
Guitar Hero 3 - Legends Of Rock - Platform: Playstation 3 - Console Games.

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 Guitar Hero 3 - Legends Of Rock - Platform: Playstation 3

Guitar Hero 3 - Legends Of Rock - Platform: Playstation 3

Cheat Codes:
At the main menu, select "Options", "Cheats", "Enter New Cheat", then enter one 
of the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Each note 
or chord must be strummed. Press Green at the "Cheats" menu to turn off a 
particular cheat.

  Unlock Everything:
  Press [Green + Red + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + 
  Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Blue + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + 
  Yellow + Blue], [Red + Yellow + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], 
  [Green + Yellow + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Red 
  + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + 
  Blue], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange]. Note: There will be no sound while 
  entering the four note "chords". Enter the shop in Career mode to access all 
  items. This code cannot be disabled once it is activated.

  All songs in Quick Play mode:
  Press Yellow + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow, 
  Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Yellow 
  + Blue] two times, [Yellow + Orange] two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow, Red, 
  Red + Yellow, Red, Yellow, Orange to unlock all songs and Co-op Encores in 
  Quick Play mode. Note: This code cannot be disabled once it is activated.

  Bret Michaels as the singer: 
  Press [Green + Red] three times, [Green + Blue] three times, Red + Blue, 
  Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3). Note: Enabling this code will 
  glitch online game play.

  Easy Expert mode:
  Press Green + Red, Green + Yellow, Yellow + Blue, Red + Blue, Blue + Orange, 
  Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue. This mode increases the size of the 
  timing window. Note: This code cannot be used in Career mode.

  No fail:
  Press Green + Red, Blue, Green + Red, Green + Yellow, Blue, Green + Yellow, 
  Red + Yellow, Orange, Red + Yellow, Green + Yellow, Yellow, Green + Yellow, 
  Green + Red. Note: This code cannot be used in Career mode.

  Air guitar:
  Press Blue + Yellow, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red 
  + Yellow] two times, Blue + Yellow, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] 
  two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + 
  Yellow] two times.

  Hyperspeed mode:
  Press Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow. This mode 
  makes the charts faster. There are five Hyperspeed levels. Press Green on the 
  Hyperspeed option at the "Cheats" menu to cycle through them.

  Precision mode:
  Press [Green + Red] three times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two 
  times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow + Orange, Yellow + Orange, [Green + Red] three 
  times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, Yellow + Blue, 
  [Yellow + Orange] two times.

  Performance mode:
  Press Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Yellow, Green 
  + Blue, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue. This mode makes everything disappears except 
  for the performance.

Through The Fire And The Flames song:
Successfully complete Career mode on any difficulty setting to unlock "Through 
The Fire And The Flames" song by Dragonforce.

Bonus characters:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

  Lou: Successfully complete Career mode to unlock Lou for purchase at the store 
  for $15,000. Lou comes with his skeleton guitar.
  Slash: Defeat Slash in the Boss battle in Career mode to unlock him for 
  purchase at the store for $10,000.
  Tom Morello: Defeat Tom Morello in the Boss battle in Career mode to unlock 
  him for purchase at the store for $10,000.

Bonus basses:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bass:
  Beach Life: Successfully complete Co-op mode on the Hard difficulty setting.
  Neversoft Skateboard: Successfully complete Co-Op mode on the Expert 
  difficulty setting with a "Five Star" rank on all songs.
  PendulAxe: Successfully complete Co-op mode on the Expert difficulty setting.
  The Disposed: Successfully complete Co-op mode on the Medium difficulty 
  setting with a "Five Star" rank on all songs.
  Tiki Fortune 4: Successfully complete Co-op mode on the Easy difficulty 

Bonus guitars:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding guitar:
  Bat: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs on the Easy difficulty setting in 
  Career mode.
  Distant Visitor: Successfully complete Career mode on the Expert difficulty 
  El Jefe: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs on the Expert difficulty 
  setting in Career mode.
  Jolly Roger: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs on the Medium difficulty 
  setting in Career mode.
  Moon Shot: Successfully complete Career mode on the Easy difficulty setting.
  Nemesis 13: Successfully complete Co-op Career mode on the Medium difficulty 
  Risk Assessment: Successfully complete Career mode on the Expert difficulty 
  Radioactive: Successfully complete Co-op Career mode on the Hard difficulty 
  Rojimbo: Successfully complete Career mode on the Hard difficulty setting.
  Saint George: Successfully complete Career mode on the Medium difficulty 
  Tiki Face: Get a "Five Star" rank on all songs on the Hard difficulty setting 
  in Career mode.
  Unfortunator: Buy Metalhead as a character for $10,000.

Battle Lou in Expert mode with Easy mode notes:
When the battle with Lou starts at the end of the game on Expert mode, strum 
without holding any frets until you lose. At the "Game Over" screen, select 
"Tutorial". Pick the tutorial for Guitar Battle, and play through it until the 
"Lesson Complete" message appears. As soon as the next fret board appears, pause 
the game, and exit to return to the lesson menu. Then, press Red to return to 
the list of songs. The battle with Lou will be highlighted. Choose the song, and 
Lou's notechart will now be set to Easy mode. Note: Your notechart will still be 
in Expert mode, but his will be in Easy mode.

Easier songs:
Before the beginning of the song (before the chords appear), move the Strum Bar 
Up and Down until the meter stops going down. Note: When the meter stops it will 
be in the red, and when the meter starts again it will be somewhere in the 
middle of the song.

Easier "Through The Fire And Flames" song:
Before you use Star Power when playing the song, pause the game. Hold Select, 
and resume the game. By doing this, you will not miss as many notes if you are 
going for a "Five Star" rank.
Before you start playing during the introduction, wrap a rubber band around 
Green. By doing this, you will not have to worry about holding Green, as it does 
it for you. Make sure you press the other buttons quickly so that Green can 
register. If you hold the buttons as you do the hammer-ons, Green will not 
register, and you will fail.

Hammering on and pulling off:
Hammering on and pulling off happens when you can strum on one note and 
successfully hit the notes that come after it without using the strum bar. Look 
for the single notes with white rings on top instead of black rings. As long as 
you hit the previous note, you can hit the next note by pressing the correct 
fret button. This is especially useful on songs like Cult Of Personality on the 
Hard difficulty.

Predator reference:
There is a reference to the movie Predator in the song "Helicopter". After 
playing the song, go to the "More Stats" screen, or to Practice mode, and get to 
the screen where you choose what section to play. One of the sections in the 
song is called "Get Back To The Choppa!!!", which seems to be a reference to 
Arnold Schwarzenneger's line in Predator, when they are all running away from 
the Predator.


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