Sinking Island
Benoit Sokal's
Sinking Island Walkthrough by Pale Prophet
Walter Jones, a billionaire, is found dead at the bottom of a huge Art Deco
tower that he had built on a tropical island. The hotel that he had hoped
to turn into a holiday resort for the international jet set turned out to
be his last resting place.
You play the role of inspector Jack Norm. While a storm is raging, you have
three days to find out the truth behind this mysterious death.
Accident or premeditated murder?
Which of the ten people on the island at the time of the death might have
reason to want Walter Jones dead?
The game can be played in two modes
Adventure :
An island. A dead man. Several suspects. Be vigilant, clues can be found
An action-packed investigation full of surprises
Race Against Time :
Time goes by quickly. Suspects get annoyed and tension is rising.
Will you be able to solve the case in time?
The game takes place over 3 days. Certain objects can only be taken on
certain days.
There are 13 Mandates to solves, that do not have to be done in order.
This walkthrough was done in Adventure mode.
To access your inventory objects click the right mouse button.
The click the desired object to use.
Personal Police Assistant (upper right corner)
Characters Database: all characters details and their locations.
Progression: shows the available mandates.
Clue Manager: material clues, photos, documents and declarations.
You can also compare clues to each other eg. prints etc.
In the Clue Manager on the upper left is the current mandate you are
Just underneath that is the Progress Bar, mandates can not be solved
until the Progress Bar is full.
(I suggest checking the PPA after collecting any evidence so that you
can see what evidence increases the Progress Bar.)
The clues that are needed to solve the mandate go under the Progress Bar.
To compare evidence click on the head in the lower rightside of the
Click a piece of evidence from the left and one from the right.
Press the compare button.
Then the evidence will join to one spot.
If there is only evidence on one side, then there is no evidence to
If there are several mandates going at once you can select one by
going into the Progression screen on the PPA, clicking on the one
you want and then going back into the Clue Manager. The selected
mandate will now appear at the top.
Madate List
1. Was Walter Jones's death accidental?
2. Who was at the Belvedere of the Tortoise on the night of Walter
Jones's death?
3. What happened between Walter Jones and Baina on the Belvedere of
the Tortoise?
4. What was the cause of W. Jones's death?
5. Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen? If
so by whom?
6. What did W. Jones's safe contain? Is Nolent responsible for
the theft.
7. What was the crime weapon?
8. Where was the shot fired from?
9. Who seems to be a good marksman?
10. Who were the last people to go into the library before the
11. What is Simbi Laktar still doing on the island?
12. Was Hubert de Nolent's death really a suicide?
13. Are there one or more irrefutable pieces of evidence
of Marco's guilt?
Does his alibi hold water?
Hotel Floors
L1 Ground floor -
L2 - Restaurant, Kitchen
14 Suites -
15 Suites -
16 Suites - Jack's room
17 Technical Workshop
18 Heliport, Garden
19 Heliport Lougnes
20 Walter's Room
21 Walter's office, Library
22 Lorenzo's Studio
Walter Jones - Victim
Jack Norm - Inspector
Hubert de Nolent - Attorney
Lorenzo Battaglieri - Architect
Sonia Jones - Granddaughter
Marco Jones - Grandson
Billy Jones - Grandson
Martin Abruzzi - Sonia's husband
Cristina Bromski - Marco's girlfriend
Clara Jones - Billy's wife
Baina Jumhu - Kolio's daughter
Kolio Jumhu - Baina's father
At points in the game Jack will be hungry and go to the restaurant
for food, after he has finished just continue with what you were
doing before.
Also Jack's girlfriend calls from time to time and he returns to
his room to take the call more privately. Again just return to
whatever you were doing.
Mandate 1 : The death of Walter Jones is it accidental?
Jack is greeted at the heliport by Hubert de Nolent the victim's
Jack and Nolent visit the lookout de la Tortue were the body is.
Examine the corpse, look at his face, a fingernail (female)
remained embedded in his cheek, there is a injury on his forehead
and a red mark around his neck.
Take a picture. Watch the cutscene.
It's up to the coroner now to find out the cause of death.
Click on Nolent to ask him questions. Click on his file. Ask all
the dialogues.
He says he saw Baina Jumhu murder him by pushing him over the ledge.
He said Walter went for a walk around 10pm.
Said he was in his office around 10:15 - 10:30pm, to meet Walter
for a meeting.
When he didn't show he looked out the window for him
and saw Ba'i'na Jumhu quarelling with him at the Tortoise
Belvedere, then Walter fell to the bottom in his wheelchair.
He rushed over to help but it was too late. He called the police.
He worked with Walter Jones over 20 years and it was an excellent
He said that Walter was mentally "solid as a rock".
We nee to compare evidence!
Open the Clues Database in the PPA.
The Question at the top is "Was Walter Jones's death accidental?"
Double click Nolent in the Declarations to get up his statements.
We want no. 3 "Nolent explains that no natural causes could be
Drag it to the DEC icon on the left column and drag the picture
of Walter Jones to the PIC icon next to it. Press ok at the bottom
to compare evidence.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 1. Was Walter Jones's death accidental?
DEC (1)
"Nolent explains that no natural causes could be responsible".
Mandate 1 Resolved
The death of Walter Jones seems to be criminal!
New mandates are now available.
2. Who was at the Belvedere of the Tortoise on the night of
Walter Jones's death?
4. What was the cause of W. Jones's death?
Talk to Nolent again. But he know nothing about medicine!
Go up the ladder, cutscene, Jack says that it was murder.
Nolent gives him a list of everyone on the island and the
key to a room for him to stay in.
Track marks appear next on the screen, take a photo of them.
He was not alone before the fall and his wheelchair moment was
Pickup the small balls in the lower rightside of the screen.
Open the PPA and check the new evidence.
The small balls are beads (pearls) from a necklace.
Click to go back down the cliff, and you will first stop at
the wheelchair.
Examine the wheelchair. Pick up the necklace on the ground.
Examine the wires and find "there is a piece missing on the
Examine the handle on the wheelchair and click on the
Jack says that he'll need some Graphite power to take the
print,and that the architect might have some.
So let's go and see him first so we can get the graffite
Check in the PPA to see where Lorenzo is. He is on Promenade
Get back up the cliff and off we go!
Head towards the upper left of the screen, now the bottom of
the screen.
Now there are two ways to go. First go to the upper left.
Pickup the piece of cloth on the left, on the rock.
"To what does this piece of cloth belong". It looks torn!
Now back to the track and follow the other path on the lower
Keep following the path around to the left.
Here there are some prints to examine and take a photo of,
"there were two people following Jones that evening."
Keep going along the path, down the bottom of the screen.
Cutscene, someone (Baina) stretching then runs off.
Jack looks left and hears Sonia Jones and Lorenzo Battaglieri
He goes on down to the beach to them.
Talk to them both, use all dialogues.
Jack will ask to photograph his shoes, to compare prints.
So let's compare them. Open up the compare screen.
Click, from the left, the "Track found under the arbar".
From the right, click the "Picture of Lorenzo's shoe soles."
Incorrect Macth!
Talking to Sonia, Jack takes a photo of her hands.
Check the Photo, all her fingernails look fine.
Jack will ask to photograph Sonia's shoes, to compare prints.
Talk to Lorzeno again he askes about Sonia.
Talk to Sonia again about what Lorenzo had said.
Go back up to the path and follow after Baina.
Cutscene, Jumhu is stretching again and then continues running.
Follow after her to the right to the front of the hotel.
Baina is on the right go to her. She jogs away.
Again follow her onto the beach until you reach her hut.
Look at the dark spot on the ground near the entrance.
See foot prints and take a photo.
They are the footprints of the Baina.
Compare prints. "Baina's footprints" right and "Bare footprints"
on the left.
They Macth!
Now we have some evidence for the mandate 2. Drag the new PIC
under the Mandate.
Talk to Baina.
Jack takes a photo of her hands. She has a broken fingernail.
Compare: "Picture of Baina's hands" with "W. Jones's face".
Ask her all questions, she never answers.
Talk to Kolio, Baina's father and ask all questions.
Jack will take a photo of his shoes.
Kolio will tell you to talk to Lorenzo, to find out what Baina
and Walter may have argued about.
So we need to Lorenzo again to ask more questions.
First, have a look in their hut.
Take the broken pearl necklace.
Compare it to the beads. It matches and the Progress Bar is
now longer.
Drag the "Beads from Baina's Necklace" to the mandate area.
Now take the Gift.
Open Kolio's chest and take the "Letter from W. Jones to Kolio."
Go back to talk to Kolio again and ask all questions.
Now back to Lorenzo on the beach.
Talk to Lorenzo and Sonia.
Now remember will wanted the Graphite powder, let's go and find it.
Floor 22 for Lorenzo room.
Go ito the hotel, go to the bottom centre of the screen,
Go left a few times to the counter and pickup a "Menu" and a
Go up screen and look at the notice, "this elevator is out of
service",so cross to other side of the room. Over to the elevator
in the corner.
This elevator only goes to floor 18, go there and get off.
go right into the building then lower left corner to another
Go up to floor 22 and enter Lorenzo office.
Look in the cabinet on the left and take the "Biathlon Gold Medal".
Look in the cabinet on the right, take the "Lorenzo's ripped jacket".
Compare the piece of "cloth" to "Lorenzo's jacket", it's a match!
Go and update the mandate screen with this info.
Now walk down the steps, then into the next screen and look at the
Pick up the "small pad of paper" and the "pencil".
Notice the pencil sharper can be used and we want powder for
collecting prints.
Use the "Pencil" on the pencil sharper, use the handle and then
open the draw and take the "Graphite powder".
Now let's go back and get the fingerprints of the wheelchair.
Out of the hotel to the bottom left of the screen, left again
back to the cliff.
Use the "Graphite powder" on the wheelchair and take a photo.
Now to get Baina fingerprints so go back to get her hut.
Talk to Baina, Jack will take her fingerprints.
Compare Baina's prints to the prints on the wheelchair.
It's a match.
Add Baina's fingerprints on the handle of the wheelchair the
the mandate.
Talk to Kolio, Jack will take his fingerprints, ask Kolio all
Now back to Lorenzo to ask him about his jacket.
Lorenzo is now in the Technical Workshop on floor which is on
the 17th floor.
Cutscene, talk to Lorenzo, Jack takes his fingerprints,ask all
Check the mandate and add
"Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that W. Jones tried to
attack Baina."
Talk to Sonia again.
Now we know Hubert de Nolent was there he told us, so we need to
check his shoes.
He is in the library on the 21st floor.
Talk to Nolent, Jack will take a photo of his shoes.
Compare "Track found under the arbor" to "Picture of Nolent's shoe".
It's a match. Add "Picture of Nolent's shoe prints" to the mandate.
Ask Nolent all questions.
Check the mandate, some declarations can be added. So add
"Nolent saw Baina and Lorenzo outside last night"
"Noletnt clearly saw Lorenzo running from the belvedere last night"
Back to Lorenzo on 17th floor, because he never mentioned seeing
Nolent here.
Check the mandate it now full, add Lorenzo statement.
"Lorenzo did see Nolent on the night of W. Jones death."
And press ok to update confirm your mandate ideas.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 2.
Who was at the Belvedere of the Tortoise on the night of
Walter Jones's death?
DEC (4)
"Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that W. Jones
tried to attack Baina."
"Nolent saw Baina and Lorenzo outside last night"
"Noletnt clearly saw Lorenzo running from the belvedere last night"
"Lorenzo did see Nolent on the night of W. Jones death."
M (2)
"Beads from Baina's necklace"
"Scrap of one of Lorenzo's jackets"
Mandate Resolved
Lorenzo, Baina and Nolent all went to the Tortosie Belvedere the
night before!
New mandates are now available.
3. What happened between Walter Jones and Baina on the Belvedere
of the Tortoise?
New mandate has been unlocked no.3, go and check it.
Now we aleady have enough evidence to complete most of this mandate.
Only one piece left to get.
DEC (2)
"Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that W. Jones tried
to attack Baina."
M (1)
"Bead from Baina's Necklace."
PIC (1)
"Picture of Walter Jones's face."
P (2)
"Picture of chaotic footprints."
"Picture of skidmarks from Walter Jones' wheelchair."
Talk to Lorenzo again.
Talk to Sonia again.
Now back to talk to Nolent again as they were the three people
The Mandate is now full.
Use "Nolent saw Baina push Walter Jones off of the cliff."
Final Conclusion
Mandate 3.
What happened between Walter Jones and Baina on the Belvedere of the
DEC (2)
"Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that W. Jones tried to
attack Baina."
"Nolent saw Baina push Walter Jones off of the cliff."
M (1)
"Bead from Baina's Necklace."
PIC (1)
"Picture of Walter Jones's face."
P (2)
"Picture of chaotic footprints."
"Picture of skidmarks from Walter Jones' wheelchair."
Mandate Resolved
A dispute with Baina is what caused Walter Jones's fall.
Jack goes to bed.
Day 2
Cutscene: We are told that the autopsy report was faxed to Nolent.
Check the mandates, there's only one now. What was the cause of
W. Jones's death?
The mandate only needs one piece of evidence. Obviously the autopsy
Off to get it from Nolent, he's is in the library.
Nolent gives the fax to Jack. It's time to start an official
Let's look at the autopsy reprt.
It was murder, a gun shot killed him.
Add the "autopsy report" to the mandate.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 4. What was the cause of W. Jones's death?
D (1)
"autopsy report."
Mandate Resolved
Walter Jones died from a gunshot wound to his back, which perforated
his right lung.
New mandates are now available.
5. Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen? If so by
7. What was the crime weapon?
8. Where was the shot fired from?
Check them all to see how much evidence each mandate now has
5. Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen? If so
by whom?
2/8 pieces for mandate no. 5.
M (1) - "Chain fragment."
D (1) - "autopsy report"
7. What was the crime weapon?
1/3 pieces for mandate no. 7.
D (1) - "autopsy report"
8. Where was the shot fired from?
1/4 pieces for mandate no. 8.
D (1) - "autopsy report"
Talk to Nolent again, ask all questions.
We need to get the access keycard from Lorenzo, he's in his studio,
22nd floor.
Lorenzo is at his computer. Cutscene Jack is given the keycard.
But it doesn't open all door just yet!!!
Talk to Lorenzo and ask him all questions.
Check the mandates, no.5 now has another piece of evidence to add.
DEC - W. Jones wore his chain, as always.
Lorenzo tells Jack that Walter kept guns in his office.
Back down to 21st floor and into Walter's office.
Cutscene Lorenzo sends a message for help to evacuate the buiding.
Go through the library and into Walter's office.
If you look out the window you will see that the ocean has covered
the island.
Take a photograph of the picture of Walter Jones on the wall.
Check the mandates, no 5. can be updated with the "Walter's painted
Goto the right of the screen. See the rifle cabinet, look in it.
Open both the draws, take a rug from the right draw.
Use the small pad of paper on the bottle in the right draw to get
"flax oil stain" evidence for the guns, pick up the "Bottle of flax oil".
Look at the different amnunitions, find the box for the Winchester 270.
Now look at open the doors and check each rifle.
There are two 270 winchester rifles in the cabinet.
Use the rag on each one to check for powder residuals.
The top 270 Winchester has the powder on it.
Check mandate no.7, we now have another piece of evidence to add
"Rag stained with burned powder."
Use the "Graphite powder" on the gun to get any prints off it.
Take a photo of the prints and of the scratches on the rifle.
Add the "Picture of scratch on the murder weapon" to mandate no. 8.
Take the 270 Winchester.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 7. What was the crime weapon?
D (1)
"autopsy report"
M (2)
"Rag stained with burned powder."
"Telescopic bolt-action rifle."
Mandate Resolved
The Blazer carbine bolt-action rifle with telescope on the gunrack in
WJ's office is the murder weapon.
Now look at Watlter's desk. There are two areas on the desk to examine.
Look to the right of the desk, you'll see the desk from above.
Take the photo of the family safari, open the draws on the rightside
of the desk.
The bottom draw can be used, but we don't have what is needed yet.
Try to open the leftside draws, they won't open. notice the flashing
A small spot on the lower left of the desk, takes you to the back
of the desk.
There are some screw there that need to be undone.
But Jack doesn't have anything yet to do that.
Go back into the library and look at the window.
There is something on the window sill. Take a photo.
Take the "Woodchips".
We now have another piece of mandate no. 8. Add the "Woodchips".
Now we combine the "Picture of Windowsill" with
"Picture of scratch on the murder weapon."
Now we have all the evidence for mandate no. 8.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 8. Where was the shot fired from?
D (1)
"autopsy report"
M (1)
PIC (2)
"Picture of the library windowsill with woodchips."
"Picture of scratch on the murder weapon"
Mandate Resolved
The rifle was shot from the window of Walter Jones's library.
New mandates are now available.
9. Who seems to be a good marksman?
10. Who were the last people to go into the library before the
Check them all to see how much evidence each mandate now has
Add the "Photo of family safari" and "Biathlon Gold Medal" into
mandate no. 9
5. Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen?
If so by whom?
4/8 pieces for mandate no. 5.
M - "Chain fragment."
D - "autopsy report"
PIC - "Picture of Walter Jones' painted portrait"
DEC - "W. Jones wore his chain, as always."
9. Who seems to be a good marksman?
2/9 pieces for mandate no. 9.
M - "Biathlon Gold Medal"
PIC - "Photo of family safari."
10. Who were the last people to go into the library before
the murder?
0/1 pieces for mandate no. 10.
Examine Nolent's desk. Open the top draw and take the letter of
"Renunciation of placement under psychiatric supervision."
In the second draw take the "Letter from W. Jones to Nolent."
In the bottom draw take the letter for
"Concililation before placement under psychiatric supervision."
Look around the rest of the library.
On the leftside of the door to Walter's office is a bookcase to
Click the on the fourth row to examine them.
"Books on very different subjects, in english, in german, in
french, there's a spainish one here. Strange for someone as
organised as Walter Jones!"
The last bit is the clue, using the book on the shelf spell out
walter by using the author's names.
Deep Ocean Tragedy by W. Swan Kimer
Human Destiny and Violence by Amartya D. Sunny
Plan 8: a planet in trouble by Lester J. Jackson
Drop by T. C. Richter
Le quotidiien est une douleur by Eric Royon
Les 40emes rugissants by R. Daniel
Cutscene: a liquor cabinet opens behind the bookcase, examine it.
If you click on the liquor bottles Jack says that he no longer
touches this.
There is one bottle there that is water, on the rightside on the
fourth shelf.
Click on the water. Another secret cabinet is opened on the
otherside of the door.
Take the what is on the shelf. It's a "file on Hubert de Nolent."
Now let's go and talk to Lorenzo since he has a Biathlon gold medal.
He's still in his studio on the 22nd floor, up we go.
Talk to Lorenzo about his medal. Add his answer to mandate no. 9.
"Lorenzo admits to having been a good marksman,"
Compare his fingerprint to the one on the rifle.
Continue to ask him questions.
The computer should be able to tell us who was the last person in
the library.
But Lorenzo will need the access code first.
He knows Jones hid the code somewhere in his desk.
Now we need to get into Walter's desk and find the code.
Remember the screws on the back of the desk. We just need to
something to use.
So let's start by looking in the Technical Workshop.
So down to the 17th floor.
Let talk to Sonia first. Jack will take her fingerprints. Ask
all questions.
Compare her fingerprint to the one on the rifle.
The check the mandates again. There is new evidence for no.
5 and 9.
Add into mandate no. 5 "Sonia confirms that W. Jones was wearing
his chain."
Add into mandate no. 9 "Sonia admits to having participated in
the safari."
Back to looking for something to open the draw.
Go to the right, there are some big machine on the next screen.
Now go to the lower right into the next screen. There are 4 objects
to get here.
On the ladder pick up the "Welding gloves".
Now on the floor just to the right of Jack pick up the "Blowtorch".
Next on the leftside of the bench pick up the "Screwdriver", just
what we wanted.
In the cabinet on the rightside pickup the "Welding Goggles".
Examine the machine on Jack right. There are 2 hotspot on it.
Try the screwdriver, it doesn't work, so it that can't be used yet.
Continue around the round going to the lower rightside again.
It looks like the lunch room. Continue to the right again. Back
to the elevator.
Now we have the "Screwdriver" lets go back to Walter's office on
21st floor.
Back to Walter's desk. Examine the back of it and undo the four
The back panel is removed. Now undo the four screws on the two draws.
Open the bottom draw, nothing there. Open the second draw and
take the "Marco Jones' electoral campaign press book." Read it.
Marco was one of the best marksmen in his class at military school.
Add this to mandate no. 9.
Now check the top draw, but it is stuck. The screwdriver doesn't
Try the screwdriver on the otherside of the desk in that right
bottom draw.
Again the screwdriver doesn't work we'll need something elese to
open it.
So lets go and talk to Marco. Use the PPA he's at the heliport on
the 18th floor.
Get off the elevator and go into the building, then go up the
Now go to the bottom right of the screen, then out onto the
Marco and Billy are there. Talk to both, Jack get prints from each.
After talking to Marco check the mandate. No. 9 can have two things a
dded to it.
Add "Marco admits to having been a good marksman," and
"Marco admits to having participated in the safari."
Now talk to Billy, and then check the mandates when finished.
No. 9 can be update, "Billy admits to having participated in the
So now what to do. In the safari photo there is Walter, Sonia, Marco,
Billy and someone else with a gun
Since we have now talked to all the grandchildren and Lorenzo
about shooting,
and have taken their fingerprints and checked them, we still
need to take
Nolent's fingerprints to check with the gun and to talk to him.
Use the PPA, he's in the heliport lounges on the 19th floor.
Back out of the heliport and up the stairs on the rightside.
Go right and right again Nolent is sleeping in a chair.
Jack takes Nolent's fingerprints. Compare them with the gun.
It's a match.
Talk to Nolent and ask all questions. Yes Nolent was in the safari.
Mandate no. 9 can be now be updated with "Nolent admits to having
participated in the safari", and the bar is full to check to mandate.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 9. Who seems to be a good marksman?
D (1)
"Marco Jones' electoral campaign press book."
M (1)
"Biathlon Gold Medal"
PIC (1)
"Photo of family safari."
DEC (6)
"Lorenzo admits to having been a good marksman"
"Sonia admits to having participated in the safari"
"Marco admits to having been a good marksman"
"Marco admits to having participated in the safari"
"Billy admits to having participated in the safari"
"Nolent admits to having participated in the safari"
Mandate Resolved
Lorenzo, Marco, Nolent, Billy and Sonia are all good marksman.
But Lorenzo has the medal to show he must be excellent, and
Marco was also considered to be the best.
We still need to complete mandate no. 5, about the necklace
and mandate no. 10, the last person in the libray.
So it's time to talk to the rest of them.
So we'll just talk to the closest people first.
Let start with Lorenzo again back up to 22nd floor.
Ask all question, check the mandate no. 5 it needs to be updated.
"Lorenzo confirms that W. Jones was wearing his chain."
Cristina is in her room, let talk to her in room 141 and then search
the rooms.
Go down to the 14th floor and use the keycard on Crsitina's door 141.
Enter and walk to the bottom of the screen.
On the table on the right take the "Invitation cards to heirs from
W. Jones".
Now enter the bed room and talk to Crstina, Jack takes her
Open the case near the bed and take the "Condoms".
Near the door examine the trash can and find four things.
"One-way airline ticket Atlanta-Moscow"
"Return airline ticket Moscow-Sale"
"Goum's gloves receipt of purchase"
"Goum pharmacy receipt of purchase"
Talk to Cristina again about the "Condoms".
Exit the room and go into the suite across the hall from it.
Enter Sonia and Martin's room, go into the bedroom.
Enter the bathroom on the right and open the draw and take the
Go near the bed. Use the "Hairpin" on the case and take the
objects out.
There's a "Turtle box" and "Wedding rings" that belong to Walter.
In the table by the bed take the "W. Jones speech" and "Wedding
How did Sonia get these. Lets finish searching the rooms.
Room 151, Hert de Nolent's room. Into the bedroom on the right
is a safe.
Let's crack. Remember the "Blowtorch" we found, use that on the
There's the key!!! Use the "Graphite powder" to get prints and
then take a photo.
Now take the key. Compare the key print to Nolent's. It's a match.
Now add this information to the no. 5 mandate.
"Picture of Nolent's prints on W. Jones' key."
Ok now across the hall into room 152, Clara and Billy's room.
Go and check the bedroom and check there bags but we can't open
these ones.
Now we need to talk to Sonia and Nolent. So lets talk to Sonia first.
She's in the garden on the 18th floor. Ask all questions.
She says that the objects were taken by Nolent and that she took
them off him.
Now back to Nolent abou the key. He's still in the heliport lounges.
Nolent said he took the key and the safe was empty.
Then said he took the key and took the contents of the safe.
Now we have enough evidence for mandate no. 5. by adding
"Nolent pretends that he took the key only to help W. Jones."
Final Conclusion
Mandate 5.
Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen? If so by whom?
D (1)
"autopsy report
M (1)
"Fragment of W. Jones chain"
P (1)
"Picture of Nolent's prints on W. Jones' key."
PIC (1)
"Picture of Walter Jones's painted portrait."
DEC (4)
"W. Jones wore his chain, as always"
"Lorenzo confirms that W. Jones was wearing his chain."
"Sonia confirms that W. Jones was wearing his chain."
"Nolent pretends that he took the key only to help W. Jones."
Mandate Resolved
Hubert de Nolent stole WJ's key from around his neck.
At this time we only have one mandate available to do no. 10.
Let's go and talk to Billy and Martin in the Dining room.
Down to L2 and walk down screen. Talk to Billy ask all questions.
Jack will take a photo Martin's finger prints.
Ask Martin all questions. Exit the Dining room and left down the
See that L1 is now under water. Go up the stairs on the left.
Now walk to the bottom of the screen into the Kitchen.
Walk over to Clara, who's clearning the floor.
On the left, open a draw and take the knife out. Jack take
Clara's prints.
Talk to Clara about all the questions.
But we still need to get the Code from Walter's desk for Lorenzo.
So back to Walter's Office and his desk.
In the bottom right draw try the knife.
It works, take the "W. Jones' file on his heirs".
Let's go and talk to Kolio, he's on the 20th floor at Walter's room.
And now we can use the key to get in. So into Walter's room.
Follow Kolio around to the left and talk to him about everything.
Just in front of Kolio, there is something to use, under the
A small slot opens and there is a red flashing light in it.
We can't do anything with that yet.
Go into the bedroom and take the "Gold wheelchair 2005 manual" off
the small left cabinet in the corner of the room.
Take the documents off the table on the right.
"Agreement for social domiciliation of the Jones company in
the Maladives."
"W. Jones' Maladivian nationality agreement."
Examine the safe on the right of the screen. Use the key to
open it.
New mandate is now available.
6. What did W. Jones's safe contain? Is Nolent responsible for the
We already have all the evidence we need for this mandate.
So Sonia took the things that Nolent was stealing out of the safe.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 6.
What did W. Jones's safe contain? Is Nolent responsible for the theft.
D (2)
"W. Jones' Speech"
"Wedding invitations"
M (2)
"Turtle box"
"Wedding rings"
DEC (3)
"Sonia explains the circumstances under which she stole the items
from the safe."
"Nolent confirms that he opened Walter Jones's safe."
"Billy confirms what Sonia says regarding the safe and Nolent."
Mandate Resolved
Sonia, with Nolent's help, stole the regalia for the marriage
between W. Jones
and Baina
Cutscene Jack is hungry again and goes to the restaurant.
There Lorenzo is says it's urgent that the suites are evacuated
and that they
all should go to stay in the heliport lounges.
Nolent also says that he will reveal information about the murder
Jack wakes up in the heliport lounges.
Things we still need to do.
So we still need to get the code from Walter's desk.
And find out what the red flashing light on the desk is for.
We also need find out what the red flashing light in Walter's
room is for.
And we need to talk to Nolent about the information he was going
to tell Jack.
Head off, but we don't get very far before a cutscene,
Lorenzo tells of a hotair balloon for them to escape the island.
Nolent is in the library, lets go and talk to him.
Nolent's dead across his desk. Look at Nolent. Cutscene.
New mandate is now available.
12. Was Hubert de Nolent's death really a suicide?
Take a photo of Nolent. Add the "Picture of Nolent's face" to the
Pick up "Nolent's ripped suicide letter" to the left of Nolent's head.
Take the pen from the holder and use it to get the gun from Nolent's hand.
Now use the "Graphite powder" on the gun to get prints.
But there are no traces of fingerprints on the gun. Take a photo of the gun.
The murderer might have worn gloves.
Check the mandate and update it with, "Picture of pistol without prints."
Pick up the gun.
Take the "Remote control" from Walter's wheelchair out of Nolent's pocket.
Now let's go back into Walter's office and to his desk with the flashing
Use the remote on the red flashing light. Now you can open the top draw.
Top draw has a button of key to use, use it, notice the cutscene.
The statue near the portrait opens a small secret draw, have a look in it.
Take the "code", at least. Now let's go give the code to Lorenzo.
Upto the 22nd floor and Lorenzo studio. Lorenzo is near his computer.
Receive a "Print-out of consultation for the library lock from 9-11:59pm".
Now we can complete mandate no. 11.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 10. Who were the last people to go into the library before the
D (1)
"Print-out of consultation for the library lock from 9-11:59pm".
Mandate Resolved
Nolent and Simbi Laktar are the last people to have been present on the
crime scenes.
New mandate is now available.
11. What is Simbi Laktar still doing on the island?
We have one piece of evidence for this mandate so far.
"Movements of Simbi Laktar's keycard during the night of the murder."
Talk to Lorenzo about everything. You'll need to talk to Lorenzo a few
After talking about everything check the mandate, it can be updated.
Add to mnadate no. 11.
"Lorenzo says that Simbi Laktar is an ex-employee, who was fired
15 days ago."
Add to manadte no. 12.
Add "Lorenzo claims that Nolent is not the suicidal type."
We need to back to the Technical Workshop on the 17th floor to look
for clues
about Simbi Laktar.
Go down to the 18th floor then over to the elevator.
Notice that there is something in the plant next to the elevator.
Pick it up.
It's a "Piece of a letter to Isabella Jones" and it has a piece
ripped off.
Compare it with "Nolent's ripped suicide letter." It's a match.
Now we have all the evidence to complete mandate no. 12.
Final Conclusion
Mandate 12. Was Hubert de Nolent's death really a suicide?
D (1)
"Letter from Nolent to Isabella Jones, divied into two pieces."
PIC (1)
"Picture of Nolent's face."
DEC (1)
"Lorenzo claims that Nolent is no the suicidal type."
P (1)
"Picture of pistol without prints."
Mandate Resolved
Hubert de Nolent's death is a murder masquerading as a suicide!
Ok, now back to the Technical Workshop, the elevator is no longer
Enter the staircase and go down to the 17th floor. Look around.
Billy and Clara are in the lunch room, talk to them both.
There is no sign anywhere that Simbi Laktar was here.
So time to talk to everyone.
Exit the workshop and back to the heliport lounges.
Go to the rightside of the lounges, first talk to Sonia.
Continue right to Cristina. Cutscene. Look at the bags near her.
Jack will ask to look at them. Open them both, the small one has
The bigger bag has "Walter Jones - Marco relation file" and
"Altar diagram" for the chapel. Now talk to Cristina about
Go left and talk to Martin about everything.
Go out to the garden to talk to Marco about everything.
Now let's go back to see Lorenzo.
There is now something on the floor in front wheel, to pick up.
It's an "Allen wrench". Now talk to Lorenzo.
Let's key the "Allen wrench" on the machine that was in the Technical
So back to the 17th floor.
Examine the machine, it's a shredder. Use the "Allen wrench" on the
teo bolts.
Now open it up. Take the "Pieces of stained "Goum's gloves" at the
They match the receipt found from Cristina and Marco things.
Look at what is blocking the shredder. Use the "Graphite powder" on
the keycard.
Then take a photo of the print. Now compare the photo to Marco Prints.
Add this new evidence to mandate no. 12.
"Picture of Laktar's keycard with Marco prints".
Now compare the "Pieces of stained "Goum's gloves" to the
"flax oil stain".
It's a match! "Picture of Laktar's keycard with Marco prints.
" add to mandate 11.
Back to talk to Marco in the garden.
Talk to Marco about everything.
Marco says that Lorenzo gave him that keycaard.
So let's go and ask Lorenzo, back to the 22nd floor.
Talk to Lorenzo, then it's time to finish mandate no. 12
Final Conclusion
Mandate 11. What is Simbi Laktar still doing on the island?
D (1)
"Movements of Simbi Laktar's keycard during the night of the murder."
DEC (1)
"Lorenzo says that Simbi Laktar is an ex-employee, who was fired
15 days ago."
"Lorenzo believes that he misplaced the keycard."
P (1)
"Picture of Laktar's keycard with Marco prints."
Mandate Resolved
Marco used Simbi Lakar's card on the night of the murder.
New mandates is now available.
13. Are there one or more irrefutable pieces of evidence of Marco's guilt?
Does his alibi hold water?
We already have half the evidence needed for this mandate.
Talk to Cristina and receive some new evidence to add to the mandate
"Cristina indentifies the gloves as belonging to Marco"
Talk to Sonia, she seems certain that Martin sleep with Cristina.
So lets go back to there rooms to look for evidenece.
In 412 Sonia and Martin's room, on the bedroom floor, the is a condom
Use "Graphite powder" to get the prints, then compare with Martin's
It's a match, and we know that Cristina has Russian condoms.
So back to talk to Martin then add the mandate with
"Martin admits that he was sleeping with Cristina on the night of
the murder."
Now back to Sonia for the last bit of evidence.
"Cristina admits that she was sleeping with Martin at the time of the
But before we solve the mandate, we still want to see what was in
Walter's room.
Now let's go and see what the "remote control" opens.
Back to Walter's Suite on the 20th Floor.
Around the left and back to the painting. Use the "remote control
" on the light.
The spot below the painting is a door, you can now go down it by
clicking on it.
We have found the Chapel. Goto the left then pick up four
"Fertility statuettes".
Look at the alter. There are four holes in the top of it.
Look at the "Altar diagram" to see how the "Fertility statuettes"
are place.
Place the statues and the door open. Take the "Marriage Certificate"
Now we can do the mandate
Final Conclusion
Are there one or more irrefutable pieces of evidence of Marco's guilt?
Does his alibi hold water?
P (1)
"Marco's prints on ex-employee Simbi Laktar's keycard."
"Picture of Cristina's condom wrapper with Martin's prints."
DEC (3)
"Cristina indentifies the gloves as belonging to Marco"
"Martin admits that he was sleeping with Cristina on the night of
the murder."
"Cristina admits that she was sleeping with Martin at the time of
the murder."
M (6)
"Bottle of flax oil."
"Pieces of Marco's stained gloves."
"Goum's gloves receipt of purchase."
"Goum pharmacy receipt of purchase."
"Return airline tickets Moscow-Sale."
"One-way airline ticket Atlanta-Moscow."
Mandate Resolved
Marco's gloves in the technical workshop's garbage disposal accompanied
by Simbi Laktar's card make him the murderer. He was not with Cristina
on the night of the murder because she was sleeping with Martin in
Sonia's room!
Now go and arrest Marco. Go back to the lift and use the "remote control"
to get back into Walter's room.
Then to Lorenzo's studio where Marco is.
Cutscene the end.