
Neverwinter Nights 2 Expansion Storm of Zehir Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Neverwinter Nights 2 Expansion Storm of Zehir

Neverwinter Nights 2 Expansion Storm of Zehir

Mercantile Guide
Written by Vladimir Marduk, e-mail: cjoy8b @ yahoo . com
version 1.0

copyright (c) January 13, 2009
Anyone can post this faq anywhere they would like, as long as they don't change


                              Table of Contents


II.............................................................[Hints and Tips]



V.............................................................[The Sword Coast]

VI..................................................[Merchant Company Upgrades]

VII............................................................[Rare Resources]

VIII..........................................................[Resource Quests]

IX...............................................[The Three Merchant Companies]

X........................................................Towns and Trade Routes

    1......................................................[Crossroad Keep]
    7............................................................[New Leaf]
    8..........................................................[Port Llast]
    9.........................................................[West Harbor]

XI.............................................................[Jacoby's Store]

    1.....................................................Circle of Friends
    2......................................................Fated Winds [fw]
    3..................................................Forgotten Lords [fl]
    4........................................................Conyberry [cb]
    5........................................................Hillcliff [hc]
    6...........................................................Leilon [le]
    7.........................................................New Leaf [nl]
    8........................................................Phandalin [pd]
    9.......................................................Port Llast [pl]
    10.....................................................Thundertree [tt]


You can search for anything in [ ] using ctrl+f.

Initial Release: version 0.80

Update to 1.0 inlcudes: Completion of the rare resource quests.
                        New section created, Jacoby's Store.


I. [Introduction]

        This is a guide explaining most, if not everything related to being a
        merchant in Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir.  I will cover the
        basics, how much it will cost to set up a new trading post, and the
        trading rates for goods and resources.  Eventually I hope to delve
        into what the upgrades actually do in game, besides the obvious
        portal and Shrine of Waukeen upgrades.  Hope you find what you are
        looking for.


II.  [Hints and Tips]

        An easy way to tell much how a trade route will cost by the time it is
        finished is to just multiply how much it costs to establish it by six.
        So if it cost 1000 gold to start it, altogether you will be spending
        6000 gold to start and finish it.  Similarly, if you multiply the
        starting income of a caravan by two, you will know how much it will
        bring in once completely upgraded.

        With the exception of Neverwinter and Crossroad Keep you can do
        everything you need to do to construct and look at how all your
        caravans are coming along from the dialog that opens up when you click
        on a town.  You don't have to worry about messy loading times.

        If you plan on upgrading multiple caravans that have the same end town,
        it might be easier to go to that town to upgrade those trade routes.
        For instance, if you want to upgrade all five routes that lead to
        Neverwinter, just go to Neverwinter instead of all five individually.


III. [Basics]

        Storm of Zehir involves an economics system revolving around
        "trade bars."  They can be traded in for Gold at a rate of 1 trade bar
        to 150 gold to Variel in Crossroad Keep.  Trade bars will be your main
        source of income as most merchants will not buy your items for more
        than 1000 gold a piece.  Also, you may trade these bars for goods and
        rarer resources.


        Dragon Mead
        Harvest Mead
        Dark Steel
        Knucklehead Ivory
        Zalantar Wood

        You will notice a lot of familiar materials in the resources.  In fact,
        everything I have listed can be used to craft items.  Ore creates metal
        weapons and armor, skins create leather items, and timber creates bows
        and such.  All you have to do is have the proper recipe, the right
        material (mithral, adamantine, ore, whatever), and the proper device
        blacksmith's workbench).  Crafting, however, is another guide

        Initially you will only be able to hold 10 of any combination of
        goods or resources, but by the time you finally make it to Crossroad
        Keep you will have room for 15.  For example, that means you can have
        five each of timber, ore, and skins after you reach CK.

        There should be a button on the inventory panel that looks like a
        caravan.  Click it and you will be able to see what goods, resources,
        and trade bars you are carrying.

        Once you gain control of the merchant company you have a few more
        options when you visit a city, but I cover that in the "The Sword
        Coast" section.


IV.  [Samarach]

        All the cities you can trade with in Samarach have the same trade
        values for items. These cities are Rassatan to the south, Taruin
        somewhere in the middle, Torich in the northeast.  Note that you can
        help a man in the Torich tavern by clearing out a salt mine, thus
        unlocking the salt trade there.

                Here is what you can trade for in any town
                in Samarach except Nimbre and Samargol:

||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  8  || Cold Iron  |  80 || Mithral | 200 || Harvest Mead |  80 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  4  || Adamantine | 300 ||  Salt   |  75 ||  Dragon Mead |  60 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  10 || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 200 ||   Zalantar   | 130 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||

        The number to the right of each good/resource is how many trade bars
        you recieve for trading the town that good/resource.

        Samarach is boring, isn't it?


V.  [The Sword Coast]

        Now here is where it gets interesting.  You start off with just your
        headquarters in Crossroad Keep.  Sa'Sani starts your new life in the
        Sword Coast with a quest to find a suitable town to create a trading
        post within.  Each town has different requirements to build one.

        Once built, each trading post allows you to create caravans that travel
        to nearby towns to generate income in the form of trade bars.  You
        won't be able to pick up these trade bars directly; for that you will
        need to stop by your HQ and talk to Variel.  This should happen auto-
        matically when you chat with her, and should appear in yellow in the
        chat log.

        Each caravan will start at level one, which means that they will not
        generate as many trade bars as they might be able to, and they are
        very vulnerable to random monsters attacking them.  As with a fight
        between patrols and monsters, you can jump in and help caravans in
        trouble.  If it happens that you don't get to them in time, their
        condition becomes "almost dead" and they no longer generate income.
        When this happens they require your personal attention.

        When caravans are stopped after a monster attack as described above,
        they will require you to talk to them.  In the conversation they may
        ask for 50 trade bars as payment for doing a difficult job, 10 skins
        to repair the caravan, or 10 ore to repair weapons.  Fortunately, if
        you have a high diplomacy you will be able to talk them out of
        wanting the extra trade bars, or if you have a good craft weapon
        skill you can forgo some (if not all) of the goods required to
        help a caravan in trouble.

        Luckily, you can upgrade caravans up to level 3.  At that point they
        have maxed out how many trade bars are generated, and hardly ever
        lose to monsters.


VI.  [Merchant Company Upgrades]

        There are five improvements Variel mentions that you can pay for
        at your merchent HQ, each netting you 200xp.  Unfortunately you can
        only build upgrades after you have donated a certain amount of trade
        bars.  The first upgrade is free, second costs 500, third costs 500,
        forth costs 1000, and fifth costs 5000!  A grand total of 7000 trade

        The five upgrades:

        1. Create propaganda for your merchant company.  This is by far the
        cheapest, requiring only 5 each of ore, timber, and skins.  Not
        sure what this does, however.

        2. You can also improve the armor of the Greycloak patrols.  This
        costs 5 each of mithral and adamantine.  Again, not sure what this

        3. Next is the Greycloak patrols' weapons, costing 5 cold iron, and
        5 zalantar.  Not sure of its usefulness...

        4. Building the shrine to Waukeen is another improvment, costing 5 each
        of timber and mithral.  Yay, your very own temple...

        5. Last is the portal upgrade which allows you to instantly tranport to
        any trading post you own, and it will do it for free.  How nice.
        Unfortunately this is one way, so you have to walk back to home base.
        This costs 5 each of adamantine and dark steel.

NOTE:   Zxo has posted on the bioware forums that the propaganda and the
        shrine of Waukeen each give a bonus of 20% to your income, and all
        other improvements give a 10% bonus.

        Also, CrnaOvca in the same thread said that the bonuses are additive,
        with a final bonus of 70% for all five.

Thanks to those two.


VII. [Rare Resources]

        There are nine rare resources you can trade for, and only 8 you can
        get in a single playthrough.  The reason being that you can only get
        Harvest Mead, or Dragon Mead, but not both.  With the exception of
        zalantar there is only one town that will trade you each rare
        rare resource, and each town stocks only 5 at a time.  They will
        replenish their stocks, but it usually takes a really long time for
        that to happen.

        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||  Rare Resource  ||      Location      ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||      Salt*      ||       Torich       ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||   Cold Iron*    ||     Phandalin      ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||   Adamantine    ||       Leilon       ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||   Dark Steel    ||      Conyberry     ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||     Mithral     ||      Highcliff     ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||                 ||      New Leaf      ||
        ||    Zalantar     ||         &          ||
        ||                 ||     Thundertree    ||
        ||  Harvest Mead*  ||                    ||
        ||        &        ||     West Harbor    ||
        ||   Dragon Mead*  ||                    ||
        ||                 ||                    ||
        ||   Knucklehead   ||     Port Llast     ||
        ||      Ivory*     ||                    ||

        Notice, resources with a star (*) require you to perform a quest
        before being able to trade for them.


VIII. [Resource Quests]

        A. Salt - This is the first resource that you can do a quest to
        unlock.  South east of Torich is the salt mine named Mines of Selgol
        which happens to be infested with firenewts.  Most of these
        lizardfolk are the normal ones you would find just wondering around in
        Smarach, but way in the back you will find elite firenewts, a shaman,
        a sorceror and a boss.  The boss carries an item for another quest,
        by the way.  When you are finished clearing out the mine, don't forget
        to talk to Essien in the Torich inn.

    ___             ___
   |   |           |   |
   |   |___________|   |      _____
   |           \       |     |     |           Note that /\, in any way you
   |    boss   /___    |     |___  |           see them, are doors.  Also take
   |  & elites |   |   |     |     |           care in the hallway with groups
   |___     ___|___|   |_____|___  |           of monsters on either side of
       |   |   |    group /        |           you; if you attack one of those
       |___|   |___  of   \     ___|           groups and use the doors to
                   |newts |    |               keep the monsters at bay, the
    ___________    |   ___|____|_______        other group tends to notice.
    |     Q    |   |   |       |       |       You may end up with lizards on
    |  3  fire |   |/ \|    ___|    ___|       two sides.
    | newts    |   |   |   |       |
 ___|_______/ \|___|   |___| Group |___
| X \              \       \   of      |
|___/   ___________/    ___/ newts  ___|
|           |      |   |   |       |
|           |      |___|   |___    |
|           |                  |   |
|___| E |___|                  |___|

X=amethyst,malachite,topaz,light hammer + 1
Q=flute,lense of detection, thieve's tools +3

        B. Cold Iron - A man Named Danley in the Phandalin Inn asks you to
        investigate the cold iron mine to the southeast of Phandalin.  He
        feels that the current owners are up to no good, and he would like
        you to stop them if they are.  Imagine that...they ARE up to no good.
        The two men at the very enterance to the mine turn out to be monsters
        in disguise.  Unfortunately the only way I have found to get them to
        reveal themselves (and progress through the quess) is to flat out
        call them liars.  You may have to point out that there is an illusion
        in order to call them out.  After that it is just a matter of
        clearing the mine of baddies.

        Silphidae has this to add:

        "You mention in the guide to Storm of Zehir that the only way to
        proceed with the quest to clear out the cold iron mine is to call the
        men at the beginning liars.  There is another way.  I was playing a
        drow who had giants as a favored enemy.  Because the men were giant
        creatures, one of my conversation options was to see that they were
        giants and attack."

        Jonathan Howard has this to add:

        "during the confrontation with the two Ogre Magi in the Cold Iron
        Ore Mine Umoja will also have the option to point out what they
        really are."

                            |         |
                     _______|      ___|
                    |           G  |
 ___________________|    ___       |
|                           |      |
|   G   ______    __     ___|___/ \|       G = group of monsters
|      |      |  |  |   |      /   \       S = two treasure chests with 600
|___   |    __|/\|__|___|      |S  |           gold and hide armor +2
    |  |   |        |          \___/
    |  |   |    G   |                      Note that the entrance to the room
    |  |   |        |                      with the S in is is locked and
    |  |___|__    __|___                   trapped, as is one of the chests.
    |      |  |  |  |   |
    |   G  |__|/\|__|   |__
    |                      |
    |_______________    ___|
                    |  |
              ______|  |
             |      |  |
             |      |  |___
             |             |
          ___|             |
         |          |      |
         |__________|      |
                    |      |
                    |      |
                    |      |
                    |_   __|

        C. Harvest Mead and Dragon Mead - Your quest for alcohol begins in
        West Harbor.  Lazlo Buckman wants you to go find their local wizard
        Tarmas who went to investigate a cave south of West Harbor.  Go there,
        but don't leave yet.  Search the cave, find the real wizard and rescue
        him.  It is possible to let him die, and I think that happens when you
        kill the dragon's without freeing him.  Go back to the village and
        find out the fake wizard was in fact a decrepid old black dragon.  You
        have the option of fighting for the black dragons or killing them, the
        former granting you dragon mead but no trading post, and the latter
        granting you harvest mead and a trading post.  Another thing to note
        that you can only get the treasure in the dragon cave if you kill the
        dragons, which you can still do if you killed Lazlo and his buds.

   | |
   | |        _________
   | |       |         \
   \  \______|  |     F |
    \___S__   _/ \______|
    |     |\ X\          ______
    | X __| \  \        |   U  |      X = Trap
    |     | |   \   __  |_    _|      S = secret door
 ___|___/\|  \ X \_|  |___|/\|_       U = umberhull and mephits in jar
|         |   |__              |      T = Statue of Tyr, using it summons
| Shaman  |__   _|       ______|          mephits, attacking causes Tyr's
|         /  \_/     T  /                 wrath
|___      \_X           |             D = dragon hoard, only access is to kill
    |     | \____       |                 Voarag and Waevaer the dragons.
    |___/\|      \      |             W = Tarmas is here, you must have key
        | |____   \__   \                 from lizard chieftan to rescue
        |____  |  ___| X |
    _____ ___| |_|       \
   |     |    S           |
   |__W__|                |
   |      \               |
   |_____ /    Chieftan   |
         |                |
                     / \

        D. Knucklehead Ivory - In order to have access to ivory you must free
        Port Llast's dock.  To do this you must first talk to the Luskan
        captain and ask about the storms.  Apparently, the Luskans made deal
        with a local prioress of Umberlee to help them take Port Llast, and
        they didn't keep to their end of the deal.  So you are off to the north
        where you can find her cave.  There are four trials here.

        The first requires you to make an offering, but make sure you have
        plenty of whatever you offer because the prioress will ask for at most
        5 times that much when you meet her.  That can amount to 900 trade
        bars or 12000 gold for the entire dungeon

        The second is a test of knowledge.  You can go around the room looking
        for clues and then answer questions that the statue gives you.  The
        statue should be the first thing you see, and the answers are:

        Everyones should fear Umberlee, She likes to drown people, her symbol
        is a blue-green wave in a spiral shape, and she controls the seas and

        Third trial is a fight, and make sure you have your entire party inside
        the door before it closes.  Two water elementals come out of the halls
        on either side of you.  Oh, and unless you want to fight a bunch of
        drown, don't pick up the loot that is on the corpses in the pool of
        water.  If you want to fight them, please be smart and fight them one
        at a time. When you enter the room, the hallway on the left opens the
        way you came in, and the one on the right opens the way forward.

        The last trial is possibly the hardest.  There are 9 dots you can stand
        on on the floor.  What you need to do is find the three triplets that
        go with each other.  The easy way:

             / \
        _   1   2
        E   |   |   3---1
        _   1   2    \ /
             \ /      3

        Ok, so that figure above represents the spots on the floor that you
        can stand on, the roughly hexagonal shaped one represents the dots
        on the outside, and the triangle represents the dots on the inside.
        Both shape are shown from the entrance of that room, E.  Each
        corresponding number must be stood on in at the same time, every 1
        should be stood on, then every 2, then every 3.  Once a triplet has
        been stepped on there should be a green glowing dot above each spot
        that was being stood on.  keep in mind that the triangle to the right
        is actually located inside of the hexagon.

        Doing this the hard way: to start, just pick a random spot, doesn't
        matter where; don't forget to force your party to not follow you, if
        they do they will get hurt.  So once you have your random spot you are
        standing on, pick another character and have them try the other spots.
        If nothing happens, then they found a good one; otherwise the character
        you are moving will get hurt, and it will look like a storm is brewing.
        Once you have two dots that are safe to stand on, look for the third.
        Once you have all three they should have glowing green dots floating
        above them, and you can start looking for the second and third
        triplets.  The door should open once all 9 spots on the floor have
        been activated and have the glowing green dots.

        The prioress demands that you pay what the Luskans wouldn't, which
        happens to be 3 times as much as what you offered when you entered
        the temple.  You could, however, always just kill her, but if you want
        her to sink the luskan ship, you had better do that first.  Sinking the
        ship will cost 2 times as much as what you offered in the first room.


IX. [The Three Merchant Companies]

        At some point it becomes necissary to obtain membership in one of the
        three merchant companies in Neverwinter, The Circle of Friends (CoF),
        The Forgotten Lords (FL), and The Fated Winds (FW).  These companies
        can be roughly associated with alighnment, good (CoF), neutral (FL),
        and evil (FW). You will also recieve a small skill bonus based on who
        you join.  Joining the CoF will grant you +2 to diplomacy, the FL will
        give you a +2 to appraise, and the FW will grant +2 to your intimidate
        skill.  You can only join one company. It turns

        Unfortunately, you can't join for free, but you do get to enter
        Neverwinter for free after you do join.  To join, you must enter
        neverwinter's Temple of Waukeen and go to one of the three rooms in
        the back of the temple.  Talk to one of the three people in charge
        of obtaining new recruits, and ask about joing.

        To join, talk to one of the following:
        Circle of Friends - Jon Archen
        Forgotten Lords - Aster Merris
        Fated Winds - Martin Keller

        Also, you will have to purchase ranks, will allow you access to
        better items in Jacoby's store.  What items you are allowed to
        Purchace depend on the guild you join.  Note that the final
        rank, the directorship, in addition to the trade bar requirement
        your company will require you to finish everything pertaining to the
        New Leaf quest to obtain it.


        Costs in trade bars per rank
        250 to join -> 1000 for rank 2  -> 2000 for next to ranks
           Associate        Colleage         Fellow and Directorship

        Total: 5250


        The skill bonuses and the manner in which they discuss certain
        events during the game are really the minor differences between the
        companies.  Sure, the Fated Winds are a group of cut-throat businessman
        who are willing to do anything in order to make a dollar, and the
        Circle of Friend are goodie two shoes, but there is a major difference
        in one of the quests.  Namely, whether they want you to liberate Port
        Llast or not.

        To recieve quests, just go up and talk to the person that made you a
        member and ask if there is anything you can do.

        Merchant Quests:

                A. Sating the Sensate - this is a quest you can do from the
                get go.  There is a fire gensai stanging outside the temple
                of Waukeen in Neverwinter that would like you to bring him
                8 rare resources.  Just take a gander at section VIII and
                bring them to him.  Just as simple as that.  This should net
                you 1500 trade bars altogether, and a grand total of 3400 xp
                after you use the item he gives you.

                B. The Trading Post - Would you like to open a trading post
                in Neverwinter?  Well, here is your chance.  Just talk to
                Sir Nevelle, and shell out 800 trade bars.  He can be found
                wondering the streets or in the inn. You can do this quest
                as soon as you join, so if you have 1050 trade bars lying
                around, feel free to pick your company and get the trading

                c. Under New Management - Apparently in the Knight Captain's
                absence Lusken "liberated" Port Llast.  Unfortunately, the
                trade routes in and out of Port Llast has been cut off as well,
                The three merchant companies all want you to restore trade to
                Port Llast, but differ in how they want you to deal with the
                Luskans.  The CoF wants you to take them out, the FW wants
                you to keep them there, and the Forgotten Lords don't seem
                to care.

                To restore trade you have to take care of Port Llast's
                undead problem, and possibly stop the raging storm outside of
                the port.  For the storm you can look at my resource quests
                section (VIII) since that is how you gain access to knucklehead
                ivory.  The source of the undead is linked to a necromancer
                who has set up camp in a cemetary called Gothaladreum.  You
                have to get its location from the Luskan in charge!  I have
                spent a lot of time looking for it on the world map before
                I realized this.  If you would like, you can talk to septimus
                and he will help you deal with the undead problem, and if you
                don't enlist the necromancer's help in taking back Port Llast
                you may be able to convince Septimus to join your group
                as a cohort.

                You will recieve a nice reward from the luskan in charge of
                port last if you get rid of the undead and the storm (it
                doesn't matter if you sink his ship in the process either).
                You will obtain the Seal of Illusk, with a boost to
                diplomacy, intimidation and strength (4,8 and 2 respectivly.)
                If you want to defeat the Luskans before getting a reward for
                your activities, the new man in charge (the one the luskan's
                locked up) will grant you some expirience and another item.
                Sigil of the Last Port grants +3 AC vs orcs and +2 con.  I
                think the expirience is around 1500xp.

                You can go about defeating the Luskans many ways, but they will
                all involve you going toe to toe with the gaurds in town.  You
                can make this easier though, by recruiting the help of the
                necromancer, or by paying the prioress of Umberlee to sink
                the Luskan's ship, thus preventing them from getting backup.
                You can refer to the resource quest section on how to do that.


                D. New Leaf Shortage - This quest requires you to be rank 1
                (colleage), and also happens to be the precursor to becoming
                the director of your company.  As the name implies, New Leaf
                is dearly in need of supplies.  If you bother to investigate
                it appears that there are bandits raiding the village.  Their
                camp is to the south near the river crossing.


X. Towns and Trade Routes

        As I have mentioned before, you must create a trading post before you
        can start creating caravans...that is, before you can get more trade
        bars as income.  Each caravan generates a different amount per route,
        and each caravan has 3 tiers, levels 1, 2, and 3.  Creating a trading
        post requires trade bars and goods while creating caravans require
        lots of gold.  For each city I have listed the requirements for each
        trading post, and each caravan.  Yes, I have listed caravan routes
        twice, but that is just for easy reference.  Just look up the town you
        are interested in to find what you need.

        Remeber, upgrading your caravans not only increases their income,
        but keeps them from dying every time they meet a monster.

        You can keep tabs on everything by talking your warehouse manager
        in Crossroad Keep, including what caravans are in transit, are
        upgrading, or are waylaid.  You can also do this at towns; by visting
        your trading post, you can click on "check on the status of your

        To create a caravan from one town to another, you have to have a
        trading post at each, you have to be at one of the towns, and then
        visit your trading post.  You don't actually have to enter the trading
        post, you can just construct a caravan from the town's dialog.

        For the caravans, you can read them like this:
        info for establishing -> info for upgrade 2 -> info for upgrade 3


[Crossroad Keep]  Located in the center of the map

        This is your base of operations, and counts as a trading post

                Gold required to send to Highcliff, 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000
                        Profit per level:     20 -> 30 -> 40

                Gold required to send to Leilon, 4000 -> 8000 -> 12000
                        Profit per level:     80 -> 120 -> 160

                Gold required to send to Neverwinter, 2000 -> 4000 -> 6000
                        Profit per level:     40 -> 60 -> 80

                Gold required to send to Thundertree, 2500 -> 5000 -> 7500
                        Profit per level:     50 -> 75 -> 100

                Gold required to send to Phandalin, 3500 -> 7000 -> 10500
                        Profit per level:     70 -> 105 -> 140

You can not trade for anything at Crossroad Keep


[Highcliff] Located just west of Crossroad Keep

        Cost to build trading post: 100 trade bars and 5 timber.

                Gold required to send to Crossroad Keep, 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000
                        Profit per level:     20 -> 30 -> 40

                Gold required to send to Leilon, 3750 -> 7500 -> 11250
                        Profit per level:     75 -> 112 -> 150

                Gold required to send to Neverwinter, 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000
                        Profit per level:     20 -> 30 -> 40

                Gold required to send to West Harbor, 5000 -> 12000 -> 18000
                        Profit per level:     120 -> 180 -> 240

Highcliff's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     || can buy |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  6  || Cold Iron  |  80 || Mithral | 200 || Harvest Mead |  80 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber | 12  || Adamantine | 300 ||  Salt   |  75 ||  Dragon Mead |  60 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  5  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 200 ||   Zalantar   | 130 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||

Highcliff's skins and timber trade rate is as high as it can get, so sell here.
Also, this is as cheap as ore gets, so buy here.


[Thundertree] Located almost directly north of Crossroad Keep

        Cost to build trading post: 100 trade bars and 5 ore.

                Gold required to send to Crossroad Keep, 2500 -> 5000 -> 7000
                        Profit per level:     50 -> 75 -> 100

                Gold required to send to Conyberry, 8000 -> 16000 -> 24000
                        Profit per level:     160 -> 240 -> 320

                Gold required to send to Neverwinter, 3000 -> 6000 -> 9000
                        Profit per level:     60 -> 90 -> 120

Thundertree's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  9  || Cold Iron  |  40 || Mithral |  80 || Harvest Mead |  45 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  3  || Adamantine |  50 ||  Salt   |  50 ||  Dragon Mead |  20 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||   can buy    |     ||
|| Skins  |  3  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 100 ||   Zalantar   |  70 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
You can find the cheapest deal for timber here.


[Phandalin] located almost directly east of Crossroad Keep

        Cost to build trading post: 200 trade bars and 5 ore.

                Gold required to send to Crossroad Keep, 3500 -> 7000 -> 10500
                        Profit per level:     70 -> 105 -> 140

                Gold required to send to Conyberry, 2500 -> 5000 -> 7500
                        Profit per level:     50 -> 75 -> 100

Phandalin's trade rates:
||        |     ||  can buy   |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  9  || Cold Iron  |  40 || Mithral |  80 || Harvest Mead |  45 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  6  || Adamantine |  50 ||  Salt   |  50 ||  Dragon Mead |  20 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  1  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 100 ||   Zalantar   |  70 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
You can find the cheapest deal for skins here.
You have to finish a quest to trade for Cold Iron.


[Leilon] Located south-southeast of Crossroad Keep.

        Cost to build trading post: 300 trade bars and 5 skins.

                Gold required to send to Crossroad Keep, 4000 -> 8000 -> 12000
                        Profit per level:     80 -> 120 -> 160

                Gold required to send to West Harbor, 6000 -> 12000 -> 18000
                        Profit per level:     120 -> 180 -> 240

                Gold required to send to Highcliff, 3750 -> 7500 -> 11250
                        Profit per level:     75 -> 112 -> 150

Leilon's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  6  || Cold Iron  |  80 || Mithral | 200 || Harvest Mead |  80 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||  can buy   |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  12 || Adamantine | 300 ||  Salt   |  75 ||  Dragon Mead |  60 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  5  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 200 ||   Zalantar   | 130 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
Skins and timber are as expencive as you can get here, and ore is the cheapest


[Conyberry] Located directly north of Phandalin

                Cost to build trading post: 500 trade bars and 10 skins.

                Gold required to send to New Leaf, 8000 -> 16000 -> 24000
                        Profit per level:     160 -> 240 -> 320

                Gold required to send to Phandalin, 2500 -> 5000 -> 7500
                        Profit per level:     50 -> 25 -> 100

                Gold required to send to Thundertree, 8000 -> 16000 -> 24000
                        Profit per level:     160 -> 240 -> 320

Conyberry's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  15 || Cold Iron  |  40 || Mithral |  80 || Harvest Mead |  45 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  6  || Adamantine |  50 ||  Salt   |  50 ||  Dragon Mead |  20 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||  can buy   |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  5  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 100 ||   Zalantar   |  70 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
This is as expensive as ore or skins can get.


[New Leaf] Located northwest of Conyberry in the middle of a forest.

                Cost to build trading post: 800 trade bars and 10 ore.

                Gold required to send to Conyberry, 8000 -> 16000 -> 24000
                        Profit per level:     160 -> 240 -> 320

                Gold required to send to Neverwinter, 10000 -> 20000 -> 30000
                        Profit per level:     200 -> 300 -> 400

New Leaf's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  9  || Cold Iron  |  40 || Mithral |  80 || Harvest Mead |  45 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  3  || Adamantine |  50 ||  Salt   |  50 ||  Dragon Mead |  20 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||   can buy    |     ||
|| Skins  |  3  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 100 ||   Zalantar   |  70 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
Who would have guessed New leaf has the lowest price for timber possible...


[Port Llast] Located north-northwest of Neverwinter.

                Cost to build trading post: 100 trade bars and 5 ore + a quest.


                Gold required to send to Neverwinter, 4500 -> 9000 -> 13500
                        Profit per level:     90 -> 135 -> 180

Port Llast's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||  Ore   |  15 || Cold Iron  |  80 || Mithral | 200 || Harvest Mead |  80 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Timber |  6  || Adamantine | 300 ||  Salt   |  75 ||  Dragon Mead |  60 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     || can buy |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  5  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 200 ||   Zalantar   | 130 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
Notice you can make the best profit possibly here by trading ore and skins.
Also, trading for ivory requires a quest.


[West Harbor]  Located directly south of Highcliff in the marsh.

                Cost to build trading post: just a quest, and must not side
                                            with dragons

                Gold required to send to Highcliff, 5000 -> 10000 -> 15000
                        Profit per level:     100 -> 150 -> 200

                Gold required to send to Leilon, 6000 -> 12000 -> 18000
                        Profit per level:     120 -> 180 -> 240

New Leaf's trade rates:
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||    can buy   |     ||
||  Ore   |  9  || Cold Iron  |  40 || Mithral |  80 || Harvest Mead |  45 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||    can buy   |     ||
|| Timber |  6  || Adamantine |  50 ||  Salt   |  50 ||  Dragon Mead |  20 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
|| Skins  |  3  || Dark Steel |  50 ||  Ivory  | 100 ||   Zalantar   |  70 ||
||        |     ||            |     ||         |     ||              |     ||
You can only trade for harvest mead or dragon mead, not both.


[Neverwinter]  Located north-northwest of Crossroad Keep, just across the river

                Cost to build a trading post: 800 trade bars, plus 250 to join
                                              a merchant company.

                Gold required to send to Port Llast, 4500 -> 9000 -> 13500
                        Profit per level:     90 -> 135 -> 180

                Gold required to send to New Leaf, 10000 -> 20000 -> 30000
                        Profit per level:     200 -> 300 -> 400

                Gold required to send to Highcliff, 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000
                        Profit per level:     20 -> 30 -> 40

                Gold required to send to Crossroad Keep, 2000 -> 4000 -> 8000
                        Profit per level:     40 -> 60 -> 80

                Gold required to send to Thundertree, 3000 -> 6000 -> 9000
                        Profit per level:     60 -> 90 -> 120

You can not trade for anything at Neverwinter.


[Jacoby's Store]

        Every time you add a new trading post to a town, that town will send
        a merchant to Crossroad Keep to sell goods particular to the town they
        hail from.  You can't actually purchace these goods from them directly,
        but they are available in Jacoby's store.  Also, whatever merchant
        company you hook up with will also send items to sell.

   Circle of Friends Store items:

            Tower Shield +2
            Half Plate +2
            Breastplate +2
            Chain Shirt +2
            Heavy Shield +2
            Full Plate +2

            Bastard Sword +2
            Quarterstaff +2
            Katana +2
            Ironwood Warmace +1
            Mace +2
            Mithral Warmace
            Lesser Mace of Disruption

            Belt of Strength +4
            Bracers of Armor +4
            Amulet of Health  +4
            Periapt of Wisdom +4
            Ring of Fortitude +2
            Purple Dragon Ring
            Ring of Divine Power(3)
            Ring of Freedom of Movement

            Adamantine Bandad Mail
            Adamantine Chain Shirt
            Adamantine Chainmail
            Adamantine Full Plate
            Adamantine Half Plate
            Adamantine Heavy Shield
            Adamantine Scalemail
            Adamantine Tower Shield
            Mithral Breastplate
            Mithral Banded Mail
            Mithral Chain Shirt
            Mithral Full Plate
            Mithral Half Plate

   Fated Winds Store items:    [fw]

            Dread Wraps
            Illusionist's Robe
            Robes of the Dark Moon
            Skin of Shadow
            Assassin's Garb
            Assassin's Leathers
            Darksteel Chain Shirt
            Rogue Links
            Shadow Thief Leather Armor

            Ring of Invisibilty

          Has the same Recipes as Circle of Friends


   Forgotten Lords Store items:    [fl]

            Breastplate +2
            Chainmail +2
            Chainmail +1
            Mithral Breastplate
            Scale Mail +2
            Umber Hulk Hide Breastplate

            Fey Spear +1
            Halberd +2
            Spear +2
            Spear +1
            Zalantar Spear
            Sling +2
            Charming Sling
            Alchemical Silver Bullets
            Bullets of Smiting
            Lightning Bullet
            Ice Bullet

            Ironskin Ring
            Commander's Ring
            Ring of Clear Thought +1
            Ring of Disease Immunity
            Ring of Force Shield
            Brawler's Belt
            Boots of the Winterlands
            Boots of Striding +2
            Cloak of Protection vs Evil
            Cloak of protec5tion vs Good
            Nymph Cloak +4
            Amulet of Health +2
            Amulet of Will +1

          Has the same recipes as Circle of Friends


   Conyberry Store items:    [cb]

            Chain Shirt +2
            Mithral Chain Shirt
            Padded Armor +2
            Salamander Hide Studded Leather Armor

            Composite Longbow +2
            Bolt +2
            Bolt +1
            Arrow +2
            Arrow +1
            Scythe +2
            Kama +2
            Neverwinter Kukri
            The Nightthief's Nimble Knife
            Feyduster +1
            Shuriken +2
            Ice Dart
            Rapier +2
            Kukri +2
            Katana +2

            Cloak of Resistance +2
            Nymph Cloak +2
            Bracers of Dexterity +2

            Cloak of Charisma +4


   Highcliff Store items:    [hc]

            Arcane Scholar Robes
            Illusionist's Robe
            Mage's Battle Robe
            Wizard's Robe
            Grey Robe of the Archmagi

            Ring of Protection +2
            Bracers of Armor +4
            Ring of Minor Cold Resistance

            Perfected Acid Flask
            Perfected Alchemest's Fire
            Perfected Choking Powder
            Perfected Holy water
            Perfected Tanglefoot Bag
            Perfected Thunderstore
            Bracers of Armor +5
            Cloak of Protection +2
            Headband of Intellect +4


   Leilon Store Items:    [le]

            Banded Mail +2
            Full Plate +2
            Half Plate +2
            Shield of teh Dragonslayer
            Tower Shield +2
            Darksteel Banded Mail
            Darksteel Full Plate
            Darksteel Half Plate

            Greataxe +2
            Halberd +2
            Greatsword +2
            Dwarven Waraxe +2
            Battleaxe +2
            Deepstone Progeny
            Ice Reaver +1

            Leilon makes any adamantine weapon recipe available for purcahce
            including arrows, bolts, and bullets. (no ranged weapons)
            Belt of Strength +$


   New Leaf Store Items:   [nl]

            Leather Armor +2
            Skin of the Forest
            Armor of the Wolf
            Darksteel Chain Shirt
            Hide Armor +3
            Light Ironwood Shield
            Light Shield +3
            Zalantar Light Shield
            Shield of the Wisp Hunter

            Heavy Crossbow +2
            Composite Longbow +2
            Shortbow +2
            Spear +2
            Quarterstaff +2
            Bolt +2
            Bolt +1
            Arrow +2
            Arrow +1
            Handaxe +2

            Composite Longbow (2)
            Composite Shortbow (2)
            Belt of Agility +4
            Periapt of Wisdom +4


   Phandalin store items:    [pd]

            Adamantine Half Plate
            Adamantine Banded Mail
            Adamantine Full Plate
            Mithral Full Plate
            Mithral Banded Mail
            Mithral Half Plate
            Wyvern Full Plate
            Wyvern Half Plate
            Adamantine Tower Shield
            Mithral Tower Shield
            Adamantine Heavy Shield
            Mithral Heavy Shield

            Short Sword +2
            Dagger +2
            Bastard Sword +2
            Longsword +2
            Mace +2
            Flail +2
            Warhammer +2
            Warmace +2
            Morningstar +2

            Belt of Agility +4
            Phandalin has all cold iron weapon recipes (no ranged weapons, just


   Port Llast Store Items:   [pl]

            Darksteel Breastplate
            Mithral Breastplate
            Darksteel Chain Shirt
            Studded Leather Armor +1
            Stormlord's Leathers
            Mithral Chain of Greater Frost resistance
            Leather Armor +1
            Studded Leather Armor +1

            Darksteel Rapier
            Scimitar of Speed
            Scimitar +2
            Rapier +2
            Alchemical Silver Scimitar
            Cold Iron Rapier
            Cold Iron Scimitar
            Shimmering Blade
            Club +2
            Light Hammer +2
            Longbow +2
            Light Crossbow +2
            Dart +2
            Sickle +2


   Thundertree Store Items:   [tt]

            Harper Agent Leathers
            Arcane Archer Chain Shirt
            Woodsman Outfit
            Hair Shirt of Ilmater
            Leather Armor +3
            Eldritch Knight Chain Shirt

            Piercing Arrow
            Bolt of Piercing
            Giant's Bane
            Duskwood Heavy Crossbow
            Shederran Heavy Crossbow
            Shederran Light Crossbow
            Duskwood Light Crossbow
            Duskwood Longbow
            Shederran Longbow
            Shederran Shortbow
            Duskwood Shortbow
            Sling of Force
            Tunderbeast Axe
            Spear +2

            Ring of Minor sonic Resistance
            Ring of Protection +1
            Amulet of Natural Armor +1
            Scarab of Protection +1
            Cloak of Elvenkind
            Boots of Elvenkind
            Lesser Boots of Tumbling
            Forest Walkers

            Gloves of Dexterity +4
            Thundertree allows you to purchace all zalantar weapon crafting
            recipes (this involves only wooden weapons)


XII. [Cheating]

        If you wish, you may cheat using the console.  To bring down the
        console type `, and to use these cheats you must type DebugMode 1 and
        hit enter.

        To create ore, timber, or skins: rs ka_give_good(n,#) where n
        identifies the good, and # is the number desired.

        n = 1,2,3 for ore, timber, and skins, respectively.

        To create trade bars use: rs ka_give_bars GiveBars(#)
        # is the number of bars.

        To create a rare resource use: rs ka_give_rare GiveCargo(n,#)
        Where n is the resource, and # is the number of those resources.

        n  |  resource
        1  |  cold iron
        2  |  adamantine
        3  |  dark steel
        4  |  mithral
        5  |  salt
        7  |  knucklehead ivory
        9  |  harvest mead
        10 |  dragon mead
        11 |  zalantar

Thanks to bryanskrantz, kgambit, and Corran132 for posting these cheats in a forum thread.


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