
Against the Storm Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Against the Storm 
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 Against the Storm Cheats

Against the Storm

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Food Tips:
Here you can find some notes for food.

* Farms plant only in Drizzle. If you build a farm in Clearance, 
  farmers will do nothing.
* Farms harvest only in Clearance. So if they don’t get the whole crop 
  finished by Storm, you lose all of those crops.
* Humans get bonuses with the Farms.
* Depending on Biome and what structures you have for production, will 
  determine which Farm type is best to focus on. Mushroom forest for 
  example a Plantation is ideal as berries are produced readily and you 
  get plant fiber.
* A good building for generating food is the Ranch, but you need a healthy 
  supply of things like Grain, Plant Fiber, etc… and Lizards like it. But 
  can produce Meat, Leather and Eggs from it.
* Jerky is by far the easiest complex food to make, and makes everyone happy. 
  Just need Meat or Insects and some kind of burnable to craft. Usually can 
  convert 4-5 meat into 10 Jerky (depending on structure).
* Biscuits and Pies require a lot of resources to craft, including a Mill 
  of some sort (to create the flour), a source of Grain/Roots (for the flour) 
  and something to go into the production. Generally, I don’t bother with 
  these unless I get an early Rain Mill or Provisioner, to create the flour.
  Or it is late game and I’m trying to make everyone happy to boost their 
* There are plenty of Trader perks that make food production easier. Most 
  popular is Insect Traps, which grants 1 Insect per 3 or 4 mushrooms which
  is makes the mushroom forest super easy to do (as all trees have mushrooms).
* You should use the Consumption tab to modify who eats what and if they can 
  eat basic staples (that usually are used to create more complex foods). 
  Also applies to things like Clothing.
* Utilizing Trade Routes to earn Amber, can make it easier to buy perks, 
  but also food in emergencies.
* Spices cornerstone goes great with Herb Garden farms (generates roots 
  and herbs), as it grants increased production for them with every 75 
  biscuits made.
* Finally, and this is probably the most important thing:
* Read the negative effects of working glade events. Sometimes the negative 
  effects of just letting the Event trigger is less bad than working the 
  event to remove it. As an example, many produce Living Matter.
* A lot of them will either slow down food production, rot food, or makes 
  people eat more when on breaks.

Important Food Rules:
Written by Flameraiser

-= Rules with Food =-
With food, there are three important rules:

* Once you can process base food to complex food, use consumption menu 
  to disallow your settlers from eating that base food. It is always 
  better to turn base foods to complex ones, so don’t waste your materials.
* If you don’t have stable food source secured, buy food from traders. 
  It’s better to overstock than lose the settlement.
* If you don’t already have stable food, prioritize buildings that help you 
  get there – i.e. if you can’t make Flour yet, prioritize picking one ASAP.

All Prestige Difficulty Modifier List:
Written by doomleika

* +4 Reputations to win (14->18). Simply fulfilling all orders will not win
   you the game. You will need other sources of reputation.
* Blightrot +50% corrupting power (+60 -> +90 each pop), press z to see 
  corruption overlay, by the time you see “high corruption” warning it could 
  be too late.
* Blueprint reroll starts at 10 amber (up from 0).
* Faster leave coutdown when resolve <= 0. Building costs +50%, this is where 
  can’t mass spam cutters/gathers and have to juggle between different building 
  or look out for parts. +50% chance to consume double food. +50% chance to 
  consume double luxury item. Glade event -33% speed, you are looking at 7min 
  30seconds for a typical dangerous glade event. One Living matter will cause 
  famine and you will learn to appreciate Sea Marrows Your items worth 50% less 
  to traders, This is where traderoute starts to be more effective and Traders 
  cannot be used as jail out card for free. You need specialize in trade to 
  benefit Blightrot +50% corrupting power (+90 -> +120) 6 blightrots will kill 
  your villagers.
* Orders are harder.
* -2 Blueprint choices (4 ->2).
* -2 Cornerdstone choices (4->2).
* 50% less Impatient deduction from reputation gain(1 -> 0.5), this is where +30
  second final countdown upgrade start to mean something.
* Storm lasts +100%(2 min) more (2 -> 4). this also buffs blightrot effect tho 
  you have longer time to respond.
* One less starting blueprint draws (3->2).
* +100% hunger resolve penalty.
* Sacrificing costs 50% more.
* The moment you opening any glade costs 5 amber, fail to pay you lose 2 villagers
  (and impatience penalty).
* +0.5 impatience penalty per lost villagers.

How to Beat Viceroy:
1. Remove woodcutters during events that increase hostility, until you hit a 
hostility breakpoint. (Like the storm or glade events.) Until the problem is 
resolved, if you can handle the fuel with something else or if you have some 

2. When going for dangerous glade openings, try to atleast have some tools ready, 
otherwise you might get a nasty hit. (Or build a tradepost and have the trader 
ready at the same time to match the content of the glade with the merchants goods)

3. Try to put lizards in the hearth to increase resolve during storms.

4. Try not to use crude buildings that make a LOT of pollution. (Tier 1 buildings 
are very bad, and have really bad ratio and pollution.) Having corruption too high 
can make you lose games.

5. Try not to have too many things at once that use wood. (And limiting the 
resource production in buildings to make sure you dont make too much, like Planks 
or Purge Fire)

6. Dont forget to turn off things that don’t have high stars in a building. 
(Making 3 star planks but 1 star pottery in the same building is pretty bad, 
for example)

7. Make sure to match the race to the buildings, this boosts production and 
resolve a ton. (Beavers in worker places, woodwork etc, Humans in taverns/
breweries/farms, Lizards in hot places or with meat, Harpies for making brews 
or clothing)

8. Try to get upgrades for better choices during Corner stones and blueprints, 
and maybe reroll sometimes to get the right stuff, having a dead Corner Stone 
perk for the entire game is a death sentence.

9. Pause sometimes and think about what you’re doing, dont play on higher speeds 
until you get better at the game, I only speed up when I know I’m going to win soon.

10. Try having a basic build order for maximum effeciency early game. (Box roads 
around hearth, 3-5 Houses, 2 Woodcutters right away and match the resources in the 
starting area, go for a dangerous glade right away if you got a good set of 
blueprints or cornerstone).

Gameplay + Blueprints + Food and Building:
Written by bluemonkey

An overview guide containing gameplay tips for new players and selecting the best 
blueprints to use in the game.

Are you new to the game? It can be difficult to get started. There are many 
production chains and building options, but you can only choose 3 blueprints when 
you start a new map. The map’s resources and population will also impact what can 
and should be built. To increase the number of starting points, you can unlock new 
buildings and embark bonuses after building multiple cities.  I offer general 
starting advice that is accessible to all levels of players but especially to new 

-=How do I select blueprints?=-
Year 2. Year 2. You can find more information in the timing section.

-=0 – Forget everything that isn’t relevant=-
Each production building has three production recipes. However, I am only beginning 
to consider a few things. Wine production is pointless, pottery doesn’t really 
matter, and packs of trade goods are far away. For now, ignore them. I want to 
concentrate on what will immediately get the city off its feet.

-=1 – Building Materials (Planks, Fabric, Bricks)=-
Every city needs huge amounts of bricks, fabric, and ma*sive mountains of planks. 
Although a crude workshop can produce all three of these essential resources, it 
has the worst recipe. Even a 1-star recipe is a significant improvement. It 
requires less resources to produce the same amount of product. A single 1-star 
recipe will increase throughput in the crude workshop by reducing its manufacturing 
responsibility. Although it is a good idea to choose a production facility that 
improves a building materials recipe, it is not always the best.

Any prospective building with stars in building materials is worth considering–
improvements to planks are the most valuable. Planks are used in construction, and 
many recipes that call for wood can be substituted for planks at a lower rate. If 
I choose 1-star planks in the first selection, but the next round has 2-star plank 
recipes, I will choose another.

-=2 – Fuel (Coal).=-
Wood is the most efficient fuel for the hearth. Coal can be made from wood and 
burns longer. It can also be substituted for wood in some crafting recipes. It 
is useful for certain events. Oil is an interesting option, but I am usually biased 
against it, as the inputs (plant fibers, wheat, and meat) often have better uses 
elsewhere (eg fabric or ranching, jerky).

Coal is great for conserving wood, especially for small plank production buildings. 
But I’d be happy to start with a pair of production buildings for both planks and 
coal any day.

-=3 – Fertile soil usage=-
Nearly all maps have fertile soil. Double-check your map settings if in doubt. 
Fertile soil is the most common renewable resource in the game. However, it only 
works if there are buildings that can use it. Although much has been written 
about which building is the best, I believe any building is better than none. 
One might be left empty-handed if they give up the small farm in hopes of 
converting it into a plantation.

This is a priority if my starting glade is rich in fertile soil. I give priority 
to fertile soil if it is abundant. Unless fertile land is scarce or low in 
quantity, I will make one of the three buildings a fertile-soil user.

-=4 – Ranch=-
The ranch is a powerful building. To get off the ground, it needs to have a 
steady supply plant fiber, wheat, or reed. It performs a similar function to 
cooking, putting in more materials (food/leather), than the initial inputs. 
It can handle a changing workforce better than a farm.

Because ranches require raw materials, I tend to favor farms over ranches. 
Most biomes will be able to rely on trees. In rare cases, they may not. In 
these cases, however, the trees will provide a limited supply of fiber. This 
allows for food and leather to be made. Although the chickens will produce 
eggs, this is still a mixed blessing. Before starting your ranch, I recommend 
you check the biome trees and inspect the area for suitable inputs. Remember to 
prioritize production and to set the appropriate inputs.

-=5 – Complex Food (Jerky, Skewers)=-
Complex food makes people happier, and recipes always produce more than the 
raw materials needed.

Jerky requires only meat or insects (and fuel), making them the easiest complex 
food recipe. Even though meat is rare, insects seem to be everywhere. Skewers 
are slightly more difficult as they require two foodstuffs instead of one. 
Skewers can be great if you have both the requisite food types.

-=6 – Eh?=-
Everything else is just window dressing after the top five priorities. Rarely 
a starting selection does not include upgrades for building materials or coal, 
farming, ranching and jerky, among other things.

These are some options that are reasonable but are more dependent on the map
and might not be worth considering. However, sometimes conditions are different.

* Flour production is worthwhile if there is a reliable wheat/roots/mushroom source.
* Pack of Provisions can be a helpful recipe in a 1-star and 2-star building (unless 
  it is prohibited to trade).
* Coats can be useful if there are beavers+humans in the area or for storms. 
  They are easy to make from fabric, but they are not worth selling.

* It is always desirable to produce tools, but it is especially easy in the coral 
  forest. I often have to pause because of the pre-requisite smelting.
* It is worth setting up if there are several small or large nodes close to the 
  camp. Camps are more attractive if they have Marshland bonuses.

Remember Rule 0: Don’t ignore anything that isn’t relevant.

I don’t spend too much time thinking about the initial selection. Some maps are 
better suited to setting up production chains, and some populations benefit more 
from those production chains. These differences can be significant at higher 
prestige levels, but that is not the only guide.

-=Timing is everything=
I will survey the glades at the beginning of a new map to determine what is in 
my starting glade, and then decide which glades I want to open (now/next years/
in the unforeseeable future). I’ll review the first batch of blueprints to see 
if there’s a clear winner (like 3* planks). But it isn’t often, and I won’t pick 
anything now.

There are many reasons to delay choosing a plan:
* I would like to see the contents of the surrounding glades first. After the 
  first set has been issued, small glades may be opened immediately.
* Some dangerous glade events require coal/oil/etc. Waiting to see the event’s 
  requirements might allow for a rushed production chain. Sometimes, the trader 
  can also help.
* Dangerous Glades often contain large resource deposits that require a large 
  camp to harvest.
* The greatest impact on a city is made by the year 1 and 2 cornerstones, as they 
  are in effect, the longest. Picking cornerstones can help clarify building 
  selection by adding incentives/disincentives for certain choices.
* It is unlikely that I will be able to get the buildings up and running before 
  year 2.
* Amber can be used to re-roll the building selection depending on the 
  circumstances. It could be advantageous to delay making a poor choice until 
  you have amber to reroll it.
* There is only one choice, and it is the best.

Here are some reasons to act quickly:
* You can’t put off making a decision. The first selection might not be 
  interesting, but the second might contain the building I want right now.
* Certain orders from Queen Victoria require specific buildings. Knowing that
  I have the building required makes it easier to select the matching order.
* Production chains won’t be able to sort everything by themselves. (Biscuits
  and pies require flour, which is almost useless without biscuits and pies. 
  However, one blueprint cannot be chosen without the other.
* I will receive more blueprint rewards over the course of the settlement than 
  what I actually “need”. There will be extras. Some of the choices might prove
  suboptimal some might be super useful but start out useless.

How Soon You Turn In an Order?:
I generally try to avoid wasting the full impatience reduction potential of 
turning it in. Though once the halved reduction prestige modifier is in play 
that is mostly irrelevant (by the time I have my first order ready to turn in, 
impatience is already at 0.5 or close to in most cases).

Though instead, it is often still smart to avoid turning one in if the reduction 
would result in lowering the bar below a full point, especially during Storm 
(where that extra -30 hostility can make all the difference).

Speaking of Storms, also be mindful of the forest mystery that prevents impatience 
reduction from reputation gains altogether. Sometimes it can even work in your 
favor for that consideration, though later on its usually just another good reason 
to not turn in orders during Storms in general.

In fact, most of the time I will only consider turning in an order during Storm is 
when it would unlock a Forsaken Altar charge that I could really use right away. 
As others have mentioned, getting extra people rewards is also a risk during the 
season, and the newcomers can also be at risk of death from certain storm effects. 
Though you can usually get away with it during the last 30 seconds or so.

Another consideration worth keeping in mind is situations where you are dealing 
with a nearly full impatience bar after a rough time. Even the halved impatience 
reduction from that modifier will still give you a breather during the final 
countdown at full impatience. So if you can keep an order turn-in in reserve, you 
can use that to reset the countdown once.
Few other methods of saving yourself are as simple and reliable as having an order 
in reserve.

If I want to turn in orders quickly despite wasting impatience reduction potential, 
I can also consider off-setting that by calling in traders early. Though for the 
first year or so at P9 or higher that doesn’t help much, when direct trading is so 
limited. At least it will advance the queue, so to speak, if the first trader isn’t 
someone who tends to bring useful perks or blueprints in your situation.

Buildings Orientation Tip:
For villager houses, like Shelter or specie-specific houses (Lizard House, Human 
House, etc.), the Exit / Enter orientation doesn’t matter.

For producing buildings, like Crude Work Station, they matter, because your workers 
will enter/exit where the little arrow appears.

So if it faces away from your nearest Warehouse, your workers will walk extra steps
to get around, which slows things down.

Oh and a good tip: point your Woodcutter Camps towards the forest.

How to Kill People:
Killing is easy, just starve them. All villagers have a hunger tolerance, foxes’ 
tolerance is especially low, if they miss three meals in a row they die. Just 
don’t produce complex food and use consumption control to stop them from eating 
basic food items.

I would advise against trying to starve lizards, their tolerance is 10, so it 
takes at least 1.5 years for them to die, by that time they have a -18 resolve 
modifier as every missed meal gives the affected villager -2 resolve.

There are a lot ways to kill people and corrupting your health is probably the 
easiest choice.

Other good choices would be starving your foxes as long as you keep their resolve 
high so they die before they leave. Just put them in rain collectors and such, 
favor them while starve them at the end of one storm season or at the beginning 
of the drizzle season and they would die before the next storm.

You can also attack merchant to have your villagers killed or sacrifice them in 
the forsaken altar. But the previous one gives 2 additional impatience for 
attacking merchant so be careful about that.

Yes, once the play button for starting a new cycle blinks you can embark once 
more if a seal is in embarkation range.

How to Solve Wood Problem:
-=General Tips=-
When you get a single wood from trees, you cannot reasonably expect to provide 
planks trough a crude workstation as well as fuel multiple hearths, espescially 
not later in the game when they have to walk a bit more. (woodcutters barely 
spend any time cutting, its mostly walking).

So if you are on a single wood per tree biome, limit yourself to 1 hearth + crude 
or 2 hearths + workshop/lumbermill. Ideally, get a different fuel for your hearths, 
not kiln (marrow, coalmine, oil production) so that you can have 4 hearths.

Marshlands is a poor biome when it comes to wood. Burning wood for fuel is never 
a good option on Marshlands. And if you pick those 2 perks mentioned above, you 
might as well forget about wood, because every time your lumberjack chops a tree 
down, he will be hauling a bunch of leather, mushrooms, and 1 log.

I know you’re talking about your crude station, but if you switch your FUEL to 
something other than wood, then all of a sudden those 9 wood cutters will start 
trumping your work station.

I’d recommend getting alternate source of fuel on marshlands every time. Oil, or 
Coal. (Oil Preferably) Because if you get to the Leviathan you can turn meat into 
Oil. If you get the Proto Wheat – you can turn wheat into Oil. And if you get the 
Giant mushroom – well… better find yourself a coal vein or two haha, because there 
is nothing the mushroom can do for you in terms on fuel.

+1 to Mushroom perk is amazing on Marshlands btw, but you have to know what you’re 
doing before you pick it. Otherwise it gets funny in an unfunny way.

Fuel is generally a big issue for Marshlands. Try to prioritize other ways of 
producing fuels instead (meat->oil or coal mine are both viable in marshland), and 
dont produce planks with crude workstation for marshland except when you are only 
few planks away for some important buildings. Buy planks instead.

Use humans/foxes to chop woods instead of lizards. Even none of them are specilized 
in woodcutting, lizards take more breaks thus are less efficient in woodcutting. Let 
them do the harvesting and other production jobs. This would give u around +10% woods 
which helps a little bit.

There are some ways of woodcutting micromanagement to increase the efficiency. Watch 
each camp very watchfully and pause the game for like every secs. Once all of your 
woodcutters have finished one production cycle, you could immediately move ur camp 
closer to the trees so the woods they produced would automatically go into the camp’s 
storage instead of being transferred by the woodcutters. Basically you save the time 
of the woodcutters going in and out of the camp by doing this thus increase the 
efficiency of woodcutting.

How to Enable Queen’s Hand Mode without Beating Adamantine Seal:
Written by doomleika

For tryhards without trying hard. This is cheating (obviously). Incorrect use may 
destroy/corrupt your save. Use at your own risk.

-=How to Cheat=-
* Enabling Queen’s Hand Mode
* Your save is located at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eremite Games\Against the Storm\ 
  make sure you make a backup in case it corrupts the save.

-=Locate the Save=-
* Open the file with any texteditor
* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eremite Games\Against the Storm\
* Or type the following path into your file explorer 
  %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eremite Games\Against the Storm\ 
* locate "" and open with a text editor(in built app from Windows will do)

-=Modify the Save=-
* The text should look like this:

    "id": null,
    "name": null,
    "lastPickTime": 1702053998138,
    "creationTime": 1665408074465,
    "ironmanEverWon": false,
    "isIronmanUnlocked": true,
    "isIronman": false,
    "isIronmanActive": false,
    "ironmanResult": false,
    "ironmanEndTime": 0,
    "ironmanWorldSeed": 0,
    "ironmanGamesWon": 0,
    "ironmanValidLosses": 0

* Change the "isIronmanUnlocked" from false to true:

    "id": null,
    "name": null,
    "lastPickTime": 1702053998138,
    "creationTime": 1665408074465,
    "ironmanEverWon": false,
    "isIronmanUnlocked": true,
    "isIronman": false,
    "isIronmanActive": false,
    "ironmanResult": false,
    "ironmanEndTime": 0,
    "ironmanWorldSeed": 0,
    "ironmanGamesWon": 0,
    "ironmanValidLosses": 0

* Save the file. start the game.
* Start the Queen’s Hand Mode
* At title screen, click your profile on the top right, there should be a Queen’s 
  hand tab at right, create a profile there.

How to Deal with Fuel Problems:
Written by schnappkatze

Here are a few things you can do if fuel shortages become your main problem:

* Have more woodcutters. 2 are the minimum, sometimes you need more
* Build warehouses near your woodcutters that you delete later. 
  Travel time is important.
* Have a Beaver as the Hearth person
* Use every chance to improve wood related recipes. A +1 bonus to planks can 
  save a LOT of wood over the course of a game, so you have more to burn.
* Turn wood into coal with a building like the Kiln.
* Check if a different recipe saves on fuel. Jerky for example needs either 1 
  coal or 5 wood. 5 wood burn for 72 seconds, 1 coal burns only 40 seconds. So 
  it is far more efficient to use coal.
* Produce oil from grain or plant fiber if you have enough. In a press 2 grain 
  become 5 oil, which burn for 125 second (as long as ~10 wood)
* Use mines to get coal, something to do for the beavers during the storm
* Don’t forget you can burn sea marrow if you have it in abundance
* Use convenient opportunities for woodcutters. You just built a new hearth + 
  warehouse in a a glade full of trees? Put your woodcutters near the trees in
  that glade, the near hearth and warehouse will help them to deliver and rest 

-=Bonus info for your own calculations=-
* Wood Burns 12 Seconds
* Oil Burns 25 Seconds
* Coal Burns 40 Seconds
* Sea Marrow Burns 40 Seconds

For Example: The Kiln turns 10 wood into 5 coal, so instead of 120 seconds of 
fuel you get 200. If you can spare the workforce, it is almost always a good 
choice to turn wood into coal.

Adamantine Seal Tips:
Tips for winning faster is go aggressively with any glade events that reward 
reputation, buy reputation from vendor.

I also a kind of manager who think “waiting time is wasting time”.

So I always rob the 1st trader who arrive on year 2.

* I don’t have amber to buy anything.
* I no yet start trade route.
* I can only buy something on maybe next 1 or 2 years anyway. I need to wait 
  for amber income
* Amber can use to reroll blueprint, and it is needed to pay glade tax. 
  Sorry, less reason to pay amber to trader.
* Year 5 or year 6, if the impatience is very low, and I already buy what I 
  needed from vendor? Rob again! Extra impatience you said? I see reduce 
  hostility mean better people resolve.
* Earned amber ? Buy needy stuff, then complex food, service item, or just 
  tools to send crate.
* Only break open crate when the things inside is real helpful to you.
* I open glade fast, open first dangerous glade before year 2, maybe halfway 
  or early during the storm.
* As for reputation generation, do not use service and complex food if your   
  people cannot reach the generation threshold.
* Spending complex food and service item during storm just for extra resolve, 
  is something I always avoid, unless is life and death situation. I rather 
  sacrifice fuel 1st.
* Around 80% of storm, I start allow all service and complex food, for a 
  “reputation rush” at the beginning of drizzle (this is usually around year 
  6 for spending all resource rush to win).

Tips for Veteran Difficulty:
* Don’t open too many glades (causes hostility) Also go for dangerous glades 
  as much as possible.
* Open the first dangerous glade when the first storm is about to end.
* If you put a human in the main heart, impatience grows slower.
* Don’t forget to use the favouring button to get a species in blue resolve 
  whenever you are able to. Also use it to prevent a species from getting red 
  resolve of course.
* You can build extra hearts. An extra heart lowers hostility.
* If you put a lizard in your main heart, it gives a resolve boost to all 
  species. If you put a fox (not sure if you’ve unlocked that yet) in the main 
  heart, it lowers hostility per opened glade.

Think about your pick priority for blueprints, if you get stuck. like rn i pick 
sawmill #1 and then usually weaver #2 (if i have 2 races that want raincoats), 
else i want 2* backpacks for trading and then later a way to make flour and tools
and even later the different trade goods. Everything else is situational. I do 
think sawmill is OP tho.

Abuse trade routes as much as possible, if you arent doing it anyway and lastly, 
if its getting close consider some form of triage: like decide which race you 
can sac and favor the other, destroy some building to burn a couple seconds in 
the hearth, kill the last relevant trader, accept a 12 minute event penalty and 
s on. Sometimes you can let a villagers get to 90% red bar before you click 
favor and then the storm ends before the other drops low.

My strat is usually trying to farm every possible resource node (so i prioritize 
large gatherers if there is a node for them) and play with every complex good 
deactivated. i onl activate them if its necessary to not lose villagers and only 
as many as necessary, or if i think i can gain multiple points of reputation by 
activating all of them at once.

General Tips to Improve Speed:
* Try to get more people early on, extra people help a lot with finishing faster. 
  take villagers embark bonus if you can, it’s probably one of the best ones. 
  likewise, try not to let people die or leave if you can help it, because people 
  die when they are killed and then you’ll have fewer people.
* Try to finish at least one order before the end of year 1. the rewards and 
  blueprint can really kickstart your early game, which means it helps you for 
  the entire game.
* Don’t be afraid to take 10 amber if you get a mid cornerstone. 10 amber is 
  good, especially early game!
* Try not to open small glades unless you have to. their rewards are pretty awful. 
  dangerous glades guarantee either a cache or encampment and the event may also 
  give you a rep point. aim for a baseline of about one dangerous glade per year,
  including year one.
* During year 2 or 3 you’ll occasionally find opportunities to score a point off 
  resolve. keep an eye out for these. favour, comfort, hearth levels, cache/order
  complex food rewards, lots of little things can add up to getting one more early-
  game point to snatch that blueprint a year earlier than you might have otherwise.
  maybe you even lucked into enough tools from early orders/lizard start ability. 
  every early point counts.
* Once you’ve stabilised (i.e. no more threat of starvation, running out of wood, 
  or death from cysts), start being more aggressive about looking for points. 
  complex food, services, clothes, dangerous glade events, tools, anything that 
  can convert your settlement’s prosperity into victory points will be your 
  priority now. simply starting to recognise when you hit this point will help 
  you win faster rather than continuing to spend another year producing 500 food 
  you don’t need.
* On your last year, push out the points and win! this might sound obvious, but 
  don’t worry about the long term stuff like farming/fishing/purging fires or 
  whatnot that will pay off next year since there won’t be one.

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PC Games, PC Game Cheat, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 11 2025. CheatBook-DataBase 2025

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