
Might and Magic VII - Emerald Isle Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Might and Magic VII - Emerald Isle Guide

Might and Magic VII - Emerald Isle Guide


MMight and Magic VII: Emerald Isle Guide
Version 1.30 – 2007-10-08
Author: ff__rocks



2007-10-08 - 21:06
Corrected a few more minor Grammatikal mistakes
Added to the "Killing the Dragon" section of "The Dragon!"
Added to Credits/thanks.

2007-09-23 - 11:00
Corrected a few more minor Grammatical mistakes
Corrected a few spelling mistakes
Added to the "Killing the Dragon" section of "The Dragon!"
Added to Credits/Thanks.

2007-09-07 - 21:48
Corrected some more Grammatical mistakes
Changed some Section names - so now they make more sense
Added to Legal Stuff

2007-09-06 - 19:04
Corrected some Grammatical mistakes
Added to the "Killing the Dragon" section of "The Dragon!"
Added Bards Name - Alyssa
Added more Information to "Finishing Up"
Added to "The Malwick Factor"


1.	Legal stuff

2.      Walkthrough

- So the Adventure Begins......
- Now for the Scavenger Hunt
- Fly me to the Moon... Temple!!!

3.      The "Malwick" Factor

4.      The Dragon!

5.      Emerald Island's Monsters
- Giant Bat
- Vampire Bat
- Inferno Bat
- Red Dragon
- Dragonfly
- Fire Dragonfly
- Queen Dragonfly
- Peasant
- Giant Rat
- Lightning Rat
- Fire Rat
- Giant Spider
- Venomous Spider
- WidowMaker
- Swordsman
- Guard
- Adventurer/Brent Finigan/Sal Sharktooth

6.      Contact info.

7.      Thanks etc.

8.      Future updates


1.      Legal stuff

This Document is Copyright © 2007, and was written by ff__rocks. This document
may be printed, in part or in whole, for personal use ONLY and may not be sold
for profit. 

The only Sites that has permission to use this FAQ is:




2.      Walkthrough

A Quick Intro......

The Beginning of the game, starts on The Emerald Isle. On this Island lies the 
Temple of the Moon, and a Cave Belonging to a Red Dragon. Lord Markham is 
Conducting a Scavenger hunt, on the Island, The Prize - Harmondale. After 
completing the Contest, you leave for Harmondale, Via the boat in the Docks.

However, once you leave, you may NEVER EVER come back, unless you start a new 


So the Adventure begins...


Your Adventure Begins by the docks, with whatever equipment you have, this is 
determined by the Classes and Skills you chose. If you have a Character with 14
or more Luck, Stop, Dont do anything but run forward to the well in front of 
Islands "Pond" with the water fall, if you have 14 or more luck and less than 
200 gold, this well will give you 1000 gold, this well refills 1000 gold each 
month. This should be your main priority. Use this money to buy a few of your
characters who cant use a bow, the bow skill.

Head back to where you started your Adventure, and Head along the coast, there 
is a Crate, in which there is a Bow, some gold, and a few pieces of Armour - 
Boots etc.


Now for the Scavenger Hunt


Lord Markham wants you to bring him 6 items to complete the quest. These items

A RED potion
A Seashell
A Longbow
A Musical Instrument
A Wealthy Hat
A Tile from the Temple of the Moon.

This quest MUST be finished to leave the island.

Lord Markham, also gives you the quest to find out what happened to the 
Contestants who went missing - The ones you see in the Opening Cutscene. I'll
come back to that later. First, the Red Potion and the Wealthy Hat. In your 
inventory, one of your characters should have an empty Potion bottle, head to
lord Markhams house, outside there should be a Red "Reagent" on the floor. This
looks like a bunch of berries. You need two of these. Next up on the highest
hill, there are 3 swordsmen, one of which is called Brent, talk to him., and
trade one of your red potions, for one of his wealthy hats.

This now leaves the shell, Longbow, the Instrument and the tile.

Now for the Shell, there are two ways to get the shell, you can get it from 
a woman called Sally, or You can get it for free. 

Ill talk you through the options. 

Option 1, Sally. You can buy it for 100 gold,
Steal it, or Kill her. if you kill her, good for you, and the town wont hate

Option 2, The Abandoned tent. You may have seen the huge swarms or Dragonflies
that live on the island. Well, see that building? thats the tent, in there,
there are 4 crates, in one is the shell. Youll probably go there anyway, 
because theres some good armour and weapons in there.

So do whatever.

Next, head to the Dragons Cave, yes, really, no joke, GO!!!
In there, there is a Longbow which you need. And the proof of the missing 
Contestants - The Shield at the Entrance, and the Scroll next to it.

Outside, save, use the Pedestal for fire resistance, stand by the entrance and 
Press ENTER, and Enter the cave. Come out of Turn Based Combat, and run forward
and grab the Shield, and the Message Scroll. About 4 Meters away, in the cave, 
there is a longbow. Now there are 2 longbows on the Island, ill come on to 
how to get the other later in the FAQ. 

Next Head to the Inn, but dont do anything there - unless necessary. Outside 
there should be a Women, named Alyssa the Bard, roughly in between the Inn, 
and the Arch at the Entrance to the Town. She has the Instrument, which is a 
Lute. You can get it in 3 ways. Much like getting the seashell. Buy it, Steal 
it, or murder her. 
I Myself, prefer to kill her, for the 20 Experience - Not much, but every 
little helps. 

To steal it, i think you need either a Monk or Thief with the 
steal skill at 3 or 4, i cant quite remember. Obviously youll have the
steal skill if you have a thief.

To buy it, it costs 500 gold. But, do what ever feels right.
If you kill her, the WILL hate you, BUT, there is a way to stop them hating
you. Stay in the INN, thats all you gotta do. 

So kill her!!!!

Now, head to Lord Markham's house, and give it all to him, and the shield,
make sure you give him that for the experience and 1000 gold.

All thats left now is the floor tile.

Head to the Training hall and make sure you have leveled to level 3. You will
have reached this level just from doing this bit of the Scavenger Hunt.


Fly me to the Moon... Temple!!! <-- kinda lame, oh well.


Before going to the Temple of the Moon, make sure you head to the Weapon Shop,
and make sure every magic user on your team has and can use a Bow.
If you feel you have enough money, feel free to buy your mages a Bow. But it 
isn't quite as important yet, as they can use Offensive Magic. 

Now, if you have done the Above, head to the "Day of the Gods" magic pedestal
by the canon, on the highest hill. Use it, Heal at the Tent, and head to the 
Temple of the Moon. Im guessing you know where that is, BUT, Dont go in yet.
Head over the hill, you should see a "Cup" sort of thing, with a blue flame.
Click on it with each character, so click on character 1, click on flame, 
click on character 2 click on flame etc.

Hey Presto, 3 more skill points.... EACH!!!!

Make sure you spend all your points well. Such as Bringing your mages Fire 
magic to 3 or 4, and Air magic to 3. Assuming, you have a mage, with these 
skills. Also, Assuming you have a Cleric, bring his/her body magic to 3 at 

Now cast Wizard Eye, and Torch light. Save. Enter.

In here your looking for what looks like the Entrance to a temple. 
It is further in the cave, so dont worry, you wont miss it, due to the fact
that it has "real" Cement-looking Walls. 

So, this cave can be done in two ways. The Quick way, or the "Fun Way".

The "Fun Way", basically involves running everywhere. Once you
enter, take the first right, and kill the bats. No problem here, since they
should be 20 meters away from you, so Fire arrows etc.

On the walls, there is a red glowing patch, this is a hidden chest. You may
need disarm trap, but only at level 1, no skill points on it.

Next, keep to the right wall, until you start going up a hill. There you'll 
find a few rats and bats. Kill Them!! Get the Treasure, there may be some plate
armour, save it for later, if, IF, you have a Knight or a Paladin. This is the 
best armour class, which only these two classes (Knight and Paladin) can equip.

Head back down the hill, head forwardthen left, here you'll find about 25 
spiders. Kill them from a distance until they come close to you, then use melee
attacks, swords etc. Go into the room, theres another hidden chest in the wall.

Go out of the room, run forward and slightly left. Now you should see a 
"Cement"ish wall, thats where your heading, but dont go there yet.

Theres another hill to climb, up there more spiders, rats, and bats. Kill 
them, get the loot, then head down back down the hill, into the hallway, to 
the Temple.

Stand at the top of the stairs, and attack the bats with long range weapons and
use spells. Once you've killed everything, head into the hall, up the stairs,
and head left.
NOTE, beware of the fire bolt traps. 

Head down the Room, click the button on the wall, and enter the room.
In here, there are 2 men, Sal Sharktooth, and a Guard. Kill them, stand far 
away, and Kill them. Sal, has a Longbow, yay, now you can do some real damage,
sort of. Check the Chests, get everything. Head back out down the hall, into 
the other side, (if you went right instead of left at the altar, after going 
up the stairs).

Kill those Guards in there, since they'll attack you anyway. Click on all the 
bookcases, get all the scrolls. Click the red wall, it will lower, revealing
a room full of rats. Kill them. Pick up the Floor Tile, click on all the 
bookcases, get the scrolls, and the two spell books.

Now for the Next way. The Quick way, can be done very quick, hence the name. 
Basically, run, don't stray from the path, by which i mean, keep running, 
don't turn left or right, unless you have to. Which, i don't think you have 
to. Head to the library. Get the tile. Dont attack the guards, let them kill 
the rats, bats, and spiders.


Finishing Up


Head to Lord Markham's house, hand everything over, and win the contest!!

Now, sell everything you dont need, make sure everyone has Bow Skill, and of 
course, a Bow each. 

Make sure everyone has each skill they need, etc, for example a Cleric having 
Merchant. Sorcerer Identify Item and Monster.

Make sure your level 4 before leaving, however, you may find it easier if you 
are level 5, as the first quest in Harmondale involves a lot of fighting.
So if you need to get to level 4, kill dragonflies. 
Killing 5 should be enough. 
NOTE, if you decide to train to level 5 before leaving, it will take quite a 
bit of patience, due to the low experience recieved from Dragonflies.

Then, when ready, get on that Ship amd head to Harmondale!!!


3.      The "Malwick" Factor


During your time on the island, you may have seen, a "Mr. Malwick". 

If you talked to him, you may have noticed he'll offer you a wand. 

If you accept it, it has consequences later in the game. If you do not wish to 
know what these consequences are, stop reading here.










(Spoilers, dont read if you dont want to know the Consequences)

Ok, if you accept it, when you chose between the Light and Dark sides.

Soon after, Mr. Niles Stanley, will wish to see you in the Mercenaries Guild 
in Tatalia. (Just Click on the door and the Conversation will begin.)

He'll tell you, that he wants you to retrieve a tapestry from your sides castle
either Castle Lambent or Castle Gloaming.

You have two weeks to do this quest, if you do do it, everyone in Celeste/Pit 
will hate you for a year.

If you don't do it, he'll send Soldiers and Goblins to your Town and Castle.
This can be seen in two ways. Good and Bad.

Good - Experience and Money, and they're not to hard
Bad - Every Peasant will disapear to they homes, all locked in. Every Shop will
      Close even the Temple/Inn, and will not unlock until every thing is dead.
      This means, searching everywhere on the map, and in your castle, both 
      Upstairs and Down. So choose carefully over what you'll do.

But, what you can do to get the wand, is to lure dragonflies to kill Malwick on
Emerald Island, thus you dont accept it, therefore, no mission, no hatred!!


4.      The Dragon!


In this section, i will talk about the Dragons Cave and The Dragon.
First the Dragon Cave.

As you went in and got the Quest items, you may have noticed more items in the
dragons cave. Well, at this point in the game, these are probably better than 
most of your armour and gauntlets - Providing you have gauntlets.
If you want to get all the items inside, if you don't want to let any of your 
Characters die, use the "Day of the Gods" pedestal, heal, use the Fire 
Resistance Pedestal, and the wishing well outside the Inn, also gives you 
some fire resistance. 
ThiS next bit, you don't have to do, but i find it makes it easier.

Head back to the Healers Tent, Donate about 7-10 times until you here wizard 
Eye being cast, the reason i told you to do this, was becasuse, she can cast
"Master Level" Wizards Eye, yay, you can see items on the map!

Next, Killing the Dragon.

Well, this dragon, is a BEAST, quite literally. He has 1,300 Hp.
And he can kill you'r characters in one hit.
But, you may have also noticed the Rats in there, well, the Dragon wants these 
Dead. So, that gives you about 2 minutes to attack him, once he has killed 
the rats, your best bet is to run around the whilst attacking him.

However, nobody i know who has this game, has ever killed him, so, if you do 
try it, try it with caution.

Well, anyway. 
If you do decide to try and kill him, these are his resistances:

Fire: 70
Air: 70
Water: 70
Earth: 70
Mind: 70
Spirit: 15
Body: Immune
Light: 30
Dark: 30
Physical: 50

However, you dont have Light or Dark Magic, or any Offensive Spirit Magic.
So as i said above, attack him whilst he attacks the rats, and then once
he has killed all the rats, Come out of Turn-based combat, and run about the 
cave attacking him with your Magic/Bows. 
Bows should prove more efective due to less resistance to physical attacks, and
make sure that your healer saves some Spell points for healing if necessary.
"Day of the Gods" may just help you out about, as well as some fire 
resistance from the pedestal, and the well by the Inn.

Oh, and remember, he has 1,300 Hit Points. So if you attempt this, Good Luck!

Another way of killing the Dragon - Thanks to Kevin Woods (- I dont know your 
GFAQS name so tell me some time)
I had come across your faq about finishing emerald island and I have been able 
to defeat the dragon, it's really not all that hard, and, the dragon is NOT 
immune to fire (corrected in resistances, see above).  I used the alacorn wand 
of fireballs and fire bolt in addition to arrows and melee attacks and 
have felled him after a half hour really.  I just save my game before going in
have an alternate save just in case and every time I do at least 30 damage with
a fireball from the wand I save my game again.  (I've been able to do 39 damage
in one hit once!)  Then when it has just one charge left, rely solely on arrows
and other spells.  Eventually the red dragon WILL die.  Oh yeah, do the fire
resistance and day of the gods pedestal and all that. I just thought you ought
to know.  Oh, reason to leave one charge on the wand is you can always turn 
around and sell it for full price you know.

And also, If you kill the dragon before you loot the body save the game because
sometimes the body will not disappear if that happens then save again if it
does go away then just reload the game, this is a vary good way to get really
good equipment and a lot of money

If you have anything to contribute to this section, so the Contact Info
Section below.


5.      Emerald Island's Monsters


In the World of Erathia, there are many monsters you will come across, and

There is a selection of these Monsters on Emerald Island.
These are:

Giant Bat
Hit Points: 9
Armor Class: 5
Experience: 39
Treasure: None
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 280
Attack Bonus: Disease

Vampire Bat
Hit Points: 21
Armor Class: 8
Experience: 96
Treasure: 5% LvL1 Ring
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 300
Attack Bonus: Disease

Inferno Bat
Hit Points: 35
Armor Class: 10
Experience: 171
Treasure: 5% LvL 2 Ring
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 320
Attack Bonus: Disease

Red Dragon
Hit Points: 1,300
Armor Class: 100
Experience: 11,000
Treasure: 400d10 gold + Level 6 Item/Artifact
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 300
Attack Bonus: None

Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 4
Experience: 24
Treasure: 3d6 gold
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 400
Attack Bonus: None

Fire Dragonfly
Hit Points: 13
Armor Class: 8
Experience: 56
Treasure: 7d6 gold
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 350
Attack Bonus: None

Queen Dragonfly
Hit Points: 30
Armor Class: 12
Experience: 200
Treasure: 10d6 gold
Flying?: Yes
Speed: 300
Attack Bonus: None

Hit Points: 3 - 9
Armor Class: 3 - 6
Experience: 11 - 39
Treasure: 2d6 - 4d6 gold
Flying?: No
Speed: 140
Attack Bonus: None

Giant Rat
Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 4
Experience: 24
Treasure: 2% LvL1 Ring
Flying?: No
Speed: 75
Attack Bonus: Disease

Lightning Rat
Hit Points: 13
Armor Class: 5
Experience: 56
Treasure: 2% LvL1 Ring
Flying?: No
Speed: 75
Attack Bonus: Disease

Fire Rat
Hit Points: 21
Armor Class: 8
Experience: 96
Treasure: 2% LvL1 Ring
Flying?: No
Speed: 75
Attack Bonus: Disease

Giant Spider
Hit Points: 17
Armor Class: 10
Experience: 75
Treasure: None
Flying?: No
Speed: 300
Attack Bonus: None

Venomous Spider
Hit Points: 30
Armor Class: 12
Experience: 144
Treasure: None
Flying?: No
Speed: 280
Attack Bonus: Poison

Hit Points: 50
Armor Class: 16
Experience: 264
Treasure: None
Flying?: No
Speed: 260
Attack Bonus: Poison

Hit Points: 40
Armor Class: 10
Experience: 200
Treasure: 10d6 gold
Flying?: No
Speed: 220
Attack Bonus: None

Hit Points: 79
Armor Class: 15
Experience: 459
Treasure: 15d6 gold + 5% Level 2 Sword
Flying?: No
Speed: 250
Attack Bonus: None

Adventurer/Brent Finigan/Sal Sharktooth
Hit Points: 129
Armor Class: 20
Experience: 816
Treasure: 30d6 gold + 10% level 2 sword
Flying?: No
Speed: 280
Attack Bonus: Weapon/Armor Breaker


6.      Contact info.


If you have any thing to Contribute to this guide, or if you feel that theres 
something i missed, Contact me at:

And if you do contact me, put in to Subject bar Something like "MMVII"
so i know not to delete it.


7.      Thanks etc.


- CKY_Tribal for reminding me of Mr. Malwick and Stanley, Being my Brother
  and Bribing me to do this
- CJayC for Making GameFAQs
- GameFAQS for giving me the chance to do this
- Anyone who contributes to the guide (I'll add your Name both here, and where 
  your provided Information is.
- And Finally, You as the reader.

- Johann Pachelbel, for giving another way on killing the Red Dragon.
- Jermey Topping, for reminding me of the "multi-looting" trick/glitch


8.      Future updates


Depends on Feedback realy, but

Im hoping to add to the "Killing the Dragon" section any thing I or You, feel I
missed, i will add it.

And anything you the readers feel i need to put in the guide etc.

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