
Tomb Raider Underworld Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Tomb Raider Underworld

Tomb Raider Underworld

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                         Tomb Raider Underworld
                           Console Version: PC
                            Author: Rikku4788

               Contact Information:


|                                                                       |
|PLEASE CHECK OUT MY VIDEO GUIDE! after taking a really long time to    |
|get them uploaded onto youtube, there finally all up! For links        |
|and details see section just above the contents table. I hope it       |
|helps!                                                                 |

Well, hello there folks. I got such a good response from guiding you through 
Tomb Raider Anniversary, i decided to sit and avoid doing work, by writing 
a guide for the new game :)...not that im saying to avoid doing work by is gets you to good university...
though i dunno what im saying...i spent more time gaming than working and 
i still got into university...anyway...this is beside the point. 

Welcome to Underworld...This IS a sequel to Tomb Raider:Legend. So if you 
havent played it, go rent it out or something. In fact, while your renting 
that, play Anniversary while your at it....though not at the same time. 
This is a sure way to cause game at a time. 

While Anniversary has zip all to do with Legend, it is the first game in 
the series...well its a remake of the original...anyway...point being that 
there are aspects in Anniversary that will allow you to understand 
Underworld a little more. 

Failing all that, watch the "previously..." in the extra's menu to get a 
little recap of whats been going on.  

|                                                                           |
|  Please Read!!!!                                                          |
|                                                                           |
| Crystal Dynamics have taken on board the fact that the previous two games |
| were far too straight forward on where to go. So, theyve made the game    |
| a bit more open. Because of this, in some levels there are different      |
| ways to go. I am fully aware of the alternative ways in the levels. I     |
| WILL NOT add these alternative routes as the ones i provide are the most  |
| straight forward and easiest. Please do NOT email me about alternative    |
| routes as i will not add them to the guide, unless i change my mind at    |
| a later date :P. If you come across these paths, didnt    |
| need my help after all and figured it out on your own :P                  |
| Just so you know...                                                       |
|                                                                           |

P.S. I realise some people spend hours making wonderful titles with various 
random symbols found on the keyboard but my attention cannot go far enough 
to make a picture of Lara out of @'s and #'s. So you'll have to make do 
with my lame attempts :P im sure your not here to look at my artwork 


Before we start...

-This is MY guide, that ive spent MY free time writing, to help you out. 
PLEASE DO NOT copy, sell, blag it off as your own guide. Have a little 
respect please. NOTE:i will leave a list of websites that have permission 
to use my guide on their website. Should you find it on one that isnt 
listed, PLEASE let me know. The list is located in the updates section.

-My email address is at the top of the guide. If you have trouble 
locating it...then i suggest you go get your eyes checked :P

-DO NOT send me spam mail, its neither funny or clever.

-Please dont ask to add me on any form of online messenger service.I do
 not use it on this account.

-Im aware that people from various countries write to me, but i am english 
and apart from being able to ask for a coffee in Spanish, i'm only 
really able to help in English. Sorry, but im too lazy to learn 
another language :P 

-Please dont write to me like this "yo, wotz up. plz cud u tell me 
bout dat trezure in some lvl" mainly because it takes me far too much 
time to actually decifer what your trying to ask :P writing in decent 
proper english is perfect thank you.

-Dont email me with attatchments. If you want to ask something, write 
it in the email, dont attatch it. I am wary of attatchments from 
strangers, not that im saying your all evil people that want to ruin my 
PC but im sure you all understand please, just write the 
question in the actual email. If i get emails with attatchments i'll 
more than likely delete it without question. You have been warned!

-Please feel free to email me about anything relating to the guide. I 
will try my best to write things clearly enough but i wont always 
have time to make everything so detailed. Should you need a better 
explanation of what to do then email me and i'll try my very best at 
helping you out :)

-If you email me about correcting something in my guide, PLEASE leave 
a name or "alias" you would like to be credited by. It saves me having 
to email you back, and wait for another reply, before i can add the 
information to the guide. NOTE: i wont use anyones real name, unless 
you state that its ok.

-Please be patient if your waiting for a reply from me, i check my emails 
several times a day but wont always have the time to respond straight 
away. I will always reply as soon as i can, it shouldnt take me longer 
than a day or so to get back to you.If you dont hear anything after 
a couple of days the please let me know.

-Please take into account the time difference, i am from England, so 
im not expecting you to sit and work out what time it is here, just 
be patience when waiting for a reply :P

-Now it is written at the top of the guide and i think i mention it at the 
end...this guide is written for the PC version. Im not saying it cant be 
used if you have a 360 or PS3 or whatever, im just saying, please dont 
ask me questions relating to the console. I probably wont be much help :P 
as i have never used either console. If its something about the game in 
general i am more than happy to help out.


I was going to make a list of all the version, but seeing as i decided to 
include the treasures in the first draft..i see little point of doing 
"versions" :P so i'll just add any corrections i find, or if someone emails 
me with some new information or something.

Note: i plan to make a video guide to go along side this walkthrough. I
realise there are already loads but i want to make a contribution :P 
as soon as its ready i'll upload it onto youtube and i'll leave the 
links to the video's.


-Complete guide. With all levels, tresures and relics complete. (03/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing cheat code central to use the guide (05/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing GamersHell to use the guide (06/01/09)

-Correction added to climbing up the tower in Jan Mayan Island (06/01/09)

_Confirmation allowing Super Cheats to use the guide (08/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing Atari to use the guide (08/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing Gameborder to use the guide (11/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing cheatchannel to use the guide (11/01/09)

-Confirmation allowing the guide to be used in cheatbookdatabase (11/01/09)

-video guide uploaded to youtube. (14/01/09)

-Added "Glitch" section. (19/02/09)

-Added another glitch/solution. Credit goes to RevTed for the info (02/03/09)

-Added "Cheat Section" (03/03/09)

List of websites currently allowed to use this guide:

Video Guide

Is up and running! woohoo! its not brilliant, but it gets you through 
every level,every treasure and every relic...which is all you need really :P

it does pretty much follow exactly what ive written in this guide..though 
a few treasures may have been found in a different if your 
sitting reading this and watching going "eh?" you know why :P i think the 
only changes i made were in Mexico (before heading into Xibalba) and in 
Croft Manor...i think i get the relic earlier than ive wrote in here. but 
other than that (i think :S ) it should be pretty much the same.

now when i recorded it the sound was perfectly in sync...but its been 
converted to a different file type and uploaded to youtube so naturally the 
sounds taken a bit of a beating. I do apologise for the out of sync sound, 
its only a split second out, and for some reason its really bad in Thailand.
no idea why...anyway, if you can live with that then please check it out :)
it took alot of time to do...and i also apologise for some dodgy editing :P
most of it is done straight through but sadly i did die occasionally and go 
wrong (sorry, im not perfect :P and we all no how dodge Lara can be in this 
game) anyway, i think most if it runs smoothly but yeah...

anyway, here are the links...because the video is running through the whole 
game i havent done seperate video's for each level, they just run through.
i'll make note of what levels appear in each video, which treasures are in 
them etc so you wont have to look through each video trying to find the 
part your after. Arent i nice to you lot...

p.s. i sincerly apologise for this grid below...its not very technical but 
it does the job :P i may, at a later date, make it look better and add the 
area names within each level, so its a little more specific..but for now...
this will have to do :P (they should all be correct in terms of which 
treasures are in each video, however, if you spot a mistake please let me 

Link to video's

(this link SHOULD work, if anyone has any problems with it, PLEASE LET ME 
KNOW! if it doesnt, just type Rikku4788 into the search bar and it should 
come up with all my video's...these are the only ones ive ever added so 
you should be able to find things fairly easily)

|Video | Levels Featured  | T= Treasures R= Relic  |
|      |                  |                        |
|  1   | Croft Manor      |                        |
|      | Mediterranean Sea| T= 1-4                 |
|  2   | Mediterranean Sea| T= 5-14                |
|  3   | Mediterranean Sea| T= 15-20               |
|  4   | Mediterranean Sea| T= 21-26 R= 1          |
|  5   | Mediterranean Sea|                        |
|  6   | Thailand         | T= 1-5                 |
|  7   | Thailand         | T= 6-10                |
|  8   | Thailand         | T= 11-12               |
|  9   | Thailand         | T= 13-18               |
|  10  | Thailand         | T= 19-23               |
|  11  | Thailand         | T= 24-26               |
|  12  | Thailand         | T= 27-30 R= 1          |
|  13  | Croft Manor      | T= 1-8  R= 1           |
|  14  | Croft Manor      | T= 9-13                |
|  15  | Mexico           | T= 1-9                 |
|  16  | Mexico           | T= 10-20               |
|  17  | Mexico           | T= 21-26               |
|  18  | Mexico           | T= 27-29               |
|  19  | Mexico           | T= 30-33               |
|  20  | Mexico           | T= 34-42               |
|  21  | Mexico           | T= 43-46               |
|  22  | Mexico           | T= 47-50 R= 1          |
|  23  | Mexico           |                        |
|      | Jan Mayan Island | T= 1                   |
|  24  | Jan Mayan Island | T= 2-7                 |
|  25  | Jan Mayan Island | T= 8-21                |
|  26  | Jan Mayan Island | T= 22-23  R= 1         |
|  27  | Jan Mayan Island | T= 24-27               |
|  28  | Jan Mayan Island | T= 28-30               |
|      | Andaman Sea      |                        |
|  29  | Andaman Sea      |                        |                  
|      | Arctic Sea       | T= 1-9                 |
|  30  | Arctic Sea       | T= 10-18               |
|  31  | Arctic Sea       | T= 11-30               |
|  32  | Arctic Sea       |           R= 1         |
|  32  | Arctic Sea       |                        |
|  33  | Arctic Sea       |                        |
|  34  | Arctic Sea       |                        |



(If you press control+f, and then type in the number in [] brackets at the 
end of each section, you will find it alot easier to find the section of the 
guide you want)

|Main Introduction |                                                   |   |
|Controls          |                                                   | 01|
|Main Walkthough   |                                                   |   |
|Level 1           |Prologue - Croft Manor                             | 02|
|Level 2           |Mediterranean Sea - The Path to Avalon             | 03|
|                  |                  - Niflheim                       | 04|
|                  |                  - The Norse Connection           | 05|
|                  |                  - God Of Thunder                 | 06|
|                  |                  - Realm Of The Dead              | 07|
|Level 3           |Coastal Thailand  - Remnants                       | 08|
|                  |                  - Bhogavati                      | 09| 
|                  |                  - The Ancient World              | 10|
|                  |                  - Puppet No Longer               | 11|
|Level 4           |Croft Manor       - Protected By The Dead          | 12|
|Level 5           |Southern Mexico   - The Unnamed Days               | 13|
|                  |                  - Xibalba                        | 14|
|                  |                  - The Midgard Serpent            | 15|
|                  |                  - Land Of The Dead               | 16|
|Level 6           |Jan Mayan Island  - Gate Of The Dead               | 17|
|                  |                  - Valhalla                       | 18|
|Level 7           |Andaman Sea       - Rituals Old                    | 19|
|Level 8           |Arctic Sea        - Helheim                        | 20|
|                  |                  - Yggdrasil                      | 21|
|                  |                  - Out Of Time                    | 22|
|                  |                                                   |   |
|Cheat Codes       |                                                   | 23|
|Glitches and FAQ  |                                                   | 24|
|Final Thoughts    |                                                   | 25|


Controls And Abilities

Note: these are the controls pre set in the game, if you want to adjust 
them so they work better for you, feel free.
|Action            |Key                                                     |
|                  |                                                        |
|Running           |W,S,A,D                                                 |
|Walk              |W,S,A,D whilst holding Alt                              |
|Sprint            |W,S,A,D whilst holding Shift                            |
|Crouch/Roll       |CTRL                                                    |
|Jump              |SPACE                                                   |
|Grapple           |Q                                                       |
|Interact          |E                                                       |
|Shoot             |H / Left Mouse Button                                   |
|Grenade           |CAPSLOCK                                                |
|Manual Aim        |Z                                                       |
|Pause             |ESC                                                     |
|PDA               |TAB                                                     |
|Use Medipack      |V                                                       |
|Change Weapon     |R                                                       |
|Light             |F                                                       |
|Camera            |T                                                       |
|Target Lock       |G / Right Mouse Button                                  |

Motorbike Controls

|Accelerate        |W                                                       |
|Reverse           |S                                                       |
|Break             |SPACE                                                   |
|Shoot             |H / Left Mouse Button                                   |

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| /\ ||   ||    | \   |   |   || \  |   ||   ||     |  |   |
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|                                                                          |
|Prologue                                                                  |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 0                                                             |
|                                                                          |
|Relics - 0                                                                |
|                                                                          |
Croft Manor                                                         [02]

Remember in the good old days where we used to get to wander around Lara's 
home, jump around and then take a swim in the pool? Well thats what we get
...except theres no pool to cool off in. Consider this your training level 
of sorts. 

The scene will start off with Lara taking a stroll, only to be interupted 
by an explosion and her beloved home set on fire. You'll be just as 
confused as she is at what exactly has happened. Fear not, all will be 
revealed in due time. I will say this only once, because its a fairly 
obvious factor. Fire=pain...standing in the fire for a short time=death. 
With that in mind, lets get on with it. AVOID THE FLAMES, Lara now has a 
nice little animation where she'll sheild herself when she's near to a 

Head down the hallway and climb up onto the blocks at the end, climb up 
and pull the lever to open the door. Head into the next room and crawl 
under the rubble. Locate the climbable section to your left and climb 
over. Grapple the hook on the door and pull the grapple to open the door.
Note that the door will get blown open knocking Lara over, this wont hurt 
you. Head into the hallway and pick up the healthpack (looks like a brief
case). Vault onto the ledge and shimmy till she wont go any further, jump 
up to the above ledge and continue to shimmy along, drop down to the 
lower ledge and at the end, lean back to jump to the other side of the hall.
Find the box and push it down the hall so its against the wall. Climb up 
and onto the wall, shimmy right and at the end jump off onto the floor. 
Be careful of the falling debris as you reach the exit, jump across the 
hole to enter into the main area. Head left towars the stairs, grapple the 
hook, then run, jump and swing across to the other side. Head right, and 
when you reach the flaming stuff, hang off the ledge on the right hand 
side, carefully lower yourself to the floor to finish this mini level.


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|   |__  \    / |__ |         /
|   |     \  /  |   |        /
|___|___   \/   |___|____   /___

|                                                                          |
|Mediterranean Sea                                                         |
|                                                                          |
|"My father died in a tragic accident while searching for Avalon, the      |
|mythical resting place of King Arthur. I never shared his belief that it  |
|it has played a part in my mothers dissapearance, but recent events       |
|make me suspect otherwise"                                                |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 26                                                            |
|                                                                          |
|Relics -  1                                                               |
|                                                                          |
The Path To Avalon                                                   [03]

Wondering what the hell is going on? well, your going to have to wait a 
little while before your head stops hurting. Once you have control of Lara,
take a little wander around the boat if you want, its not that exciting and 
sadly we cant drive it :( With no where else to go, dive into the water. 
Feeling a little like being stuck in 40 fathoms back in TR2, luckily you 
dont have to worry about your air supply. However, you do have to keep an 
eye out for the sharks that are lurking about. Dont bother going out of 
your way to kill them, but should you get too close to them they may try and 
make a snack out of Lara. 

Now just like in the previous two games, we have collectibles to...well..
collect, except this time theres loads of them. Some arent really hidden at 
all, others can be a little harder to locate. Now, the reason im mentioning 
this now is that this opening area is a rather large area which does contain 
some of those shiney rocks we need to collect. They are fairly obvious 
when you see them, they do indeed shiney rocks...and usually 
theres a little "twinkle" sound when youve found one. So if you hear that 
before youve seen it, take a look around. Right, i will try my best at 
the locations for the treasure in this first area.

We'll get to the treasures in a minute, but first things first. Swim all the 
way to the bottom and take a look at the large rock/cave/structure in front. 
At the base is an entrance, swim in and find the key thats resting on the 
pedastal. Pick it up and slot it into a hole in the middle of either the 
left or right circle in the wall. Before doing anything else, leave the way 
you came in and as you exit you should see a little cave ahead of you to 
the left. Swim in, put your light on as it can get a little dark and follow 
the cave until you reach an open area. On another pedestal is another key, 
pick it up and swim back to the main cave. Slot it in the remaining hole to 
have full control over the puzzle. Notice the markings on the 3 large 
circles? you need to get the circular markings to fill all the spaces on 
the top section of the puzzle. Pull the levers in this order=Top,left and 
then right twice. This should open the door. If not, figure it out for 
yourself :P its not too hard. Before heading through, its time to get those 
treasures i was on about. 

Treasure 1

Facing the way you came in, turn and look up to the top left of the room, 
you should see a hole in the ceiling. Swim up and on the rocks to the 
righ of the hole, will be a treasure. 

Treasure 2

From the hole you found treasure 1, swim right and locate the cave you swam 
in to retrieve the second key. As you enter that room, immediatly turn left 
and swim under the rocks, turn right and make a U turn to locate the 

Treasure 3

Face the entrance to the main cave, turn right and find a small collection 
of rocks, swim around the back to find a little entrance. Avoid the jellyfish 
and find the treasure. Leave the way you came in.

Treasure 4

Again, face the entrance. Turn left and you should see some large rocks. 
Hidden by the seaweed is an entrance to another cave, swim along until you 
reach an open area that resembles the one you found the key in, again, turn 
left as you enter and swim over the rocks and find the treasure on the 
right hand side. Exit.

Treasure 5

From the entrance to treasure 4, go right and around the side. See those 
rocks on the left? swim around the back of them and find another little 
hidden entrance. This can be tricky to find. The entrance is again covered 
slightly in seaweed. Swim in and find the treasure lying on the sand.

Treasure 6

Face the entrance to the main cave. Swim up, just over half way. On a ledge 
just to the left slightly, is a treasure. This can be hard to find, i was 
going to say its slightly hidden by purple seaweed...but then again most 
of the rock is covered in it. A little patience is required if you cant 
find it straight away.

Right, back to the game. Head on through the door you opened and follow the 
path. Make sure to avoid the jellyfish, they cant be harmed but they can 
hurt you. just swim around them.

Treasure 7

When you see a jellyfish hovering over a pile of smallish rocks, take a look 
behind the rubble to find the treasure.


Continue along and watch out for movement, swim through the hole and surface 
in the next room. Find the little ledge and climb out. Head into the 
sheltered area.

Treasure 8

As you enter the cave, turn right and find a few jars on the floor. Notice 
one's slightly differently coloured? kick is and inside is a treasure. you 
can break the other ones but you'll find nothing in them.


Climb over the rocks and enter the next area, it'll look very similar to the 
one you just left. 

Treasure 9

Dive in the water and swim left, the treasure will be lying on the floor.


Find the ramp and use to it get out. Climb onto the rock on the left hand 
side and pick up the chalice/goblet type thing. These are healthpacks. I 
will say this now, and only once, i will mention if there is a healthpack 
nearby but cant always be bothered :P if you find one, great.

Head over to the other side of the room and climb onto the rocks, vault onto 
the wall and shimmy right, climb up to the next ledge.

Treasure 10

Lean back and jump to the ledge behind. Break the jar to find the treasure.


Shimmy right and jump back to the pole, swing across to the next ledge, go 
around the corner and use the ledges to drop to the floor. Head right and 
find the lever, pulling it wont do anything yet so its time for another 
puzzle. The door in front has two statues with pressure plates in front. 
Fairly obvious what to do. Find the two small blocks and place them BOTH 
on the plate on the left. Move over to the right statue and grapple the 
head, move back a bit and tug on the grapple to pull the head off and 
onto the plate. Now, pull the lever and the door will open.

Niflheim                                                            [04]

Head on through and up onto the rocks. Jump over the gap and onto the next 

Treasure 11

Jump to the hole in the wall and break the jar.


Jump down to the floor and climb up the stairs. Crouch down under the fallen 
rocks and drop to the floor. Find the little tunnel and crawl through, in 
the next area, climb up the rocks and up to the top, collecting a health 
pack along the way.

Treasure 12

To your right as you climb up, in a jar.


Continue on, at the crossways, go left for a healthpack.

Treasure 13

Opposite area with the healthpack, break the jar behind the pillar.


Move on to initate a little clip. Weve seen many things in Tomb Raider, its 
about time we saw the mythical sea creature *raises eyebrow* ah well, its 
another thing to tick off the list. What needs to be done is really easy so 
fear not. Head right, climb onto the wall and go right to reach the 
other side. Turn the corner and slide down the ramp.

Treasure 14

At the far end, behind a pillar, kick the jar.


At the crossways, one way will take you to the water area, go the opposite 
way with the blue flame. Follow the path into an open area. Find the pillar 
on the left with a tentacle wrapped around it. Grapple the hook and pull to 
remove a section, causing the tentacle to retract. Climb up on the ledges 
behind you, slide down the ramp, and jump to the pole. Swing to the 
ledge on the wall and shimmy left to reach the upper area. Climb up and 
pull the lever. This will remove one of the locks securing the spiked 
chandelier type thing. Ignore the doorway and go back the way you came, 
head straight ahead to enter the room with the Kraken. If you move closer 
to the water a tentacle will come out and swipe at you, just move away to 
avoid being slapped. Note, this is a "hotspot" of sorts, going back to this 
spot will make the tentacle come out again, so be careful, you have been 

Treasure 15

Head left and up the rocks, in the corner are some jars, you know what to do.

Treasure 16

Go into the water and find the pillar in the center, find a treasure lying 


Swim to the other side and find some stairs partly covered in water.

Treasure 17

It'll be lying on the staircase covered in water.


Go up the stairs and there is another tentacle hot spot. Avoid it and climb
up the rocks on the side and locate some stairs on the right. Climb up 
into the next area.

Treasure 18

Go left as you climb up and when you reach a dead end you'll find a jar.


Go through the tunnel with another blue flame. Enter into another open area.
Climb the ledges to your left and vault up onto the wall, shimmy right onto 
the ledge. Jump onto the pillar and balance on the top, jump to reach the 
higher area. Find the large cogs on the right hand wall and grapple the 
hook located on one of them, pull the grapple to move the cog into place. 
Pull the lever to remove the second lock. The chandelier is now free, 
just one last thing to do. Head through the upper door and onto the arm of 
a statue. Jump to the left hand and jump to a ledge on the wall nearby. 
shimmy around the corner and jump to a ledge behind you. Pull the lever to 
raise the chandelier. Take out your weapons and shoot the two broken links 
in the chains either side of the lever. This will allow the chandelier to 
fall onto the Kraken, killing it. Personally i think this is a little mean 
but hey, who am i to judge. Moving on...

Treasure 19

Where the chains were, pick a side and wall jump to reach a balcony area 
above the lever. Find the jar containing the treasure.


Grapple the hook to the right of the lever and jump, abseil down the wall 
and let go, pull the lever on the right to open the doors. Head on through 
until you reach a hole in the floor. Climb up onto the wall on the left 
and use the small outcrops to scale the wall. Head all the way right until 
you can climb down to the floor. Climb up the stairs and carefully make 
your way along the beam. If Lara becomes too unstable she will fall but 
luckily she'll grab for us. If you want her to stop wobbling while your 
walking just simply stop moving and continue. Once over the other side, 
crawl under the rocks and head into the next area to have a chat about good 
old Thor.

The Norse Connection                                               [05]

Treasure 20

Head into the room on the left, as you enter turn left to find a jar.


To the right of the room is a pole, climb up on it and jump into the the 
little hole at the top. Drop down into this little room and find a health
pack at the other side. Oh look, another pressure pad. Three guesses for 
what we have to do here....Find a small block like last time and stand on
the plate, but instead throw the block through the door, now do the same 
with the other one. Once both blocks are through the door, quickly run 
though. Place both blocks on the plate in front of you. This will remove 
a lock from the door. Face the door, grapple it and move so your 
standing on the other plate. With both locks removed, pull on the grapple 
to pull the door down. Head through and watch the scene.

And here i was to think all Irishmen were charming and lovely. Anyway, 
youve been stripped of your new found trinket so in true Tomb Raider 
style...its time to get it back again.

Treasure 21

Turn to face the statue of Thor, on your left is some jars.


Leave the room and turn right, enter the room you found treasure 20 in. 
Conviniently, the blast caused a rock to fall from the wall giving you a 
way out. Climb up and through the hole and follow the path to reach a room 
full of poles.

Treasure 22

To the left of the entrance to the pole room, is a jar, break it.

Treasure 23

In the far left corner of the pole room is another jar.


Climb the pole nearest to the exit and leap to the one hanging from the 
ceiling, at the top, jump off onto the upper ledge. Go around to the other 
side and jump to balance on the poles. Make your way to the ledge and on 
your right is another pole to jump to. From this one, jump to the pillars 
to balance on them like before, make your way onto to the exit. Go through 
the opening and crawl through tunnel.

Treasure 24

On the left of the exit of the tunnel, break the jar.


Continue making your way along and you will end up at the top of the room 
where the Kraken once was. To your right is a grapple hook, swing across to 
the other side of the room.

Treasure 25

After swinging across, go straight ahead to the far wall and there'll be 
some jars.


Go around the back of the nearby rocks, pick up the healthpack and climb up. 
Use the pole to swing across, head down the ramp to slide to the lower level.

Treasure 26

Hang off the ledge near to where you slid down, shimmy right all the way 
until you can climb up. Break the jar to collect the treasure.


Turn right after collecting treasure 26 and jump over the gap to the other 
side. Crawl and enter the little cave. The relic is in the left corner. 
Your health will increase slightly. Head back the same way to reach the 


Go through the doorway, climb up the ledge and shimmy right and at the end 
drop down to the floor. Go left and when you reach the hole, jump to the 
ledge on the wall, shimmy right to the other side. Climb through the hole. 
To save me the time and effort of writing this section again, but in 
reverse, you should be able to backtrack all the way to the boat on your 
own :)
God Of Thunder                                                      [06]

Jump onto the anchor and climb up the chain, once at the top, climb up and 
onto the deck area. Men will be patrolling the area below so collect the 
healthpack (looks like a briefcase...why that resembles a healthpack i 
have no idea....anyway, see any more of these and pick them up). Head on 
down and get your weapons out. three mercenaries are patrolling between 
the crates so take them out. Find the small blue box and use this to 
climb onto the taller ones, from here you should be able to take out the 
merc who's standing at the upper deck area. Note: you cannot stand on the 
"Natla" boxes as they are breakable.

Once at the upper deck, go left or right, and and pull out a rifle or 
something with quickfire, theres alot of merc's to dispose of. Keep dodging 
and throw a few grenades if things get tough. Once the coast is clear, head 
down to the helipad area, kill off any more men lurking around. find the 
stairs going down and follow the path till you encounter more merc's. 
Once their taken care of, head through the door into the main area of the 
boat, be careful as a merc is hiding behind the boxes in front.

The next area is straight forward, keep making your way along, killing any
one in your way. Eventually, you'll meet up with the irish man, sadly he's 
still not chucking out the irish charm and goes and blows a fuel tank 
causing the ship to sink. Is it just me, or does this section remind you 
of a previous sinking ship level in TR5? Anyway, continue along, dont 
worry about any more merc's hanging aroung so keep going until you 
you re-unite with another familiar face.

Realm Of The Dead                                                   [07]

If the boxes with "natla" on where to crytic for you to catch on, then 
this scene will make things a bit clearer. Yes, our Atlantian Queen is 
back. Guess it was too taxing for CD to think of a new character to play 
the bad guy....or woman...anyway...ships sinking so its time to leave. 
Head forward and keep going, avoid the steam when you reach it...for 
the easily confused at why Lara is shielding herself, steam is hot...
and hot things hurt. Head around and when the ship tilts, allow the 
boxes to fall, they wont hurt you or anything if your too impatient 
to wait. Around the next corner is something oddly familiar. Rolling 
fuel tanks, from the good old days. Head up the ramp and as you get close 
time will slow down, at the right time, jump into the corridor on the right. 
It is possible to roll instead of jump but i found Lara has a tendancy to 
roll into the fuel tanks instead of going where i wanted her to. Leave the 
ship to fully tilt over, and run along the walls, as it were. At the end, 
climb up the wall, and use the valves to scale the wall. Head over to the 
left side and climb up. In the next area climb up the ladder and use 
those trusty valves once again. When you reach the ledge, shimmy along and 
drop down onto the beam below you, walk along and climb up to end the 


     ___         ___         __
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|                                                                          |
|Coastal Thailand                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|"According to Natla, Avalon and the Norse underworld are one and the same.|
|Entry is not possible without Mjolnir, the war hammer of the norse god    |
|of thunder, Thor. Is this what my father was searching for in Thailand?"  |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 30                                                            |
|                                                                          |
|Relics - 1                                                                |
|                                                                          |
Remnants                                                              [08]

This, enough sight seeing, time to get 
down to business. Dive in and kill the sharks. Swim around and find the 
little ledge and climb on.

Treasure 1

To the left of the waterfall is a little cave, swim under the water and 
theres a treasure just by the left hand wall.


From the platform, make your way up the rocks.

Treasure 2

As you climb up, head right and jump up to reach the ledge. As you shimmy 
into the cave, a few spiders will jump out, be ready to shoot them. Climb 
into the cave and at the end you'll find a healthpack and a treasure.


Back on the wall, climb left and onto the broken bridge, at the end lean 
back and jump to grab the ledge opposite. Press space to make lara climb up 
and shuffle along to the right. At the end lean and jump to land on the 
rocks. Make your way into the next area and watch out for spiders as you 
climb up the rock. Around the corner, slide down the ramp and jump to grab 
pole. Swing across and grab the ledges and climb up to the top. 

Treasure 3

As you go around the corner, hang off the right hand ledge and drop down to 
outcrops. climb along and when you reach the corner wall, lean back and 
jump to a little alcove containing a treasure. Make your way back up.


Head into the open and beware of more spiders lurking in the bush. To your 
left are some ledges, make your way up to the top of the rock. 

Treasure 4

Before heading down the trail, turn around and look slightly to the left. 
Take a good run up and jump over to the rocky area and collect a treasure.
from here you can jump down to the area you were just in, and then make 
your way back up.


Follow the trail and try and ignore the growling coming from somewhere in 
the tree's. When you reach a pit, grapple the hook, run and jump to swing 
across. Continue on, crawl under the broken rocks and head up the stairs 
of the temple area.

Treasure 5

To your right is a collection of jars, find the odd one out and break it.


Head over to the left side and wall jump using the wall of the temple and 
the nearest pillar. Once on the ledge shimmy round and jump across to the 
next pillar. shimmy right and grab the ledge above you, then lean back and 
jump to the next ledge. Shimmy right to the other side, lean back to grab 
another ledge behind you, shimmy around and climb up. From here you should 
be able to make your way up to the top.

Head forward and at the end, jump to the left pillar, climb up, shimmy 
right and jump to the pillar next to you. Go around and drop to the pole 
below you. Move along a little bit and then swing to the next pole, and then 
to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy right until Lara grips with her feet, lean 
back and jump to pillar, shimmy around, drop down and jump across to the 
pole.Monkey swing along and use the ledges to drop down to the river.

Follow the river downstream until you find out who was growling at you 
earlier. Keep moving and dodging as best you can, another tiger will 
come out from the ruins to the left side. 

Treasure 6

Behind the broken wall, near to where you fought the tigers, break the jar.


Head to the ruins on your left and climb up onto the beam. Jump to the crack 
on the pillar, shuffle around and jump to the broken beam behind you. Climb 
up the ledge, shimmy around and wall jump to the top. Shimmy around.

Treasure 7

With Lara facing the river, press left+jump together to make her jump across 
to the pillar. Make sure you press them at the same time else she'l just 
shimmy back around. Go left and drop down onto the beam. Hang off it and 
shimmy across and use the ledges to climb into the cave area. Head right 
from where you climb up and find the treasure. A few bats wil fly out from 
the distance so take care of them.

To get back to where you were, Jump to the pillar to the left of the 
treasure, shimmy around and jump to the pole. Climb up, balance on it and 
jump to balance on the pillar, then jump to grab the ledge. climb onto the 
beam, jump up and head right.


Drop onto the beam, jump to the pillar top and then off to the platform.

Treasure 8

Shimmy right while hanging on the platform to reach a ledge with a jar on it.


Shimmy left for a health pack if you want it, else climb up. Crawl under the 
fallen tree branch and hang off the ledge, shimmy left and jump across the 
gap, climb up to battle more tigers. Here, it will tell you about the 
"headshot" move...well it doesnt actually explain how to do it so i shall 
help. See how theres a green Lara representing her health? and the lara next 
to her was your air meter? well that lara is also used for building up 
adrenaline. you'll see it filling up as you fire at enemies, when it turns 
yellow, its time to unlease the wrath of Lara...ahem. anyway, run towards 
an enemy and press "Q", this will make Lara rebound off the enemy entering 
into slow motion. Use your mouse to move the red cross hair into the circle 
in the middle of the screen, as soon as it does, press fire to complete the 
head shot...its a damn lot easier to do than the "adrenaline dodge" from 
Anniversary and its not compulsary to learn, its just for fun and makes 
killing killing enemies alot easier :)

Back to the game, once the tigers are dead, head up the stairs to the 

Treasure 9

When standing on the stairs, climb up the ledge on the left to reach a 
sort of balcony area. Run along, swing across using the pole and at the end, 
jump down to the ramp, as you slide off Lara will grab the ledge. Drop down 
again to the ledge below and shimmy left, jump across and make your way to 
the wall on the other side using the poles. Shuffle left and climb up into 
the alcove to get the treasure. Climb up onto the ledge and stand on the 
beam, go to the end and jump across to another beam on the other side of 
the river. Climb onto the ledges and make your way back to where you fought 
the tigers a moment ago.


Go up into the temple and follow the path. To spice things up a bit we 
have no floor in the next secion so time for some more climbing. Kill the 
bats that fly out from behind the corner and jump to the nearest beam, jump 
to the crevice on the left hand wall and shimmy around to the end, lean back 
and jump to the opposite ledge and make your way to the beam on the left hand 
side. Walk to the end and leap across to another beam. Move along a bit and 
jump to the hole under the fallen rocks. As you crawl through kill the 
spiders that are waiting for you, move through and kill some more that are 
making their way down the wall. 

Hang off the ledge and shoot some more spiders that are crawling around at 
the bottom, let go and head right, use the pile of rocks to climb up to 
the uper ledge. See that beam above you? use the wall to rebound off and 
onto the beam.

Treasure 10

In the cave to the side of the beam, break the jar.


Go along the beam and use the smaller ones to make your way to the pole, 
stand on it and shoot the spiders that are coming from the far wall. 
When there dead, jump to the small beam, then to the next and then finally 
onto solid ground, head forward to initate a scene.

Bhogavati                                                             [09]

The lever in front wont do anything yet, so head left slightly and find a 
gap unter the barrier, hang off and shimmy right round the corner until 
Lara can climb up and hug the wall. From here jump forwards to land on a 
beam, hang off it and shimmy around to the other side, climb back up and 
then jump to balance on another pillar, jump into the sheltered area. 
Collect the healthpack on the left hand side and then grapple the hook and 
pull it off. Jump back to the pillar you were just on and then back onto the 
beam, hang off and let go. Kill the bats that come out from the where you 
pulled the hook off a moment ago. Turn around and find the section with no 
barriers, use the grapple hook to swing across.

Treasure 11

As you land on the other side, there is a jar just to your left.


Crawl under the barrier and locate the pole on the floor, use it to insert 
into the pillar nearby. climb up on it and jump across to the pillar to the 
side, then across to the next one. Jump to the wall, and use the footholds to
 make your way up. When you reach the highest ledge, lean back and jump to 
balance on the pillar, shoot the bats that come out. Jump to top of the next 
pillar and from here you can jump to another sheltered area. If you cant make 
this jump, use the beam to the right and shimmy around.

Once in, collect another healthpack from the right corner and then hang off 
the pole, press "E" to pull it out and drop it on the floor. Jump back to 
the ledge, shimmy back around and use the beam to jump back onto the top of 
the pillar you were on. From here jump to the hole under the railings, 
crouch as you climb up and from here, follow the path back to the lever. 
Pulling it causes the floor to break away, and as you fall you'll enter into 
another slow motion section. As you fall past a grapple hook, press "Q" to 
latch on...remember that its in slow motion so it will take a second or two 
for the grapple to come out. Timing is key here, try not to throw the 
grapple too early, make sure youve just passed the hook before throwing the 
grapple and you should latch on. Once time resumes to normal speed, abseil 
down the wall and land at the bottom area. As you approach the Shiva/Kali 
statues several Nagi will come out to attack. Try and dodge as best you 
can and you should have a decent supply of health packs should your health 
get too low. You should be able to use a couple of head shots here so make 
the most of them, these enemies are quick so headshots are a good way to 
get rid of them, as they usually come in large numbers.

Once there all dead leave the two moveable statues where they are, you cant 
do anything with them yet. Face the way you came down and go either left or 
right, they both go to the same place. Note, i soemtimes find a loose Nagi 
lurking in the tunnel to the left. i think its a little glitch or something 
as its meant to come out with all the others. Just a little note incase 
you arent expecting to fight it :P Follow the path and head down until you 
reach a room with a grapple hook, latch onto it and jump down the hole, hold 
"E" to go down, at the bottom let go. 

Treasure 12

Just in front of where you dropped down, is a jar.


After the short scene, move forwards and use the ledges to climb up, at 
the top shimmy left and jump across to the beam. Shimmy left and climb up, 
jump across to the opposite beam, hang off it and shimmy right. Climb up and 
jump across, drop down, shimmy left, climb up and then jump to the platform. 
God, that was a mouthful. If that makes absolutly no sence then i apologise, 
and completely ignore it :P getting across it is simple enough. Use the 
ledges on the right hand side to climb down safely, go up the stairs and 
kill the bats that fly at you. 

Now when i wrote this out on paper i did this part in the wrong 
doesnt matter really in the long just saves some time, so ive 
scribbled on the sheets to try and place this in the right order. If i get 
time i will go through it in the game to check it makes sence, however, if 
i dont get time and your reading this going "eh?" then please let me know. 

Collect the healthpack in front of you and head down the stairs to the 
right, as you reach the lower area several Nagi will attack, so take care 
of them. From the base of the stairs you just climbed down, look at the 
pillar in front of you, see it? good, look behind it and you should see some 
ledges. Climb up and another Nagi will come out from the right, along with 
some spiders. Once there dead, go to the other side of the pillar and use 
the footholds to climb up, jump up the grab the upper ledge and then jump 
across to the right to land on a platform.

Treasure 13

Hang from the edge of this platform and head right, you'll come across a 
little alcove with a treasure in.


Climb up the next ledge where another Nagi will come crawling out along with 
some bats. Climb up the wall and head right.

Treasure 14

Whilst on the wall, when you get the choice to go carry on going right and 
onto the ledges, make your way along and climb up onto a platform. Face the 
main area and in front of you is a pillar, run and jump to it and collect 
the treasure on top. From here you can jump down to the platform with the 
climbable wall, make your way back to where you were.


Back on the wall, go up and then head left until you can clinb down onto a 
balcony area. 

Treasure 15

In the alcove just ahead to the right.


Opposite Treasure 15, hang off the ledge, let go and quickly press "E" to 
make Lara grab the lower ledge and climb up.

Treasure 16

Just in front of you.


Kill the bats that fly out. To the left of the treasure, jump to the lower 
platform. At the left side hang off near the pillar, as you hang two nagi 
will come out. Heres a little tip. shoot at them while there climbing the 
walls, this will knock them off, you can then shoot them while there in the 
lower area. Be careful with this though, as there are two of them, watch out 
for the other as it too, can you knock you off.

When there both dead, shimmy left to the other side of the pillar. 

Treasure 17

Jump to the platform in front and hang off the ledge so your back is to the 
pillar you just shuffled past. Go as far right as you can and then lean back 
and jump to land on the lower ledge. The treasure is just in the far left 
corner. Head to the other side and a couple of Nagi will come out, take care 
of them along with the bats that join them. In the corner where they came 
out,collect a healthpack and use the little gap to wall climb up to the 
ledge above, shimmy right and then jump over to land on the platform you were 
on a moment ago. Hang off the ledge like before and head around to the other 
side to get back to where you were.


Face the pillar and climb up using the ledges, shimmy right and then climb 
up to the top. Turn around and find the grapple hook, latch onto it and jump 
off the pillar to swing to the little area. Climb up and collect the Gem 
from the little mechanism. Grapple this and abseil down the front to land on 
a ledge with a healthpack on.

Treasure 18

Face the main area, turn right and go to the edge, in the corner you should 
see a little platform, take a running jump to make it. Climb up the pillar, 
jump the ledge on the right and shimmy to the alcove. Climb up and wall 
jump to the upper ledge, shimmy left and climb up for the treasure. Drop 
down to the floor


If you didnt get treasure 18, hang off the right side of the ledge, shimmy 
left and jump left to land on the ramp, slide down to end up at the lower 
area.Head over to the stairs you came down on, find the climbable wall and 
climb up, pick up the healthpack nearby. Go around and climb up onto the 
beam, climb up and onto the ledge, jump right to the next ledge, climb up 
and lean back and jump to reach the top platform. A couple of bats will 
fly out so take care of them. From here jump to the little area with 
another odd looking mechanism and collect another Gem. This should open 
the gate below you, giving you a way out. Grapple the mechanism again and 
jump off the front of the platform, climb down the grapple to land on the 
platform. Head through the gate, when you reach the large hole in the 
floor, grapple the hook, take a run up and swing across. In the next area 
climb onto the pole, stand and jump to the crevice, shimmy left and jump 
to the crack in the wall, climb up to the top and pick up the healthpack.

Treasure 19

Go right and another room with lots of beams. Again, i apologise for the 
explanation, if its as bad as the first one then im sure you can make your 
way on your own. Jump to the beam , shimmy left and climb up. Jump across, 
follow the beam right to the platform. Jump to the beam on the left, hang 
and shimmy, climb up and jump to the platform to collect the treasure. 
Turn around and grapple the hook below you, jump and swing across to get 
back to where you were.


Jump to the pole and swing across to the platform, grapple the hook and jump 
and swing. Follow the path and head up the stairs. As you enter an open 
area, you'll be attacked by a tiger.

Treasure 20

In the far right corner, break the jar.


Climb up the front and then onto the ledge, shimmy along until you can climb 
onto it, jump to balance on the pillar.

Treasure 21

From the pillar, jump to the ledge on the wall, shimmy left and jump to 
the platform.


Jump to the next pillar and then to the ledge, shimmy left and drop down. 
Climb up and then wall jump to reach the upper area, as you move forward 
some bats will come out so shoot them. Turn around and hang off the edge 
and drop down, shimmy right until you reach a beam. Stand on it and jump 
to ledge, shimmy left, drop down, lean and jump to another beam. Walk along 
and jump to a pillar, then onto the wall.

Treasure 22

Climb up and shimmy right, lean and jump and climb up onto the platform.


Shimmy left, and jump across and keep going until you can jump up to the 
pole. Swing across to the ledge and climb up, at the top go to the edge and 
jump to the ledge. Shimmy right and climb up. Head over to the right side 
and stand on the ledge, lean and jump. Shimmy right, stand on the beam and 
shoot the bats. Move along the beam, climb up, shimmy around the pillar, 
then lean back to jump to the next one. Jump to the ledge, shimmy right and 
climb on the beam, then jump into the cave. Follow the path untill you reach 
another floorless path. Lucky you, more climbing to do.

ump to ledge on the left wall, go right, at the end drop to the beam below 
you. Jump to the little beam and then onto ledge on wall. Jump up to reach 
the pole, stand on it and jump to the next one, move along slightly and 
swing across to the other side. Climb up the stairs and kill two Nagi.

Treasure 23

From climbing up the stairs, head right and in a little area the treasure 
will be lying there.


On the other side, jump and stand on the hanging platform to lower Shiva's 
arm. Climb back up and go around the side area to reach the hand. Stand on 
it and place a Gem in the socket. Several bats will fly out so shoot them 
all. Go back down and stand on the other hanging platform to move the arm 
back up. This will allow a beam of light to shine through the Gem and down 
to the lower area. Locate the metal bar on the wall and grapple it down, this 
will not give you access to the lower area. Grapple it again and then abseil 
down the side of the wall. Let go and turn 180, a nagi may come down from 
here, so watch out. Once thats over, move forward until you can grapple the 
hook, then stand next to the wall and when prompted, press "space" to make 
Lara lift off the ground. Climb up and release the grapple. Over to the left 
is a metal cage, push it over to where the hanging platform is. Make sure 
its pushed right against it. Climb up to the upper area.

Treasure 24

Similar to where treasure 23 was, at the far end. As you come back out 3 
Nagi will attack.


Go up the steps and find the ledges on the pillar to your left. Climb up 
onto the pole and swing across the far one. This will pull Shiva's other 
arm down but as soon as you let go it'll move back up again. To keep the arm 
down, drop off the pole and quickly move the metal cage so its underneath 
the platform. Go back up and place the Gem in the socket like before, climb 
back down and pull the cage from underneath the platform, allowing the arm 
to raise.

Grapple the hook and abseil back down to the ground floor, its time to move 
those statues. You need to reflect the light off of the fans the statues 
are holding, but only one side of the fan will reflect the light. Asuming 
you didnt move the statues earlier, heres what to do. Move the nearest 
statue to where you just came down, along the straight line and down the 
under circle, as you reach the spot you started at, the fan will 
reflect the light to the centre crystal. Leave the statue here and grab hold 
of the other one. Move it left along the circle, then along the straight 
path and then down slightly. When both statues are in the correct place, 
the light will shine to the Gem on Kali's head moving the floor down. 
Go through into the new area.

Treasure 25

Behind the statue.


Grapple the hook on the statue and press "E" to pull on the grapple, pulling 
the statue over, breaking the floor.

The Ancient World                                                     [10]

Kill the spiders that emerge from the pit. Hang off the edge, let go and 
press "E" to make Lara catch the lower ledge, at the bottom, let go again 
and quickly throw the grapple to swing to safety. Head towards the door. 
When you have control, grab hold of the wall and move right to open the 
entrance to the next area. As you enter, kill the spiders that come down 
from the right hand wall and head towards the tree.

Treasure 26

Turn and face the way you came in, see that hook on the right? latch on and 
jump down, land on the platform below and collect the treasure at the end. 
To get back up, simply grapple the hook again and then jump off at the top 
to grab the ledge.


Climb down at the end and the wall will glow, at the bottom, take hold of it 
and move the wall as far right as it will let you.

Treasure 27

When you've moved the wall, find the little alcove hidden behind it and 
the treasures inside.


Jump over the gap on the left and grapple the hook on the bridge, wall run 
across to the other side. Grab the wall and pull it back as far as it will 
go, remember to leave a little gap allowing you to get out. Go around the 
other side and push the wall as far as it will go. Grapple the hook and 
wall run back to the centre.

Treasure 28

Climb back up and shoot the mass of bats that attack. Asuming the bridge is 
in the correct place, it should lead you to a platform with the treasure 
on. Climb back down when your done.


Grab the base once more and move it right, a short scene will show you the 
bridge is now aligned with the exit. Climb up.


Face the exit and hang off the left side. Let go and quickly grapple the 
hook, swing to the outer platform. Grab the wall and pull it back, remember 
to leave a gap so you can go around the other side. Do so, and grapple the 
hook, wall run to the other side and climb up to the top. The bridge should 
*fingers crossed* be just off to the left of the exit. Run along it and 
jump to the platform on the left side, the relic will be lying around. Head 
back and jump to the exit to continue.

Puppet No Longer                                                      [11]

Shoot the spiders on the wall and then grapple the hook. Jump off and wall 
run. When your at the left hand side, you need to keep the camera so its 
directly behind Lara, and then press jump+down to make her leap off the 
wall onto the platform behind you. This can be a real pain so keep trying. 
I find that jumping off the first time you run left to work, rather than 
wall run for a while but thats just me. Once you make it across, jump on 
the ledge and onto the pole, as it moves down, an underwater door will open.
Jump into the water.

Treasure 29

Before heading through the new tunnel, go around to where you grabbed onto 
the ledge from the wall run, under the water around here is a treasure.


Swim through the tunnel and make your way along, there are air pockets every 
so often if you need them. 

Treasure 30

As you swim downwards it'll be lying on the floor.


Keep swimming until you reach a door, pull the lever to open it and then 
surface for some much needed air, you'll find yourself back at the begining 
so swim forwards to end the level.


     ___         ___          
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|                                                                          |
|Croft Manor                                                               |
|                                                                          |
|"My father stripped Bhogavati of artefacts and destroyed any information  |
|that might have led to Helmheim, but he left behind a clue that only I    |
|would be able to understand. He must have discovered something very       |
|dangerous to destroy such an important archaeological site."              |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 13                                                            |
|                                                                          |
|Relics - 1                                                                |
|                                                                          |
Protected By The Dead                                                  [12]

Well, its not exactly running around the manor but its something i 

Treasure 1

In the pot to your right.


Head up till you reach the pole.

Treasure 2

In another pot near the pole.


Climb up the pole so that you end up balancing on the top, jump off to the 
platform. Follow the path till you reach an open area with scaffolding. As 
you enter several bats will fly out so kill them. 

Treasure 3

Use the beams along the left hand side to jump to the little balcony, 
the treasure will be lying here.

Treasure 4

From the balcony with treasure 3, jump to the pole and swing off to a 
little broken ledge, the treasure is in the corner.

Treasure 5

Make your way to the floor and go over to the right hand wall, along it 
will be a jar.


Make your way down, and climb up the scaffolding on the right side of the 
room, climb to the highest beams and use them to make way onto another broken 
balcony area. Pick up the healthpack and jump to the pole, climb and stand 
on it, and jump to the next pole, swing across to the other side. Head on 
through the doorway.

Treasure 6

Look for a pole in the right hand wall, jump up and stand on it, climb onto 
the ledges on the wall and climb into the alcove at the top.


Bring the pole with you, you'll need it for another treasure later on. 
Continue on down the stairs.

Treasure 7

After the first set of stairs, in the corner is a jar.


Go down and at the crossways, go right and put the pole down. Head back the 
other way and collect the healthpack. Pick up the block and walk further on 
until you reach a pressure pad, stand on it and allow the gate to open, 
before throwing the block into the room. Head back to where you left the 
pole. Dont pull any of the levers in this room yet. Pick up the nearby block 
and go down the other corridor, ignore the path to the right for now. 
Keep going, when you reach another block, shoot the spiders that emerge. 
Take the block down the path to another pressure plate, again, stand on 
it and throw it through to the other side, go back and collect that other 
block and do the same with that.

Treasure 8

Go back to the lever room and collect the pole, then go up the stairs i 
told you not to go up a moment ago. At the top you'll enter onto another 
balcony area, insert the pole into the hole on the wall, and use it to 
climb up into another little alcove with a treasure inside. Head back to 
one of the pressure pads and throw it with the other 3.


Back in the main area, place two blocks on the central pressure pad. 
This will ignite a fire in front of you and also open both gates to the side 
of you.


Face the newly lighted flame and turn right, take two blocks and place them 
on the pressure pad in the right corridor. This will open a little gate 
along the corridor, crawl in and collect the relic.


Head back to the lever room and face the central strucure. 

4      3    
            ----- These represent the levers as you face them.

1      2

Pull lever 2 twice to remove the first lock on the door, then pull lever 4 
three times to remove the second lock. To open the door you need to push 
the large lever. Bare in mind that the door doesnt stay open, its on a 
slow timer. So as soon as you've pushed it open, head around the back of 
the 4 levers and climb up the right side of the pillar. At the top go 
right to climb onto the top platform. From here, run, jump and grapple the 
hook to swing through the doors before they close.

Climb up the steps and kill the spiders, pick up the healthpack.

Treasure 9

In the jar next to the healthpack

Treasure 10

Go forward and around the corner, at the dead end will be another treasure.


Go up the steps to see a scene. After its over you will be attacked by two 
Thralls. Attack them like any other enemy but you MUST complete a finishing 
move to kill them. The only other way to kill them without the finishing 
move is with a head shot. When you've shot them enough, they'll lay on the 
floor and regenerate health, you need to stand near them at this point and 
press "E" to stomp on them.

When there both dead, find the glowy, moveable pillar and move it so its 
next to the metal cage. 

Treasure 11

Climb on and wall hug the pillar next to the cage, jump to grab the top of 
the moveable pillar. Jump to the top of the broken pillar and then onto 
the balcony to find the treasure.


Move the pillar as far as it will go, till its blocked by the rubble on the 
floor. Wall hug the pillar ledge again, and jump to the top of the moveable 
pillar, then jump back to the top of the pillar you were just on. Leap to 
the beam, hang off and shimmy right.

Treasure 12

Before shimmying to the next beam, lean back and jump to a small platform 
with a treasure on it.


Continue to shimmy around, climb up on the beam and jump to the crack on 
the hanging pillar. Lean and jump to the doorway, head on through the 

Treasure 13

As you make your way through the tunnel, look out for a jar on the right 
hand wall, break it for another treasure.


At the end, pull the lever and go through the doorway. Does this look a 
little familiar? i should hope so...because i cant be bothered to re-write 
this section out again. Its fairly straight forwards and if you get really 
stuck...refer to the first time you played this section. 

After the scene with Zip, its time to find Alister, and a few answers 
aswell. Climb up the right side of the fireplace and head onto the 
hallway, go right and around and jump to the pole. Stand on it and climb 
up onto the top of the glass wall, carefully lower yourself to the other 
side. Brace yourself for the next scene, you wont be expecting this.


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|                                                                          |
|Southern Mexico                                                           |
|                                                                          |
|"My fathers photographs revealed the location of Thor's Belt in Central   |
|America and his hammer between Greenland and Norway. Zip doesnt understand|
|how i can continue after Alister's murder, but i am convinced this path   |
|also leads straight to those responsible."                                |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 50                                                            |
|                                                                          |
|Relics -  1                                                               |
|                                                                          |
The Unnamed Days                                                 [13]

*stares at the screen with puppy eyes*....but....they...cant... *sniffs* 
is anyone else actually sad? *sighs sadly, shuffles papers and gets back 
to work*

You'll get to drive around on a rather cool motorbike, it may take a little 
getting used to but you'l have plenty of space to do so. Now theres a huge 
about of treasures in this level, so i will do my best to make sure you can 
find them all. Most are pretty much lying around and really obvious so 
hopefully you'll manage to get all 50...not that you'll get much for your 
efforts...apart from knowing that youve officially completed the game...
anyway. Back to the game...

Start driving through the gloomy, muddy rainforest.

Treasure 1

When you reach the stone tunnel, get off the bike and find a jar nearby.


Get a run up and jump over the gap, no going back now. 

Treasure 2

After jumping the gap, get off the bike and find another jar in the bushes 
to the right.


Keep driving until you reach a building, get off the bike. 
its time for some exploring.

Treasure 3

Theres a jar on the far right corner of the steps leading to the building.


Climb the small pillar and jump to the ledge on the taller on. climb up, 
shimmy left and jump across. climb onto the ledge and use the smaller 
ledges to head left and reach the little doorway. Climb in and grapple the 
hook in front, drop off outside and the weight will pull the lever, opening 
the door. Climb down a bit and wall run into the opening on the right.

Treasure 4

As you enter, theres a jar to the left.


Pick up the Jaguar Head from the stone table. Find the healthpack to the 
right of the doorway, and use the end walls to wall jump to the upper 
area. Theres a nice little hole for you to get out, hang off and jump to 
the beam. A panther will be lurking around so take care of it. Get back on 
the bike and make your way around the broken walls.

Treasure 5

Stop before going down the tunnel. Turn around and go around the right side 
of broken walls, find a jar next to a wall.

Treasure 6

Theres one behind a tree to the right of the last treasure.

Treasure 7

To the right of where you parked your bike is a pillar, find a jar at 
the front.


Ride through the tunnel and continue until you reach another building, this 
time there's bodies littered on the steps so you can only asume whatever 
killed them is lurking around. 

Treasure 8

As you enter this area, go up the mud slope on the left and theres a 
treasure and a healthpack.

Treasure 9

Left of the doorway, up the steps.

Xibalba                                                           [14]

Go through to reach the first Mayan Calander. Place the Jaguar Head on the 
centre lever. Take hold and turn it till the red mark on the middle wheel 
lines up with the one on the outer ring. Let go and take hold of the skull 
lever, move it so the outer ring isnt in line anymore, this will also 
disconect the other rings. Go back to the other lever and turn it till the 
red mark lines up with the one you just moved. Finally, go back to the 
skull lever and move the mark back into place. You should see a short clip 
showing the calander has been aligined properly. If not, double check to 
make sure all the marks are lined up at the bottom of the calender.

Head back to the bike and your assumptions earlier are confirmed, kill the 
two panthers that are lurking outside. Get back on the bike and head down 
the other route. Jump the first pit and then use to the upper path to get 
past the second.

Treasure 10

When you reach another stone tunnel, break the jar on the right.


Just up ahead you'll reach a crossway, take the left path through the tunnel.

Treasure 11

As you exit the tunnel, notice a little path up on the left. Head up and 
half way along you'll find a jar on the right side.

Treasure 12

At the end of this upper area, get off the bike again and theres another 
treasure behind the tree at the end.


Continue until you have to get off the bike. Follow the muddy tunnel. In 
the next area several hunters will currently be attacked by panthers. Head 
on down to kill anything thats still alive.

Treasure 13

In the lower area, theres a pot underneath the left balcony.

Treasure 14

Upper right balcony, right at the edge.

Treasure 15

Find the pole in the lower area and put it in the hole in the pillar on the 
upper right balcony. Use it to reach the top where a jars sat.

Treasure 16

Go towards the area with pillars, in the far right is another pot.


Find the smallest pillar and jump to pillar on left, climb onto the ledge 
and then onto the pole. Pull it out and put it in the hole in the pillar to 
the right of the small one. Climb to the ledge, shimmy left,jump up and then 
across, and head around to left side. Lean back and jump to footholds. 
Climb right, when your back is to the beam, jump back onto it. Go along and 
at the end, jump to the right pillar, shimmy onto the broken beam and 
shimmy left. Climb up, jump to broken beam connected to the wall. Jump to 
the ledge, shimmy around and drop down.

Treasure 17

Find the jar to the right of where you dropped down.


Climb up the poles and jump to the one in the blocked doorway, climb up and 
onto the upper platform.

Treasure 18

Turn back to face the way you came, theres a jar on top of the pillar.


Go around and use the grapple hook to lower yourself to the floor.

Treasure 19

opposite where you climbed down, is a little alcove with another jar.


Find the doorway and climb up the stones.

Treasure 20

In corner of the stone ledge.


Climb to the top and grapple the hook you used a moment ago, walk right so 
the grapple line bends around the top section of the pillar, now press E to 
pull on the grapple, this will knock the loose secton off, breaking the 
floor. Several bats will fly out so kill them  and head back down. Climb 
onto left and be careful as its wet so its slippery, make sure to press E 
on these upper ledges as Lara wont grab them properly. Drop down to the 
footholds, climb down and jump to the pole. Slide down to the bottom, locate 
the little alcove and collect a skull thats lying on the tomb. Head back 
out and shoot the spiders.

Treasure 21

Find the small, broken pole and balance on the top. Jump to the little 
ledge and shimmy into an alcove with treasure.


Face the alcove you got the skull from and climb the pole to the right. Jump 
to the ledge and climb up and go left. At the end, drop down and head onto 
the footholds, climb up and left. keep going, and jump to the pole. Jump 
forwards to more footholds and climb up to the ledge, jump left and climb 
back up.

At the top, climb through the gap opposite to where you climbed up. Crawl 
out and kill the three hunters that have taken post in the area. Once 
there dead, head back to your bike. Head back to the crossways.

Treasure 22

Ahead is a some stairs leading to the area where the gate to the underworld 
will open. To the right is a jar.

Treasure 23

Enter this area and on the lower steps to the right is another jar.

Treasure 24

Follow the left wall around till you reach the far left corner, theres a jar.

Treasure 25

Keep following the wall around until you reach the far right corner, break 
the jar.

Treasure 26

Bottom right corner from where you entered.


Back at the crossways, take the left path. Jump over the pit and kill the 
panther, if you can, run it down at top speed to kill it. At the temple, 
theres another lurking around, kill it along with the two men standing on 
the upper area. Once there dead you need to find the little area to the 
right, theres a hole in the wall. You cant get in this way but you'll be 
coming out in a moment. To compelete the part after, you'll need quick 
acess to your bike, so park it under the hole. 

Go around to the other side and kill another hunter. 

Treasure 27

Just to the left of the doorway.


Climb up and and move the box so its just to the right of the hole in the 
wall. Pick up the pole, climb onto the box and press E to slot it in. Your 
weight will pull down the pole, opening the door just to the left. Quickly, 
let go and roll through before the door shuts, you'll enter into the second 
Calander area.

Treasure 28

Far right corner of the room as you enter.


Make note of the hole opposite, you'll be leaving through it shortly. Put 
the skull you found in the outer lever to raise it up. You need to pretty 
much repeat the same thing you did before to make sure the four marks line 
up. As soon as you do you'll see another clip showing the gate opening. Just 
to liven things up a bit, the gates on a timer so as soon as you get control, 
let go of the lever and head through the hole in the wall. Asuming you 
parked your bike here like i said, climb on and hightail it back to the 
crossways, turn left to enter the area and keep going until you see a scene 
as you enter. If you dont make it in time, you'll have to go back to the 
FIRST calander and move the outer mark back into place, to open the gates 

The Midgard Serpent                                               [15]

Well seeing as your now locked in, you might aswell have a look around. 
The lever to the side isnt useable yet, but it will open the gates to allow 
you to leave. Climb on the bike and head down the tunnel.

Treasure 29

Just before the second set of stairs leading down, theres a pot on the left 


Head down and jump the two ramps but brake quickly to avoid falling into the 
third pit. Get off, pick up the healthpack and jump to the pole, stand on 
it and use the wall to wall jump to the above pole. Swing to the ledge on 
the, which will slowly lower to raise the ramp. Note, this ramp is connected 
to the first one you jumped, when one is up, the other is down. Just 
remember this when you come back that you'll need to raise the first ramp 
again to get out. Kill the spiders that crawl up the walls, or just leg it 
onto your bike and drive over to the other side. In the next area after the 
scene, kill the spiders. These are annoying as they have a tendany to pounce 
on you alot of the time so if your close to them i reccoment shooting and 
kicking them, works rather well.

Treasure 30

Face the door, theres a pot to the right.

Treasure 31

Use to ledges to the left of the door to climb up to the alcove above the 


Out of the 7 statues, 4 are movable, 2 are also missing a staff. Locate the 
missing staffs and slot them into the statues hand, when this is done, they 
will pivot so they are lying across the laps of the statues. Grab these and 
turn the statues around 180 to open four doors.

I dont know why most TR games seem to feature a puzzle that involves 
aquiring 4 keys but this ones no different. Like Lara mentioned, there are 
four trap rooms to be explored and four keys to be retreived. 


The easiest to get to, head up the steps into the room. Fairly simple, 
sprint through when the coast is clear. At the end, pick up the Rattling 
House Key. Turn around and two spiders will try and get to you but the 
moving blocks will take care of them for you. Stand on the left/right side 
of the upper area and grapple the block thats in the far alcove. This can 
be really tricky as the blocks are in the way most of the time. Be patient 
and little by little, pull the block towards you. You can now use it to 
keep the moving blocks from crushing you.

Treasure 32

With the block keeping the walls apart, stand on the block and when the 
walls close in, wall jump to reach the top of them. Run along and theres a 
treasure in the alcove the block was in.


Exit back to the main room.


Climb to the beam on the left of the exit from the previous room, jump to 
the ledge on the pillar. Climb up and shuffle left and jump to the pole. 
Head onto the footholds and go right, jump to the pole behind you, stand on 
it and jump to the next one, stand again and jump to the ledge. Shimmy 
around the corner, lean back and jump to another pole, jump to another 
ledge, shimmy left and climb up to the pole. Swing across, when your in the 
middle, swing to the doorway on the left.

Treasure 33

Left of the door

Treasure 34

Right of the door.


Head into the room. Yay, lots of flames to dodge! *insert sarcastic look 

Treasure 35

Left of the flames.


Now this should be a fairly obvious factor, and one i shouldnt have to tell 
you each time you reach a pole. DODGE THE FLAMES! im sure you can manage this 
without me having to remind you every time. Climb to the pole in front and 
when you can, run along it and jump to the pole on the right wall, quickly 
climb up to the one above. Swing to the next one, and when the flames go, 
swing to reach the end. Collect the Flame House Key. Climb onto the pole on 
the left, then to the one above. Go across and back to the little pole on 
the right. From here you can swing to the exit. 

Treasure 36

Before leaving, turn back to face the flames. Climb back onto the first 
pole, this time however, turn around and jump to the upper pole. Stand on 
it and jump to the alcove with another treasure.



Drop to the floor and face the stairway to the wall room, and look left. You 
should see a grapple hook on a higher platform, latch on and climb up. At 
the top, jump to the small stone platform and then slide down ramp and jump 
into doorway.

Treasure 37

Just by the doorway.


Oh no, the peril in this room is too much to handle. Did CD get bored of 
thinking up idea's of making Lara's life more difficult? Ah well. Crawl under 
the rocks

Treasure 38

Immediatly to your right as you crawl through to the other side.


Collect the Jaguar House Key.

Treasure 39

Left of where you picked the key up from, theres also a healthpack.

Treasure 40

Climb the rocks, and run and jump to the alcove above the exit. This is a 
long jump so really press down on the space bar to make sure Lara makes it. 



Back in the main room, find the poles with the spikes and dead bodies. Use 
the little gap in the wall to wall jump up to the ledge, climb up to the 
flootholds and onto the ledge. Press right + jump together to leap across 
the room, climb across and then up to the top. Jump to the pole.

Treasure 41

Jump to the stone ledge on the side, the treasures lying on it.


Climb up the pole and make your way along the poles until you reach the 
ledge. Shimmy right and jump to the pole. Go across and drop down, climb up 
and shuffle right. As you turn the corner, jump forwards to land on a beam, 
then into the doorway.

In the room, i shouldnt need to tell you to dodge the various spikes. When 
time slows down, duck down to avoid being sliced, stay crouched till the 
blade goes. Make your way to the other side and collect the Razor House Key. 
The various traps have blocked your path, so climb up the ledges on the 
left wall and onto the beams on top of the traps, use these ledges to make 
your way to the other side of the room.

Treasure 42

Whilst on the beams you should see another alcove above the exit, use the 
beams to reach it.


Back in the main room, kill the spiders that are crawling about and place 
all the keys in the centre. More spiders will come as you put them in, so 
take care of them. Once all keys are in, go to the statues and push them in 
to open the door back to where you came from. Dont leave yet, were not 
finished. Get on your bike and park it on one of the pressure pads, get off 
and stand on the other to gain access to a new area. Get back on the bike 
and drive down.

Treasure 43

Just before the ramp, theres a jar on the right of the stairs.


Jump the ramp.

Treasure 44

Get off as soon as you jump the ramp, theres a treasure behind it.


Carry on until you reach a dead end. Pick up the Jaguar Head on the floor, 
this is what we need to get back outside. Just one more stop to make, crawl 
through the hole and into the area behind.

Treasure 45

To the left of where you crawled out.


Run down to initiate a scene.

Treasure 46

There is a jar to the left of the stairs you came down.


Enter the area with the Eitr, it may look all shiney and pretty and blue but 
its not something you want to take a swim in. Falling into it will cause 
instant death to our dear heroine. Head right and kill any Thralls that 
appear along the way. At the end, climb onto the rocks on the left and jump 
to the pole, this will shut off the supply and lower the level of the Eitr. 
Swing back and climb up on the rocks to your left, make your way onto the 
ledges and lean back and jump to reach where you entered.

On the left side, hang off and drop down to the very bottom ledge, quickly 
shimmy right before the ledge crumbles away and make it to safe ground. 
Climb up to the beam above you and follow it along, be carefull as the 
long section will also crumble as you walk along. At the end, climb down, 
kill any more Thralls and follow the path. 

Climb up on the ledge and shuffle around, wall jump to reach the ledge and 
jump left. Climb up onto the rock and collect the healthpack. Grapple the 
hook and swing across to the other side. When you land, grapple the hook on 
Thor's Shield and pull it towards you. Climb onto it and shimmy across, at 
the end lean back and jump to the ledge.

Treasure 47

By the pillar where you shimmeyed around a moment ago.


Climb onto the mini ledge on the pillar, then climb up, shimmy around and 
jump to the pole to lower the Etir level again. Swing back. Climb to the 
ledge on the pillar to the left of the one supporting the dragon head, and 
climb to the lowest ledge so your backs facing the centre area, jump to it. 
Kill any Thralls that attack.

Treasure 48

Left corner next to Thor statue, jump to the platform and onto the broken 


Grapple the corkscrew and go around it clockwise to twist the line around it. 
Make a full 360 and then pull it till the statue moves. Climb on the pillar 
nearby, collect the healthack and then jump to the steps leading into statue.

Land Of The Dead                                                    [16]

Get back down and grapple the screw again, go around it like before to move 
the screw back into place, this will move the statue back allowing acess to 
the Relic. Move the blue pillar and push it into the slot at the end. Climb 
back onto the pillar that had the healthpack on. Look left and grapple the 
hook underneath the serpent head, jump off and quickly swing to the ledges 
opposite. Be quick and your weight has opened the mouth, allowing Eitr to 
flow in and raise the level back. 

Go left and use the ledges on wall to reach the broken beam, head over to 
the other side. Climb up onto the rock and jump to the platform you moved 
earlier, then onto the one near to statue.


Run and jump to grab Thor's Hammer. Climb up and the relic is in his eye. 
Jump back to platform.


Now this part can be really annoying, you need to grapple the hook 
underneath the serpent head and swing like before. The ledges you are 
aiming for are the ones leading back to where you came in, see them? the 
problem with this part is that you have to make sure you position yourself 
correctly, get enough momentum to reach them AND avoid the raising Eitr. 
First time i played the game it took me a very long time to make this, 
after writing this guide i was on my fourth play, and managed to do it 
first go *looks smug*, needless to say it can take a while to reach the 
exit. Theres not alot of advise i can give on this, its just trial and error.

After collecting the Relic from Thor, you need to grapple the hook underneath 
the serpent and swing across to the ledges opposite. Annoying as it, chances 
are that you will die. After reloading the auto save, it puts me on the 
left-hand side outer area, rather than back on Thor’s hammer.There’s no easy 
way back to grappling the serpent ring, which is still closed.Make your way 
behind Thor, swing across using the ring. Head over to the broken beams 
behind the pillars opposite Thor, i.e. your way out, killing any Thralls 
that attack.

Once up on the beams, look right towards the centre.  Between the two centre
beams you can see the corner of a ledge. Its the ledge you can pull up and 
stand on. You can easily jump to this ledge from the beam and then make your
way out of this area.  Good thing is that you don’t need to grapple the serpent 
hook and race against the rising Eitr. Just take your time for an easy way out.

-Thanks to CoolAsLife for this info! 


Treasure 49 & 50

Left of the exit in the corner is a block, you may have noticed it earlier. 
Now your all juiced up again you can move it out of the way to find the 
last two treasures.


Return to your bike and make your way to the ramp, you'll need to get off 
and move the block out of the way to exit. As you reach the statue room, 
kill the spiders if you want, or just head through the door. When you reach 
the ramps, remember that the last one needs to be raised. Climb off at the 
pit and head onto the pole, climb up and jump to the next one on the other 
side of the room, then jump to the ledge on wall to raise the ramp. Get 
back on your bike and make your way back to the first room. Place the Jaguar 
Head on the statue to the right of the lever, then pull it. This will open 
the gates for you. Now theres a section of the floor missing, im not sure 
if this is a glitch or it is in fact meant to be there. Either way, you can 
still make it out, just get a good run up. Head out to finish the level.


     ___         ___         ____  
|   |   \      /|   |       / 
|   |__  \    / |__ |      |_____
|   |     \  /  |   |      |     |
|___|___   \/   |___|____   \___/

|                                                                          |
|Jan Mayan Island                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|"Thor's hammer is one of the most powerful weapons in human mythology;    |
|strong enough to kill the immortal demigod, Jormungandr, as the world     |
|burns in the final battle of Ragnarok. It isnt power I seek, however,     |
|but answers. The truth behind the myths that these ancient devices        |
|inspired."                                                                |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 30                                                            |
|                                                                          |
|Relics - 1                                                                |
|                                                                          |

Gate Of The Dead                                                    [17]

Drive down until you reach a door, use Thor's power to open it, drive on 

Treasure 1

Up the slope to the right is a jar.


Drive down, try and run down as many Thralls as you can. Watch out for the 
holes in the path and make sure you get enough power to make it round the 
sloped wall. At the bottom you'll have another scene. After, kill the many 
Thralls that attack.

Treasure 2

To the right of the door.

Treasure 3

Under the ramp you came down.


Find the three stones and slot them into the holes in the wall to kickstart 
the machine. Those poles arent just there to look pretty, yup, were going up.

Climb onto the ledge on the base and time your jumps up the ledges and poles 
to reach the platform. Repeat this process to reach the next platform.

Treasure 4

Find the jar on this platform.


You may need to twist the middle section around slightly to move the lower 
ledge underneath the upper one, in order to climb up.Carry on up, try and 
avoid the steam as best you can, it will cause Lara you loose her grip but 
pressing E should be enough to ensure she doesnt fall. 

Treasure 5 & 6

On this top platform. One is in a jar, the other is just lying on the floor.


Walk around until Lara starts glowing, grab the moveable section and twist 
it till the mark matches the one on the floor. When you do so, a beam of 
light will shine down near the door. Make your way down to each platform 
and repeat this process, at the bottom, all 4 lights should be shining, you 
can now open the door.

Valhalla                                                          [18]

Now i contemplated writing this next section out but it'd be really long 
winded and probably cause problems so...ive made a map...a not very 
technical looking one, but a map none the less. Use it to find the various 
treasures scattered about. i have numbered them and below the map is a 
little explanation for each location. There are also lots of Thralls 
in this area so i can fully asume you dont need me to tell you what to do 
with them. 

D.E = Dead End....i basically couldnt be bothered to write it out each 
time :P

HP = Healthpack

T = Treasure

S = Secret Area

M.B = Moveable Block

# = Lever to secret area

                            EXIT                         D.E
                              |                        _______
                              |                           |T18
                              |                           |
                     |HP    # | #                         |       |
                     |T20      M.B   T19                  |       |
                     |                                    |       |
         D.E                                              |
       _______                                            |
        HP|T13                                            |
          |                                               |
          |                                               |
          |                           |                   |
          |T12                     D.E|__________         |
          |                           |HP     T16|        |
          |                           |          |        |
     |    |                                      |        |
   S2|____|                                      |        |
     | T11|                                      |        |
          |                                      |________|
          |                                      |        |
          |T10                                   |        |
          |                                   T15|        |
          |                                      |        |
          |                                      |        |T17
          |                                      |     ______
          |                                      |       D.E
                              |        T14

Treasure 7

Right as you enter.

Treasure 8

To the left of the ramp going down.

Treasure 9

On the left after the ramp.

Treasure 10

Right after the ramp.

Treasure 11

Around the corner behind some jars.

Treasure 12

Through the archway, on the right.

Treasure 13

Far right corner

Treasure 14

Behind the rubble.

Treasure 15

Turn left after the ramp.

Treasure 16

Behind rocks on left.

Treasure 17

Crawl through tunnel on right

Treasure 18

in jar next to fallen rocks

Treasure 19

Behind the middle ramp

Treasure 20

Crawl through gap in fallen rocks.

Treasure 21

Park your bike just in front of the archway, facing the ramps the way you 
came. Move the little block next to the pole on the right of the exit. 
climb onto it and your weight will open a secret door. Quickly let go and 
get on your bike, drive straight ahead to secret area 1 before the entrance 
closes. Kill the spiders and the treasures lying on the floor. Pull the 
switch to exit.


Park the bike in the same place. Pull the block to the hole in the wall, 
left of the exit. Pick up the pole and put it in the hole. Again, your 
weight will pull the lever down opening a secret area back near the 
begining. Let go and hightail it before the door shuts. Relic is on 
the floor, pull the lever to get out.


At the exit, go to far right corner and use the wall and broken ramp to wall 
jump up. 

Treasure 22

Left as you enter this new area.


Head along to platform till a sequence initiates. As you fall forwards, jump 
to grab the ledge, shimmy left and jump across to the pillar on the left, 
drop down to the pole and quickly move along to the other side before it 
breaks. Let go onto the slop and jump to the beam. at the end, climb to 
ledge, shimmy right and drop to beam. Go along and jump to ledge, shimmy 
right and climb up. Jump across to the broken section. Go around and wall 
jump to reach the top. 

Jump to the ledge and shimmy left, drop down and press E to safety grab. 
Climb up and jump left, drop to beam. At the end, jump to ledge and go left. 
Drop to beam, go along and jump to ledge. Climb up, go left and wall jump up 
to the platform.

Treasure 23

Go along platform, be careful as a section will break away. Killer spider 
and go down the tunel. Theres a jar on the left, watch out for a Thrall 
that comes out in front.


Go down the other tunnel to reach an area with moving blocks, kill the 
spiders in the area. 

Treasure 24

On the left of entering the room.


Climb the ledge on the block, at the top, lean back and jump to the rotating 
poles. Stand on and at the top, jump to the chain, swing along and climb off 
at the end. Through the tunnel are some rotating...things...DONT TOUCH THEM! 
Else Lara will get trapped and die. Use the poles to swing across and when 
the swinging block is in front of you, jump to it. You'll grab the ledge, 
shimmy right and when you reach the other side of the room jump to the 
ledges. Shimmy right and climb up the block thats wedged in the wall, climb 
through to reach the other side.

Treasure 25

To the right as you enter the room.


You'll be in another room like the one earlier. Climb onto the right side 
chain and swing along, drop down to the poles below and swing to the ledge 
on the block. Your weight till slowly lower you to the ground. Kill the 
spiders that are lurking around and then remove the block thats stuck in the 
cogs on the right side.

Treasure 26

Move the block to the area where the spiders came from, climb up and at the 
end is a treasure.


Go back to the now moving blocks, and wall jump to grab onto the upper 
ledge. Make your way back to the top of the room, over the rotating things 
and the block that was stuck in the wall is now in full motion, climb onto 
it. Shimmy right like before and at the other side of the room, jump to the 
ledges. Shimmy left into the tunnel on the left. At the end, hang off and 
jump right, press E to make sure Lara grabs, then drop down.

Treasure 27

Shimmy right and jump to the ledge with treasure, make sure to safety grab 
as Lara wont grab the ledge properly.


On the wall, lean back and jump to land on a platform. Jump to the slope and 
land on the beam below. Go along and climb up, shuffle left and jump to 
platform. Use the supports to balance and reach the ledge on other side. Go 
right and wall jump to the top, kill the Thrall.

Treasure 28

Go down the tunnel and kill another Thrall that jumps from the Eitr. Grapple 
the hook, jump and quickly climb up to avoid touching the Eitr. Climb up 
and wall run to the ledge on the left. Jump the gap and climb into the hole 
above. Go through tunnel and at the end hang off and drop. Go left and jump 
to platform with treasure. Climb back up to the tunnel, hang off and drop 
to ledge, go left and shimmy till your above the entrance, drop down.


Use the grapple hook to wall run to the other side, head into the tunnel to 
encounter a "yeti", kill it.

Treasure 29

To the left of the doorway.

Treasure 30

opposite doorway, inbetween the moving blocks.


Wall jump to reach the ledge and repeat the same process to reach the top 
chain, watch out as this chain is moving backwards so you'll need to keep 
pressing E in order to make it to the other side. Through the tunnel, jump 
over the rotating things and jump to the pole. IMMEDIATLY jump off to avoid 
Lara's legs getting crushed. At the end jump to the swinging block. As you 
swing, you'll notice a platform below you, time it and drop down. Quickly 
move to the side as it'll break. Climb up the steps to gain Mjolnir.


     ___         ___         ______
|   |   \      /|   |             /
|   |__  \    / |__ |            /
|   |     \  /  |   |           / 
|___|___   \/   |___|____      /

|                                                                          |
|Andaman Sea                                                               |
|                                                                          |
|"In the end, Amanda helped me a great deal by digging up the Queen of     |
|Atlantis and keeping her caged. And now with Thor's hammer, i have the    |
|power to to force Natla to tell me the location of Helheim and then remove|
|her from this world forever."                                             |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures - 0                                                             |
|                                                                          |
|Relics - 0                                                                |
|                                                                          |

Rituals old                                                      [19]

This is a reasonable short not really sure why they put it in, 
they should have just added it to the last level. Regardless, this section 
wont really guide you through. For the pure fact this area is set out 
EXACTLY the same as the last ship you were on. Its not been that long 
since you were there so im sure you can remember where to go...if not...
use the section from the begining level. The only difference is that your 
now equiped with Thor's Hammer, and can therefor cause a little havoc :P 
Follow the same path as before and make your way into the hull of the ship. 
Keep going until you encounter Natla.


     ___         ___         _____ 
|   |   \      /|   |       |     |  
|   |__  \    / |__ |        \___/ 
|   |     \  /  |   |        /   \
|___|___   \/   |___|____   |_____|   

|                                                                          |
|Arctic Sea                                                                |
|                                                                          |
|"The midgard serpent is clearly a metaphor for some monstrous ancient     |
|device, and even my father had second thoughts about opening Helheim      |
|despite his desperate hope to find my mother. It is a risk i'm ready to   |
|take, however, to solve this mystery one and for all."                    |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Treasures -  30                                                           |
|                                                                          |
|Relics -  1                                                               |
|                                                                          |
Helheim                                                             [20]

Okay, i have to say this because it i feel it needs pointint out...err...
swimsuit in the arctic? Correct me if im wrong but isnt the Arctic y'know...
a tad cold? They could at least install a "warmth" bar like in TR3 to add a 
little realism. Anyway, rant over.

Swim down and again, sharks infest the waters. Kill them if you wish, thors 
hammer makes short work of killing them.

Treasure 1

See the large statues? well i hope so because there not exactly hard to 
miss, swim to the far left one, as you'll see its been broken. In the little 
hole on top is the treasure.


At the end, swim to see a lever. You cant pull it yet, well you can but it 
wont do anything. Go left to find some stones with carvings on them. Lying 
nearby is a Power Stone, pick it up and slot it into either of the carved 
rocks. Swim down and left to see some stairs.

Treasure 2

At the base of the stairs, go around to the right of them.


At the top of the stairs is a doorway, go through. Dont go up just yet, 
instead swim right.

Treasure 3

At the end, turn right and collect a treasure lying on the rocks.


Swim left and up. Find the little tunnel which leads to another power stone.

Treasure 4

To the left of the power stone.

Treasure 5

As you swim back, before you head down, look for a tunnel up. Treasure is 
lying on the rocks to the right.

Treasure 6

Opposite the treasure 5.


Swim back to the entrance and swim up. Surface and climb out. Stand on the 
small rock and climb to the ledges. Climb up, jump left onto the beam. Climb 
up onto a ladder and then jump to the platform behind you. Pick up another 
power stone.

Treasure 7

In a jar to the right


make your way back outside and slot a power stone into the other carved 
stone. To the right of the lever is another two carved stones, place another 
power stone into one of them. 

Treasure 8

Just lying behind the carved rocks.


Swim right and down to find another doorway.

Treasure 9

Swim down and head right to the side of the temple. There is a treasure 
lying on the floor.


Enter doorway and swim up, surface and climb out.

Treasure 10

Jar to the side as you climb out the water.


Climb up the ladder and go right onto the ledge. Climb up and jump right. 
Climb up and jump to the beam. Go along and jump to ladder. Climb up and jump 
off. Go up ladder and jump to another beam. Jump to the next one and climb 
up to collect the last power stone.

Treasure 11

To the right of the power stone.

Treasure 12

Opposite the power stone is a little ledge on the left side, Jump over to 
get it.


Climb back down and head outside, place the power stone into the last carved 

Treasure 13

Swim up and go left slightly, see those broken pillars? head inside to find 
another treasure.


One last thing to do before we pull that lever. Face the statues and swim to 
the front left one. Around the back you'll find the side has been broken. 
Lying around this area will be two large cogs, pick them up and slot them 
into the mechanism. Swim up to go behind the helemt of the statue, here 
you'll find a lever, pull it to make the statue retract his sword from the 
chain. Swim to the far right and pull the lever behind the helmet. Do the 
same with the statue to the left of this one. Now, pull the main lever at 
the front of the temple to open the gate.

Treasure 14

Face the statues and swim down. Below the one on the left is a little cave, 
swim in to find a treasure.

Treasure 15

Swim right from the cave, along the wall on the left side of the gorge 
you'll see a treasure.

Treasure 16

Swim left from the cave and follow the right wall till you find a treasure.


Head into the temple. Now if you hated my map from the last level, then 
my sincerest apologies but ive made another :P trust me, it'l be easier 
than me explaining it all.

D.E= Dead End


        D.E              |
       _____             |
         |T21            |
         |               |
         |               |
   |     |               |   |
   |     |               |   |
   |     |            T22|
         |             __|__
         |              D.E
         |                     D.E
         |                    _____
         |                      |
     |   |                      | T18|
     |   |                      |    |
         |                      |
         |T19     D.E           |
       __|__     _____          |
        D.E     T17|            |
                   |            |
               |   |            |    |
               |   |            |    |
                   |            |
                   |          __|__
                   |           D.E

Treasure 17

Through gap in fallen rocks.

Treasure 18

Swim over rocks, treasure is behind them.

Treasure 19

Behind fallen rocks.

Treasure 20

Just past the rocks on the right.

Treasure 21

Swim through gap to find it.

Treasure 22

Behind the rocks.


After the scene your faced with a large room filled with Eitr, it just 
clearly isnt your lucky day. From the safety of being up here, pull out the 
hammer and unleash its wrath on anything lurking below.

Treasure 23

Left of the doorway, near jars.

Treasure 24

Right of the doorway.


Jump to balance on the pole, climb down carefully to the platform.

Treasure 25

Next to the wall where you just climbed down.

Treasure 26

Jump to the horizonal pole and make your way along, dont let Lara wobble 
else she'll fall in the Eitr, at the platform theres another treasure.


Jump to the small pole and then onto the ledge on the broken wall. shimmy 
left and make sure you go around the corner slightly, lean back and jump and 
grab the pole, climb up and then jump to the platform.

Treasure 27

Right in front of you.


Jump to the pole and slide down.

Treasure 28

To the left as you get off the pole.

Treasure 29

JUmp across the platforms, at the end by the wall is another treasure.


Jump to the horizonal pole, go along and jump to the wall, climb up and 
carefully go along to reach the upper platform.

Yggdrasil                                                        [21]

Treasure 30

Left of the doorway, in corner. Collect the last treasure of the game.


The relic hiding behind one of the waterfalls thats pumping out Eitr. 
Obviously you cant just climb through it so you need to shut the waterfall 
off. To do so there are four glyphs scattered around the room which you need 
to activate. Here are the locations:

-Face the entrance to Yggdrasil, to the left and around the side of the 
entrance is a glyph, touch it.

-On the platform you used to reach treasure 29

-Next to where you got treasure 26

-On the side of the entrance into this area. 

Once theyve been activated you'll hear a rumble, if you dont, then you've 
missed one. Head back onto the platform in the middle of the room. Turn right 
and you'll see the waterfall isnt there. Grapple the hook and swing to the 
alcove at the top of the wall. Collect the last relic. Getting back may 
prove a problem, swinging generally results in flying over the platform, 
rather than landing on it. Though im sure if you jump off before the momentum 
will throw you onto it. Should you miss the platform obviously Lara will 
die, however, doing so will place you at the endtrance to Yggdrasil and 
it'll remember that you've got the relic. So it may just be easier to kill 
Lara, rathter than swing back :P the choice is up to you.


Enter Yggdrasil and follow the tunnel, killing the mass of Thralls you 
encounter. keep on going until you encounter a scene. Afterwards, its time 
to kill Natla....again *sighs and rolls eyes*

Continue along the path and kill more Thralls along the way, eventually 
you'll reach a large open area. Anyone smell a boss fight coming up?

Out Of Time                                                        [22]

Okay so its not an ACTUAL boss fight as thankfully they have been removed 
from the game, but its the end of the game and you do indeed, indirectly 
fight Natla so...yeah...anyway...time to finish this.

Now there are lots of platforms and ledges in this area so i will try and 
explain it as best as i can...i scribbled all this down whilst trying to 
remember where to go as i was playing so if it all goes horribly wrong...
im sorry :P

Go right and jump to the lower platform and climb onto the wall. Head around 
and you'll see Natla trying to interfer with your plans to kill her...again.
She'll throw a fireball at you, so move out of the way. Climb up to the top,
shimmy left and jump across. Keep going around and dodge another fireball.
Keep climbing up and make your way up to the platform.

Kill the Thralls that appear and run along dodging the flames.Grapple the 
hook and swing across to the other side. Dodge more attacks and at the end 
head into the little alcove and grab hold of the block, push it further in 
to disconect it from the platform above. Turn back the way you came, see 
that ramp going down? jump to it to go to the lower level. Climb down on 
the right and jump to the area with the grapple hook. Latch on and 
climb down, swing in to land on the lower platform. Pick up the healthpack 
and face the centre area.

Now these ledges are dangeriously close to the Eitr so watch out. Jump down 
and make your way right until you come across another moveable block, 
push it in like before. Keep going right and you'll come across another, 
repeat the process. Now all three are disconnected, its time to break 
the supports for the main tower. continue going around till you find a 
healthpack, use the walls next to it to wall jump up. Shimmy right, up then 
left to ledge, then climb up. At the top, climb up to where you slid down 
the ramp earlier. Round the back is a glowing blue button, press E to smash 
it, this will break the ramp into floating pieces.

Climb down on the right, and when a piece comes close, jump to it. When 
you spot the platform where you first entered this area, jump off. Head 
back to where you started climbing but this time climb into the little 
area with a healthpack on, use these walls to wall jump up. Make your way 
onto the side like before and then climb up. Follow the path like before 
and when you reach the grapple hook, climb up a bit and wall run to reach 
the ledge on the right side. Climb to the top and avoid any flames that 
Natla throws at you. Face the central pillar and when another floating 
platform comes near, jump to it. Keep an eye out for one of the supports, 
ignore the first one and when you see the second, run and jump to the 
platform. Go around the back and smash the button to break apart the ramp 
like before. 

You'll a scene where Amanda is overwhelmed by Thralls. Afterwards drop 
down on the right and jump to the moving platform like before. This time, 
climb up to the highest one thats circling next to the central pillar. 
Jump to grab on the rotating ledge, climb up and when you can, move up the 
ladder like ledges. At the top Natla will throw another fireball at you, 
dodge it by jump up and grabbing a ledge. Hang on, and look underneath, 
when you see the support below you, drop down and slide to the bottom. 
Smash the button to break the last support, with nothing left to hold 
the pillar up it'll break apart. Watch the scene to end the game.

|                                                                           |
|    Cheat Codes                                                    [23]    |

I came across these and when i saw the subline, a grin appeared on my face :P 
When i saw them i was a little let down but hey, they provide the game with a 
little extra "ness" and makes things EASY which i suppose is the point :P 
So heres the list of the cheat codes and how to access them for each version 
of the game. Enjoy!

Bulletproof Lara

XBOX 360: Hold LT and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB

Playstation 3: Hold R1 and press X, L1, Triangle, L1, Square, R2.

Playstation 2: Hold R1 and press X, L1, Triangle, L1, Square, R2.

PC: Hold Lock Target and press Jump, Fire, Interact, Fire, Grapple, Sprint. 

One-Shot Kill

XBOX 360: Hold LT and press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B.

Playstation 3: Hold R1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R2, Circle.

Playstation 2: Hold R1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R2, Circle.

PC: Hold Lock Target and press Interact, Jump, Interact, Grapple, Sprint, 

Show Enemy Health

XBOX 360: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y. 

Playstation 3: Hold R1 and press Square, Circle, X, R2, L1, Triangle.

Playstation 2: Hold R1 and press Square, Circle, X, R2, L1, Triangle.

PC: Hold Target Lock and press Grapple, Crouch, Jump, Sprint, Fire, Interact.

|                                                                           |
|    Glitches and FAQ                                               [24]    |

Okay, ive added this section mainly because ive had LOADS of emails about 
some of the glitches. Or, rather, just the main one :P either way, to aid 
you all, and to stop me writing the same email out to each person, i'll make 
a list of glitches and problems found in the game and any known solutions.

Ive only come across one problem so far, so the list wont be very exciting, 
however, i urge you to email me if you come across ANY glitches or solutions 
to problems found in the game. Your contribution will be greatly apreciated.

I will say this now, so please take it into account if your going to email me 

-Your name (not your real name, just something i can credit you by, unless you 
dont mind your real name being used.if you dont provide an ALIAs to go by you 
will not be credited.)

-Where you found the glitch (level name,and preferably which area within the 

-A reasonable account of what happens when the glitch occurs

-PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! tell me what console you are playing on. This is a 
vital piece of information. 

I only have the PC version, so i cannot vouch for any of the other consoles, 
sorry, but i see little point in owning the same game on different 
platforms :P because of this, i will leave a little symbol showing whether 
the glitch/solution has be confirmed by AT LEAST 2 people. 

? = Means its yet to be confirmed.

* = Has been confirmed.


Problem *

Game Freezing/game is unresponsive

Location *


Which Platforms Are Affected *


Known solution *

Likey chance is that its the console overheating. Playing any game for a 
long time will heat up the console. If it because too heated, it can 
cause problems for any game. Should this happen, turn the game off and leave 
said console to cool for half an hour. Also, to keep consoles running longer,
any that have a fan underneath the console, should be raised off the ground 
to prevent overheating. 



First ramp in Xibalba does not raise, preventing player from contining the 


Mexico, Xibalba (Underworld)

Which Platforms Are Affected 


Known solution *

For PC users, a patch can be downloaded and added to the game to prevent 
this glitch from occuring. Those who play the game with a Steam account, 
will most likely already have the patch downloaded.This patch also solves 
other little problems within the game.

For other consoles, no patch is available. To stop the problem you need to 
reload the game from an earlier Autosave. It is adivsed you load the one 
entitled "Xibalba", which will place you at the first calender. Sadly, you 
will need to repeat most of what you've done but it seems to be the best and 
so far, only solution. Should the problem continue, you may need to restart 
the level.



The blocks that are used to hold down the pressure pads which activate the 
flame, are breakable. When your standing on the pad and you throw the block 
through the gate its possible that it can hit the gate and land below it. 
As soon as you move off the plate to rescue it, the gate falls and crushes 
the block. This shouldnt prove too much of a problem when playing the game, as 
you only need 2 blocks to light the flame. However, if your wanting to collect 
the relic, this becomes impossible because you need 2 blocks to keep the gates 
open, and the other 2 to place on the pressure pad near to the Relic.

Also, if you this happened during normal gameplay, then you return to this 
level on Treasure Hunt mode, the block will not show up. This also happens if 
you try to reload the level from an earlier savepoint (should you have one).


Croft Manor

Which Platforms Are Affected *

Known solution *

Restarting the level.


Dont throw the block so it lands underneath the gate :P this might seem a 
little obvious but it can be avoided. WAIT for the gate to fully open 
before throwing the block through. ALSO dont stand right at the edge of 
the plate, as its been known to catch on the gate and land underneath it.


-Thanks go to RevTed for emailing me about the glitch and solutions!


|                                                                           |
|    Final Thoughts....                                             [25]    |

After CD announcing at the last minute that this game wouldnt be released on 
PS2 when they said it would, i was annoyed to say the least. What was even 
annoying was that my PC cant handle the graphics of the demo *sniffs sadly* 
so i couldnt even settle for second best and play on the PC instead.(please 
dont yell at me :P im well aware the graphics of the PC are much better than 
that of the PS2...but ive never been a fan of playing games with keyboards.)
I vented my anger on a forum only to be moaned at and told to be grateful 
that Underworld was going to be on PS2 after all. My response=yes, 
im very happy that i wont have to cough up £300 for a new console but 
wasnt the point of delaying the release from summer 08 to christmas 08...
to complete the PS2 version? And what was even more a slap in the face...
they couldnt release the PS2 version because they ran out of time to 
make it work in an older console...yet managed to bring it out on the DS.
Correct me if im wrong...arent the graphics in a DS...much worse than 
that used in PS2....*sighs* 

After coming home for christmas i was presented with the temptation to 
forget waiting another 3 weeks for the PS2 release date (asuming it wasnt
going to be extended...again) and purchase the game for my parents PC which 
could easily handle the game. Temptation overruled and i bought the game. 
Then a sence of guilt swept over as i was only home for 2 weeks and after 
that i wouldnt have access to the game. After christmas i was fortunate to 
have gained some money, so i gave in and bought a shiney new graphics card 
for my pc so i could play the Pc version. sadly i had to wait till the 
morning after as it took so bloody long to download.After waking up like a 
kid at christmas, i finally got to play the game i'd been waiting for for 
a year...

Lets start with the bad...

-remember how annoyed we were that Legend was incredibly short? and how 
we all complained to CD that we wanted a longer game? well the man at 
CD looked at the pile of those complaints....and threw them into a fire.
Dont get me wrong...Underworld is longer than Legend.But after a day and 
a half of gaming...i was presented with a black screen and the credits 
rolling up before i had time to go "WTF".

-The camera is bareable...untill your thrown into battle with 
several large animals trying to kill you. At which point the camera 
control decides to go AWOL and doesnt allow you to see anything other 
than Lara's legs being chewed on. 

-Lara's always been a daredevil...she's more than happy to traverse 
mountains without climbing gear...yet as soon as we take control and 
try and make her jump from one ledge to another, she seems to panic 
at the last minute and jumps in the wrong direction. This has been 
happening for...well most of the games...surely programming Lara to 
jump in the direction you told her to...isnt that taxing...

-rewards was always a nice little bonus knowing that 
all our hard effort of collecting all the treasures that we would 
be rewarded with tasty extra outfits...or...
the option to ACTUALLY run around the manor without it being on 
fire...and what do we get after collecting ALL this stuff? 
zip all...apart from some artwork...which is very nice, but wheres 
the rest of it? i mean sure, Relics give lara twice as much health 
but i'd rather have a nice selection of alternative outfits to 
wear..oh sorry, we get one choice...her swimsuit...was that worth 
waiting for....

-please stop emailing me about all the goodness you xbox360 owners get, 
im really happy *raises eyebrow* that your the only ones to get extra 
outfits, and add-on levels that no one else gets. And seeing as i play 
PC version my view comes from what i play for THIS version...and seeing 
as microsoft are being stingy arses and not letting their PC players 
have the goodies, then i will still moan about having no extra content.

And the good...

-its a beautiful game. I mean it is stunning to look at. I mean sure,theres 
a few little glitches but we love Lara no matter how many times she rag 
dolls into a pit. She back, better looking than ever and for once, seems 
to have aged a little.

-Lara finally moves like the athletic woman she is. I mean i doubt you really 
need to do a handstand on a thin beam, whilst making your way into a tomb
..but hey..the options there anyway.

-There may only be 8 levels but they are made to look amazing. Their split 
up into little sections and the levels themselves are huge. i was swimming 
in the first level and actually panicked at the thought that there were 
treasures scattered about the sea bed.

To sum up...

Underworld is a really good game, no matter how short it was or lacking a 
little on explaining what exacting was going on, or the fact they KILLED 
ALISTER OFF!!! sorry, im still bitter about that :P It WAS A REALLY GOOD GAME. 
I finally felt like i was playing TR2 again. It was exciting, and while 
it was a little obvious where to go at times, you did get to do alot more 

I'd been looking at websites for the past year, since i found out the name.
And since then ive been eagerly awaiting it. Yes, im annoyed that the 
Americans have taken over but they are doing a good job at it...
just make the games longer please :P...and dont kill off any more main 


Anyway thats about all. Its been a pleasure and i hope i served some assistance 
in getting you through the game. Please feel free to email me if you need any 
more help, my email address is at the top of this guide.



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