The Secret of Monkey Island
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Above ASCII art by Atom Edge. Thanks a lot!
** 1. - FAQ Information **
Game: The Secret of Monkey Island
Genre: Adventure (Point 'n' Click)
Platform: DOS/Windows (PC)
Author: TimmyTheRabidTurtle
Last Updated: Sunday, 10th of November 2003
Date Created: Saturday, 30th of November 2002
Currant Version: Version 1.15
FAQ Size: 83kb
Guide Type: FAQ/Walkthrough
** 2. - Table of Contents **
1. - FAQ Information
2. - Table of Contents
3. - Version History
4. - Character Bios
5. - Walkthrough
6. - Insult Sword Fighting
7. - Other Monkey Island Games
8. - Frequently Asked Questions
9. - Items List
10. - Copyright Information
** 3. - Version History **
Version 1.15 - General editing...
Version 1.13 - Changed the section dividers.
Version 1.11 - Added the remaining two items to the items list.
- Added some forgotten information to the Walkthrough.
Version 1.09 - Formatting Update
Version 1.07 - Added the items list. Complete it is, too, apart from two minor
items... I'll fix that soon, I will.
Version 0.98 - More formatting work. Changed the section dividers completely.
- Edited some filler parts. Sorry, the review's staying in ^_^.
- Deleted the large _ at the bottom.
- Planning to do an items list, though I am busy on other
projects, so it won't be until I get Version 1s on each of them.
Version 0.95 - Some work on the formatting.
Version 0.94 - Edits. Can't think of anything else to do... Not even on version
1.0 yet, so I don't wanna make a final version already...
Version 0.93 - More edits. Made some things a little more in-depth.
Version 0.91 - Edits.
- Changed all the Character Bios to one section.
Version 0.9 - A bit more editing.
- Finished the Frequently Asked Questions section.
- Added new ASCII Art.
- Changed the format from 69 characters per line to 79.
Version 0.75 - More editing. I've done a good bit, actually
- I added Herman Toothrot's bio to that specific
- The review is finally up. It's a guide for people who
are contemplating buying SoMI.
- I am on school holidays now, so I will have more time
to update.
- Also, I saw Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers. It
rocked. See it now in a cinema near you!
Version 0.69 - Cleared up a few of the misleading parts in the
- Added a little more info to Guybrush's character bio.
- Added a little more to the 'Intro' of the walkthrough.
Version 0.67 - The Main Characters section is complete.
- I did a bit of editing in the Insults section.
- Added new ASCII art to the top of the page, above the
FAQ Info.
- Also, if I haven't updated by then, happy Christmas,
and A Happy New Year to all.
Version 0.64 - The Insults section is up. Other stuff on the way
- Did some other editing.
- Added LeChuck to the characters section.
- Added a brief introduction to the top of the page, but
it will be made better soon.
Version 0.6 - FAQ Information is up.
- Contents is up.
- Walkthrough is complete.
- 'Other Character Bios' is up, but not complete yet.
- The start of 'Other MI Games' is up.
- Copyright Information, Thanks, and E-Mail Policy are
** 4. - Character Bios **
I - Guybrush Threepwood
II - Elaine Marley
III - LeChuck the Ghost Pirate
IV - Fester Shinetop
V - Stan
VI - The Voodoo Lady
VII - Herman Toothrot
I - Guybrush Threepwood
Guybrush Threepwood, the goofy wannabe pirate, is introduced in this, the first
episode of the Monkey Island series. Guybrush is young and inexperienced as
pirate with a lot still to learn in the area of pirating and all its
attributes. In SoMI, Guybrush attempts to befriend the pirates of Mêlée and set
his pirating career rolling, although he eventually gathers no respect for
himself. When he first meets her, Guybrush falls in love with the Governor of
Mêlée Island, Elaine Marley (description below). Guybrush is the hero of the
Monkey Island series and the archenemy of the Ghost Pirate LeChuck. Tall,
skinny and blond-haired Guybrush lacks the appearance for a pirate too.
II - Elaine Marley
Elaine Marley is the governor of Mêlée Island, and currently resides in the
huge Governor's mansion, which lies to the West of Mêlée village. Elaine has
gathered much respect from the pirates of the Tri-Island Area as a politition
and general ruling. Also, as mentioned above, she fell in love with Guybrush,
although she promised her father that she would never marry a pirate. She
wishes to remain true to this in respect to her father. Well, we can't really
say Guybrush is a complete pirate, but whatever...
III - LeChuck, the Ghost Pirate:
LeChuck, the Ghost Pirate, loves Elaine, and wants to marry her (huge
understatement). Because of this, some time ago he decided to try sail to
Monkey Island and possibly find the secret of it, which may help Elaine like
him, and accept his marriage proposal. One the way, his ship was sunk by a
storm, and he was killed along with his all of his crew. He has returned in
SoMI in a ghost Pirate form to try and get Elaine's hand in marriage, but along
the way he must kill Guybrush, as he seems to be winning the race to Elaine's
love. LeChuck never really saw Guybrush as much of a threat, and nothing to be
worried about... Ever.
IV - Fester Shinetop:
Fester Shinetop, the Sheriff of Mêlée Island, is a surly, unfair and bossy man.
Elaine Marley, the Governor of Mêlée Island employs Fester, but even she
doesn't like him or the way he acts to people, but only employs him because
nobody else would take the job. Fester started his job on Melee only recently
when the old sheriff died under mysterious circumstances... Shinetop also put
Otis in jail for picking some (illegal) flowers. Sheriff Shinetop is certainly
someone to watch in MI... I be smelling suspicious smells... >_> <_<
V - Stan:
Stan, the owner of the Used Ship Emporium on Mêlée Island, is an incredibly
energetic salesman-type guy. He wears a tartan suit most of the time, and it
seems his destiny is to help Guybrush immensely in MI years to come. No game
would be the same without him... Well, actually it may be only slightly
different, but less fun and less... wholesome... Also, he sold Guybrush his
ship, which previously was Herman Toothrot's, and it came to Melee Island
captained by monkeys.
VI - The Voodoo Lady:
The Voodoo Lady, wise in all things, helps Guybrush in most of his voodoo-like
predicaments, as you will soon find out. She is dark-skinned, and a bit tubby,
to say the least. In The Secret of Monkey Island, her hideout is on Mêlée
Island, in the centre of town on a street, not odd like her others at all. She
gave the chicken with the pulley in the middle to Guybrush in this game. She
has a strange skull-shaped pot in her hideout which she seems to use for
brewing and the like, and sometimes she makes the whole room flash for no
apparent reason.
VII - Herman Toothrot:
Herman Toothrot is the only non-cannibalistic human on Monkey Island. While
Guybrush is on Monkey Island, Herman is in the middle of a feud between himself
and the Cannibals over Herman's banana picker being taken. One of Toothrot's
best friends and the last remaining member of his Monkey Island-bound crew
which found Monkey Island was caught up in an accident, and was hung on a tree
near a pond. May have been by LeChuck's hands though...
** 5. - Walkthrough **
The parts of the 'The Secret of Monkey Island' walkthrough are as followed:
Part One - 'The Three Trials'
Part Two - 'The Journey'
Part Three - 'Under Monkey Island'
Last Part - 'Guybrush Kicks Butt'
***** *****
* *
* Prologue: *
* *
***** *****
Guybrush's ship lands on Mêlée Island, and Guybrush expresses his determined
attitude towards becoming a swashbuckling pirate. He questions the (blind)
watchman about becoming a pirate, and the watchman directs Guybrush to the
Scumm Bar, the place to be when you're a pirate. Guybrush leaves the company of
the watchman and his cliffside in search of the Scumm Bar, and it's famous
pirate leaders.
***** *****
* *
* Part One - 'The Three Trials': *
* *
***** *****
You will be shown coming down from the Cliffside and walking towards town. Walk
to the right of the screen, past the docks, until you get to the Scumm Bar.
Open the door, and go inside. Talk to the pirate wearing the black coat in the
centre of the bar about anything. Talk to the pirate wearing a purple (maroon?)
coat on the left of the bar. Introduce yourself, and say that you're new in
town. He will insult your name, but you can counter it by asking his name,
which happens to be Mancomb Seepgood. Say that you want to be a pirate, and
then ask about finding the Governor. Soon after that question, his grog will
start going flat, so he politely excuses himself. Walk past the curtain on the
right side of the bar, and talk to the Important-looking pirates. Say that you
want to be a pirate, and you will soon learn about the Three Trials that must
be passed in order to become a pirate.
Ask about mastering the sword. In this area, your task is to fight the
Swordmaster of Mêlée Island, Carla. Note that they say you must have some
training. Ask about the Art of thievery, and you will find that your task is to
steal the Idol O' Many Hands from Governor Marley's mansion and bring it back
to show them. Ask about Treasure Hunting, and discover that your mission here
is to find the Legendary Lost Treasure of Mêlée Island.
Leave the company of the Pirate Leaders, and then attempt to enter the
kitchen, but the chef throws you out. Walk away from the door (not too far),
and soon the chef will come out. When he completely leaves the screen, go
inside the kitchen. Pick up the hunk of meat that is on the counter and pick up
the pot that is underneath the counter. Open the door to the outside part of
the kitchen to where there is a random sea bird eating some fish. Walk to the
bottom right part of the plank, and the duck should be slingshotted off. Each
time you do it, it will take longer for it to return to the fish. Keep doing
this until you are able to pick up the fish in the duck's absence. When you
have the fish, exit the kitchen, and exit the Scumm Bar.
CUT-SCENE: *LeChuck's ship floats on lava underneath Monkey Island, while one
of his servants enters and tells LeChuck about Guybrush. LeChuck questions the
servant about his commitments to LeChuck, and then LeChuck decides to deal with
Guybrush personally.*
Go back inside the Scumm Bar, and talk to the pirate with the glass eye again.
Ask why people aren't allowed in the Governor's house. He starts to tell the
story of LeChuck. Ask what's so scary about LeChuck, and then ask what happened
next. Exit the Scumm Bar, and head uptown (to the right of the screen). Keep
walking, and then walk beneath the clock above the second archway. Walk down
the alley between the shop and the church when you hear a 'Pssst!' sound. A man
will appear soon after, and introduce himself as Sheriff Fester Shinetop. He
will say that it is a bad time to be visiting Mêlée Island, and suggests that
Guybrush take his 'vacation' elsewhere. He then leaves.
Walk back through town, past the Scumm Bar, and back up the Cliffside. Go down
the path at the other side of the cliff. This is the world map. Go to the
clearing, indicated by the pink dot in the forest. Walk down the hill and enter
the circus tent. You walk in on two people (the Fettuccini Brothers) arguing
over who will get in the cannon. Once you make your presence is noted they will
rush over to you and attempt to persuade you into getting in the cannon. Ask
Bill and Alfredo how much you'll be paid. They will give you 458 pieces of
eight for the cannon stunt. They'll ask you if you have a helmet, say you do,
and give them the pot. You'll get in the cannon and get shot into a pole across
the room. Sadly, you lose the pot in the stunt. They pay you, and while you
exit, they will start arguing over who will get the next turn in the cannon.
Go back to town, where the clock is, and talk to the suspicious looking
guy (Mêlée Citizen) on the corner. Pay him for one of his maps and you will
realise that they are actually dance steps, but they still help to find the
treasure. Go across the street and talk to Low Morale Fibre (Pirates). Ask if
they are pirates. Say something about their rat, and then say you love rats.
Ask if they know the sneaky man across, on the opposite side of the street.
When they offer you the minutes of the Mêlée Island PTA meeting, say that if
they give you 2 pieces of eight, you'll take one.
Go down the street below the clock, and enter the prison beside the church.
Talk to the prisoner inside, and his bad breath will scare and off Guybrush.
Exit the prison and go to the first shop on - on the right side of the alley.
Pick up the shovel on the top floor in the corner, and pick up the sword that
is lying on the blue case beside the storekeeper's table. Talk to the
storekeeper and buy the shovel and sword. Also, ask for a breath mint, and he
will give you a packet of Grog-O-Mints.
Return to the prison and give the packet of mints to the prisoner. Talk
to him, and ask him whom he is (the prisoner). Then, you will discover that his
name is Otis (Otis will play a vital part in the MI series... Well, not so much
vital... He's just in more than this one game...). Ask why he's in jail if he
is innocent and then ask about the flowers. Ask Otis about the food he
receives, and then ask who would frame him. Ask if you can get him anything,
and then comment on Sheriff Shinetop. Shinetop will soon come in, and threaten
Guybrush for a little while. After he'd done intimidating Guybrush, he will
leave, and then you will leave the town.
Go to the fork in the road that is on the way to the circus. Wonder around the
forest for a while until you find a patch of yellow flowers. Pick up one of the
flowers, and then go back to town. Go to the end of town, to the governor's
mansion. Use the petal with the hunk of meat that you got in the Scumm Bar.
Give the drugged meat to the horde of piranha poodles dogs, and they will
mysteriously 'fall asleep' under the spell of the meat. This, by no means, is
Guybrush's fault! 0_o Anywho, look at the humorous screen after, and then open
the door of the governor's mansion and go inside.
Open the nearest door and go inside. Soon after, Sheriff Shinetop will
follow you inside, being the bastard that he is. A fierce battle will ensue
between Shinetop and Guybrush, and after a while, Guybrush is thrown through a
hole in the governor's wall... Anywho, you will get a few items, and you will
lose some as well. Note that Guybrush needs a file to steal the fabulous Idol.
After Guybrush wards Fester off for a while, leave the mansion and go back to
the prison where Otis resides. Give the gopher repellent to him, and he gives
you a cake. Use the cake and a file will come out of it, JUST what you need to
steal the idol... A coincidence... or a CONSPIRACY!?!?!?!?! Anywho, go back to
the mansion and go back into meet the Sheriff via the hole in the wall.
Guybrush steals the Idol, and soon after gets thrown through an upstairs
Once you try to leave, Fester will block the doorway. Say that the
Governor let you have it. Elaine will say that she did let you have it, and
then Fester will leave. Elaine will start talking to you about life, but you
won't be able to say anything intelligent at all. Once you leave, Fester will
block the doorway, and make up a crazy plan to rid the world of you. He takes
you to the docks, and will tie you to the Idol of Many Hands. He kicks the Idol
off the dock, sending you into the water, where you might drown. Lucky Guybrush
can hold his breath for ten minutes, huh?
I've heard, if you stay in the water for about ten minutes, Guybrush
will turn green and die =p... Getting out of the water is surprisingly easy -
just pick up the idol, pick up the sword that is close to the ladder, and then
climb the ladder.
Once you get out, Elaine will appear, making sure that you are still alive.
After some idle chitchat, the two of you fall in love, but Elaine declines to
do anything about it on the docks. Guybrush suggests that they go back to her
place, and she agrees, but not until you've finished your trials. Guybrush now
has a new motive to finish the trials ^_^.
You can go into the Scumm Bar and give the pirate leaders the Idol of Many
Hands if you want. Go to the street that you bought the map from. Go in to the
first door on the right side or the right street. Pick up the chicken on the
box on the bottom right corner of the screen. Once you've picked it up, look at
it and you'll discover that it is a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle.
Walk to the right and talk to the voodoo lady about whatever you want. Leave as
soon as you're done.
Attempt to go to the lights on the southeastern section of the island.
You will get stopped on a toll bridge. When he asks for a toll, give him the
fish you got from the Scumm Bar. He will take off his mask (revealing a George
Lucas-look-a-like) and he will eat it. Bypass the lights and go to the house at
the very southeast. You can get some training for the sword master there. You
don't really have to do a whole lot, it's computer controlled. Anywho, when
he's done, he will send you out to look for some more insults to widen your
array of weapons to use in combat.
You should concentrate on acquiring comebacks more so than insults. Once you
beat (I think) three pirates, you are allowed to fight the sword-master. You
know you are able to when one of your beaten opponents says that you are good
enough for Carla. I'll cover this part in more detail in the insults section.
Once you beat Carla, she'll give you proof of your victory (ironically, it's a
T-shirt saying 'I beat the sword-master'). Now the only thing left is to find
the Mêlée Island treasure. Look at the dance lesson map that you got earlier
from the sneaky guy. They actually do work. Back means the topmost path. Left
means left, and right means right, of course. Once you are done, use the shovel
with the X and you get the treasure. Then, you will automatically put the
gravel and earth back in the hole. Go to the pirate leaders and inform them of
your victory.
On your way, you will see a half-invisible ship, and soon after the watchman
will find you and inform you that LeChuck has kidnapped Elaine and brought her
to his hideout on Monkey Island. He also gives you a note from LeChuck. Alas,
it seems all your hard work to complete the three Trials was in vain... If you
go inside the Scumm Bar, you will see that all the pirates have left. Pick up
all of the mugs and go into the kitchen. Fill one of the mugs up with Grog.
Leave again and go to the prison. If your mug becomes 'Mug Near Death', use it
with a fresh mug. Once there, use the grog with the lock on the cell. After you
release Otis. He will run off, while Guybrush ponders his return.
After you exit the prison, a brief cut-scene captures your attention:
*LeChuck has returned to Monkey Island and has dropped anchor again. Fester
Shinetop is shown in the ghost ship, and one of his servants asks him a
question. Fester turns out to be LeChuck in a costume, and he then orders his
servant about and asks him about Elaine. He also asks him to lock up the
Go to the voodoo lady's place and talk to her about everything. Leave Mêlée,
and go to Carla, the Sword-Master's house. Show her the note, and she will join
your crew. Go to the house on the northeast part of the Island. Use the rubber
chicken with the cable and then enter the house. Talk to Mr. Meathook and ask
him to be on your crew. Keep asking about it until he makes you fight against
the (evil) monster. Once you do, touch it, and he'll join the crew.
Go to Stan's Used Ship Emporium and keep asking about buying a ship until
he shows you the ship at the top of the screen. When he won't accept any of the
money offers you give him, leave and go to Mêlée Island Town. Go to the shop
near the prison, and talk to the storekeeper. Ask for a credit note. When he
goes up to open the safe, remember the combination. After you run your job by
him, he doesn't believe you, and will put the note back. When he's done, ask
him to ask the Sword Master if you can fight him. When he leaves, go up to the
safe and enter the combination (Pull means move the lever in an anti-clockwise
direction, Push means move it to clockwise). Once you're done, and have the
credit note, return to Stan's store.
Ask about the cheep ship again, and say you want to buy that ship. When he asks
you how much you have, mention the storekeeper's credit note. He will ask you
how much you want to spend, and you can go as far as 5,000 pieces of eight even
though Stan wants 10,000 pieces for it. I don't know how you actually end up
buying it, but if you say that you don't want the ship, he will try to call you
back. Go back and then try 5,000... I'm only guessing, but that's what I always
did. Once you buy it, go to Mêlée Town.
***** *****
* *
* Part Two - 'The Journey': *
* *
***** *****
Guybrush's crew are still a little pissed off about the lack of good pirate
resources, so they have decided to be mean, and to cruise the Caribbean for a
few weeks. Guybrush must find his own way to Monkey Island.
Go into the room behind the crew. Open the chest and Look at the chest. Open
the drawer and look at it. Pick up the dusty book and read it. Pick up the
fountain pen and the ink. Leave the cabin. Use the Ladder Rope and go up it.
Pick up the Jolly Roger and go back down. Go into the hatch beside the rope
ladder. Go into the door nearby. Open the cupboard and pick up one of the
cereal packets. Pick up the pot under the counter too. Leave the kitchen, and
go down the hatch. Open the nearby kegs and pick up some gunpowder. Pick up the
piece of rope and open the nearby chest also to get some very fine wine. Leave
and go to the deck. Go into the captain's room.
Open the cereal to get a toy prize inside. Use the prize with the cabinet. Pick
up the chest and then open it. Look at it to get some cinnamon sticks and a
piece of paper. On the piece of paper is a recipe for a pirate soup. We don't
have all these items, so we'll have to compromise... return to the kitchen. Put
these items in the cooking pot over the fire:
(Note, some of these items aren't needed, but are only going in to help free up
your inventory.)
- 100% Cotton T-shirt
- T-Shirt
- Breath Mints
- Rubber Chicken
- Gunpowder
- Ink
- Fountain Pen
- Cereal
- Jolly Roger
I think that's 'em all... I may not be sure. I'll check again soon. Anywho,
once Guybrush regains consciousness, click on anything to get up. Put the
business cards in the little hole beneath the stove. Click on the ladder to
exit. Talk to the crew, and they still won't help out. Get some more gunpowder
from the kegs under the deck, and return to the surface. Use the large piece of
rope with the cannon and then use the gunpowder with the cannon nozzle. Use the
flaming mess (ex-business cards) with the fuse, and quickly use the cannon
nozzle to climb inside. Guybrush will be blasted on to Monkey Island, whereas a
new part of his adventure will start.
***** *****
* *
* Part Three - 'Under Monkey Island': *
* *
***** *****
Herman Toothrot will come along and attempt to talk to you. You have your head
stuck in the sand, so obviously you can't reply. Once he leaves, click on
anything to get up. Pick up the nearby banana and then exit the beach.
NOTE: There are various notes and memos that can be found around Monkey Island.
Pick them up if you want. Also, Herman appears in some areas, but you can
usually just keep talking to him until he leaves.
On the world map, head west, and go to the northwestern side of the volcano.
Enter the nearby fort. Pick up the spyglass and the rope, and then push the
cannon. Pick up the cannonball, and also the gunpowder. Leave. Go to the beach
and talk to Herman. When done, go to the previous screen, and head to the East.
Go to the pond at the end of the dry river. Herman will come, but he will soon
leave. Look around, and then exit.
Go to the river fork, and before you cross the river, pick up the note under
the rock. Go up the footholds. Note that there is a piece of 'art' nearby. If
you don't move it this time, you can destroy the ship that you came on. You're
choice. It may slightly affect the ending, but only the cut-scene will be
slightly different, not the actual puzzles. Continue up the footholds, and
Herman will come again, but this time he won't leave. Now, if you don't want to
destroy your ship, or you're just finished, pull the art twice. Return to the
top of the footholds, and push the rock off the cliff. Return to the bottom
near the dam.
Note that on that hill that you were on previously, if you walk to the far
right of the screen, the rock underneath Guybrush will break, and Guybrush will
fall from the cliff. He will fall down, and you will see a creepy Amiga window.
Soon after, Guybrush will appear proclaiming that a Rubber Tree saved him...
(Thanks to Stefan for reminding me of that cool fact).
Open the spyglass to get a lens. Use the gunpowder on the dam, and then use the
lens with the sun. The result will be a new non-dry river for all. Go to the
pond at the end, and pick up the fallen rope from the unhealthy man. Leave and
go to the crack in the South of the jungle. Use one of the ropes on the sturdy
branch and climb down to the next ledge. Use the other rope on the other sturdy
branch and pick up the oars at the bottom. Return to the top and then leave to
go to the Southern beach. Pick up the bananas on the ground and use the
Row to the Northeastern part of Monkey Island and land on the beach at the
north side of the peninsula. Leave the beach and go to the village. Go to the
left and pick up the bowl of fruit. Try to walk back, but the cannibals will
stop you. They ask you for something to give the 'Great Monkey', but you have
nothing, so they decide to lock you up until they run the idea of eating you by
their nutritionist. They show you the 'guest' room, and lock you inside.
Don't bother to pick up Herman's banana picker that you can see inside - it
won't help your escape route and you won't be allowed out with it. Pick up the
skull. Move the cursor along the floor until you come across a loose board. Use
the loose board and use the hole. While you escape, the cannibals argue about
eating Guybrush. Go to the most southerly part of Monkey Island, and go to
wherever the monkey is. Give him all of the five bananas you have, and he will
follow you now. Go to the most Easterly part of MI, and go to the clearing.
Walk to the right and look at the monkey head. Pull the nose of the second last
totem pole. Move away from it, and then the monkey will pull it. Go inside the
gate and look at the idols. Pick up the smallest one labelled 'Little Wimpy
Idol'. Exit, and go to the cannibal village.
Go to the left side of the village, and then attempt to leave. The three
cannibals will stop you. (If you say, "Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!"
they will fall for it the first time, but then a three-headed monkey *DOES*
appear, and still they don't believe you ^_^). Anywho, give them the wimpy idol
and they will forgive you. Leave the village and go back inside it. Tell the
natives that you have thought of something to repay the favour. Ask them about
the root and navigational head until they stop talking to you. Leave the
village again and return. Talk to Herman Toothrot, and say that you have the
banana picker. Give it to him, and he gives you the key to the Monkey Head.
Leave. Go back inside and give the natives the leaflet.
Go to the giant monkey head, and walk to the vicinity of the gigantic monkey
ear. Use the monkey key (an over-large Q-tip) with the monkey ear. The mouth of
the Giant head will open, with a (tongue-like) path protruding, and you can go
inside. Walk inside. Once inside (Used the word 'inside' a lot, there o_0), use
the navigator's head to navigate your way through the catacombs. It's not too
difficult. If you're stuck, just USE the head. Anywho, once you're next to the
ghost ship, talk to the voodoo head. Threaten the head about killing or hurting
it in various ways until it agrees to let you use the voodoo invisibility
necklace. Once it does, put it on and go onto the ghost ship.
Try to open the farthest door on the right - it squeaks a bit, and one of
the musically involved ghosts goes to close it. Guess we can't go that way...
Open the hatch near that door and go down. Continue on through the doorways
until you reach the ghost-chickens. Attempt to pick up one, and you will
(should) get a feather. I think you can pick one up nearby also if you don't
get one there. Return to the previous screen and when the sleeping ghost's arm
is outstretched, use the ghost feather on his feet twice. He drops the bottle
of grog, and you can pick it up. Do so.
Go to the Captain's room with LeChuck inside. Use the magnetic compass
with the key to pick it up. Go back to the chicken and pig infested area and
unlock the hatch. Go down the hatch. Use the jug of grog with the rat dish, and
wait for them to die and then walk by. Pick up some cooking grease and return
to the deck. Use the grease on the squeaky door, and then go inside. Pick up
the ghostly tools near the sleeping guard and leave the room. Return to the
deck and go into the hatch. Go to the next room and use the ghost tools with
the chest. Pick up the root inside and leave the ghost ship.
Exit the catacombs and you will automatically return to the village. The
cannibals will mix up the root you recovered and give you the ghost-killing
potion. After you return to the site of the ship, you will see that it's gone.
Only Bob, one of LeChuck's crew, is left. Soon after, Carla, Meathook and Otis
will somehow get into the catacombs and meet Bob. They seem to know him. After
you run the idea of getting off Monkey Island and going back to Mêlée by them,
they'll agree quickly, because they ran out of sun-cream... Oh, how the valour
of our crewmembers shines through their skin, in spite of themselves _...
***** *****
* *
Last Part - 'Guybrush Kicks Butt':
* *
***** *****
On the way to the Mêlée Island Church, you will meet a few of LeChuck's ghost-
crew, usually two or three. Defeat them with a spray of the root potion.
Continue to the church, and once you get to the wedding, go inside and you will
find LeChuck getting ready to be married. Say something to stop the wedding.
Elaine comes down from the roof of the church on a rope, and you will find that
the wedding dress, which LeChuck was about to marry, actually had two monkeys
in it, instead of Elaine Marley _. The monkeys take Guybrush's root potion
and run off with it, Elaine following behind. It leaves Mr. Brush and Mr. Chuck
to finish everything off.
*End Spoiler*
LeChuck will start beating Guybrush all over the Island (Literally. He punches
him and Guybrush will fly all over the world map ^_^), and eventually, Guybrush
will land in the grog machine in Stan's Used Ship Emporium. Once he drags you
out, pick up the root beer on the ground before you get hit again. Once you get
a chance to, use the root beer on LeChuck and he will dissolve, just like the
other ghost pirates before him.
Sit back, and watch the last cut-scene. I hope you have enjoyed your play of
The Secret of Monkey Island, and I hope my Walkthrough has been helpful to you.
If it has, or even if it hasn't, send me some criticism or comments, please! Go
on, you know you want to!
** 6. - Insults & Sword Fighting **
I - Fighting the Pirates of Melee:
This section is for the insult sword-fighting part of The Secret of Monkey
Island. This is in 'Part One - The Three Trials'. I will write the coming
insult with a before and after it. The comebacks will have before and
after it. You should know the rules; it's not really that hard - you'll pick it
up without bother.
- "You fight like a dairy farmer." -
- "How appropriate, you fight like a cow." -
- "I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!" -
- "I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose." -
- "Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!" -
- "First you'd better stop waving it like a feather-duster." -
- "Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?" -
- "Why, did you want to borrow one?" -
- "This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur!" -
- "And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT?" -
- "I've spoken with apes more polite than you." -
- "I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion." -
- "I once owned a dog that was smarter than you." -
- "He must have taught you everything you know." -
- "I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down!" -
- "Your haemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?" -
- "You make me want to puke." -
- "You make me think somebody already did." -
- "I've heard you were a contemptible sneak." -
- "Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all." -
- "You're no match for my brains, you poor fool." -
- "I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them." -
- "People fall at my feet when they see me coming." -
- "Even BEFORE they smell your breath?" -
- "My handkerchief will wipe up your blood!" -
- "So you got that job as a janitor, after all." -
- "There are no words for how disgusting you are." -
- "Yes there are. You just never learned them." -
- "You have the manners of a beggar." -
- "I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me." -
- "Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will!" -
- "You run THAT fast?" -
II - Fighting Sword Master Carla
You will need to learn a few more comebacks to put up a good fight against
sword master Carla. She uses different insults to the other pirates on Mêlée,
and when you are fighting her, she only gets to insult you, and you always have
to respond with a comeback. To get by this part easily, just make sure the
insults and comebacks make sense together. Or just looks at this guide. Simple,
Again, for this part it is written in and form.
- "I hope you have a boat ready for a quick escape." -
- "Why, did you want to borrow one?" -
- "I will milk every last drop of blood from your body." -
- "How appropriate, you fight like a cow." -
- "If your brother's like you, better to marry a pig." -
- "You make me think somebody already did." -
- "I've got a long, sharp lesson for you to learn today." -
- "And I've got a little TIP for you. Get the POINT?" -
- "My wisest enemies run away at the first sight of me!" -
- "Even BEFORE they smell your breath?" -
- "I've got the courage and skill of a master swordsman!" -
- "I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them." -
- "My last fight ended with my hands covered with blood." -
- "I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose." -
- "Every word you say to me is stupid." -
- "I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me." -
- "There are no clever moves that can help you now." -
- "Yes there are. You just never learned them." -
- "My name is feared in every dirty corner of this island!" -
- "So you got that job as a janitor, after all." -
- "Only once have I met such a coward!" -
- "He must have taught you everything you know." -
- "My sword is famous all over the Caribbean!" -
- "Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all." -
- "My tongue is sharper than any sword." -
- "First, you'd better stop waving it like a feather-duster." -
- "Now I know what filth and stupidity really are." -
- "I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion." -
- "You are a pain in the backside, sir!" -
- "Your haemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?" -
- "No one will ever catch ME fighting as badly as you do." -
- "You run THAT fast?" -
That's it for this section. Sadly, this part of MI is only brief, and can
usually be completed (if you know what to do) in less than ten minutes.
** 7. - Other Monkey Island Games **
The Monkey Island series include these games:
1. - The Secret of Monkey Island
2. - Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
3. - The Curse of Monkey Island
4. - Escape From Monkey Island
Despite previously only intended to be a trilogy, the games main creator, Ron
Gilbert, quit the LucasArts Company soon after the second game, MI2. Thus, the
ending of MI2 was a little strange, and so it wasn't played out in MI3 the way
it was supposed to be.
For me, The Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest Monkey Island game, although
you may think otherwise. The cartoon-style graphics are really cool, better
than Escape From Monkey Island's completely unsmooth 3-D graphics... or, as
Donut would say, "Low Class" graphics ^_^... I guess the Secret of Monkey
Island graphics aren't too bad, even if it they are less than high quality.
If you're lucky, you may be able to find a Monkey Island bounty pack including
The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2 "LeChuck's Revenge", and The Curse
of Monkey Island. That pack usually costs about €40 (roughly $40), although you
can get MI2 and SoMI easily off KaZaa. That said, I'd prefer if you got the
bounty pack at least, so you won't be ripping anyone off. For people interested
in that sort of thing, it's only about 2-3mb for SoMI off KaZaa and about 8mb
for Monkey Island 2.
** 8. - Frequently Asked Questions **
Questions about Part One - The Three Trials
Q: Where is the Scumm Bar?
Walk down the path behind the watchman. Walk past the docks and you will find
the Scumm Bar there.
Q: What do you have to do for the 'Mastering the sword' trial?
You must beat the sword-master of Mêlée Island, Carla. I will explain how
further down in this section.
Q: What do I do for the 'art of thievery' part of the trials?
You must steal the Idol o' Many Idol Hands from the Governor's mansion. I will
explain how further down in this section.
Q: What do I do for the last trial?
You must find the lost treasure of Melee Island and bring it back to show the
pirates. I will explain how further down in this section.
Q: Where is the lost treasure of Melee Island, and how do I get it?
Go to the Scumm Bar and try to go into the kitchen. When the chef stops you,
walk to the fire nearby, and wait for the chef to leave. Go inside when he
leaves the screen. Pick up the pot and exit the Scumm Bar. Go to the circus,
and when the Fettuccini Brothers ask you to perform the cannon stunt, say yes
and give them the pot as a helmet. Once you have preformed it, go to the street
with the clock in it in Melee town. Talk to the shifty-looking guy on the
street corner and buy one of the maps off him. Go to the world map and then to
the fork in the road.
Q: Where is the Idol of Many Hands, and how do I get it?
Go to the fork in the road and enter the forest. Wander around until you find a
yellow flower. Pick it up and exit the forest. Go to the kitchen of the Scumm
Bar and pick up the hunk of meat. Use the flower on the meat. Go to the
governor's mansion and use the seasoned meat with the poodles at the door.
Q: How do I get past the toll bridge?
Go to the Scumm Bar. Go to the kitchen and enter the back room where the bird
is. Step on the plank next to the one the bird is on, and it will be flung up
in the air. Repeat this until you have enough time to take the fish before the
bird comes down again. Bring the fish to the toll bridge. Give it to the troll.
Q: How do I know when I'm good enough to face the sword master?
Fight about 4-5 pirates. Try and have them all on different levels. When you're
good enough, the pirate you beat will say so.
Q: Dammit! When I've finished all the trials, the pirate leaders are gone! Did
I do all this for shit nothing?!?!
Q: The voodoo lady says I have to make a crew. Who do I put in it?
You can put Carla the swordmaster, Otis the prisoner, and Meathook in your
Q: How do I get Otis out of his cell so he will join my crew?
Go into the SCUMM Bar, when there is nobody around. Pickup all the mugs and go
into the kitchen. Use one mug with the barrel near the door. Leave and go
towards the prison. Keep a watch on the mug with the grog in it, and when it
becomes 'Mug Near Death', use it with another mug. Once you get there, use the
grog with the lock on the cell.
Q: How do I get Carla to join my crew?
Go to her house and show her the note from LeChuck. She will then join.
Q: How do I get Meathook to join my crew?
Talk to him about it, and he will agree only if you touch the 'monster'. It
turns out to be a parrot. Touch it and he will join.
Q: My bastard crew has just started a mutiny! Make 'em stop!
You can't. Not now, not ever. Soon, maybe...
Questions about Part Two - The Journey
Q: Which items do I put in the cooking pot?
I think it's these:
- 100% Cotton T-shirt
- T-Shirt
- Breath Mints
- Rubber Chicken
- Gunpowder
- Ink
- Fountain Pen
- Cereal
- Jolly Roger
Some of these are only put in the pot to get rid of some things from the
inventory. Put in everything you can, because I am unsure which ones have to
stay out.
Q: How do I get onto Monkey Island once I reach it and am anchored nearby?
Go to the very bottom of the ship and get some gunpowder from one of the kegs.
Use the business card with the little hole beneath the stove in the kitchen.
Return to the deck and use the rope with the cannon on deck. Put some gunpowder
in the cannon nozzle. Use the flaming mess (ex-business card) with the fuse and
climb quickly inside the nozzle. The cannon will shoot you onto Monkey Island.
Where you will enter the next part.
Questions about Part Three - Under Monkey Island:
Q: Who the heck is that pant-less hobo asshole that is talking to me?
Chances are its Herman Toothrot. He's the only non-cannibalistic human on
Monkey Island. Let him go. You don't have to talk to him. He gives some good
information though.
Q: Why are there so many notes and memos dotted around Monkey Island?
They mean nothing. I repeat: NOTHING. I will NOT repeat myself. There is only
one useful note, but we'll get to that later. Basically, they're just letters
which Herman Toothrot has sent to the cannibals and LeChuck and vice-versa.
Q: Shit! I destroyed the ship my crew are on! What do I do?
Don't do anything. It won't matter. While you're there, shoot the banana tree
on the beach. Yes, you're supposed to do that.
Q: OMG hlp mee!!111! I jmpd off da edge of teh cliff!!11thirtyfifth!111
Leave. Now.
Q: Seriously though, I think I've screwed up. I jumped off the cliff?
Wait. Guybrush will reappear. He will mention he was saved by a rubber tree for
a nice little in-joke XD.
Q: How do I get out of the hut in the cannibal village?
Use the curser along the floorboards. Roughly around the middle there should be
a loose floorboard. Pick it up and use the hole it uncovers to escape.
Q: Was I supposed to get the big hand-thing in the village, so called a "banana
No. Not yet. You can get it later though, when the villagers accept you into
their culture. If you must know, it's the banana picker that Herman is so
bitter about.
Q: What am I supposed to do to that damn monkey in the clearing?
Once you have all five bananas, give them all to him. He will follow you,
thinking you have all bananas. Go to the large skull. Pull the totem poll nose.
The monkey (JoJo Sr.) will grab onto it, opening the gate of the monkey head.
Once inside, pick up the wimpy idol and take it to the cannibal village as a
sacrifice to the great monkey.
Q: What am I supposed to do in the catacombs?
Use the voodoo head. It will point its nose in the direction to go. Soon enough
you will come to LeChuck's ghostly pirate ship.
Q: How do I get the voodoo head to let me use the invisibility necklace to get
on LeChuck's ship beneath Monkey Island?
Talk to the head (Looks cool up close, huh?). Threaten it a bit about throwing
it in the lava, and soon enough you'll be allowed.
Q: How do I get into the squeaky door on LeChuck's ship?
You must solve a series of puzzles to get inside this door. Here are the
Go down the hatch near the door. Keep walking until you reach the screen with
the ghost-chickens and ghost-pigs. Take a feather. Return to the room with the
sleeping ghost-pirate. Use the feather twice on his feet while his arm is
outstretched and pick up the bottle of grog he drops. Go to the chicken room
and climb down the hatch. Use the grog with the rat dish. Pick up the cooking
grease and return to the deck. Use the grease with the door.
Q: How do you get into the hatch on the bottom level of the ship?
The hatch is locked, so you will need a key. Use the magnetic compass with the
key in LeChuck's room and you can pick it up. Use the key in the hatch to open
Q: Ghostly tools? How do they help?
Go to the level with the ghostly chickens and pigs. See that box at the side?
Use the ghostly tools on it, and Guybrush will break it opening, exposing the
root you are looking oh so hard.
Questions about Last Part - Guybrush Kicks Butt
Q: How do I get past or defeat the ghost-pirates?
When any of them approach you, use the root spray on them. Don't dwell on
beating them all - the wedding is on!
Q: How do I stop LeChuck from beating the hell outta (pwning) me?
Wait until LeChuck punches you far enough for you to land in the docks. When
you do, get a root beer from the root beer machine and use it on LeChuck.
LeChuck will be blown away by the root, which magically happens to be the same
type of root as the previously mentioned magical one. Guybrush saves the day
for the first, but not the last time.
** 9. - Items List **
***** *****
* *
* Part One - 'The Three Trials': *
* *
***** *****
| | |
| Item | Description (What Guybrush says about it) |
| | |
| ___ Piece(s) of Eight | "I have ___ piece(s) of eight. |
| Pot | "Someone cooked a headcheese in this." |
| Hunk of Meat | "It's some sort of meat or meatlike substance..." |
| Fish | "I think it's a herring." |
| Minutes | "There sure are a lot of spelling errors." |
| Yellow Petal | "It's a striking yellow color." |
| Meat With Condiment | "It's some sort of meat or meatlike substance..." |
| Chicken | "Hmmm... A rubber chicken with a pulley in the |
| | middle... What possible use could this have?" |
| Sword | "SLASHMASTER™ -- When you want a sword as sharp as |
| | your wit." |
| Shovel | "DIGMASTER™ -- The only shovel for serious treasure-|
| | hunting enthusiasts." |
| Breath Mints | "BREATHMASTER™ -- For the pirate who cares about |
| | first impressions." |
| Map | *Looks at Map* |
| T-shirt | " "I found the Treasure of Melee Island™ and all I |
| | got was this stupid T-shirt." " |
| Manual of Style | "I think it's some kind of religious text." |
| Wax Lips | "They're yak-sized and covered with slobber. I'M |
| | certainly not going to chew on them." |
| Gopher Repellent | "It says gophers won't come near you with this stuff|
| | on." |
| Cake | "It's heavy." |
| Staple Remover | "I bet this will come in handy." |
| Fabulous Idol | "It's beautiful." |
| 100% Cotton T-Shirt | "It says 'I beat the Sword-Master.'" |
| Note | "Attention Pirates of Melee: Your governor is alive |
| | and well and she is by my side as she was always |
| | meant to be. If you try to find us you will only |
| | meet with horrifying disaster. Yours truly, |
| | Captain LeChuck." |
| Mug | "Looks like a fine pewter tankard." |
| Mug o' Grog | "Looks like a fine pewter tankard." |
| Melting Mug | "Looks like a fine pewter tankard." |
| Mug Near Death | "Looks like a fine pewter tankard." |
| Pewter Wad | "I don't think it will hold much now." |
| Business Card | "STAN'S PREVIOUSLY OWNED VESSELS - "I won't shut up |
| | until I've made you a deal!" -Stan |
| Magnetic Compass | " "When you set sail for good value, all winds blow |
| | towards Stan's!" (WARNING: Contains strong magnet |
| | which may interfere with other navigational |
| | equipment." |
| Storekeeper's Note | "I, the good and honourable storekeeper do hereby |
| | take the liability for the debts of the bearer of |
| | this note for any amount up to 5000 pieces of |
| | eight." |
***** *****
* *
* Part Two - 'The Journey': *
* *
***** *****
| | |
| Item | Description (What Guybrush says about it) |
| | |
| Pamphlet | "It's called "How to Get a Leg Up in Treasure |
| | Hunting."" |
| Leaflet | "It's caked "How to Get Ahead in Navigating."" |
| Brochure | "It's called "How to Arm Yourself in Sea Battle."" |
| Dusty Book | *Guybrush then reads entries of a diary* |
| Bookmark | "It's the top of a cereal box, used as a bookmark." |
| Cereal | "Hmmmm... I loved this stuff when I was a kid. I |
| | liked the way it chewed up the roof of your mouth."|
| Prize | "This is no prize! It's a small key with a finely |
| | engraved monkey on it." *Prize then changes to |
| | Small Key* |
| Piece of Paper | *Guybrush looks at the piece of paper* |
| Cinnamon Sticks | "I don't see anything special about them." |
| Giant Piece of Rope | "It's a giant piece of rope." |
| Piece of Rope | "It's a piece of rope." |
| Tiny Piece of Rope | "It's a tiny piece of rope." |
| Dinky Little Rope | "It's a dinky little rope." |
| Infinitesimally Small | (...Rope)"It's an infinitesimally small rope." |
| Pot | "It's about the same size as my head." |
| Jolly Rodger | "What a find looking flag. Shivers me timbers just |
| | looking at it." |
| Featherpen | "It's a ballpoint feather pen." |
| Ink | "I don't see anything special about it." |
| Flaming Mess | "Yikes!" |
| Gunpowder | "Looks explosive." |
***** *****
* *
* Part Three - 'Under Monkey Island' *
* *
***** *****
| | |
| Item | Description (What Guybrush says about it) |
| | |
| Spyglass | "WARNING: Objects in spyglass may be farther away |
| | they appear." |
| Rope | "Good, strong stuff." |
| Handful of Gunpowder | "Black and explosive, just the way I like it." |
| Cannon Ball | "It has three holes in it." |
| Noteworthy Rock | "I'm no geologist, but judging by these conchoidal |
| | fractures, I'd say this is a piece of flint." |
| Lens | "My feet look bigger through this." |
| Rope | "It seems to be a jump rope." |
| Skull | "What a cute little skull." |
| Wimpy Little Idol | "What a cheap piece of mass-produced tourist crap. |
| | On the bottom in says 'Made by Lemonhead.'" |
| Banana Picker | "It says "If found, please return to Herman |
| | Toothrot."" |
| Monkey Head Key | "It looks like a giant cotton swab." |
| Head of the Navigator | *Guybrush Looks at the Head* |
| Necklace of the... | (...Navigator) "It's slimy and goopy." |
| Ghost Feather | "It's a feather |
| Jug o' Grog | "It's a bottle of ghost grog." |
| Key | "It's a big ghostly-looking key." |
| Glob of Grease | "Yech, it's all over my hands." |
| Ghost Tools | "They're glowing ghost tools." |
| Voodoo Root | "It's twisted and dried up and not very impressive |
| | looking." |
***** *****
* *
* Last Part - 'Guybrush Kicks Butt' *
* *
***** *****
| | |
| Item | Description (What Guybrush says about it) |
| | |
| Magic Seltzer Bottle | "It seems to be filled with some carbonated fluid." |
| Root Beer | "It seems to be filled with some carbonated fluid." |
** 13. - Copyright Information **
This document is Copyright © Conor Cosgrave. All rights reserved. All
characters are trademarks of LucasArts. I hold no responsibility for any
copyright infringements made in this document.