
Beyond Zork Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Beyond Zork

Beyond Zork

Submitted by: Dj Simo

AREA (generalized)                      HINT/SUGGESTIONS
---------------------            -------------------------------------

Beginning                       Be sure to go NW and examine the weed.
read the Legend and Lore of Quendor,
or ask the old woman in the magic shop
about the weed.
it has healing powers (see Mist)

Warf/Sailor                     "Hello, sailor".
wait. take driftwood. name it (opt.)

Pub                             take the lantern. you'll need it.
open the door. leave the rug alone
until you get out of the cellar. go
west into the kitchen. be sure to
take the dagger (see Lighthouse).

Kitchen                         open the door. be sure you have
something to kill with, and the
lantern. listen to the cook. enter
the cellar.

Cellar                          take the scroll and READ it. when
the lanter goes out, type the word in
the scroll to light it again. in the
throne room, "search debris". there's
a gold coin you can sell/trade to the
old woman.  squeeze any moss you find
(improves dexterity). then you can
climb the stacks. "LOOK AT AMULET
THROUGH BOTTLE".  if you have the
transport scroll and used it BEFORE
you entered the cellar, you can
escape that way. or wear the amulet
and say the word on the amulet. bash
the cellar door in with extra power.
once out, "roll the onion east". be
sure to take the rug.

Lighthouse/Cliffs               read the inscription.
type "answer, lightning".
Be sure to have the onion, rug and
dagger from Pub/Kitchen. If you haven't
done this, go NW and take the salt
from the brine.  Roll the onion in
the direction you want to go. put salt
on the slug. rub the rug and touch the
dust bunny. take/wear the ring. at the
top, search debris, THEN read the
chest.  cut the onion with dagger when
the dorn beast attacks, then take
chest and run like h***. (Maybe this is
where I missed level 9. try using the
annihalation stick to destroy it).

Arcadia                         wait for the monkey grinder.  wait
until the grinder deals with the
nymph who won't let you go north.
try to kill him (unlikely), or give
the chest to him (after you opened it
first). monkey grinders can't read!
a weapons shop is here as well.

Mist                            if the vapor takes anything from you,
it will be in another location in the
mist area.  be sure to "wield the
driftwood" before the vapors appear.
if you don't already have it, get the
saddle from the stable (see Stable).
with the pterodactyl, either set dial
on the gurdy to ear and turn crank
right, or point annesthesia rod at
pterodactyl. take whistle,arrow. put
weed (see beginning) in wound. put
saddle on pterodactyl. only blow the
whistle when needed (you only get 3
opportunities). when you get on, fly.

Private Way                     take horseshoe. kiss the unicorn's
horn (good luck). give the chest to
the unicorn. if you have the levi-
tation staff, you can float the saddle
out of the stall.  Or speak the word
on the amulet (it's clobbering time!).
an armour shop is here as well. you'll
need the horseshoe, by the way, for
later (see Underground).

Gondola (cable car)             once inside, wait and listen to the
speaker. when you get to a support
towers, exit. then down.

Town NW of Private Way          eat the cake you find on the street.
there is a magic shop here. this is
where most of your questions about
certain objects can be answered ("ask
woman about ...."). buy the rabbit's
foot (see Underground).

Forest                          the puppet and hellhound are very hard
to kill. use something that is very
good for this (stick of annihalation
or the equivalent). at the boulder,
answer "youth". if you have the minx
(see Village), wait by an oak for the
minx to find the truffle, then put the
truffle in the pool. keep the truffle
in you pack until needed (see Ruins)
or the minx will get it.

Bridge                          there is no way across or back. take
the umbrella, open it, then jump.
best to use the pterodactyl or the
gating spell to get across to the

Ruins                           have the vial from the church in the
Village for the undead warrior. Have
minx! Also the hourglass from the
magic shop (after you give the jewel
from the Jungle to the woman).  go to
the arch, then enter. turn hourglass
over. go south twice and wait.  when
the prince is killed, put the truffle
in the trench. then turn the hourglass
and go north until you reach
desolation.  wait. let the minx do the
work for you. take/wear the
helmet. go back to the arch, then

Castle                          here is where the pterodactyl comes
in. fly to the castle (you may have
to find it). use the compass rose to
adjust the winds (see Plains). be sure
you are not on your third turn with
the whistle or you will never leave.
hide behind the bush. take roots and
eat them (strength). wait. open the
statue and take the jar.

Jungle                          if you are wearing the cloak, take it
off. attack baby hungus. let mother
hungus chase you (wait each turn.
she's kinda slow). go up on the idol.
when the mother hungus gets on the
bottom of the teeter-totter, take the
jewel. oops, you drop it and are
dumped in the idol. if you have the
lantern, light it. squeeze the moss
(it can't hurt). either use the gating
or transportation spells, or point
the Eversion stick at idol to get out.
Now that you're free, point Eversion
at mother to get jewel, THEN point
levitation at baby (to gain more
compassion). the jewel is worth 1000
zorkmids and is needed to buy the
hourglass (see Ruins).

Village                         erase the footprints of the minx.
you definitely need the minx!
enter the church and sit down. look
under the pew. be sure you have the
caterpillar (see Plains) so you can
get by the christmas tree monsters.
open the reliquary after you defeat
the tree monsters. take white hemi-
sphere. "put peg in hole" (examine
black & white hemispheres).

Mountaintop                     open parcel.
in cottage, search table and take the
black hemisphere. READ THE BOOK.
you'll need something powerfull to get
past the snow wight (annihalation or
the equivalent). point the dispel
wand (from north room when you first
met the monkey grinder in Arcadia) at
the dome, then run like H***. Before
the lava cools (AND if you're wearing
the ring), "inscribe glyph with burin"
to ward off the monsters that weren't
killed by the lava.

Etherial Plane                  read the scroll of gating. use the
phase blade to cut the outline.
this will take you to the Implementors
and their kin. wait. take the goblet
and lick it (more luck).

Plains                          have the hurdy-gurdy. set dial to the
eye and turn crank right when you get
to the scarecrow in the flourishing
fields. NOTICE THE COLOR. when the
butterfly appears, wait until it lands
on the goblet. put butterfly in gurdy,
set dial to clock, then turn crank to
the LEFT. take caterpillar and save it
for later (see Village). when you
reach the farmhouse, go in AND STAY.
wait for the tornado to pick you up
and take you away (see Flowers). if
you enter the house then exit, or if
you wait too long to enter the house,
the storm will kill you. take the
clover you find as all good luck
charms (including the rabbit's foot
in the magic shop) are needed (see
Underground). take the key you get
from the mayor (see Flowers) to
where the corbies are. then take the
rose (useful when on the pterodactyl).

Flowers                         exit the house. examine the flowers.
wait. when the mayor offers you a
key, take the key of the same color
as the flourishing field scarecrow
(see Plains).

Underground                     after you have eaten the cake, drank
the potion of enlightenment, and
worn the helmet, you can "look into
the gray sphere" (see Village) for
the password to open the rock wall.
you need all luck charms (rabbit's
foot, clover, horseshoe, and anything
else you think is a luck charm). also
you'll need the jar and the best
armour you can buy. go to the wall
NW of the Village. say the word and
open the door. once inside, take the
circlet from the jar.  "blow bubble.
turn mirror south". remember that
angle of incidence equals angle of
reflection. if light is coming from
the SE and you want to go SW, you must
turn mirror South for the light to
reflect. strike all lucksuckers (i.e.
black cat, stepladder, umbrella, etc)
with luck charms. once in the treasure
chamber, turn your mirror to shine on
the shadow. then search treasure, take
the coconut, then run/wait/whatever.
you will eventually get buried, but
help is on it's way .....

congratulations! you made it!


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