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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Battlefield - Bad Company - Platform: XBox 360

Battlefield - Bad Company - Platform: XBox 360

Rank 4 to unlock the Uzi.

Successfully complete the indicated task in Multiplayer mode to unlock the 
corresponding trophy:

  Assault Rifle Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with an assault rifle. 
  Avenger: In one round, get 3 Avenger Points. 
  Best Squad: Awarded at the end of a round. 
  Big Guns: In one round, get 5 kills with artillery. 
  Carbine Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a M16A2. 
  Clear Skies: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon. 
  Combat Aviator: In one round, get 5 kills with an air vehicle. 
  Combat Efficiency: In one round, get a 6 kill streak. 
  Combat Engineer: In one round, get 20 vehicle repair points (2 repairs). 
  Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a compact 
  assault rifle. 
  Demo Pack Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with C4. 
  Emplacement: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon. 
  Explosive Efficiency: In one round, get 10 kills with explosives. 
  Firearm Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with a handgun. 
  Frag Out Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with a grenade while playing 
  Grenade Launcher Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a grenade 
  Grenadier Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with grenade playing assault. 
  High Card: In one round, get the best IAR Score. 
  Kill Assists: In one round, get 5 kill assists. 
  Laser Designating Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills from laser 
  Ligh Machinegun Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a light machinegun. 

  Marksman: In one round, get 5 kills with a sniper rifle. 
  Medic: In one round, get 10 points from Medkit (2 heals). 
  Melee Combat: In one round, get 5 melee kills. 
  Mine Placement Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with at mines. 
  Mortar Strike Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with a mortar strike. 
  Naval Surface Warfare: In one round, get 5 kills with a sea vehicle. 
  Objective Attack: In one round, destroy the last objective. 
  Objective Defender: In one round, get 30 Defend Points. 
  Objective Destroyer: In one round, destroy 3 objectives. 
  Rocket Launcher Efficiency: In one round, get 3 kills with a rocket launcher. 
  Savior: In one round, get 3 Savior Points. 
  Shotgun Efficiency: In one round, get 5 kills with a shotgun. 
  Squad Medication: In one round, get 40 Squad Member Heal Points. 
  Squad Member: In one round, assists or save 5 squad members. 
  SVU Efficiency: In one round, get 5 kills with the SVU. 
  Tank Warfare: In one round, get 5 kills with tanks. 
  Target Tagging Efficiency: In one round, get 2 Kill Assists from Dartgun 
  Transport Vehicle: In one round, get 5 kills with a transport vehicle. 
  UMP: In one round, get 6 kills with a UMP. 
  Wheels Of Hazard: In one round, get 2 road kills. 
  Winning Team: Awarded at the end of a round. 

Successfully complete the indicated task in Multiplayer mode to unlock the 
corresponding Wildcard:

  1 On 1 Air: In one round, destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without 
  1 On 1 Land: In one round, destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without 
  1 On 1 Sea: In one round, destroy one sea vehicle of the same kind without 
  2 Pair: In one round, get two of any two trophies. 
  Airtime: In one round, get two seconds air time in a land vehicle. 
  Armor Buster: In one round, destroy five armored vehicles. 
  Avenger Trophies: In Global, get 50x Avenger Trophies. 
  Beat the House: In one round, get 15 grenade kills. 
  Cab Driver: In one round, spend five minutes as driver in a vehicle with 
  Chopper Chopper Kills: In one round, destroy five air vehicles. 
  Dead Eye Headshots: In Global, get 100 headshots with any sniper rifle. 
  Destruction Site: In one round, destroy 50 objects. 
  Dueces are Wild: In one round, kill two enemies of each kit. 
  Five of a Kind: In one round, destroy five vehicles of the same kind. 
  Full Deck: In one round, get 52 total kills. 
  Full House: In one round, destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind. 
  Gunslinger: In Global, get 80 kills with a handgun. 
  Headshots: In one round, get 20 kills from headshots. 
  Parashooter: In one round, get 4 road kills with any air vehicle. 
  Santa's Litle Helper: In one round, get 10 Kill Assists Points. 
  Savior Trophies: In Global, get 50x Savior Trophies. 
  Snake Eyes: In one round, get 11 kills as two different classes. 
  Squad Avenger Card: In Global, get 100 Avenger Points avenging squad members. 
  Squad Wild Card: In one round, get one Squad Member trophy per squad member. 
  Staying Dry: In one round, get two seconds air time with a sea vehicle. 
  Straight Flush: In one round, destroy one vehicle of each kind. 
  Strike: In one round, kill ten enemies at the same time. 
  Tank Buster: In one round, destroy five tanks. 
  Three Of A Kind: In one round, destroy three vehicles of the same kind. 

Finding items and weapons:
If you are having difficulty finding items or weapons, access the map, and look 
for the "X"s. They are indicators of where items and weapons are located. 
Sometimes there are also gold pickup spots next to the "X"s.

Double slash:
Press Triangle to pull out the knife in a slash. Press R2 to do a normal slash. 
Press Triangle, R2 to make two fast slashes. You can also press R1 to switch 
back to the weapon to enable yourself to double slash again. Press R1, Triangle, 
R2 repeatedly to continue to double slash. This is very useful when there are 
multiple enemies and you want to rack up the dog tags.


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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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