Love Chronicles - The Spell
Version 1.2 8/24/12
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Love Chronicles: The Spell
A Walkthrough by Michael Gray
AKA The Lost Gamer (ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com)
Copyright 2012
For a list of all my various guides, check
Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Walkthrough
002a. Old Man's Cabin
002b. The Blacksmith's Lodge
002c. The Fisherman's Hut
002d. Castle Gates
002e. The Garden
002f. The Cook's House
002g. The Mill
002h. The Farm
002i. The Throne Hall
002j. The Princess' Chamber
002k. The Witch's Den
003. Credits
001-General Information
This is a walkthrough for the game called Love Chronicles:
The Spell, for the PC. The full name of the game is Love
Chronicles: The Spell: The Mystery of the Cursed Kingdom,
which is slightly long. To contact me about this guide, use
my email address at ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com.
Thanks to jgs for the ASCII art of a maple leaf, seen at
the top of this guide.
When you start the game, you can choose between two modes,
one of which is easier than the other.
The game starts with a prince, who dreams about a kingdom
in turmoil. He decides to go visit the kingdom, in hopes
that he can rescue it from its problems.
Click on the Old Man's Cabin to go there.
002a-Old Man's Cabin
Click on the front door here. The old man is inside, but he
doesn't hear the prince's knocking. The prince decides
he'll have to use the doorbell.
Click on the doorbell, which is on the roof of the house.
You'll need a ladder to build it.
A hidden objects challenge starts! You want to find the
various tool parts, which are scattered throughout this
screen. Press the hint button in the upper/right if you're
ever stuck on one. Click all of the tool parts, and the
tools will be built.
One item part in particular is tricky. You need to click on
the window for a closer look, so you can pick it up. This
gives you the pliers. You can use the pliers on the tree
stump to get nails.
Once you have everything, you can use the hammer on the
ladder pieces to make the ladder. Put the ladder on the
corner of the cabin, and you can now pick up the doorbell.
Use the doorbell on the door, then click on it to ring it.
The person inside the cabin doesn't answer. Click on the
door to open it, then click on the doorway to go inside.
Click on the old man. The prince figures that he is asleep.
The prince decides to make some tea in the meantime. Pick
up the various tool pieces on this screen.
Click on the shelf for a closer look. Pick up the matches
on the middle shelf, then examine the book in the
lower/right. This is a puzzle. Rotate the various rings
here, in order to form a full picture. When a ring is in
the proper position, it will lock into place. Once you're
done, the book cover slides off and you can pick up the top
of a spoon.
Two of the tools cannot be assembled here. Go back outside.
They're all flowers, so pick up the seven flowers here. Use
the bucket on the water barrel here, in order to fill it
with water.
Go back inside the house. Time to make the tea. Put the
bucket of water into the cauldron, then put the two flowers
inside. Use the matches on the firewood below the cauldron
to start a fire. You now have some nice tea. Use the spoon
on the cauldron to stir it.
The old man wakes up. He asks you to find two cups. Pick
them up, then use them on the cauldron to get cups to tea.
Use the tea cups on the old man, and he tells the prince
about this kingdom. It was cursed by a witch, who was upset
because she wasn't invited to a feast in honor of the
princess' birthday. The witch put everyone in the kingdom
to sleep, except the old man.
The princess has to be saved, before all the maple leaves
on the magic tree disappear. Pick up the maple leaf here.
The old man's cabin is now disenchanted! The spell no
longer has any effect. Leave this cabin and go to the next
002b-Blacksmith's Lodge
Click on the door to see that it needs a handle. You need
to find two items to build the door handle; one is on the
window ledge and one is by the barrel. Use the handle on
the door.
Uh oh, the gutter blocks the door! You'll have to find a
few things to fix this problem. You need a halberd, a
crowbar, a saw, some logs and a piece of tin. To get the
head of the halberd, zoom in on the area above the coal.
Once you have the items, it's puzzle time. See the log near
the stump? Use the saw on the log to get the remaining
three logs. Now, use the crowbar on the anvil to lift it
up, and use the logs on the anvil to roll it to the right.
The anvil is now under the gutter.
The halberd can reach from the anvil to the gutter, so use
the halberd on the gutter. The halberd is now propping the
gutter up, which looks kind of unsafe.
Try using the door, now that it's unblocked. Uh oh! The
hinges are rusty. Use the dull piece of tin on the whetsone
(the gray thing on the stump) to sharpen it. Use the sharp
piece of tin on the rag (on top of the barrel) to get a
rag. Use the rag on the bucket to soak it in oil, then use
the oil on the rusty hinges of the door. You can now go
The blacksmith is asleep, as you might expect. Click on
him, and click on the knife above his work area. If you can
finish the knife he was working on, you can wake him up.
Let's start by getting items which will create a fire under
the work area. Pick up the coal box, the two pieces of the
bellows, the two pieces of the key, and the stone (half of
a stone and flint).
When the key is done, use it on the drawer behind the
blacksmith. It breaks. You have to use it on the tools (on
the wall) to fix it.
This is a puzzle. You want to use the three grinding tools
to make a key which matches the one you want. If you make a
mistake, you have to restart the puzzle.
It is possible to solve the puzzle, using only the left two
files. Start with the leftmost file. From left to right,
file the teeth of the key twice, twice, four times, and
once. You don't file the rightmost tooth.
Now, use the middle file. File the second-from-left tooth
once. File the two right teeth once as well. That's the
solution to the puzzle.
Solving the puzzle gets you the key. Use the key on the
drawer behind the blacksmith to open it. Pick up the flint
which is inside the drawer.
Those are all the items you can get inside here. Go back
outside. Build the shovel by picking up the handle by the
door and the head which is right of the barrel. You have to
zoom in to find it.
Put the coal box by the pile of coal. Click on it to note
that the box is broken. Pick up the two planks of wood
here, then use them on the coal box. Use the hammer on the
coal box to nail the planks onto the box.
Use the shovel on the coal, and the coal box is filled. All
right! Go back inside.
Use the coal box on the furnace, then use the shovel on the
coal box to fill the furnace with coal. Use the steel and
flint on the furnace, and use the bellows to start the
You have more items to find, which are gloves, a hammer and
some tongs. The parts are all on this screen. Zoom in on
the open drawer to find the bolt for the tongs. When you
have everything, use the tongs on the dagger. The prince
fixes the dagger, and the blacksmith wakes up.
The blacksmith wants water and fresh air. Pick up the door
handle here, and half of the hook. Use the handle on the
window to open it and find the second half of the hook. Use
the completed hook on the tea kettle.
The tea kettle is empty. You need to fill it with water, by
returning to the old man's cabin. Either click on the tea
kettle to go there, or go backwards twice and use the map.
Use the tea kettle on the water barrel. Go backwards to
reach the map. Return to the blacksmith's hut. Go inside
and give him the tea kettle. He thanks you and says that
the knife he was making is for the fisherman. And since
this location is now disenchanted, that's your next
002c-The Fisherman's Hut
Go to the fisherman's hut and click on the door to learn
that the fisherman is not home. Click on the right side of
the hut. The key to the hut is inside the paws of the
sleeping cat.
Click on the fisherman, and the prince figures that the
fisherman will awaken if you make fish come to the water
with fish food.
Go back to the hut. We need to get the key from the cat, so
pick up the pieces of the mousetrap here. Also pick up the
cheese (in the basket) and the birdcage (in the broken
canoe). Now, use the trap on the barrel (near the mouse),
and use the cheese on the trap. When a mouse comes in, use
the birdcage on the mouse.
Go back to the fisherman and use the mouse cage on the cat.
The cat wakes up, and you can now get the key. Go back to
the hut and use the key on the door. The prince tries to
force the door, even though it's the wrong key. The sign
then falls loose.
Zoom in on the sign area to find the key to the door. Then,
return to the Blacksmith's Lodge and pick up the crowbar on
the tool shelf in the back. Return to the Fisherman's Hut
and use the crowbar on the loose sign. Now, use the key on
the door to get inside.
Time to make fish food. Zoom in on the upper bunk near the
top of the screen, where you can get a can of barley and
part of the burner. Then, zoom in on the desk in the
lower/left to get the second burner part. Zoom out and pick
up the third burner part, which is near the corner of the
desk. The burner will assemble itself by the desk.
You can't make dry fish food, so go outside and go near the
fisherman. use the can of barley on the water to get it
wet. Then, go back inside the hut. Put the can on the
burner to get fish food.
Pick up the fish food, then go to where the fisherman is.
Use the fish food on the water. The fisherman, who is
apparently a lazy fellow, agrees to catch a fish, if you do
all the work for him.
Give the knife to the fisherman, then pick up the shovel
pieces. Go back, to the outside of the hut. Use the shovel
on the dirt left of the stump, and pick up the tin can
inside the canoe. Use the tin can on the dirt to get a can
of worms.
Pick up the pail handle here, then go inside the hut. Pick
up the four parts of the fishing rod here, and the parts of
the pliers. One part is on the desk.
On the back wall, there is a cupboard. Open it for a
puzzle. In this puzzle, you want to put all the hooks in
their proper locations. Right-click to rotate a hook. When
a hook is in the right spot, it becomes highlighted. Finish
the puzzle to learn that a hook is missing.
The missing hook is in the mouth of a fish on the wall. Use
the pliers on the fish to get the hook. The tacklebox is
now complete.
Return to the fisherman. Give him everything: the pail, the
can of worms, the tackle box and the fishing rod. He
demands that you build him a bobber.
There are six things here that can be used to make a
slingshot. One is inside the tree trunk. Pick up all six,
then go back outside the hut. Use the slingshot on the sign
beneath the seagull. This gives you a feather. Pick it up.
Go into the hut. Pick up the corkscrew, then use the
corkscrew on the wine bottle to get a cork. The cork stays
in the lower/left part of the screen, instead of going into
your inventory.
Use the seagull feather on the burner in the lower/left to
get a burnt feather. Use the feather on the cork to get a
bobber. Go to the fisherman and give him the bobber.
Now the fisherman demands that you get his boots. Go back
to the front of the hut again. One boot is in a trap, and
another boot is under a barrel. Use the corkscrew on the
barrel to empty it, so you can pick up the boot.
Pick up the iron bar near the stump and use it on the trap
to get the second boot. Go behind the hut again and give
the boots to the fisherman. The fisherman leaves.
Go to the front of the hut and talk to the fisherman. He
claims that he needs salt to preserve the fish, and salt
can only be found at the Castle Gates. Since this area is
disenchanted, that's your next destination.
002d-Castle Gates
The guard and his dog are both frozen. Click on the
mechanism on the right side of the screen, which controls
the gate. The Prince figures if he can open the gate, the
guard will come back to life.
The various items the Prince needs shows up at the bottom
of the screen, as usual. Two things you need are inside the
little hut on the left.
You can find all the items here, except the handle and the
plate. To get the plate, you'll have to go to the
Fisherman's Hut; the plate is in the ceiling area. Return
to the Castle Gates, then use the plate on the dog. The dog
comes to life when it sees the plate with bones in it.
The handle is being protected by the dog. You need to
distract him. Go back to the Fisherman's Hut, where a bag
is on the room. Go to the area behind the hut, where the
cat is. Use the bag on the cat, then go to the Castle
Gates. Use the bag on the dog. The dog will chase the cat,
leaving you free to get the handle.
Use the cogwheel, chain and handle on the mechanism here.
The gates partially open, before a cog falls and breaks.
The guard wakes up, and he says that you can use the glue
recipe in his house to fix the cog.
Leave and go to the guard's residence. A cannon is blocking
the entrance, and you need to fix the wheelbarrow in order
to move the cannon. Start by picking up all the items on
this screen, which are planks, roof tiles, a branch and
wood parts.
Use the two planks on the ladder to get the ladder. Use the
ladder on the right side of the building. Use the roof
tiles on the area with broken roof tiles. Use the branch on
the attic door, to open it. Inside the attic door is the
final part to the wheelbarrow wheel.
Use the wheelbarrow wheel on the wheelbarrow, then use the
wheelbarrow on the cannon which is blocking the front door.
The cannon moves aside, and you can now go in the building.
Click on the recipe, which is in the middle of the screen.
The Prince decides that he's too tired to pick up the piece
of paper, and he wants to have a meal of bread and water.
Pick up the bread here, then go outside.
Clearly, the easiest way to get water is to use the water
barrel at the Old Man's Cabin, but that's too far to walk,
I guess. Instead, the Prince needs to go through the
trouble of fixing the well here. Find the bucket pieces,
the pulley and the long rope (which is near the firewood).
There is a hook hanging from the top of the well. Use the
pulley on the hook, then use the bucket on the hook. The
well's rope breaks, leaving the bucket at the bottom of the
Try using the long rope on the well, and Prince notes that
he needs a much stronger thing to carry his weight than the
weak pulley that can't even hold a bucket. Click on the
wheelbarrow/cannon duo on the left to move it to the well,
then use the long rope on the wheelbarrow.
Click on the well to go inside. Pick up the bucket, the two
maple leaves, and the triggering device which is where the
missing stone should go.
Leave the well and go back in the house. Now the Prince is
refreshed, and he can look at the piece of paper with the
glue recipe. It's written in invisible ink!
Pick up the matches near the logs by the fireplace. Use the
matches on the candle on the mantelpiece. Click on the
candle, then use it on the recipe. You have a challenge,
where you must move the candle all over the page to reveal
the recipe. A meter at the bottom of the screen tracks your
The glue recipe isn't too difficult. Pick up the mortar and
pestle on this screen, then go outside. Take the pitch from
the tree. You have the ingredients now! Use them on the
bucket to mix them together.
Return to the Castle Gates. Use the glue on the broken
cogwheel, then use the cogwheel on the mechanism. To start
the mechanism, click on the puzzle by the statue's base.
This is a tricky puzzle. Five nails are randomly located on
the board. You need to find all of them, move all five
holes on top of the nails, and move all five holes (in the
reddish belts) on top of the nails.
The guard is almost ready to open the gate. He just needs
his gun. Go back to the Guard's Residence and go inside his
house. Click on the butt of the gun here, and you see all
the gun parts you need to get. They're all on this screen,
and bullets are on top of the dresser.
Once you have the gun parts, use them all on the gun. I put
them on the gun randomly, but some people have told me they
had to put the parts on the gun in a certain order. In any
case, build up the gun, then go to the Castle Gate and give
the gun to the guard. Also give him the triggering device,
then click on the mechanism.
The Castle Gates open, this area is disenchanted, and you
can go forward to the Garden.
002e-The Garden
Click on the gardener here, who is frozen. The Prince
figures that if he fills the empty container with flowers,
the gardener will wake up.
Click on the paper in between the gardener's knees. It's
part of a painting. Pick up the five other parts on this
screen (one is in the flowers in the lower/right), then use
them on the gardener's painting. The Prince puts all the
painting scraps on the ground in front of the statue. Click
on the scraps for a puzzle.
This is a jigsaw puzzle. Put all the pieces together to
form a picture of flowers. There is a dull yellow curtain
on the right, whereas the curtain on the left is dull red.
The flowers themselves are violet.
Go left and click on the flowers near the base of the
statue. You need some items to move the flowers. Go back
right, and pick up all three items here. That'd be a
trowel, flowerpots and a watering can. The head of the
watering can is left of where the finished flowers will go.
Go back left. Use the flowerpots on the flowers to get
them. This disturbs a nearby ghost, but she doesn't prevent
you from getting the flowers. Go back right and use the
flowers on the container by the fountain. Use the watering
can on them to make them look nice.
The gardener wakes up. Talk to him, and he says to follow
the lanterns. Click on the right side of the screen to do
so. This takes you to a raised bridge and a frozen
musician. Click on both these things, then go backwards.
Talk to the gardener. He says the nightingale's song will
wake the musician. He also says that you need to get rid of
the water in this fountain to lower the bridge.
You have some items to find here. Sunflower seeds are on
the sunflower, and the two pieces of a pickaxe are here.
Use the pickaxe on the door (on the fountain) to start a
pipe puzzle, in which you must connect all the pipes, so
that no water leaks out. Solve the puzzle to drain the
You can now look in the drained fountain. There are music
notes on the wall here.
Go to the left part of the garden here. You can pick up a
branch on the right and a rope near the base of the tree on
the left. Now, click on the birdcage, which takes you to
the Fisherman's Hut. The cage is in the area at the top of
the screen.
Return to the garden. The nightingale is near the statue.
Put the birdcage on the ground, then use the branch to prop
open the door. Use the sunflower seeds as bait, and the
nightingale falls for the trap.
Pick up the birdcage, then go right twice. Use the birdcage
on the musician to wake him up. Talk with him to learn the
most popular song in the kingdom. Go left to the empty
fountain, and zoom in on the musical notes. Use the song on
the musical notes to play the song and lower the bridge.
This location is now disenchanted! The Prince has access to
the area near the castle. He starts by going to the Cook's
002f-The Cook's House
Click on the cook, who is frozen. The Prince decides to get
some salt himself. Zoom in on the windowsill in the
upper/right, then pick up the salt.
Go to the Fisherman's Hut, and give him the salt. He says
he will prepare the fish for the Blacksmith shortly. In the
meantime, he says that the Cook has a special recipe.
Return to the Cook's House, and go up the stairs to the
left. The five pages of the recipe are in this room. One is
in a cubby hole on the right part of the screen. Once you
have all the recipe pages, the ingredients for the cake
Go back downstairs. The door in the lower/left leads to the
basement pantry. It's locked now. Pick up the knife in the
drawer near the cook, then use the knife on the door. You
can now access the pantry.
You can get some items in the pantry, but not many. Two
items are on the shelf in the upper/right, and one item is
on the green bag in the middle of the screen.
Click on one of the locks on the left. The Prince decides
he doesn't have time to find all the keys here. He'd rather
let the Blacksmith make him a master key to open every
Return to the Fisherman's Hut. He is done with the fish.
Pick up the fish and get the salt from the Fisherman. Then,
go to the Blacksmith and give him the fish. In return, he
gives you the master key.
Go back to the Cook's House and go to the pantry. Use the
master key on the locks here to learn that most of the
drawers and things are empty. One has an item you're
looking for, while another (the topmost one) is broken.
Go upstairs and get the fireplace poker. Go back downstairs
and use the poker on the broken lock. The door opens,
revealing an empty bottle. Use the bottle on the wine
barrel in the lower/right to get a full wine bottle.
The Prince is unable to finish the cake, because he can't
get the other ingredients yet. The location is
disenchanted, so he can move on to the Mill.
002g-The Mill
Click on the Miller, who is frozen. Some millstone grinding
should wake him up. Pick up the grain flail (left of the
miller) and the millstones (right of the miller). Then,
click on the door to go inside. Pick up the bundle of wheat
on the right side of the screen.
Go back outside. There is some clear ground near the
Miller. Put the millstones there. Use the wheat bundle on
the millstones, then use the grain flail on the wheat. The
Miller wakes up, and he agrees to let you use the mill to
make flour for the Cook's food.
First, you'll need to shore up the weak waterwheel. Pick up
the five planks on this screen, one of which is near the
wheelbarrow. Use them on the wooden pipeline above the
waterwheel. There are some cracks in the pipe, so we'll
need to use tar to cover them up.
Go inside the Mill. Here, pick up the parts for a hand
scythe, a barrel, and half of a flax brush. Use the barrel
on the tar barrel here to get some tar, then go outside.
Use the tar on the wooden pipe to fix it. Uh oh, you need a
flax brush to apply it!
Pick up the grain brush (on the wheelbarrow here). Now, use
the hand scythe to cut the flax plant in the lower/right.
Use the grain brush to sort through the plant trimmings to
get flax. This is added to your half of the flax brush to
give you a full flax brush. Now you can use the tar on the
wooden pipe to fix it.
Go back inside. Now that the water is running smoothly, the
gears are moving. Click on the broken gear to see it needs
some planks. Click on all five planks here (one is in the
lower/right corner) and use them on the middle gear.
Now the Mill is in working condition. Ask the Miller where
you can get some grain. He says the King's Storeroom is the
place to go. Head to the Castle Gates and ask the guard for
the key to that room. He gives it to you. Now, go to the
King's Storeroom and pick up the grain, which is out in the
open, in the lower/middle.
Go back to the Mill. Go inside and use the bag of grain on
the feeding slot, in the upper/left. We need something to
prevent the grain from getting mixed up with the bad flour.
Go back outside, and zoom in on the darkened area under the
Mill. A paper cone is here.
Go back inside the Mill. Use the grain on the Mill, and the
Prince will catch the falling flour in the paper cone. Now
go outside and ask the Miller about the other ingredients.
He says the Farm is your next location, and this location
becomes disenchanted!
002h-The Farm
In this chapter, the Prince will do a lot of moving from
location to location, but the good news is that he'll
finish the cake! This cake will wake up the cook AND the
king, so you know it's important.
Click on the rooster here, who is frozen. The Prince
figures that sunlight will wake it up, which is usually the
case with roosters. Click the mirror icon to go the Cook's
House. The mirror is upstairs, inside the closet. Now,
return to the Farm and use the mirror on the rooster to
wake it up.
Go inside and click on the milkmaid. She's asleep, too. I
wonder what will wake her up.
Leave the farmhouse, then go right. This leads to the barn.
The chickens are awake, now that the rooster has crowed.
Click on them and on the cow. The Prince decides he needs
to get things to feed them.
Get the pitchfork on the far left side of the screen, and
use it on the hay. Then, pick up the three flowers here,
one of which is hidden under the stairs. Finally, go to the
Mill and pick up the grain which is inside.
Return to the barn. Use the flowers on the cow to wake it
up, then use the hay on the cow to feed it. Use the grain
on the chicken to feed them. Now the animals are happy and
Leave the barn, then go inside the farmhouse. The milkmaid
is awake now. She agrees to help you get the ingredients
for the pie. She goes to milk the cow, while you set up the
butter churn.
On this screen, pick up all three parts to the butter churn
(one is in the window), as well as a jar to store the milk.
Go outside and talk to the milkmaid. She gives you the milk
and butter. She also gives you eggs, provided you woke up
the hens and fed them.
The milkmaid tells the Prince about the final ingredients.
Plums are in the Guard's Residence, so go there and take
the plums from the tree. The final ingredient, apples, are
in the farm cellar.
Go to the farmhouse. Here, find the ring of the cellar door
(on the far right, as part of a towel rack) and a lantern
(under the laundry line on the left). Use the ring on the
trapdoor, then use the lantern on the trapdoor. Pick up the
apples, and the cake is done.
Well, kind of. We still need to cook it. Go to the Cook's
House, and open the oven. Prince learns what he needs next.
Pick up the cooking tray and the empty bag of coal on this
screen, then go to the Blacksmith's Lodge. Go inside, and
use the bag on the coal box to get a bag of coal.
Go to the Old Man's Cabin and pick up the kindling for the
fire. Now, return to the Cook's House. Use the cooking tray
on the upper portion. Use the kindling, coal and matches on
the lower portion to start a fire, which cooks the cake.
Go upstairs and get the fan. Go back downstairs and use the
fan on the smoke. The Prince wafts the smoke towards the
Cook, and the Cook wakes up. She says that only a few more
ingredients are needed to turn this cake into the King's
favorite cake.
Return to the farm and talk to the milkmaid. She will get
you some cream, if you get the bowl and spoon from the
house. Go in the farmhouse, and grab the bowl and spoon. Go
back outside and give them to the milkmaid for some cream.
The milkmaid tells you where to get the other ingredients.
The pine nuts are harvested by the miller. Go to the Mill
and talk to him. He says the squirrel trades pine nuts for
walnuts. Go to the King's Storeroom, then get some walnuts.
Return to the Mill and give the walnuts to the squirrel in
the upper/right, in exchange for pine nuts.
Most of the remaining ingredients are in the Doctor's
Quarters, a new location which opens up. Go there.
Outside of the Doctor's Quarters, there is a beehive on the
right. Click on it, and the Prince realizes this is where
he can get honey. Take the beekeeper's hat and mask here.
The Prince needs a few more things before he can get honey,
Go inside. The Doctor is mysteriously absent. Maybe the Old
Man knows where he is. In any case, get the vanilla sticks
from the cabinet, and the three parts of the bee smoker.
Go outside. Use the smoker on the beehive. You can't do
this, without the beekeeper's hat and mask in this area.
The bees go away, and the Prince needs something to scrape
away the honey.
Go back inside and get the scraper. Go outside and take the
bucket from the inside of the fountain here. Now, use the
scraper on the beehive, and you have a bucket of honey.
Go to the Old Man's Cabin and talk to him. He says that he
is the Doctor, and he is in love with the Princess. He also
explains how to get the rose oil, which is a mixture of
olive oil and roses.
Go to the Garden and talk to the gardener. He is tired,
even after the hundred-year nap. Take the garden shears on
the ground and use them on the roses in the lower-right.
Now you have roses. Go to the King's Storeroom to get olive
Return to the Old Man's Cabin and give the olive oil and
roses to the Old Man. He makes the Rose Oil, which is the
final ingredient. The cake should be finished now!
Return to the Cook's House. Give her the cake. She asks you
to get some utensils. Go upstairs. Grab the three frosting
cones and the cake knife (in a cubby hole in the
upper/left). Now, go downstairs and give them to the cake.
The Cook wants you to decorate the cake. Click on the cake
in the lower/right for a decorating puzzle.
In this puzzle, you can put rose decorations on the cake,
by clicking. I'm not entirely sure how clicking controls
the puzzle. A simple left-click gives you a small rose.
Clicking with the left and right mouse buttons at the same
time gives you a large rose. I couldn't figure out how to
make a medium-sized rose, however, so I was stuck on the
puzzle. Some people say a double-click works fine, but it
did not work for me.
In any case, follow the picture on the left. All the white
roses are small, while all the yellow roses are large. The
red rose in the middle is large, and all the other red
roses are medium. If you ever make a mistake, use the cake
knife to scrape it away.
Once you're done, pick up the finished cake. This location
is disenchanted!
002i-The Throne Hall
Time to wake up the cake-loving king. Go to the Throne Hall
and use the cake on his royal majesty. He says that a new
gown will awaken the sleeping queen.
Go to the Seamstress' Quarters and click on the seamstress.
Ironing should wake her up, seeing as she fell asleep right
next to an iron. Pick up the iron, the sheet and the ladle
(hidden left of the fireplace).
Put the sheet on the table in front of the seamstress. Use
the ladle on the water pitcher (above the fireplace), then
use the ladle on the sheet. Use the iron the sheet to
awaken the seamstress. Talk to her, and she says she needs
fabric and thread.
Go to the King's Storeroom and pick up these items. The
three spools of thread are all on shelves that you can zoom
in on.
Return to the Seamstress and give her the thread and
fabric. She complains that her scissors are too dull to
use. I suppose that can happen if they go unused for a
hundred years.
Pick up the scissors from the yarn basket on the table,
then go to the Blacksmith's Lodge. Sharpen the scissors on
the whetstone, then return to the Seamstress' Quarters and
give her the sharp scissors.
She asks the Prince to cut the cloth for her. Click on the
cloth for a puzzle. It's simple; all you have to do is run
your mouse over the chalk outlines. No clicking is
necessary. Follow along the entire pattern, four times, to
get the four pieces of cloth.
The Seamstress needs starch now. Go to the farm and talk to
the milkmaid. She says starch comes from potatoes, and she
gives you a bag. Go to the Doctor's Quarters, and click on
the vegetable garden in the far right.
Pick up the shovel here, by the bench on the left. Use the
shovel on the vegetable garden to get potatoes. Use the bag
on the potatoes to pick them up. Return to the farm and
give the potatoes to the milkmaid in return for starch.
Go to the Seamstress' Quarters and give her the starch. She
finishes the Queen's Gown. Return to the Throne Hall and
use the gown on the Queen. She wakes up, and she says that
music will disenchant the Princess.
We met a musician in the Garden, as you may remember. Go
there, then go right and talk to him. He says he'll play a
song if you get the instruments from his music room. The
music room opens up as a new location. Go there, and get
all the instruments and a phonograph. The violin bow is
inside the piano, and the phonograph horn is in the
Return to the garden and give the instruments to the
musician. He plays a nice song, which is recorded on the
phonograph. And this location (the Throne Hall) is
disenchanted, even though you're technically at the garden
right now. All right!
002j-The Princess' Chamber
Go to the Princess' Chamber. She is asleep in her bed. Put
the phonograph on the desk next to her bed. The music wakes
her up and...wait, no, she's still asleep.
Return to the Throne Room and ask the King for help. He
suggests performing a royal salute to wake her up.
Basically, this means you need to set some fireworks off.
That should get her attention!
Go to the Castle Gates and talk to the guard. He sends you
to his residence, where you can pick up a hacksaw and
special gunpowder.
Now, go to the Belfry Tower, a new location. Here, you can
get a cannonball from the cannonball box. Use the hacksaw
on the cannonball, and the Prince puts the special
gunpowder inside.
Pick up the halberd, which is leaning against the wall. Use
it on the lock of the locked chest to open it. Inside is a
wick. Use the wick and cannonball on the cannon, and
fireworks go off.
Wouldn't you know it? The Princess is still asleep. Go to
the Throne Room and ask the King for advice. He is out of
ideas, and he tells you to see the Old Man. Go to the Old
Man's Cabin. He believes that the witch who cursed the
kingdom has the ability to awaken the Princess.
And the Princess' Chamber is now disenchanted, even though
the Princess is still asleep! All right! Time for the final
002k-The Witch's Den
Go to the Witch's Den, which is away from the castle. Click
on the door to learn that black magic prevents the Prince
from entering.
Go back to the Old Man's Cabin and ask him for help. He
says to get five books from the Royal Library, a new
location which opens up. Go there, and use the magnifying
glass on the books here. The five books you need will glow,
when viewed through the glass.
Return to the Old Man's Cabin and give him the books. He
will come up with a list of ingredients for a counterspell.
The candle wax is here, so pick it up. Go to the Throne
Room and talk to the King and Queen for two more
Go to the Royal Library. Pick up the dust bag here. Click
on the dust (on the books on the table in the lower/left),
and the Prince realizes he needs a dust sweeper. Pick up
the handle for this device from the shelf.
Go to the Seamstress' Quarters and ask her for thread for
the dust sweeper. Then, go to the Farm. In the barn, you
can get three feathers from the chickens. This finishes the
dust collector, so return to the Royal Library and use the
device on the books on the table to collect the dust.
The final ingredient is mushrooms. Go to the Witch's Den
and pick them.
Once you have the ingredients, return to the Old Man's
Cabin. Use all the ingredients (minus the dust bag) on the
cauldron on the fireplace. Then, pick up the cup next to
the old man, and use it on the cauldron to get some of the
Return to the Witch's Den. Put the cup on the tree stump,
then use the bag of dust on the cup.
If you haven't done so already, examine the shining thing
on the second floor. Then, go inside the Witch's Den. Click
on the area leading to the second floor, and Prince
realizes he needs a ladder.
Go back outside, and pick up all the pieces of the ladder
here. Then, go back inside and use the ladder on the
ceiling. Climb to the second floor and look out the window
to find the glowing thing: the sphere of equilibrium.
The ghost in the garden wanted this. Return to the garden
and give it to her. She thanks you, and she explains that
only true love's kiss can wake up the Princess. Of course,
true love is mutual, which means we have to find someone
who the Princess loves, and who loves the Princess back.
Go to the Throne Hall and ask the King who the Princess
loves. The Prince suggests the Old Man, who loves the
Princess, but the King dismisses him.
Go to the Princess' Chamber. Her diary is inside a box on
her clothing dresser, and the key to the diary is in a box
by the foot of the Princess' bed. Also inside the box is a
locket, containing a picture of the man she loves. Use the
key on the diary to confirm that the man she loves is the
Old Man. Or, that is, she loved him when he was young.
right before she was cursed.
Return to the Throne Room and tell the King about this. He
agrees to let the Old Man awaken the Princess, provided
that the Old Man become young again.
Go to the Old Man's Cabin and talk to him. He says that
there is a book in the library that will make him young,
but only someone approaching their love can get it.
Go to the Princess' Chamber, and take the locket from the
chest by the foot of her bed. This locket will have to
represent the Old Man, who can't be here himself. Go to the
Royal Library, and zoom in on the area behind the ladder.
Use the locket on the book, in order to pick it up.
Return to the Old Man with the book. Give it to him, and he
curses. The witch stole the last page of the book, with the
most important ingredient!
Return to the Witch's Den. Go upstairs and click on her
book, by the large chest. If you get the correct
ingredients for a potion, then throw the potion in the
fire, you can get the last page of the Old Man's book.
Pick up the five ingredients here on the second floor. One
is in the treasure chest, one is in a pot, and another is
inside the potions chest. Now, go downstairs and outside to
collect the three mushrooms. These are all the ingredients
for the potion.
Go back inside. Use the mushrooms on the mortar and pestle,
and the finished potion goes in the Prince's inventory. The
only thing left to do is start a fire, so gather all the
firewood (and the hay) here. Use the firewood and hay on
the over, then use the matches on the oven. Once the fire
is ready, throw the potion in the oven.
Go upstairs. The last page of the Old Man's book is in
plain sight on the floor now. Pick it up, then return to
the Old Man's Cabin. Give the book to him.
The magical ingredient that the Old Man needs is 65 maple
leaves. Hopefully, you've been collecting them all
throughout this game. There are two leaves on every screen.
The journal in the upper/left keeps track of how many
leaves have yet to be found in each location, so if you're
missing some leaves, go to the locations the journal
indicates and search there.
Once you have all the maple leaves, give them to the Old
Man. He becomes young again, and he awakens the Princess
with true love's kiss. They get married, there is a big
celebration, and the Prince leaves afterwards. Everyone is
sad to see him go.
This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2012. If you want
to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions
under general information).