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V1.02 2007-02-21
Copyright 2006, 2007 by Barry Scott "PapaGamer" Will
This FAQ covers the Playstation 2, XBox, Gamecube and PC versions of the game.
Basic gameplay should be the same for current-gen consoles (Xbox 360, Wii,
PS3); but, the controls will differ.
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To contact me about the guide, send email to:
Please include "Cars FAQ" in your subject line so I don't auto-discard the
message. Also, please read the FAQ carefully prior to asking for help on any
part of the game. If you send me additional suggestions or hints for the game
and I find them useful, you will be acknowledged in the Credits.
If you found this guide useful and would like to contribute a small token for
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Thank you, and enjoy the guide!
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Cheat Codes...................................................GP04
Walkthrough (Full Size)..........................................WT00
Chapter 1
Radiator Springs Grand Prix................................WT01
Radiator Cap Circuit.......................................WT02
Lizzie's Postcard Hunt.....................................WT03
Sally's Sunshine Circuit...................................WT04
Tractor Tipping............................................WT05
Doc's Lesson: Powerslide...................................WT06
Doc's Challenge............................................WT07
Palm Mile Speedway.........................................WT08
Chapter 2
Boostin' with Filmore......................................WT09
Luigi to the Rescue........................................WT10
North Desert Dash..........................................WT11
Sarge's Boot Camp..........................................WT12
Sarge's Off-Road Challenge.................................WT13
Motor Speedway of the South................................WT14
Chapter 3
Mater's Backwards Lesson...................................WT15
Sheriff's Chase............................................WT16
Sheriff's Hot Pursuit......................................WT17
Rustbucket Race-O-Rama.....................................WT18
Ornament Valley Circuit....................................WT19
Sun Valley International Raceway...........................WT20
Chapter 4
Sally's Wheel Well Sprint..................................WT21
Doc's Check-Up.............................................WT22
Tailfin Pass Circuit.......................................WT23
Delinquent Road Hazards....................................WT24
Monster Truck Mayhem.......................................WT25
Chick's Challenge..........................................WT26
High Speed Heist...........................................WT27
Lightning Strikes Back.....................................WT28
Smasherville International Speedway........................WT29
Chapter 5
Radiator Springs Grand Prix................................WT30
Tailfin Pass Grand Prix....................................WT31
Ornament Valley Grand Prix.................................WT32
Los Angeles International Speedway.........................WT33
Compact Version..................................................CV00
Bonus Content....................................................BC00
Version History & Credits
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============================== CONTROLS [GP01] ==============================
PS2 controls courtesy of Cameron Deavin. Xbox controls courtesy of soupermom.
| Action | PC+ | Gamecube | PS2 | XBox |
| Gas* | SPACE | A button | X button | A button |
| Brake* | D | B button | Square btn | X button |
| Steer Left | LEFT ARROW | Left control stick left |
| Steer Right | RIGHT ARROW| Left control stick right |
| Crouch | DOWN ARROW | Left control stick down |
| Raise | UP ARROW | Left control stick up |
| Jump | Crouch + Raise** |
| Powerslide | S | Left trigger | R1 button | R trigger |
| Boost | A | Right trigger| R2 button | L trigger |
| Tilt | LEFT SHIFT | Y button | L1 button | L bumper |
| Emergency Brake | C | X button | Circle btn | B button |
| Drive Backwards | Double-tap Emergency Brake |
| Map (Explore mode) | TAB | Z button | Select | BACK |
| Reset Car (Races) | TAB | Z button | Select | BACK |
| Camera | KP 2,4,6,8 | C-stick | Right stick| Right stick|
| Camera Presets++ | KP 5 | D-pad up | D-pad up | Y button |
| Enter Event | D | B button | Square btn | X button |
| Pause/Game Menu | ESC | Start | START | START |
| Change Menu Option | ARROWS | D-pad | D-pad | D-pad |
| Confirm Menu Option | ENTER | A button | X button | A button |
| Exit Menu | ESC | B button | Circle btn | B button |
+ These are the default keyboard controls for the PC. The controls are
completely configurable to suit your preference. The PC version also supports
game controllers.
* To drive in reverse (not driving backwards), come to a complete stop, then
press "Brake" to begin moving in reverse. When driving in reverse, these
buttons operate in the opposite manner; i.e., "Brake" accelerates you faster
in reverse while "Gas" stops your reverse movement.
++ There are three default viewpoints:
1) First-person perspective (or "bumper view")
2) Third-person perspective from close behind the car
3) Third-person perspective from far behind the car
Pressing the "Camera Presets" button cycles between these viewpoints.
** To jump, press "Crouch", then quickly press "Raise" (on a controller, this
is a quick down, then up movement on the left control stick). You can get
extra height off ramps by jumping right at the edge; just be sure to release
"Raise" quickly, because, once you're in the air, "Raise" points your car
toward the ground, sending you into a nosedive.
============================== OVERVIEW [GP02] ==============================
Cars is primarily a racing game, though a couple of the mini-games don't have
a racing component. The racing in Cars is "arcade style"--i.e. there's no
damage model (hitting something just slows you down) and the driving physics
are not very realistic. There are three modes of play:
Story Mode puts you in the middle of Radiator Springs and lets you freely (or,
almost freely) roam the game world. There are 33 different events spread
through five chapters and two adjacent world areas (Ornament Valley and
Tailfin Pass). Completing events unlocks other events and you work your way
through the main story, which takes place *after* the events in the movie and
involves competition for the Piston Cup.
Each event you finish awards you a certain number of trophies--there are 250
trophies in all. You must earn a minimum number of trophies to compete in the
five Piston Cup races that end each chapter of the story.
In addition to races, there are a number of mini-games to spice up gameplay.
These include timed and un-timed collection games, a stealth mini-game and
several mini-games that are variations on a standard race (such as a timed
obstacle course). To enter events, you must drive around the world, find an
event marker, drive into it and press the "Brake" button.
While exploring the world, you can find bonus point tokens. Each type awards
a certain number of points to your total:
-> Red icons with a yellow lightning bolt: 100 points--these are literally
lying around everywhere and are easy to find.
-> Red icons with a white lightning bolt: 500 points--less numerous than the
100-point icons, these are still relatively easy to come by.
-> Gold icons with a yellow lightning bolt: 2,000 points--you'll have to
search carefully, and, in some cases, pull off a trick to collect these
valuable bonuses.
You also earn points during races and mini-games by achieving certain
milestones, such as: best time, best lap time, "Safe Driver", "Big Air",
"Powerslide", etc. Use your earned points to unlock bonus content including
characters, concept art and movies. (*Movies are not available in the
Gamecube version of Cars.*)
Lets you pick any of your unlocked characters and use them in any unlocked
race or mini-game. Races and mini-games are unlocked during Story Mode.
Lets you and another player pick from any unlocked characters and compete
against each other in any unlocked race. There is no online competition in VS
================================= TIPS [GP03] ===============================
-> You can Powerslide from the beginning of the game. While not as realistic
as Powersliding in other racing games, you need to learn to use this
ability to make tough corners and curves. Some cars (Doc Hudson) Power-
slide better than others (Sheriff).
-> Use Tilt to make near-90 degree turns. Tilt does slow you down, more so
as you hold the tilt; however, it doesn't slow you as much as hitting a
wall. Tilt comes in handy for those hard turns that Powersliding can't
-> Use shortcuts as much as possible. Not only do you gain an advantage over
the other racers, you also earn bonus points for using the shortcut.
-> Each time you start a new chapter, new bonus point icons appear in the
open world areas. Make sure you go exploring in each chapter to collect
all the bonus points.
-> Get all three boost tanks by beating "Boostin' with Filmore", "Rustbucket
Race-O-Rama" and "Delinquent Road Hazards".
============================= CHEAT CODES [GP02] ============================
To enter Cheat Codes, select Options in the main menu (before entering Story
Mode) and enter one of the following codes:
Code Result
--------- ----------------------------------------------------
YAYCARS Unlocks all cars
R4MONE Unlocks all paint jobs
CONC3PT Unlocks all concept art
WATCHIT Unlocks all movie clips (doesn't work on Gamecube)
MATTL66 Unlocks all races & mini-games for VS and Arcade
IF900HP Same as "MATTL66"
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This Walkthrough is based on the Full-Size version of Story Mode. The
differences in the Compact Version are outlined in the next section of this
================================== CHAPTER 1 ================================
EVENT: Radiator Springs Grand Prix [WT01]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Cozy Cone Motel
REQ: None
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing the race
UNLOCKS: Radiator Cap Circuit
Lizzie's Postcard Hunt
This opening race is very easy and is intended to get you used to the
controls of the game. Finishing the race (which is a "dream" by McQueen)
starts the main story proper and opens your first two events.
EVENT: Radiator Cap Circuit [WT02]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Flo's V8 Cafe
REQ: Finish Radiator Springs GP
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Sally's Sunshine Circuit
Tractor Tipping
Another pretty easy race. You'll want to master Powersliding to make this one
easier; but, you shouldn't have too much trouble. There's one little shortcut
near the beginning--after passing the firehouse, and curving left, the road
makes a hard curve to the right. There's a dirt path to the right that cuts
off a little of the curve and gives you a chance to catch some air at the end.
EVENT: Lizzie's Postcard Hunt [WT03]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Lizzie's store
REQ: Finish Radiator Springs GP
REWARD: 20 trophies for finding all 20 postcards
UNLOCKS: Nothing
Lizzie's Postcard Hunt is a collection game that spans most of Story mode.
When you activate this event, 20 postcards are scattered around the game
world. Only eight are immediately retrievable. You won't be able to finish
this hunt until early in Chapter 4, so you might want to just wait until then
to get into the thick of it.
Chapter 1 Postcards:
These postcards are in the Radiator Springs area and can be reached
immediately, though a couple are easier to reach if you have a boost tank.
-> Directly across the street from Lizzie's, almost in front of Mack.
-> On top of Ramone's House of Body Art; there's a ramp around back to
get up on the roof.
-> On top of some crates behind Luigi's Casa Della Tires; go behind Lizzie's
shop and get a running start up the ramp and jump to reach the postcard
(this one's a bit easier if you have at least one boost tank).
-> In one of the rooms of the Glenn Rio Motel, east of the Cozy Cone Motel
on Route 66.
-> In the wash running behind Sarge's compound, underneath the bridge.
-> Behind Sarge's compound, between the fence and the wash; drive to the
opposite side of the wash and drive along the edge until you pass the
"back gate" of Sarge's compound and you'll see the postcard in a clear
area just beyond. Find the area on your side of the wash that's about
the same height as the area across the wash. Get a good, long running
start to make the jump (this one's easier if you have at least one boost
-> Go out the right-hand back gate of the old drive-in (the back exit that
leads to a dirt road) and follow the road around to the right and behind
the fence you'll find a postcard.
-> From Route 66, head to the firehouse and take a left. When the road makes
a hard right turn (marked with yellow directional signs), jump up on the
little ledge to the left and drive closely behind the fence along the lip
of the wash to find the postcard.
Chapter 2 Postcards:
These postcards are in Radiator Springs; but, you need at least one boost
tank (complete "Boostin' with Filmore") in order to make the jumps.
-> From the Doc's Lesson/Challenge event marker, go due north until you run
into a cliff face. Turn right (east) and drive along the cliff until you
find a narrow dirt path blocked by an orange and white barricade. Jump
the barricade and follow the path. When you reach a T-intersection, go
right to pick up a 2,000 point bonus icon, then head back the other way.
You'll have to make a big jump onto a plateau, then another, shorter
jump to a second plateau. Drive down off the western edge of this second
plateau and keep going west to find the postcard.
-> Exit the old drive-in by the dirt road in back. Follow this road straight
into the series of criss-crossing washes behind Willy's Butte. You'll go
around a fenced-in pit. After rounding the pit, look for a grass-covered
slope to your right, this is a slope you do not have to jump up to. Drive
up the slope and you'll find two dirt paths. Take the path that goes
straight up from the slope (heading west) and follow it upwards. You'll
have to make a short jump followed by a big jump to reach a large rock.
From this large rock, find the big ramp on the east side and boost-jump
it to a sloping rock. Drive up the sloping rock and go left on a path
that winds around the inside of a butte. At the end is the postcard.
-> From the previous postcard, find the opening to the west and make a
couple of short jumps to another postcard.
-> From the previous postcard, jump down from the north edge (there's a
little down-ramp) to another rock, then down again right onto the dirt
path you started on. Make the two jumps again to a large rock. This time,
boost jump off the small ramp on the south side to reach another post-
Chapter 3 Postcards:
These postcards are located in Ornament Valley, which is opened at the
beginning of Chapter 3.
-> From the Rustbucket arena, go west (toward Radiator Springs). Just past
the Radiator Springs billboard, turn right onto a dirt road. Take the
left path when the road forks. When you reach the concrete bridge, drive
down into the gully and pick up a postcard from beneath the bridge.
-> From the above postcard, drive out of the gully, which places you near
an orchard. Drive into the orchard and work your way from field to
field, following a path of bonus point tokens. When you find a broken
cart, use it to jump the fence and continue following the tokens up
on to a bluff, where you'll find a postcard.
Chapter 4 Postcards:
These postcards are in Tailfin Pass, though most are only accessible after
you've completed "Delinquent Road Hazards".
-> Inside the Wheel Well.
-> Going downhill from the Wheel Well, just before you cross a wood trestle
bridge, a dirt road leads north. Follow it, making two large jumps (two
boost tanks make these jumps easier) to reach the postcard.
*The following areas are not accessible until you have completed "Delinquent
Road Hazards".*
-> In the mine, near the bottom end, is a shortcut to the right that leads
to some wood catwalks. Near the beginning of this shortcut, to the left,
break through the wood barrier to find the postcard.
-> At the top end of the mine, on the wood catwalk. You can reach the
catwalk using a small ramp further down the mine.
-> Take the side road next to the large waterfall and look for bonus point
tokens up on the ridge to your left. Jump up on to the ridge and follow
the dirt road up, taking the right-hand path when the road forks. You'll
reach a ledge with the postcard next to the waterfall.
-> From the above postcard, find the dirt path that continues behind the
waterfall and follow it, making a jump. Stay on the dirt road as it
hairpins down the mountain to reach the postcard.
When you've retrieved all 20 postcards, you can return to Lizzie's shop, but
there's no additional reward other than the 20 trophies you get for the
EVENT: Sally's Sunshine Circuit [WT04]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Cozy Cone Motel
REQ: Finish Radiator Cap Circuit
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Doc's Lesson: Powerslide
This is a simple oval course around Radiator Springs. You're playing Sally in
this race; but, she drives pretty much like McQueen. You shouldn't have any
problems with this race. If you do this race before "Tractor Tipping", you'll
unlock "Doc's Lesson: Powerslide".
EVENT: Tractor Tipping [WT05]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Mater's junkyard
REQ: Finish Radiator Cap Circuit
REWARD: 20 trophies for completing all eight levels
1 event for finishing the first level
UNLOCKS: Doc's Lesson: Powerslide
"Tractor Tipping" is an exercise in stealth and pattern memorization. You
control Mater around a field, driving up to tractors and blowing your horn to
tip them over. You must avoid being caught in Frank's headlights, and you
also must avoid searchlights, maneuver around obstacles and tip all the
tractors in the level before time runs out. If you finish the first level of
"Tractor Tipping" before "Sally's Sunshine Circuit", you'll unlock "Doc's
Lesson: Powerslide".
To control Mater, simply move your left joystick (console versions) or arrow
keys (PC version). Press the "Gas" button to blow your horn when you're right
next to a tractor. You cannot control the camera (one of the difficulties of
this mini-game), jump Mater or anything other than simple movement and
blowing your horn.
You may need two or three tries at each level to memorize the locations of
the tractors and the most efficient route to each. In some levels, you must
tip the tractors in a specific order, as moving on blocks some of the
tractors. In the higher levels, you can push carts into ditches to form
bridges--just drive into the cart. Be careful you don't block a tractor!
Watch the "Frank meter" on the left of your screen. If it goes completely red,
you're caught and you have to start the level over. Getting caught in Frank's
headlights is an instant loss. Staying too long in a searchlight (or getting
caught in too many searchlights) will also bring down the wrath of Frank.
Some general tips:
* Go into any trenches in the level and tip those tractors first
* Don't push any carts until you're sure you've cleared the trenches
* Drive through a level first and note the positions of the tractors
* Save tractors up on plateaus for last
-> Level 1: 7 tractors, 3:00, 1 trophy
-> Level 2: 8 tractors, 3:40, 1 trophy
-> Level 3: 7 tractors, 3:00, 2 trophies
Go ahead and push the cart in front of you immediately, tip the
first tractor, then push the next cart.
-> Level 4: 7 tractors, 3:20, 2 trophies
Clear the trenches before pushing any carts.
-> Level 5: 6 tractors, 4:00, 3 trophies
Save the tractor on the center plateau for last, the other five
are around the edges of the area.
-> Level 6: 13 tractors, 4:05, 3 trophies
You may have to do this one several times to get the most
efficient order.
-> Level 7: 8 tractors, 2:05, 4 trophies
This is a race not only against the clock, but against Frank; he's
coming right at you as the level begins, so quickly drive the other way
and keep following the path, trying to stay ahead of Frank and tipping
tractors on the way. Don't worry too much about the searchlights, waiting
on them will only let Frank catch you.
-> Level 8: 10 tractors, 3:40, 4 trophies
EVENT: Doc's Lesson: Powerslide [WT06]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: East of Sarge's compound
REQ: Finish either Tractor Tipping
or Sally's Sunshine Circuit
REWARD: 3 trophies for time under 1:04.00
2 trophies for time under 1:06.00
1 trophy for time under 1:11.00
1 event for finishing the lesson
UNLOCKS: Doc's Challenge
Drive around the oval course three times. You only need to Powerslide on the
back turn (the front turn is banked and you can take it easily). Finish in
less than 1 minute 4 seconds to earn three trophies. After finishing the
lesson, you move immediately to "Doc's Challenge".
EVENT: Doc's Challenge [WT07]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: East of Sarge's compound
REQ: Finish Doc's Lesson: Powerslide
REWARD: 5 trophies for winning
1 event for winning
UNLOCKS: Palm Mile Speedway
An auto-a-auto race between you and Doc. As befitting the challenge, there
are plenty of hard turns to practice your Powersliding. Still, Doc's a bit
slower than you and shouldn't pose much of a problem unless you just can't
get the hang of Powersliding. There's a good opportunity to catch Big Air
right before the finish line--don't miss it.
EVENT: Palm Mile Speedway [WT08]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: In front of Mack, next to Flo's
REQ: Finish Doc's Challenge
Earn 15 trophies
REWARD: 10 trophies for 1st place
6 trophies for 2nd place
4 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Chapter 2
Boostin' with Filmore
Luigi to the Rescue
Welcome to your first Piston Cup race! These races are quite different from
the others in the game. First, you're racing on a NASCAR-style track
(basically a large oval). Second, there are a lot of other cars. Third, you
have to complete 12 laps. Fourth, in the middle of the race, you have to make
a pit stop and play a mini-game with Guido.
Keys to winning Piston Cup races:
-> Keep your speedometer north of 180 mph. You can't use boosts in Piston Cup
races, so you can't afford to lose too much speed. Stay out from behind
slower cars and keep yourself off the walls.
-> You can't Powerslide in Piston Cup races. Stay low in the turns. Try to
take turns inside another car; when you start to slide outside, you'll
hit the other car and bounce back inside. What you don't want to do is
drive into the wall on the outsides of turns, you'll lose too much speed
trying to get off the wall.
-> Get your pit stops under 20 seconds. Each pit stop is a set of four
"button mashing" exercises. E.g. "Press B repeatedly", "Press B, X,
A, B", "Rotate the control stick clockwise", etc. If you master these
little mini-games, you'll receive a time bonus when you restart.
================================== CHAPTER 2 ================================
No new areas open as you begin Chapter 2; you're still confined to Radiator
Springs. However, once you complete "Boostin' with Filmore", you'll have a
boost tank and can reach some previously unreachable parts of Radiator
Springs. (As well as have a lot more fun in the races.)
EVENT: Boostin' with Filmore [WT09]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Filmore's tent
REQ: Finish Palm Mile Speedway
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing 3rd or higher
First boost tank
UNLOCKS: North Desert Dash
Sarge's Boot Camp
If you finish "Boostin' with Filmore" before "Luigi to the Rescue", you will
unlock "North Desert Dash" and "Sarge's Boot Camp". This is a pretty standard
race, you should be used to them by now. You'll be doing a lot of
Powersliding and Tilting, so the new boost tank will come in handy. You get
to keep the boost tank after finishing the race, so do this event as soon as
Chapter 2 starts.
There are a couple of good shortcuts near the beginning of the race as you go
through the gullies behind the Cozy Cone. The first is to your right as you
enter the first wash; Tilt to turn hard right into it. The second is to your
left after the big jump coming out of the gullies. Again, Tilt hard left to
turn into it, then boost to make a couple of jumps into the old drive-in.
EVENT: Luigi to the Rescue [WT10]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Casa Della Tires
REQ: Finish Palm Mile Speedway
REWARD: 20 trophies for finishing all eight levels
2 events for finishing the first level
UNLOCKS: North Desert Dash
Sarge's Boot Camp
If you complete the first level of "Luigi to the Rescue" before finishing
"Boostin' with Filmore", you will unlock "North Desert Dash" and "Sarge's
Boot Camp".
"Luigi to the Rescue" is a timed collection game. Tires are scattered around
Radiator Springs, and you must rescue them *and* return to Casa Della Tires
before time runs out. Tires will show on your mini-map, and can be seen from
a distance by the vibrating arrow floating over them. (The arrow moves up-
and-down.) Run over a tire stack to pick it up.
Later levels will generally require two or three (or more) tries to memorize
the optimal retrieval order. Remember, you need time to get back to Casa
Della Tires after you've picked up all the tires. (Note: Luigi can't boost.)
In general, pick up tires that are farther out of town, trying to move in a
circular pattern. The tires are typically on or beside roads, so you can kind
of follow a "race course", picking up tires as you go. There are a few tires,
especially in level 8, that are positioned on ledges or in shortcuts and take
a bit more work to get.
-> Level 1: 6 tires, 1 trophy, 2:30 time limit
-> Level 2: 7 tires, 1 trophy, 2:30 time limit
-> Level 3: 8 tires, 2 trophies, 3:00 time limit
-> Level 4: 10 tires, 2 trophies, 3:30 time limit
-> Level 5: 9 tires, 3 trophies, 3:00 time limit
-> Level 6: 12 tires, 3 trophies, 5:00 time limit
-> Level 7: 11 tires, 4 trophies, 5:30 time limit
-> Level 8: 12 tires, 4 trophies, 5:00 time limit
EVENT: North Desert Dash [WT11]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Flo's V8 Cafe
REQ: Finish either "Boostin' with Filmore"
or Level 1 of "Luigi to the Rescue"
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
UNLOCKS: Nothing
Complete "Boostin' with Filmore" before attempting this race. While not
overly difficult, you'll definitely want a boost tank in case you have to
make a quick recovery.
EVENT: Sarge's Boot Camp [WT12]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Sarge's compound, north of town
REQ: Finish either "Boostin' with Filmore"
or Level 1 of "Luigi to the Rescue"
REWARD: 2 trophies for beating Level 1
3 trophies for beating level 2
5 trophies for beating level 3
1 event for finishing the first level
UNLOCKS: Sarge's Off-Road Challenge
The Boot Camp is a series of timed obstacle courses. There are three courses,
and you must complete three laps within a time limit on each course in order
to move on to the next course. Complete the first course to open "Sarge's
Off-Road Challenge". Each course follows the same track, only the obstacles
change. Be sure to earn your first boost tank before attempting this
-> Level 1: 4:00 time limit. Jump a couple of boards to start, then it's
through a tunnel with a sharp left turn. Try to stay off the wall and
catch some air coming out of the tunnel. When you reach the walls of
tires, slow down to weave your way through, then boost out of the next
-> Level 2: 4:00 time limit. The walls of tires are worse here; don't try to
speed through, you'll lose more time crashing into the walls than just
picking your way around. After the walls and the ensuing jump, there's a
180-degree turn. There's now wire over the turn lane; stay inside to
avoid getting caught in the wire. After that turn, there's a narrow
bridge over a dip in the course--take the bridge, even if you have to
drive slowly. The pit underneath is filled with obstacles.
-> Level 3: 4:15 time limit. The tire walls are gone on this course,
replaced with a series of platforms you have to jump up. After that are
some swinging tires, which actually aren't that hard to avoid. At the
180-degree turn, you now want to jump up on the ledge to the left and
try to stay up on it to avoid the barrels in the lower turn. The bridge
is wider, but has a lot of holes. Either jump them or slow down and
weave through them.
EVENT: Sarge's Off-Road Challenge [WT13]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Sarge's compound, north of town
REQ: Finish Level 1 of "Sarge's Boot Camp"
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Motor Speedway of the South
This course is full of sharp turns, high jumps and shortcuts. A lot of the
shortcuts can do you more harm than good, since you have to jump onto most of
them, thus leaving yourself momentarily out-of-control. Go for them only if
you really want the bonus points. You'll definitely need a boost tank as
you'll be doing a lot of Powersliding and Tilting around the turns.
EVENT: Motor Speedway of the South [WT14]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: In front of Mack, next to Flo's
REQ: Finish Sarge's Off-Road Challenge
Earn 40 trophies
REWARD: 10 trophies for 1st place
6 trophies for 2nd place
4 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Chapter 3
Mater's Backwards Lesson
Sheriff's Chase
This race takes place on a flattened oval--the ends of the oval have short
straightaways so you have four 90-degree turns instead of two 180-degree
turns. The turns are only slightly banked, but since you're only turning 90
degrees, this isn't much of a problem. Still, it's easy to slide into the
outside walls, so take the turns hard inside and use a bit of tilt if you get
too far outside. Try to take the turn inside of other cars so you'll bounce
off them rather than the wall.
================================== CHAPTER 3 ================================
"Motor Speedway of the South" takes place at night, and it's still night when
you return to Radiator Springs. This is a good time to go bonus-point-token
hunting, as they stand out much better in the dark than in the sun. The first
two events in this chapter also take place at night.
EVENT: Mater's Backwards Lesson [WT15]
TYPE: Race (2 laps)
LOCATION: Mater's junkyard
REQ: Finish Motor Speedway of the South
REWARD: 5 trophies for completing the lesson
UNLOCKS: Backwards driving ability
Overall, this is a useless event. Backwards driving serves no purpose during
the rest of the game, and this event doesn't unlock anything. Only bother
with it if you're going for a full game and need the 5 trophies for a
complete set.
Follow Mater (you can't pass him) around Radiator Springs two times, flipping
around and driving backwards whenever Mater does. Press the Emergency Brake
button twice to flip and drive backwards. Do it again to flip and drive
forwards again. While driving backwards, the Gas button accelerates and the
Brake button decelerates. Steering is reversed--steer left to go right...
EVENT: Sheriff's Chase [WT16]
TYPE: Race (1 lap)
LOCATION: East of town, on Route 66
REQ: Finish Motor Speedway of the South
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
2 events for winning
UNLOCKS: Ornament Valley
Sheriff's Hot Pursuit
Rustbucket Race-O-Rama
Beat Sheriff in a one-lap race around just about every road in Radiator
Springs. There are lots of tight turns and switchbacks on this course. Use
Tilt to take the turns as fast as possible.
It will still be night after beating Sheriff, so go explore Ornament Valley
and collect bonus point tokens and two postcards. Ornament Valley is east of
Radiator Springs, along Route 66. When you try one of the next events, you
return to daytime.
EVENT: Sheriff's Hot Pursuit [WT17]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: East of town, on Route 66
REQ: Finish Sheriff's Chase
REWARD: 2 trophies for catching the Speeders
3 trophies for catching the Hooligans
3 trophies for catching the Road Hazards
4 trophies for catching the Delinquents
5 trophies for catching the Hot-Rodders
1 event for catching the Speeders
UNLOCKS: Ornament Valley Circuit
In each level of Hot Pursuit, you must run down three cars. To run down a car,
track them down (they show on your mini-map) and get behind them. Your siren
will start running and a red "chase meter" shows next to the car's icon on
the left side of the screen. Deplete the chase meter by staying close behind
the car; the closer you stay to the perp, the faster the chase meter runs
As the levels increase, the speed and dexterity of the cars increases as well.
You should be able to easily finish the first level when you unlock the game;
but, you may want to have extra boost tanks to finish the higher levels.
The cars all stay on the road; though, they will use anything that remotely
qualifies as "road", including dirt paths. They won't jump to reach shortcuts,
and they won't just go cross country. They follow a set course, so if you
know where they are going (by watching them before chasing them) you can
better stay on their tail.
Don't try to "head them off at the pass", getting too far away--even if
you're using a shortcut to gain ground--will qualify as losing the car. Do
try to cut corners a little bit, you don't have to stay on a course, as you
do in races. Fortunately for you, there's no other traffic in the world area
during this event.
If you lose a car, you only have to start chasing that car again, you don't
have to restart the level. Once you do run down a car, that car remains in
the world area; you can avoid chasing the same car again by watching for the
arrows floating over them. Previously caught cars don't have the arrow.
EVENT: Rustbucket Race-O-Rama [WT18]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: Rustbucket Arena
REQ: Finish Sheriff's Chase
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
Boost tank for winning
UNLOCKS: Ornament Valley Circuit
This is a short-track race with you playing as Mater. Mater can Tilt and
Powerslide, just like McQueen and has as much boost as you've earned thus far.
The course is a figure-eight pattern with lots of jumps and high, banked
turns. Because it's a short track, there's lots of bumping going on;
finishing first is not an easy task. You're going to want to surge to the
lead as quickly as possible and try to hold it because gaining ground late in
the race will be difficult. Winning gets you an extra boost tank.
EVENT: Ornament Valley Circuit [WT19]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Ornament Valley Gas Station
REQ: Finish either Rustbucket Race-O-Rama
or Level 1 of Sheriff's Hot Pursuit
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Sun Valley International Raceway
A standard race around Ornament Valley. The main feature of the valley is a
large, narrow canyon which heavily penalizes poor Powersliding skills.
EVENT: Sun Valley International Raceway [WT20]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: In front of Mack, next to Flo's
REQ: Finish Ornament Valley Circuit
Earn 70 trophies
REWARD: 10 trophies for 1st place
6 trophies for 2nd place
4 trophies for 3rd place
2 events for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Chapter 4
Sally's Wheel Well Sprint
Doc's Check-Up
This might just be the most difficult Piston Cup race. One end of the track
has two 90-degree turns, similar to Motor Speedway of the South, but the
other end is a 180-degree turn and it's not banked. You have to use Tilt, or
slow down and stay inside other cars to avoid getting hung up on the wall.
Obviously, a great pit stop (under 20 seconds) will help, but you're going to
have to avoid mistakes to have any chance at crossing the finish line in
first place.
================================== CHAPTER 4 ================================
EVENT: Sally's Wheel Well Sprint [WT21]
TYPE: Race (1 lap)
LOCATION: Cozy Cone Motel; or,
Entrance to Tailfin Pass
REQ: Finish Sun Valley International Speedway
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 events for winning
UNLOCKS: Tailfin Pass
Tailfin Pass Circuit
Monster Truck Mayhem
Delinquent Road Hazards
You'll get to explore (at high speed) Tailfin Pass in this race up the
mountain. There are only a couple of shortcuts, and they're not worth the
bother (they'll probably slow you down more than help). Your only opponent is
Sally, so you have to finish first to unlock Tailfin Pass and three new
events. When you finish, you'll be in front of the Wheel Well, so trundle
back into the motel to pick up a postcard, then jump straight into Tailfin
Pass Circuit at the event marker out front.
EVENT: Doc's Check-Up [WT22]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Doc's Service Station
REQ: Finish Sun Valley International Speedway
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
UNLOCKS: Nothing
A standard race against Doc and some of your other friends. The course takes
you around Radiator Springs, concentrating on the area of criss-crossing
washes behind Willy's Butte. There are several shortcuts, and lots of narrow,
walled-in racing--not to mention some chances for big air. You'll need a lot
of Powersliding and Tilting finesses to finish first (and an extra boost tank
wouldn't hurt).
EVENT: Tailfin Pass Circuit [WT23]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Wheel Well
REQ: Finish Sally's Wheel Well Sprint
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
UNLOCKS: Nothing
A very short circuit around the top of Tailfin Pass. There's one tiny
shortcut after the first turn. Since the course is so short, you won't have
much time to recover should you have a bad crash. Drive on the conservative
side rather than flat out.
EVENT: Delinquent Road Hazards [WT24]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Bottom of road leading to Wheel Well
REQ: Finish Sally's Wheel Well Sprint
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
Boost tank for winning
UNLOCKS: Chick's Challenge
Additional roads in Tailfin Pass
A race around Tailfin Pass against DJ, Wingo and friends. You'll travel
through an abandoned mine, which can present a special set of problems,
including narrow passages and uphill racing. Avoid the shortcut in the mine
unless you're really good at jumping. This is a good race to do quickly in
Chapter 4 as you get an extra boost tank (the third one available) for
winning, and you'll unlock some roads you need for getting the final four
postcards for Lizzie.
EVENT: Monster Truck Mayhem [WT25]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: Casa Della Tires; or,
Rustbucket Arena
REQ: Finish Sally's Wheel Well Sprint
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
UNLOCKS: Nothing
Another short-track race on the Rustbucket course. This time, the course is
two adjacent ovals--you can race around either oval or switch back-and-forth.
You're also piloting a monster truck version of McQueen. Because your vehicle
is jacked up, turns are a bit more problematic. You can Powerslide, but not
Tilt. Try to take whatever track the other trucks are not using and boost
over the ramps.
EVENT: Chick's Challenge [WT26]
TYPE: Race (3 laps)
LOCATION: Ornament Valley Gas Station
REQ: Finish Delinquent Road Hazards
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for winning
UNLOCKS: High Speed Heist
The story goes into high gear at this point. First up is this standard race
around Ornament Valley. The big difference this time is you must win (not
just place) to advance the story.
EVENT: High Speed Heist [WT27]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Flo's V8 Cafe
REQ: Win Chick's Challenge
REWARD: 5 trophies for collecting Lightning's Gear
1 event for winning
UNLOCKS: Lightning Strikes Back
This is a three-stage mini-game. In the first stage, you control DJ and have
to catch Mack on a crowded freeway. You have to catch up to Mack within two
minutes. Hitting other cars or going off the road slows you down tremendously.
You do have whatever boost tanks you've earned in the game thus far (up to
The key is to drive mistake-free rather than fast. There are three lanes of
traffic, and one lane will always be open as you weave through the other cars.
If you can avoid hitting other cars or going off the road and maintain a
speed in excess of 100mph, you will have no problem completing this stage.
Stage 2 is similar; this time you're controlling Boost and you, again, have
to catch Mack within 2:00. The twist is, when you catch Mack, you have to
boost over a ramp at the same time that Mack, who is weaving back-and-forth,
is in front of the ramp. You'll need to catch Mack with enough time to spare
to time your jump, so drive a little fast when trying to run Mack down.
In stage 3, Wingo has two minutes to collect five boxes as they fall out of
Mack's trailer. Catch up to Mack, which won't take long, then dodge anything
that's not a yellow box. Hit the yellow boxes to add them to your total--when
you have five, you win the mini-game.
EVENT: Lightning Strikes Back [WT28]
TYPE: Mini-game
LOCATION: Ornament Valley Gas Station
REQ: Win High Speed Heist
REWARD: 5 trophies for winning
1 event for winning
UNLOCKS: Smasherville International Speedway
Similar to "High Speed Heist", you're controlling McQueen and chasing down DJ,
Boost, Wingo and Snot Rod. You have to bump each perp three times and collect
a box of your stuff. Once you've hit all four cars three times within a time
limit of 3:30, you win the game.
You can't boost, but that's OK, because speed isn't an issue. The other cars
drive pretty slowly, so catching them is easy unless you hit a lot of traffic.
You see, this time, you're going the wrong way on the freeway, so avoiding
oncoming cars is the biggest challenge. As long as you can keep the number of
traffic hits down to a handful, you'll win this game easily.
EVENT: Smasherville International Speedway [WT29]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: In front of Mack, next to Flo's
REQ: Win Lightning Strikes Back
Earn 115 trophies
REWARD: 10 trophies for 1st place
6 trophies for 2nd place
4 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for winning
UNLOCKS: Chapter 5
Radiator Springs Grand Prix
This is a short-track oval with high, banked turns. It is actually relatively
easy, since you can go flat out all the time. This is good, because you have
to win this time (not just place) to advance the story. Stay off the walls
(pretty easy) and don't get caught behind a slow car (not quite as easy) and
you'll win going away.
================================== CHAPTER 5 ================================
EVENT: Radiator Springs Grand Prix [WT30]
TYPE: Race (2 laps)
LOCATION: Flo's V8 Cafe
REQ: Win Smasherville International Speedway
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Tailfin Pass Grand Prix
A two-lap course that covers just about every inch of road in Radiator
Springs. There are lots of tight turns and a couple of switchbacks to watch
out for. You can advance without winning, though you do have to place.
EVENT: Tailfin Pass Grand Prix [WT31]
TYPE: Race (1 lap)
LOCATION: Wheel Well
REQ: Finish Radiator Springs Grand Prix
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Ornament Valley Grand Prix
This is a sprint down Tailfin Pass. You start in front of the Wheel Well and
go around the top of the Pass, then downhill. You'll go over what is,
arguably, the biggest jump in the game--better make it or you're in trouble
right from the start. Then downhill to the mine entrance, back uphill through
the mine (ignore the shortcut) and downhill again next to the waterfall. The
finish line is at the bottom, next to the waterfall, so be sure you're
carrying a lead as you leave the mine.
EVENT: Ornament Valley Grand Prix [WT32]
TYPE: Race (2 laps)
LOCATION: Ornament Valley Gas Station
REQ: Finish Tailfin Pass Grand Prix
REWARD: 5 trophies for 1st place
3 trophies for 2nd place
2 trophies for 3rd place
1 event for finishing 3rd or higher
UNLOCKS: Los Angeles International Speedway
Two trips around Ornament Valley, with a little side trip into part of
Radiator Springs thrown in. Near the start, as you turn left at the railroad
tracks, bear right instead of left. Boost through the banked turn and you'll
gain a lot of time on your opponents and the race will be easy.
EVENT: Los Angeles International Speedway [WT33]
TYPE: Race (12 laps)
LOCATION: In front of Mack, next to Flo's
REQ: Finish Ornament Valley Grand Prix
Earn 140 trophies
REWARD: 10 trophies for 1st place
6 trophies for 2nd place
4 trophies for 3rd place
UNLOCKS: Nothing
This is your last race, a relatively easy Piston Cup. There are three turns
on the track. (Ever see a triangular race course? Didn't think so.) Each is
well banked so you can go full speed all the time. There are nice, long
straightaways to get yourself out of any trouble that develop during a turn.
Stay inside, keep out of traffic, pull off a great Pit Stop and you'll win
the race. You have to win to officially finish the story.
That's it! You're finished with Cars. If you don't have 250 trophies yet, you
can go back and re-run races and play mini-games until you've earned all the
Not that you actually, like, get anything for doing so...
______ [CV00]
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Compact is a shorter, easier version of the Story than Full-Size. There are
two primary differences:
1) The races are much easier as your opponents drive more slowly, especially
on the last lap. The Full Size races aren't the most challenging in the world,
the Compact races are specifically designed for young or novice gamers.
Ironically, the mini-games are no less challenging and are apt to prove the
most frustrating.
2) There are fewer events arranged in three chapters rather than five. The
chapter/event breakdown is:
-> Chapter 1:
* Radiator Springs Grand Prix
* Radiator Cap Circuit
* Lizzie's Postcard Hunt
* Sally's Sunshine Circuit
* Tractor Tipping
* Doc's Challenge
* Palm Mile Speedway
-> Chapter 2:
* Boostin' with Filmore
* Luigi to the Rescue
* Sarge's Off-Road Challenge
* Mater's Backwards Lesson
* Sheriff's Hot Pursuit
* Rustbucket Race-O-Rama
* Sun Valley International Speedway
-> Chapter 3:
* Sally's Wheel Well Sprint
* Delinquent Road Hazards
* Monster Truck Mayhem
* Chick's Challenge
* High Speed Heist
* Lightning Strikes Back
* Los Angeles International Speedway
Obviously, there are fewer trophies available (177 rather than 250).
____ [BC00]
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============================= CHARACTERS [BC01] =============================
There are a total of 13 characters that can be unlocked, and each character
has a number of paint jobs. During Story Mode, you can only use Lightning
McQueen and his paint jobs that you've unlocked. To change Lightning's paint
job in Story Mode, go to Ramone's House of Body Art and enter it to choose a
different look. All other unlocked characters are only available in Arcade
and VS races. To unlock all the characters, go to Cheat Codes under Options
in the main menu and enter "YAYCARS". To unlock all paint jobs, go to Cheat
Codes under Options in the main menu and enter "R4MONE".
-> Lightning McQueen: base look and three additional paint jobs are unlocked
at the beginning of the game. Lightning has 10 additional paint jobs:
4 x 2,000 points; 2 x 2,500 points; 3 x 3,000 points; 1 x 5,000 points.
-> Mater: base look is unlocked at the beginning of the game. There are six
additional paint jobs: 2 x 2,000 points; 3 x 2,500 points; 1 x 3,000
-> Sally: base look is unlocked at the beginning of the game. There are four
additional paint jobs: 1 x 2,000 points; 1 x 3,000 points; 1 x 4,000
-> Doc: 5,000 points to unlock the base character. There are seven
additional paint jobs: 4 x 2,000 points; 2 x 3,000 points; 1 x 5,000
-> Ramone: 7,500 points to unlock the base character. There are six
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,000 points; 2 x 3,000 points; 1 x 4,000
-> Flo: 6,000 points to unlock the base character. There are nine
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,000 points; 3 x 2,500 points; 3 x 3,000
-> Sheriff: 8,000 points to unlock the base character. There are nine
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,000 points; 3 x 2,500 points; 3 x 3,000
-> Chick Hicks: 10,000 points to unlock the base character. There are four
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,500 points; 1 x 5,000 points.
-> Wingo: 12,000 points to unlock the base character. There are eight
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,500 points; 3 x 3,000 points; 2 x 4,000
-> Darrell Cartrip: base look is unlocked at the beginning of the game.
There are five additional paint jobs, all cost 2,000 points.
-> King: 12,000 points to unlock the base character. There are seven
additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,000 points; 4 x 3,000 points.
-> Lightning McQueen (monster truck version): base look is unlocked at the
beginning of the game. There are 13 additional paint jobs: 7 x 2,000
points; 2 x 2,500 points; 3 x 3,000 points; 1 x 5,000 points.
-> Count Spatula (monster truck): 15,000 points to unlock the base character.
There are six additional paint jobs: 3 x 2,500 points; 1 x 3,000 points;
2 x 4,000 points.
================================= ART [BC02] ================================
There are a total of 35 pieces of concept art available. There are 13
character concepts, each costing 2,500 points to unlock. There are 22
environment concepts, each costing 2,500 points to unlock. To unlock all the
concept art, go to Cheat Codes under Options in the main menu and enter
=============================== MOVIES [BC03] ===============================
*IMPORTANT* Movie clips are not available on the Gamecube. Sorry, that's what
happens when the console maker uses little discs. :(
There are three types of movie clips available under Bonus Content. To unlock
all the clips, go to Cheat Codes under Options in the main menu and enter
-> Deleted Scenes: Six unfinished scenes that did not make the final cut of
the movie. Each costs 5,000 points to unlock.
-> Movie Clips: Nine clips from the movie. Each costs 2,500 points to
* "Opening Race"
* "On the Road"
* "Impound"
* "Bessie"
* "Training"
* "Tractor Tippin'"
* "Tractor Tippin': Frank's Chase"
* "Stampede"
* "Doc Racing: Willy's Butte"
-> Extras: Trailers for the next Pixar film, "Ratatouille" and for the
video game "Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer". Both are unlocked
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V1.02 2007-02-21
- Added Xbox controls courtesy of soupermom
v1.01 2006-08-06
- Added PS2 controls courtesy of Cameron Deavin
v1.00 2006-07-31
- First published version of FAQ
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Written & Copyright 2006, 2007 by Barry Scott Will
Trademarks and other marks are reserved to their original owners. This guide
is not endorsed or authorized by Disney, Pixar, THQ or Rainbow Studios.
This guide is for informational purposes only and no explicit or implicit
warranty is made with regards to the suitability of this information. The
reader agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the author, Barry Scott Will,
from any consequences of using this information.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit