
Dead or Alive Ultimate - Platform: XBox - Console Games.

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 Dead or Alive Ultimate - Platform: XBox

Dead or Alive Ultimate - Platform: XBox

Change Arenas:
Press X or BLACK while selecting a stage to alter the arena.

Hair Styles:
Press WHITE or BLACK while selecting characters to alter their hair style.

Beat story mode on each difficulty with every character to unlock every costume.

Alternate Costumes:
Alternate costumes for all characters except Hitomi, Bayman, and Tengu are unlocked by 
completing the game in story mode. The difficulty setting determines which costumes are 
unlocked. To unlock alternate costumes for Hitomi, Bayman,
and Tengu, complete the game in time attack mode.

Ayane    : Easy C3 through C7; Normal C8 through C15; Hard C15 through C20.
Bass     : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 through C8.
Bayman   : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 and C6.
Gen Fu   : Easy C3 and C4; , Normal C5 through C8.
Hayabusa : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 through C9.
Helena   : Easy C3 through C7; Normal C8 through C11; Hard C11 through C13.
Hitomi   : Easy C3 through C7; Normal C8 through C11; Hard C12 through C14.
Jann Lee : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 through C8.
Kasumi   : Easy C3 through C7; Normal C8 through C15; Hard C15 through C20.
Lei Fang : Easy C3 through C7; Normal C8 through C15; Hard C15 through C20.
Leon     : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 through C8.
Tengu    : Easy C3.
Tina     : Easy C3 through C7, Normal C8 through C14; , Hard C15 and C16.
Zack     : Easy C3 and C4; Normal C5 through C8.

Note: Some costumes can be unlocked by completing story mode repeatedly with the same 
character, without changing the difficulty setting. For example, Tina has a total of 
14 costumes that can be unlocked by completing the game each time
with her to get a new one.

Ayane: Hidden FMV sequence:
Dead Or Alive 2 Ultimate Disc: This can only be done in Ayane's story mode. When you get 
to the fight with Kasumi and the snow level (it will always be the snow level when you 
fight Kasumi), knock/get knocked down into the lower level, the ice cave, and continue 
fighting there. Win the round with a final blow that will send Kasumi a considerable 
distance from you (about fifteen feet away from Ayane, QCF + Kick works well). Instead 
of the usual intermission sequence, Ayane will perform a magic technique and shoot some 
sort of fireball at the unsuspecting Kasumi.

Increase Bouncing:
Go to the settings and set your age to 99. This will increase how "bouncy" the girls are.

Play for 10 hours to unlock Bayman.

Beat story mode with each character once on any difficulty.

Lighting up Zack's costumes:
On Zack's C3 and C5 costumes, if you taunt during a match, they will light 
up for the round. If you taunt again, it will turn off.

Alternate Level Select:
Press X on the following stages to play a variation of that level:

The Aerial Gardens
The White Storm
The Great Opera

Vertical pain:
You can change the way attacks, throws, and counters are performed by being 
near a wall. Which all characters can do as in the moves that are throws. 
The attack and counter moves do not change for all characters when near a 
wall. This involves the oppents back to be facing the wall or your charcters 
back to be facing the wall and you have to fairly close to wall with some of 
them and lined up to the wall in a fairly straight line. Refer to command 
list for each character at the pause menu to see how to perform each move. 
EX: kasumi's nagi (throw move)that results in her jumping up on top of the 
oppents head and gives several downward kicks to them in the head as go to 
the ground. When preformed with her back to a wall it becomes adachi-shizuka. 
Which results in her grabing the oppents arm slaming the front of their body 
into wall the and finishes it with a kick to the middle of their back. With 
attack moves I only really saw difference in the moves. That involve the 
character to do jump flip backwards when their back is to a wall and then 
at the right momment in the jump pressing one of the attack buttons. For 
the throw moves I only saw a difference when your characters back is to the 
wall and are countering a mid punch.

Easy fifty:
To get a easy fifty wins in survival mode. First thing you do is go the 
settings menu and set survival mode on the easy setting. Then go select 
survival mode and choose tag mode instead of single. Switch characters when 
the heatlh level is at half to switch press the black button. The most 
effective way switch is to down the opponent then press the black button. 
The one that is tagged out will slowly being to regain health and you will 
still the get the health boost that you get when you defeat an opponent. 


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