Neverwinter Nights 2 - Mask of the Betrayer
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Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
Crafting Guide
Version 1.4 2008/02/21
Copyright 2007-2008 Thomas "Sajin" Bergmann
Creative Commons by-nc-sa, see Copyright Notice
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer was developed by Obsidian
Entertainment, published by Obsidian Entertainment and Atari and is
copyright 2007 Obsidian Entertainment. This guide is not endorsed by, nor
is the author associated in any way with, Obsidian Entertainment or Atari.
Mask of the Betrayer has added quite a lot new crafting options. Since all
the old recipes still work, this guide can be considered an addon to the
existing crafting guides.
If you have further information or corrections, please write me:
sajin(insert at)gmx(a dot here)net
(I'm no native english speaker, feel free to point out any formal/spelling
errors, too.)
Intro & contact infos
Table of Contents
Essences and Recipes.............................................CBDG20
- Weapons......................................................CBDG21
- Armor........................................................CBDG22
- Helmets......................................................CBDG23
- Belts........................................................CBDG24
- Amulets......................................................CBDG25
- Rings........................................................CBDG26
- Boots........................................................CBDG27
- Gloves.......................................................CBDG28
- Cloak........................................................CBDG29
- Shields......................................................CBDG2A
Special Essences and Recipes *Big Spoilers*......................CBDG30
How to get the Spirit Crafting Feats *Spoilers*..................CBDG40
Warlock Crafting.................................................CBDG50
Crafting Tips....................................................CBDG60
Enchanters Spell List (by kgambit)...............................CBDG70
Version History..................................................CBDGA2
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This is just an Addon for the new recipes in Mask of the Betrayer. For
normal crafting, please refer to one of the excellent Neverwinter Nights 2
Crafting Guides. For example the one by Jake Zahn at
New in Mask of the Betrayer is the Enchanters Satchel. It works like a
portable Magicians Workbench.
Also new is the Shapers Alembic, which allows you to divide Essences into
weaker ones, combine them to stronger ones, and finally convert from/to
Power Essences.
You can get three properties per item. epic characters get four.
Adamantine still uses a slot, but its even better than in the OC, since
many enemies get Precognition etc.
| Abbreviations |
MotB Mask of the Betrayer
AC Armor Class
CL Caster Level
Str Strengh
Dex Dexterity
Con Constitution
Int Intelligence
Wis Wisdom
Cha Charisma
Wiz Wizard
Dru Druid
Rng Ranger
Brd Bard
Cle Cleric
Pal Paladin
Caster Level Requirement:
If you need to cast a spell, you need to reach a certain Caster level to
create more powerful items.
1 Brilliant Essence requires Caster level 12
2 Brilliant Essences requires Caster level 15
3 Brilliant Essences requires Caster level 18
4 Brilliant Essences requires Caster level 21
1 Pristine Essence requires Caster level 24
2 Pristine Essences requires Caster level 27
3 Pristine Essences requires Caster level 30
Mold/Malleate Spirit has no such restrictions.
| [CBDG21] Weapons |
~~~ Power ~~~
Greater Magic Weapon(Cle4 Pal/Wiz3)
OR Greater Magic Fang(Dru/Rng3) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = +2 Enhancement Bonus
2 Brilliant Power Essences = +3 Enhancement Bonus
3 Brilliant Power Essences = +4 Enhancement Bonus
4 Brilliant Power Essences = +5 Enhancement Bonus
1 Pristine Power Essence = +6 Enhancement Bonus
2 Pristine Power Essences = +7 Enhancement Bonus
3 Pristine Power Essences = +8 Enhancement Bonus
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Vampiric Regeneration +1
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Vampiric Regeneration +2
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Vampiric Regeneration +3
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Vampiric Regeneration +4
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Vampiric Regeneration +5
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Vampiric Regeneration +6
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Vampiric Regeneration +7
~~~ Fire ~~~
OR Flamestrike(Dru/War4 Cle5) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = 1d6 Fire Damage
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = 2d4 Fire Damage
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = 2d6 Fire Damage
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = 2d8 Fire Damage
Delayed Blast Fireball(Wiz7) OR
Flame Strike(Dru/War4 Cle5) on Satchel with weapon +
1 Pristine Fire Essence = 3d6 Fire Damage
2 Pristine Fire Essences = 4d6 Fire Damage
3 Pristine Fire Essences = 5d6 Fire Damage
~~~ Water ~~~
Ice Storm(Dru/Wiz4 Brd6 Water5) OR
Creeping Cold(Dru/Cold2) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = 1d6 Ice Damage
2 Brilliant Water Essences = 2d4 Ice Damage
3 Brilliant Water Essences = 2d6 Ice Damage
4 Brilliant Water Essences = 2d8 Ice Damage
Ice Storm(Dru/Wiz4 Brd6 Water5) OR
Greater Creeping Cold(Dru4) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Water Essence = 3d6 Ice Damage
2 Pristine Water Essences = 4d6 Ice Damage
3 Pristine Water Essences = 5d6 Ice Damage
~~~ Air ~~~
Lightning Bolt(Wiz3) OR
Call Lightning(Dru/Air3) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = 1d6 Electrical Damage
2 Brilliant Air Essences = 2d4 Electrical Damage
3 Brilliant Air Essences = 2d6 Electrical Damage
4 Brilliant Air Essences = 2d8 Electrical Damage
Chain Lightening(Wiz/Air6) OR
Call Lightning Storm(Dru5) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Air Essence = 3d6 Electrical Damage
2 Pristine Air Essences = 4d6 Electrical Damage
3 Pristine Air Essences = 5d6 Electrical Damage
~~~ Earth ~~~
Melfs Acid Arrow(Wiz/Magic2) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = 1d6 Acid Damage
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = 2d4 Acid Damage
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = 2d6 Acid Damage
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = 2d8 Acid Damage
Acid Fog(Wiz/Destruction6) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Earth Essence = 3d6 Acid Damage
2 Pristine Earth Essences = 4d6 Acid Damage
3 Pristine Earth Essences = 5d6 Acid Damage
~~~ Combinations ~~~
~~Persistent Haste Property~~
Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Power AND 3 Pristine Sspirit = Haste (persistent)
~~Vorpal on Hit (Save or Die on Hit)~~
Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Pristine Spirit AND 1 Brilliant Power = Vorpal DC 14
2 Pristine Spirit AND 2 Brilliant Power = Vorpal DC 16
2 Pristine Spirit AND 3 Brilliant Power = Vorpal DC 18
2 Pristine Spirit AND 4 Brilliant Power = Vorpal DC 20
2 Pristine Spirit AND 1 Pristine Power = Vorpal DC 22
2 Pristine Spirit AND 2 Pristine Power = Vorpal DC 24
2 Pristine Spirit AND 3 Pristine Power = Vorpal DC 26
~~Wounding on Hit~~
Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Spirit AND 1 Brilliant Power = Wounding DC 14
1 Pristine Spirit AND 2 Brilliant Power = Wounding DC 16
1 Pristine Spirit AND 3 Brilliant Power = Wounding DC 18
1 Pristine Spirit AND 4 Brilliant Power = Wounding DC 20
1 Pristine Spirit AND 1 Pristine Power = Wounding DC 22
1 Pristine Spirit AND 2 Pristine Power = Wounding DC 24
1 Pristine Spirit AND 3 Pristine Power = Wounding DC 26
~~Lesser Dispel Magic on Hit~~
Mold Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Brilliant Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 14
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Brilliant Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 16
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Brilliant Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 18
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 4 Brilliant Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 20
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Pristine Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 22
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Pristine Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 24
1 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Pristine Power = Lesser Dispel Magic DC 26
~~Dispel Magic on Hit~~
Mold Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Brilliant Power = Dispel Magic DC 14
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Brilliant Power = Dispel Magic DC 16
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Brilliant Power = Dispel Magic DC 18
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 4 Brilliant Power = Dispel Magic DC 20
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Pristine Power = Dispel Magic DC 22
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Pristine Power = Dispel Magic DC 24
2 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Pristine Power = Dispel Magic DC 26
~~Greater Dispel Magic on Hit~~
Mold Spirit on Satchel with Weapon +
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Brilliant Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 14
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Brilliant Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 16
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Brilliant Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 18
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 4 Brilliant Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 20
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 1 Pristine Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 22
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 2 Pristine Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 24
3 Brilliant Spirit AND 3 Pristine Power = Greater Dispel Magic DC 26
~~Keen Weapon~~
Keen Edge(Wiz4) OR
Weapon of Impact(Brd/Cle/Wiz3) on Satchel with
1 Brilliant Air AND 1 Brilliant Fire AND 1 Brilliant Power = Keen
~~Silence on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Note: You cannot cast Silence on the satchel at the moment (MotB 1.10),
so this doesn't work right now.
Silence(Brd/Cle2) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Air AND 1 Brilliant Power (CL 12) = Silence DC 14
1 Pristine Air AND 2 Brilliant Power (CL 15) = Silence DC 16
1 Pristine Air AND 3 Brilliant Power (CL 18) = Silence DC 18
1 Pristine Air AND 4 Brilliant Power (CL 21) = Silence DC 20
1 Pristine Air AND 1 Pristine Power (CL 24) = Silence DC 22
1 Pristine Air AND 2 Pristine Power (CL 27) = Silence DC 24
1 Pristine Air AND 3 Pristine Power (CL 30) = Silence DC 26
~~Confusion on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Confusion(Brd/Wiz3 Trickery4 Chaos5) on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Pristine Water AND 1 Brilliant Power = Confusion DC 14
2 Pristine Water AND 2 Brilliant Power = Confusion DC 16
2 Pristine Water AND 3 Brilliant Power = Confusion DC 18
2 Pristine Water AND 4 Brilliant Power = Confusion DC 20
2 Pristine Water AND 1 Pristine Power = Confusion DC 22
2 Pristine Water AND 2 Pristine Power = Confusion DC 24
2 Pristine Water AND 3 Pristine Power = Confusion DC 26
~~Blindness on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Blindness and Deafness(Brd/Wiz/Darkness2 Cle3) on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Pristine Earth AND 1 Brilliant Power = Blindness DC 14
2 Pristine Earth AND 2 Brilliant Power = Blindness DC 16
2 Pristine Earth AND 3 Brilliant Power = Blindness DC 18
2 Pristine Earth AND 4 Brilliant Power = Blindness DC 20
2 Pristine Earth AND 1 Pristine Power = Blindness DC 22
2 Pristine Earth AND 2 Pristine Power = Blindness DC 24
2 Pristine Earth AND 3 Pristine Power = Blindness DC 26
~~Fear on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Fear(Brd3 Wiz4) on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Pristine Fire AND 1 Brilliant Power = Fear DC 14
2 Pristine Fire AND 2 Brilliant Power = Fear DC 16
2 Pristine Fire AND 3 Brilliant Power = Fear DC 18
2 Pristine Fire AND 4 Brilliant Power = Fear DC 20
2 Pristine Fire AND 1 Pristine Power = Fear DC 22
2 Pristine Fire AND 2 Pristine Power = Fear DC 24
2 Pristine Fire AND 3 Pristine Power = Fear DC 26
~~Stun on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Power Word Stun(Wiz/War8) on Satchel with Weapon +
2 Pristine Air AND 1 Brilliant Power = Stun DC 14
2 Pristine Air AND 2 Brilliant Power = Stun DC 16
2 Pristine Air AND 3 Brilliant Power = Stun DC 18
2 Pristine Air AND 4 Brilliant Power = Stun DC 20
2 Pristine Air AND 1 Pristine Power = Stun DC 22
2 Pristine Air AND 2 Pristine Power = Stun DC 24
2 Pristine Air AND 3 Pristine Power = Stun DC 26
~~Drain Strength on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Enervation(Wiz4) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Earth AND 1 Brilliant Power (CL 12) = Drain Strenght DC 14
1 Pristine Earth AND 2 Brilliant Power (CL 15) = Drain Strenght DC 16
1 Pristine Earth AND 3 Brilliant Power (CL 18) = Drain Strenght DC 18
1 Pristine Earth AND 4 Brilliant Power (CL 21) = Drain Strenght DC 20
1 Pristine Earth AND 1 Pristine Power (CL 24) = Drain Strenght DC 22
1 Pristine Earth AND 2 Pristine Power (CL 27) = Drain Strenght DC 24
1 Pristine Earth AND 3 Pristine Power (CL 30) = Drain Strenght DC 26
~~Drain Dexterity on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Enervation(Wiz4) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Fire AND 1 Brilliant Power (CL 12) = Drain Dexterity DC 14
1 Pristine Fire AND 2 Brilliant Power (CL 15) = Drain Dexterity DC 16
1 Pristine Fire AND 3 Brilliant Power (CL 18) = Drain Dexterity DC 18
1 Pristine Fire AND 4 Brilliant Power (CL 21) = Drain Dexterity DC 20
1 Pristine Fire AND 1 Pristine Power (CL 24) = Drain Dexterity DC 22
1 Pristine Fire AND 2 Pristine Power (CL 27) = Drain Dexterity DC 24
1 Pristine Fire AND 3 Pristine Power (CL 30) = Drain Dexterity DC 26
~~Drain Constitution on Hit, Duration 4 Rounds~~
Enervation(Wiz4) on Satchel with Weapon +
1 Pristine Water AND 1 Brilliant Power (CL 12) = Drain Constitution DC 14
1 Pristine Water AND 2 Brilliant Power (CL 15) = Drain Constitution DC 16
1 Pristine Water AND 3 Brilliant Power (CL 18) = Drain Constitution DC 18
1 Pristine Water AND 4 Brilliant Power (CL 21) = Drain Constitution DC 20
1 Pristine Water AND 1 Pristine Power (CL 24) = Drain Constitution DC 22
1 Pristine Water AND 2 Pristine Power (CL 27) = Drain Constitution DC 24
1 Pristine Water AND 3 Pristine Power (CL 30) = Drain Constitution DC 26
| [CBDG22] Armor |
~~~ Power ~~~
Stone Skin(Dru/Wiz/Earth4)
OR Magic Vestment(Cle3) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = +2 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Brilliant Power Essences = +3 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Brilliant Power Essences = +4 AC Bonus (Armor)
4 Brilliant Power Essences = +5 AC Bonus (Armor)
1 Pristine Power Essence = +6 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Pristine Power Essences = +7 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Pristine Power Essences = +8 AC Bonus (Armor)
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Spell Resistance 16
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 18
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 20
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 22
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Armor +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Spell Resistance 24
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 26
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 28
~~~ Fire ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle/Dru/Wiz3 Rng2) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Regeneration +2
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +3
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +4
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +5
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Regeneration +6
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Regeneration +7
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Regeneration +8
~~~ Water ~~~
!! Incorrect Ingame Description. No Bonus Hitpoints !!
Protection from Energy(Cle/Dru/Wiz3 Rng2) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Regeneration +2
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +3
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +4
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +5
1 Pristine Water Essence = Regeneration +6
2 Pristine Water Essences = Regeneration +7
3 Pristine Water Essences = Regeneration +8
~~~ Air ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle/Dru/Wiz3 Rng2) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = 80% of Weight
2 Brilliant Air Essences = 70% of Weight
3 Brilliant Air Essences = 60% of Weight
4 Brilliant Air Essences = 50% of Weight
1 Pristine Air Essence = 40% of Weight
2 Pristine Air Essences = 30% of Weight
3 Pristine Air Essences = 20% of Weight
~~~ Earth ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle/Dru/Wiz3 Rng2) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Bonus Hit Points: 6
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 9
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 12
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 15
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Bonus Hit Points: 18
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 25
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 35
| [CBDG23] Helmets |
~~~ Power ~~~
Owls Wisdom(Brd/Cle/Dru/Pal/Rng/Wiz2) on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = Will Save +3
2 Brilliant Power Essences = Will Save +4
3 Brilliant Power Essences = Will Save +5
4 Brilliant Power Essences = Will Save +6
1 Pristine Power Essence = Will Save +7
2 Pristine Power Essences = Will Save +8
3 Pristine Power Essences = Will Save +9
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Int +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Int +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Int +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Int +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Int +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Int +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Int +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Eagles Splendor(Brd/Cle/Pal/Wiz2) on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Charisma +4
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +6
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +8
~~~ Water ~~~
Bears Endurance(Cle/Dru/Rng/Wiz2) on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Water Essence = Constitution +4
2 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +6
3 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +8
~~~ Air ~~~
Cats Grace(Brd/Dru/Rng/Wiz2 Animal2) on Satchel with Helmet +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Air Essence = Dexterity +4
2 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +6
3 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +8
~~~ Earth ~~~
Bulls Strength(Brd/Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Strength 1) on Satchel with Helmet
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Strength +4
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +6
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +8
| [CBDG24] Belts |
~~~ Power ~~~
Bears Endurance(Cle/Dru/Rng/Wiz2) on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = Fort Save +3
2 Brilliant Power Essences = Fort Save +4
3 Brilliant Power Essences = Fort Save +5
4 Brilliant Power Essences = Fort Save +6
1 Pristine Power Essence = Fort Save +7
2 Pristine Power Essences = Fort Save +8
3 Pristine Power Essences = Fort Save +9
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Str +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Str +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Str +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Str +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Belt +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Str +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Str +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Str +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Eagles Splendor(Brd/Cle/Pal/Wiz2) on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Charisma +4
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +6
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +8
~~~ Water ~~~
Bears Endurance(Cle/Dru/Rng/Wiz2) on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Water Essence = Constitution +4
2 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +6
3 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +8
~~~ Air ~~~
Cats Grace(Brd/Dru/Rng/Wiz2 Animal2) on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Air Essence = Dexterity +4
2 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +6
3 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +8
~~~ Earth ~~~
Bulls Strength(Brd/Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Strength 1) on Satchel with Belt +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Strength +4
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +6
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +8
| [CBDG25] Amulets |
~~~ Power ~~~
Superior Resistance(Dru/Wiz/Cle/Brd6) on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = All Saving Throws +1
2 Brilliant Power Essences = All Saving Throws +2
3 Brilliant Power Essences = All Saving Throws +3
4 Brilliant Power Essences = All Saving Throws +4
1 Pristine Power Essence = All Saving Throws +5
2 Pristine Power Essences = All Saving Throws +6
3 Pristine Power Essences = All Saving Throws +7
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Wis +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Wis +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Wis +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Wis +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Wis +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Wis +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Wis +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Resist Energy(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Rng1) on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Resist Fire 10/
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 15/
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 20/
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 25/
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Resist Fire 30/
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Resist Fire 35/
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Resist Fire 40/
~~~ Water ~~~
Resist Energy(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Rng1) on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Resist Cold 10/
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 15/
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 20/
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 25/
1 Pristine Water Essence = Resist Cold 30/
2 Pristine Water Essences = Resist Cold 35/
3 Pristine Water Essences = Resist Cold 40/
~~~ Air ~~~
Resist Energy(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Rng1) on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = Resist Electricity 10/
2 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electricity 15/
3 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electricity 20/
4 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electricity 25/
1 Pristine Air Essence = Resist Electricity 30/
2 Pristine Air Essences = Resist Electricity 35/
3 Pristine Air Essences = Resist Electricity 40/
~~~ Earth ~~~
Resist Energy(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Rng1) on Satchel with Amulet +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Resist Acid 10/
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 15/
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 20/
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 25/
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Resist Acid 30/
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Resist Acid 35/
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Resist Acid 40/
| [CBDG26] Rings |
~~~ Power ~~~
!!! You cannot upgrade the Bonus Spell Slot. Once lvl 2, always lvl 2 !!!
Legend Lore(Brd4 Wiz6 Knowledge5) on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 2
2 Brilliant Power Essences = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 3
3 Brilliant Power Essences = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 4
4 Brilliant Power Essences = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 5
1 Pristine Power Essence = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 6
2 Pristine Power Essences = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 7
3 Pristine Power Essences = Wizard Bous Spell Slot lvl 8
~~~ Spirit ~~~
!!! You cannot upgrade the Bonus Spell Slot. Once lvl 2, always lvl 2 !!!
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 2
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 3
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 4
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 5
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Ring +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 6
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 7
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Cleric Bonus Spell Slot Lvl 8
~~~ Fire ~~~
Resistance(Brd/Cle/Dru/Wiz0 Pal1) on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Improved Save vs Fire +3
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Improved Save vs Fire +4
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Improved Save vs Fire +5
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Improved Save vs Fire +6
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Improved Save vs Fire +7
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Improved Save vs Fire +8
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Improved Save vs Fire +9
~~~ Water ~~~
Resistance(Brd/Cle/Dru/Wiz0 Pal1) on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Improved Save vs Cold +3
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Improved Save vs Cold +4
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Improved Save vs Cold +5
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Improved Save vs Cold +6
1 Pristine Water Essence = Improved Save vs Cold +7
2 Pristine Water Essences = Improved Save vs Cold +8
3 Pristine Water Essences = Improved Save vs Cold +9
~~~ Air ~~~
Resistance(Brd/Cle/Dru/Wiz0 Pal1) on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = Improved Save vs Electricity +3
2 Brilliant Air Essences = Improved Save vs Electricity +4
3 Brilliant Air Essences = Improved Save vs Electricity +5
4 Brilliant Air Essences = Improved Save vs Electricity +6
1 Pristine Air Essence = Improved Save vs Electricity +7
2 Pristine Air Essences = Improved Save vs Electricity +8
3 Pristine Air Essences = Improved Save vs Electricity +9
~~~ Earth ~~~
Resistance(Brd/Cle/Dru/Wiz0 Pal1) on Satchel with Ring +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Improved Save vs Acid +3
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Improved Save vs Acid +4
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Improved Save vs Acid +5
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Improved Save vs Acid +6
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Improved Save vs Acid +7
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Improved Save vs Acid +8
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Improved Save vs Acid +9
| [CBDG27] Boots |
~~~ Power ~~~
Fox Cunning(Brd/Cle/Wiz2) on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = Reflex Save +3
2 Brilliant Power Essences = Reflex Save +4
3 Brilliant Power Essences = Reflex Save +5
4 Brilliant Power Essences = Reflex Save +6
1 Pristine Power Essence = Reflex Save +7
2 Pristine Power Essences = Reflex Save +8
3 Pristine Power Essences = Reflex Save +9
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Con +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Con +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Con +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Con +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Boots +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Con +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Con +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Con +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Eagles Splendor(Brd/Cle/Pal/Wiz2) on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Charisma +4
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +6
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Charisma +8
~~~ Water ~~~
Bears Endurance(Cle/Dru/Rng/Wiz2) on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Water Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Water Essence = Constitution +4
2 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +6
3 Pristine Water Essences = Constitution +8
~~~ Air ~~~
Cats Grace(Brd/Dru/Rng/Wiz2 Animal2) on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Air Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Air Essence = Dexterity +4
2 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +6
3 Pristine Air Essences = Dexterity +8
~~~ Earth ~~~
Bulls Strength (Brd/Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz2 Strength1) on Satchel with Boots +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = no Effect
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = no Effect
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Strength +4
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +6
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Strength +8
| [CBDG28] Gloves |
Gloves and only Gloves work here: You cannot enchant bracers.
~~~ Power ~~~
Mage Armor(Wiz/Magic1) on Satchel with Armor +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = +2 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Brilliant Power Essences = +3 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Brilliant Power Essences = +4 AC Bonus (Armor)
4 Brilliant Power Essences = +5 AC Bonus (Armor)
1 Pristine Power Essence = +6 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Pristine Power Essences = +7 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Pristine Power Essences = +8 AC Bonus (Armor)
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Dex +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Dex +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Dex +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Dex +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Dex +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Dex +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Dex +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Fireburst OR
Body of the Sun on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Damage Fire 1d4
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Damage Fire 1d6
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Damage Fire 1d8
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Damage Fire 1d10
Greater Fireburst(Wiz5) OR
Inferno(Dru5) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Damage Fire 2d6, AB+3
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Damage Fire 2d8, AB+4
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Damage Fire 3d6, AB+5
~~~ Water ~~~
Cone of Cold(Wiz5) OR
Creeping Cold(Dru/Cold2) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Damage Cold 1d4
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Damage Cold 1d6
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Damage Cold 1d8
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Damage Cold 1d10
Cone of Cold(Wiz5) OR
Greater Creeping Cold(Dru4) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Pristine Water Essence = Damage Cold 2d6, AB+3
2 Pristine Water Essences = Damage Cold 2d8, AB+4
3 Pristine Water Essences = Damage Cold 3d6, AB+5
~~~ Air ~~~
Shocking Grasp(Wiz1) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = Damage Electrical 1d4
2 Brilliant Air Essences = Damage Electrical 1d6
3 Brilliant Air Essences = Damage Electrical 1d8
4 Brilliant Air Essences = Damage Electrical 1d10
1 Pristine Air Essence = Damage Electrical 2d6, AB+3
2 Pristine Air Essences = Damage Electrical 2d8, AB+4
3 Pristine Air Essences = Damage Electrical 3d6, AB+5
~~~ Earth ~~~
Mestifs Acid Breath(Wiz3) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Damage Acid 1d4
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Damage Acid 1d6
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Damage Acid 1d8
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Damage Acid 1d10
Vitriolic Sphere(Wiz5) on Satchel with Gloves +
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Damage Acid 2d6, AB+3
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Damage Acid 2d8, AB+4
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Damage Acid 3d6, AB+5
| [CBDG29] Cloaks |
~~~ Power ~~~
Tortoise Shell(Dru6) on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Power Essence (CL 12) = +2 Deflection AC Bonus
2 Brilliant Power Essences (CL 15) = +3 Deflection AC Bonus
3 Brilliant Power Essences (CL 18) = +4 Deflection AC Bonus
4 Brilliant Power Essences (CL 21) = +5 Deflection AC Bonus
1 Pristine Power Essence (CL 24) = +6 Deflection AC Bonus
2 Pristine Power Essences (CL 27) = +7 Deflection AC Bonus
3 Pristine Power Essences (CL 30) = +8 Deflection AC Bonus
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Cha +3
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cha +4
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cha +5
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Cha +6
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Cha +7
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Cha +8
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Cha +9
~~~ Fire ~~~
Endure Elements(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz1) on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Resist Fire 5/
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 5/ Save vs Fire +2
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 10/ Save vs Fire +2
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Resist Fire 10/ Save vs Fire +4
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Resist Fire 15/ Save vs Fire +4
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Resist Fire 20/ Save vs Fire +4
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Resist Fire 25/ Save vs Fire +5
~~~ Water ~~~
Endure Elements(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz1) on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Resist Cold 5/
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 5/ Save vs Cold +2
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 10/ Save vs Cold +2
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Resist Cold 10/ Save vs Cold +4
1 Pristine Water Essence = Resist Cold 15/ Save vs Cold +4
2 Pristine Water Essences = Resist Cold 20/ Save vs Cold +4
3 Pristine Water Essences = Resist Cold 25/ Save vs Cold +5
~~~ Air ~~~
Endure Elements(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz1) on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = Resist Electr 5/
2 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electr 5/ Save vs Electr +2
3 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electr 10/ Save vs Electr +2
4 Brilliant Air Essences = Resist Electr 10/ Save vs Electr +4
1 Pristine Air Essence = Resist Electr 15/ Save vs Electr +4
2 Pristine Air Essences = Resist Electr 20/ Save vs Electr +4
3 Pristine Air Essences = Resist Electr 25/ Save vs Electr +5
~~~ Earth ~~~
Endure Elements(Cle/Dru/Pal/Wiz1) on Satchel with Cloak +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Resist Acid 5/
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 5/ Save vs Acid +2
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 10/ Save vs Acid +2
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Resist Acid 10/ Save vs Acid +4
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Resist Acid 15/ Save vs Acid +4
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Resist Acid 20/ Save vs Acid +4
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Resist Acid 25/ Save vs Acid +5
| [CBDG2A] Shields |
~~~ Power ~~~
Stone Skin(Dru/Wiz/Earth4)
OR Magic Vestment(Cle3) on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Power Essence = +2 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Brilliant Power Essences = +3 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Brilliant Power Essences = +4 AC Bonus (Armor)
4 Brilliant Power Essences = +5 AC Bonus (Armor)
1 Pristine Power Essence = +6 AC Bonus (Armor)
2 Pristine Power Essences = +7 AC Bonus (Armor)
3 Pristine Power Essences = +8 AC Bonus (Armor)
~~~ Spirit ~~~
Apply Feat Mold Spirit on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Spirit Essence = Spell Resistance 16
2 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 18
3 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 20
4 Brilliant Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 22
Apply Feat Malleate Spirit on Satchel with Shield +
1 Pristine Spirit Essence = Spell Resistance 24
2 Pristine Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 26
3 Pristine Spirit Essences = Spell Resistance 28
~~~ Fire ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle/Dru/Wiz3 Rng2) on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Fire Essence = Regeneration +2
2 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +3
3 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +4
4 Brilliant Fire Essences = Regeneration +5
1 Pristine Fire Essence = Regeneration +6
2 Pristine Fire Essences = Regeneration +7
3 Pristine Fire Essences = Regeneration +8
~~~ Water ~~~
!! Incorrect Ingame Description. No Bonus Hitpoints !!
Protection from Energy(Cle3 Dru3 Rng2 Wiz3) on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Water Essence = Regeneration +2
2 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +3
3 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +4
4 Brilliant Water Essences = Regeneration +5
1 Pristine Water Essence = Regeneration +6
2 Pristine Water Essences = Regeneration +7
3 Pristine Water Essences = Regeneration +8
~~~ Air ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle3 Dru3 Rng2 Wiz3) on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Air Essence = 80% of Weight
2 Brilliant Air Essences = 70% of Weight
3 Brilliant Air Essences = 60% of Weight
4 Brilliant Air Essences = 50% of Weight
1 Pristine Air Essence = 40% of Weight
2 Pristine Air Essences = 30% of Weight
3 Pristine Air Essences = 20% of Weight
~~~ Earth ~~~
Protection from Energy(Cle3 Dru3 Rng2 Wiz3) on Satchel with Shield +
1 Brilliant Earth Essence = Bonus Hit Points: 6
2 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 9
3 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 12
4 Brilliant Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 15
1 Pristine Earth Essence = Bonus Hit Points: 18
2 Pristine Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 25
3 Pristine Earth Essences = Bonus Hit Points: 35
*Big Spoilers*
The information for the section was submitted by Dave Harlow, thanx & kudos !
Use the Mold/Malleate Spirit Feats.
~~ Shadow of the Void Essence ~~
Shadow of the Void Essence + Weapon = 6D6 cold damage bonus,
50% vulnerability to fire
Shadow of the Void Essence + Armor = Damage Immunity: Cold,
50% vulnerability to fire
~~ Shape of Fire Essence ~~
Shape of Fire Essence + Weapon = 6D6 fire damage bonus,
50% vulnerability to cold
Shape of Fire Essence + Armor = Damage Immunity: Fire,
50% vulnerability to cold
~~ Essence of the Coven ~~
1 Essence of the Coven + Weapon = +4 Enhancement, Darkvision, Sleep on Hit
2 Essence of the Coven + Weapon = +5 Enhancement, Darkvision, Sleep on Hit
3 Essence of the Coven + Weapon = +6 Enhancement, Darkvision, Sleep on Hit
4 Essence of the Coven + Weapon = +7 Enhancement, Darkvision, Sleep on Hit
5 Essence of the Coven + Weapon = +8 Enhancement, Darkvision, Sleep on Hit
1 Essence of the Coven + Armor = +4 Enhancement, +2 vs Outsiders +2,
Immunity to Mind Spells
2 Essence of the Coven + Armor = +5 Enhancement, +2 vs Outsiders +2,
Immunity to Mind Spells
3 Essence of the Coven + Armor = +6 Enhancement, +2 vs Outsiders +2,
Immunity to Mind Spells
5 Essence of the Coven + Armor = +7 Enhancement, +2 vs Outsiders +2,
Immunity to Mind Spells
5 Essence of the Coven + Armor = +8 Enhancement, +2 vs Outsiders +2,
Immunity to Mind Spells
2 Coven Essence
= Lesser Eyes of The Coven (Mask):
Ability Bonus: Intelligence +4
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +4
Ability Bonus: Charisma +4
Cast Spell: Deep Slumber [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Phantasmal Killer (7) [1 Use/Day]
5 Coven Esssence
= Eyes of the Coven (Mask):
Ability Bonus: Intelligence +9
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +9
Ability Bonus: Charisma +9
Cast Spell: True Seeing (9) [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Premonition (15) [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Weird (17) [1 Use/Day]
~~ Companion Essences ~~
One of Many Essence + Belt = 10 STR
Okku Essence + Belt = +10 STR
Safiya Essence + Helmet = +10 INT
Araman Essence + Ring = +10 INT
Kaelyn Essence + Amulet = +10 WIS
Gann Essence + Cloak = +10 CHA
Kaelyn + Gann + Okku + Safiya
Kaelyn + Gann + One of Many + Safiya
= Amulet of Betrayal Personified:
All Stats +12, +50 HP, Immunity Level/Ability Drain, Immunity Negative
Energy, All Saves -15, 100% Weakness to DivinePositive Energy
~~ Essence of Gulk'aush ~~
Essence of Gulk'aush + Orglash Crystal
Essence of Gulk'aush + Hulmarra Emerald
Essence of Gulk'aush + Gem of Brightness
Essence of Gulk'aush + Gem of Seeing
= Amulet of Pure Love:
Immunity Level/Ability Drain, Fear Immunity, Regeneration +2,
Cast Spell: Greater Restoration (13) [1 Use/Day]
~~ Essence of the Founder ~~
2 Pristine Earth Essence + 2x Pristine Fire Essence + Essence of the
Founder + Broken Ring
= Ring of the Founder:
INT +8, WIS +8, Regeneration +2
Bonus Spell Slot Level 7 (Wizard)
Bonus Spell Slot Level 8 (Wizard)
Bonus Spell Slot Level 9 (Wizard)
2 Pristine Earth Essence + 2x Pristine Fire Essence + Pristine Power
Essence + Broken Ring
= Ring of the Red Wizards
INT +7, WIS +7, Regeneration +1,
Bonus Spell Slot Level 7: (Wizard)
Bonus Spell Slot Level 8 (Wizard)
~~ Ujuk Essence ~~
Ujuk Essence + Adamantium
= Ring of the Urthraki:
AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Shapechanger [+ 5]
Freedom of Movement
Cast Spell: Eagle's Splendor (15) [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Shapechange (17) [1 Use/Day]
~~ Wood Man Essence ~~
Wood Man's Essence + Charred Branch
= Staff of Ashenwood:
Enhancement Bonus [+ 9]
Bonus Hitpoints [+20]
Immunity: Miscellaneous: Disease
Immunity: Miscellaneous: Poison
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Will [-10]
Cast Spell: Storm of Vengeance (17) [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Mass Heal (15) [1 Use/Day]
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Beast [3d12]
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Magical Beast [3d12]
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Plant [3d12]
~~ Gnarlthorns Essence ~~
Gnarlthorns Essence + Rags
= Gnarlthorn Bow:
Attack Bonus +4
Bonus Feat: Improved Critical (Longbow)
Unlimited Ammunition: Arrow [Ammo: Nature's Rage]
~~ Myrkuls Essence ~~
In theory, there is a broken scythe item, but i didn't find it.
Combine it with Myrkuls essence (Mold Spirit) for a very nice
Scythe (Myrkuls Wrath)
* End Spoilers*
Mold Spirit:
- required for recipes with volatile and brilliant spirit essences
- get it from the Golem in the Teleporter Room on the Shadowplane
(in the theatre)
Malleate Spirit:
- required for recipes with pristine spirit essences
- Mold Spirit is Perquisite for Malleate Spirit
Note by Radisshu: Although the feat description says otherwise, you
don't need it to get Malleate Spirit
- get it by using the strange box from the Thayan Academy on a brilliant
spirit essence
MotB finally added Warlock Crafting with the Feat "Imbue Item".
Unfortunately, Obsidian forgot to allow the required Feats "Craft Magical
Arms and Armor" and "Craft Wonderous Items" for Warlocks.
There are two workarounds:
1) Get ndsmans fix on Nwvault:
2) Use the console to add the feats:
Enter Console (Key left to 1 / ^ on german keyboards)
DebugMode 1
givefeat 1093
givefeat 1092
DebugMode 0
So, how does Warlock crafting work now ?
- Drag the feat into the quick access bar and use it on the enchanters
satchel instead of the required spell. Everything else remains the same.
Note: Patch 1.12 will fix this problem, so if you read this after 1.12 is
out, you can just pick the necessary feats at level up.
Use already existing items with properties you cannot reproduce, for
example feats, and continue from there.
For example Boots of the Sun Soul
normal - Dodge AC +5, Dexterity +3
crafting - Dodge AC +5, Dexterity +8, Constitution +9, Reflex Save +9
Think about your spells ! If you can cast Keen Edge and Greater Magic
Weapon, you dont need to use valuable slots for those properties.
Max Enhancement Bonus from crafting is +8 AB/+8 Damage
Max Enhancement Bonus from casting is +5 AB/+5 Damage
Compare the lost +3/+3 to another 5d6 Elemental Damage
| [CBDG60] Enchanters Spell List |
Removed to allow full Creative Commons license. A full spell list can be
found at kgambits page: http://www.thieves-guild.net
Obsidian Entertainment - they made the game
Me - i wrote this guide
The guy - who created the ascii-art aeons ago in IRC
ndsman - Warlock Crafting
kgambit from www.thieves-guild.net - Spell List section
Radisshu - Mold Spirit not required for Malleate Spirit feat
notimlessur - Shield = Armor correction, confirmed by kgambit
Dave Harlow - the whole big section on special recipes
Jonathan Carter - Ice Hag and Fire Spirit Essences, Cloak AC
Jeff - Cloak AC = Deflection
Dunigase - Correction for Wounding Recipe and Silence Recipe
V.1.0 2007/10/02
- Finished the game with the good path
- Basic Layout
- All recipes for Weapons and Armor
- Special Recipes
- Crafting Tips
- Warlock Crafting
V.1.1 2007/10/03
- Added Spell List by kgambit
- Corrected Armor + Water Essences (by kgambit)
- Mold not needed for Malleate (Radisshu)
- Note on Shields (asked by JSLfromBx)
- Fixed some typos
v.1.2 2007/10/06
- Shields can be enchanted as like Armor (by notimlessur)
- Lots and lots of Special Essences and Recipes (by Dave Harlow)
- Extended Spelllist (by kgambit)
v.1.3 2007/12/08
- Cloak + Spirit = Deflection AC by jeff, kgambit
- Added Silence to Spelllist (by kgmabit)
- Mold/Malleate update
- removed Spelllist for full Creative Commons compliance
- Added On Hit Weapon enchantments
- Changed Layout a bit for better viewing
v.1.4 2008/02/21
- Corrected Wounding Weapon Recipe (by dunigase)
- Silence enchanting does not work as of 1.10 (by dunigase)
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See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
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...under the following conditions:
<> Attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
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