
Shin Megami Tensei - Imagine Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Shin Megami Tensei - Imagine

Shin Megami Tensei - Imagine

                       Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
                     A Walkthrough and Helpful Guide

Copyright 2008 CyberTractor
26 January 2009

This guide may not be reposted onto any website without my consent. 
An email will pretty much always get you the permission you want.

Any questions, suggestions, and inqueries may be sent to

My character's name in-game is Gillispie.  If you see me on, drop a line. :)


Table of Contents

A. Update History
B. Introduction
C. General Information
    C1. Demons
    C2. Playing the Game
    C3. Macca and Magnetite
    C4. Dying and Homepoints
    C5. Alignment towards Law or Chaos
    C6. Expertise
D. Walkthrough
    D1. Chapter 1 - DB License
        (The D## terms are searchable terms)
        D11 - Act 1: A Demon Friend
        D12 - Act 2: Omen
        D13 - Act 3: The Raid
        D14 - Act 4: Azura
        D15 - Act 5: The Thick Forest
        D16 - Act 6: The Obelisk of Balance
        D17 - Act 7: DB License
    D2. Chapter 2 - The Children of Adam
        D21 - Act 8: The Obelisks of Form and Power
        D22 - Act 9: Setsu's Concerns
        D23 - Act 10: Azura's Search
        D24 - Act 11: Azura's Training
        D25 - Act 12: The Visionary of the Past
        D26 - Act 13: Emissary to the Messians/Gaians
E. Dungeons
    E1. Suginami
    E2. Hacked Chips
    E3. Shibuya Quartz
    E4. Old Ichigaya Camp
    E5. Shinigama Catacomb of the Knights Temple
    E6. Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern
    E7. Celu Tower    
    E8. G1 Trials
F. Quests
G. Fusions
H. Demonic Compendium
I. Cards
J. Frequently Asked Questions
K. Closing

= A. Update History ===========================================================

    1.0 - 26/1/2009 - Prelimenary formatting and basic information added.
        1.1 - Fixed indenting on the guide.
        1.2 - Added Fusions, Demonic Compendium placeholder, and act 7.
        1.3 - Added Expertise, revamped dungeons, and added a lot of fusions.
        1.4 - Added more quests.
        1.5 - Added a lot of fusions and up to act 11.

= B. Introduction =============================================================

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine is an MMORPG set in the world of Megaten. This
unique series of games encompasses a dozen or so wonderful RPGs, 
among them
are the series of Persona, Digital Devil Saga, and Shin Megami games, with a
few stand alone games like Devil Summoner. If Imagine interests you enough, I
encourage you to play some more of the games, though they can be quite rare to

= C. General Information ======================================================

This game has a few unique aspects that may need to be explained to people new
to the Shin Megami games. The most unique aspect are...

-- C1. Demons --

Demons in the Shin Megami world are, for the most part, intelligent creatures
from various mythologies that have manifested themselves in the real world as
data. There are dozens of different demons to capture and battle with, and
practically every one that you see can be under your command.

Demons can be set to attack stance, where they will attack according to their
AI. This AI can be trained, and will learn what you tell it to do after an
amount of time. Also, it will heal when necessary, and will cast Recarm when
it can.

To manually control your demon, hit tab (default key) and your camera will
pan in the demon's direction. You can move it and control it using the hotkeys
at the bottom, as usual. Pressing escape will cancel its action. This is handy
if you die and your demon is fighting something. You can cancel his action to
make him come ressurect you.

- Contracting Demons

Demons can be contracted mainly through two different ways:  talking and
threatening. Intellectual demons which talk in complete sentencesm such as
"Let's play a game!" will respond better to talking, while less intelligent
demons which talk in more neanderthalic sentences with varied capitalization
"sUcH aS tHis!!!" respond better to threatening.

Taunt can also be used, but I've yet to encounter a demon that likes it.

After talking to a demon enough, one of four things will happen.
    - The demon will attack you.
    - The demon will teleport away.
    - The demon will leave a treasure, and teleport away.
    - The demon will want to join you.

If the demon joins you, a green egg will appear. Click it and then set the
contract to be able to summon it. If you leave the egg there for a few minutes,
members of your party will be able to contract it instead. This is helpful for
helping friends find a particular demon.

- Summoning Demons

To summon a demon, you must click the 'demon' button normally located in the
bottom right of the screen, then 'demon list'. This brings up a list of demons.
Select the demon you want and click 'summon'. If you have the proper magnetite,
you will start summoning the demon.

Magnetite is gathered by killing demons, or you can sometimes find it for
sale in a bazaar shop.

- Skills

Your demon has room for 8 skills, which are normally hotkeys F1 through F8. As
your demon levels up, he will learn new skills which can be accessed through
the demon's status window. You can get there quickly by pressing 'info' under
your demon's picture in his status box.

Click on 'Learn Skill' to bring up the skills your demon has learned.

Acquired Skills are skills your demon has learned by leveling up. Inherited
Skills are skills your demons can learn because of what he was fused by.
These skills will be learned by being hit with a skill of the same class. For
instance, if your demon is learning Recarm, casting Dia on it will raise the
percentage of Recarm because both are curative magic.

To use a skill, drag it from the Acquired/Inherited Skill boxes onto a Learned
Skills box. If you drag a skill over a previously learned one, your demon will
'forget' the old skill to learn the new skill. Forgotten skills cannot be
relearned, so be careful.

-- C2. Playing the Game --

The game is comprised of various chapters. These chapters are divided into
various acts. Each chapter is a different story arc. Completing acts will
grant you various bonuses, such as reward experience, macca, or items.

These quests are generally "Kill X amount of Y monster" quests or  "Deliver
item X to location Y.", or sometimes a mixture of both.

A standard leveling system is in the game. When you level, you get variable
amounts of Attribute Points, which you use to boost your base stats. Your stats
and equipment determine your battle stats, which are both displayed on the
players "Status/Equipment" page.

-- C3. Macca and Magnetite --

There are two forms of currency in the world: macca and magnetite.

Macca is the money used by humans to buy and sell goods. Magnetite is the
resource used to summon demons.

Both can be found by killing demons throughout the world, but this is the only
way to acquire magnetite. Macca can be acquired by selling goods to an NPC or
through the bazaar.

-- C4. Dying and Homepoints --

Homepoints are respawn points if you die and have no way of being ressurected.
You can be ressurected in several ways. You can ressurect on the spot for a
hefty EXP penalty and minimal life gain, at the zone entrance for a slightly
smaller penalty, or at your homepoint for a minimal penalty.

You can also 'accept ressurection' from other players to only lose one percent
of your EXP, which is really useful in parties. This option is the best when

If you are level 10 or below, you incur no penalty for ressurection, so feel
free to explore and die as much as you'd like.

-- C5. Alignment towards Law or Chaos --

Your actions throughout the game will shift your alignment towards Law or
towards Chaos.  If you are aligned with Law, it costs less magnetite for you to
summon Law demons, but more for Neutral and Chaos.  Vice versa for Chaos.
Neutral allows you to summon Neutral demons cheaper, but you pay more for both
Law and Chaos, but not as much as you would if you were the opposite alignment.

-- C6. Expertise --

Leveling up skills is done through a system called Expertise.  You may choose
from many skills to gain expertise in.  The more you use the skill, the more
expertise you earn.  When you gain 100 points in the skill, you go up a rank.
Gaining 1000 points will earn you a class.

As you gain rank and class, more skills become available to you.  All skills
are viewable through the expertise menu.

To start gaining expertise in a skill, open the expertise menu and click on the
gray [-] on the right.  It will turn into a red [^] indicating it is going up.

A good place to grind some expertise is the first level of the Virtual Battle.
It is filled with nonaggressive slimes with a high respawn rate, however you
can't talk or threaten them.  To do this, grind with the demons right outside
Home 3.

Some expertises that I suggest increasing are
- main attack (either attack or shoot)
- side abilities of main attack (spin, rush, rapid)
- defensive abilities for melee attackers (guard, counter)
- talk and threaten
- demonology
- weapon knowledge for melee, gun knowledge (or firearms) for long range
- medical sciences
- magics for whichever class you wish to learn

= D. Walkthrough ==============================================================

Chapter One: DB License

Note: All acts for Chapter 1 start by talking to Snakeman in Virtual Battle.

-- D10 - Act 0: The Sin of Weakness

-- D11 - Act 1: A Demon Friend

For this mission, you must travel outside of Home 3 and travel south to
find a Leader Pixie. You must be level 3 before you'll be able to
capture one. If you have trouble finding the area, open up the minimap
by clicking the symbol in the top right corner of the screen new to the
moon phase. The Leader Pixies can be found around (16,23). Do not 
confuse Leader Pixies with regular Pixies.

If you have trouble catching one, read section C1 on demons to better
understand how contracting works.

After you get the Leader Pixie, return to Snakeman in Home 3. He'll
want to take the Leader Pixie from you to take her wings. If you choose
to let him, you get 1000 makka, lose the Leader Pixie, and move
slightly towards Chaos. If not, you keep the pixie and forgoe your

Either way, act complete.

-- D12 - Act 2: Omen

You have to go to the Cathedral of Shadows after talking to Snakeman.
The Master will give you a bronze plate and tell you to get 10 soul
shards from the Suginami Tunnels.

You can acquire soul shards from shops in the bazaar, but chances are
if this is your first time through, you can't afford them. No worries,
you will level up by going through the dungeon and earn some good items
if you beat it.

The Suginami Tunnel is a place that you'll become very well acquainted
with at later levels. There, you can create a dungeon complete with a
boss by using different colored plates. Bronze is the lowest level, and
the one you will be going through.

The Suginami Tunnel is located at (18, 24) and can only be reached by
crossing the bridge at (17, 20).

There is a home point here that I advise you use.

Walk downstairs. Here you will see a Yagiya, Yagiya Express, and a big
fountain looking structure. The Yagiya will sell you various plates for
the Suginami Tunnel. If you happen to clear the bronze dungeon without
getting enough soul shards, you'll have to buy another plate. They
don't cost much, so don't worry about running out of money.

I highly advise looking around for a party before going into a bronze.
At a low level, the creatures inside will be hard. Use your Cerberus's
fire breath to kill the Jack Frosts, and just pummel the Slimes and

Kodamas appear commonly, and be sure to loot the Kodama's bodies for
the soul shards.

Check the Suginami Tunnel section if you want additional information
about what awaits you inside.

After you get 10 soul shards, go back to the Master, then to Snakeman.
Your reward is 1500 makka.

-- D13 - Act 3: The Raid
    Level 10 requirement.

Go to the Home 3 Camp at (17, 18) of Suginami. Its the area in the
north that has the Yagiya on your minimap. 

Before you go, he'll ask you to fuse and Erthys. If you don't have the
demons you need on hand, go recruit them and return to get the next
part of the quest.

Talk to the guard here and he'll ask you to kill 20 Cait Sith and 
1 Turbulent Incarnation Cait Sith (the giant one). Neither of these are
too hard. 

To check your current progress, open up your quest menu and double
click on Act 3 to see how many you have left to kill.

After killing them, report back to the guard to be asked to kill
10 Inugami and 1 Shikigami. Inugami are aggressive and have a weakness
to lightning. 

Contrary to what Snakeman suggests, I would ditch Erthys
and recruit a Cait Sith instead. They have a charge move that is
lightning elemental, which deals more damage if you haven't leveled
up Erthys.

The Shikigami can be found farther north and has a weakness to fire,
so if you have problems, whip out Cerberus and use fire breath to make
the battle quick.

After finishing these off, return to the guard. He'll ask you to meet
him at the entrance to the warehouse. Return to Home 3 and go to the
north. You'll see the guard standing in front of the door.

Talk to him and he'll send you to the next area, which has a home point
You can bring a party into this area after you enter it, which is

Use it if you'd like, and continue through the tunnel until you come
to  another guard. This guard gives you a card that you can use on the

After using the card, you'll be transported to an area that has about
15 Shikigami and 1 Taraka (the one from Act 0).

Take out the Shikigami in whatever fashion you please.

When the Taraka is alone, go all out with your attacks. Taraka is
weak against ice Attacks, so Jack Frost may come in handy.

After killing the boss and receiving a lot of bonus EXP, head back to
Virtual Battle.

Before talking to Snakeman, summon Cerberus. Snakeman will reward you
with 2000 makka and he will take Cerberus away, letting him rest now
that Taraka has been killed.

-- D14 - Act 4: Azura
    Level 15 requirement.
    Bronze Suganami plate required.

Talk to Snakeman with the plate in your inventory and you'll start the
quest.  He will send you to the Cathedral, where they ask you to obtain
an Old World Stone. The Junkerman in Suginami (21, 23) is your next

For the next part, you must have at least one demon over level 12. At
the end of the act, you will have to sacrifice a demon over level 12,
so plan ahead.

The Junkerman says a demon can go into the tunnels to get the stone.
The higher their level, the higher chance they'll come back. A level
thirteen demon should have a 100% chance of coming back.

After obtaining the stone, summon the demon you want to be sacrificed
and head back to the Cathedral. The Master will take the demon and
stone from you. At the next full moon (it takes about 15 minutes for
moon cycles to change by 1/8) he will give you a rare Gray Plate. If
you lose it, you can return for another.

You will definitely want a party before coming into this dungeon.
Higher level characters are always willing to help out with this
dungeon because it gives you a whopping 100,000 bonux EXP upon

This is a six floor dungeon with bosses on floors two, four, and six.
On level two you fight a Forneus which is only weak towards fire and
lightning elemental physical attacks and has a lot of defenses. A Cait
Sith is helpful. He is immune to shotguns, and all magic.

On level four you fight Decarbia, which is weak against blunt attacks,
rifles, shotguns, and holy attacks. He is immune to thrust, blowback,
and fire. He is much easier than the previous one.

On level six you'll fight another boss, along with several of the
previous bosses as minions. The new demon is weak to force and pierce,
and nullifies holy, shotguns, handguns, and blowback attacks.

After the battle, enjoy your bonus experience, grab a cube, and leave.
Head back to Snakeman for a 2500 makka reward.

NOTE:  If you go back into a gray dungeon (by helping someone else),
talk to the Jack Frost at the beginning. He'll give you a Jack Frost

-- D15 - Act 5: The Thick Forest

Take the job from Snakeman. This act will be a lot less hectic since
there is no mandatory fighting. You are going to travel through
Suginami to (27,19) and go to Nakano.

After exiting Home 3, travel to (18, 22) which is right by the Yagiya and
talk to Nonaka in Nakano. He will send you to the Clumsy Researcher,
which is on the east end of the building on the north.

The researcher will tell you he dropped the data. A man near the
entrance to Babel has the data at (27, 18). He will want 1000 makka for
the data. If you threaten the man, you move slightly towards Chaos and
only pay 100 makka.

After obtaining the data, go back to Snakeman. He'll give you 3000

-- D16 - Act 6: The Obelisk of Balance

Snakeman will send you back to Nakano. This time, after entering 
Nakano, go to the Obelisk in the center (20, 20). Talk to the Innocent
here. He will have you talk to the DB's around him.

Helping Yamaguchi will move you closer to Law and make you kill
10 Gyuki and 20 Azumi. Helping Kano will move you to Chaos and have
you kill 10 Kelpies and 20 Cockatrices. Both are the same difficulty,
so help either one then report back to the Innocent.

You'll see an event where a high ranking DB slaughters a mass of

After watching this, the Innocent will have you report back to
Snakeman. Do so, and you'll be rewarded 4000 makka.

-- D17 - Act 7: DB License
 Level 25 required.

This act consists of four battles: three of which are back to back.  You'll
need a variety of skills at your disposal if you'll want to come out of this
mission unscathed.  Fire, ice, and rifles will make these battles easier.

At level 21, a Fallen Angel Andras has both bufu and agi, as well as Lemegeton,
which casts 2x Makakaja.  He is very useful in the fight since he hits every
elemental weakness these fights throws at you.

After you talk to Snakeman and get your License Test Card, go to the far
right side of the room next to the Vizionz Girl and click on the terminal.
Insert your card and you'll start the fights.

The first three fights must be fought on your own.

The first battle is against 10 Garms.  Just like the Suginami bronze boss, they
are weak versus fire and guns.  Attack one generates enmity from all of them,
so wait for one to seperate itself from the group before you attack.

The second battle is against a Jack Frost and Pyro Jack.  Jack Frost is weak
versus fire and shotguns, while Pyro Jack is weak versus ice.  If you start to
charge magic around them, they'll attack you immediately, so either charge up
away from them, use magic stones, or avoid magic altogether.

The third battle is against an Orthrus and Cerberus, both of which are weak
versus ice.  Orthrus is immune to all melee attacks, so pound at him with
ice magic and bufu stones.

After this, you'll see a cut scene.  Head to the service entrance (the same one
from act 3) and this time you'll be choosing to go to location B.  You can
bring a party into this fight, and its highly advised to do so.  You'll fight
more Shikigami whose stats have been increased but are still succeptible to
fire, and an Oni who is weak to poison (and doens't have any resistances from
what I saw.)  This battle shouldn't be hard with a decent party.

Afterwards, enjoy your 200,000 bonus experience.

Talk to Snakeman and you'll finally receive your DB license and tell you to go
to Babel and talk to Yamamoto to get further acts.

The biggest benefit is that you can now teleport directly to Shinjuku Babel by
talking to the Home 3 homepoint.  Just select 'use teleporter' to warp there.

-- D21 - Act 8: The Obelisks of Form and Power

Head to Shinjuku Babel (don't forget you can teleport there and back once a day)
and head all the way to the north.  Talk to the guard at the door and head

Directly in front of you is Yamamoto the Steel Willed.  He is who you're going
to get your quests from from now on.  Talk to him to see a scene.

It seems that the Messians and the Gaians are doing missionary work in Babel,
and you are going to be the mediator.  You are given two codes and told where
the two people are.

First, talk to the Messian who is at (24, 23).  Give her the code LM5988 and
then she will talk about the Messian philosophy.  She will then ask you a few
questions about it.

The answers are
- Shinigawa
- Judah the Dilligent
- Millenial Kingdom...

Answering these right will shift you towards Law.

Now go find the Gaian who is directly north.  Give him CG5991 and he will talk
about the Gaian philosophy and ask you a few questions which will shift you
towards Chaos.

The answers are
- Ueno
- Doukan the Dauntless
- A World of Freedom and Liberty

Return to Yamamoto and he'll now ask you to check out the other two Obelisks.
You'll gain 50,000 bonus experience at this point.

Now head south to Shibuya.  In this new area you should see demolished
buildings and crystals everywhere.  Head to (21, 20) to the west side of the
Obelisk.  Talk to the Innocent.

If you chose yes to this, you get a big shift towards Law.
Choosing no has no effect.

Return to Yamamoto and now leave Babel to the east.

In Ichigaya, you should find the Innocent and Obelisk at (21, 19).  This time,
the Innocent's question will have shift you to Chaos if you say yes.

Return to Yamamoto and you'll finally be introduced to Setsu, Azura's brother,
and be rewarded with 100,000 bonus exp.

-- D22 - Act 9: Setsu's Concerns

Yamamoto now has interest in Celu Tower, which is in Shibuya.

There are a lot of Divine demons in this dungeon, and it is very dangerous and
unwise to go in without a party, so get a decent one together and have at it.

Once inside, head south and into the Celu Tower and use the Inspection Plate.
Talk to DB Yamaguchi at the beginning to record data on the Divines.
DB Kano at (24, 18)
DB Watanabe at (23, 22)
DB Matsudo at (24, 19)
DB Saito at (25, 22)
Throw the switch (30, 20)
Friendly Demon Buster at (30, 17)
Go to the next floor.
If you talked to all the DB's, the DB at the door will let you pass.
Now you'll fight a boss.

4 Archangels and a Power.  The Archangels are just like the ones from Suginami
Silver, and the Power is a more powerful Divine.  Take them on one at a time.

After the fight, talk to the DB and you'll be teleported back to Babel.
Talk to Yamamoto and you'll finish the quest and earn 500,000 bonus exp.

Leave the room and see a scene to actually finish the quest.

-- D23 - Act 10: Azura's Search

Yamamoto will tell you to go to Snakeman.  Trek or teleport back to Home 3 and
talk to Snakeman, who will give you a Kingdom plate for the Suginami Tunnels.

Head to the tunnels (with a party, preferably) and use the Kingdom plate.

Forneus is weak to electicity.
Decarabia is weak to expel, long range, and blunt.
Eligor is weak to electricity.
Andras has no weakness.

One the first floor, there is an ore in the little room at (15, 22) and another
at (28, 19).  You must pick these up.

Use the two ores to open the door on the second floor.  After the scene, you'll
fight a boss.  You are rewarded with 200,000 bonus exp upon his defeat.

After the boss, talk to the Kingdom Crystal.  These choices have very obvious
effects on your alignment.  Afterwards, you will be teleported to Babel.

Talk to Yamamoto to complete the mission and receive 500,000 bonus exp.

-- D24 - Act 11: Azura's Training

Yamamoto will have you trek back to Home 3 again to retrieve Azura.  Talk to
Snakeman to receive a VB Card C, which you need to use on the terminal on
your right.

Talk to Azura and you'll get a Comp (modified).
Take it to Snakeman, then head to the accessory shop (where you buy armor).
Talk to the intern (guy on the right).
Go back to Snakeman, then head to the Service Tunnel.
Talk to the man by the Security Computer, then talk to DB Yamaguchi.
Return to Snakeman, then go talk to Azura in the terminal again.***
*** - You can bring a party in this time.
After a humorous scene, prepare for a fight against 2 Fenrir.
Fenrir are weak against guns and reflect fire.
After battle you receive 100,000 bonus exp.
Talk to Snakeman and he'll teleport you back to Babel.
Talk to Yamamoto to finish the quest and receive 300,000 bonus exp.

-- D25 - Act 12: The Visionary of the Past
   Level 30 requirement.

-- D26 - Act 13: Emissary to the Messians/Gaians

= E. Dungeons =================================================================

The general format will be:

-- Plate type -- Number of floors --
Enemy name (level) - weakness

NOTE: Additional notes go here.

E1. Suginami Tunnels

NOTE: All Glittering Ore must be turned into the Yagiya before you may reenter
a dungeon.  You get 1 Revival Bead for each ore you turn in (one at a time).

Located at Suginami (18, 24)

-- Bronze -- 2 --

Onmoraki (1) - force, penetrate
Kodama (3) - fire
Slime (6) - fire, expel
Cait Sith (7) - long range
Jack Frost (11) - fire, spread
Angel (11) - none
Sudama (17) - fire
Nekomata (26) - electricity

BOSS: Great Beast Garm - fire, long range

General Notes: Sudama can suicide bomb you for 80+ damage, and the Nekomata
can aggro you and be quite nasty in packs.  Nothing here should cause that
much trouble, really.

-- Silver -- 3 --

Onmoraki (1) - force, penetrate
Slime (6) - fire
Blob (16) - ice
Deformed Onmoraki (19) - force, penetrate
Black Ooze (31) - electricity
Deformed Cait Sith (33) - long range
Troll (38) - fire, spread
Deformed Black Ooze (46) - electricity
Deformed Troll (48) - fire, spread
Deformed Jack Frost (51) - fire, spread
Deformed Archangel (53) - ice

BOSS: Column Dwellers Decarabia - long range, blunt

-- Gold --

-- Gray -- 6 --

Onmoraki (1) - force, penetrate
Slime (6) - fire
Cait Sith (7) - long range
Jack Frost (11) - fire
Blob (16) - ice
Sudama (19) - fire
Deformed Onmoraki (19) - force penetrate
Nekomata (26) - electricity
Black Ooze (31) - electricity
Deformed Cait Sith (33) - long range
Troll (38) - fire, spread
Deformed Jack Frost (51) - fire, spread

MINIBOSS: Column Dwellers Forneus - electric, may reflect all 4 elements
MINIBOSS: Column Dwellers Decarabia - long range, blunt
BOSS: Column Dwellers Andras - reflects force

NOTE: Gray dungeons are only available for act 4, but a party may be brought.
      Completion yields 100,000 exp.

-- Kingdom --

E2. Hacked Chips

Sometimes you'll find a Broken IC Chip when you kill an enemy.  These can be
taken to the Virtual Battle girl (the one on the bridge) and be turned into
Hacked Chips.

NOTE: For this section, the demons listed in the seperated section are prizes.

-- Home 3 -- 3 --
Newbie Demon Buster (21, 20)

Electric Fairy - death
Cyber Wood Kodama - fire
BOSS: Oberon -

Accomplished Erthys (1)

-- Camp Ground --
Young Demon Buster (

Electric King Oni (small) - fire
(4 rounds of increasing difficulty)

Accomplished Unicorn (21)
Accomplished Aeros (1)
Inexperienced Mothman (20)
Feng Huang (20)
Kikuri-Hime (18)
Apis (24)

-- Shinjuku Babel -- 2 --
DB Watanabe (19, 23)

C64.BLOB@dd - ice
WORM_B.OOZE.dd - electricity

NOTE: The second floor has 1 giant version of each.
      The black ooze blocks magic.

After the battle, return the repair data to Watanabe for a mid level demon.
Sarasvati (30)
Baphomet (30)

E3. Shibuya Quartz

Located at Shibuya (20, 21)

This dungeon is annoying in the sense that you keep teleporting all around
the map, not knowing where exactly you'll be going.

-- Bronze -- 4 --

Inexperienced Harpy (3) - long range, force
Harpy (7) - long range, force
Inexperienced Ocypete (14) - long range, force
High Pixie (15) - none
Inexperienced Elf (16) - none
Accomplished High Pixie (15) -
Ocypete (25) - long range, force
Mirror Inugami (27) - reflects all magic
Inexperienced Aello (28) - none
Kelaino (30) - long range, force, reflects charge
Elf (31) - none
Lucky Hua Po (33) - ice
Inexperienced Oberon (36) - none
Aello (36) - long range, force
Inexperienced Titania (38) - none

MINIBOSS: Dangerous Matter Sudama - fire
BOSS: Furiae - long range, force

E4. Old Ichigaya Camp
E5. Shinigama Catacomb of the Knights Temple
E6. Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern
E7. Celu Tower

E8. G1 Trials

Any bronze, silver, or gold dungeon can be turned into a G1 Trial by
using a stopwatch (which is bought from the Yagiya express) while
creating the dungeon.

By going through the dungeon quickly, you earn Yagiya Seals. These
can be traded in at the Yagiya Express for items, or entrance into a
gem raffle.

The gem raffle will always reward you with random gems of variable
rarity and quantity.

= F. Quests ===================================================================

Quests follow this general format:

Quest name
- Who gives it to you
- Where you get it.
- Any other requirements.
- What you have to do to finish the quest
- What you get for beating it.

-- Home 3 --

The Guard's Desire
- Guard
- (16, 19)
- Talk to the home point girl, set Home 3 as your home point,
  then report back to the guard.
- Small amount of experience.

Soul Shards: The Sequel
- Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
- Cathedral of Shadows
- Must be under level 20.
- Gather 20 Soul Shards and talk to the Master while the
  moon is 'new'. 
- Experience based off of your current level.

- Discarded Woman
- (27, 21)
- Give the letter to the woman's husband in Shinjuku Babel.

Fellow Adventurers!
- Experienced Demon Buster
- (24, 20)
- Form a party and talk to her, then fight against 5 Garms
  and a Cerberus.  These only inflict 1 damage per hit.
- 1000 experience.

Let's trade!
- Experienced Demon Buster
- (24, 20)
- Talk to her to learn about trades, then talk to her again.
  You'll get a random ticket A through E.  Find someone who has
  a different ticket and trade them.
- No reward, but you get the keep the ticket.

-- Suginami --

Close Counters
- Guard
- Suginami (17, 18)
- Defeat 5 Victory Rainbow Jack Frosts.
- You do not have to use dodge.
- You get a small amount of experience.

A Gentleman's Lesson
- Curious Demon Buster
- Suginami (21, 20)
- Defeat 5 Kissy PIxies.
- You do not have to use counter.
- You get 500 experience.

Understanding Plamsa
- DB Harumi
- Suginami (18, 17)
- Acquire 20 Empty Cans: Oolong Tea and
- 10 Wrinkled T-Shirts: Sweaty.
- You get 500 experience.

Extract the Aluminum!
- DB Harumi
- Suginami (18, 17)
- Gather 10 Aluminums by deconstructing the 
- Empty Cans; oolong Tea.
- You get 500 experience.

Gain Expertise in ***!
- Friendly Demon Buster
- Suginami (14, 20)
- Raise your Expertise in *** to class 2.
- *** is either attack, magic, or shot.
- Your expertise cannot already be 2 before 
  accepting quest.

Troubled Pixie
- Pixie
- Suginami (14, 19)
- Register an Unseasoned Jack Frost in your Compendium.

-- Shinjuku Babel --

Albertus' Oratorio
- Saint Germain
- (20, 19)
- Acquire 1 Faded Earring: Garnet.

Nettesheim's Biblio
- Saint Germain
- (20, 19)
- Collect 5 Makanda Stones.

Hohenheim's Embryo
- Saint Germain
- (20, 19)
- Collect 30 soul shards OR an item belonging to Hohenheim.
- You get 1 class in Occultism.
  Make sure you have 1000 expertise points available and Occultism is active.

Mount Quest
- DB Okabe
- Shinjuku exit to Nakano
- This does not appear in your quest log.
- Talk to him and go through the 3 lessons.
- After, you'll be given a level 20 Nimble Cerberus
- and a ring that lets you mount him.

Seeking Demon Info!
- DB Saito
- (19, 22)
- Gather DC Memory for both a Hua Po and an
  Unseasoned Hua Po. One DCM is given to you.

The Road to Smithing
- Masterly Dwarf
- (24, 18)
- Gather 10 opals, then raise your Weapon Knowledge expertise to class 1.
- 1 class in Compounding.
  Have 1000 expertise points available and Compounding active.
= G. Fusions ==================================================================

Fusions are the combination of two demons to yield a different demon. These may
seem random at first, but they actually follow quite a simple formula.

The race of the two demons are added together to get a third race.  The levels
of the material demons are averaged together, and that level will determine
what demon you get.

There are 24 families in all.
Any family fused with itself will yield an elemental.

EE - Earth Element
FO - Foul
YO - Yoma
BR - Brute
WB - Wild Bird
HA - Haunt
FA - Fairy
WI - Wilder
BE - Beast
SN - Snake
DI - Divine
AN - Fallen Angel
RA - Raptor
FE - Femme
HB - Holy Beast
NC - Nocturnus
AV - Avian
ED - Evil Dragon
GD - Goddess
ME - Mother Earth
DM - Evil Demon
DR - Dragon
HG - Heavenly God
NR - Nation Ruler
XX - Can't be done

AE - Aeros
FL - Flaemis
AQ - Aquans
ER - Erthys

How to read the chart: find the intersection of the row and the column of the
two families that you are fusing.  That is the family of the demon you'll get.

EE|ER|FE|WI|  |  |  |WI|BR|YO|  |NC|YO|  |WI|BE|  |DI|  |ME|  |  |  |  |  |
FO|FE|  |  |  |  |  |  |WB|WI|  |AN|XX|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
YO|WI|  |  |  |  |  |  |DM|AN|  |  |  |  |BR|DI|  |NC|  |FE|NC|  |  |  |  |
BR|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
WB|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
HA|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |EE|BE|  |  |YO|  |FO|  |  |  |  |VI|  |  |  |  |  |
FA|WI|  |  |  |  |  |  |WB|DI|  |  |YO|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
WI|BR|WB|DM|  |  |EE|WB|AE|EE|  |AN|NC|  |AN|  |  |  |  |BE|HA|  |  |  |  |
BE|YO|WI|AN|  |  |BE|DI|EE|AE|  |HB|NC|  |AN|  |  |  |  |HB|DR|  |  |  |  |
SN|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
DI|NC|AN|  |  |  |  |  |AN|HB|  |  |XX|  |BE|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
AN|YO|XX|  |  |  |Yo|YO|NC|NC|  |XX|  |  |WI|  |  |  |  |DI|  |  |  |  |  |
RA|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
FE|WI|  |  |  |  |FO|  |AN|AN|  |BE|WI|  |  |ME|  |GD|  |ME|  |  |  |  |  |
HB|BE|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |ME|  |  |ME|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
NC|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
AV|DI|  |NC|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |GD|ME|  |  |  |HG|  |  |  |  |  |
ED|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
GD|ME|  |FE|  |  |VI|  |BE|HB|  |  |DI|  |ME|  |  |HG|  |XX|  |  |  |  |  |
ME|  |  |NC|  |  |  |  |HA|DR|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
DM|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
DR|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
HG|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
NR|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

** This chart is not yet complete.  If you can help fill it, please do. **

-- Using Elementals --

Fusing elementals with demons gives you various results.  You could get the 
same demon with altered stats, a lower class demon, or a higher class demon.

SD - Same Demon
HC - Higher class
LC - Lower class
XX - Can't be done

AE|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
FL|  |LC|LC|  |  |  |  |  |HC|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HC|  |  |
AQ|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
ER|LC|  |  |  |  |  |  |SD|HC|  |SD|SD|  |HC|  |  |  |  |LC|  |  |  |  |  |

-- Inheriting Skills --

A demon made through fusion can learn skills from the two demons he was made
from.  These are shown under "Inherited Skills" when the demon is being fused.

The more a demon is hit with a skill from the same family as the inherited
skill, the more he will learn it.  Once the guage is at 100%, the demon will
be able to use the move.

= H. Demonic Compendium =======================================================

**soon to come**

= I. Cards ====================================================================

Every monster in the game has the chance to drop a card.  There are numerous
cards to collect, and numerous sets to make.  In every town there is a Card
Maniac who will (along with other NPCs) ask you to make sets out of the cards.

Name of set
- (how many you need)x what you need111111
- What you get.

Jack Bros
- 1x Jack Frost
  1x Pyro Jack
- 3x Ointments

= J. Frequently Asked Questions ===============================================

Q: What's the best demon for a warrior build to use?

A: Well, there is no definitive 'best demon'. It depends on your playstyle. If
   you were going for purely offensive, go with a good physical attacker.  If
   you were going to solo a dungeon, bring some demons to hit the elemental
   weaknesses of whatever you were going to come against.  In a party, a healer
   always comes in handy.  If your player is doing most of the damage, a demon
   which can cast buffs and cure status effects is always helpful.

   Tailor your demon to best suit whatever it is that you are lacking.

Send your questions to fllmtlchcb at and I'll try my best to 

= K. Closing ==================================================================

A big thanks to Illuminatia for helping with a lot of quests and fusion

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email them to 
at fllmtlchcb at


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