Command & Conquer
1. Hack
2. \"Sandbag war\"
3. Secret missions (Covert Ops. only)
4. Cheat: Place buildings anywhere on the map [*]
5. Cheat: Money from \"almost dead\" guys [*]
6. Cheat: Free minigunners [*]
7. Cheat: Money cheat [*]
8. Cheat: Move infantry units over walls [*]
9. Hints: How to avoid Nukes, Airstrikes, etc.
11. Playing without CD [*]
12. Hints for Nod mission 13 C
13. Detecting Stealth Tanks [*]
14. Hint: How to use a commando [*]
15. Cheat: Speed up harvesting production. [*]
16. Make them panic
(cheats with [*] will also work in multiplayer games)
1. Hack:
In C&C, you can stop your mone from decreasing
by changing some bytes in the GAME.DAT file.
Just search for: 29 B3 D6 00 00 00 EB 0A 89 C2 29 F2
and change it to: EB 04 D6 00 00 00 EB 0A 89 C2 90 90
(only the first two bytes and the last two bytes are different)
For C&C v1.07, this string starts at offset 605376
For C&C v1.20, this string starts at offset 473584
For all other versions: FIND IT YOURSELF!!! I DON\'T HAVE THEM!
2. \"Sandbag war\":
The enemy AI doesn\'t destroy barriers. Using this to your
advantage, you can build a line of sandbags around your base to
keep them away, and you can also actually surround the enemy
base with sandbag walls, cutting off their resources and fencing in
their armies. Better don\'t use concrete: If one of your units passes
an enemy tank, that tank will destroy the wall by shooting at your
unit. This can result in a destructing wave of attacking
enemies. You better lose one unit than risking that.
3. Secret missions:
-This only works if you have the Covert Operations installed. (C&C
At the Dos prompt type in : \"C&C funpark\". Then in the game,
just press
\"START NEW GAME\" for a very interesting time with dinosaurs.
4. Cheat: Place buildings anywhere on the map:
WARNING: This trick only works if you DON\'T have the Covert Ops.
(any C&C version lower than 1.19)
This is a trick to place buildings anywhere on the map.
You need a radar to do this.
1. Build a building.
2. When the building is ready, click on one of your units, then
click on the building icon. Now you need a building at the right side
of your screen. Move your mouse to the right side of your screen so
that you can place the building on its current position OR the
building is partly / completely over one of your buildings.
3. Move your mouse a bit to the right, so that it is on the
4. Click on the radar mini map on the place where you want to
5. The building will appear on the place where you clicked on the
Warning: Don\'t build buildings in unrevealed terrain: you won\'t
be able to
use the building until you discovered it.
5. Cheat: Money from \"almost dead\" guys:
Money from \"almost dead\" guys!
Infantry + Vehicles:
1. Build a wall of any kind (sandbag, chainlink, concrete).
2. Move the guy you want to sell beside, above or underneath the
3. For infantry, make sure he is on one of the 3 \"sub-places\"
close to
the wall. (there are 5 infantry sub-places on each square)
4. Select the \'Sell\' option.
5. Move the dollar sign above the wall, then move it towards the
unit so
that it is still revolving, but you see the name of the unit.
6. Now click and you will sell the unit, getting one half of its
Note: You can also sell vehicles on a repair bay. (No cheat, the
normal way)
1. Build a Repair Bay.
2. Move the vehicle onto the Repair Bay.
3. Select the \'Sell\' option.
4. Move the dollar sign onto the vehicle until it becomes small
and green,
click on the vehicle and you get one half of the units cost.
6. Cheat: Free minigunners:
1) Do this if you want a big minigunner army!
1. Build a defensive building (turret, SAM-site, guard tower,
2. Press SELL, press with your left mouse button on the
building and then quickly press the right button and then
the left button again (click on the building) and press \"S\".
The building will stop selling, but you will keep the
minigunners that come out.
3. Repeat this and you will have VERY MUCH minigunners!
2) There is another thing you can do to get free minigunners:
When you play with Nod, and you have a Temple with a Nuke
ready to launch, sell the Temple, and while the selling
is still running, launch the Nuke. The Temple will stop selling
to launch the Nuke, and you will get the infantry that comes
There will be 5 infantry units. Some of them could be
I know, in a single player game it works only once, but it works.
In multiplayer this means you get some free infantry with every
you launch. (if you\'re dirty enough to cheat in multiplayer
7. Cheat: Money cheat:
By combining the two tricks from above, we have this one:
1. Build this:
0 : Obelisk / Adv. Grd Tower
# : Wall of any kind (sandbag, chainlink, concrete)
2. Press SELL, press with your left mouse button on the guard
then quickly press the right button and then the left button
and press \"S\". The building will stop selling, and the
that come out will stay on the sandbag before the guard tower.
3. Then press SELL and sell the minigunners just by clicking on
You will get a \"SELL\" cursor because they are standing on the
4. Repeat this and you will have VERY MUCH MONEY!!!
($250 every time you do this trick)
Note: Only the wall directly above the guard tower really has to
your wall. (it has to be a wall you can sell) The others can
be buildings, rock, tanks, etc. Anything you can\'t walk on
is OK.
8. Cheat: Move infantry units over walls:
A trick to move infantry units over walls:
(this trick also works with rocks)
When you have a corner in a wall, you can move infantry over it.
This cheat works with corners in all directions, but you have to
be outside
of the corner.
1. If you have a wall like this, move your men to one side of the
--> i #
# : wall of any kind (sandbag, chainlink, concrete, wood...)
i : Infantry unit(s)
2. Move the infantry unit(s) to the other side of the corner as
_/--> X
| #
i #
3. When one of the units walks over the corner of the wall only a
little bit,
move your men inside the base. One of them will walk over the
i #`\\
# `\\-> X
You will have to repeat this trick several times before it works.
I found the trick, and it\'s still difficult for me.
9. Hints: How to avoid Nukes, Airstrikes, etc. :
1) Nukes:
When you know the A.I. has a Temple of Nod with Nuke, place an
Adv. Guard Tower to the north of your base, with sandbags
around it.
(See 7: Money cheat)
Make sure it is far enough away from your base.
-When you know the A.I. will launch the Nuke when you attack
the Temple, attack the Temple, and when you see smoke above
the Temple\'s missle silo, sell the Adv. Guard Tower, then
sell the infantry that comes out with the sandbags. (See 7:
Money cheat)
The Nuke will only hit the sandbags, and the sandbags won\'t
be destroyed. The Nuke will cost you exactly... $250.
Not even the price of a Bazooka soldier.
Note that (in normal missions) the Nuke will be fired only
once in the game when the A.I. only launches a nuke when you
attack the Temple.
-When the Nuke Launch is connected to a timer, you \'re not so
lucky: you won\'t be able to predict them, and they will
launch more than one time. But the biggest problem will be
that you have less time to sell everything. Just do the same
as above from the moment you hear the computer voice announce
a Nuke.
This doesn\'t work when you have an Adv. Comm. Center:
The Adv. Comm. Center will become the Nuke target!
Good to know: you can still sell burning infantry that\'s next to
sandbag. (If you didn\'t have time to sell them before the Nuke)
Note that no more nukes will be fired when the Temple is destroyed
once, even when the A.I. rebuilds it.
2) Airstrikes:
Make sure the building the most to the north is a SAM-site.
Make sure your units don\'t come higher than that SAM: they
will become the target. Your SAM won\'t destroy all A-10\'s,
and he \'ll be damaged a lot, but he will make sure you don\'t
lose any buildings.
3) Ion Cannons:
Don\'t build Obelisks. Build 4 turrets instead. Now make sure
the building the most to the north of your base is a SAM-site:
the Ion Cannon can\'t destroy a closed SAM-site with one shot.
Note that no more Ion Cannons will be fired when the Adv. Comm.
Center is destroyed once, even when the A.I. rebuilds it.
This is a cheat for single player games only.
When a nuke is launched at your base, DO NOT PANIC. Just wait
until it falls
on your base. From the moment you see the nuclear explosion, SAVE
your game,
abort your mission, exit C&C, and then start C&C again and load
your mission.
You will see the \"Nuke\" animation disappear, and it will be as
if the nuke
had never been launched.
Remember: if you play with Nod and you\'ve launched a nuke at the
(this is the way I discovered the trick. Funny, but I lost my
11. Playing without CD:
First, install the game as usual. Then copy all .MIX files files
from the
root directory of the CD-ROM to that C&C directory. You can skip
four files:
This way you won\'t hear the music and you won\'t see the great
videos but it
saves some 500 MB harddisk space!
(ZOUNDS.MIX and SETUP.MIX are not used by C&C, so you better skip
them too)
Having done that, you start the game like this:
C&C -cdX
were X is the path to your C&C directory. For example:
C&C -cdc:\\games\\c&c
*!* If C&C crashes every time you try to start/load a mission in
C&C, use
*!* MIXMAN to extract one of the following files in your C&C
*!* 1st file, transit.mix Great Shot! (Theme played on
highscores screen)
*!* 2nd file, transit.mix Theme played on the main menu
*!* \\-> \"INDEX\" order in MIXMAN
*!* Extract the file as AOI.AUD. The computer recognises this file
as the
*!* \"Act On Instinct\" theme. As long as C&C finds this theme,
you won\'t have
*!* this problem anymore.
*!* If you want one of the real themes, check out the SCORES.MIX
12. Hints for Nod mission 13 C:
When you choose mission C as last mission when you play with Nod,
start on an island at the top left corner of the map. When you
the helicopter on the island and you killed every GDI on it, let
commando blow up the church, pick up the money and fly to the
Now we are ready to go.
1. DON\'T deploy your MCV on top of the map: he will become an
target. Move him south before deploying.
2. Build some engineers and bazooka\'s, then drop off your
commando on the
land you see at the east and recon everything you can without
your commando. Your heli will be hurt a bit, but he won\'t be
3. Now land the Bazooka\'s and shoot the Mammoth Tank. Then
destroy some of
the walls so your troops can pass.
4. Land a lot of minigunners, at least 20. Then land some
5. Attack all units in the base with your bazooka\'s, minigunners,
your Commando and start capturing the base.
To destroy the Adv. Guard tower in the base, attack him with
and while he is shooting at your minigunners, blow him up with
commando. Also, capture one of the nearby buildings.
* Remember to put a unit/sandbag on the place of the destroyed
Guard Towers
to prevent the computer from rebuilding them.
6. Build some tanks to destroy the remaining guard towers.
* Don\'t try to capture the Const. Yard before everything is
There are some hidden Adv. Guard towers.
After a while, you will get an MCV at the south of the island
where you start.
Just build a sandbag next to it and sell it. You already have a
good base, so
why start a new one?
You could also clear the path to your (new) base and move the MCV
After all, it\'s always handy to have an extra MCV.
Note: Tiberium could become a problem when you capture the GDI
Try not to harvest everything from your starting island.
13. Detecting Stealth Tanks:
There is a simple way to detect Stealth Tanks:
When you have selected one of your units, you will get a \"move\"
instead of an \"attack\" cursor when you hold your mouse cursor
above a
cloaked Stealth Tank of a different team. This can work in your
A helicopter can\'t land on the concrete plates that are attached
to most
buildings. When you select a helicopter, you will see a \"don\'t
move\" cursor
appear when you hold your mouse cursor above such a plate.
However, when you try this out in the enemy\'s base and you DO get
a \"move\"
cursor, this means there is a cloaked Stealth Tank on it.
This trick also works with Stealths on tiberium.
The three easiest ways to destroy detected Stealth Tanks are:
1. Ion cannon
2. Airstrike
3. Use [CTRL] (force attack) to attack the Stealth with
This doesn\'t work on tiberium, as you can\'t attack tiberium
with [CTRL].
14. Hint: How to use a commando:
To blow up a building with a commando without being hurt a lot,
move your
commando under the building (South) and blow it up. From the
moment the
commando placed the bomb, move him South. The minigunners who will
come out
will go up first (North). This will give you time to run away from
(to the South) and kill them.
Another way is to make your commando place the bomb, and then see
in which
direction he runs away. Then, immediately move him in the same
direction as
he is already running. Like this, he will keep runnig away. When
the building
blows up, he will be too far away to be attacked by the
The first method is not 100% reliable. I would give you a 60%
chance that
your commando won\'t be hurt.
The second method is a bit more tricky, but I would give you a 80%
15. Cheat: Speed up harvesting production:
This trick can help you to speed up your harvesting production,
but it
is not very useful as you have to look after your harvester all
the time.
Anyway, here it goes:
When your harvester starts entering a square of tiberium, press
The tiberium will disappear immediately, and will be stored in
Like this, the harvester doesn\'t waste any time at the actual
You will just need the time the harvester needs to go to the next
of tiberium.
16. Make them panic:
Take your HEX editor and make a new file named \"MOUSE.SHP\".
Put a few 00\'s in it, and copy it to someone\'s C&C directory
to give him the shock of his life: the mouse cursor in C&C won\'t
change into a move/attack/select/sell/repair cursor anymore. ;)
(00=HEX! - Two 00\'s will do the job)
When the file is completely empty, the mouse will be invisible.
Don\'t do this: the person who plays will find out before he
enters the battlefield. :(