
Left 4 Dead - Achievement Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Left 4 Dead - Achievement Guide

Left 4 Dead - Achievement Guide

*******Left 4 Dead*******
****Achievement Guide****
******PC & Xbox360*******

Author: Dejime
Guide Version 1.0 (Jan 8, 2009)

Table of Contents (With searchable contents-just search the codes in 
parenthesis to be taken to the place you want to be!):

I. Introduction           (INTRO-I)
II.Legal stuff            (LEG-II)
III. Contact info         (INFO-III)
IV. The Achievements      (ACH-IV)
 A. Campaign Achievements (A-CAMP)
  1. Akimbo Assasin       (A-AKIMBO)
  2. Dead Baron           (A-DEAD)
  3. Do Not Disturb       (A-DISTURB)
  4. Grim Reaper          (A-GRIM)
  5. Mercy Killer         (A-MERCY)
  6. No One Left Behind   (A-LEFT)
  7. Nothing Special      (A-SPECIAL)
  8. Safety First:        (A-SAFETY)
  9. Stand Tall           (A-STAND)
  10. Stomach Upset       (A-UPSET)
  11. Toll Colector       (A-TOLL)
  12. What [...] to Prove (A-PROVE)
  13. Unbreakable         (A-UNBREAK)
  14. Zombicidal Maniac   (A-MANIAC)
 B. Survivor Achievements (B-SURV)
  1. 101 Cremations       (B-CREMATIONS)
  2. Back 2 Help          (B-HELP)
  3. Blind Luck           (B-LUCK)
  4. Burn the Witch       (B-BURN)
  5. Brain Salad          (B-SALAD)
  6. Clean Kill           (B-CLEAN)
  7. Cr0wned              (B-Cr0wned)
  8. Dead Giveaway        (B-GIVEAWAY)
  9. Dead Stop            (B-STOP)
  10. Drag and Drop       (B-DRAG)
  11. Field Medic         (B-MEDIC)
  12. Ground Cover        (B-COVER)
  13. Helping Hand        (B-HAND)
  14. Jump Shot           (B-SHOT)
  15. Hero Closet         (B-HERO)
  16. Hunter Punter       (B-PUNTER)
  17. Man vs Tank         (B-TANK)
  18. My Bodyguard        (B-GUARD)
  19. No Smoking Section  (B-SMOKING)
  20. Pharm-Assist:       (B-PHARM)
  21. Pyrotechnician      (B-PYRO)
  22. Red Mist            (B-MIST)
  23. Spinal Tap          (B-TAP)
  24. Tankbusters:        (B-BUSTERS)
  25. Tongue Twister      (B-TONGUE)
  26. Towering Inferno:   (B-INFERNO)
  27. Untouchables        (B-UNTOUCH)
  28. Witch Hunter        (B-WITCH)
  29. Zombie Genocidest   (B-GENOCIDEST)
 C. Infected Achievements (C-INF)
  1. All 4 Dead           (C-DEAD)
  2. Barf Bagged          (C-BARF)
  3. Big Drag             (C-DRAG)
  4. Chain Smoker         (C-SMOKER)
  5. Dead Wreckening      (C-WRECKENING)
  6. Double Jump          (C-DOUBLE)
  7. Lamb 2 Slaughter     (C-SLAUGHTER)
  8. Outbreak (PC ONLY)   (C-OUTBREAK) 
V. Conclusion             (CON-V) 

I. Introduction (INTRO-I)

Hi there! This L4D achievement guide is my second FAQ, having written 
one of the first Neverwinter Nights guides when the game first came out, 
and I've decided to come out of a long hiatus to write up this achievement
guide. I see a ton of people on message boards asking questions like 
"how can I complete this achievement?" Most of the achievements are pretty 
self-explanatory, but some are a little more complex and nuanced and require
some guidance to successfully complete. 

Why do achievements? Does completing them unlock anything?
Achievements don't unlock anything at all. They're just for completionists,
though you can check out how many achievements your friends have completed
and compare, so, if you're a completionist, finishing all 51 achievements 
(50 for XBox) is a nice accomplishment. But, they don't unlock new maps or 
weapons or titles or anything like that. So, there's no reason why these 
achievements *have* to be completed, just something to strive for while 
you play through the game.

Side note: I have the PC version of this game, and this is written from 
that perspective, though, with the exception of the "Outbreak" achievement,
all the achievements are the same and accomplished the same way. 


II. Legal stuff (LEG-II)

This guide is copyrighted 2009, "Dejime." Feel free to distribute and share 
and host this guide wherever, and please try to give credit where it's due. 
I am submitting it to GameFAQs but don't mind if it's submitted elsewhere, 
as long as I'm given credit for it. 


III. Contact info (INFO-III)

You can contact me at cskoenig *at* with any questions, comments,
suggestions, or corrections for this guide-credit will of course be given 
if I have something wrong or if there's an easier way to complete an 
achievement than the one I mentioned. 


IV. The Achievements: 

I'm going to split the achievements up into three categories:
 "Campaign Achievements" "Survivor Achievements," and "Infected Achievements".

Campaign achievements are achievements which are done by doing something
across an entire campaign, like surviving a campaign or completing an 
entire campaign with just pistols. These are best done in single player mode
or co-op mode (easier with friends than random players, obviously). 

Survivor achievements are somewhat more "random" achievements done while 
playing as survivors. These are possible in single player, co-op, and 
versus modes, and usually are more "singular" achievements-like "kill a smoker
who has grabbed you with his tongue."

The achievements will be listed in alphabetical order, list what the 
achievement is (and the points given, for XBox360 version only. Note, 1000
possible achievement points for XBox360), and how difficult I think the 
achievement is, on the following scale:

*-Stupid Easy. Probably will get this achievement by playing through the game
once or twice without even trying for the achievement.
**-Easy. Probably obtainable on the first or second try, once you know
what you're doing. 
***-Moderate. Might take a few tries.
****-Challenging. Might take a group of experienced players to pull 
this achievement off. 
*****-Expert. This achievement is only obtainable with a solid group of
expert players/expert play.

So, without further ado, the achievements!


A. Campaign Achievements: (A-CAMP) 

Side note: None of these achievements are possible in versus mode, to my
knowledge. They are all attainable in both single player mode and online 
co-op (Campaign) mode. 

1. Akimbo Assasin (A-AKIMBO): Survive an entire campaign using only 
pistols (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Pick a campaign on easy, DO NOT PICK UP
PRIMARY WEAPONS or grenades so you don't accidentally shoot, as right after 
you medkit or use pain pills, your primary weapon will pop up, and it's easy 
to accidentally shoot and cause you to not get the achievement. Can use single
and dual pistols, cannot use primary weapons or grenades. Can have them, just
cannot use them (but defintely recommend that you don't pick them up so they 
don't accidentally get used). Very easy acheivement on easy difficulty, but 
would be pretty challenging on harder modes.

2. Dead Baron (A-DEAD): Survive the Dead Air Campaign (on any difficulty)(15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Survive (Be alive, ie, escape with your 
character, so not dead or incapacitated at the end of) the Dead Air Campaign
on any difficulty. Sometimes this achievement is a little buggy and doesn't 
register properly. 

3. Do Not Disturb (A-DISTURB): Sneak past all Witches in a campaign without 
disturbing one (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Do not disturb a witch in a campaign. Easiest
in co-op mode with smart players, as the computer players often disturb 
witches. This achievement should probably read "do not have a witch get 
disturbed in any campaign"-as even if YOU don't disturb them, if the witch 
attacks due to the stupidity of your friends/computer players, you won't earn
the achievement. 

4. Grim Reaper (A-GRIM): Survive the Blood Harvest Campaign (15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Survive (Be alive, ie, escape with your 
character, so not dead or incapacitated at the end of) the Blood Harvest 
Campaign on any difficulty. Sometimes this achievement is a little buggy 
and doesn't register properly. 

5. Mercy Killer (A-MERCY): Survive the No Mercy Campaign (15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Survive (Be alive, ie, escape with your 
character, so not dead or incapacitated at the end of) the No Mercy Campaign
on any difficulty. Sometimes this achievement is a little buggy and doesn't
sregister properly. 

6. No One Left Behind (A-LEFT): Beat a campaign with all 4 Survivors (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Survive any campaign with all 4 survivors
alive (not dead or incapacitated) on any difficulty. 

7. Nothing Special (A-SPECIAL): Survive a campaign with no Survivors taking 
damage from Special Infected (30G)
Difficulty: *****
How to complete the achievement: This is an incredibly hard achievement to 
accomplish. Quick melee hits work well, stay completely together, and nuke 
down tanks quickly. I've heard rumors that this is possible on versus mode,
just stack the infected team with four of your friends and have them not 
attack for the whole campaign, but I haven't heard confirmation on that, so 
if you know if this is possible or not, please let me know!

8. Safety First: (A-SAFETY): Play an entire campaign with no Survivors taking
friendly fire damage (30G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: Play through a campaign, being extremely 
careful. If a survivor is anywhere near your crosshairs, melee melee melee 
and don't shoot. Easy mode of a campaign makes this much easier, as survivors
don't get surrounded as easily.

9. Stand Tall (A-STAND): Survive a campaign without being incapacitated (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Pick a campaign on easy and play through it,
being careful to not get incapacitated. Obviously attainable on any 
difficulty, but this is fairly difficult on the other difficulties. 

10. Stomach Upset (A-UPSET): All survivors complete a campaign without being
vomited on (by a boomer) (20G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: This achievement is mostly luck. 

11. Toll Colector (A-TOLL): Survive the Death Toll Campaign (15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Survive (Be alive, ie, escape with your 
character, so not dead or incapacitated at the end of) the Death Toll 
Campaign on any difficulty. Sometimes this achievement is a little buggy 
and doesn't register properly. 

12. What Are You Trying to Prove (A-PROVE): Survive all campaigns on
Expert (35G)
Difficulty: *****
How to complete the achievement: Get an expert group of players together,
and survive all four campaigns. This is sometimes buggy and doesn't register
properly, but ensure you are ALIVE at the end of the campaign (not dead or 
incapacitated) else you will definitely not get credit.

13. Unbreakable (A-UNBREAK): Finish a campaign without ever using a first aid
kit on yourself (30G)
Difficulty: *****
How to complete the achievement: Cannot get healed by a first aid kit, even 
by the other survivors. If you're playing with computer players, if they 
start healing you, switch to your own first aid kit to make them stop, else
they will heal you and keep you from getting the achievement. Pills are ok,
just not first aid. Be careful not to take unnecessary damage. 

14. Zombicidal Maniac (A-MANIAC): Survive any campaign on Expert (30G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: Survive one campaign on expert, without 
being dead or incapped at the end. Snag a good group of players to get this 
one, as expert is very challenging. 


B. Survivor Achievements (B-SURV)
These achievements are almost all attainable in all modes of the game:
Single Player, Co-op, and Versus. Will note if an achievement is an exception.

1. 101 Cremations (B-CREMATIONS): Set 101 Infected on fire (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Use Molotovs or other gas cans to set 101
zombies on fire. Doesn't have to be all at once, just total. 

2. Back 2 Help (B-HELP): Leave a safe room to save an incapacitated teammate
and bring them back safely.
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: As said, but can be hard as you will get
mobbed often as well. Best way to do it, is, run into the safe room, TK 
another survivor right before the safe room, then help them up and reach 
the exit. (I wouldn't do that in co-op, as someone might ragequit or 
votekick you). 

3. Blind Luck (B-LUCK): You or another Survivor take no damage after being 
vomited on by a Boomer (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: After a Boomer vomits on someone, throw a 
pipe bomb. That gives you a good shot to not take damage until the vomit 
effect wears off.

4. Burn the Witch (B-BURN): Light a Witch with a Molotov (10G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Throw a molotov at a witch while she lays 
on the ground, you'll get the achievemment.

5. Brain Salad (B-SALAD): Make 100 headshot kills (15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Play the game, get headshots. Easiest 
with shotgun probably, since a headshot from the shotgun is an instant 
kill. Hunting rifle can do it well too, though. 

6. Clean Kill (B-CLEAN): Shove a Boomer and then kill him without him 
splashing on anyone (10G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Shove a boomer back with a melee attack,
then run away and kill him so he doesn't burst all over anyone. Open space
is best. 

7. Cr0wned (B-Cr0wned): Kill a Witch with a single headshot (30G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: This is one of the most discussed 
achievements in the game. Most people figure a hunting rifle is the way 
to do it, but it's best done with a shotgun. 

Sneak up behind a witch, with the flashlight OFF. Nudge into her and have 
her stand up, so she's standing but not "disturbed." Shoot her in the head 
once she's in that standing position and she will die. Easier on easier 
difficulties, but I've done it in advanced as well. Expert I haven't tried,
if anyone's done it, feel free to let me know and I'll give you credit for 
the info!
8. Dead Giveaway (B-GIVEAWAY): Heal a fellow Survivor when your own health 
is below 10 (10G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Easy enough in theory, but it's unusual 
for you to be that low. Still, just requires a weird circumstance. 

9. Dead Stop (B-STOP): Punch a Hunter as he is pouncing (10G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Melee a hunter as he's pouncing on you, 
just get your timing right. Doesn't always register properly. 

10. Drag and Drop (B-DRAG): Rescue a Survivor from a Smoker's tongue before 
he takes damage (20G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Shoot a Smoker who has grabbed a player with
his tongue before he takes damage-very easy.

11. Field Medic (B-MEDIC): Heal 25 Survivors with a first aid kit (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Heal 25 other survivors with first aid,

12. Ground Cover (B-COVER): Save another Survivor from a special Infected 
while on the Ground (30G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: While incapacitated on the ground yourself,
save another pinned survivor from the ground. 

13. Helping Hand (B-HAND): Revive 50 incapacitated Survivors (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Help 50 Survivors get back on their 
feet. Just play the game.

14. Jump Shot (B-SHOT): Headshot a Hunter while he's leaping (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Mostly luck, but easier with good aim 
(and a shotgun)

15. Hero Closet (B-HERO): Rescue a Survivor trapped in a closet (10G): 
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: If a Survivor dies in a campaign, unless 
it's at the very end of the map, he will respawn, trapped, in a closet, 
with an orange outline. Just let the trapped survivor out of the closet. 
If people won't die, you can always TK them and have them respawn in a 
closet to get the achievement. Note that YOU must let them out of the 
closet, you won't get the achievement if one of the other Survivors does. 

16. Hunter Punter (B-PUNTER): Shove a Hunter off a pinned and helpless 
Survivor (10G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Just melee a hunter off a pinned Survivor

17. Man vs Tank (B-TANK): Single-handedly kill a Tank (30G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Do a match on easy, TK the other survivors,
and kill the tank alone. Just throw a molotov on him and run like hell until
he burns to death). 

18. My Bodyguard (B-GUARD): Protect any Survivor from an attacking Infected
50 times (15G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Protect survivor friends from Infected,
either special or random zombies. 

19. No Smoking Section (B-SMOKING): Kill 10 Smokers as they are pulling 
helpless Survivors (15G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Pretty obvious, just kill 10 smokers 
while they are pulling survivors. 

20. Pharm-Assist: (B-PHARM): Give pain pills to 10 Survivors (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Give pain pills to 10 Survivors, total. 
Counts across campaigns/matches, just get pain pills and give them to others.

21. Pyrotechnician (B-PYRO): Blow up 20 Infected in a single explosion (20G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Use a pipe bomb during a finale for the 
easiest way to complete this achievement. 

22. Red Mist (B-MIST): Kill 1000 Infected with a mounted machine gun (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: During finales, just use the mounted machine
gun as often as you can to kill zombies. You'll get it after you play enough
if you use the mounted machine guns, especially during finales. 

23. Spinal Tap (B-TAP): Kill an Infected with a single blow from behind (10G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Sneak up behind a zombie that hasn't seen
you, and melee it in the back. Can also get it by meleeing a zombie 
surrounding another Survivor, but it's not 100%. If you sneak behind one,
you'll get it.

24. Tankbusters: (B-BUSTERS): Kill a Tank without it dealing any damage to a 
survivor (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Get four auto-shotties, tanks go down in 
around 10 seconds with concentrated fire. Easiest in versus mode against a 
stupid player. 

25. Tongue Twister (B-TONGUE):-Kill a Smoker who has grabbed you with his 
tongue (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: As soon as you get grabbed with a Smoker's
tongue, you will have 1-2 seconds to kill him before you lose control and 
can't shoot anymore. Quick reaction speed is key.

26. Towering Inferno: (B-INFERNO): Light a Tank on fire with a Molotov (10G)
Difficulty: *
How to complete the achievement: Throw a molotov at a Tank, or light him on 
fire by shooting a nearby fuel can.

27. Untouchables (B-UNTOUCH): No survivors take damage after contacting the 
rescue vehicle (30G)
Difficulty: *****
How to complete the achievement: This achievement can be exploited in 
campaign mode, but not in versus mode, as this ledge has been removed.
Easy in the No Mercy Campaign, with a glitched ledge. You can all get
on a small ledge on the highest level of the radio room, by SLOWLY 
walking off the roof of the building. Only the Hunter and Smoker can 
reach you here, making the achievement easy to attain. There are other 
ways too, and they are stated exploits, so I won't mention them here. 

28. Witch Hunter (B-WITCH): Kill a Witch without any Survivor taking damage 
from her (20G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: Get the cr0wned achievement, best way to 
get this achievement. Hard to do otherwise. 

29. Zombie Genocidest (B-GENOCIDEST): Kill 53,595 Infected (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Just play the game a lot and you'll get it.
Why 53,595? It's "An "in-joke." Killing 53,594 zombies in the game Dead 
Rising earns the "Zombie Genocider" achievement; Frank West, the player, 
has killed, down to a man, the entire population of Willamette. 
In order to outdo Dead Rising, Valve included this achievement and added 
one more to the kill count. This number is referenced in a set of safehouse
graffiti in the No Mercy campaign, with different inscriptions claiming 40, 
50, 120 and finally "53,525!!!" zombie kills. This one in particular is 
underscored by the declaration: "LIES!!!"" 
Info attributed to 


C. Infected Achievements (C-INF)
These achievements are only possible during Versus, as Infected. All of 
these are pretty reliant on opposing players making mistakes/playing sloppily.

1. All 4 Dead (C-DEAD):
Difficulty: ***** 
How to complete the achievement: Usually relies on players being stupid. 
Easier on maps where you can one shot kill Survivors by knocking them 
off a roof or something. Tough to plan around. 

2. Barf Bagged (C-BARF): Cover four Survivors with Boomer bile at once (20G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: Get all four Survivors hit with bile, either
by vomiting on them or by getting killed right next to all of them. Easiest
when they're all stuck together in an enclosed space such as a closet.

3. Big Drag (C-DRAG): Drag a Survivor 100 feet with your tongue as a 
Smoker (20G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: This is a toughie, and relies on other 
players being bad and not noticing that you have attacked a Survivor-easiest
to do from long range right after the other Survivors are hit by Boomer bile-
makes it really hard for them to notice you're dragging a survivor away.  

4. Chain Smoker (C-SMOKER): Constrict two Survivors on one life as a 
Smoker (20G)
Difficulty: ***
How to complete the achievement: Have to constrict Survivors up until you 
do damage. Usually have to kill one, then constrict another (tough) or get 
melee'd off, get away, and constrict another again. It's a toughie, but 
it'll happen on its own if you play Versus enough. 

5.Dead Wreckening (C-Wreckening): Dole out 5000 total Survivor damage as 
a Special Infected (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Just play Versus a bunch, you'll get it. 

6. Double Jump (C-DOUBLE): Pounce two different Survivors in one life 
as a Hunter (20G)
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Same as Chain Smoker, but a little easier 
since players melee hunters off a lot. Can pounce one, get melee'd off, 
pounce another. Pretty easy achievement.

7. Lamb 2 Slaughter (C-SLAUGHTER): As an Infected, incap a Survivor who 
entered and left a safe room (20G)
Difficulty: ****
How to complete the achievement: Relies on member of opposing team to enter,
then leave a safe room. Best way is probably to have a hunter waiting right 
outside the safe room, and hope your allies force a survivor to leave the 
safe room. Then, you pounce, and incap him.  

8. Outbreak (C-OUTBREAK): PC-ONLY Achievement!!! Catch a rare strain of 
infection, then pass it on to someone else. 
Difficulty: **
How to complete the achievement: Get vomited on by a player-controlled Boomer
who already attained this achievement. Then, you vomit on someone else as a
Boomer to pass it on. Play Versus enough and you'll get it. Pretty random, 
just depends who you play with.  


V. Conclusion:

Hope you enjoyed the guide, and found it useful. Again, if you found any 
errors, or have any suggestions or alternative strategies to easily 
completing these achievements, feel free to e-mail me at
cskoenig *at*

FAQ to come if I have questions from readers!

Thanks for reading!

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