
Nethergate FAQ-Walkthrough Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Nethergate FAQ-Walkthrough

Nethergate FAQ-Walkthrough

                         Nethergate FAQ/Walkthrough

Version 1.2, 1/31/02,
By Matt P

What's new: Added a bunch of changes from Zeviz, who has also made a 
webpage of this faq!  (

  Nethergate is copyright spiderweb software.  It's a great game, with 
at least one replay guaranteed.  Buy it and support this great software 
company.  Supporting them will have them continue production of great 
games such as Nethergate.  Spiderweb has also made such games as 
Geneforge, Avernum (1&2), Exile (1-3), and Blades of Exile!  Check them 
out (!

FAQ purpose:

  Why this walkthrough?  There are few Nethergate sites out there. 
Since the Spiderweb message boards opened up (again, check them out at, there has been a subdued but renewed interest in 
Nethergate.  This FAQ is intended to be a source for information about 
Nethergate in part, and also I hope to acquire more information about 
the game, as my own playing experience has been somewhat limited.

  This is my second attempt at a walkthrough.  Unfortunately, this game 
is a lot more non-linear than Avernum 2, and the levels are bigger, but 
the items are less noticeable, so there is a quality difference between 
the 2 FAQs.  This is a rather rough version of the FAQ, but more 
versions shall follow.  Some people have offered their assistance, and 
full credit will be given where it's due to all whom aid this FAQ.

  If you'd like to post this FAQ on your site, please request 
permission by emailing me at  If you post this 
on your site without permission, I will ask you to remove it, and 
definitely won't let you post it again.  It's not too hard just to 
contact me.
            TABLE OF CONTENTS 

I.   Map
II.  Skills, assessment
III. Character Trait assessment
IV.  Spell assessment
V.   Walkthrough
VI.  Index
A.     Blessing Pool item list
B.     Spell locator
C.     NPC stats
D.     Riddle answers
E.	    Either/Or quests
F.     Sylak Items
G.     Bugs and cheats
VII. FAQ Version 
I.     The world of Nethergate consists of a 5X5 map, with almost every 
square possessing one major dungeon.  The following map is referenced 
throughout this FAQ:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 0
A B C D E 
F G H I J 

1 Goagh-Nar
2 Aerie
3 Vale of the Sould
4 Goblin Pits
5 Nethergate
6 Lair of Reptrakos
7 Faerie Bazaar
8 Celt Shrine
9 Blackfang woods
0 Galag-Trav
A Vanarium
B Stone Circle
C Spire
D Ruined Hall
E Annwn
F Maze of Thorns
G Selkie Home
H Three Crones
I Burial Glen
J Spider Area
K Castle Aethdoc
L Hollow Hills
M Hagfen
N Abandoned Mines
P Shadow Valley Fort

On each section, there are several things to do.  The dungeons consist 
of several floors usually, and the outdoors section always has 
something unique, and probably a hidden item somewhere.  If you're 
lucky enough, you may find it!

II.     Base skills

Strength:  Affects your carrying capacity, your damage, and your 
weaponry skills.  It is always worth increasing this skill.

Dexterity: Affects the timing of your attack, your weapon skills, and 
your ability to dodge.  It is always worth increasing this skill.

Intelligence: Affects the number of spell points you have, the strength 
of your spells, you rune reading, item lore, and willpower.  Increase 
this for your spellcasters often.  It doesn't help your warriors.

Endurance: Affects your hit points and resistance.  Skip it.  It's too 
expensive, and has minimal benefits.  Go for hardiness instead.


Melee: Affects your chance to hit with swords, axes, cudgels and other 
weapons.  Does not affect damage (from Zeviz).  It's worth increasing 
up to a point, although you'll eventually reach 100% hit rate and will 
want to stop.

Spears: Affects your chance to hit with spears.  Does not affect 
damage.  It's worth increasing up to a point, although you'll 
eventually reach 100% hit rate and will want to stop.

Javelins: Affects your chance to hit with javelins. Celts- Go for 
slings instead- they're cheaper, and you don't have to worry about 
ammunition.  Romans- Go for these.  You'll find plenty of javelins, and 
you're most skilled with these.  They do more damage than slings.

Slings: Affects your chance to hit with slings.  Celts- Go for it, 
especially for your spellcasters.  You'll want something to use when 
not casting spells.  Romans- skip it for the most part.  You won't find 
many slings until later in the game, when missile weapons become less 

Armor Use: Get as needed.  It reduces the penalty associated with 
wearing heavy armor, and will restore AP lost if you have on too much.

Berserker: Increases damage at the expense of defense.  Your choice.  
It's a good way to hit things harder, but try to couple it with a point 
in defense.  Romans can't obtain this skill.

Hardiness: Blocks points of damage.  Get this instead of endurance.  
It's better.

Defense: Reduces enemy's chance of hitting you.  Cheap and worthwhile.

Roman Training: Very potent, and a good way to nullify the effects of 
heavy armor (however, it does not restore lost APs- from Zeviz).  Can 
make even the wussiest character more powerful than the Celts.  Get it 
when it's cheap.  Celts can't obtain this skill.

??? (Crystal Wand): Affects your chance to hit with crystal wands.  The 
most powerful skill out there, which you don't get till late.  Good 
thing too, or it'd spoil the game.  Romans don't seem to get as much 
skill in this as the Celts.


Druidism:  Affects your spell points and resistance.  Also limits your 
spell growth.  Get a few points, but try to increase mainly 

Health Circle: Affects your health spell strength and level.  
Initially, have one druid focus on health and the other on war.  
Eventually you'll want to balance the two out.

War Circle: Affects your war spell strength and level. Initially, have 
one druid focus on health and the other on war.  Eventually you'll want 
to balance the two out.

Beast Circle: Affects your beast spell strength and level.  Limited by 
your war circle strength.

Craft Circle: Affects your craft spell strength and level.  Limited by 
your health circle strength.

Spirit Circle: Affects your spirit spell strength and level.  The 
hardest to raise.  Limited by your beast and craft circle skills.  
Romans are forbidden from getting points in this circle.

     Useful Skills

First Aid: Affects your skill with healing kits, and potion making.  
Not too useful, but moreso than it is for the Avernum series.  Spells 
usually work better.  Romans will find more use for it.

Herbcraft: Helps you find herbs, and increases your potion making.  Go 
for a few points.

??? (Faerie Lore): Affects your luck with some special encounters.  
This skill is required.  2-3 points for everyone are all that you need.  
Romans can't train in this skill, but can gain it from a few special 

Woodscraft: Helps you find herbs, food, and avoid monsters.  Go for a 
few points, it sure doesn't hurt. (Zeviz:)Some woodscraft is also 
necessary in finding a spell and doing some minor quests outdoors. 
Eventually you'll want about 10 points (counted for your entire party).

Barter: Money isn't usually a problem, but with this, it's even less of 
a problem.  A point or two every now and then doesn't hurt.

Luck: Affects random encounters, resistance, and gives you a chance to 
avoid death.  Go for it.

??? (Tool Use): Gained through a few special encounters for the celts, 
trainable for the Romans.  This skill gives huge bonuses to Romans.  A 
few points results in a nearly 100% success rate.  Very useful, try 
maxing your skill out for at least one character.  Celts can't train in 
this skill.

III.    Character Traits:

A note on experience penalties, from Zeviz:
I just ran some test and here are the results: 
1. Experience is split completely randomly between your party members. 
So if a goblin is worth 8exp, and you have 2 guys, they could split it 
5/3, 4/4, 8/0, or any other way. This means that is doesn't matter who 
strikes the final blow. 
2. Experience bonuses and penalties are random and appear to be less 
severe than stated. For example a single character with 67% exp bonus 
got 8.7exp per goblin. A character with 50%exp penalty got over 7 exp 
per goblin. There was also a slight difference in the rate at which 
they were gaining skill points, but not nearly as much as I expected. 
More tests are necessary, but experience penalties don't look nearly as 
severe as they are supposed to be.


Faerie Blood: I haven't tried it, but it doesn't sound half-bad.

Toughness: Reduces damage.  A good skill.

Nimble Fingers: One person should have this.  Preferably a spellcaster, 
since they'll have high intelligence and decent dexterity, so will have 
a naturally high tool use skill.

Recuperation: Faster healing can be replicated with jewelry.  Not worth 
it according to Fallen on the message boards.

Beastmaster: You may want it.  I never remembered to use it.  According 
to General Baziron, it's useful at the beginning (but steadily drops 
off, in my opinion).

Fast on Feet: Increases your AP occasionally, as well as you attack 
timing.  Worthwhile.  Especially for a warrior, according to Zeviz.

Faerie Familiar: You may want it.  I never remembered to use it. 
According to General Baziron, it's useful at the beginning (but 
steadily drops off, in my opinion).

Nature Lore: Cheap and useful.  Go for it for at least one person.

Highly Alert: Okay, but there aren't many paralyzing monsters, and very 
few sleep casting monsters.

Mighty Warrior: Makes you better in combat.  Not too bad a skill, 
although it's quite expensive.  May only increase to hit %, which would 
make it pretty crummy (from Zeviz).  Further investigation is needed.


Cursed at Birth: Too painful.  Skip it.

Sluggish:  Being slow isn't too bad.  Your choice.  Works well for 
Druids (Nooboon). Prevents you from hasting druids. (Zeviz) 

Frail:  Not too bad (Zeviz).  Your choice.

Berserk rage: Give everyone this.  It should be a positive trait- your 
characters act faster and hit harder, for the cost of getting hit more 
often.  Sure, you don't have control over it, but you're still very 
powerful.  Berserk gives you 20% to hit, and improved damage.

Rational Mind: Myeh, if you're Celtish- you probably haven't even heard 
of Pythagorus.  Skip it.  Romans can go for it, but the experience 
penalties in this game aren't too big a deal.

IV.      SPELLS:


Minor Healing: A useful, cheap way of getting healed.  It's a standard 
spell to the Celt repetoire.  It restores ~10HP.

Purge Venom: A necessary spell, removes venom caused by disease and a 
few rare creatures.

Alertness: Okay, but not too useful.  Few creatures cast sleep.

Healing: A stronger version of minor healing, it restores ~30 HP.

Recovery: Cures disease.  A necessary spell, since you will be doing 
some swamp roaming.

Unshackle Mind: For the few cases in which you get paralyzed, it's 

Total Healing: A powerful spell, the top of the line for healing.

Raise Dead: Supposedly restores life, but it requires a balm of life.  
Doesn't work too well, in my experience.  Just reload.


Battle Rage: One of the three standard Celt attack spells.  Cast it 
before any big fight, at least until you get beast ceremony.

Shielding: One of the three standard Celt attack spells.  Cast it 
before any big fight, at least until you get beast ceremony.

Lance of Fire: A damaging but costly spell that grows with your level.  
Save it for tougher enemies, like fights with goblin shamen.

Quicksilver: One of the three standard Celt attack spells.  Cast it 
before any big fight, at least until you get beast ceremony.

Beast Ceremony: Very nice.  Cast it before any major fight, if you can.  
It'll save you a lot of time and SP.

Darts of Ice: A nice, multi-enemy attack spell.  It'll kill a lot of 

Heartshock: Very potent damaging spell.  Use it on very tough enemies.

Hero of Old: The best spell in the game.  Unfortunately, you can't get 
it till late.


Call Aid: Summons a minor creature, usually wolves.  Bleh.

Bite of the Serpent: May poison your target.  Doesn't work too often.

Coil of the Serpent: May slow your target.  Again, doesn't work too 

Charm Beast: Not too bad, although I usually just kill the beast.

Beast Call: Summons stronger beasts- worgs, giant lizards, plague and 
mung rats.  Okay.

Capture Soul: Get a basilisk, and maybe a few other critters.  Then 
bring them back with simulacrum.  Unfortunately, you can't use it in 
many places.

Simulacrum: The second half to the spell Capture Soul.  Nice and 

Mighty Beast: Summons big monsters- foul rats, dark wolves, lava and 


Create Light: Generates some light.  Not too bad.

Piercing Sight: Scans for secret doors on your map.  Very useful, but 
expensive.  The map will give some indication of secret doors, just 
become familiar with it and you'll see what I mean.

Pass Portal: Unlocks doors.  Necessary until you get a lot of tool use.  
Still, an expensive spell.

Remove Curse: Save before equipping an item, then try to take it off.  
If you can't, then it's cursed, and you should get rid of it.  Voila, 
no need for Remove curse!

Word of Recall: Nice spell that instantly warps you back home to 
Nethergate.  It must be used outdoors, though.

Create Food: A necessary spell, especially in some of the later areas.  
Cast this spell whenever you're going on a long walk, just to build up 
some free food.

Break Barrier: A necessary spell, somewhat hard to acquire.

Stone Guardian: Summons up a carytid, a very powerful monster.  
Probably better than all of the beast circle spells.


Disrupt Spirit: Hurts the undead.  Very useful in some locations.

Sever Seal: An almost necessary spell.  Get it from the stone circle, 
don't pay the outlandish price of salespeople.

Spirit Ceremony: Decent way of healing, although I prefer simpler 
spells like heal and purge venom. (Zeviz:) Costing an equivalent of  
1.5 heal spells, this is the most cost-effective way to heal yourself. 
The only problem is that it can not be cast in combat

Ravage Life: A potent and useful spell.  Unfortunately, by the time you 
get it, you're probably more than powerful enough and don't need to use 

Control Life: Interesting spell, I don't use it much though.  Let me 
know if it's any good.

Soul Lance: Powerful spell, moreso than ice lances.

Call Spirit: Summons some undead.  Okay, but you can probably do better 
with your SP.

Doom: Very potent and hard to acquire.  Use with care.

     Nether spells

Miraculous Revival: I couldn't get this one to work.  Let me know if 
you can.

Wind Warriors: Summons some ultra-powerful wind warriors.

Call Hunt: Summons some big wolves.  Wind Warriors is probably better.

Create Elixir: Makes a beast elixir, which is very potent.  
Unfortunately, it costs a skill point, which you may not be willing to 
spend.  The only Nether spell usable by the Romans.  Zeviz: Why would 
you want to permanently loose a skill point if you can make the same 
elixir using alchemy or buy it in a store (what else are you going to 
do with your money anyway?)

Clouds of the night: Powerful, multitarget spell.  Probably the most 
worthwhile Nether spell.

  Food is good and necessary, unlike Avernum.  Take as much as you can 
find, even the nasty monster innards.  
  When fighting, first cast battle spells like rage, shielding, and 
quicksilver.  You'll kill your enemies with haste.  Save the damaging 
spells for tougher enemies.  
  Grab everything you can carry at first and sell it.  You may have to 
leave the dungeon a few times, but it's worth it.  As you get higher in 
level, don't bother- just pick up the valuable stuff.
  If you can't get to someplace, most likely you don't have the proper 
equipment or spell.  Either that, or you need to play as the other 
  There are two big mysteries- Pearlblossom, and the puzzle box.  Any 
information on these two items would be most appreciated.


Q: Retrieve the bronze disk.
  You wake up, confused in your hut.  Get your items, and equip them.  
You should wander around a bit, and get acquainted with the controls. 
To the south there is a hut with 2 potion recipes.  In order to make 
these potions, you'll need to have adequate skill.  To the north is 
Morgan who will buy, sell, and identify items.  Mugain is a druid who 
will heal you.  Cormac gives you a mission to retrieve the Bronze disk 
and will sell you war 1-6, heal 1-6.  Bituitus will train you (press 
the question mark under your character's name.  Elara will fix you food 
every now and then, grab the bread for 6 food.  Leave Nethergate and 
circle around to find some poor leather armor, a fine leather helm, and 
30c.  Your next stop is the Goblin pits.
  OUTSIDE: There's a misletoe patch to the SE.  In the stone circle, 
you can get into a fight with some goblins (with a regular large metal 
shield as your reward).  Further to the east, you'll find some 

     GOBLIN PITS (4)
Q: Deliver hermit's scroll to hermit 3.
  OUTSIDE: There are some goblin totems with goblins to the east.  In 
the center of the map, you'll find a fine spear hidden among the trees.  
There's a blind man at the crossroads, give him coins to be a good 
person.  Elona sells potions and rings of protection, but at high 
prices.  Find your own instead.  There are some goblins guarding the 
pits if you try to enter from the east.  Kill them for 15 coins, 15 
food, and a healing elixir.   
  LATER: On the W side of the river, if you're lucky (based on skill) 
you'll find 5 coins. There is the second hermit to the NE.  You can 
give the first hermit's scroll to it to get another scroll.
  FIRST FLOOR: This is a large dungeon, full of small secrets.  The 
main object is to retrieve the bronze disk, but you should also grab 
the three keys.
THE KEYS: There are 6 Sylak keys found throughout the game.  The first 
3 come pretty readily, but the last 3 are a chore to obtain.  
Nonetheless, you want to obtain them all prior to doing the later 
quests.  Once you find one, many doors and chests will open up to you, 
enabling you to loot as you please.  You can get a lot of good stuff 
this way, including valuable jewelry and potions.
Head south to the unguarded areas.  If you try to take the fort head 
on, the goblins will stone you.  When you're wandering around to the 
south, you'll have to fight some giant rats.  There's a nearby secret 
area with a sling, some food, herbs, and javelins. Eventually you'll 
make your way up to the Fort Proper, and will get an option to fight or 
hide from the Goblins.  Do either (I like to fight, it gives decent 
experience), and then head down the stairs. 
  SECOND FLOOR: The Goblins to the north of where you enter have a wand 
of ice.  In the hallway to the northeast, there is a secret passage to 
small room with food, coins and herbs.  You're noted to its existence 
by a text box popping up saying, "This wall looks fuzzy" or something 
like that.  Continuing east, you'll find a Fomorian with the Bronze 
disk, and a secret room with coins in the wolf room.  Nearby this 
Fomorian are the stairs to level 3.  You'll find key 2 in the secret 
room with lumber.  Elsewhere, you'll find a blessed dagger on the altar 
(guarded by goblin shamans and such) which summons 2 lost souls when 
taken.  To the NE are the halls of learning.  In the first hall of 
learning you'll find the hasting draught recipe.  In the second hall of 
learning, the west book summons 2 lost souls, and the east book will 
teach you 1-4 craft circle spells.  In the third hall a book teaches 
you beast circle 1-4, and gives you some later info.  To the SW of this 
level is an arena with a secret room with a fine spear, and fine 
leather armor.  You have to fight a lizard to get out, then pull a 
wheel.  To the SE there is a room that you get up through the third 
floor, and it has a blessed leather armor, 20 coins, and a jade 
necklace.  Descend to the third floor.
  THIRD FLOOR: The room to the SE leads up to floor 2.  There is a pool 
with crone, it just supplies story info.  In the "Rat room" there is a 
secret passage to coins, and food.  Key 3 can be obtained by getting to 
the body on the ledge- go around the N side and search for secret 
passages.  The fire lizards to the SW are guarding a cursed ring and a 
few other items.  Finally, you can't get to the NW as the Celts, but 
can as the Romans.  Now head back up to the first floor.
  FIRST FLOOR: You can explore the area with the goblins now that 
you're better equipped and have more experience.  There's a lot of 
stuff here, and the rooms have nice small treasure.  The Goblin chief 
has key I.  If you want you can kill the sheep and cows to get some 
meat and amber charms (non-magical).  Now that you have all of the 
keys, you can open up the doors found in this dungeon:
First floor: II- wolf pen door: fine leather armor, potions.
III- Goblin room door: Wand of ice, draught.
Second floor: I or II- NW corner: experience pool (2 skill points).  SE 
corner, undead area: 100c, chain mail.  Fomorian home: fine chain mail, 
ring of skill.  I, II or III- in arena: Woad, scroll (darts of ice).
Third floor: I or II: NE, secret room: healing herbs, ceremonial 
dagger. III- SE: Monsters attack if you try for the chest south.  The 
trapped chests south have coins, a silver ring, several potions and a 

Head back to Nethergate, and give Cormac your disk.  Cartumnus will see 
you (5xp) now.  He tells you to go to the Ruined hall.  Before doing 
so, you may want to hit a few more areas, and build up your levels for 
a bit.  The best place to do this for now is Galag-Trav.  
Alternatively, you may want to hurry through the initial story and grab 
a fifth PC in Vanarium, then have them join you in accumulating skill 

     GALAG-TRAV (0)
This is a relatively easy level with some decent rewards.
Q: Retrieve Hathwisa.
  OUTSIDE:  There is a misletoe patch in trees, and a fine sword in the 
looped trees.  There's a talking fish on river's edge.  North of Goagh-
Nar is a goblin with a skull, the same is true to the south (you must 
first have received the quest from area 9).  The south goblin will 
attack you, the north won't.  I've not seen any difference between 
having mercy and not in this case.  There's a bunch of cheating goblins 
here too.  In order to have them play fair, bring your own dice.  Or, 
better yet, bring Sylak's dice!  When you do this, they attack you 
(minor reward).
  FLOOR 1: Bevan of the Iceni greets you when you enter.  He wants you 
to find his daughter.  Sounds like a worthy quest.  In the Fomorian 
shrine, destroy the altar (5xp) to summon up a spectral warrior and 
wolf.  Kill them, take the knife, then check W for a box with herbs.  
West of here there's a room with a secret passage with a fire barrier.  
Beyond is a trapped chest containing a ring of accuracy, a set of magic 
lockpicks, and a few other goodies. Shade room S, go through doors to 
find a battle axe.  There are 3 buttons, 1 N, 1 SSE, 1 SSW.  Pushing 
the S buttons followed looping around to the N enables you to pass this 
level without too much hassle.  There's a secret pillar with a button 
to push to the SW, use this to access the area slightly east, there's a 
III key on the body there.  There's a final button on the pillar near 
the stairs, use it when you need to leave, after taking the stairs 
down.  There's a box that requires either keys I, II, or III: NW crypt- 
a wight and a tomb with a fine chain mail (sell it).  There's also a 
pillar with information.
  FLOOR 2: Hug the walls, and avoid the pit.  There are Fomorians up 
above who would love to throw a lot of rocks at you.  You'll want to 
make your way to the SE, and open the door, freeing the annoying 
Hathwisa.  Get her out of here after fighting off all the goblins she 
attracts (5xp, endurance bracelet).  There's a secret room SE, with 
ruby hidden in pile of skulls.  In the fire lizard room in the central 
SE is a body with a fine spear, fine leather armor, and some lockpicks.  
To the NE is a secret area with a barrier blocking the passage, which 
is passable, but damaging.  Open the box (and get poisoned) for a fury 
helm, which is a great piece of armor, as anyone can wear it (it's non-
encumbering).  Give it to a druid.  To the N is a passage to get up, 
and fight all those stone-throwing Fomorians.  They're a tough foe, and 
you may want to wait for a while.  The leader is a Fomorian with a ruby 
imbedded in his skull, the object of a later quest.  Go ahead and grab 
it, if you can.  Also while you're here, check the NW room for a bunch 
of goodies (gold ring, wine, entertaining scrolls, paper, magic 
lockpicks).  Near the altar there's a secret chamber with 4 spiritual 
herbs nearby.  The area to the SW can't be explored fully as the Celts.

Now that you're done there, you'll want to head someplace else, maybe 
to the Burial Glen.

This is the only outdoor section without any indoor dungeon.
Q: Retrieve the lady's two skulls.
  OUTSIDE: Stay away from the forest, at least until you have good 
reason to explore them (which you eventually will).  Go up to the rock 
on the S side of the river to get a minor quest.  Returning the skulls 
nets you a wand of the coils.  The skulls are found near Galag-Trav.

You can't get here till after you speak with the crones.  Approach the 
building, and you'll be informed that such is the way of things.
  OUTSIDE: Pearlblossom- no clue on this one, her earrings don't seem 
to be retrievable.  You can't cross the west bridge until after you've 
done everything in the Ruined Hall.  At the Shepherd's place, killing 
the sheep summons a Fomorian and 2 worgs.  There's a patch of spiritual 
herbs hidden in the NE section (just good once). 
 MUCH LATER: A bit to the N on the W side of the river, near the rock 
you can find Sylak's exuberant trash (woopee!).

     ANNWN (E)
You won't be coming here for a looong time.
Q: Deliver the message to hermit 2.
  OUTSIDE:  There's a hut with herbs here, but you'd have to steal 
them, which is probably not a good idea.  There's a boulder to the NE 
that can not be climbed.  Come back with a captured soul from the Vale 
of the Sould.  There are 2 necklaces (Jade and magical Silver) up 
there.  Healing herbs can be found at the tree N of Annwn.  The first 
hermit can be found in the hut S of Annwn.  There's a bunch of Celt 
warriors who'll party with you.

This is an optional quest that you may want to save till after you've 
crossed the bridge.
Q: Honor the Celt warrior.
  OUTSIDE: The bridge is guarded by a bunch of inbred Fomorians.  Teach 
them a lesson, if you're strong enough (300c, fine small metal shield).  
There's a misletoe patch on the N of the river.  There's a stone circle 
here with miscellaneous items.  Return with a piece of horn (from area 
B) to get a ring of accuracy.  There's a scroll in the garbage piles to 
the NW.
  INSIDE: A decent level with good rewards.  Pray at the eastern altar, 
Celts receive healing and, after further exploring, a nether arts 
spell, Miraculous Revival (come back after you've done more quests).  
Talk to the lost soul in the SW building, and he'll tell you about the 
vengeance blade (which does extra damage against Romans).  The sword is 
located in the W statue in the N building.  In the courtyard you can 
get the main quest in this area.  In the NW building are 3 tombs with 
buttons.  W-opens up a door in the NE, C-summons 4 shades, E- summons 
lava, which is bad.  Enter the portal in the northern building, kill 
the 2 wights, and go through the portal.  In the next one, place "crate 
crate barrel" from N to S, then go through the portal.  This takes you 
to the "cross" room.  Go south through the barrier, and look at the 
treasures (cursed ring of grief, paper, poison, energetic herb, silver 
chalice).  Kill the monsters that appear, this causes an earthquake.  
Go look at the tomb again, and you'll burn the body (5xp, onyx necklace 
on pillar).  Then you can leave.

This is a rather bizarre area, with the GIFTSs that occur in all of 
spiderweb's games.  
Q: Talk with the spider queen.
Q: Kill the nasty spider.
Q: Get the insect-attracting amber.
  OUTSIDE:  You'll find Grizzle the sprite on the N side of the river.  
SE of the spider area, you'll find a spider.  Wait to talk with it.
  INSIDE: If you enter from the west, you can speak with the 
intelligent friendly spiders right away.  Talk with the chief to get an 
interesting quest.  There's not too much here.  There are some herbs 
hidden to the SE, and there's a cursed ring to the NW.  There are some 
dead bodies SW, who have some minor items.  Once you've talked with the 
queen spider, come back for (5xp, necklace).  They then give you a 
quest to go kill a nasty spider to the north.  Do so, and you'll get 
5xp, and a blessed leather helmet.  They then give you an amber quest.  
If you complete this, you get Sylak's enlightening amber.

This is the head of operations for the Romans.  You get here via a 
second tunnel, which opens once you've completed Castle Aethdoc. 
  OUTSIDE: Celts can't go very far South.  They can get into a fight 
with a bunch of roman soldiers, and get some nice items out of it 
(blessed sword).  
  LATER: If you have some special boots, give them to Julius for a fine 
small wooden buckler.

     TUNNEL (N)
Once you've complete Castle Aethdoc, you can get to the southern 
  OUTSIDE: There's a goblin village nearby.  Don't hurt them, and you 
can claim a nice magic item later, then you can kill them (100 coins, 
50 food, blessed metal helmet).  If you're lucky enough, you can find a 
skill ring on the bony plain.

     HAGFEN (M)
You can only access the Eastern half of this sector for now.
  OUTSIDE: There's a ring of trees here that'll be important later.  
There's a special ball on the coast, pick it up, there's a minor quest 
for it later.  There's a healer, Becca in this area.  There are a bunch 
of lizards on the hill there.  Killing them gets you some food and a 
fine large metal shield.  
  LATER: When you get to the other side, go to the center peninsula, 
and a selkie child will want the ball.  Give it to him.

This map can only be partially explored for now.
 OUTSIDE: There are some energetic herbs past the swampy area on the 
peninsula near to the hut (just once).  
  LATER: To the N, find a sprite near the columnar rock, pay him, and 
from the mushrooms, go straight N.  You'll find a Shaynee who'll sell 
you recipes.  Near the dead tree you'll be attacked by sprites.  Once 
you've done the ball quest in the Hagfen area, go to the tree and rock 
to the south, and you'll get a druid's bracelet.  After you've done 
more stuff, you can attack some carytids guarding their base.
  INSIDE: Going to see the 3 crones is a major point in the game for 
the Celts.  They don't much care for you, and send you to their pits.   
  PITS: All of your equipment is confiscated, and you're pretty much on 
your own.  There are a few secrets with crappy equipment here, pick it 
up just to have something.  In the rat room, there's a secret leading 
to a bracelet and necklace (non-magical).  As the Celts, you can't get 
passed the green rune.  In the rat ruins room, there's a secret to the 
NW leading to fine lockpicks, and a wand of venom.  When you get to the 
spider ruins, there's a way to climb down to the west.  This takes you 
to 4 chests that hold your stuff!  Reequip it!  There's a secret room 
to the NW that has a magic lockpick in it.  Smash the wheel and leave. 
Once you get out, there's a good bit of stuff out here to do.  Rob each 
of the witch's rooms, you get a lot of nice stuff for this, and hey, 
they're evil anyway.  A bit west, there's a room with a wight that is 
guarding a few magic lockpicks in a box.  In the NNE witch room there 
is a secret passage leading to an altar and 3 wights.  The altar 
teaches heartshock, an excellent spell.  There's a bunch of cursed 
items in the rewards chamber.  There are also some nice items hidden a 
bit to the NW of the center crone room.  There's a wolf to the west 
that isn't really a wolf.  Go grab the key found in the NNW tile room 
(stay on the * tiles to avoid being transported to fight a basilisk).  
Free the wolf to release Galitan, who will repay you later.  There's a 
blocked area to the east, use break barrier on it to fight a wind 

Now that you've completed the crone's quest, you can go to the Ruined 

Q: Recover the scroll, if possible.
 Once you've freed the crone's prisoners, come back, and circle this 
building.  There are herbs to the NW, and a batch of hidden scrolls to 
the NE.  Enter the building proper.  This gets you to Chapter 2.  Go 
north, and things'll go badly.  Time to search the castle.  W is a box 
with lockpicks and a potion.  Explore everything, there are secret 
doors everywhere (use far sight), and eventually you'll want to go down 
the stairs to the east.
  BASEMENT: Straightforward enough, kill the spiders, pass the ghosts.  
At the 3 pools, don't drink from the W one.  The E one gives you a 
piercing crystal, use it on the nearby barrier to access a box which 
has some goodies, including a druid's bracelet.  The altar will teach 
you total healing.  In the room with the 2 toned tiles, step on the 
lower hexagon, and you'll fight 2 shades.  They are carrying scrolls.  
You can get the energy and strength draught recipes in the NW section.  
Make it to center north and you'll fight the guilty sprite.  On your 
way out you're attacked by aranea.  Head up and talk with the faeries.  
They'll give you a scroll and send you back to Nethergate.

  Return to Nethergate with the scroll, and a big celebration will take 
place.  A good old pagan ritual!  You'll get cursed (10xp).  Talk with 
Cerridwen, and off to the faerie bazaar!  Now you can cross the bridge 
near the Ruined Hall without trouble.

Q: Get uncursed.
Q: Obtain the Ruby from Galag-Trav.
Q: Destroy 10 urns in the Vale of the Sould.
Q: Steal some spider eggs.
Q: Get a black fang.
  Talk with Drotha.  She'll give you info on how to fix your curse.  
Time to visit Reptrakos (6)!  Moonfire gives you a mission to kill the 
Ruby-headed Fomorian in Galag-trav.  For this, you get the rod of safe 
descent, a vital and powerful wand.  Skrog will give you key IV for 250 
coins after you ask him about "keys."  Solberg will let you use the 
blessing pool for 2000 coins.  The seeker will sell you spells 1-6 of 
the beast, craft, and spirit circles.  The bazaar master will give you 
a Vale of the Sould quest: Destroy 10 urns in the Vale of the Sould.  
Doing so nets you 5xp and a spidersilk cloak.  Don't do this until 
after you've invaded Shadow Valley Fort.  He then gives you another 
quest: steal eggs from the Spider Queen.  Doing so gets you 5xp and a 
dragonskin cloak.  This leads to his final quest, to kill a wolf to get 
its black fang.  These wolves can be found at area 9.  For this you get 
5xp and Mighty Beast.  You can also rob him if you have enough tool use 
(15 total- from Zeviz)- he has a jade necklace.  You can go down at any 
of the staircases.
  Underneath the Faerie Bazaar:
From Moonfire: Go east once you enter, then kill the undead.  One 
coffin has 50 coins, fine chain mail.
From Truly Fine Items: Cross the runes (a luck total of 7 is required 
to cross them- Zeviz), and grab the shield and blessed studded armor.
From Colotha: Cross the runes, and you can grab the useless dragon's 
From the library: Go SE, and jump off the cliff.  Then go NW and use 
Sever Seal to bring down the protection on the urn, and get the spell 
inside, Wind Warriors.  Then go south, and search the area.  You'll 
come up in the stables.
  OUTSIDE: A Fomorian attacks you to the south.  Kill him for a small 
metal shield and 80 coins.  Conn wants some money, go ahead and give 
him some.  There are several shops nearby here.  There's a pool which 
will heal all your characters to 70HP.  There's a friendly brigand 
settlement nearby too. 

Q: Recover Reptrakos' tablet.
  When you enter, Reptrakos won't seem so happy.  Search around, and 
get Gobo to join you.  He can't fight well, but he's not too bad.  He's 
also the only way to get to Reptrakos, so you have to let him join.  
He'll have you kill lizards and goblins, and will tell you about a 
secret door.  Check the north wall, and look at the wheel.  Then go 
west, and north, through the gate.  If you have enough dexterity, you 
can get sylak's bowl!  Also grab the puzzle cube (of unknown use), and 
the metal bar.  Go back, and continue on, killing the charming goblins.  
Go and speak with Reptrakos.  He has a mission for you, to recover a 
tablet.  Go around back to get a scale.  Go back to the lizard area, 
and Gobo will open a passage for you.  Kill the basilisk, then check 
the wall for the tablet.  Return it for the mighty beast and call 
spirit spells.  Go back to the faerie bazaar (gobo leaves- shucks!) and 
give Drotha the scale.  This gets you uncursed (phew!).
  OUTSIDE: Starcap will sell you stuff.  You can also get Julius's 
boots here.  A batch of witches will attack you in the central hut.  
Kill them for some spiritual herbs.  A bunch of basilisks will attack 
you a bit to the west, kill them for 200 coins and an onyx necklace.

Q: Find Derek.
Q: Kill the shadow wolf.
  Get someone to join you.  They all make excellent additions.  See the 
end of this FAQ for the character's skill levels.  Silius doesn't show 
you very good stuff unless you're the romans.  Titus will sell you lots 
of recipes and heal you.  Drusilla will buy items from you.  You can 
steal from the shrine, if you want.  I haven't seen any ill effects.  
Maneuver in the trees to get a magic lockpick.  Midori will sell spells 
to you.  Velanna will give you a quest to find out what happened to 
Derek, her lover.  Finding his body (2) gives you 5xp, and a free room.  
Take Sylak's Horn from Manius, if possible.
  OUTSIDE: Adams lives to the SE.  Sit with him, he tells you of the 
shadow wolf.  Kill it (B) for a freedom ring.  10 woodscraft skill is 
needed (from Zeviz).  Help out the faerie noble east of Vanarium for 
250 coins.

  Enter here.  The Celts can obtain a few important spells: Break 
barrier and sever seal.  Getting them here will save you a lot of gold.  
Return later for DOOM, the best spell of the spirit circle.
  OUTSIDE: There's an animal horn (for Section I) here, to the east of 
the river.  Climb up the dry wastes and kill the Fomorians to claim 
Sylak's skull.  This skull will tell the locations of all the nether 
arts spells, and will help you once or twice more beyond that.  
Otherwise, he's just plain annoying. 

     AERIE (2)
Q: Talk with the Celt shades on behalf of the Raven
  OUTSIDE: Make a copy of the runes on the pillar outside.  You'll need 
some paper and a pen.  Find the skeleton, this ends up being Derek.  
Search the valley wall for a gryphon, free it, you'll be glad for it 
  INSIDE: An interesting level.  Go east, then up to get to a place 
with 4 lizards.  Kill them and search the west wall for a body with 
You'll find a block puzzle:
First move crate A by bumping into it (then wait).  Move blocks B and C 
south, then D east 2 spaces.  Then move E up and out.
x H x
 G x 
  F E
Then move blocks F and G west, H east, and I north.  Then place a block 
on the pad (it's not too hard).  Go a bit north, and see the gryphons.  
To the NE there's a spot with some chests which can't be opened till 
you have a few more keys.  One of them holds a ruby necklace, the other 
a sapphire necklace.  There's a secret passage to the NE that leads to 
an upper level.  Search for secret doors, and you'll find 2 boxes that 
contain potions, lockpicks, and a few other things.  Heading to the NW, 
you'll be able to go further if you've freed the gryphon outside, and 
can acquire a feather from the gryphon in the NW corner.  Look through 
their nests to acquire an emerald.  Go east, through the gryphons, then 
head around again.  You get attacked by a bunch of Fomorians.  Continue 
around, and you will be attacked by lava lizards.  Next is the test of 
knowledge.  You have to have enough woodcraft, faerie lore, rune 
reading, and tool use to continue.  Go talk with the Raven.  He wants 
you to go to the stone circle.  Do so and return for your reward, a 
blessed skill ring and 10xp.  On the way out, you may want to jump off 
the cliffs to get to the second one, and search the east wall for 
Sylak's scalpel, which aids your first aid skill.

Q: Retrieve the runes.
Q: Retrieve the insect-attracting amber.
  Entering this area is a challenge.  Many passages close up on you.  A 
lot of dead druids are here, pillage their bodies for good equipment.  
There are also lots of homicidal aranea here.  You objective is to get 
to the center, and talk with the spider queen.  She'll tell you what to 
do about the GIFTSs, and will give you an amber quest (return with it 
for 10xp, and boots of the leagues).  You can steal some of her eggs 
for a later quest by going around the north.  To the west is a web that 
asks you a question (the answer is below in the hints section).  For 
this you get Call Hunt.
  OUTSIDE:  To the north on the river is Kaja, who wants to see some 
runes.  They can be found at (2).  Return for some tool use knowledge.  
She also sells the power elixir and balm of life recipes.  In the 
forest there is a battle with some shades (which gives you 100 coins 
and a scroll), and a healing herb patch.  Threaten the druids and 
they'll let you take some.

Q: Kill the big Fomorian.
Q: Retrieve Orim's soul.
Q: Kill the Wolf of the Fen.
  Go to the outer shrine.  You'll get 2 skill points, and can talk with 
Aidan.  He'll give you a quest to go grab Orim's soul from the Vale of 
the Sould.  You'll have to ask for the golden pelt, eventually.  Owen 
asks you to slay the wolf of the fen nearby.  Finishing this quest gets 
you a free dip in the blessing pool.  In the orchard, you can find a 
lot of misletoe.  You can also see a sprite or two in the water.
  UNDER THE SHRINE: Go south first.  Look at the scrolls, you'll find 
the restoring elixir recipe.  Further, after the pit, search for secret 
passages east.  You'll find Mugain, and search the shelves for the 
capture soul and simulacrum spells.  Mugain will teach you tool use for 
250 coins.  Also, in the same room as Mugain, is a southerly secret 
passage leading to the nether arts spell create elixir.  Once you have 
permission to obtain the golden pelt, go west from the beginning.  In 
the urn room, one of the pots has a druid's bracelet in it.  Further 
west is the blessing pool.  The golden pelt is in the eastern 
sarcophagus.  Claim it, and fight the undead.  Give it to Samael, then 
return for your reward, 10xp, heartshock, and a use of the blessing 
  OUTSIDE: Talk with the sprites.  They want you to kill a Fomorian who 
lives to the north.  Do so for 5xp, and their gratitude.  On the 
peninsula is the only seller of papyrus sheets.  Buy a lot once you get 
Sylak's pen- you'll get a lot of scrolls, many of which are good for 
selling.  Near the shrine is a swampy area.  Get up on the hill, and 
blow a horn, this'll summon the wolf.  Check near the shrine for a 
spiritual herb patch.

Q: Get the Ruby Stones.
  Samael will rent out souls to you.  If you have cash, you may want to 
get one.  They occasionally will help you (I've found 2 occurrences so 
far).  He will also free Orim for you if you can retrieve the Golden 
Pelt for him.  He also wants some stones (found in the Roman Goblin 
caves), and will reward you handsomely for them (Hero of Old, Beast 
Call, Raise Dead spells).  His hideout is also the object of a quest 
from the Faerie Bazaar head merchant.  Finally, you can find a nether 
arts spell here.
  Faerie Bazaar Quest: Head to the east.  You'll have to fight a bunch 
of rats.  Whenever you see a pot, approach it and smash it (except for 
a few final exceptions).  You'll be warned once by Samael, and if you 
continue, he'll stop selling to you.  Be sure to have done everything 
you've wanted to first before proceeding.  Then ignore his warnings.  
Pull the 2 hidden wheels, then go and smash the 2 jars, and continue 
east.  You'll be presented with a series of riddles throughout this 
dungeon.  The riddle answers are near the end of this FAQ.  You'll 
enter a library, where you can read the deals people made in exchange 
for their souls.  Search for 3 secrets, 2 of which lead to jars, and 
the other that leads to some scrolls.  You'll run into some fire 
lizards.  You'll come to a staircase as you go west, search the south 
wall for a secret passage.  Continue west, and you'll eventually be 
sent to a spider maze.  Check the south wall for a secret passage out. 
Pull a wheel a bit south and keep crushing the urns you come across.  
Eventually, you'll run into a bunch of goblins.  Kill them, then go 
south.  You'll be asked the final riddle.  Enter, and don't try 
breaking any of these urns.  You'll come upon Samael.  Kill him, this 
is an age of vengeance.  Plunder his treasure chest for a few goodies, 
then head back to the beginning.  Kill the mannequin, then go through 
the portal.  Now you can get Clouds of the Night.
  OUTSIDE: The S cave has lizards in it.  North of this one is a ring 
cave.  North from there is a basilisk cave.  Killing them gets you a 
lucky bracelet, and a sylak's bolt of cloth.  Finally, N of this one is 
the Fomorian the sprites want you to kill.  On the E side of the river, 
you can get the stone guardian spell from the S cave, to the E is a 
cave with a dead body (100 coins, crystal necklace).  N is an empty 
cave, W is a lizard family cave.

Q: Get the selkie pelts.
  This is a sad area.  Maneuver to talk with Sleek.  He'll give you a 
quest to retrieve the selkie pelts from Hagfen.  Do so for 10xp, and 
they'll tear down a wall, allowing you to get key IIIII and a blessed 
sling.  Go to the North, and you can access a bunch of potions and some 
coins.  To the NE is the laboratory of Gulharus.  The boxes contain 
herbs, except for the box across the lava.  This one has a silver 
bracelet and a rare wand of disruption.  You may be here to kill Sleek- 
doing so makes all of the selkies hostile towards you, and would 
probably go against the faerie-celt bond of trust.
  OUTSIDE: There's the cheapest source of food here, in a hut on the 
east side of the lake.  Free the selkie man to the SW.  There's a stone 
circle that constantly summons up lost souls and big Fomorians.  Use it 
to gain experience, if you want.

Q: Get a gryphon feather.
Q: Get the ruby stones.
  Flaxen will sell you nice blessed equipment.  Morden identifies, 
Foglio sells potions and scrolls, and buys your stuff, and Thyme sells 
miscellaneous goodies.  Talk with Galitan (if you freed him) and he'll 
teach you soul lance and stone guardian.  The Rose lady will give you a 
quest, if you desire to take it.  Check her room for some nice magic 
jewelry and other valuables.  Talk with Toivo for information, and for 
the chance to get into the closed building.  Talk to Rippel (who sells 
miscellaneous items), and ask about Weevil.  Talk to Sylak (not THAT 
Sylak), and enter the room through the east.  Talk to Genevieve to get 
the gryphon feather quest.  You'll get one in the Aerie.  Return with 
one for 10xp, and key VI.  At the closed magical pets store, go and 
kill the ghost.  You get a lucky bracelet for this.  In the SW corner 
of the village in the inn, there are some gambling faerie guards- use 
Sylak's dice there for 100 coins (from Sarachim).
  OUTSIDE: To get here, you've got to cross the river.  You'll have to 
wade through a lot of goblins to get there, though.  There's a lake 
with an island on it.  Get to the island by searching to the west for a 
path.  There's also a gryphon nest to the SW, kill them if you want.  A 
bit north of the nest is an energetic herb patch.  You can't get to it 
unless you walk through all of the paths to the NE.

     HAGFEN (M)
Q: Kill Sleek.
  This place is a swamp.  You may find a lot of herbs, if you do some 
wandering.  To the south is a piece of amber the spiders keep yearning 
for.  To the east are 3 basilisks, this is a good place to capture 
their souls.  Kill them and search the body for Key IV.  Enter the 
building and you can deal with the hags.  They want you to kill Sleek, 
leader of the selkies.  Doing so will get you a crystal key that opens 
a door in their basement to a scroll that gives you +4 to either the 
beast or craft circle.  It's not too worthwhile for the Celts.  This 
quest still can be taken and performed after doing the selkie quest, to 
no adverse affect (Zeviz).  It would go against role playing though.
  DOWNSTAIRS: Jump off the cliff.  There's the way out to the east, 
though you have to fight some Fomorians.  The hags are packrats, and 
you can do a good deed and pillage them.  A western box yields to one 
of your numbered keys, and gives an amber charm and a silver necklace.  
To the NW are a bunch of lava lizards, and in the pockmarked area you 
can use a captured soul from the Vale of the Sould to grab a worthless 
monkey bracelet and a warrior's bracelet.  To the SW is the Main 
treasure storage area.  There's a chest that requires key V here.  It 
has Sylak's Mortar and Pestle.  There's a gate to the SW that blocks an 
important area.  You can open it by going to the East and hitting the 
tiles like so:
1 3
then opening the door and going through the portal.  You'll find the 
skins, some gold and some scrolls.  You can get a copper necklace in a 
chest to the South, provided you have key 6.  If Sylak's skull talks to 
you here, go and grab an intelligence bracelet from the red horse 
statue near the beginning.

     SPIRE (C)
You can't get passed the thorns until the end of the game.
  OUTSIDE: Poz will sell you miscellaneous items.  You'll find a ring 
belonging to a sprite to the NW, I gave it back to her.  

Q: Kill Kharto.
You'll get here later, but there's something really useful here.
  OUTSIDE:  Near the center of this area are a bunch of goblins.  Talk 
with them to get started on a most worthwhile Sylak item quest: kill 
Kharto.  Go to (N) then to (M), circle of trees, and back to here.  For 
this you get Sylak's pen.  Also, there is a strange area that will 
strengthen you (+2 to all 4 primary stats), if and only if you've done 
righteous deeds (donated money to beggars, given sprites their ring, 
show mercy towards slaves, help free caught animals, etc.).

There's not too much else to do, so go on to Goagh-Nar.

     GOAGH-NAR (1)
  Wait till you have all 6 keys to come here, that's my suggestion.  
When you're ready, enter, and head west.
  UNDER GOAGH-NAR: Talk to Roava.  These are the friendly Fomorians.  
He tells you to go speak with Gagg.  There's a passage to the north 
that holds a trapped chest, in it are some small goodies.  Further 
north is another trapped chest, in it are some mauling gauntlets, 
regular chain mail, and a golden goblet.  Go to the west and take some 
herbs from their garden.  Check a bit to the south for a secret passage 
leading to Fomor zombies that challenge you.  Kill them, and take their 
stuff (You get a fury helm!).  Talk to Gagg, and you'll get started on 
the trial.  Just don't try to take anything.  You need some faerie lore 
in order to survive one of the tests.  If you've been plunking points 
into it every now and then you should be fine.  Go back, talk to Gagg 
then Roava.
  UNDER GOAGH-NAR 2: It's probably best to take Bendbones out.  Go 
unlock the door, and kill him.  Then pillage his chest.  Don't go up 
the stairs yet, instead go to the east and search for a secret passage 
N.  Kill the sprites, then go to the room.  Search for secret passages, 
light the fire, kill the sprites, and repeat twice.  Then go up the 
stairs, and claim Fomorslayer.  It does extra damage against Fomorians.  
Go up the stairs to get to:
  GOAGH-NAR: You end up in a storage room.  There's a scroll in the 
room to the South.  Go south to the arena, and check one of the cells 
for some needed info.  Go west, and open the two boxes, you should be 
able to do so if you have all of the keys.  They have a blessed spear 
and blessed axe.  There is also a box that has a dexterity bracelet 
near the center.  You'll want to make your way around to the queen's 
room, either by stealth or by might.  There are a lot of goodies nearby 
here: a wand of doom, and an energy elixir.
  UNDER GOAGH-NAR 2: There are a lot of Fomorians here.  Take a look 
around, you'll find some herbs, and a temple.  Go check the skulls in 
the temple for beast ceremony (as if you don't have it already).  Go up 
and out.
  UNDER GOAGH-NAR: Looks like the Romans stole the skull.  Shoot.  Talk 
to Juniper, and leave.
  GOAGH-NAR:  Leave.  The sprites give you the skull.
  OUTSIDE:  There's an energetic patch of herbs to the East.  You can 
beat up the Fomorians on top of the hill, if you desire.  There's a 
lot.  Kill them, then search the totems for a blessed metal helmet.  
There's also the last hermit here.  Talk with him for 100 coins.
Return to Nethergate with the skull, and you'll get 10xp.  Your next 
stop is Castle Aethdoc. Once you enter, go south, down the stairs.
  SOUTH CASTLE: Go east.  Talk to Indigo. This is a BIG area.  Agate, 
to the East, will teach you Sever Seal for cheap.  In the jail to the 
SE is a body that has a blessed metal helmet.  To the SSE is a library, 
you can read one of the books if you have enough keys to get Doom, 
Control life, and Soul lance.  There's an altar to the SSW that'll heal 
you.  To the SW is a crypt.  Go to the NE one, go through a secret 
passage, and press the button to the N.  3 spectral warriors will fight 
you.  Kill them, and search the tombs for a wand of disruption, fine 
metal large shield, and a dragonskin cloak.  There's a room to the WSW 
that's locked, open it and check the barrel for a golden bracelet and a 
scroll.  In the inner circle, there's a valuable treasure room to the 
SE.  You'll find mauling gloves, gems, and a blessed resistance ring.  
Making it to the center is unnecessary, though you may want to talk 
with Pelanth, though first you'll need to find a pass from Indigo in 
the NW.  She'll sell you Break Barrier.  In the desk is a golden 
goblet, a nice treasure to sell.  Eventually head up the SE stairs.
  INTERMISSION: Dispel the barriers.  The Altar is the main attraction 
here.  Donate money several times (~8), and you'll get lots of xp, 
health, and spell points, and finally sylak's pants of power (from 
  NORTH CASTLE: You're in a storage room.  You can get raise dead and 
total healing from the room to the SE.  There are 3 ways to kill 
Relatur.  The first, and hardest, is to confront him directly.  
Probably a bad idea.  The second is to wait in his room and gut him 
from there.  This works well enough, and is my favorite (since I like 
to kill bad guys).  You'll need to sever a seal to do this.  The third 
is to acquire poison and kill him.  Talk with the mage to the SE, and 
he'll tell you about some poison he made.  Go to his room a bit north, 
and say "gryphon."  Grab the poison, and dump it in the wine.  Then 
make for the exit.  If you try #2, you can take all of his stuff 
(blessed ring of protection, blessed sword).  You can also go around 
and kill everyone else, including the nobles in the center room, who 
also have very nice equipment.  Once done, leave, and talk with Indigo.  
The eye is in Shadow valley fort!  Head back to Nethergate.

  Return to Nethergate once you've completed Castle Aethdoc, and you'll 
get information on a tunnel to Shadowvale fort.

     TUNNEL (N)
  ABANDONED MINES: Once you've completed Castle Aethdoc, you can get 
here.  The locked room to the east has a chest with metal bars and 
magic lockpicks.  There's a room with 2 crates full of metal bars in 
the center-west.  In the NW corner there's a room with 2 emeralds.
Second floor: There's a ring in a locked room near the east center.
Third floor, southern stairs: There's a huge jump in the South-SW part 
of the map.  You need the rod of Safe descent to make it without dying.  
This is the main reason we came here.  Jump down the cliff after using 
the rod, and press the button in one of the rooms with a ghoul.  Doing 
so summons 2 spirits, kill them, then plunder the stones from the 
central, revealed cabinet.  Exit through the portal.  To the SE there's 
a secret way up to pillage some dead bodies.
Third floor, northern stairs: There are some crypts nearby which you 
can pillage.  Destroy the ruby you find in a secret passage.  You may 
not see any benefits to doing this, but it doesn't hurt.  The drake to 
the NW wants you to attack, do so (by forcing an attack).  Take his 

This is the head of operations for the Romans.
  You get here via a second tunnel, which opens once you completed 
Castle Aethdoc.  The tunnel doesn't have too much in the way of 
secrets, but you will get into a nasty fight with a bunch of undead 
warriors.  Once defeated, you can enter the fort proper.  You're only 
allowed to explore the NE quad of the maps, if you try to go further 
out, you will be instantly killed (see the bug section for a problem 
associated with this).  If you head towards the center of the map, you 
get into a big fight with a bunch of Romans.  Head into the 
headquarters north of this fight, and you'll find a second pair of 
seven league boots (from Zeviz)!  There is also a pair of gauntlets of 
might in the chest nearby, along with a potion and a few other items.  
The eye is located in a building to the east, once you grab it, leave 
and return to Nethergate.  

Return with the Eye of Cathdoc and you'll get 10xp, and a Druid's 
bracelet and Onyx necklace in a chest to the east.  You'll then get 
info on your next stop, Annwn.

     ANNWN (E)
Q: Kill a drake in the first area.
Q: Save a girl in the Village
Q: Recover a key from the battleground.
Q: Perform the hunt for Bel.
  This is one of your final stops.  Once you've obtained the Eye of 
Cathrac, you can enter here.  Once in, your rations rot away.  I hope 
you have the create food spell!  Cast it 10 times, and that'll last you 
for a while, especially if you have Sylak's bowl.  Search this first 
area thoroughly before going through any portals.  There's a dead body 
in here with 12 food on it a bit east of center.  To the east a statue 
asks you a question which you must answer in order to get up to the 
next level.  To the west is a wolf den, make it to the center to get a 
lot of nice items (including a blessed metal helmet).  There's a portal 
to the west on the second floor that you'll want to take.  This leads 
to a drake, wait and then kill it.  It has some good stuff.  Then take 
the portal in the center.
  HALLS OF THE DEAD.  Entering the portal to the north takes you to the 
battlefield.  Make your way east, and speak with Rhys, the spectral 
warrior.  He won't let you pass until you've done 2 of his 3 quests.  
One is to recover a key, two is save a girl, and three is to kill a 
drake.  The portal to the east will send you back to intro area.  Check 
the wall a bit east of Rhys and you'll get into an area with several 
jail cells (you'll occasionally get hurt while wandering around here).  
Talk with a wight (Donovan) and he'll ask you to destroy his skull to 
the NW.  Do so for 2 points of hardiness.  Another wight (Donelly) 
teaches you control life if you ask him what he remembers.  To the NW 
is a platform that summons the hunt.  It's kind of hard, but you'll 
have to do at sometime.  A bit to the west are the skulls, with a nasty 
trap guarding them.  
  THE BATTLEFIELD.  This is a tough area.  As you walk, you'll get 
attacked.  You can hug the walls to avoid most encounters, although at 
this point you could be strong enough to want to fight merely to get 
the exp.  The portal to the NW leads back to the halls, and the portal 
to the NE leads to the village.  In the SE, you find the key thief.  
Once slain, the key will open a chest in the NE section of the halls 
for a knowledge brew and a blessed ring of protection.  The S portal 
leads to the intro area.
  VILLAGE.  A unique area.  There's some humor in here, with the cows 
and such.  You start off in the SW quad.  There are runes separating 
the various quads, these can be brought down with the sever seal spell.  
The portal to the west goes to the halls.  The girl is located here.  
Find her to the north and take her to the exit.  There's not too much 
  Once you do 2 of Rhys's quests, you can enter (and Rhys is tortured).  
You then speak with Bel, who wants you to do the hunt.  After doing the 
hunt, you'll find out that the Romans beat you to it again.  Go off to 
the end, and kill the Romans outside waiting and obtain the crown.

Return the crown for an Onyx Necklace and a blessed small shield.  Now 
off to Spire!  Once you've recovered all of the artifacts, walk on the 
road to enter Spire.  You'll be attacked by a crone and some nether 
beasts.  By this time, they shouldn't be much of a problem. 

     SPIRE (C)
  This is the last place you go to in the game.  You can't get here for 
a long time.  Once you have all 3 artifacts, head on out to Spire.  You 
may want to take some wine with you, those Faeries know how to party!  
In here you'll also be introduced to the Crystal wands, which are very 
powerful missile weapons.  Be sure to equip pretty much everyone with 
one at some point.  Most of the stuff here you should already have, 
although you can really get a nice bit of cash if you grab the valuable 
stuff and leave.  To the SE there's a room that's locked with one of 
the Sylak keys- unlock it and you can grab a few items.  There are a 
few other places of interest, but I'll let you find them.  Go up to the 
second floor and head east.  Talk with Sylak and Shra.  Then go up to 
floor 3, and look around.  The rooms to the NE and NW both contain a 
whole bunch of potions.  Then go up to the platform, and place the 
items.  The eye will give you a hard time, but the skull just wants to 
get drunk.  The crown doesn't care.  Once you do, Sylak comes up, and 
starts to open the gate.  Then the Romans attack.  Shra tells you to go 
down and kill Vibius.  Go down one floor and head east.  Find the room 
that looks like a shooting range and get some wands to the north, and 
some skill to the south.  Go down to the bottom floor, and start 
chasing Vibius.  Eventually you'll kill him on the second floor, then 
you have to go back up to the third floor and watch the ending 


Q: Recover the satchel.
  Welcome to the Romans.  The Romans are stronger, faster, and less 
magically inclined than the celts.  Playing as the Romans requires a 
change in strategy.  You'll find the game to be pretty easy at the 
beginning, but tougher near the middle, as you're missing the majority 
of spells.  You wake up in your room, confused and disoriented.  
There's a storage room east, and a lockpick south.  A bit east, there's 
a building with some locked doors and trapped chests- open them to get 
a blessed small shield, beast elixir, and to realize you're expendable.  
Eventually head west to talk with Vibius and to get an idea of what 
you'll need to do.  You can't get to the area a bit north for a while.  
Also talk with Quintus and get a free healing draught.  Talk to Appius 
to join the burial club (the benefits of which are noticeable when your 
characters all keel over).  Circle the fort, and you'll find a fine 
OUTSIDE: Look in the heavily forested area to find a sword.  Head west 
to get to the Abandoned Mine. 
LATER: If you have some special boots, give them to Julius for a fine 
small wooden buckler.

  OUTSIDE: You encounter the witches for the first time near here.  
They are friendly, though.
  INSIDE: Search the containers near the beginning- you'll find some 
nice equipment.  Continue looking, and you'll have to fight some rats 
and goblins.  Nothing too tough, especially for your Roman soldiers.  
Several doors are locked, but you should be able to find some keys a 
bit later on.
THE KEYS: There are 6 Sylak keys found throughout the game.  The first 
3 come pretty readily, but the last 3 are a chore to obtain.  
Nonetheless, you may want to obtain them all prior to doing the later 
quests.  Once you find one, many doors and chests will open up to you, 
enabling you to loot as you please.  You can get a lot of good stuff 
this way, including valuable jewelry and potions.
There's a secret path near the center with a dead body and some 
equipment, and a clue about what's going on.  Eventually, go down the 
northern staircases.  
  FLOOR 2.Around the loop you'll fight some goblins, and will also find 
a chest with some good equipment in it.  As you continue, you'll run 
into a goblin chief and his shaman guards.  This battle can be tough, 
be sure to use magic as much as possible.  The goblin chief has good 
equipment, including a fine sword.  If you go to the jail to the east, 
you can find a secret room with some valuable metal bars.  Head NE to 
find a box with several herbs and a druid's robe, which will be useful 
later.  Go down one level on this floor (not two!), destroy the goblin 
altar (10xp), search the altar room for secret doors, including one 
that leads to a wand of flame, and circle to the SW- you'll find key I.  
You can get some free food at the rat butchering area (yummy!).  Head 
to the SW corner and kill the goblins.  You'll find a door with some 
helmets.  Now head to the bottom level of this floor.  Search the rat 
areas for a scroll and key II (after fighting plague rats).  Go down 
the eastern stairs to floor 3.
  FLOOR 3. Right off you'll see some crates with a lot of food.  Stock 
up.  Head to your NE and you'll see some tombs.  Wights pour out of 
them- kill them but beware their draining touch.  Search the tombs for 
a gold ring, a scroll and 25 coins.  While you're on this side, destroy 
the ruby in the hidden room.  There's also a drake here that wants to 
die fighting, hold on giving him his wish for now, as you're too weak.
Now that you have all of the keys, open up the rooms that were 
previously locked.  You'll find plenty of good equipment, including a 
few magic items.

Return the satchel to Vibius for 10xp.  Be sure to talk with Quintus to 
get a hero of old scroll.  You'll be sent off to the ruined hall.  
You'll probably want to do this next, as it's a good idea to go and get 
a fifth person ASAP.  

     TUNNEL (N)
  OUTSIDE: There's a goblin village nearby.  Don't hurt them, and you 
can claim a nice magic item later, then you can kill them (100 coins, 
50 food, blessed metal helmet).  If you're lucky enough, you can find a 
skill ring on the bony plain.

     HAGFEN (M)
You can only access the eastern half of this sector for now.
  OUTSIDE: There's a ring of trees here that'll be important later.  
There's a special ball on the coast, pick it up, there's a minor quest 
for it later.  There's a healer, Becca in this area.  There are a bunch 
of lizards on the hill there.  Killing them gets you some food and a 
fine large metal shield.  
  LATER: When you get to the other side, Go to the center peninsula, 
and a selkie will want the ball.  Give it to him.  This gets you some 
magic jewelry.  You will be attacked if you approach the tower.

This is an optional quest that you may want to save till after you've 
obtained another character.
Q: Honor the Celt warrior.
  OUTSIDE: The bridge is guarded by a bunch of inbred Fomorians.  Teach 
them a lesson, if you're strong enough (300c, fine small metal shield).  
There's a misletoe patch on the N of the river.  There's a stone circle 
here with miscellaneous items.  Return with a piece of horn (from area 
B) to get a ring of accuracy.  There's a scroll in the garbage piles to 
the NW.
  INSIDE: A decent level with good rewards.  You get attacked by a 
bunch of undead (4 lost souls- from Zeviz) at the eastern altar.  Talk 
to the lost soul in the SW building, and he'll attack you.  In the 
courtyard you can get the main quest in this area.  In the NW building 
are 3 tombs with buttons.  W-opens up a door in the NE, C-summons 4 
shades, E- summons lava which is bad.  You can rob the urns for a ring 
of accuracy, and get a torc from one tomb.  Enter the portal in the 
northern building, kill the 2 wights, and go through the portal.  In 
the next one, place "crate crate barrel" from N to S, then go through 
the portal.  This takes you to the "cross" room.  Go south through the 
barrier, and look at the treasures (cursed ring of grief, paper, 
poison, energetic herb, silver chalice).  Kill the monsters that 
appear, this causes an earthquake.  Go look at the tomb again, and 
you'll burn the body (5xp, onyx necklace on pillar).  Then you can 

  OUTSIDE: Pearlblossom- no clue on this one, her earrings don't seem 
to be retrievable.  You can't cross the west bridge until after you've 
done everything in the Ruined Hall.  At the Shepherd's place, killing 
the sheep summons a Fomorian and 2 worgs.  There's a patch of spiritual 
herbs hidden in the NE section (just good once). 
  LATER: A bit to the N on the W side of the river, near the rock you 
can find Sylak's exuberant trash (woopee!).
INSIDE: Wander around and you'll find some nice equipment.  Circle the 
building, and pillage all of the herbs/scrolls.  There's a small secret 
area that's accessible from the outside in the NE.  In it are several 
scrolls.  Enter and you go into Chapter 2.  Go and speak with Dolojan 
(who doesn't much like you) to get this quest started.  Search the rest 
of this area for several nice bits of equipment.
  DOWNSTAIRS: You will need to obtain 3 opening stones.  One is found 
in the NE in a hidden room, another is in the east pool, and the third 
one is SW on a body (cross the lava), and the fourth is found by 
jumping down from a cliff in the west.  You can cross the bridge 
without fear.  You don't want to drink from west pool, and want to save 
the center pool for later (unless you really need it).  You can't get 
the altar's spell, no matter how high your rune reading is (maybe you 
need some faerie lore?).  Step on the box to fight some wights and 
check NW for 2 potion recipes.  Then use the stones to open the door 
and grab the scroll.  You then will have to fight a bunch of goblins to 
get out, and eventually, Dolojan, the faerie warrior.  She might be 
somewhat tough, but definitely can be killed.

Return the scrolls to Vibius for 10xp, and go to bed.  You'll have 
creepy dreams.  Talk with Vibius again and get Quintus to give you a 
ring of resistance, a decent item.  Your next stop should probably be 
Vanarium.  You will want to pick up another character.

Q: Obtain the Dragon's blood.
Q: Find Derek.
Q: Kill the shadow wolf.
  You'll want to pick up a character, most likely Rhian.  Marcus has 
too many points devoted to endurance, whereas Rhian has some much-
needed druidic skill. See the end of this FAQ for the character's skill 
levels.  This is one of the easier choices you can make.  People will 
react to you a bit better here in Vanarium, but very poorly in the 
Faerie Bazaar.  Silius will sell you some good items, including 
piercing crystals and recall rubies.  You may want to purchase some 
crystals here, since there isn't any place really good to acquire the 
break barrier spell for a while, plus you probably don't have enough 
craft skill to make good use of it. Titus will sell you lots of recipes 
and heal you.  Drusilla will buy items from you.  You can steal from 
the shrine, if you want.  I haven't seen any ill effects.  Maneuver in 
the trees to get a magic lockpick.  Midori will sell spells to you.    
Manius Voltinus will give you a quest to find the Dragon's blood.  
Doing so gets you Sylak's horn.  You can rob his house pretty easily 
for some gold jewelry.  Talk with the innkeeper Velanna to get the Find 
Derek quest.  Finding his body (2) gives you 5xp, and a free room.  
  OUTSIDE: Adams lives to the SE.  Sit with him, he tells you of the 
shadow wolf. 10 woodscraft skill is needed (from Zeviz).  Kill it (B) 
for a freedom ring.  Help out the faerie noble east of Vanarium for no 
reward whatsoever.

This is the only outdoor section without any indoor dungeon.
Q: Retrieve the lady's two skulls.
  OUTSIDE: Stay away from the forest, at least until you have good 
reason to explore them.  Go up to the rock on the S side of the river 
to get a minor quest.  Returning the skulls nets you a wand of the 
coils.  The skulls are found near Galag-Trav.  In order to cross the 
bridge, you will have to fight some Celts.  Do so, they're not tough.

     GALAG-TRAV (0)
This is a relatively easy level with some decent rewards.
  OUTSIDE:  There is a misletoe patch in trees, and a fine sword in the 
looped trees.  There's a talking fish on river's edge.  North of Goagh-
Nar is a goblin with a skull, the same is true to the south (you must 
first have received the quest from area 9).  The south goblin will 
attack you, the north won't.  I've not seen any difference between 
having mercy and not in this case.  There's a bunch of cheating goblins 
here too.  In order to have them play fair, bring your own dice.  Or, 
better yet, bring Sylak's dice!  When you do this, they attack you.
  FLOOR 1: You may hear some noise when you enter, but can't find 
anyone.  You'll know what this is about if you play as the Celts.  To 
the northern east there's a room with a secret passage with a fire 
barrier.  Beyond is a trapped chest containing a ring of accuracy, a 
set of magic lockpicks, and a few other goodies.  Shade room S, go 
through doors to find a battle axe.  There are 3 buttons, 1 N, 1 SSE, 1 
SSW.  Pushing the S buttons followed looping around to the N enables 
you to pass this level without too much hassle.  There's a secret 
pillar with a button to push to the SW, use this to access the area 
slightly east, there's a III key on the body there.  There's a final 
button on the pillar near the stairs, use it when you need to leave, 
after taking the stairs down.  There's a box that requires either keys 
I, II, or III: NW crypt- a wight and a tomb with a fine chain mail 
(equip it).  There's also a pillar with information (be sure to check 
  FLOOR 2: Hug the walls, and avoid the pit.  There are Fomorians up 
above who would love to throw a lot of rocks at you.  There's a secret 
room SE, with a ruby hidden in pile of skulls.  In the fire lizard room 
in the central SE is a body with a fine spear, fine leather armor, and 
some lockpicks.  To the NE is a secret area with a barrier blocking the 
passage, which is passable, but damaging.  Open the box (and get 
poisoned) for a fury helm, which is a great piece of armor, as anyone 
can wear it (it's non-encumbering).  Give it to Rhian.  To the N is a 
passage to get up, and fight all those stone-throwing Fomorians.  
They're a tough foe, and you may want to wait for a while.  The leader 
is a Fomorian with a ruby imbedded in his skull, the object of a later 
quest.  Go ahead and grab it, if you can.  Also while you're here, 
check the NW room for a bunch of goodies (gold ring, wine, entertaining 
scrolls, paper, magic lockpicks).  Near the altar there's a secret 
chamber with 4 spiritual herbs nearby.  The area to the SW holds much 
promise for the Romans.  You definitely want to have 5 people in order 
to get the greatest benefit out of this boon.  Enter this area, and 
head for the central tomb.  You can pass without problem.  Look at the 
tomb for Faerie Lore +1.

Now that you're done there, you'll want to head someplace else, maybe 
to the Burial Glen.

     ANNWN (E)
You won't be coming here for a looong time.
Q: Deliver the message to hermit 2.
  OUTSIDE:  There's a hut with herbs here, but you'd have to steal 
them, which is probably not a good idea.  There's a boulder to the NE 
that can not be climbed.  Come back with a captured soul from the Vale 
of the Sould.  There are 2 necklaces (Jade and magical Silver) up 
there.  Healing herbs can be found at the tree N of Annwn.  The first 
hermit can be found in the hut S of Annwn.  There's a bunch of Celt 
warriors who'll party with you, in a bad sense.  They don't have much 
in the way of good equipment.

This is a rather bizarre area, with the GIFTSs that occur in all of 
spiderweb's games.  
Q: Talk with the spider queen.
Q: Kill the nasty spider.
Q: Get the insect-attracting amber.
  OUTSIDE:  SE of the spider area, you'll find a spider.  Wait to talk 
with it.
  INSIDE: If you enter from the west, you can speak with the 
intelligent friendly spiders right away.  Talk with the chief to get an 
interesting quest.  There's not too much here.  There are some herbs 
hidden to the SE, and there's a cursed ring to the NW.  There are some 
dead bodies SW, who have some minor items.  Once you've talked with the 
queen spider, come back for (5xp, necklace).  They then give you a 
quest to go kill a nasty spider to the north.  Do so, and you'll get 
(5xp, blessed leather helmet).  They then give you an amber quest.  If 
you complete this, you get Sylak's enlightening amber.

Q: Steal the Goblet.
Q: Kill the Rose Lady.
Q: Kill the Spider Queen.
Q: Kill the Faerie Bazaarmaster.
 OUTSIDE: There are some energetic herbs past the swampy area on the 
peninsula near to the hut (just once).  The tower has some Roman 
soldiers in it who are trying to fend off some goblins.  Help them.
  LATER (after doing the Ruined Hall quest): To the N, find a sprite 
near the columnar rock, pay him, and from the mushrooms, go straight N.  
You'll find a Shaynee who'll sell you recipes.  Near the dead tree 
you'll get attacked by sprites.  Once you've done the ball quest in the 
Hagfen area, go to the tree and rock to the south, and you'll get a 
druid's bracelet.  
  INSIDE- The crones are a lot friendlier towards you than they are to 
the celts, and if you ask them nicely, they will let you use their  
blessing pool once.  Don't steal from them- if you explore, be sure not 
to investigate any of their cabinets, or else you'll lose 100xp for 
each container you plunder.  Sadly, you can't free Galitan- trying to 
use the key on him merely gets you shocked.  The crones will give you a 
series of quests, the first of which is to steal the Celtic Shrine 
Goblet. For completion of the goblet quest, you get a resistance ring, 
and a use of the blessing pool.  You can also do another quest, to kill 
the Rose lady.  Doing so gets you an onyx necklace and another use of 
their pool.  Next they want you to kill the widow queen.  Doing so gets 
you the seven league boots and a use of their pool.  Finally they want 
you to kill the bazaar master.  This is definitely where I draw the 
line.  Killing the bazaar master makes the entire town angry with you, 
and also makes them all disappear if you leave the town and try to 
reenter.  I like the town's blessing pool too much to do that.  If you 
don't care, then your reward is Sylak's pants and another use of their 
pool.  It's up to you.
  DOWNSTAIRS- Go down the stairs, and you can wander around and find 
the room- get several spells (the first two of both the beast and craft 
circles), and some visions of the future.  There isn't nearly as much 
to do here as there was for the Celts. 

  There's not too much to do here for the Romans, until you speak with 
the Raven.
  OUTSIDE: There's an animal horn (for Section I) here, to the east of 
the river.  Climb up the dry wastes and kill the Fomorians to claim 
Sylak's skull.  This skull will tell the locations of all the nether 
arts spells, and will help you once or twice more beyond that.  
Otherwise, he's just plain annoying. 

     AERIE (2)
Q: Talk with the Celt shades on behalf of the Raven
  OUTSIDE: Make a copy of the runes on the pillar outside.  You'll need 
some paper and a pen.  Find the skeleton, this ends up being Derek.  
Search the valley wall for a gryphon, free it, you'll be glad for it 
  INSIDE: An interesting level.  Go east, then up to get to a place 
with 4 lizards.  Kill them and search the west wall for a body with 
You'll find a block puzzle:
First move crate A by bumping into it (then wait).  Move blocks B and C 
south, then D east 2 spaces.  Then move E up and out.
x H x
 G x 
  F E
Then move blocks F and G west, H east, and I north.  Then place a block 
on the pad (it's not too hard).  Go a bit north, and see the gryphons.  
To the NE there's a spot with some chests which can't be opened till 
you have a few more keys.  One of them holds a ruby necklace, the other 
a sapphire necklace.  There's a secret passage to the NE that leads to 
an upper level.  Search for secret doors, and you'll find 2 boxes that 
contain potions, lockpicks, and a few other things.  Heading to the NW, 
you'll be able to go further if you've freed the gryphon outside, and 
can acquire a feather from the gryphon in the NW corner.  Look through 
their nests to acquire an emerald.  Go east, through the gryphons, then 
head around again.  You get attacked by a bunch of Fomorians.  Continue 
around, and you'll get attacked by lava lizards.  Next is the test of 
knowledge.  You have to have enough woodcraft, faerie lore, rune 
reading, and tool use to continue.  Go talk with the Raven.  He wants 
you to go to the stone circle.  Do so and return for your reward, a 
blessed skill ring and 10xp.  On the way out, you may want to jump off 
the cliffs to get to the second one, and search the east wall for 
Sylak's scalpel.

Q: Retrieve the runes.
Q: Retrieve the insect-attracting amber.
  Entering this area is a challenge.  Many passages close up on you. A 
lot of dead druids are here, pillage their bodies for good equipment.  
There are also lots of homicidal aranea here.  You objective is to get 
to the center, and talk with the spider queen.  She'll tell you what to 
do about the GIFTSs, and will give you an amber quest (return with it 
for 10xp, and boots of the leagues).  You can steal some of her eggs, 
if you so desire.  She is also the object of a Crone Quest.
  OUTSIDE:  To the north on the river is Kaja, who wants to see some 
runes.  They can be found at (2).  Return for some faerie lore 
knowledge.  She also sells the power elixir and balm of life recipes.  
In the forest there is a battle with some shades (which gives you 100 
coins and a scroll), and an energetic herb patch.  Kill the druids and 
you'll get to take some.

Q: Kill the big Fomorian.
OUTSIDE: Talk with the sprites.  They want you to kill a Fomorian who 
lives to the north.  Do so for 5xp, and their gratitude.  On the 
peninsula is the only seller of papyrus sheets.  Buy a lot once you get 
Sylak's pen- you'll get a lot of scrolls, many of which are good for 
selling.  Plus, you can get some spell scrolls that are unattainable.  
Check near the shrine for a spiritual herb patch.
  INSIDE- Big difference here.  No one is around.  Approach the altar 
and you'll be ambushed.  You can continue approaching the altar (at the 
cost of sickness), but you won't get anything.  The sprite out near the 
water spits acid on you if you're foolish enough to wait for her.
  DOWNSTAIRS: Two celt warriors try to stop you right off.  Wax em, and 
head west.  Now you can get to the crypts- the western one wakes the 
dead, the eastern one has sylak's candle.  Head to the room with 
supplies, and check the SW wall for a secret passage.  Look at the 
amphorae and push the button.   Go south, and search the east wall.  
You'll find a room, and will be attacked by a bunch of celts- kill them 
and look at the bookshelf.  You'll find some spells.  Head south, and 
you can actually get a nether spell!  Create Elixir!  Oh well.  Head 
further south, and enter the portal.  Fight your way to the top, and 
you can get the goblet.  Then you should leave.

Q: Get the Ruby Stones.
  Samael will rent out souls to you.  If you have cash, you may want to 
get one.  They occasionally will help you (I've found 2 occurrences so 
far).  He also wants some stones (found in the Roman Goblin caves), and 
will reward you handsomely for them (Hero of Old, Beast Call, Raise 
Dead spells).  Finally, you can find a useless nether arts spell here.  
If you want, you can kill him.  Here's how: Head to the east.  You'll 
have to fight a bunch of rats.  Whenever you see a pot, approach it and 
smash it (except for a few final exceptions), just to be a bastard.  
You'll be warned once by Samael, and if you continue, he'll stop 
selling to you.  Be sure to have done everything you've wanted to first 
before proceeding.  Then ignore his warnings.  Pull the 2 hidden 
wheels, then go and smash the 2 jars, and continue east.  You'll be 
presented with a series of riddles throughout this dungeon.  The riddle 
answers are near the end of this FAQ.  You'll enter a library, where 
you can read the deals people made in exchange for their souls.  Search 
for 3 secrets, 2 of which lead to jars, and the other that leads to 
some scrolls.  You'll run into some fire lizards.  You'll come to a 
staircase as you go west, search the south wall for a secret passage.  
Continue west, and you'll eventually be sent to a spider maze.  Check 
the south wall for a secret passage out. Pull a wheel a bit south and 
keep crushing the urns you come across.  Eventually, you'll run into a 
bunch of goblins.  Kill them, then go south.  You'll be asked the final 
riddle.  Enter, and don't try breaking any of these urns.  You'll come 
upon Samael.  Kill him, this is an age of vengeance.  Plunder his 
treasure chest for a few goodies, then head back to the beginning.  
Kill the mannequin, then go through the portal.  Now you can get Clouds 
of the Night.  However, this spell requires spirit circle skill, which 
is something you don't have.  Oh well.
  OUTSIDE: The S cave has lizards in it.  North of this one is a ring 
cave.  North from there is a basilisk cave.  Killing them gets you a 
lucky bracelet, and a sylak's bolt of cloth.  Finally, N of this one is 
the Fomorian the sprites want you to kill.  On the E side of the river, 
you can get the stone guardian spell from the S cave, to the E is a 
cave with a dead body (100 coins, crystal necklace).  N is an empty 
cave, W is a lizard family cave.

Q: Get the selkie pelts.
  This is a sad area.  Maneuver to talk with Sleek.  Before you can 
speak with him you must swear not to hurt any Selkies.  Do so if you 
want Key IIIII.  He'll give you a quest to retrieve the selkie pelts 
from Hagfen.  Do so for 10xp, and they'll tear down a wall, allowing 
you to get key IIIII and a blessed sling.  Go to the North, and you can 
access a bunch of potions and some coins.  To the NE is the laboratory 
of Gulharus.  The boxes contain herbs, except for the box across the 
lava.  This one has a silver bracelet and a rare wand of disruption.  
You may be here to kill Sleek.  Doing so makes every Selkie here 
hostile towards you.
  OUTSIDE: There's the cheapest source of food here, in a hut on the 
east side of the lake. Free the selkie man to the SW.  There's a stone 
circle that constantly summons up lost souls and big Fomorians.  Use it 
to gain experience, if you want.

Q: Get a gryphon feather.
  Flaxen will sell you nice blessed equipment.  Morden identifies, 
Foglio sells potions and scrolls, and buys your stuff, and Thyme sells 
miscellaneous goodies.  Talk with Toivo for information, and for the 
chance to get into the closed building.  Talk to Rippel (who sells 
miscellaneous items), and ask about Weevil.  Talk to Sylak (not THAT 
Sylak), and enter the room through the east.  Talk to Genevieve to get 
the gryphon feather quest.  You'll get one in the Aerie.  Return with 
one for 10xp, and key VI.  At the closed magical pets store, go and 
kill the ghost.  You get a lucky bracelet for this.  In the SW corner 
of the village in the inn, there are some gambling faerie guards- use 
Sylak's dice there for 100 coins (from Sarachim).  The Rose Lady 
doesn't want to see you.  She is also the object of one of the Crone's 
quests.  You probably don't want to fight your way in, though you will 
have to fight your way out if you do the quest.  If you talk with the 
goblin near the center of the town, you can acquire fake documents to 
get in and speak with her.  You will have to find out the password, 
though (obtained from one of the people in the Inn- from Zeviz, or just 
check the end of this faq).  If you attack the Rose lady, you attack 
the whole village.  Shouldn't be too much of a problem, though.  Still, 
don't do this unless you're sure you don't want to bother with the 
Hollowed Hills anymore.  She has a blessed ring of protection and a 
wand of doom.  She's tough, but can be killed.  Check her room for some 
nice magic jewelry and other valuables.
  OUTSIDE: To get here, you've got to cross the river.  You'll have to 
wade through a lot of goblins to get there, though.  There's a lake 
with an island on it.  Get to the island by searching to the west for a 
path.  There's also a gryphon nest to the SW, kill them if you want.  A 
bit north of the nest is an energetic herb patch.  You can't get to it 
unless you walk through all of the paths to the NE.

     HAGFEN (M)
Q: Kill Sleek.
Q: Retrieve the fomor skull.
  This place is a swamp.  You may find a lot of herbs, if you do some 
wandering.  To the south is a piece of amber the spiders keep yearning 
for.  To the east are 3 basilisks, this is a good place to capture 
their souls (if you have said spell).  Kill them and search the body 
for Key IV.  Enter the building and you can deal with the hags.  They 
want you to kill Sleek, leader of the selkies.  Doing so will get you a 
crystal key that opens a door in their basement to a scroll that gives 
you +4 to either the beast or craft circle.  The key can also open a 
door to the selkie pelts (but using it in this fashion is a bad idea).  
They also give you a mission to retrieve the Fomor skull.  To 
accomplish this, they teach you a chant.  Go to the Goblin pits and get 
it for another crystal key.  Killing Sleek is a much better idea if 
you're playing as the Romans.  An extra 4 points in a spell skill can 
be used rather well.  Do so after you do the selkie's quest (Hey, 
you're Romans!  Loot and conquer!)  This was brought to my attention 
from Zeviz.
  DOWNSTAIRS: Go through the portal to the east.  The fomorians aren't 
hostile.  The hags are packrats, and you can do a good deed and pillage 
them.  A western box yields to one of your numbered keys, and gives an 
amber charm and a silver necklace.  To the NW are a bunch of lava 
lizards, and in the pockmarked area you can use a captured soul from 
the Vale of the Sould to grab a worthless monkey bracelet and a 
warrior's bracelet.  TO the SW is the Main treasure storage area.  
There's a chest that requires key V here.  It has Sylak's Mortar and 
Pestle.  There's a gate to the SW that blocks an important area.  You 
can open it by going to the East and hitting the tiles like so:
1 3
then opening the door and going through the portal.  You'll find the 
skins, some gold and some scrolls.  You can get a copper necklace in a 
chest to the South, provided you have key 6.  If Sylak's skull talks to 
you here, go and grab an intelligence bracelet from the red horse 
statue near the beginning.

     SPIRE (C)
You can't get passed the thorns until the end of the game.
  OUTSIDE: Poz will sell you miscellaneous items.  You'll find a ring 
belonging to a sprite to the NW, I gave it back to her.  

Q: Kill Kharto.
You'll get here later, but there's something really useful here.
  OUTSIDE:  Near the center of this area are a bunch of goblins.  Talk 
with them to get started on a most worthwhile Sylak item quest: kill 
Kharto.  Go to (N) then to (M), circle of trees, and back to here.  For 
this you get Sylak's pen.  Also, there is a strange area that will 
strengthen you (+2 to all 4 primary stats), if and only if you've done 
righteous deeds (donated money to beggars, given sprites their ring, 
show mercy towards slaves, help free caught animals, etc.).

     GOBLIN PITS (4)
Q: Deliver hermit's scroll to hermit 3.
  OUTSIDE: There are some goblin totems with goblins to the east.  In 
the center of the map, you'll find a fine spear hidden among the trees.  
There's a blind man at the crossroads, give him coins to be a good 
person.  Elona sells potions and rings of protection, but at high 
prices.  Find your own instead.  There are some goblins guarding the 
pits if you try to enter from the east.  Kill them for 15 coins, 15 
food, and a healing elixir.
  INSIDE: This area is pretty easy, but it's worth mentioning that you 
can obtain some high level spells from the area to the NE in the second 
floor, and can get 2 skill points from the pool to the NW on the same 
floor.  Go down to the third floor, and head to the hidden area in the 
NW.  As you walk, the floor shifts so as to accommodate you.  Go look 
at the tomb.  You can't open it unless you look at both Braziers.  Then 
grab the skull and leave through the portal.

  OUTSIDE: There's a misletoe patch to the SE.  Further to the east, 
you'll find some salespeople.  You'll probably get attacked by Celts as 
you explore.
  INSIDE: You can't go too far, or you will instantly die.  Be careful, 
I haven't found anything good in here.  Let me know if there's 
anything! From Zeviz: You were wondering what can be found in 
Nethergate village.  I used the fight end cheat to explore it and 
didn't see anything beyond cheap junk. The Celt rewards were removed. 
You get an error message when trying to talk to people. There are 
instant death nodes everywhere, so you have to save after every step. 
So that place is really not worth exploring.

Q: Obtain the Ruby from Galag-Trav.
  Moonfire gives you a mission to kill the Ruby-headed Fomorian in 
Galag-trav.  For this, you get the rod of safe descent, a vital and 
powerful wand.  Skrog will give you key IV for 250 coins after you ask 
him about "keys."  Solberg will let you use the blessing pool for 3500 
coins.  The seeker will sell you spells 1-4 of the beast, and craft 
circle, and the first (unusable) spell of the spirit circle.  You can 
rob the Bazaar master (who is also the object of the final Crone quest) 
if you have enough tool use (15 total- from Zeviz)- he has a jade 
necklace.  You can go down at any of the staircases.
  Underneath the Faerie Bazaar:
From Moonfire: Go east once you enter, then kill the undead.  One 
coffin has 50 coins, fine chain mail.
From Truly Fine Items: Cross the runes (you need at least 6 luck total- 
from Zeviz), and grab the shield and blessed studded armor.
From Colotha: Cross the runes, and you can grab the dragon's blood.
From the library: Go SE, and jump off the cliff. Then go south, and 
search the area.  You'll come up in the stables.  Search one of the 
rooms to find a dead body.  Talk with the stable boy about this, and 
he'll admit his wrongdoing- let him go.
  OUTSIDE: A Fomorian wants food to the south.  Feed him 200(!) food 
for a small metal shield and 80 coins.  You probably just ought to kill 
him (Zeviz).  Conn wants some money, go ahead and give him some.  There 
are several shops nearby here.  There's a pool which'll heal all your 
characters to 70HP.  There's an unfriendly brigand settlement nearby 
too- attack them for 80 coins, 12 food, and a hasting elixir. 

  INSIDE: When you enter, Reptrakos won't seem so happy.  Search 
around, and get Gobo to join you.  He can't fight well, but he's not 
too bad.  He's also the only way to get to Reptrakos, so you have to 
let him join.  He'll have you kill lizards and goblins, and will tell 
you about a secret door.  Check the north wall, and look at the wheel.  
Then go west, and north, through the gate.  If you have enough 
dexterity, you can get sylak's bowl!  Also grab the cube (of unknown 
use), and the metal bar.  Go back, and continue on, killing the 
charming goblins.  Go and speak with Reptrakos.  He'll attack you if 
you talk with him too much.  He's very rich, so if you can kill him, 
that's probably a good idea. Killing him gets you a wand of doom, and a 
ring of resistance.  His treasure trove has lots of coins, a ruby, 
emerald, non-magical jewelry, some potions (a power potion), a 
warrior's bracelet, a ring of resistance, and a blessed ring of 
regeneration.  Wow.
  OUTSIDE: Starcap will not sell you stuff.  You can also get Julius's 
boots here.  A batch of witches will give you an experience-draining 
brew that gives you 75 spell points in the central hut.  A bunch of 
basilisks will attack you a bit to the west, kill them for 200 coins 
and an onyx necklace.

     GOAGH-NAR (1)
  OUTSIDE: The fomors in the village don't much care for you but won't 
attack you.  The end hermit is found here, but he'll attack you.  
There's an herb patch on the eastern part of this map.  Enter the pit.
  INSIDE: All right, this begins chapter 3.  The doors are open for 
you- hm.  You're welcomed with open arms.  Respond in kind.  Search 
this place before going to speak with the queen.  In the western room 
with the priest fomorian, you can find a nearby secret room with some 
herbs in a box.  There are two boxes to the south, near the entrance 
which are locked with Sylak keys- open them for a blessed axe and 
spear.  Near the arena is a passage leading to a dead warrior with a 
ring.  Search the center box for a dexterity bracelet.  Go to the 
northwest, search the area (a blessed sword can be found), and bring 
down the barriers.  You get a wand of doom, some coins, and an energy 
elixir.  You can grab a blessed leather helmet from the trophy room.  
Then go talk with Queen Rit.  You'll want to go down another way, 
though- go to the big pit and climb down.
  FLOOR 2.  Go east, kill the undead, and take its stuff (bracelet).  
Jump down and search the area.  You'll find some nice stuff.  You can 
return the castle from the west southwest.  Search this area 
thoroughly.  If you approach the pot of goo, you'll get sprayed by acid 
and will have to fight a fomor zombie.  Make your way to the NW and 
head down the stairs.
  FLOOR 3.  If you go too far south, you will be attacked.  You may 
still want to do it to gain the experience.  To the west is an area 
with some herbs, and a secret passage south leads to a bunch of fomor 
zombies.  They want you to destroy the tablets.  Return once you've 
done so for a fury helm and some coins.  Make your way to the trial of 
the ordeal.  You'll find that it isn't too well guarded.  Go down the 
stairs, and destroy the tablets (summoning up a drake and two lizards).  
Then go back up and rob all of the chests.  You get several named 
items: Glahz's shield, Radiant blade, a Huge Diamond, and the Skull of 
Stone.  Unfortunately, you can't keep them- they disappear as soon as 
you leave.  If you do choose to go down south, you can claim the Mighty 
gauntlets, and a blessed weapon or two.  Once you're through, go back 
up the stairs (you can't get the fomorslayer this time, sadly).  

Return to Vibius with the news of your lost skull, and you'll get 10 
xp.  Talk with Quintus for a crummy wand of ice.

Enter the building.  You may want to head straight for the altar and 
donate lots of money to get some nice stuff (Xp, Sp, Hp, and Sylak's 
pants of power).  Then head to the North castle.
  NORTH CASTLE.  You can get the eye right away (fighting some 
carytids), but then you'd be missing all the fun.  Search the area and 
grab what you want, then go speak with Relatur.  You can find a lot of 
good stuff, but several areas are blocked off.  Be sure to check the SE 
library for the raise dead and break barrier (finally!) spells.
  INTERMISSION: Not much here, just go south.
  SOUTH CASTLE: Keep heading south, and hug the east wall.  You'll find 
Boutell.  Continue on south, and search the NE room for a secret 
passage leading to a room with a button.  Press it, and some wights 
will come out to fight you.  Kill them and search the tombs.  Then head 
east.  The altar is just odd.  Continue east, and Boutell will 
recommend that you head north.  You may want to go east instead, and 
look at some useless scrolls.  Continue east to the collection cells, 
and search the NE room for a blessed metal helmet.  If you're having 
trouble, don't continue east.  If not, go ahead, and head north 
eventually.  You'll get into a lot of fights, but will get some nice 
stuff.  At the center east part of the map, head west, and check out 
the treasury.  You'll find a power elixir, ruby, mighty gauntlets, 
jeweled ring, and a ring.  Head to the center, and Boutell gives you 
some directions.  Ignore the center room, going north.  Then dump all 
of the blocks into the water, and head to east.  In this room, go north 
to the wall, then go to the second sword, and head south, and leave 
through the door.  This room has some rats, you don't have to worry 
about them unless you want to.  Go west, then hug the wall.  You'll 
find Borak.  Kill him.  Boutell gets his revenge.  Then head back to 
the North Castle.  Relitar gives you a crystal that'll give you access 
to the room with the eye.  Go and grab it (a witch will help you).  
Then leave.

  As you are leaving, you'll start to see the sprites coming for you.  
Fortunately, some Romans come to assist you.  Give them the eye, and go 
back to Shadow Valley Fort.  Oops, looks like they couldn't hold on to 
it either.  Shoot.  Vibius still gives you experience and doesn't hate 
you, but wants you to wait while they figure out what happened.  
Quintus gives you a warrior's bracelet.  Go to sleep, and you get 
assigned to purge the tunnel.  Additionally, from Zeviz: If you reenter 
Castle Aethdoc after getting the Eye, you can only get to the entry 
hall of the south castle, where you are ambushed by a large group of 

  Pretty straight-forward, just kill all the rats.  Be sure to search 
for secret passages.  There's one that, after a long jump, you'll find 
a body with some mighty gauntlets on it.  Continue on, and eventually 
you'll get into a fight with a bunch of undead.  Make your way back out 
of the fort.

Talk with Vibius again, and you'll get to access a hidden room.  In it 
is a strength bracelet and a dragonskin cloak.  You're told your next 
stop is Annwn.

     ANNWN (E)
  VALLEY: Major problem here- once entering, all your food rots away.  
And you don't have the Create Food spell!  Which means occasionally, 
you'll starve.  Hurry to the South and go up a passage to the north.  
You'll find a body with 12 food on it.  Phew!  Check out the area with 
the wolves of the hunt for some nice items, including a blessed metal 
helmet.  In the north there's a spectral warrior with a key- grab it.
  SPIRIT VILLAGE: Kevin the shade is actually friendly (ask him about 
shadow keys).  There's a priestess who isn't so friendly, talk with her 
too much and she'll attack.  There are some blessed boots in the room 
to the South Central.  A roman shade warns you not to take any food in 
the SE.  He also tells you about the shadow keys.  The NW has been 
looted- be careful.  Take the portal in the NE- this leads back to the 
  VALLEY: Head west- you find some food and other miscellaneous hidden 
goodies.  Then head east.  You find some guardians blocking your way to 
a portal.  Killing them is better.  Take their portal to the-
  HALLS OF THE DEAD: NE is the halls of the hunt.  Go there if you so 
desire, and step on the platform, summoning several wolves.  Head to 
the South, that's the great hall.  Don't try to enter it, although you 
can step out at the beginning and summon up some tough warriors.  
Search the south wall for a secret passage.  This leads to an area with 
several cells.  Talk with Donovan, and he gives you a quest to destroy 
his skull in the hall of the hunt.  Do so for 2 points of hardiness.  
Explore a bit more- it would probably be best to hold off on trying to 
go back behind the fort until you've seen everything.  Head towards the 
center to enter a portal to-
  THE BATTLEFIELD: Careful where you step, or you'll find yourself in a 
tough position.  There's a dead body with food to the SE.  Search 
around, and you'll get into some fights.  There's a bunch of warriors 
near the middle, and a battle to the west.  In the NE there are a bunch 
of shade.  If you try to attack, one of them runs away- I've never 
found him.  Let me know if you can find the second shadow key here.
  HALLS OF THE DEAD: Go to the NE or to the NW and search for secret 
passages.  You'll find one, and will use your key to enter.  You'll 
find four chests, containing a blessed chain mail, blessed boots and 
gloves, and a power elixir.  Continue south, and you'll see the pit of 
soul gathering.  Search around here, and you'll find the crown.  Then 
run away (but not through the portal).

Once you get out, you'll give the crown to Decimus and friends.  Head 
back to the fort.  Yup, they lost it again.  Talk with Quintus for a 
blessed ring of resistance.  Go to your room to sleep.  Get up and talk 
with Vibius, then with Gaius.  Look's like you're going to Spire.  On 
your way, the crones stop you and give you guidance.

     SPIRE (C)
  This is it.  It's seems to me to be a bit more exciting with the 
Romans than with the Celts.  As you enter, the guards ignore you.  Make 
you way to the south central, and you can get Carog, the goblin, to 
join you (he's actually a detriment).  Search around, and you'll get 
hints for- something.  Make your way to the guard quarters and pull the 
wheels, allowing you to go up or down the stairs.
  Head west, fight the guards, and grab some crystal wands.  Then look 
at the scrolls.  They are very potent.  Head east a bit, and you'll see 
stairs leading down to the reward guaranteed to the Celts.  Break the 
crystals, and be happy.  Additionally, from Zeviz- Either Luck 3, or 
Tool Use 22, or Faerie Lore 8 are required to open the chest.  Back up, 
and it's time to perform some tests.  The easiest tests are the tests 
of balance (approach one of the altars- either evil or good, depending 
on what you've done), the test of knowledge (just try to read the 
books), and the stat tests.  A quick note on the stat tests (from 
     Nethergate tests (stats are total for the party):
     Strength - 17
     Dexterity - 25
     Luck - 7
     Intelligence - 25  
They're all rather easy (but avoid the test of pain- that's just 
annoying).  Some tests ask you a question.  12 runes are possible.  
Once you're done, go to the stairs.
  Sylak is waiting for you.  Crud.  You get sent to the Hedge maze, a 
real pain.
  HEDGE MAZE.  Don't bother with light sources, they don't work.  One 
of the best things you can do is start a fire.  Head west, then a north 
(following the flicker of light), and you'll light up the whole realm.  
Phew.  In the NE you'll find Crumb, and the SW you'll find Vlado.  The 
walls here close off every now and then, but there's always a way out.  
You'll have to run around a bit in order to get out, but eventually you 
can make it.  Since this level is so much fun, I'll leave it to you to 
figure out.  Once you exit, you can ascend to the final floor.
  NETHER GATE.  Delete Carog if you have him.  He's a cowardly punk.  
He's no longer useful.  Go down, and hug the walls.  In the SE you'll 
find some robes, which will hide you.  Go up on the platform (Carog 
will tattle on you if he's in your party, making your life a bit more 
of a pain), and you have two options.  Beat up Sylak enough that he 
brings down the gate, or steal the eye of Cathdoc.  The latter is 
easier.  Once done, all is well.  Congratulations, you've just beaten 
the game with the Romans!

VI.      INDEX

Pen and Ink       - NADA
Blessed sword     - NADA
Emerald           - Ruby
Amber             - Ruby
Piercing crystal  - Ruby
Lamp              - NADA
Candle            - NADA
Torch             - NADA
Any potion        - Potion of Knowledge (all of them)
Fine Lockpicks    - Magic lockpicks
Lockpicks         - Magic lockpicks
Wands             - NADA
Papyrus           - NADA
Scroll of withering - Major protection scroll
Boots             - Blessed boots
Pants             - NADA
Silver necklace   - Copper necklace
Silver bracelet   - Dexterity bracelet
Silver ring       - Ring of protection
Gold ring         - Ring of skill
Gold bracelet     - Intelligence bracelet
Gold Necklace     - Crystal necklace
Jewelled ring     - Ring of regeneration
Monkey's bracelet - NADA
Druid's Robe      - NADA
Green Cloak       - Spidersilk cloak
Purple Cloak      - Dragonskin cloak
Stola             - Dragonskin cloak
Toga              - Spidersilk cloak
White tunic       - Dragonskin cloak
Green tunic       - Dragonskin cloak
Hammer            - NADA
Spoon             - NADA
Trowel            - NADA
Bucket of Water   - NADA
Sack of grain     - NADA
Stirgil           - NADA
Staff             - NADA
Sandals           - NADA
Scalpel           - NADA
Bolt of Cloth     - NADA
First Aid Kit     - NADA
Needle            - NADA
Skull             - NADA
Thread            - NADA
Bowl              - NADA
Plate             - NADA
Dice              - NADA
Amphorae of wine  - NADA
Torc              - NADA
Earrings          - NADA
Pot               - NADA
Pillow            - NADA
Morter and Pestle - NADA
Bronze Fibulae    - Gold fibulae
Gold Fibulae      - NADA
Iron Bar          - Bar of silver
Bar of Lead       - Bar of silver
Bar of Tin        - Bar of silver
Silver Drinking cup - NADA
Golden Goblet     - NADA
Poor fur          - NADA
Nice fur          - NADA
Healing Herbs     - Curing elixir
Spiritual Herbs   - Hasting elixir
Energetic Herbs   - Energy elixir
Misletoe          - Healing elixir
Ceremonial dagger - Blessed dagger
Weapon            - Blessed weapon
Armor (not cloth) - Blessed armor

B. Spell locator

Place (floor): where. 
  Nethergate: Cormac gives you a mission to retrieve the Bronze disk 
and will sell you war 1-6, heal 1-6. 
  Goblin pits (2): Second hall of learning, west book summons 2 lost 
souls, and 1-4 craft circle spells, east book. Third hall- beast circle 
1-4, some later info. 
  Ruined Hall (2): Altar teaches you total healing. 
  Burial glen: Altar gives you Miraculous revival if you've done enough 
  Hagfen (2): Do their quests to get some scrolls which'll teach you 4 
levels in the beast and craft circles. 
  Stone Circle: Sever seal and break barrier from the altar, and later 
  Faerie Bazaar(2): From the library: Go SE, and jump off the cliff. 
Then go NW and use sever seal to bring down the protection on the urn, 
and get the spell inside, Wind Warriors.  Library- 1-6 of craft, beast 
and spirit circles (offered a lot less if you're playing as the 
Romans).  Mighty beast from completing Bazaarmaster's last quest. 
  Reptrakos lair: Return tablet to Reptrakos for the mighty beast and 
call spirit spells. 
  Maze of Thorns: Call hunt, solve spider riddle to the NW. 
  Celt Shrine: In Mugain's room: Capture soul, simulacrum, create 
elixir. Heartshock for returning pelt to Samael. 
  Vale of the Sould: Clouds of the night, hidden well.  Heroes of Old 
and Mighty beast for obtaining the ruby stones. 
  Outside Vale: Stone guardian spell from the S cave. 
  Hollowed Hills: Talk with Galitan (if you freed him) and he'll teach 
you soul lance and stone guardian. 
  Castle Aethdoc: (S) Agate sells you sever seal, Pelanth sells you 
break barrier. (N)You can get raise dead and total healing from the 
room to the SE.
  Annwn: Control life from Donnely.
  Three Crones (2): First 2 beast and craft spells in their hidden 

C. NPC stats
Brigid (Celts)
Str 8
Dex 5
Int 2
End 6
Mel 13
Spe 6
Jav 5
Sli 3
Arm 1
Ber 0
Har 6
Def 2
Dru 1
Hea 0
War 0
Bea 0
Cra 0
Spi 0
Fir 0
Her 2
Fae 0
Woo 3
Bar 1
Luc 0

Numerius (Celts)
Str 5
Dex 5
Int 2
End 6
Mel 8
Spe 5
Jav 11
Sli 3
Arm 1
Ber 0
Har 3
Def 6
Dru 1
Hea 0
War 0
Bea 0
Cra 0
Spi 0
Fir 3
Her 0
Fae 0
Woo 0
Bar 1
Luc 0
Too 7

Marcus (Romans)
Str 5
Dex 5
Int 2
End 11
Mel 8
Spe 5
Jav 5
Sli 3
Arm 1
Har 7
Def 5
Rom 4
Dru 1
Hea 0
War 0
Fir 0
Her 0
Too 1
Woo 3
Bar 1
Luc 0

Rhian (Romans)
Str 3
Dex 4
Int 7
End 3
Mel 3
Spe 3
Jav 1
Sli 4
Arm 1
Har 1
Def 1
Rom 0
Dru 6
Hea 4
War 5
Cra 4
Fir 1
Her 1
Too 2
Woo 0
Bar 3
Luc 0
Fae 3

Maze of Thorns: 0.
Vale of the Sould: Shield, helmet, gloves.
Annwn: Smile (Celts).  Bones (Romans)
Hollow Hills: Exile.
Spire: Raven, Velanna.

E.  Either Or Quests:
Deliver the Amber to either the GIFTSs or the Spider queen.
Reward: GIFTSs: Sylak's enlightening amber.  Spider queen: Seven league 
My advice: Seven league boots are best.

Deliver the Rosy stones to the Rose lady or to Samael.
Reward: Rose lady: +1 to strength, dexterity and intelligence.  Samael: 
Raise Dead, Hero of Old, and Beast Call.
My advice: Skill points are nice, but this is the only place to get 
Hero of Old.  Go for Samael.

F.  Sylak Items
Skull- Hill with Fomorians, tells you location of spells and will help 
you in Hagfen.  
Scalpel- Aerie, helps first aid skill.  
Cloth- A cave near Aerie, Generates random clothing items  
Pants- one of the crone's murder quests for the Romans, good defense.  
Also found in Castle Aethdoc. 
Candle- Celtic shrine, for the romans. Generates light occasionally.  
Horn- Vanarium, summons warrior when blown.  
Mortar and pestle- Hagfen, generates random herbs.  
Dice- Lake near hollowed hills, useful only at the gambling goblins 
near Nethergate.  
Trash- pit near Vale of the sould, no use.  
Pen- Goblins near Castle Aethdoc, Generates random magic scrolls if you 
have paper.  
Enlightening amber- GIFTS, gives bonuses to knowledge skills. 
Nourishing bowl: Reptrakos' lair, occasionally gives food. 

Herb Patches-
Misletoe- East and Southeast of Nethergate.  Across the river from the 
Burial glen
Spiritual- in the swampy area near the Selkie Home, guarded by sprites 
near Hollowed Hills
Healing- Near Annwyn.
Energetic- In forest south of Vanarium

ALCHEMY (for the Romans) FROM ZEVIZ:
Balm of Life - Kaja - western edge of map - Pretty Average
Beast Elixir - Vanarium - Titus - Somewhat Pricey
Energy Draught - under Ruined Hall - bookcase in NW
Hasting Draught - 2nd level of Roman goblin mine - box in NE
  - 2nd level of Celt goblin pit - book in NE
Power Elixir - Kaja -western edge of map - Pretty Average
Restoring Elixir - Vanarium - Titus - Somewhat Pricey
  - under Celt Temple - book in 2nd library room
Strength Draught - under Ruined Hall - hidden bookcase in NW
  - Vanarium - Titus - Somewhat Pricey
Woad - Vanarium - Titus - Somewhat Pricey
Healing and Curing- Shadowvale fort, to the SW, in the hospital.  Look 
at the box.

Freedom ring bug: Not too problematic, but the freedom ring is very 
small in the inventory, but when dropped on the ground, is pretty big.  
Mildly humorous.

Bad colors for PC: For the PC version of Nethergate, the letters for an 
item description (not in-depth) are obscured by the dark colored 

Fight-End bug: A significant problem in a few places, most notably the 
Shadowvale Fort.  When you press fight, and then end, your characters 
move in one direction or another.  This presents problems in the Fort, 
especially after killing a bunch of Romans.  Once ended, your party may 
move beyond the "instant death" barrier, and can't get out.  This is 
also mentioned in "Cheating."

Resurrection bug: Resurrection doesn't seem to work.  Just reload 

  The Fight-End Trick:
When you end combat, your party moves a little. If all your characters 
are in a line, the line will always move ahead. This movement bypasses 
all special encounters and traps. You can use this trick to explore 
areas that are normally closed to your side (for example, explore 
Nethergate village as Romans). 
  Blessing Pool Abuse:
If you put a stack of items into the blessing pool, you will get an 
equally large stack of converted items. So if you buy hundreds of 
cheapest potions, you can get huge quantities of Knowledge Brew, that 
you can use to get tons of skill points or resell for lots of money.

VII. Version info.

1.0, 12/3/01, Celt FAQ finished.  Info taken from the spiderweb message 

1.1, 12/26/01. Roman FAQ finished.  Lots of info provided by Zeviz.

1.2, 1/31/02.  A lot of info provided again from Zeviz.

Many thanks to Zeviz, Fallen, Nooboon, Sarachim, and General Baziron.

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