
Batman Vengeance - Platform: Gamecube - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Batman Vengeance - Platform: Gamecube

Batman Vengeance - Platform: Gamecube

Master code
Press L, R, L, R, X(2) at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Press L, R, X, L, R, Y, L at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

All power moves and 120 achievement points
Press L(2), R(2), L, R, L, R at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Unlimited Handcuffs
Press X, Y, X, Y, L, R(2), L(2) at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Unlimited Batlauncher
Press Y, X, Y, X, L, R, L, R at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Unlimited Batarangs
Press L, R, Y, B, L at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited electric Batarangs
Press L, R, Y, X at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Unlimited Batarangs
Press L, R, B, Y, L at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

99 of all items
Press L, R, Y(2) at the main menu. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Bruce in Warehouse level disguise
Press L, R(2), L, R(2), L, R, L, R(2), L at the 
main menu, then hold L while selecting the level. 

Bridge: Envelope B
Knock out the thug at the start of the level. You should 
see the glowing item on the left when you start. Climb the 
ladder and jump/glide around the crate onto the other crate. 
Then, glide onto the platform with the letter.

Bridge: Get past crates and truck
There is a location in the level where you cannot walk 
through because it is to small (between the back of a truck 
and some crates). You can see a motor home through the crack. 
To get through, push yourself up against the truck and press Y. 

Gasworks: Envelope E
You will reach a room with two levels, each floor with two goons 
on them. First, take out the goons. Then, look around on the lower 
floor until you see a sewer pipe with boxes in the sewage. 
Carefully glide down and land on the first box. Jump over the next 
few boxes and pick up the envelope with an "E" on it. Finish the 
game and the "Infinite Health" cheat will be unlocked.

Plant Electrocution 2: Envelope C
You will start the Plant Electrocution 2 level by sliding down 
towards some holes in the ground. The second hole is not fatal. 
Fall into it and glide (to avoid minor damage). You will see a 
lit area. Glide down there and pick up the item you find inside. 
Use the grapnel to exit, jump out of the hole, and finish the 
slide. The item you picked up should be the key do the door right 
beside the vines behind the glass. Go inside and fight one of the 
"Plant Men". You will find an envelope that has a "C" on it in 
the room. When you finish the game, you can activate this cheat 
for all weapons and unlimited ammunition. 

Rooftop Battle: Envelope A
When the clowns chase Mary, you will go up to the rooftops. 
Grapple hook up to her roof and beat up the white clown. Go up 
to the next roof, where you are on a little balcony. Jump across, 
then go in to see a thug run across a hall with the girl. Follow 
and he will jump off the roof. Follow, look down, and drop to 
lowest edge. Walk along to left until at the corner the grapple 
icon appears Grapple over, go in the door and pick up Envelope A.

SWAT Chase: Envelope D
You will enter the elevator shaft. Ride the elevator all the way 
down until it stops. Get off the elevator and wait for it to rise 
again. After it rises, jump down to the bottom and use first person 
mode to find the control box. Use a Batarang to disable it and the 
door behind it will open. Stay clear of the elevator and wait for 
the correct time to get in the open room. Inside the room is "Secret 
Key 2." Get out of the room and ride the elevator up to the top. 
At the top there is a door that is supposed to be locked. The key 
opens the door, and inside is an envelope with the letter "D" on 
it. Finish the game and the "Infinite Special Move Bar" cheat 
will be unlocked.

Flash bombs
Press Action + Guard to use flash bombs. They cannot be selected 
in the gadget/first person view. 

Smoke bombs
In the level after the Batcave training, when you get to the area 
with a Joker thug, look around the big square. You will eventually 
find a ladder. Climb up the ladder, then look around for a box. 
Pick it up to get smoke bombs.

Hacking into Issac Evers files
Find the second wire of the color you need (that is not powered). 
You need to make the powered wire reach the non-powered one. 
For example, if you work on blue, you need to connect the live blue 
wire to the dead one. 

Blimp puzzle
Look in your inventory and examine the disc Batman picked up before 
fighting Mr. Freeze. It will reveal possible colors that work with 
the Blimp puzzle. The combination is Purple and Green. Make the color 
purple, "mix tubes", then make the color green. 

FunnyBones Warehouse lock
Instead of trying the 999 possibilities on the lock, look for 
figurines like the one in the room near your starting location. 
There is another one behind trucks and one outside the fence when 
you get on the roof of the building with the first figurine. 
The combination is 619 (from left to right).


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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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