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Leisure Suit Larry 6
I completed this game in 13 hours. Quite good, huh? And the best
of all, I think I got all the points there are to get. I know
there is already a walkthrough for the game, released by SIERRA
herself, but it doesn't provide you what this document has to
offer you : a complete solution of ALL the puzzles in the game.
Yepz, that's right. But they really aren't tough, so you should
be able to complete them all by yourself (if you try hard enough
of course).
I'm not going to explain how to manage the controls in the game.
I suppose you all are familiar enough with Sierra games to find
that out yourself. Well, here we go.
The meaning of the game is to please some babes finding items for
them so you can get something from them (ya know what I mean!).
I'll just start with the beginning. You will see that this solve
sorts out to be a complete chaos, but that is because I'm writing
it down while I'm playing the game.
You start in the lobby of a hopel. Take a key from the box on you
left. Now go down the hall on your right side. Enter the first
door. In the middle of the room is a bench full of ice. Under the
ice you'll find an orange. Go through the next door to enter the
kitchen. In the trashcans you'll find a can of lard. Near the
refrigerators is a lift. You can enter this lift to go to the
room of Shamara. Remember this, coz you'll have to use it several
times later on in this game. Go back to the hall. Further in the
hall is a stair. Go down the stair. Now take a match from the
bar. Also plug out the cable of the microphone. Go back to the
hall and go further to the swimming pool. There is a bar floating
in the pool. Take the box from the bar. Open it. You'll find
glasses and a little napkin. You also see a green door. Enter it.
Join the girls in their work-out. When class gets dismissed, go
talking to the teacher. Do this till you get her ID-card. Go out
through the second door and talk to Thunderbird. She'll tell you
about the handcuffs she needs. Go further to the mud-baths. Their
you'll find Charlotte. Talk to her to find out she needs 6 D-cell
batteries. Go further to the showers. Put off the fluids before
going further. Outside the locker-room you'll find Gary behind a
stand. Talk to him, register to get a towel and also take a
brochure. Go back to the lockerroom. Get undressed and go taking
a mud-bath. Once you did this, go take a shower and then get
dressed again. Go back to the faggot. Now go to Rose. Talk to
her. You'll find out you got to get her a real flower and not a
plastic one (ofwhich the hotel seems to be full off). Go out her
room. Now go to the make-up place. Look at Shablee. She'll tell
you to get her a new dress. Also take the electric cord from the
chair that ain't working. Go back to the lobby. Go to the beach.
Dig in the sand. You'll find a lamp. Appearantly it's empty at
the moment, so you'll have to fill it up wtith some kind of oil.
Go to the bar. You'll find there a lady who's singing. Pull out
the cable of the microphone again. When she's sitting, talk to
her. She'll tell you to get her some beer. Now go back to the
receptioniste and talk to her till you get the key of your room
and til she told you about the broken cellulose-machine. She
wants you to repait it for her. Now go to your room. Look at the
blue, red and pink card on the desk. Also take the flowers. Now
go to your bathroom. When you activate the sink, you'll notice
there's brown water coming out of it. So go back to room and call
Building Maintance to have it repaired. Also be sure to call
Housekeeping. They will leave a 'present' for you on your pillow.
Go out your room. In the hall is a cart. Take toilet paper, soap
and handcreme from the front of the cart and a toilet cover and
dental floss from the back of the cart. Go back to Rose and give
her the flowers (that's one Babe pleased!). Now enjoy the
animation. In return she'll gove you an orchid. Go give it to
Samarah. Goback to your room. In your bathroom you'll find a
plummer who's repairing your sink. Steal a file and a wrench from
him. Go out. Leave. The plummer will also leave the room. Now go
to the garden at the end of the right hall. Wait till Art comes
with his tram. When he turned the car to go back, offer him the
match. He will go for a cigar. Now act quickly. Open the back of
the car. Use the wrench to disconnect the powercable of the car.
When Art gets back, the car won't start. Art will try to repair
the car. Offer him some help. He'll give you a lamp to hold. Once
the car is fixed, quickly remove the batteries from the lamp.
Then give it back to Art. Now go bring these batteries to
Charlotte (that's the second babe you please). Now strip away the
ends of the electric cable. Use it to open the door (Yepz, high
voltage will do). You will awake in your room. Go back to the
Electro-Shock-room. Find the pearl. Go out again. In the room of
the mud-tubs is a camera. Remove the flowers from the stairs and
then reposition the camera using your wrench. This will distract
guard. No go to the guard (outside the building) and steal the
handcuffs he got with him. Bring them to the girl in the
fitness-room. (you already pleased three girls now). Now find the
room of T-Bird. Go in. Enjoy this rather sadistic animation. When
you awake in your room you'll find a dogcollar in you're
inventory. Remove the diamond from it. Go to Samarah. Give her
the golden sculpture, the pearl and the diamond. Now go to the
swimming pool. Find a floating device in the shape of a beaver.
Blow it up holding it against the tire of the car in the kitchen.
Go to the cellulose-machine. Use your wrench to open the red
device. Take the dirty filter from it. Close the device again.
Take to filter to the kitchen and get it cleaned in the sink. Put
the cleaned filter in the device again and make sure to lock it
with your wrench. Go to the fitness room. Take the band from the
bun-skaker. Wrap it around the broken cellulose-machine. Also use
the lard on one of the devices. Now go talking to Gammie and tell
her the machine is repaired. Follow her to that room. She want to
get the cellulose 'sucked' out of her body. Once she's laying
down on the table, attach the tools aboth her to her body. Talk
to Gammie. She'll tell you g-to get a cold cloth. Go out, put the
washcloth in the fontain and then in the refrigerator. Go back to
Gammie and put it on her head. Now she wants a drink. Go down the
east hall, till you find a serviceplate. There is some water on
it. Take that water and bring it to Gammie. If she ask you for an
orange, just give her the one you got in your inventory. Ok,
that's it for Gammie. Shell leave (pretty pleased -> number 4).
Now fill the oillamp with cellulose from the tap that is attached
to the machine. Go get a new match. Go up to Samarah. Lite the
match in the fire and then use the match to ite the oillamp. Now
gove the oillamp to Samarah. Now go to the fance at the end of
the eastern garden. Use your ID-card to get in. Inside the tent
is bucket filled with beer. Take some beer. Bring it to the
country-singer. Don't forget to pull out the cable of the
microphone. Do this twice to please theis babe (Yepz, babe number
four). Now go to the sauna. Do you remember your date with the
workout-girl there? Well, forget it, even your date will be gone.
Why, just keep on talking till you spoil all the water from the
bucket in the sauna over the hot stones. Rather misty, huh? When
the steam clears up, the babes will be gone but one of them lost
a silver bracelet. Take it and bring it to Samarah. Now go taking
a shower and get dressed again. Go back to the bar. Backstage
you'll find the red dress of the singer. Take it to Shablee
(yepz, you pleased the fifth girl). You'll meet her at the beach
lateron that night. Keep on talking, touching her till she's
ready for a fuck. Then just use your condom on her. The condom?
You'll find it on the pillow of your bed in your room. When you
awake, you're at your room. Go back to the beach and take the
champagne in the ice-bucket. Now go to the pool. Use the dental
floss on the napkin to make a swimming suit. Get dressed for a
swim. Do this by clicking the suit on your body. Larry will fo to
the bushed to get dressed. Now put your floating device in the
water and float toward the bar in the pool. If you want to talk
to the red haired girl, you'll have to order a drink. Just slam
the tail of your beaver in the water and a waitress will appear.
Order a drink. When the waitress asks for anID show her
'the-key-that-never-fits'. You'll get your drinks. Now talk to
Merrily to find out that she's B.A. (Bungee Addicted). Go back to
the side of the swimming pool and go talking to the guard till
you get the key of the lock to the bunjee-platform from him. Open
the lock and go up. Once you're up, make a copy of the key in the
soap. Now use a file to copy the key. Then you gotta go down
again. There's only one way : JUMP! Get out of the pool, return
the key to the guard, put your floating device in the water again
and float back to Merrily. Give her the key. (Hehe, pleased the
sixth one!). You meet again later that night. Follow Merrily
upstairs. Once up you have to undress. Then Merrily will whisper
some words in your ear. You're so surprised by her knowledge that
you fall down the platform. Wow, that's deep. You awake at your
room. Go out. Use the ice-bucket with champagne on the ice
machine to cold the champagne. Go to Samarah. Give her the words
that Merrily said to you and then offer her a glass of champagne.
Well, that's it. You made it throughout the whole game with a
maximum of gamepoints. Now enjoy the final sequence which is
really cute. You see. It wasn't really hard to get through. In
fact, you possibly would have made it without my hints also!
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CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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