
Croc - Legend of the Gobbos - Platform: Playstation 1 - Console Games.

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 Croc - Legend of the Gobbos - Platform: Playstation 1

Croc - Legend of the Gobbos - Platform: Playstation 1

Submitted by: Psykocyber

Access all levels:
Go to the Password Screen. 
Enter Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, and Right. 

Keep From Dying in a Fall:
If you miss a jump, pause the game before Croc starts his yell. Press Select, choose Quit 
game, Then select No. When given the Quit games options, press down, and neither Continue 
or Quit games will be highlighted. Press X, and you will be given to option to quit the level. 
You can then restart the level with no lives lost. 

Secret Room:
In the board "Lights, Camel, Action" go to the room after the room where you save the gobbo 
by the monkey bars. STOMP 3 times on the first jello. You should find a secret room with 
about 4 hearts. 

Sound Test:
Go to the AUDIO OPTIONS screen and press SELECT. 

Warp to the End:
Enter this password to warp to the end of the game 
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right 

Secret rooms:
on the very first level, in the first room, on the second of those two platforms which the 
bee circles, do the power stomp three times 

On (i think it's level 1-3) Shouting Lava lava lava go around those big stones that stick up 
right out the ground (near the red button) 

On be wheely careful on the first cog, when you look down off the end of it there should be a 
cream coloured platform, if you can get onto this platform, there's a room there. 

I snow him so well, inside the room with the buttons and the penguins there are glimmering stars, 
walk into these. 

And on Licence to chill, if you stand in the middle of one of the moving wooden platforms on the 
far side (away from the door) when it disappears at the end, you will fall onto another cream 
coloured platform 

1 - 1:
Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up 

1 - 2:
Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up 

1 - 3:
Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down 

1 - B1:
Down, Left, Up, Right, Left, Down, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Left 

1 - 4:
Up, Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up 

1 - 5:
Right, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down 

1 - 6:
Down, Right, Right, Right, Left, Down, Right, Left, Right, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Left 

1 - B2:
Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Up, Left, Left 

2 - 1:
Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down 

2 - 2:
Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Left 

2 - 3:
Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Up, Left, Left 

2 - B1:
Up, Left, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up 

2 - 4:
Right, Down, Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up, Down 

2 - 5:
Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Down 

2 - 6:
Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up, Down 

2 - B2:
Down, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, Right, Left, Up, Left, Left, Left, Up, Left, Left 

3 - 1:
Right, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Right, Up, Down 

3 - 2:
Right, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down 

3 - 3:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right 

3 - B1:
Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right 

3 - S1:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Up, Right 

3 - 4:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Right 

3 - 5:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right 

3 - 6:
Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right 

3 - B2:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right 

3 - S2:
Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 1:
Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Up, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 2:
Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 3:
Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right 

4 - B1:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right 

4 - S1:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 4:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 5:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right 

4 - 6:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right 

4 - B2:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right 

4 - S2:
Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right 

5 - 1:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right 

5 - 2:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right 

5 - 3:
Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right 

5 - 4:
Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right 

5 - B:
Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right


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