Mercenaries - Platform: XBox
Submitted by: S.Anderson
All codes are entered on the PDA factions screen using the directional pad.
U-Up D-Down L-Left R-Right
Code Effect
U,D,U,D,L,R,L,R - God Mode
R,L,R,R,L,R,L,L - Infinite Ammo
R,D,L,U,U,L,D,R - One Million Dollars
D,D,D,D,U,L,R,R - Unlock all shop items
U,U,U,U,D,D,R,L - Resets all factions to Neutral
Infinite Ammunition:
Go to the PDA's faction status screen and enter the following on the D-pad:
RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT. A soft click should confirm
the code's activation.
Free Ammunition And Repairs:
Choose a mission. Park a damaged vehicle in the base where the mission is
located, accept the contract, then immediately cancel it. Select 'No' at the
'Retry' menu. Your vehicle will be repaired with full ammunition at no cost.
Add $1,000,000:
Go to the PDA's faction status screen and enter the following on the D-pad:
RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT. A soft click should confirm
the code's activation.
Unlimited Health:
Go to the factions screen in your PDA (subscreen), and enter
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.
Indiana Jones Skin:
Collect 110 Blueprint bounties.
Hans Solo Skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down, Up(2) at the PDA factions screen. Alternately,
collect 20 National Treasure bounties.
Mafia Heavy Skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down, Up, Down, Up at the PDA factions screen.
NK Numeric Card (Hearts) skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down(2), Up at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a
click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct
amount of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
NK Number Card (Spades) skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down, Up(2), Down at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a
click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct
amount of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
Ace Of Diamonds skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Up(2) at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a
click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct
amount of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
NK Elite skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down(3), Up at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a click
will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct amount
of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
Mafia Heavy skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down, Up, Down, Up at the PDA factions screen. The sound of
a click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct
amount of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
Prisoner Of War skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down(4) at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a click
will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until the correct amount
of rewards have been collected to unlock it.
Josef skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Down, Up(3) at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a
click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until all of
the Mafia's Spade Contracts have been completed.
Peng skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down(2), Left at the PDA factions screen.
The sound of a click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be
enabled all of China's Spade Contracts have been completed.
Buford skin:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down(3) at the PDA factions screen. The sound of a
click will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be enabled until all of
South Korea's Spade Contracts have been completed.
Playground Of Destruction Mode:
Successfully complete the game, then verify General Song (the Ace of Spades).
Save the game when prompted. Load that saved game to start the game again with
all money and support items previously collected.
Blueprint Rewards:
Collect the indicated number of Blueprint bounties to get the corresponding reward.
1: All C4 Crate Drop
5: Sniper Rifle Drop
10: Stringer Supply Drop
15: Anti-tank Supply Drop
20: Mafia Heavy Soldier skin cheat code
30: NK Elite Soldier skin cheat code
40: Prototype Supply Drop
50: NK Number Card (Spades) skin cheat code
60: $100,000
70: $100,000
80: $250,000
90: $250,000
100: $500,000
110: Han Solo skin cheat code
National Treasure Rewards:
Collect the indicated number of National Treasure bounties to get the corresponding reward.
1: Chinese Scout Delivery
5: H3 Delivery
10: Chinese Fuel Truck Delivery
20: Play as Han Solo
30: Civilian Doctor skin cheat code
40: Civilian Prisoner skin cheat code
50: Ace of Diamonds skin cheat code
15: $50,000
60: $100,000
70: $100,000
80: $250,000
90: $250,000
100: $500,000
110: SKU Elite Soldier skin cheat code
Monument Rewards:
Collect the indicated number of Monument bounties to get the corresponding reward.
10: North Korean ZSU 57 Anti Air Delivery
20: $250,000
Sku Listening Post Rewards:
Collect the indicated number of SKU Listening Post bounties to get the corresponding reward.
10: Health Crate Supply Drop
20: Civilian Baggage Carrier Delivery
30: Mafia MD-350 Scout Delivery
40: NK Numeric Card (Hearts) skin cheat code
50: Pilot skin cheat code
55: $250,000
Cheat Crate:
After verifying all the cards (number cards, face cards, and aces) from the Deck of
52, a Cheat Crate will be unlocked. It contains three different super-powered weapons
and the Portable Air Strike.
All items in the shop are unlocked:
Enter this code on the Factions screen in your PDA: down, down, down, down, up,
left, right, right.
Free vehicle repair and rearming:
At any time during the game when you have a vehicle that needs repairing or more
ammo you can get both for free by doing a mission and canceling the contract.
All you need to do is park the vehicle in the base where the mission is, accept
the contract, and then cancel the contract. You’ll get the retry screen, select
no, and then your vehicle is fully repaired and rearmed without losing money.
You can then do the same mission at a later time.
Chopper Locations: South Province:
NK Gunship - East of Changsong Train station there is an eliptical road. Head
east from it and a small airbase can be found with several gunships and SAM carriers.
Coaxial Gunship - This is a unique chopper that can only be found during the
second Russian mission while verifying the Spades. The temple northwest of the
Industrial Zone has the chopper, along with one of the mission's objectives.
Chopper Locations: South Province
UH60 Transport - The $ Challenge southwest of the DMZ (the AN HQ is in the
DMZ area on the map).
UH60 Transport - Northeast of the DMZ. This chopper becomes available after
the Ace Of Clubs contract is resolved successfully.
LHX Chopper - Inchon. This chopper is available after the South Korean mission
involving the missile trucks at Inchon is resolved successfully.
WZ81 Chopper - Pyongyang Airport. This chopper is available after the Chinese
mission involving Nampo is resolved successfully.
Faster Beacon Timers:
You can glitch the beacon timer by purchasing the same item in the Merchant of
Menace shop once the first beacon is deployed (this assumes you have access to
that same item in the Mafia shop). Just beware that the maximum number of shop
choppers delivering supplies is one; however, this glitch allows you to call in
one chopper right after the previous with little delay.
YAH-56 Gunship:
This is an incredibly powerful helicopter gunship that is armed with rapid-fire
30mm cannon (grenade launcher), anti-air missiles, anti-tank missiles, and dumb-fire
rockets. You must have an anti-armor rifle and a RPG or anti tank rocket. Grenades
work somewhat, but are not recommended. You cannot use an anti air. Find one flying
(try the North Korean Allied MASH, when you complete the second ACE contract you will
"unlock" this). Once you are there, find a YAH-56 Gunship with the binoculars. Then,
go to it and make sure it is over flat land. Take out your RPG or your anti tank
rocket and shoot above it. It will fly down slightly. Then, take out your anti armor
rifle and shoot the pilot (located the back seat of the helicopter). If you cannot
see him through the glass, shoot under the cockpit. Once he is dead, you will have
about $25, 000 depleted and your helicopter should land on the ground safely. Try
again if it falls on its side or something else happens. Do not be afraid of the tail
rotor. If it is half way in a rock, it does not effect it. Note : This strategy can
be used with any helicopter.
Submitted by:ShadowStriker
use the cheats at your own risk. Be especially concerned about using the "unlimited"
cheats because if you save with them on it can mess up your saved game (to turn them
off without having to turn off the xbox g2 a loading-screen).