
Larry Vales - Traffic Division Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Larry Vales - Traffic Division

Larry Vales - Traffic Division

(C) Pitchfork Productions - Philip J. Reed 2000 (
Larry Vales: Traffic Division is a freeware.
Game solved and walkthrough written by Mario "macCro" Zamic 
Version 1.0 written on September the 14th, 2001
This document (C) Mario Zamic 2001. Feel free to enjoy it.

Act 1: Bladerun Like Hell

- Open the door
- Look at the message board
- Talk to the receptionist
- Walk right
- Use the key in your inventory to unlock the middle door
- Get wires from the broken flat screen TV
- Get candy from pillow
- Get toilet plunger
- Talk to the bathroom door
- Use the wires on the telephone
- Leave room
- Walk left till you reach the swimming pool
- Use the candy on the sleeping fat man
- Toss the candy in the swimming pool
- Walk up (click hand on the exit)
- Talk to the couple
- Use the toilet plunger on the couple (they give you a box of matches)
- Get some dried brown grass on the path
- Go back to your room and unlock it with a key
- Put the grass in the smoke detector
- Use matches with the smoke detector and activate the fire alarm
- Go back to where you met the couple and go up
- Talk to Charlie
- Fix the door with wires
- Examine the bush in the back and get an entrance card
- Use the card in the card slot

Act 2: Duct Duct Goose (or "Stuck Inside a Hotel With a Mad Cyborg Again")

- Use your nightstick in the upper right corner of the screen (it should 
  light the lights)
- Click hand on the robot
- Shoot the robot's toolbox with your gun
- Get scissors
- Get keys from the dead janitor
- Get wad of gum from the dead janitor's mouth (yuck!)
- Put the nightstick into the big toolbox
- Click hand on the panel
- Use wad of gum on the blue button
- Turn the dial
- Use scissors on dead janitor (you get some of his hair - yuck yuck!)
- Go through the open grate.
- Talk to the man
- Give janitor's hair to him (he uses it as a false moustache - y y y!)
- Use the flashlight you just got on the dark area of screen
- You're in the casino, go left and unlock your room
- Get a hairpin from the corpse
- Go to the hall left of the reception desk
- Unlock the middle door with a closet key
- Get a drill and a screwdriver
- Go to the entrance where you were at the end of Act 1
- Get pieces of the broken door from the rubble
- Go back to the casino and look at Charlie
- Talk to Charlie
- Drill the dice with a cordless drill
- Put door pieces into dice
- Talk to the man with a tie and ask him to help you, then give him your ID
- He gives you your new ID (FBI's agent Sculder!)
- Go back to the hall left of the reception desk and talk to the door on the
- Click hand on the red surface under the cards
- Show the man your FBI badge (you get a cell phone)
- Go to the closet next door
- Use hairpin on the top right locker (you get a bottle of rubbing
- Talk to the bald man in casino
- Pour rubbing alcohol in his drink (you get his drink)
- Give a drink to Sandy the receptionist
- Go back to casino
- Open slot machine's coin box with a screwdriver (you get some money)
- Go through the reception door
- Use screwdriver to get the magnet on the fridge
- Climb the ladder
- Give money to the bird
- Use magnet on the key (you open a box)
- Use cell phone on the box to recharge it and end Act 2

Act 3: Justice Uses the Crosswalk (or "Shine On You Crazy Patrolman")

- Use magnet (in your inventory) to get a flashlight
- Point the flashlight at Rita
- Get a drill
- Get a screwdriver
- Click hand on the control box
- Slip the janitor's keycard into the slot
- Blow the whistle into the microphone
- Press the button #4
- Drill the pole... 

And that's it! You have successfully completed this funny game!


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