
Rupert's Adventures - Escape Magenta Room Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Rupert's Adventures - Escape Magenta Room

Rupert's Adventures - Escape Magenta Room

1. Take the letter from the windowframe. Maximize it, read it, and note 
the name signed at the bottom. The name changes with each attempt at the
game. Use the telephone keypad to translate each letter of the ex-girl
friend's name to a number. Click upper left drawer of the desk, take 
the matchbox. Go left. 

2. Click on the bull's head above the fireplace to zoom in. Look carefully 
at the left nostril of the head and take the matchstick from it. Go down. 
Take the wood from the right side of the safe, put it in the fireplace. 
Place the ex-girlfriend's letter on top of the logs. Maximize the matchbox,
take the match, close the matchbox window, then touch the match to the note
on the logs. The fire will start. Click the bull's head and put the match 
back in the left nostril. Go down. 

3. Examine the nuthouse poster, then click the orange and yellow items at 
her head. Take all three darts. Go left once. Turn on the light next to 
the door (optional). Go left again. 

4. Grab the fork from the dinner table. Go left once. Put the matchbox 
back in the upper lefthand drawer of the desk. Click on the dartboard 
above the desk to zoom in on it. Click on each of the darts and then the 
dartboard to throw the darts. Also click on the fork and then the dartboard
to throw the fork at it, too. The dartboard will fall, revealing a hidden 
safe. Click on the keypad to zoom in on it. Input the numbers from the ex-
girlfriend's name onto the keypad. The safe will swing open. Take the keys,
the rag (scrap) of paper, and the note. Write the binary number from the 
scrap of paper down and label it "here". The note contains the clues for 
where to look for the other scraps of paper you'll need for this game. 
The places to look change for every attempt at the game. Put the note 
back in your inventory, then go down. Go right. 

5. Remove all seven items from the dining table. Drop the two table leaves
by clicking on them. Click the right side of the table leg to move the table
to the far right. Be sure you can see all of the center section of the bench.
Lift the two table leaves, then replace all the items on it. Click the center
section of the bench to open it, take the scrap of paper from inside. Write 
down the binary number and label this number "bench". Consult the note in 
your inventory to see where the kitchen rag of paper is. (Spice is the orange
bottle on the dining table.) Maximize your kitchen item, take the rag of paper,
then put your item back. Write down the binary number from your kitchen item, 
and label it "kitchen". Go right. 

6. Consult your note. The next rag of paper is either in the top zippered 
pocket of the leather jacket (click it to turn it around) or in the collar 
of the shirt that is in the suit, approximately opposite of the knot of the
tie. Take the rag of paper, write the binary number down, and label it 
"clothing". Go right twice. 

7. Consult your note. Spade means the green box at the end of the bed. Put 
the spade back in the box after taking the scrap from the inside. Desk is 
the middle left drawer of the desk. Bed is under the pillows and move the 
blanket aside. Write down and label your binary number "bedroom". Go left. 

8. Consult your note. Place the binary numbers as labeled in the 1 through 5 
order of bench, clothing item, bedroom item, kitchen item, here. If you use 
Windows, open the Calculator application from the Accessories folder. Select 
Bin, enter the 1's and 0's from your scraps of paper, then select Dec to get 
your decimal number. Convert your 20 digit binary number to a six-digit decimal 
number. If you only have five digits, place a zero on the end as the sixth digit.
When you have the six digit number, click on the dials on the floor safe. Input 
the numbers by clicking the rollers to dial in each number. The safe will swing
open. Toss each and every one of the false $100 bills into the fire. Take the 
gold key. Go left twice. 

9. Open the left part of the bench to expose the lunchbox. Click it to maximize 
it, then open it with the gold key from the floor safe. Take the green drill. 
Click on the black handle sticking up on the right to take the ax. Replace the 
green drill. Go down. Go right. 

10. Click on the ax, keeping it minimized. Click in the middle of the door 
above the doorknob level to cut into the door. When you have cut into the 
door 29 times with the ax you will have spelled the words "Game Over" and 

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