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 Ultima 1

Ultima 1

Submitted by: Dj Simo
Ultima 1- The First Age of Darkness
Walkthrough- Revision 3 7/10/95
Written by: Plaid Dragon (

The newest versions of these file are at my homepage

Note from the author- This is one of three hint files for Ultima 1. This file 
is called the walkthrough and should be U1WALK.TXT. The other two are the hint 
and the technical files, U1HINT.TXT and U1TECH.TXT. If you are stuck, please 
check the hint file for the answer FIRST. If that file does not cover the 
topic, check here. You should also send me (Plaid Dragon) a note concerning 
your question for possible addition to the hint file. Also, if you notice any 
subplot that is not covered here, drop me a note and I'll fix it right a way. 
Or faster.

This game can be divided into 6 parts:
Lands of Lord British
Lands of the Feudal Lords
Lands of the Dark Unknown
Lands of Danger and Despair
1000 Years Ago

In each of the 4 Land quests, there are 2 mini quests to be performed. 
One always involves killing acreature (they live in the dungeons) and the 
other involves finding a location. In the castles, you can in some cases rescue 
princesses. Only once however is this asked for.

::Lands of Lord British::
When you first start, you are somewhat south and east of Britian. Go there 
first. Talk to the man at the pub until he tells you about your quest. Go to 
the weapon shop and buy a mace. If you have enough money, buy chain armor. 
Leave and enter the nearby castle. Talk to the king and write down the quest. 
If necessary, buy some hit points. To solve this quest, you will need a boat.
To gain the required funds, you hafta kill creatures. It is better however, to 
go into a dungeon and battle the baddies for a while. While you are doing 
this, head to the north and west to the Lost King. (if you have enough gold, 
stop in Paws and get an Axe.) The Lost King asks you to kill a Gelatinous 
Cube. As this is easier to do than LB's quest for them moment, you should do 
it now. Head east to the dungeon of Montor. Save before entering and try to 
fight your way down to the 3rd floor where you may find a cube (you may need 
to enter and exit the cave many times to gain experience and gold so that you 
can make it all of the way...and survive.) If necessary, head back to Paws or 
Britain to get armor, weapons, or spells (not recommended unless you are a 
Wizard as they are too expensive at this point). (The Mines of Mt. Drash work 
just as well as Montour, so you can go there and use Moon as a "base" if you 
wish). At the end of this quest, you should have reached level 2 and have both 
the Great Sword and Plate Mail. Go back to the Lost King, and he will give you 
a red gem. Now, back to your king's quest. Go back to Britain and buy an 
aircar (and, if you can afford it, a Reflect Suit) Fly northeast to the Land 
of Danger and Despair. On an island off the coast lies the grave. Enter it and 
complete the quest. Go back to Britain. You have now completed 1/4 of the game.

For the remainder of the game, do a bit of exploring. Just remember to buy 
food every time it falls below 100. Every time you see a sign post, enter it. 
That will help out later.

::Lands of the Feudal Lords::
Fly to the Castle Rondorin and enter it. He'll tell you to kill a carrion 
creeper. This can be found on the 5th or 6th floor of any dungeon. But first, 
head to the Castle Brataria. The quest here is to find the southern sign post. 
This should be no problem with the airship. Just fly east to the Lands of the 
Dark Unknown. It is on the northern coast. Fly back to the castle. Beating the 
Carrion Crawler will be too difficult at this point, so don't. Fly southwest 
to the Pillars of the Argonauts and enter it, you should get a weapon. From 
here, fly south to the pillars of Ozymandias. Continue flying from one to the 
other (with occasional food stops) until you get a blaster. (You should now 
have almost full Wisdom as an added bonus. Instead, you could've gone to any 
of the other pillars, this one was the closest) Flying north and slightly east 
will take you to Scorpion Hole.(If you haven't gotten the reflect suit by now, 
go and get it) Before you go, however, stop off in a town and get 5 ladder ups
and 5 ladder downs. Also, sell all of the unneeded weapons that you got while 
getting the blaster and exchange them for hit points with the king. When you 
enter, cast the down spells to take you to level 5 and quickly search for a 
crawler. When you find and kill one, just use the ladder ups to ascend to the 
surface quickly. Return to the castle and collect the green gem. 
Congratulations! You are now 1/2 done.

From here on in, things will get more difficult.

::Lands of the Dark Unknown::
Fly east to the lands of the Dark Unknown and into the gulf where, on the 
east, the Black Dragon's castle may be found. Talk to the king and he will 
tell you to kill the lich. Before you embark on this however, fly a hop-skip-
and-a-jump northeast to the Castle of Olympus. He will tell you to find the 
Pillar of Ozymandias. You have already done that, so just fly back west to it 
and return quickly. The lich may be found on the 7th and 8th levels of a 
dungeon but, unfortunately, you are not yet powerful enough to even attempt 
it. You need experience. You can get a lot of experience by "rescuing" the 
princesses from the castles. Enter the Black Dragon's castle again and kill 
the jester. Run to the prison and unlock the door, if it doesn't unlock, 
restore and try again. Lead the princess outside and she will give you money 
and experience. Fly east to Stout and buy 7 ladder downs. From there, go to 
Clear Lagoon for the ladder ups. Trade in the remaining money for hit points 
and fly northwest to The End. Use the magic to descend, kill the lich, and 
return to the surface. Fly back to the castle to claim the gem.

My! You are so good at this!

The king will tell you that the princess will help a space ace through time. 
Fly to Nassau and buy a reflect suit and a shuttle. (If you can't afford it, 
save a princess or fight in a dungeon.) Make sure that you have 1000 gold 
before you use the space ship, as you will not be able to come down otherwise. 
You'll find yourself in space. Sail *carefully* into the nearby port. You must 
pick a ship to take along, either one will do. The fat one holds more fuel, 
while the smaller one has more shields. Some helpful tips while in combat: Aim 
high, If necessary (and you brought at least 500 extra), you can stop to 
refuel at a port (a + on the map). When you must return home, your planet is 
shown as a + towards the center of the map. Remember, you must bag 20 enemy 
ships to become an ace.

::Lands of Danger and Despair::
Fly southwest to the land of danger and despair. (Remember that the king 
didn't say _which_ princess.) The first castle that you will find in that 
direction is Shamino's. Enter it and get his quest. He tells you to kill a 
Balron. But before you do this however, you must do a few other things... 
Reenter the castle and kill the jester (again...). Using the key, open the 
cell door and escort the princess outside. She will tell you that there is a 
time machine to the northwest. You can visit it, but you can't use it yet. Fly 
southwest to the other castle here. The White Dragon will instruct you to find 
the Tower of Knowledge. No problem. It's east in the lands of Lord British. 
I'll wait for you here. To kill the Balron, just follow the same routine. 
This time however, the target creature is on the 9th and 10th levels of the 
dungeon. Ladder down can be found in the nearby town, and ladder up can be 
found to the west in Dextron. A convenient dungeon to use would be on the 
island to the east. When you're done there, return to Shamino. He'll tell you 
to take 9 items from his stores. (I haven't figure out why...) Play along and 
do that. I don't think anything happens tho. Now, are you ready for the final 

Almost Done! 

::1000 Years Ago::
No, you aren't. Trade all of your money for hit points at this point, selling 
all unnecessary vehicles and equipment. Make sure that you are armed with 
Reflect Armor and a Blaster (NOT a Light Sword). I HIGHLY recommend having no 
less than 6000 hit point before you reach him. Head to the Time Machine and 
enter it. You will be taken to Mondain's lab where he is making the gem. 
Attack him constantly from afar. STAY AWAY FROM THE GEM. And, while you're at 
it, STAY AWAY FROM THE FIRE THINGYS. When he turns into a bat, chase him to 
the far left. He won't be able to fly east while you are blocking, and he 
will be stuck there. Keep attacking until he falls unconscious. He may get 
back up, just attack him some more. When he doesn't get up, run over and get 
the gem. You will take a lot of damage so be careful. If you don't beat the 
game right then and there, go back and pound Mondain for a while. He'll die 
eventually. Congrats! You have beaten the game!!! And with no help from me :)

Now don't you feel special.

This file will be continued in Ultima 2: Revenge of the Enchantress...

(As soon as I can figure that blasted game out! If you can help me, drop me a line at


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