall onto him. Ouch. Go back down, and enter the room, and PICK UP
the STALACTITE. Go to the right, and go right again. Don't go through the door
with the singing Nazi just yet. In the next room, USE either the STALACTITE, OR
the SHIP RIB with the boulder, but it won't work properly and will block your
exit! Crap, walk down to the right, and you will be stopped by Arnold. Make sure
you save your game before this. He will ask you for a good song, say one, and he
might let you pass. He is actually impossible to beat, so you need this song. He
will let you exit, now your on the other side of the boulder, USE the last item
you have to move the boulder, with it, and it will fall down and crush Arnold.
Go back to him, and LOOK AT him to get the AMBER FISH ON A STRING and some
ORICHALCUM BEADS. Go through the door to the left. You will find yourself at the
model of Atlantis room, but you don't have all the stone discs. Instead, go back
into the room with Arnold in it. OPEN the GOLD BOX and USE the ORICHALCUM BEADS
with it, and then CLOSE the GOLD BOX. Now, USE the AMBER FISH ON A STRING in any
room with a hole/chasm in it, and it might point downwards into the hole. If it
does, TALK TO the hole, and Sophia should reply! USE the WHIP with the hole and
she will climb up, and give you the WORLDSTONE! Head back to the room with the
model of Atlantis in it. Now, USE the SUNSTONE, MOONSTONE and then the
WORLDSTONE in that order on the spindle in the middle of the room. LOOK AT the
lost dialogue of plato for the alignment, and then align the stones, and use the
spindle. If you get it right, a door will open, go through, and there is a stone
pointer pointing to Thera. Walk to the exit, and select Thera as your next


Go to the left, and then to the mountains. Enter the three different areas here,
there is a notch, gap and a cleft. In one of them, there is a a broken down
truck, PICK UP the TIRE REPAIR KIT next to that, and go back to the docks. Now,
LOOK AT the lost dialogue of plato, and look for the page that says something
about miles, like 150 miles, south. You need to divide the 150 by 10, so
that would be 15 miles, and North, would be the directions you should give the
guy on the boat before going out. That was just an example, so don't try it
unless I had a lucky guess. When your on the boat, OPEN the locker, and USE the
TIRE REPAIR KIT with the diving suit. Now, USE the air hoist with it to fill it
up, and USE it. When you are in control of Sophia, USE the air compresser switch
then USE the hoist with Indy. He will be lowered down, into the sea. If you got
it right, a sub will come and Kerner will take Sophia hostage. Anyways, just
start going through the different doorways until you find Atlantis!


So you finally made it to Atlantis hey? Well, no matter what path you chose,
Atlantis is the same, so lets get going then shall we? If you are actually still
looking for a path, go back UP, because you have gone past them all!


OK, no matter which way you enter, you will be wanting to do the same things,
so here they are. Find the wooden thing near the bottom of the screen, and PICK
UP the LADDER. Go to the right, and try to find the stone rubble, and USE the
LADDER with it. Sophia will get kidnapped, but anyways, climb to the top of the
ladder, and OPEN the stone thing. PICK UP the stone thing to get a METAL ROD,
USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with it to light it! Now, go back to the stone door near
the LADDER, and USE the SUNSTONE, MOONSTONE and WORLDSTONE in that order with
the spindle to the right of the door. Align them as you normally would, but then
reverse them. So say, the Darkness was normally at the top, this time it would
be at the bottom, that kind of thing. Once you get the mouth open, USE a
ORICHALCUM BEAD with it, and the door will open. PICK UP the LADDER, and all the
stone discs. Go through the door. Here, there is just one giant maze. Basically,
you will be wanting to go to a couple of different rooms, and PICK UP the items
that you need. Here is the list and the room they are in.

BRATWURST                    On Nazi Soldier after fight
BRONZ GEAR                   Robot Room
BRONZE WHEEL                 Robot Room
STATUE HEAD                  Statue Room
CUP                          Statue Room 2
TRAPPED CRAB                 Crab Room
EEL SCULPTURE                Eel Room
RIBCAGE                      Subway
STATUE PART                  Dungeon Room (from crashed sentry statue)
CRESCENT-SHAPED GEAR         Room inside the canal (inside cupboard)
HINGE                        Statue room inside canal (after door opens)

To find the different rooms, just click on an area when a ? comes up, and the
name will pop up for it. If its one of these rooms above, check below for how to
get the item from it. Basically, head for all of those rooms, and get the items
inside! This might take a while because there are many different items needed
from other rooms to get items in rooms and so on. Its slightly complicated, but
you should be able to handle it.


Here, you can make Orichalcum beads. Get the CUP from the STATUE ROOM 2, and
fill it up at the LAVA ROOM (check that section for how to fill it up) and then
USE it with the funnel at the top. Then the ORICHALCUM beads will appear. You
can go back to get some more lava, but you can only carry a certain amount of
ORICHALCUM BEADS. When you are finished with this room, you will be wanting the
BRONZE GEAR and the BRONZE SPOKED WHEEL back. To make it work, you need to USE
the BRONZE SPOKED WHEEL on the right peg.

There are 2 different ROBOT ROOMS, you can find the BRONZE SPOKED WHEEL and the
BRONZE GEAR in both of them.


There is a statue at the other end of the room, PICK UP the STATUE HEAD from it.


USE the LADDER with the hole, and go across and PICK UP the CUP.

In here, to get some lava, USE the CUP with the pedestal, and USE the STATUE
HEAD with the plaque to get some lava.

Make sure you have the RIBCAGE from the SUBWAY ROOM, and then USE the suasage
you can get from guards, or make a Sub sandwich on the sub, with the RIBCAGE,
then USE the RIBCAGE with the pool. When you catch a crab, PICK UP the TRAPPED

You can only access this room by going through a vent, there is just an EEL
SCULPTURE lying on the other side.


PICK UP the RIBCAGE from the skeleton.


Once you have a load of ORICHALCUM BEADS, USE one of them with the EEL SCULPTURE
whilst in this room, and it will get hot, and Indy will throw it into the water,
and it will evaporate. Now, USE a ORICHALCUM BEAD with the statue at the front
of the room, and the doors should open. You can now go into the canel, OR into
the dungeon.


Here, you can get one item, and rescue Sophia. You can only rescue Sophia later
on though, so I will inform you when you can, and how later on in the guide. For
the time being, there's one thing you can do here. See that Nazi guard? You can
fight him, but its really really hard to beat him, but there is another way. Go
through every single vent until you appear inside the dungeon (behind a vent)
above a statue. USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with it, and it will walk off and crush
the Nazi before falling into pieces. Go back and PICK UP the STATUE PART. Exit
again, and head into the Canal.


Make sure you have as many ORICHALCUM BEADS as you can carry, and have the
BRONZE SPOKED WHEEL you used in the MACHINE ROOM. Also, make sure you have ALL
of the above items. Once you enter the Canal, you will see a giant octopus. USE
the TRAPPED CRAB on it and it will go away. Now, walk to the other side of the
canal, and get onto the raft. USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with the mouth on the crab
like raft, and then head to any gate. USE any of the stone discs until you get
the right one, and the door will open. Anyways, keep on going until you find a
new room you can go in. Make note if you find one with a big door, but first,
you want to be looking for a room with a CRESCENT SHAPED GEAR in. PICK UP this
item, then CLOSE the cupboard that it was inside. LOOK AT it, and take a screen
shot, or memorize this, as this will help you later on. Now, go back to the room
with the giant door, or find it. Now, USE the CHAIN with both of the hands on
the statue, there are two different chains. Then, USE your LADDER with the
statue, and climb on top. OPEN the statue, and then you will have to place the
different items into the statue. Here is how it goes, place the BRONZE SPOKED
WHEEL on the middle peg, then place the STATUE PART on the middle peg too. Then
put the CRESCENT SHAPED GEAR to the right (so its on both top and bottom right
pegs) and then place the BRONZE GEAR on the top left one. Then place an
ORICHALCUM BEAD in the middle, and it should work properly. Go back into it, and
now place the BRONZE GEAR on the bottom left peg, and then place another
ORICHALCUM BEAD in the middle. The door should open. PICK UP the HINGE. Now, you
can either save Sophia, or leave her. Skip ahead the next part if your not going
to save Sophia.


Head back to the dungeon, and walk over to Sophias cell. GIVE her the HINGE PIN,
and OPEN the CAGE. Tell her you have a plan, and tell her to use the HINGE PIN
to hold the cage up. She will do so, and escape. After the love scene (nothing
dirty, don't get too excited, sad and alone people). OPEN the cage again, and
the HINGE PIN will fall to the floor, so PICK UP the HINGE PIN again. Go back to
the huge door that you recently opened.


Now, if you have Sophia with you, she will start to wonder off. Follow her, and
you will soon be taken to a big room with lava in the middle. TALK TO her and
you will find out that Nur-Ab-Sal (or whatever he is called) has taken over her,
and you must stop her. LOOK AT her, and you will see her necklace, USE an
ORICHALCUM BEAD with the mouth, and it will get hot. Sophia will take it off,
but she can't drop it, USE the GOLD BOX on it, and Indy will throw it into the
lava. Walk up the stairs and PICK UP the SCEPTER. If you don't have Sophia with
you, just PICK UP the SCEPTER as normal. Now, exit this big room, and continue
down the hall. Take note of the graffiti on the wall, and go through the door
to the right. Take note of the markings on the floor here, and climb onto the
hulking machine. USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with the mouth, then place the HINGE PIN
and the SCEPTER into different lever holes, and PUSH/PULL them until you get
the machine starting. The graffiti apprantly resembles the posistioning, but I
can't see it personally. Once your riding, save it, just in case. Here, im not
sure if you have to try and stop it, but I was just PUSH/PULL the levers
randomly, and then soon, it came up with the hulking machine spinning, it hit a
wall, and went into some lava, then Indy and Sophia appear. Either way, just try
to stop it, and see what happens.


Here, walk to the middle, and you will appear on a bridge below you. Go to the
right, and you will enter a really big maze. Go to the left ish, and you should
see a giant circle on the wall, memorize this, this is an alignment you will be
needing later on. Make your way through the maze until you get to a part in
front of lava, with little black tiles on it. Save it, and try to head across.
When you step on one, another one will break away, if you dodge it up, try to
head back to the start, and try again. Once you make it across, Sophia will
follow you, go to the right to the next part.


Here, walk over to the middle, and into the colossus. USE the SUNSTONE, then the
MOONSTONE then the WORLDSTONE, in that order with the spindle to the left of
this room. Once you have aligned them correctly, Kerner and the proffesor will
come. In the conversation, talk about how its a stupid idea, and for the amount
of beads, don't forget that Plato is wrong, only try one bead. After Kerner is
dead, tell the proffesor that you hope this doesn't work, and that you become a
god, otherwise you will kill him. Also say about multiplying the beads, and he
will put one hundred beads in, and go into the machine himself. He will soon die
and Indy will escape, with or without Sophia, depending on if you saved her. You
will get a different ending too. CONGRATULATIONS on finishing Indiana Jones and
the Fate of Atlantis!




These are the items found within the game, and where to find them. The names of
the items may not be exactly the same as they are in the game.

You have this once you begin the game properly.

Found in New York, PICK UP this item from the Newsstand at the start.

You will have this item in your inventory once you leave New York for the first

PICK UP this item at TIKAL, from the Trinkets stand. You have to make Sophia
talk to Sternhart so he doesn't stop you.

USE the OPEN KEROSENE LAMP on the spiral design in the temple at Tikal.

You get it inside the temple at Tikal, PULL the elephant nose once you USE the
SPIRAL DESIGN with the animal head in the temple.

Once you have the ORICHALCUM, go to Iceland, and USE it with the EEL head in
the old mine.

You have it in your inventory whenever you play as Sophia.

You can find it in Indys office, OPEN the Ice box to find it.

Found in the coal room at Caswell hall.

Found in the coal room at Caswell hall.

Go to the really blue/purple room at Caswell hall (where the statue falls onto
Indy), the ARROWHEAD is on the shelf at the back.

LOOK AT the school desk in the library area of Caswell hall.

Use the DIRTY RAG with the ARROWHEAD to get this item.

There are 3 different places this item can be inside Caswell Hall, see the
walkthrough for more detail.

Found in a URN in the attic of Caswell Hall.


Get it by making Sophia volunteer as an assitant in Algiers.

When your in Algiers, find the man your looking for on the first visit, and ask
him for the mask, he will give it to you for free.

When your inside Sophias room at Monte Carlo, OPEN the cabinet and you can find
the FLASHLIGHT inside.

PICK UP the bedspread in Sophias room at Monte Carlo to get this item.

You can scare off Trottier once he is doing the seance with Sophia at Monte
Carlo, see the walkthrough for more details.

When you GIVE the SUNSTONE to the dealer at Algiers, he will give you this map.

You will have to trade the MASK with the alley dealer at Algiers to get an item
and try to trade it with the grocer, if he doesn't take it, you need to trade
the item you just got for another item until you find the item the grocer will
accept, and he will give you this item.

GIVE the Beggar on the street at Algiers the SQUAB-ON-A-STICK to get this item.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier.

You can find this item by opening the secret passage at the Dig Site at Algier,
Sophia will come out and give it to you.

You can find this item by opening the secret passage at the Dig Site at Algier,
Sophia will come out and give it to you.

OPEN the generator at the Dig Site at Algier, and then USE it to turn it off,
and PICK UP the SPARK PLUG, it will be called something else, I think its
called a ceremic thing or something similar to that.

You can find this item at Crete at the old ruins, go across the bridge you see
when you first come here, and then go left to find this item.

When your at the Crete Ruins, USE the TRANSIT with the bull head and tail, and
line the head with the left horn which is in the middle of the ruins, and the
tail with the right horn, and a X marks the spot will appear. USE the SHIP RIB
with this to get this item. See the walkthrough for more details.

When your inside the Crete Labyrinth, they are in the starting room, PICK UP
two of them, go into the next room and USE the WHIP with the last STATUE HEAD
to get all 3 of them.

When you find the big statue room and go down the elevator, USE the WHIP with
the statue head, you can find the STAFF next to the skeleton.

When you find the big statue room and go down the elevator, USE the WHIP with
the statue head, you can find the WORLDSTONE next to the skeleton.

Once you make the first elevator work again, OPEN that golden box to find these

Once you make the first elevator work again, OPEN that golden box to get this

On the Nazi u-boat, go into the kitchen, and you can find this item there.

On the Nazi u-boat, go into the kitchen, and you can find this item there.

On the Nazi u-boat, go into the kitchen, and you can find this item there.

On the Nazi u-boat, go to the kitchen, and OPEN the trapdoor, go down and you
will find some leaking battery acid, USE the PORCELAIN MUG with it to get this

USE the PORCELAIN MUG FILLED WITH BATTERY ACID with the strong box on the Nazi
U-boat, to the right of where Kerner and the scientist are eating.


When your talking to Trottier at Monte Carlo, be nice to him and dont insult him
and then give him the correct answer to his question, and he will give you his
buisness card.

In Algiers, you can get it from a guy in the market, see the walkthrough for the
lines of dialogue you need to say to get it, and how to meet the person.

Lock Omar inside his closet, and then PICK UP the pole that is sticking out of
the box, and it appears to be a BAMBOO STICK, at Omars house in Algiers.

Lock Omar inside his closet, and then PICK UP OMARS STATUE from the left on the
small table, at Omars house in Algiers.

Lock Omar inside his closet, and then PICK UP BLACKBIRD STATUE from the left on
the small table, at Omars house in Algiers.

Once you have the BAMBOO STICK, USE the BAMBOO STICK with the hanging cloth to

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier.

At the Dig Site at Aliger, go to the left and PUSH that little round object just
above the painting, and a small hole will open up, with the STATUE inside.

OPEN the generator at the Dig Site at Algier, and then USE it to turn it off,
and PICK UP the SPARK PLUG, it will be called something else, I think its
called a ceremic thing or something similar to that.

OPEN the truck door, and you will find the piece of paper on the seat, PICK UP
the piece of paper to get the TELEGRAM and read it.

After you make the Nazis crash at Monte Carlo, the second visit, Trottier will
give you the street of where to look. Find it, then LOOK AT every drain on the
street until Indy says he sees something down there, and then OPEN the drain to
get the SUNSTONE.

Once you arrive at Thera, go to the left and PICK UP the FISH NET.

When your at the mountains, enter either the gap, notch or cleft, and one of
them will have an empty crate at it, CLOSE it to find the INVOICE on top of it,
at Thera.

When your inside the mountain cave at Thera, go to the left and you can find the

When your inside the mountain cave at Thera, go to the left, and CLOSE the door
and USE the SUNSTONE with the spindle. LOOK AT the lost dialogue of Plato to
find the alignment for the sunstone, align it, and then OPEN the door, and the
CARVED SIGN is behind it, make sure you CLOSE the door and PICK UP the SUN STONE
after you PICK UP the CARVED SIGN.

GIVE the INVOICE to the guy at Thera docks, OPEN the crate and the LARGE RUBBER
BALLOON is inside.

GIVE the CARVED SIGN to the guy at Thera docks, and he will let you have the
VERY LARGE BASKET. To give it to him, make sure you try to PICK UP the VERY

Once you land onto the Nazi U-Boat, you will get this item. :) 

On the Nazi u-boat, go into the kitchen, and you can find this item there.

On the Nazi u-boat, go into the kitchen, and you can find this item there.

USE the COLD CUTS and the BREAD together to make a sandwich.

On the sub, GIVE your SUBMARINE SANDWICH to the guy standing next to the lockers
to the right of the kitchen, he won't take it, but you will suggest he makes his
own. When he is gone, OPEN the locker to find this item.

On the sub, GIVE your SUBMARINE SANDWICH to the guy standing next to the lockers
to the right of the kitchen, he won't take it, but you will suggest he makes his
own. When he is gone, OPEN the locker to find this item.

Go to the far right side of the Nazi Sub, and you can find it inside the room,
near the top of the screen.

Go to the room left of the OILY RAG room, and PICK UP the CLOTHESLINE here.

When your inside the Crete Labyrinth, they are in the starting room, PICK UP
two of them, go into the next room and USE the WHIP with the last STATUE HEAD
to get all 3 of them.

When you find the big statue room and go down the elevator, USE the WHIP with
the statue head, you can find the STAFF next to the skeleton.

When you find the big statue room and go down the elevator, USE the WHIP with
the statue head, you can find the WORLDSTONE next to the skeleton.

Found next to the skeleton of Sternhart, at the Crete Labyrinth.

When you PICK UP the WOOL SCARF, you will automatically get this item.


When your talking to Trottier at Monte Carlo, be nice to him and dont insult him
and then give him the correct answer to his question, and he will give you his
buisness card.

Once you have the BAMBOO STICK, USE the BAMBOO STICK with the hanging cloth to

At the dig site at Algiers, PUSH the round object above the painting to the left
when your actually inside the site, and a hole will open up with the SUN STONE

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier.

You can find this item inside the Dig site at Algier, see the walktrough for
more detail.

When your inside the Crete Labyrinth, they are in the starting room, PICK UP
two of them, go into the next room and USE the WHIP with the last STATUE HEAD
to get all 3 of them.

When you find the big statue room and go down the elevator, USE the WHIP with
the statue head, you can find the STAFF next to the skeleton.

Once you make the first elevator work again, OPEN that golden box to get this
item, at the Crete Labyrinth.

When your in the Crete Labyrinth, PUSH a large rock onto a Nazi, go back down
and you can pick it up. Check the walkthrough for more details on the exact

Crush Arnold with the boulder, and LOOK AT him to find it, he is inside the
Crete Labyrinth, check the walkthrough for more details on the exact location.

When you have the AMBER FISH ON A STRING, USE it in any room with a chasm in and
in one it should point down the hole, when it does, USE the WHIP with it, and
Sophia will climb up, make sure you TALK TO her first. She will give you the

At Thera, head over to the mountains, and go to all three of the places in the
mountain until you find the right one, and the TIRE REPAIR KIT is next to the


Found at the bottom left of the airlock room, it is normally a wooden thing.

OPEN the stone thing in the Airlock room to find the METAL ROD inside.

In the STATUE ROOM WITH CHASM, USE the LADDER with the hole, walk across and
PICK UP the CUP from the statue.

You can find this on the subway, to find it, go along the outside of the cirlcle
of Atlantis, and you should find it soon.

Use the sausage item you can get from Nazis, or the Sub sandwich with the
RIBCAGE, and then USE it with the pool to get the TRAPPED CRAB.

From the STATUE ROOM, PICK UP the STATUE HEAD from the top of the statue.

Found in a robot room.

Found in a robot room.

Found inside the EEL ROOM.

Found inside the dungeon, go through one of the vents until your at the one just
above the statue, USE an ORICHALCUM BEAD with it, and it will crush the Nazi if
you didn't melee him, and it will fall, and smash. The STATUE PART will fall out
so go back and get it.

When your at the canal, find some stairs leading to a doorway above a gate, go
through and PICK UP this item.

Once you use the statue twice at the canal, the HINGE PIN will fall off, see
the walkthrough for more detail.

Found inside Atlantis Middle, in a room with a big lava pit, if you have Sophia
with you, she gets taken over in this room.




Q. How many IQ points can I get over all?

A. Im not entirely sure, but there is about 1000 or so.

Q. Is the fighting any better then in Last Crusade?

A. Unfortunately, no, its more or less the same, which is certianly a shame.

Q. Can I skip the start?

A. Yes, press esc and you can skip straight to New York.

Q. Can I get into the Theatre in more then one way?

A. Yes, you can beat up the door guard, talk to him about how great Sophia is,
or you can PUSH/PULL the crates to the right, and go up that ladder to get into
the building.

Q. How do I get the guy out of the Theatre, he is stopping me from using the

A. GIVE him the NEWSPAPER from outside. You have to ask him if he likes to read
first, and he will tell you its a hobby of his.

Q. How do I get the information from Mr Costa at the Azores?

A. First, you need the EEL FIGURINE from Iceland, check the walkthrough for more
details on that. Once you have it, head over to Mr Costa, and TALK TO him as
Indy. Then, TALK TO him as Sophia, and ask him if he will take an artifact from
anyone, switch to Indy, and offer the EEL FIGURINE.

Q. If I did something at the start to get into the Theatre, but I don't want to
do that certain path, can I still choose?

A. Yes, before you go, you can choose the path you want to take.

Q. I am inside Atlantis, where do I go inside this giant maze!?

A. There are a lot of rooms here, some of them will have items you need, see the
walkthrough for more information.

Q. I rescued Sophia, and I need the HINGE PIN for that hulking machine, where do
I get another one?

A. You don't, go back to the prison cell, and OPEN the cage, and the HINGE PIN
will fall so you can pick it back up.

Q. At the very end, I keep on turning into that spirit, and then die, what do I

A. You have to say that you hope it doesnt work, because if you turn into a god,
you will kill the proffesor, and also mention Angry God, and the proffesor
should go into the machine.

Q. It says Indy will return in the credits, is Indiana Jones and the Infernal
Machine the sequel?

A. There was indeed a sequel, just not the Infernal Machine. It was called
Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix, but unfortunately, got cancelled in 1995.
There were various reasons why, Aric Wilmunder the main programmer left, and
there were problems with releasing the game in germany, because it had explicit
use of Nazis, but they were an important role so it couldn't be taken out.

Q. Was there anything left of this game?

A. Yes, a comic book was made for it.

Q. Any other sequels?

A. Yeah, they were going to make one called Indiana Jones and the Spear of
Destiny, but they decided not to make it as a classic Indiana Jones, and then
released Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, a 3D Tomb Raider style game.




1.0 - FINAL version for gamefaqs, as the whole of the guide is completed. I
have nothing more to add, all the items are in, walkthrough, crappy FAQ, you
don't need any more to complete Fate of Atlantis. I have also included all three
of the games paths.




Well, I hope you found this guide of use to you, and I do hope you enjoyed what
was Fate of Atlantis which was a very good SCUMM game. Hope you see me at my 
next guide, whatever it will be, most probably Day of the Tentacle im not sure.

This guide is © Copyright 2006 Ryan Haighton, DO NOT STEAL, IT IS MY WORK!
This guide is for Fate of Atlantis, the original 1992 version on PC.


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