
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Platform: Nintendo DS - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Platform: Nintendo DS

Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Platform: Nintendo DS

Flower Cup:
Complete the Mushroom Cup, which is initially available.

Rainbow Cup:
Complete the Star Cup.

Star Cup:
Complete the Flower Cup.

Third Dribble Race:
Beat the Peach Castle - 45s and Sunshine Road -55s records to unlock Rainbow Road.

Unlock Bowser:
Complete the Star Cup. In order to unlock any of these characters, which you 
can later use on your team, perform the task specified after its name.

Unlock Alternate Costumes:
To select an alternate costume, hold a direction of the control pad when you 
drag the player onto the ring. Different directions indicate different costumes.

Flyguy's costume     - Finish Hard Star Cup (silver prize)
White Mage's costume - Finish Hard Rainbow Cup (gold prize)
Daisy's costume      - Finish Flower Cup (silver prize)
Yoshi's costume      - Finish Hard Flower Cup (silver prize)
Ninja's colors       - Finish Hard Rainbow Cup (silver prize)
Peach's costume      - Finish Mushroom Cup (silver prize)

Daisy's costume:
Finish Flower Cup (silver prize). 

Different kinds of basket balls:
There is 18 difrent kinds of basket balls. 

1.Regular ball. 
2.Gold ball. 
3.Cheep Cheep ball. 
4.Blue and silver ball. 
5.Silver ball. 
6.Red and black ball. 
7.Pumpkin ball. 
8.Watermelon ball. 
9.Dice ball. 
10.Yoshi egg ball. 
11.Spike ball. 
12.Green and yellow ball. 
13.Star ball. 
14.Goomba ball. 
15.Soccer ball. 
16.Rainbow ball. 
17.Beach ball. 
18.Yellow and purple ball. 

Flower Cup:
Complete the Mushroom Cup, which is initially available. 

Fly Guy's Costume:
Finish Hard Star Cup (silver prize). 

How to get a certain trophy:
-To get a Gold Trophy- you need to get 200 points or more than the opponent
 every match. 
-To get a Silver Trophy- you need to get 200 or more points on each match
 except on of them. 
-To get a Bronze Trophy- If you don't do what you have to do for gold or 
 silver, you get a bronze, so really, just finish the matches.

Unlockable Balls:
Chrome ball      - Finish all dribbling challenges 
Blue/Silver ball - Finish the training mode 
Cheep-Cheep ball - Finish the Hard Mushroom Cup with a gold 
Dice ball        - Finish the Hard Flower Cup with a gold 
Star ball        - Finish the Star Cup with a gold 
Goomba ball      - Finish the Hard Star Cup with a gold 
Watermelon ball  - Finish the Flower Cup with a gold 

Unlockable Characters:
Bowser     - Beat Star Cup. 
Ninja      - Beat Rainbow Cup 
Birdo      - Beat Hard Mushroom Cup 
Boo        - Beat Hard Flower Cup with a bronze prize 
Black Mage - Beat Rainbow Cup with a gold prize 
Moogle     - Beat Star Cup with a silver prize 
Paratroopa - Beat Mushroom Cup with a bronze prize 
White Mage - Beat Rainbow Cup with a silver prize 
Dixie Kong - Beat Flower Cup with a bronze prize 
Flyguy     - Beat Hard Star Cup with a bronze prize 

Unlockable Characters:
Bowser     - Beat Star Cup. 
Ninja      - Beat Rainbow Cup 
Birdo      - Beat Hard Mushroom Cup 
Boo        - Beat Hard Flower Cup with a bronze prize 
Black Mage - Beat Rainbow Cup with a gold prize 
Moogle     - Beat Star Cup with a silver prize 
Paratroopa - Beat Mushroom Cup with a bronze prize 
White Mage - Beat Rainbow Cup with a silver prize 
Dixie Kong - Beat Flower Cup with a bronze prize 
Flyguy     - Beat Hard Star Cup with a bronze prize

Win games easier:
To win games easier, you must try and use your specials as much as possible.
If they steal the ball while yo are trying to do it at least 3 times, just
go fro the shot or dunk.


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