
Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal

Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal

*    Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal       *
-----------------== Simple Spoiler Free Walkthrough v1.03 ==------------------
               by Henry Sanguinario (

*                                Sumary                                      *

To find a specific place in the walkthrough use ctrl+f using the number on the




001.Sword of Hot Monkey Vengeance
002.I Love Making Pirate News
003.You Are Deep Gut?
004.Death Cloud is punchier
005.The Doctor is IN
006.Ancient Scroll
007.What is Behind that Door?
008.The Wind Gods
009.Set a Course for mrph-mrph

*                              Introduction                                  *

Here we go, first chapter of this new Monkey Island adventure. After playing
this chapter I can say that the game looks promising. 

*                                Updates                                     *

v1 - First release of this FAQ.
v1.01 - Minor alterations were made, also a bit more fun optional steps were
v1.02 - Spelling corretions, the last step of the Wind Gods have been 
rewritten for better clarification, and a few optional steps were added.
v1.03 - Stetic modifcations to keep a standard on my Tales of Monkey Island

*                              Walkthrough                                   *

this is a simple spoiler free walkthrough, some of the steps described here
are optional but fun to try out (they will be marked with a #).

--- 001. Sword of Hot Monkey Vengeance ---------------------------------------

- Pick up the vodoo recipe on the mast

# Talk to Elaine and say 'I can't find any root beer!'

- Pick up the Monkey Coffin (near the ship's wheel)

- Open your inventory and examine the Monkey Coffin

# Try to combine the Cutlass with the Root Beer

- Combine the Breath Mints with the Root Beer (Menthos and Diet Coke anyone?)

- Combine the Fizzy Root Beer with the Cutlass

- Talk to Elaine and say 'Throw me the rope!'

- Use the Cutlass on Chuck the Plant

- Use Chuck Roots on the Barrel of Grog

- Use the Breath Mints on the Barrel of Grog

# Talk to LeChuck

- Use the Cutlass on the Barrel of Grog

- Use the Enchanted Cutlass on LeChuck

--- 002. I Love Making Pirate News -------------------------------------------

# Talk to Nipperkin and check your pirate news options

- Go to the Dock until you find the Screaming Narwhal

- Click on the Socks on the Clothesline

# You can try to board the Screaming Narwhal, but you wont be able for now

- Go back and enter Club 41

- Go to the Woods and take the down-left path

- Talk to the Joaquim D'Oro (Portly Pirate) until you get the D'Oro's Map

- Talk to him again and say 'Look, its Dark Ninja Dave', when D'Oro isnt 
looking click on the Pile of Porcelain Dolls to steal one of his dolls

- Go to the up path to find the Wishing Well

- Use D'Oros Map on the Wishing Well, and then walk to the following paths:
right (dont forget the pickup the minibombs here), right, up, down, down, up,
left. Click on the 'X marks the Spot' and then go back to the right path.

- Go where Nipperkin is and use the Action Figure on the Vat (the big ink 

- Pick up the Broken Grogatini Glass (to the left where the Vat is)

- Combine the Grogatini Sword with the Ink-Stained Action Figure

- Go back to the 'Burried Treasure' location and use the Ninja Action Figure
on the 'X marks the Spot'

- Return to the Jungle Entrance and the downward path to talk to D'Oro.

- Go to the Dock until ou find the Screaming Narwal

# Use the Mini-Bomb on Winslow

- Click on the plank of the Screaming Narwhal

- Click on the Anchor Chain of the Screaming Narwhal

- Use the Mini-Bomb on the Grease Fire

# Try keeping the Lit Mini-Bomb for a while with Guybrush

- Use the Lit Mini-Bomb on the Frilly Pink Underwear

# Try clicking on the Crank with the Lit Mini-Bomb on the Frilly Pink 

- Click on the Clothesline

- Go to the Jungle Entrance and then walk to the following paths: down-left,
up, up, up

- Enter the Creepy Shack

--- 003. You are Deep Gut? ---------------------------------------------------

- Pick up the Insteresting Botle (right to the Skull Candle)

- Click on the Parrot Skeleton

- Pick up the Pyrite Parrot

# Almost everything in this shack is clickable and makes Guybrush say 

- Go outside the Creepy Shack and pick up the Weather Vane

--- 004. Death Cloud is punchier ---------------------------------------------

- Go to Dock and talk to Cimpdigit (guy with the glass unicorns) until he 
shows you his unbreakable bottle breaker

- Talk to Cimpdigit again until you get a U-Tube

- Go to the Screaming Narwhal and climb the Anchor Chain

- Go down and left to the main mast grab the Cheese Wheel and fire the Cannon

- Go back to where Cimpdigit was and grab the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker

# Try to combine the Unbreabkable Bottle Breaker and the Unbreakable Bottle

- Go to the Doctor's house

- Pick up the Flower Pot right next to the door sign in the Doctor's House

- Enter the Doctor's house

--- 005. The Doctor is IN ----------------------------------------------------

- Rotate your table so that your feet face the right table, and grab the key

- Rotate to the monkey cage and use the key

- Rotate to the left table and click on the bell, make sure that the 
projector shows the schematics for the machine with the rat

- Click on the Banana Pedal (The upper most pedal)

- Click on the Shock Pedal (The other pedal that isnt the Banana one)

- Rotate your table and pick up Picture of Guybrush's Hand

- Put the Picture of Guybrush's Hand with the other Pictures on the left table

- Click on the Bell, make sure that the projector shows the Picture of 
Guybrush's Hand

- Click on the Banana Pedal

- Click on the Shock Pedal

- Click on the Bell, make sure that the projector shows the Pirate version of
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

- Click on the Banana Pedal

--- 006. Ancient Scroll ------------------------------------------------------

# Go back to the Creepy Shack and talk to the Vodoo Lady about how grog made
your hand better

- Combine the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker and the Unbreakable Bottle

- Go to the Courthouse and talk to the Hemlock (the pirate sitting there) 
until you get the Eye of the Manatee

- Combine the Eye of Manatee with the Ancient Scroll

- Go to the Jungle Entrance and take the up-left path

- Use the Ancient Scroll on the Altar and then walk the following paths: down,
down-left, up

- Use the flowers on the Wishing Well and then walk the following paths: right,
left, down

- Walk counter-clockwise in the border of the Calendar until the ground 
shakes, and then follow the up path

--- 007. What is behind that door --------------------------------------------

# Click on the Crystal Nose

- Use the Unbreakable Botttle Breaker on the Crystal Nose

- Pick up the Weird Door Face

- Go back to the Dock and talk to the Doctor until you get the option to show
him proof that he is up to no good

- Use the Pyrite Parrot on the Nasal Cavity

- Go back to the Dock and talk to Doctor De Singe again

--- 008. The Wind Gods -------------------------------------------------------

- Use the Ancient Tool on the Clamshell near the Giant Statue

- Go to the Mysterious Idol and use the Weather Vane on the Interesting Socket

- Match the face on the Idol with the one showing on the Weater Vane and then
use the Ancient Tool on the Clamshell right next to the Idol

- Go to the Enigmatic Idol and use the Weather Vane on the Socket

- Use the Flower Pot on the idol panel that is missing a nose, match the face
and use the Anciente Tool on the Clamshell

- Go to the Courthouse and use the Cheese Wheel on the Jail Carvings (to the 
right of the building, close to left of the paper stack)

- Go to the Strange Idol and use the Cheese Wheel on the missing idol panel,
repeat the process with the weather vane and the tool

- Go to the Messed Up Idol

- Say 'Look, its King Louis!', when Doctor De Singe turns around, use the 
U-Tube on his rifle

# If you use the King Louis phrase and dont use the U-Tube, Guybrush will get
blown back, when you encounter the Doctor again, Guybrush will change his 
phrase slightly, the Doctor's response will also change slightly

# Try using the Weather Vane on the top of this Idol

- Without the Weather Vane, you will have the right panel based on the moans
the Doctor make. He will make agonizing moans when you have the wrong panel,
and he will make enjoyments (excitment) moans when you have the right panel 

--- 009. Set a Course for mrph-mrph  -----------------------------------------

# Try clicking on the Map

 - Go up the deck and click on the Wheel

 - Go down and fire the Cannon

 - Click on the Map

 - Click on Winslow

Congratulations, this completes Chapter 1. 

To be continued in Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay

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