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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is
exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our
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Jak 3 - Platform: Playstation 1
Easy win on Hang Time challenge:
In the mission when you must get a high hang time. In stead of doing it the
standard way by using jumps in your buggy, get out of you buggy and use the
mass invertor it will get you an automatic gold in total hang time (you may
have to use the gun more than once) and single hang time.
These can be bought in the Secret Menu
Audio Commentary - 5 Precursor Orbs after buying scene players 1-3
Bad Weather - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Big Head Mode - 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Blaster Damage Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
Dark Jak Invisibility - 25 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Fast Movies - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Hero Mode - 5 precursor orbs, after finishing the game
Increased Blaster Gun Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
Increased Peace Maker Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19
Increased Scatter Gun Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
Increased Vulcan Fury Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Invulnerability - 100 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Jak 3 Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Jak And Daxter Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Jak II Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
Level Select: ACT 1 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 1
Level Select: ACT 2 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 2
Level Select: ACT 3 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 3
Mega Scrap Book - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Mirror World - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Peace Maker Increased Radius - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19
Rachet And Clank Gun Courses - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-12
Scatter Gun Rate-Of-Fire Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
Scene Player Act 1 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1
Scene Player Act 2 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2
Scene Player Act 3 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3
Scrap Book - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Slow Movies - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Small Head Mode - 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Toggle Jak's Goatee - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Unlimited Ammo - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Dark Jak - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Light Jak - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Vechicle Turbos - 30 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
Upgrade Vechicle Toughness - 15 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-14
Vulcan Fury Damage Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
Two Wastelanders fighting:
Go into the Wastelander City and shoot one of the Wastelanders. They will
begin to shoot at you. Quickly run behind another Wastelander, and the one
you shot will continue trying to shoot you, causing him to shoot the one that
you are hiding behind. They both will begin shooting each other until one dies.
All the orbs in the game:
This cheat is very easy all you need to do is get the fastes car then go to
the desert. When you have done that all you do is find a mission in it and
get the easy one or the one you will win 100%. Then beat it and you will get
4 or more orbs. Do the same mission and you will keep geting ords no mater what!
Damas and Jak:
When Damas is trapped underneath the dozer when you get to the palace ruins,
he will tell you who his son is. It is Jak, but Damas calls him Mar.
The legendary Mar is thus none other than Jak.
Easy win on Hang Time challenge:
In the mission when you must get a high hang time. In stead of doing it
the standard way by using jumps in your buggy, get out of you buggy and use
the mass invertor it will get you an automatic gold in total hang time (you
may have to use the gun more than once) and single hang time.
Jak's New Clothes:
Simply obtain all 600 Precursor Orbs to obtain different colored clothes for
Jak. The message, "Congratulation! You found all 600 Precursor Orbs. Enjoy Jak's
stylish new duds," will appear on the screen to confirm this.
No Fall Damage:
To eliminate the damage incurred from falling a long distance, simply kick in
mid-air right before you touch the ground.
When go down into the catacombs where the palace used to be, once you get to the
core you will be at the planet's defense system. After talking to one of the Light
Precursors, the doors in front of you will open. You will then see that the
Precursors are really Ottsels like Daxter. They just made up the big and powerful
statues because they were very small.
Haven City or in the Spargus city, you get to do races for rare precursor orbs.
Instead of using a vehicle for these races, walk! If you have the Light Jak power
of time-freezing, it also freezes the time portals. It will take longer, but half
way through, you would have stored up enough time to just car-jack a hover car or
hop onto a lizard and stroll through the rest of the race with no worries.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023 |
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