
NBA Live 06 - Platform: XBox - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 NBA Live 06 - Platform: XBox

NBA Live 06 - Platform: XBox

Easy points:
To get easy points in Dynasty, Play Now, or any other mode, get an 
outside scorer and press L + X. He will put the ball behind his back 
lay it up. It cannot be stopped even by a inside stopper and always works.

Slam Dunk Contest points:
When in the Slam Dunk Contest, tap X, then hold B to do MJ's 1988 Slam 
Dunk. If you do it from the free throw line it is an automatic 50.

Hold L + R then press X(2), Y to do the Vince Carter arm in the rim. 
If you hold it for a few seconds, he will put his arm pit in the rim 
for a 50 if you are lucky.

To do a 720 dunk for an automatic 50, while holding the R dunk modifier, 
run toward the basket and press the one foot 180 gather (Y). As soon as 
the gather motion starts, quickly rotate the Left Analog-stick 
counter-clockwise twice then press the Windmill Dunk (Y) again. 
Release Y just before completing the first rotation and you will 
automatically complete the second rotation. You will always get a 50 
for completing this dunk. Note: The R modifier must be held for the 
entire dunk. Also, you must complete the 720 motion before pressing Y 
the second time to dunk.

To do a under the legs reverse dunk, starting from the corner of either 
baseline, run toward the basket and press the two foot 180 gather (A) 
just as you reach the word "HOUSTON*06" along the baseline. As soon as 
you start the gather motion, hold Pump Slam (B) button, releasing B as 
soon as the ball passes under the legs and make contact with the 
player's other hand. The timing is difficult and you will probably 
get hung on the rim until you get the timing correct. However, this 
dunk is also a 50 if you land it. Note: When you perform this dunk, 
make sure you are running in the red out of bounds area behind the goal 
and not on the court or the judges may only give you a 49.

Start from the baseline. Hold L then use B to gather and B to do the trick. 
Correct timing is required. If done correctly, your player will do the 
under the two legs dunk. 

Adidas A3 Garnett 3 shoe:
Enter DRI239CZ49 as a code.

Jordan XX shoe:
Enter 2345MJ#1 as a code.

S. Carter 3 shoe:
Enter JZ3SCARTVY as a code.

T-Mac black shoe:
Enter 258SHQW95B as a code.

T-Mac 5 white shoe:
Enter HGS83KP234P as a code.


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