
Call of Duty 4 Weapons Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Call of Duty 4 Weapons Guide

Call of Duty 4 Weapons Guide

You can email me with new strategies, tips, or to report that I have something
wrong at:
Version 1.6

 Version History
1.0 - Finished charts for all guns. Have descriptions for each one.
1.1 (6-1-08) - Added a "Notes on what numbers mean" section.
             - improved some descriptions of guns.
1.2 (6-3-08) - Added a "Kills in" section that explains exactly how fast each
               weapon kills.
1.3 (6-10-08) - Simplified some of the quirks sections of the guns.
              - added note on the M40.
              - added note to kills in section of the Skorpion.
              - Edited the P90's description to reflect recent patches.
1.4 (7-5-08) - Added a table of contents.
             - Added some more detail to gun descriptions.
             - Removed the "kills in" section (I've decided it was not accurate)
             - Reorganized version history.
1.5 (8-1-08) - Updated range description.
             - Added a section in which I describe sway.
             - Fixed a typo in the AK-74u's name.
	     - Fixed an error in the M60's rate of fire.
             - Updated descriptions on all snipers.
             - Added damage charts for the sniper rifles.
1.6 (7-16-10) - Last Update, finalization and revision of guide.
              - Cleaned up some of the descriptions of the guns and 
                recommendations sections.
              - Added the missing recommended perks section to the G3.
	      - Fixed an error in the M21's description.
              - Fixed an error in the M14's description.
              - This version is intended to be final and most accurate version.
                of the guide. If you see any site hosting a version of this 
                guide other than 1.6, please email me so I can request their 
		version be updated!


[1.0] - Notes on statistics
[2.0] - Assault Rifles
   [2.1] - M16A4
   [2.2] - AK-47
   [2.3] - M4
   [2.4] - G3
   [2.5] - G36C
   [2.6] - M14
   [2.7] - MP44
[3.0] - Submachine Guns
   [3.1] - MP5
   [3.2] - Skorpion
   [3.3] - Mini-Uzi
   [3.4] - AK-74u
   [3.5] - P90
[4.0] - Light Machine Guns
   [4.1] - M249 SAW
   [4.2] - RPD
   [4.3] - M60
[5.0] - Shotguns
   [5.1] - W1200
   [5.2] - M1014
[6.0] - Sniper Rifles
   [6.1] - M40
   [6.2] - M21
   [6.3] - Dragunov
   [6.4] - R700
   [6.5] - .50 Cal
[7.0] - Sniper rifle charts
   [7.1] - Damage Multiplier Chart
   [7.2] - Damage Chart
   [7.3] - Damage Chart with Stopping power
[8.0] - Pistols
   [8.1] - M9
   [8.2] - USP
   [8.4] - M1911
   [8.5] - Desert Eagle
[9.0] - Bibliography
[10.0] - Copyright


The damage statistics are formatted as follows: (maximum damage) - (minimum

Formatted: (range A) - (range B).
When the bullet reaches range A, the damage each bullet does will start to
gradually drop from maximum damage, until you reach range B. At this point the
bullet is at minimum damage, and will continue at that damage infinately.
2000 units = 50 in-game meters.
To be clear, a silencer does NOT make a gun less powerful or decrease minimum
damage. It only decreases range.

-Rate of Fire-
Measured in "Rounds per Minute."

sway is movement of a gun's sight when you are not moving. If you stand in one
spot and aim a down the sites of a gun that has sway, you'll see your iron
sights or red dot sight move in a circle. This is a mechanic that is most 
likely intended to offset the guns' lack of recoil.

 Assault Rifles


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|40 - 30 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | 925 RPM      | 2 Seconds   |
|        |           |                |              |(3.365 Empty)|

A 3-shot burst gun that can kill in one burst with good aim. This is the first
assault rifle available in Call of Duty 4. Best used at range, although the 
burst nature of the gun makes it better at close range than the G3 or M14.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway.
- Very little recoil.
- sights reset themselves after each burst.

Additional notes:
The delay between bursts cuts the M16A4's effective rate of fire to 450 RPM.

Recommended Attachments:
Red dot sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Steady Aim


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|40 - 30 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | 700 RPM      | 2.5 Seconds |
|        |           |                |              |(3.25 Empty) |

The most powerful fully-automatic assault rifle in the game, this gun excels in
close and medium-range firefights. 

Recoil Notes:
- Minor sway.
- Gun APPEARS to have high recoil, but in reality the sight levels itself off
before firing off the next round, so the gun can be fired fully automatically 
with surprising accuracy.
- Noticeable kick, though so best fired in bursts or single-shot over
long ranges.

Additional Notes:
The AK-47's damage decreases to 40-20 when used with a Red Dot Sight or 
Silencer, so the gun is best used without those attachments.

Recommended Attachments:
Grenade Launcher

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Steady Aim


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time  |
|30 - 20 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | 850 RPM      | 2.03 Seconds |
|        |           |                |              |(3.36 Empty)  |

A fast-firing gun with low damage but a high rate of fire. Useful at all ranges,
this gun has the accuracy for long-range encounters and the rate of fire for 
close quarters combat.

Recoil Notes:
- Has a lot of sway, more than any other gun in the game excluding sniper

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot Sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Steady Aim


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time  |
|40 - 30 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | Single shot,   | 2.75 Seconds |
|        |           |                | Up to 1200 RPM | (3.75 Empty) |

A poweful single-shot rifle with great accuracy, but lacking performance in 
close quarters combat. Has a great iron sight, so it works well with a Grenade 

Recoil Notes:
- No sway.
- No kickback in any direction, as the sight levels off before you can fire off
another round.
- sight levels before you can fire off another round.
- Very little kickback with ACOG Scope.

Additional Notes:
Silenced G3 has an erroneously long Melee Delay, longer than the stabbing
animation, so the melee attack essentially does not work.

Recommended Attachments:
Grenade Launcher
Red Dot Sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Steady Aim


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|30 - 20 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | 750 RPM      | 2.1 Seconds |
|        |           |                |              |(2.967 Empty)|

Basically the same as the M4, except with a lower rate of fire, longer reload
time, and noticably more kickback. So why bother? Read on.

Recoil Notes:
- Has very little sway (explained in more detail below)
- Noticable kickback.

Additional Notes:
The G36C has noticably less sway (70% the amount and nearly half the
speed of the M4 when standing) than the other automatic assault rifles. The
amount of sway lowers even further as you
crouch or go prone. By the time you're prone, the gun has almost no sway, and
the sway it does have is extremely slow. This works with all the G36C's
attachments, including the ACOG Scope.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot Sight
ACOG Scope

Recommended Perks
Stopping Power
Deep Impaact
Steady Aim (Compliments the ACOG scope)


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time  |
|50 - 40 | 1500-2000 | 500 - 1000     | Single shot,   | 2.5 Seconds  |
|        |           |                | Up to 1200 RPM | (3.06 Empty) |

Higher-powered version of the G3 with more recoil. Because it does 50 damage
at close range without stopping power (meaning 2-shot kills with or without the
perk), the gun is arguably more useful with Juggernaut.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway
- The M14 has much more recoil than the G3. As a result, if you hit the fire
button as fast as you can, you'll end up firing subsequent rounds in the middle
of the gun's kick, making you lucky to hit anything. In order to be accurate,
you must wait for the gun's sight to level off (which it will do automatically).

Additional Notes:
Whereas most guns have a 1.4 damage multiplier for headshots, the M14 has a 1.5
damage multiplier. This means that the gun can kill a target with full health 
with one close-range shot to the head if you are using stopping power. It is 
the only non-sniper rifle that can do this.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot Sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time  |
|40 - 30 | 1500-2000 | No Silencer    | 600 RPM      | 2.75 Seconds |
|        |           |                |              | (3.5 Empty)  |

A nostalgic call back to the gun that was so powerful in previous Call of 
Duties. Basically, it's an AK-47 with a slower rate of fire.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway
- High Recoil
- High Kick back, but only after the first couple rounds. Should be fired in

Additional Notes
It has no attachments. It is also the only fully-automatic assault rifle in the 
game to have no sway.

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Steady Aim

 Submachine Guns


|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|40 - 20 | 750 - 1000 | 350 - 700      | 800 RPM      | 2.3 Seconds |
|        |            |                |              | (3.3 Empty) |

Extremely high-powered (for a submachine gun) SMG with a relatively low rate of
fire. Excellent in close quarters, recoil makes it difficult to use at long

Recoil Notes:
- No sway
- Moerate recoil in a cluster around your sight
- Fire in very small bursts or manual single shot for long range firefights.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot sight

Recommended perks:
Stopping power
UAV Jammer
Steady Aim
Dead Silence


|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|50 - 20 | 200 - 400  | 100 - 300      | 850 RPM      | 2.4 Seconds |
|        |            |                |              | (2.67 Empty)|

Odd gun with extremely high damage at extremely close range, and one of the
weakest guns everywhere else. Extremely small clip size.

Recoil notes:
- No sway.
- Almost no recoil.
- More visual recoil with a red dot sight

Recommended Attachments:
ACOG Scope

Recommended Perks:
Stopping power
Sleight of Hand
Steady Aim

 Mini Uzi

|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|30 - 20 | 750 - 1000 | 350 - 700      | 950 RPM      | 2.4 Seconds |
|        |            |                |              | (3.5 Empty) |

Extremely fast-firing SMG. Good in close quarters combat. 

Recoil notes:
- No sway
- Small amounts of visual recoil, not enough to be noticable at close range, 
but it should be fired in bursts for long ranged fighting.

Additional Notes:
The Uzi is the only gun in the game that does more Damage Per Second with 
Double Tap than with Stopping Power.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot Sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Double Tap
UAV Jammer
Steady Aim
Dead Silence


|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|40 - 20 | 750 - 1000 | 350 - 700      | 800 RPM      | 2.5 Seconds |
|        |            |                |              | (3.25 Empty)|

SMG that resembles the AK-47 visually and is statistically identical to the MP5
save for having a higher class of bullet penetration, on par with the Assault

Recoil notes:
- Only Submachine gun with sway.
- Recoil similar to the MP5 (cluster around your sight).

Additional Notes:
When equipped with a silencer or red dot has the hip accuracy of the assault
rifles (less accurate than normal).

Recommended Attachments:

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Steady Aim
Deep Impact


|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|30 - 20 | 750 - 1000 | 350 - 700      | 925 RPM      | 2.8 Seconds |
|        |            |                |              | (3.5 Empty) |

SMG with a large 50 round clip, little recoil, and a great rate of fire. One of
the most flexible SMGs.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway.
- Low recoil.
- Fantastic iron sight.
- Basically no visual recoil.
- Best when sprayed in close quarters, burst-fired at long ranges.

Additional Notes:
The P90 USED to have 75% more sprint than the other SMGs, but
this has been patched out of the game.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

 Light Machine Guns

 M249 SAW

|Damage | Rate of Fire | Reload Time  |
|30     | 925 RPM      | 6.45 Seconds |

The Default Light Machine Gun. Like all LMGs, it's great for camping and laying
down lots of fire.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway
- Low recoil, unlike other LMGs (meaning you don't necessarily need a grip).

Additional Notes:
The SAW with a Grip has improved Hip Accuracy (Between the assault rifle and SMG
hip accuracies).

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot sight

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Sleight of hand
Deep Impact


|Damage | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|40     | 700 RPM      | 9.7 Seconds |

A LMG with more damage, but more recoil and a slower rate of fire than the M249

Recoil Notes:
- No sway.
- High kickback.
- Best used with grip.

Recommended Attachments:

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Sleight of hand
Deep Impact


|Damage  | Range       | Rate of Fire | Reload Time |
|50 - 40 | 1000 - 1500 | 600 RPM      | 9.7 Seconds |

Super High powered LMG with huge recoil. Doesn't need Stopping power until long
ranges. Best when used manual single shot.

Recoil Notes:
- No sway.
- High recoil.
- High visual recoil.
- Easily used in a manual single shot.

Recommended Attachments:
Red Dot Sight
ACOG Scope

Recommended Perks:
Stopping Power
Sleight of hand
Deep Impact
Steady Aim

I will NOT be giving detailed descriptions on the shot guns, sniper rifles, or
pistols. There just isn't much to say that can't be said in a chart.


|Damage     | Range       | Rate of Fire | Reload Time             |
|40 - 10 X8 | 300 - 500   | 150 RPM      | 1 Second (First Shell), |
|           |             |              | 0.5 Seconds (Next Shell)|

Using Double tap will cause this gun to pump faster.

|Damage     | Range       | Rate of Fire | Reload Time             |
|30 - 10 X8 | 300 - 600   | 300 RPM      | 1 Second (First Shell), |
|           |             |              | 0.5 Seconds (Next Shell)|

 Sniper Rifles

|Damage | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time               |
|70     | Bolt Action,   | 1.1 Second (First Round), |
|       | 70 RPM Maximum | 0.4 Seconds (Next Round)  |

An M40 with and ACOG scope has a base damage of 75. Also, putting double tap on
an M40 will decrease the time it takes to rechamber a round.

|Damage | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time |
|70     | Single shot,   | 2.5 Seconds |
|       | Up to 1200 RPM | (3.1 Empty) |

|Damage | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time  |
|70     | Single shot,   | 2.75 Seconds |
|       | Up to 1200 RPM | (3.5 Empty)  |

The Dragunov has no use for Stopping Power, as it kills in 2 shots to stomach
or limbs 1 shot to the head neck or torso with or without the perk.

|Damage | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time               |
|70     | Bolt Action,   | 1.1 Second (First Round), |
|       | 70 RPM Maximum | 0.4 Seconds (Next Round)  |

The R700 has 50% more sway than the other sniper rifles. Also, adding Double
tap will rechamber the round faster.

 .50 Cal
|Damage | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time |
|70     | Single shot,   | 4.1 Seconds |
|       | Up to 1200 RPM | (4.6 Empty) |

 Sniper rifle charts

 Damage Multiplier Chart
|Weapon   | Head | Neck | Torso | Stomach | Limbs |
|M40      | 1.5  | 1.5  | 1.1   | 1.1     | 1.0   |
|M21      | 1.5  | 1.1  | 1.1   | 1.0     | 1.0   |
|Dragunov | 1.5  | 1.5  | 1.5   | 1.0     | 1.0   |
|R700     | 1.5  | 1.5  | 1.5   | 1.1     | 1.0   |
|.50 Cal  | 1.5  | 1.5  | 1.5   | 1.1     | 1.0   |

 Damage Chart
|Weapon   | Head | Neck | Torso | Stomach | Limbs |
|M40      | 105  | 105  | 77    | 77      | 70    |
|M40 ACOG | 112  | 112  | 82    | 82      | 75    |
|M21      | 105  | 77   | 77    | 70      | 70    |
|Dragunov | 105  | 105  | 105   | 70      | 70    |
|R700     | 105  | 105  | 105   | 77      | 70    |
|.50 Cal  | 105  | 105  | 105   | 77      | 70    |

 Damage Chart With Stopping Power
|Weapon   | Head | Neck | Torso | Stomach | Limbs |
|M40      | 147  | 147  | 107   | 107     | 98    |
|M40 ACOG | 157  | 157  | 115   | 115     | 105   |
|M21      | 147  | 107  | 107   | 98      | 98    |
|Dragunov | 147  | 147  | 147   | 98      | 98    |
|R700     | 147  | 147  | 147   | 107     | 98    |
|.50 Cal  | 147  | 147  | 147   | 107     | 98    |


|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time |
|40 - 20 | 250 - 500 | 150 - 350      | Single shot,   | 1.6 Seconds |
|        |           |                | Up to 1200 RPM | (1.9 Empty) |

|Damage  | Range      | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time |
|40 - 20 | 450 - 1000 | 250 - 650      | Single shot,   | 1.6 Seconds |
|        |            |                | Up to 1200 RPM | (1.9 Empty) |

|Damage  | Range     | Range Silenced | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time |
|40 - 20 | 350 - 900 | 250 - 500      | Single shot,   | 1.6 Seconds |
|        |           |                | Up to 1200 RPM |(1.9 Empty)  |

 Desert Eagle
|Damage  | Range      | Rate of Fire   | Reload Time  |
|50 - 30 | 350 - 1200 | Single shot,   | 1.96 Seconds |
|        |            | Up to 1200 RPM | (2.1 Empty)  |

All statistics and information from:

I don't care about copyrights, do whatever you want with this, post it where
ever. I don't care.

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