Hitman 2 Silent Assassin - Platform: XBox
Submitted by: Sam
Unlock Level select:
At the main menu push R, L, Up, Down, X, Y, B.
Unlock Level skip:
Push R, L, Up, Down, X, click Left Analog-stick, push B, A, B, A. If you
enable this code right after starting a level you will get LEVEL SKIP with
a Silenced Assassin rank.
Unlock God mode:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, R, L, Black, White.
Unlock All weapons:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, X, A.
Unlock Full heal:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, Down.
Unlock Lethal charge:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Black, White.
Unlock Slow motion:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, L.
Unlock Punch mode:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Up(2).
Unlock Toggle gravity:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, L(2).
Unlock Bomb mode:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, White.
Unlock Megaforce mode:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down, A, R(2). Restart the level to
remove its effect.
Unlock Nailgun mode:
While playing the game, push R, L, Up, Down A, White(2). Weapons will pin
people to walls when this code is activated.
Unlock Silenced ballers gun:
Finish a level with a Silenced Assassin rank.
Unlock Sawed-off shotgun:
Finish a level with a Silenced Assassin rank twice.
Getting the M4 (M16):
In the motorcade level, you need to clear the town quickly and grab the
supplied rifle. Shoot your target. This will cause the UN guards to stop
and run on foot to your position. Wait until they get through the gates,
then dodge their shots and put them in the cross fire from the remaining
troops outside. Since you cannot hurt them, don't shoot. They will soon
shoot their own men. Then, just run up and grab an M4.
If you use the fiber wire on the UN guards this will make this much easier.
Getting the .22SD pistol:
You will find the .22SD well hidden in the castle level where you have to
kill Hayamoto senior. It's one of the items which is in Hayamoto seniors' museum.
Unlock Animals:
When at your home area with the shed of guns, you may shoot down the birds
either on the ground or while they fly in the air. Each bird that is shot
will fall to its corresponding area and remain there until you leave the
level. You can also shoot the pigs in their pen.
Pick locks quicker:
To pick a lock, look at your map, then exit. When you return the locked will
be picked.
P.S. I like what you guys are doing your cheat programe helps alot.
Level select:
Submitted by: Dr Dissayanake Mahaliyane
Level select - R2,L2,up,down,square,triangle,o