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 Alan Wake Manuscript Guide

Alan Wake Manuscript Guide

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    Alan Wake Manuscript Guide: by Daicen

Alan Wake
for the 360 and PC
Remedy Entertainment
Microsoft Game studios


 There are over 100 manuscript pages to find, some of which are only
discoverable if you play on the highest difficulty level (Nightmare
Mode). These book pages provide a great deal of additional exposition
and further information on the compelling world and storyline that the
developers at Remedy have created for Alan Wake.

 Collecting 25 Manuscript Pages will unlock the “Paging Mr. Wake”
Achievement that’s worth 20 GamerPoints that will be added to your 
GamerScore upon completion. Whereas finding 100 Manuscript Pages
will earn you a whopping 50G and the “Collector’s Edition”

 In this guide, the manuscript pages are provided in the earliest
order in which you can get them. The ones marked (Nightmare) are
only available in Nightmare mode.

       Episode 1

Manuscript Pages #1 and 2: “The Title Page of the Manuscript” and “Wake
Attacked by a Shadowy Murderer” You will automatically acquire these two
as you move down the path and into the light for a cutscene.

Manuscript Page #13 (Nightmare): “Rose Is a Fan”
Just before you enter the first logging camp via a log over a fence.
Look towards the left side to find it laying on a log.

Manuscript Page #3: “Wake Fights a Taken with Light”
This one is inside of the first logging camp next to a large pile of

Manuscript Page #10: “Rose Daydreams About Wake”
Once you have climbed over a fence exiting the first logging camp you
will come across a yellow crane on the road. Head in the direction to
the left of it and up the hill. It will be on the wall inside of the
shack up here. There is a tractor up here too.

Manuscript Page #11: “Barry’s Arrival”
When you have reached the river and proceed to cross the logs. Stay to the
right side of these small islands and cross the logs to find it on a silver
metal cabinet near the edge.

Manuscript Page #4 (Nightmare): “The Dark Presence Wakes Up”
This one is located when you are crossing the river on one of the boulders.
It is close to the second logging camp.

Manuscript Page #5: “Wake Attacked by Birds”
When you are inside of the second logging camp, you will have to turn on the
generator in order to proceed on to the next area. There is a log building
right next to it, you will find it in here on a table.

Manuscript Page #6: “Wake Finds Pages”
Once you have climbed out of the second logging camp. You will come across a
Safe Heaven. While proceeding on and up the hill, you will come across it
laying on the ground on the path.

Manuscript Page #7: “TV in the Gas Station”
You will find it near some barrels on your way to the third logging camp. It
will be laying on the ground just as you start to walk up the hill. A Safe
Heaven will be at the top.

Manuscript Page #8: “Wake Lies to the Sheriff”
You will find it laying on the ground at the gated entrance at the third
logging camp.

Manuscript Page #9: “Stucky Taken”
When you have reached Stucky’s Gas Station, it will be laying on the ground
behind the parade float.

Manuscript Page #12 (Nightmare): “Toby the Dog”
Once you have reached Stucky’s Gas Station, it will be in the back of it to
the left of the ladies restroom door on the wall.

       Episode 2

Manuscript Pages #14 and #15: “The Sudden Stop 1” and “The Sudden Stop 2”
They are on top of a pile of manuscripts on Wake’s desk in his office inside
of his apartment.

Manuscript Page #18: “Alice Sees a Shadow”
It is laying on the carpet inside of the radio/break room of the Bright
Falls’ Sheriff Station.

Manuscript Page #16: “The Dark Presence in the Diner”
This one is in “Bright Falls’ Sheriff Station” inside the jail cell on the
bench nearest to the rear door. You will need to speak Sarah before you can
access the jail cell area.

Manuscript Page #17: “Wake at Lovers’ Peak”
This one is behind the “Sheriff’s Station” on a small rock in a tall grassy
area near the old broken truck. You have to go here to pick up Alice’s license
as proof from the phone call you just received.

Manuscript Page #19: “Barry Doubts Wake’s Sanity”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” outside of the cabin, head down the
steps and you will find the manuscript laying on the ground near the rear of
the yellow truck.

Manuscript Page #31: “Rose and Rusty”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the wooden floor at the
corner of a lookout point. It is halfway
down the trail from Rusty’s cabin where you started.

Manuscript Page #20: “Rusty Dying”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” on your way down the trail, just
after getting #19. It is in the opened trunk of a vehicle parked off the

Manuscript Page #21: “Rusty Attacked by the Dark Presence”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” on the corner of the low stone wall
by the entrance steps to the Park Ranger’s Office.

Manuscript Page #22: “Wake Reaches a Safe Haven of Light”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the ground inside of the
Ranger’s Office at the end of the hallway. You first need to talk to Rusty
to get the key to the Ranger’s Office.

Manuscript Page #23: “Rusty’s Final Thoughts”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” on the log picnic table which is near
the lookout platform and waterfall. This is just shortly after defeating Rusty
whom was Taken.

Manuscript Page #32: “Barry Meets Rose”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the ground near a picnic
table which is by the waterfall vista. You will have just taken a detour by
crossing the bridge, go right instead of left.

Manuscript Page #24: “Wake Sees the Torch Symbol”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” is laying on the ground in front of a
Lovers’ Peak sign. It is near a Safe Haven where you had to start the generator
and just crossed the second bridge.

Manuscript Page #25: “Nightingale’s Arrival”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” just behind the barricaded gate sitting
on top of a rock on your way to Lovers’ peak.

Manuscript Page #26: “Alice’s Fear of the Dark”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the rocky edge just after the
cutscene with Mott. You will also be below Lovers’ Peak.

Manuscript Page #33: “Sarah Thinks About Wake”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying the ground behind a log on the
rocky edge overlooking the old mill. There is a picnic area right here as well.

Manuscript Page #27: “Wake Hears a Chainsaw”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the ground at the entrance of
a hut. There will be another hut here as well and a Safe Haven after defeating a
few foes. Do NOT drop from the cliff here just yet, if you do you have gone too

Manuscript Page #34: “Deputies at the Logging Site”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on a bag outside on a partially
enclosed balcony. This balcony is halfway up the old water mill.

Manuscript Page #28: “Barry in Elderwood”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” just after #34 on the next floor on a
pile of bags. It is just after you jump across onto the elevator system in the
old mill.

Manuscript Page #35: “Wake Feels the Dark Presence”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” on top of a closed chest inside of
a storage barn above the old mill. You will have to jump on the chests and
crates to get to it.

Manuscript Page #29: “Nightingale Fires at Wake”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the ground next to a trash
can by the entrance to the ladies restroom. This is in the campground’s area
and a trucks headlights will be shining on you.

Manuscript Page #36: “Wake’s Despair”
This one is at “Elderwood National Park” laying on the ground in front of a
jackknifed big-rig which is blocking the tunnel. Which is at the end of the
main road on your back to Rusty’s cabin.

Manuscript Page #30 (Nightmare): “Wake at the Dark Presence’s Mercy”
On the trail back to Rusty’s cabin, you will just have had a phone call
from Mott at this point. This will also just be after you have to exit the

       Episode 3

Manuscript Page #37: “Randolph Calls the Police”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on the ground right after you come out
of the trailer.

Manuscript Page #38: “The Dark Presence Sleeps”
This one is in “On the Run” on a log near the start of the trail after
exiting the dry riverbed.

Manuscript Page #44: “Rose Visited by the Dark Presence”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on the ground at the end of the road
near the crashed cop car. It is by the fallen tree and just after #38.

Manuscript Page #45: “Rose Touched by the Dark Presence”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on the ground of a rocky cliff near
the edge. It is overlooking a Safe Haven you just were at, where there was
a radio. When you cross the bridge you will be attacked by a few foes.

Manuscript Page #39: “Nightingale in the Radio Station”
This one is in “On the Run” pinned to a fence down the path of which you
just dropped down to from the Radio Station.

Manuscript Page #46: “Walter Fights Danny”
This one is in “On the Run” on the concrete pad all the way up the hill at
the radio mast/tower. You will reach a Safe Haven right after #39, instead
of going straight towards a barn, head right.

Manuscript Page #47: “Wake Attacked by a Bulldozer”
This one is in “On the Run” pinned to a gate on the road near the barn. After
the barn fight with the foes, instead of going towards the path that takes
you to the train depot, head right.

Manuscript Page #40: “Sarah Distrusts Nightingale”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on a small boulder along the path to a
view over the railroad tracks and before another Safe Haven.

Manuscript Page #41: “Wake Attacked by a Possessed Object”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on a tree stump at the trail junction
overlooking the trail bridge. You would of just came from a Safe Haven and
picked up manuscript page #40.

Manuscript Page #48 (Nightmare): “Wake and Night Springs”
It is stuck to a tree stump on the far right edge under the water tower. You
will just have crossed the bridge, manuscript page #42 is near here too.

Manuscript Page #42: “Wake and the Dark Presence in the Lodge”
This one is in “On the Run” laying on the ground near a pile of rusting
girders. A ladder up to the water tower foundation is close by.

Manuscript Page #43: “Wake Attacked by the Dark Presence”
This one is in “On the Run” on the banister post on the balcony as you exit
the warehouse.

Manuscript Page #57: “Mott on the Ferry”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” on a trunk at the top of the first mine tower
you come across. This will just be after coming across a ranger station and
proceeding down hill.

Manuscript Page #49: “Sarah in the Radio Station”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on the wooden walkway. This is by the
entrance to the coal mine museum and to the right of a rusting tractor.

Manuscript Page #50: “Thomas Zane in Love with Barbara Jagger”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on the ground after jumping down from
inside the building. It is also just before entering the train yard.

Manuscript Page #51: “Wake Touched by the Dark Presence”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” at the corner of pile of timber wood covered by
tarp. This is at the top floor of the second mine warehouse and just before
exiting it.

Manuscript Page #52: “Wake and Barry in the Cell”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” on a small rock on the path to the mine tunnel
and sinkhole. Just shortly after exiting the gates of the mine warehouse area.

Manuscript Page #60 (Nightmare): “Wake Reads a Page”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” on a rock by some debris at the entrance behind
the Gray Peak Gorge Ghost Town.

Manuscript Page #53: “Wake and Casey”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” on the edge of the wood on the bridge near a
telegraph pole and inside of Gray Peak Gorge Ghost Town.

Manuscript Page #59 (Nightmare): “Doc Examines Barry and Rose”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on top of a log inside of a shack on the
left side of the track. This shack is in Gray Peak Gorge Ghost Town after
crossing the bridge.

Manuscript Page #58: “Hunters Taken”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on a small rock behind a large rock at
the very bottom of the cave tunnel’s descent. When you reach the end it will
be on your right side behind the large rock.

Manuscript Page #54: “Nightingale in the Majestic”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying by a blocked tunnel inside of a circular
chamber. This will be shortly after coming across manuscript page #58 and
before a battle with some foes.

Manuscript Page #61: “Tor Hits Nurse Sinclair”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on top of the square vista platform at
the very top of the mine mountain. When you exit the mine, head all the way
up the stairs instead of down them.

Manuscript Page #55: “Mott at Cauldron Lake”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” pinned to a rock on a narrow cliff path. It is
near the small broken wooden bridge and on your way up the mountain to a
house in ruins.

Manuscript Page #56: “Wake Wakes Up in the Lodge”
This one is in “Mirror Peak” laying on the stairs, halfway down them. You
will have moments ago just came from the house in ruins in which a floor
had caved in.

       Episode 4

Manuscript Page #62: “Thomas Zane’s Writing and Assistant”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” will automatically be handed to you
by Odin Anderson. Just after the conversation with Doctor Hartman inside
of the recreation room.

Manuscript Page #63: “Barry in the Lodge”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying against the pole at the top of
the stairs. It will appear after you have gone to the typewriter and just
as the commotion outside starts.

Manuscript Page #69: “Mott Fails Hartman”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” sitting on top of a table in
Hartman’s Interview Room.

Manuscript Page #64: “Hartman Watches Wake Fall”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” will automatically be given to you
during a cutscene when you walk into Doctor Hartman’s Office.

Manuscript Page #65: “Hartman’s Mission”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying on a chair arm in a small room
near a door and tv. You will have just came from the rec room with bears’
blocking the doorway and having to use a flare.

Manuscript Page #66: “Wake Sees the Old Gods Stage”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying on a rock at the base of a tree
inside the maze.

Manuscript Page #70: “Hartman and the Power Failure”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” on a bench inside of the maze right
near the end of it.

Manuscript Page #68: “Mott in Charge”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying on a pile of bags inside of the
shed. This shed is next to a Safe Haven and shortly after the battle against
Hartman whom was Taken.

Manuscript Page #67: “Barry Attacked by a Taken”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying on the stone walkway just after
heading under a small bridge and getting past a gate that was taken by
the darkness.

Manuscript Page #71: “Hartman Sedates Wake”
This one is in “Cauldron Lake Lodge” laying on top of the wall overlooking
the walled garden. It is in the opposite direction of where Barry is,
collect this manuscript page before heading to him.

Manuscript Page #77: “Walter at the Anderson Farm”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” pinned to a piece of wood at the end of
a dead-end tunnel. This is inside the hillside by the mine yard and where
objects are being possessed by the

Manuscript Page #72: “Nightingale Arrests Wake”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” laying on the wooden platform right
near the generator. You will need to turn on the generator to get by the
possessed gates.

Manuscript Page #74: “The Dark Presence at Large”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” laying on a rock after being talked to
by the light omnipresence.

Manuscript Page #73: “The Patients Escape the Lodge”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” laying on the ground in front of the
house in ruins. This is just shortly after coming across manuscript
page #74.

Manuscript Page #79: “Hartman Considers Mott and Wake”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” laying on the porch rug of Walter’s
Cabin. You can only get to the porch after exiting the cabin through the
broken window on the first floor.

Manuscript Page #78 (Nightmare): “Hartman During the Missing Week”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” pinned to the outhouse in the
backfield near the small barn.

Manuscript Page #80: “Mulligan Questions Nightingale’s Orders”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” stuck to one of the electrical
breakers on the right side of the Gods of Asgard Stage.

Manuscript Page #81: “Nightingale’s Finds the Manuscript”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” on a wagon cart in the far corner of
the side field. This is close to the big barn.

Manuscript Page #75: “The Anderson Brothers in the 70s”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” stuck to a small viking stone on the
second floor of the big barn.

Manuscript Page #76: “The Mystery of the Missing Week”
This one is in “The Anderson Farm” laying on the ground in the upstairs
landing in Andersons’ Farmhouse.

       Episode 5

Manuscript Page #82 and #83: “Nightingale Reads the Manuscript” and
“Nightingale Attacked by the Dark Presence” This one is in “Night Life in
Bright Falls” laying on the floor directly in front of your jail cell after
the cutscene has ended with Sarah and Nightingale.

Manuscript Page #88: “Barry in the Sheriff’s Station”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” pinned to the wall at the far
left end of the dark corridor inside of the Oh Deer Diner.

Manuscript Page #84: “The Dark Presence Set Back”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” laying at the corner of the stage
in the debriefing room inside of Bright Falls Town Hall.

Manuscript Page #85: “Cynthia’s Work”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” at the corner of the counter, at
the back of Bright Falls Bookshop.

Manuscript Page #89: “Barry in the General Store”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” laying on the floor of the yellow
haul truck container, on the street of where the Church is located.

Manuscript Page #86: “The Dark Presence Hunts Wake”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” sitting on the wooden pulpit,
inside of Bright Falls Church.

Manuscript Page #87: “Alice Trapped in the Dark”
This one is in “Night Life in Bright Falls” at the corner of the picnic bench,
sitting on the wooden lookout platform near the top of the hill.

Manuscript Page #93: “Cynthia on Her Way to the Dam”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” on the ground behind the first
electrified transformer cables. When you first enter this area, you will see
it but need to continue around in order to be able to pick it up from the

Manuscript Page #90: “Wake’s Plan”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” on the red chair on top of a cargo
container. It is at the end of the transformer yard, you cannot miss it as
this is where you exit the yard at.

Manuscript Page #95 (Nightmare): “Children of the Elder God Lyrics 1”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” laying on the road by the side of
the yellow bus. This is near the swing bridge and just after you exit the
transformer yard.

Manuscript Page #94 (Nightmare): “The Poet and the Muse Lyrics 4”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” laying on a rock behind the mesh
fence near the power plant security hut. You will need to speak to Cynthia
inside of the power plant in order to go around the fenced area to get the
manuscript page.

Manuscript Page #91: “The Falling Helicopter”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” laying on a rock just below the
giant water pipe. This will just be ahead of you after the cutscene with
Cynthia in the water pipes has ended.

Manuscript Page #96 (Nightmare): “Children of the Elder God Lyrics 2”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” laying on a fallen tree trunk in
the middle. This fallen tree trunk is right near a Safe Haven. It is also
before being attacked by birds and shortly before coming across the down

Manuscript Page #92: “Zane’s Shoebox”
This one is in “Bright Falls Light & Power” on a rock in the curved trail
behind the fence. Do not worry about missing this as you cannot. The fence
is right behind the three large spools which will become possessed by the
darkness. This will happen after holding the button for Sarah and Barry.
Once they are inside, the door will slam shut forcing you to go another
direction alone.

       Episode 6

Manuscript Page #97: “The Dark Presence Wants to Stop Wake”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” on the highway road just before
a Safe Haven. You will have just gone into the tunnel during the daytime, and
after the cutscene it will be nighttime.

Manuscript Page #102 (Nightmare): “The Poet and the Muse Lyrics 1”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” laying on the green couch inside
the Majestic Hotel Entrance/Reception Room.

Manuscript Page #103 (Nightmare): “The Poet and the Muse Lyrics 2”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” on a shelf on the second floor
of the garage barn. You will come across this barn just after encountering a
possessed monster truck. The garage barn will be very well lit and can be
easily spotted nearby.

Manuscript Page #98: “The Trail of the Dark Presence”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” laying on the ground at the end
of the tunnel. Just right before a Safe Haven and in front of a red truck.

Manuscript Page #105: “Sarah and Barry in the Well-Lit Room”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” laying on a foot well of a
parked green truck. This green truck is at the end of the road at the entrance
of the blocked tunnel past the scrapyard.

Manuscript Page #104 (Nightmare): “The Poet and the Muse Lyrics 3”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” on a small table on the second
floor, inside of the Yard Manager’s Garage.

Manuscript Page #99: “Thomas Zane’s Last Drive”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” on the rusting stove at the
bottom of the small control tower in the scrapyard. You cannot miss this as
you will need to climb the ladder to start the generator and to move on to
the next area.

Manuscript Page #100: “The Dark Place”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” laying on the ground inside of
the decrepit chapel. This chapel is at the far end of the Southeast Cliffs
Ghost Town.

Manuscript Page #106 (Nightmare): “Zane’s Poem”
This one is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” pinned to the mesh fence
surrounding the old generator, in the mine encampment.

Manuscript Page #101: “The Way through the Dark Place”
This FINAL PAGE is in “On the Road to Cauldron Lake” laying on the wooden
elevator platform above the mine encampment. Just before this you will have
started the generator to be able to use the elevator.


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