
Circus Empire Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Circus Empire

Circus Empire

Version 0.72

This game is similar to all other tycoon games in that you are attempting to 
create a product that the sim people will want to purchase and from those 
purchases make money.  The game does have the nice feature of being able to 
watch the shows you have created, but in general most of the game is played 
in the bird's eye mode while planning shows out and waiting for your 
performers to reach certain skill levels.

Table of Contents
Section 1: Game Basics
Section II: Game Format
Section III: Performer Types
Section IV: Performers
Section V: Buildings (under construction)
Section VI: Accessories  (under construction)
Section VII: Walkthrough (incomplete)
Section VIII: Trick list by type (under construction)
Section IX: Trick list by Performer (under Construction)
Section X: Show planning (under construction)
Section XI: Rest Levels 
Section XII: Marriage and what it brings (under construction)
Section XIII: Thanks
Section XIX: Version History

Section I – Game basics

Circus Empire has a rather basic concept.  You will be in charge of a circus 
show and attempting to make it successful.  You accomplish this by hiring 
performers, training them to do tricks and then setting up the sequence of 
tricks they will perform in the show.  You are limited by the energy and 
stress resistance of your performers as every trick they perform will take 
energy and put stress on them.  Should they exceed their ability to handle 
this they will fail the truck during the show, which angers the audience.
You also have to upkeep the area around the circus tent, by building lodging 
for your performers and concession stalls to provide food and gifts for the 
people who attend.  You also need to maintain a parklike atmosphere, by 
putting in trees and rest areas.

Section II – Game format

The main part of the game is played in "bird's eye view.  In this view you 
are looking down on your circus from above.  You can use the mouse wheel to 
change the angle from about a 45 degree one to looking directly down from 
overhead.  The screen has a timeclock on the upper right part of the screen.  
This clock effectively divides each day unto 6 sections

0:00-7:00 – This is uaually run at 3X normal speed and is a cool down time 
when you are not supposed to build.  However all buttons work.  At this time 
all performers are at the stress and energy levels they finished the previous 
day with.

07:00 – Buddy will report on any increases in number of stars.  Also any 
performers who are sulking are reported at this time.  You then switch to the 
daily plan screen where you can plan for the day.  The evenings rest also 
occurs and you'll see your performers starting energy and stress levels for 
the day.  When you exit the daily plan time will resume at the speed you have 
usually been running the days at.

12:00 – At this time buddy appears and reports on the success or failure of 
any training occurring during the morning period.  The morning period is one 
where no show can occur so performers will either be training or resting 
during this period.

17:00 – if you have an afternoon show going the show report screen will open 
and show the results for that show.  Otherwise this works like the morning 

23:00 – the evening show completes and the show report appears.  If you have 
no evening show and no training nothing happaens.

B) Controls
  The game is rather intuitive and every screen can be accessed by 1-2 mouse 
clicks.  Across the bottom of the screen are the following buttons  (left to 
Main Menu (F10) – gets to save screen and load screen.

Daily Plan – where you plan training, you can create shows and check on 
performers from this screen as well

Build – for building all buildings and planting trees.

Sidewalk – all buildings must be connected by paths to work, click on this 
symbol to enter the path build mode.  (paths cost nothing to build)

Bulldozer – remove unwanted buildings and trees.

A circle showing the current active building.

Plan show/Hire performers  - this is only for the big top (plan show) or 
managers office (hire) otherwise this spot will be empty.

Watch show/Employees – again just for Big top (watch show) and mangers office 

Details – for most buildings this shows the upkeep costs as well as any 
revenues.  For housing buildings it will also show a list of current 
inhabitants and a symbol of a person moving suitcases next to each name.  
Click on this symbol and you can move the performer to a new building.  The 
bigtop and managers office get additional options.  

Upgrade – if the building can be upgraded, this will show the price.  Most 
housing, the managers office and the big top can be upgraded.

In the bottom right corner is a picture of Buddy (your talking dog helper) 
which you can click on to get some generic help on moving the camera.  

Also if you have an active task it will appear as a sealed envelope right 
above Buddy.  You can click on it to review the task or hit F2.

C) Daily Plan information
  This is probably the screen you'll visit the most.  Every day at 07:00 
Buddy appears to report on any performers who have increased by .5 stars, and 
also will report if any performers are having a bad day.  (some performers 
have special rules which will cause them to refuse to work or have increased 
stress at the start of the day.)  Next the Daily Plan screen opens which will 
allow you to plan the day for all your performers.

The format of the Daily Plan is rather basic.  There are 4 tabs at the top. 
(Activities, Salary % Care, Manager Actions and My Partner)  Each page has 
specific uses.

Activities:  On this screen you can see what your performers are doing for 
the day.  This screen has 5 columns.  Performer, Happiness/Energy/Stress, AM 
Activity, PM Activity, Evening.
  Performer - this will have a picture of the artist, their name, and their 
star rating.  I can be sorted by type, name or rating.
  H/E/S – This column has a smiley face to show the mood of the performer and 
then shows the performers current energy and stress using a current/max 
template.  Use this to determine if your performers need a break, or perhaps 
should have their current show schedule reduced.  Low current energy or high 
current stress is a good signal that the performer needs a rest.
  Time periods – all 3 of these work somewhat the same.  Each period has 3 
options you can control, although only 2 can be accessed from this screen.  
The options are Rest, Train, or Perform.  Sometimes an artist will be upset 
or injured which you cannot change.  The options are color coded.  Training 
of any kind is pink, rest is a tan, and any other selection will be in grey.  
(performing is a grey button with a bigtop symbol in the center.)
  You can click on any non-grey button to pull up an option menu, this allows 
you to select rest or training.  There are various degrees of rest with the 
more advanced versions returning a higher percentages of energy and stress.  

Training – Training is an important part of Circus empire.  When a performer 
is hired they will only know a few tricks, and audiences get bored of seeing 
the same tricks over and over.  Also as performers get better they become 
capable of performing more tricks.  However, they need to practice the tricks 
and learn to perform them in a show.  Also a trick that isn't being used will 
slowly be forgotten.  This forgetting occurs rather quickly at low star 
levels, but slows considerably once a performer has reached 5 star.
  When you click in any "open" (non-grey) time period for an artist a new 
screen will open.  It gives the option to "train", "Rest" or "Repeat"
  If you select "Train" the rest of the screen will fill with buttons 
indicating all the tricks this performer can currently learn, along with how 
well learned they are (indicated by a bar at the bottom of the trick picture, 
any white in the bar indicates that the trick is not fully learned.  A trick 
must be learned to at least 50% to use).  Clicking on a trick will cause the 
performer to practice that trick during that time period until you change the 
  Rest allows you to make the performer rest during that period.  There are 
higher forms of resting.  (see Section X)
  The other selection is "Repeat"  A performer instructed to repeat will 
practice tricks that are not learned to 100%.  This helps keep tricks you 
don't use often at 100%.  

  Note: Tamers do not train like other performers.  Instead if any animal is 
asked to train during a time period, sn available trainer will be allocated 
to conduct the training.  If no trainer is available, you will not be allowed 
to train the animal during that period.  (trying to train an animal while a 
show is going on can be difficult unless you keep spare trainers around.)
 Note: Remember that training of any kind takes energy and stress.  If a 
performer is already tired or has low levels of either of these stats you'll 
either want to have them rest after a training period, or keep them working 
in shows to gain experience and increase their stats before working to learn 
difficult new tricks.

Section III – Performer types
So far I have found the following performer types.

Artist – Men who perform in the shows.  They usually have a combination of 
trampoline and springboard tricks as their top solo stunts.  All of the ones 
I have used eventually learned a number of 2 person tricks, that can be 
performed with either a male or a female artist.  
  Ali, Abdul, Buzz, Hakim, Pedro, Patrick, Spyro

Female Artist – Very similar to the men, but they add tricks on horseback to 
the mix as well as tricks where they spin hoops.  Surprisingly most of the 
female artists tend to have much better stress resistance than some of the 
male artists.
  Alice, Ariana, Bonnie, Diana, Janet, Meggie, Salma

Young Artist – basically a child born to one of the female artists in your 
show.  (your wife, if you marry one of the performers will give birth to 2 
children over time.)  They must perform with an adult artist watching over 
their tricks and have a rather limited trick set, but they are useful and 
usually not very demanding.
  Male: Oliver, Sami
  Female: Donna, Nadia 

Tamer – Your animal trainers.  They are required if you want animals to learn 
tricks.  (although most artists can work with some animals during a show.)  
They do not learn tricks on their own.  However, they usually have vet and 
keeper skills at a low level which they will use to help the circus, and 
which can be lifesavers early on.
  Aida, Aika, Aziz, Luloah, Nazir, Naomi, Pauli, Salvatore, Svetlana, Yvette

Clown – The funny men who do silly tricks.  They tend to have rather low 
energy and stress compared to other human performers.  However, they are 
mostly for breaking up the show and changing the pace/tone.  At higher levels 
they can work in pairs, or with monkeys/bears.  
  Ben, Kiwi, Pepe, Rashid, Rufi, Rusty

Bear – a trained bear for the show.  They are capable of learning a 
combination of funny and thrilling tricks as well as learning to ride 
motorcycles around the ring.  Some can be very demanding when it comes to 
  Barney, Bizzy, Paddy, Tao, Twinkie

Horses – Strong and uncomplaining, horses are solid performers and usually 
can learn a good variety of tricks.  Unfortunately some of them do become 
rather demanding in regards to the care they expect which can make them 
expensive to keep.
  Jasper, Raider, Silky, Speedy, Spike

Monkeys – They performers are great for putting in shows for children as they 
have lots of fun tricks they can learn, but they tend to be low energy and 
stress which makes them very difficult to train.  They usually have very low 
care requirements.
  Cutie, Ebi, Juliet, Jessie, Rubi

Seals – They are unlocked rather late in the campaigns.  So far Dino has been 
decent, but his low initial stats made training and showing him difficult.
  Bob, Dino

Elephants – These great beasts demand a lot of care and seem to be one of the 
more frustrating performers.  A good one can learn a great variety of tricks 
that impress people, but the number of days off they took really got to me.
 Male: Bingo, Mambo
 Female : Bina, Sheba
 Kid: Solo

Camels – low stress resistance and a very limited trick set makes these one 
of the animals I don't care to use.  However, they are required to complete 
several tasks during the Orient campaign
  Salim, Sugar, Suni
Dogs – the only dog performers I've encountered is the "Alley Dogs" who were 
dependable and skilled.  
  Alley Dogs

Lion – Stress can be a problem with these performers, but they have some 
tricks that thrill the crowd.  
 Male: Dante, Sting, Toby
 Female: Inga
 Cub: Chico

Dolphin – Water performers, they are required in the America campaign and 
have a number of good tricks, but definitely suffer from low stamina.
  Male:  Akamu, Holeka, Kulo, Wikoli
  Female: Nellie

Section IV - Performers: 

Abdul – "Animal Lover" – Artist
 Abdul like most performers tends to forget tricks very quickly at low level.  
He has a lot of 2 artist tricks, and will need a trained partner to be used 
well.  However he has a huge trickbook once you get him to high level.  He 
also has great stats and levels quickly.  Definitely a star performer

Special Rules:  reduces stress of horses and camels.  Also produces 250 vet 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           50        45        3,500                
1.5         60        50        5,500
2           70        60        9,000
2.5         80        70        13,000                  
3           90        80        17,500
3.5         100       90        22,500
4           110       100       27,500
4.5         135       120       33,000
5           160       140                 

Aida – "Cleopatra" – Tamer
 Hire price: $7,500
  Great starting stats, but she works best if your show has a lot of 
elephants and lions.

Special Rules: +2 exotic and +1 thrill per trick.  She gets an additional +2 
thrill when performing with elephants or lions, but suffers a +1 stress 
penalty if performing with monkeys, camels, dogs, seals and dolphins

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        5,000
3           60        45        9,500
3.5         60        50        13,500
4           65        50        19,000
4.5         70        58        25,000
5           80        64                 

Aika – "Dolphin Girl" – Tamer
  She gets a good bonus for dealing with dolphins, but otherwise has no 
talents worth looking at.

Special Rules:  +1 eXotic point per trick for everyone.  Can reduce dolphin 
stress.  Receives a stress penalty if pushed too much

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        2,000
2           20        24        3,500
2.5         28        30        5,500
3           34        32        8,500
3.5         36        34        12,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Akamu – "Erratic Dolphin" – Dolphin
  Hire Cost: $25,000
  He has worse stress resistance than Kulo to begin, but otherwise he's an 
average dolphin

Special Rules: can attack tamer if he becomes overstressed

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           20        14        500
0.5         22        16        1,000
1           24        18        1,700                
1.5         28        20        2,500
2           30        22        3,500
2.5         30        25        6,000
3           34        29        10,000
3.5         38        33        15,000
4           42        38        20,000
4.5         46        40        27,000
5           xx        xx                 

Ali – "Wild Guy" – Artist
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                

Alice – "Patient Listener"  - Female Artist 
  Alice is one of the early Female performers you can gain and one of the 
more dependable from the start.  She can do horse tricks as well as tricks 
with a partner artist, but does not learn trapeze tricks or many high scoring 
solo tricks.

Special Rules: Alice will use +1 energy, but gain –1 stress when performing 
slow tricks.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
2           55        50        16,500
2.5         60        55        22,500
3           70        65        30,000
3.5         80        80        52,500
4           100       95        90,000
4.5         120       110       105,000
5           140       130                 

Alley Dogs  - "Funny Doggies" – Dog
  The Alley Dogs are one of the more dependable early performers, but are a 
bit vulnerable to stress and low energy.  

Special Rules: Its possible they will get extra impression points in "exotic" 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
2           18        19        3,000
2.5         22        22        4,500
3           32        25        8,000
3.5         42        29        12,000
4           46        35        18,000
4.5         52        40        30,000
5           60        55                 

Ariana – "Action Woman" – Female Artist
  Ariana is a high energy performed and very versatile once she gets some 
experience.  She also can work with animals as a trainer which makes her very 
useful when your full time tamers are sick or injured.  Her energy and stress 
levels are incredible at high star levels.  

Special Rules: Ariana will cause an animal to use –1 energy if she acts as 
the tamer.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
1           50        40        10,500                
1.5         60        40        18,000
2           70        45        30,000
2.5         80        50        52,500
3           120       100       90,000
3.5         140       120       150,000
4           160       140       200,000
4.5         180       160       300,000
5           200       180                 

Aziz – "The Bedouin" – Tamer
  Poor starting stats, but his bonus does make him useful if you are doing a 
show with a lot of horses and camels.  I tend to use him when I have ladies 
doing complex tricks on the back of a horse and those tend to put a lot of 
stress on the horse.  He never gets to the level of the 4 european tamers 

Special Rules: Reduces the energy and stress on horses and camels by 1 each 
if he performs with them.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           40        35        6,500
2.5         45        38        9,500
3           50        42        13,000
3.5         55        46        17,000
4           60        50        21,000
4.5         65        55        26,000
5           70        57                 

Barney – "Healthy Strong Bear" – Bear
  Barney starts out learning very slowly, but becomes a very able performer.  

Special Rule:  doing a trick that requires acrobatic skill will cost him +1 
stress, he uses –1 stress if he is performing with another animal.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           40        60        800
0.5         40        60        1,200
1           45        60        1.700                
1.5         45        80        2.000
2           50        80        3.000
2.5         50        80        6.000
3           60        100       10,000
3.5         60        100       15,000
4           70        100       22,000
4.5         80        100       30,000
5           100       120                 

Ben  - "Giggler" – Clown
  Ben is a great clown to have.  He has a high ability to handle stress and 
learns tricks quickly.  Unfortunately he specializes in doing tricks with a 
partner early on, so you'll need to hire at least 2 clowns.  He gains the 
ability to work with monkeys starting at 3.5 stars

Special Rule: +2 fun points from children when he performs, -1 art for any 
trick he performs and he has a +1 stress penalty if the trick involves 
acrobatic skill.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           30        32        975
0.5         35        34        2,250
1           38        40        5,625                
1.5         42        44        10,500
2           45        48        21,000
2.5         50        56        30,000
3           55        60        43,500
3.5         60        64        60,000
4           66        70        90.000
4.5         72        80        120,000
5           80        90              

Bina – "Female Elephant from Zoo" – Female Elephant
  Hire Cost: $20,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Bingo – "Sluggish Elephant" – Elephant
   He starts out as a very weak performer and one that often refuses to 
perform.   I haven't gotten him up to max stars though, so I cannot say if he 
is always weak.

Special Rules:  Bingo takes double energy and stress to train, he also has a 
destructive streak when unhappy.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           40        40        700
0.5         44        45        1,500 
1           48        50        2,500                
1.5         56        50        3,700
2           58        55        5,500
2.5         60        55        8,000
3           65        57        13,500
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Bizzy – "Bear – Clown" – Bear
  Bizzy is a good performer, but at low levels will forget tricks about as 
fast as you can train them back up.  A lower than optimum stress and energy 
level makes Bizzy at beast a part time performer.

Special Rules: Bizzy wants to be a clown and will get –1 stress when the 
trick is funny, however Bizzy doesn't like working with other bears and will 
take a +2 stress penalty if performing with a bear.  Also at about 4 stars 
Bizzy starts becoming rather demanding about food, and will be unhappy unless 
you pay the extra for higher grade food.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xxx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           45        50        3.000
2.5         50        60        6.000
3           60        70        10,000
3.5         65        70        15,000
4           65        70        20,000
4.5         70        75        25,000
5           75        80               

Bob – "Smart Seal" – Seal
  Hire cost $10,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Boca – "Well-Rounded Seal" – Seal
  Hire Cost: $30,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Bonnie – "Hard-Working Artist" – Female Artist
  Hire cost: $5,000
  Her starting trick set is decent, but nothing spectacular.    

Special Rules:  She gets stressed and depressed if she fails in front of an 
audience.  She cannot have children.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        15,000
2           70        60        18,000
2.5         80        65        30,000
3           90        70        40,000
3.5         100       75        50,000
4           110       100       70,000
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Boris – "Competitor's Elephant" – Elephant
  Hire Cost: $25,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Buzz – "Uncle" – Artist
  Hire cost: $5,000
  His stats were nothing to be too impressed with at any point in his 
development, but with his bonus this is a very good performer to have.  You 
do have to make sure you don't overwork him.

Special Rules:  +2 impression (kids only).  All young artists get a –10% 
stress bonus.  Can sometimes talk a performer out of quiting.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        1,500
1           40        50        3,500                
1.5         44        52        6,000
2           48        55        9,000
2.5         52        54        12,500
3           55        58        16,000
3.5         60        64        20,500
4           67        70        25,000
4.5         76        80        31,000
5           80        100                 

Chico – "Sweet Pussy-cat" – Lion Kid
  Child of Inga and a male lion he's a cute cub.  Sadly like any child he has 
lousy stats to start.

Special Rules:  +2 cute points on every trick. (women and children only)/  If 
happy all performers recover an extra 2 stress points, if unhappy all 
performers will get +1 stress.  He is also popular with guests and firing him 
will cause a 20% drop in the popularity of your circus.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           12        22        500
0.5         16        28        1,000
1           18        32        1,700                
1.5         22        32        2,500
2           24        34        3,500
2.5         26        34        5,000
3           30        38        7,000
3.5         34        38        10,000
4           38        40        13,500
4.5         42        40        18,000
5           46        44                 

Cutie – "Ill Monkey" – Monkey
  Hire cost: $7,500
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Dante – "Stubborn Lion – Lion
  Dante is the first lion available in the campaign and can be a bit 
frustrating.  He has extremely low stress levels and becomes hard to train 
and have perform.  This is one character who will never be good doing 2 shows 
in a day.

Special Rules:  Dante will recover stress faster if there are other lions in 
the enclosure with him.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           20        13        1.500                
1.5         25        18        2.500
2           30        23        3.500
2.5         35        25        5.000
3           40        25        7,000
3.5         42        28        10,000
4           42        28        14,000
4.5         44        28        20,000
5           44        28              

Diana – "Thinker" – Female Artist
  Diana is a great solo artist and easily one of the better overall 
performers.  However, she doesn't like working with others.  She lacks 
trapeze of flashy tightrope tricks, but her high stress resistance makes her 
very useful.

Special Rules:  +2 stress penalty if she works with another performer.  
Happiness goes down if circus has less than $5,000 in the bank.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           50        55        8,000                
1.5         55        60        10,000
2           60        70        14,500
2.5         70        80        18,750
3           80        90        25,000
3.5         90        100       32,000
4           100       110       40,000
4.5         110       120       55,000
5           120       130                 

Dino – "Strong Seal" – Seal
  Hire cost: 
   He starts with good stats, but the penalty for doing precision tricks can 
be very frustrating.  He improves slowly.

Special Rules:  +2 stress when performing tricks requiring precision and 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           30        25        500
0.5         35        25        1,100
1           35        30        1,700                
1.5         38        30        2,300
2           40        32        3,000
2.5         45        32        5,000
3           50        34        8,500
3.5         55        36        13,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Donna – "Little Angel" – Artist-child
  Hire Cost: $0,00  (Meggie's daughter)
  She's automatically hired when you hire Meggie, and is much different from 
her mother.  She has a great bonus although she starts with no skills.

Special Rules: +2 impression bonus per trick from everyone and +1 cute points 
for women.  +5% happiness bonus to everyone in the circus.  But receives a 
33% stress penalty if her mother is mad.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           15        25        600
0.5         18        25        1.300
1           20        30        2,500                
1.5         23        30        3,500
2           26        35        5,000
2.5         30        35        7,000
3           35        40        10,000
3.5         40        45        13,500
4           45        50        18,000
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Ebi – "Sad Monkey" – Monkey
  Ebi is very hard to use early on because of extremely low stress 
resistance.  However she eventually becomes a rather effective performer with 
a good mix of tricks.  

Special Rules: none

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           12        10        600
0.5         12        10        1,400
1           16        18        2.500                
1.5         18        18        4.000
2           30        26        6.500
2.5         30        26        10.000
3           34        40        15,000
3.5         40        40        22,000
4           50        40        30,000
4.5         50        40        40,000
5           50        40                

Gabriel – "Fair Guy" – Tamer
  Hire Cost: $7,000
 He starts with very weak stats, but his bonus is one of the best I've seen 
for any tamer

Special Rules:  -1 stress point to all animals performing with him

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        2,500                
1.5         30        25        4,000
2           32        28        6,500
2.5         35        32        9,500
3           40        36        13,000
3.5         45        40        17,000
4           50        46        21,000
4.5         60        55        26,000
5           70        65                

Hakim – "Biker Guy" – Artist
  Motorcycle tricks have a high thrill factor and this guy knows them from 
the start.  He can even learn regular acrobatic tricks, which makes him even 
more useful.  He became a regular in my evening shows throughout my time in 
the Orient campaign.

Special Rules:  Sometimes he just decides to go out for a ride.  And 
disappears for a few days.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         55        50        10,000
2           65        60        15,000
2.5         75        70        27,000
3           85        80        40,000
3.5         95        90        60,000
4           105       100       80,000
4.5         125       120       100,000
5           150       140                

Holeka – "Rescued Dolphin" – Dolphin
  You acquire this dolphin during the America Campaign when he is already 
very sick.  He seemed decent, but his stats were very low.

Special Rules: none

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           22        12        400
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Inga – "Restless Female Lion" – Lioness
  Inga has decent stats and learns quickly.  Many of her tricks require that 
she have a partner lion to complete.  The game reports that she can have a 
cub, but I haven't had one born while I've owned her, yet.

Special Rules: none other than the note about her giving birth if happy and 
living with a male lion.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           24        20        600
0.5         24        22        1,200
1           26        26        1.800                
1.5         28        28        2.500
2           32        30        3.500
2.5         36        32        6.000
3           40        32        9,000
3.5         44        38        13,000
4           48        38        19,000
4.5         50        40        27,000
5           52        45                 

Janet – "Starlet – Female Artist
  At first Janet is a demanding and very annoying performer, with extremely 
low stats and a habit of refusing to work the day after she fails.  Once she 
gets to 2.5 stars her stats will jump considerably and she'll become an 
extremely useful performer.  She learns many trapeze tricks and learns them 

Special Rules:  +1 Art points for everyone.  +2 impression points for males 
in the audience.  +1 Art points for tightrope and trapeze tricks.  Will 
occasionally become depressed if she fails a trick during a show.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           50        50        9,000                
1.5         60        50        15.000
2           70        50        22.500
2.5         100       100       40.500
3           120       100       57,000
3.5         140       110       90,000
4           160       120       120,000
4.5         100       120       150,000      (Janet suffers an injury) 
5           200       180                    (Janet recovers from her injury)

Jasper – "Hard-Working Horse" – Horse
  Jasper is a dependable performer and the crowd seems to love him, but he 
cannot be ridden so the tricks he is able to do are rather limited.

Special Rules:  None

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           xx        xx         xx                
1.5         xx        xx         xx
2           xx        xx         xx
2.5         xx        xx         xx
3           40        40         6,000
3.5         45        45         8,500
4           50        50         12,000
4.5         50        60         16.000
5           50        60                 

Jessie – "Angry Lazy Monkey" – Monkey
  Jessie is very frustrating money to have.  Low stress levels combined with 
a habit of hurting both monkey and trainer when a trick fails during a show 
make using her dangerous.  

Special Rule: Can injure both herself and the tamer when a trick fails.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           xx        xx         xx                
1.5         10        10         2.000
2           10        10         3.000
2.5         14        12         5,500
3           16        14         9,000
3.5         26        24         13,000
4           26        26         17,000
4.5         28        28         22,000
5           30        28                 

Juliet – "Monkey – Clown" – Monkey
  Juliet is a monkey that wants to be a clown.  Like the other two she 
suffers quite a bit from low stamina, but she can star due to some good 

Special Rules:  -2 stress when performing "fun" tricks.  +1 fun points when 
she performs.  However suffers from +1 stress when doing a trick involving 
skates or a buggy, and 2x normal costs to train in these tricks.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           20        20         1.700                
1.5         24        20         2.000
2           28        20         3.000
2.5         25        20         6.000
3           30        22         10,000
3.5         33        24         15,000
4           36        24         20,000
4.5         39        30         25,000
5           44        46                 

Kevin – "Philosopher" – Tamer
  Hire Cost: $3,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                

Kiwi – "Jokey" – Clown
  Hire cost: $5,000
 (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Kulo – "Average Dolphin" – Dolphin
  Hire Cost: $20,000
  He starts with very low stats, which definitely causes issues when you are 
trying to train him.  With some experience he becomes a halfway decent 

Special Rules: none

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           18        17        500
0.5         20        19        1,000
1           22        23        1,700                
1.5         25        27        2,500
2           25        31        3,500
2.5         31        35        6,000
3           34        39        10,000
3.5         37        43        15,000
4           40        47        20,000
4.5         45        51        27,000
5           xx        xx                 

Luloah– "Dreaming Beauty" – Tamer
Hire price: $4,000 
  Her bonus for working with water animals is pretty incredible and 
definitely something you want when you consider how poor stress resistance 
most dolphins seem to have to begin.  Her own stress resistance is extremely 
poor to begin.  Overall she never impressed me for her stats, but whne I was 
running a water show she did very well.

Special Rules:  +1 Exotic and +1 Art points when working with water animals.  
–2 stress and +1 energy for herself and animal if working with dolphins.  –1 
stress and +1 energy if working with seals.  However she takes +2 stress when 
working with lions and +1 stress with bears.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        3,000
2.5         42        25        5,500
3           50        29        9,000
3.5         60        35        13,000
4           70        41        17,000
4.5         75        47        22,000
5           80        53                 

Mambo – "Robust Elephant" – Elephant
  Mambo is another animal that will frustrate you a lot early on.  He will 
suddenly decide to take the day off and there is nothing you can do about it.  
However, he has good stats and trains quickly.

Special Rules: Mambo will sometimes become defiant and refuse to work

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           60        55         700
0.5         70        60         1,500
1           80        70         2,500                
1.5         90        80         3,700
2           100       90         5,500
2.5         110       100        8,000
3           120       110        13,500
3.5         135       120        20,000
4           150       135        27,000
4.5         xx        xx         xx
5           xx        xx                 

Meggie – "Little Devil" – Female Artist
  Hire cost: $15,000
 She starts out with more already learned tricks than any other perform I 
have seen.  Sadly, her stress resistance is low and her special rule makes 
her a definite problem to keep around. The fact that her stress and energy 
actually dropped when she reached 3.5 stars was even more frustrating, but 
her daughter is an asset.

Special Rules: mood varies randomly.  She can argue or fight with other 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        50,000
3           100       50        70,000
3.5         90        45        90,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Nadia – "My daughter" – Artist – Child
  Nadia is a young performer and starts out with little skill.

Special Rules: Sensitive to Stress, and can sulk and refuse to perform or 
train if stressed.  Also the standard young artist rule of having to have an 
adult artist around when performing tricks.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           16        15         500
0.5         20        18         1,100
1           24        20         2,000                
1.5         28        23         3,000
2           32        25         4,500
2.5         36        28         6,500
3           40        30         9,500
3.5         45        32         13.000
4           51        40         16,500
4.5         58        43         20,000
5           62        46                 

Naomi – "Popular but wild" – Taner
  Hire cost: $10,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Nazir – "Teaser" – Tamer
Hire cost: $5,000
  His starting energy and stress are very low which makes him not very useful 
for showing animals initially, however his bonus makes him a great tamer for 
monkey tricks or tricks with bears and clowns

Special Rules:  +2 fun points for every trick

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           xx        xx         2,685                
1.5         22        20         4,000
2           24        23         6,500
2.5         26        26         9,500
3           40        35         13,000
3.5         55        40         17,000
4           70        70         21,000
4.5         80        77         26,000
5           100       90                 

Nellie – "Female Dolphin from Zoo" – Female Dolphin
  Hire Cost: $23,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Oliver – "My Son" – Young Artist
  Oliver is another young artist, he ends up specializing in unicycle tricks 
through 2-3 star skill levels.  Low stress resistance, but otherwise a 
dependable performer

Special Rules:  Young artists need to have adult supervision when performing, 
otherwise none.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           13        15         500
0.5         16        18         1,300
1           20        22         2,500                
1.5         24        26         4.000
2           28        30         6.000
2.5         32        34         9.000
3           36        38         12,500
3.5         40        42         16,000
4           45        47         20,000
4.5         52        54         50,000
5           60        62                  

Paddy – "Capable Bear" – Bear
  Let's see, steady improvement, low demands and decent stats.  This makes 
for one fine performer.  Especially after having to put up with Twinkie or 
Bizzy for a while.  

Special Rules: none

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           45        40         500
0.5         50        44         1,000
1           55        48         1,500                
1.5         60        52         2,000
2           65        56         3,000
2.5         70        60         6,000
3           75        65         10,000
3.5         80        70         15,000
4           85        75         22,000
4.5         90        80         30,000
5           xx        xx                 

Patrick – "Good Guy" – Artist
  Patrick is a great performer. He learns a lot of 2 person tricks, and his 
good stress resistance makes him a vital part of any circus.

Special Rule:  +1 Impression with women, learns tricks a bit slower than 

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           45        50         3,000                
1.5         55        60         7.000
2           65        70         12.000
2.5         75        80         18.000
3           85        85         28,000
3.5         85        95         40,000
4           85        105        60,000
4.5         85        112        100,000
5           85        115                 

Pauli – "Careful Tamer" – Tamer
  Pauli is a good tamer to have.  He reduces failure chances and had a high 
energy and stress resistance.

Special Rules:  -1 thrill points per trick, but less chance of failure.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           xx        xx         xx                
1.5         xx        xx         xx
2           xx        xx         xx
2.5         xx        xx         xx
3           40        42         16,500
3.5         45        44         22,500
4           55        52         30,000
4.5         65        60         39,000
5           70        70                 

Pedro – "Diligent Artist" – Artist
   Pedro is a good performer and has lots of high thrill and exotic tricks he 
can use.  Unfortunately he has very low stress for an artist and demands lots 
of money once he reaches 4 stars.   Any time I have used him he has gotten 
fired the instant he reaches 5 stars and starts demanding more than any 4 
other performers combined make in salary.

Special Rules:  His pay demands will become very high starting at 4 stars 
otherwise none.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           30        28         1,050
0.5         40        37         2,250
1           50        46         3,750                
1.5         60        55         9,750
2           70        65         15.000
2.5         70        65         21.000
3           70        67         28,000
3.5         70        65         36,000
4           75        70         45,000
4.5         70        80         75,000
5           70        80                 

Pepe – "Old Clown" – Clown
  Pepe starts out as extremely weak and almost completely incapable of 
handling stress.  Later he gets a lot better and can perform tricks with 
bears, but his stress resistance remains low.

Special Rules:  While below 3 stars Pepe will occasionally steal money from 
your cash box in order to get drunk.  After reaching 3 stars this problem 

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           xx        xx         xx
0.5         xx        xx         xx
1           xx        xx         xx                
1.5         xx        xx         xx
2           15        12         5,000
2.5         18        18         9.000
3           40        32         15,000
3.5         45        34         22,000
4           50        40         42,000
4.5         60        45         54,000
5           80        60                 

Raider – "Black Beauty" – Horse
  Raider is a popular horse, and learns some pretty good tricks.  He does 
tend to be extremely demanding when it comes to care though.  

Special Rules:  +1 Thrill and +1 Art points.  Gets a bonus to his impression 
if he is performing with a female artist.

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           40        18         1,000
0.5         42        22         3,000
1           42        24         5,000                
1.5         42        26         10.000
2           60        45         18,000
2.5         62        50         27.000
3           80        55         40,000
3.5         88        60         50,000
4           100       65         65,000
4.5         120       80         80,000
5           140       120                 

Rashid – "Bazaar Entertainer" – Clown
  Rashid knows a couple of tricks with monkeys the instant you hire him.  But 
has very low stats for an entertainer to begin.  By the time he gets to 5 
stars, he's a strong performer.

Special Rules:  half cost on energy and stress to work with monkeys.  Lowers 
stress of animals performing with him by 1

Stars       Energy    Stress     Exp for next level
0           20        17         800
0.5         22        20         1,700
1           24        24         3,200                
1.5         26        28         5,000
2           30        32         7,500
2.5         35        37         11,000
3           40        42         15,000
3.5         45        47         19,000
4           50        52         24,000
4.5         60        62         29,000
5           70        72                 

Rufi – "The Fakir" – Clown
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Rubi – "Friendly Monkey" – Monkey
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Rusty – "Enthusiastic Amateur" – Clown
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Salim – "Furious Camel" – Camel
  I don't really care for camel performers, and Salim is definitely one to 
dislike.  He has terrible stress resistance and that means he is difficult to 
train and put in shows.  

Special Rules::very nasty if stressed.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           35        10        800
0.5         39        12        1,200
1           43        14        1,700                
1.5         47        14        2,000
2           51        18        3,000
2.5         55        20        5,000
3           59        26        8,500
3.5         63        26        13,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Salma – "The Pearl of the Orient" – Female Artist        
Hire cost: $12,000
  Ok, I've only just hired her and already I dislike having her around.  
She's extremely demanding and wants to be a star, but her starting trick set 
is small and not exactly the stuff of legends.  Honestly, Janet started with 
a better trick set and had fewer stars.  

Special Rules: She get's a bonus of +3 impression per trick.  However, she 
tends to be abrasive backstage and can argue or fight with other performers.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        5,000
2           75        85        13,000
2.5         80        90        18,000
3           90        100       28,000
3.5         110       120       40,000
4           130       140       80,000
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Sam – "Lazy Camel" – Camel
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Sami – "Salma's Destiny" – Young Artist
  Salma's son he's born during the Orient campaign.  He's much like Oliver in 
skill level and tricks, but gets stressed easier at lower levels.

Special Rules:  can become depressed and stressed, once he reaches 3 stars, 
this problem disappears. 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           16        14        500
0.5         19        18        1,400
1           23        22        2,400                
1.5         27        25        3,600
2           31        28        5,500
2.5         35        33        8,000
3           40        38        12,000
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Salvatore – "Wild and Passionate" – Tamer
  Salvatore is a great trainer, but his habit of disappearing for 3-5 days 
occasionally does create a problem.  You have to be prepared to change shows 

Special Rules:  +2 thrill points per trick, but doubles the energy 
requirement on the animals.  May disappear for a few days when he finds a 

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           38        25        3,750                
1.5         45        30        6.000
2           50        35        9,750
2.5         60        45        14,250
3           70        50        19,500
3.5         85        60        25,500
4           100       80        31,500
4.5         120       87        39,000
5           120       99                 

Sheba – "Sensitive Mrs. Elephant" – Female Elephant
Hire cost: $5,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Silky – "Average, Calm horse" – Horse
  Silky is a horse with a high stress resistance, making him a good 

Special Rules:  Silky will regain energy and stress twice as fast if you give 
then advanced rest.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           30        60        800
0.5         32        60        1,200
1           34        60        1,700                
1.5         36        60        2,000
2           38        60        3,000
2.5         40        60        4,500
3           44        65        6,000
3.5         48        65        8,500
4           52        65        12,000
4.5         56        70        16,000
5           60        70                 

Solo – "Curious Baby Elephnat" – Elephant Kid
  Hire cost: $0,00
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet. – I suspect that he is a package 
deal with his mother, Bina)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Speedy – "Horse Genius" – Horse
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Spike – "Noble Horse" – Horse
Hire cost:
  Getting a gift from the sultan of a horse definitely is nice, but his 
starting stats are a bit low.

Special Rules: He has an impression bonus if he performs with a female 
artist.  If his performance is flawless you gain +10 impression for each 
trick performed.  If he fails the penalty is –100 impression

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           30        24        800
0.5         32        26        1,200
1           35        29        1,700                
1.5         40        30        2,000
2           45        30        3,000
2.5         50        35        6,000
3           55        45        10,000
3.5         60        50        15,000
4           80        65        20,000
4.5         100       70        25,000
5           140       90                 

Spyro – "Gambler" – Artist
  Hire cost: $4,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Stella – "Lazy female lion" – Female Lion
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Sting – "Mistrustful Lion" – Lion
  Labeled a mistrustful lion, and with very low stats at 0 star, but 
supposedly good at learning.  Time will tell

Special Rules:  Cam become defiant if stressed or unhappy.  Regains 20% more 
stress if living with other lions.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           25        20        800
0.5         25        22        1,500
1           25        24        2,500                
1.5         28        26        3,500
2           28        26        5,000
2.5         30        28        7,000
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Sugar – "Experienced Camel" – Camel
  Sugar isn't as good a camel as Suni, but I really can't complain about his 
stats or abilities.  I don't really care for camels though.

Special Rules:  doesn't like high stress and can become aggressive, regens 
more stress if living with other camels.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           40        36        800
0.5         40        36        1,200
1           40        36        1,700                
1.5         42        38        2,000
2           44        40        3,000
2.5         46        42        6,000
3           52        50        10,000
3.5         52        50        15,000
4           54        52        20,000
4.5         54        52        25,000
5           xx        xx                

Suni – "Young Strong Camel" – Camel
   Suni is probably the best of the camels.  He learns well, doesn't stress 
too easily and has great energy.

Special Rules:  doesn't like high stress and can become aggressive, regens 
more stress if living with other camels.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           60        20        800
0.5         60        20        1,200
1           64        22        1,700                
1.5         64        24        2,000
2           66        30        3,000
2.5         68        30        6.000
3           68        40        10,000
3.5         70        50        15,000
4           72        60        20,000
4.5         78        70        25,000
5           80        80                 

Svetlana – "Ice Queen" – Tamer
  Svetlana is a very pretty lady and knows it.  She can sometimes get the 
circus free publicity or bring in extra money for doing a photo shoot.  
Unfortunately she tends to speak a bit too harshly to others and angers them.

Special Rules:  +2 Art per trick.  Can anger others causing them to refuse to 
train, or to have a stall stay shutdown for the day.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           35        30        5,250
2.5         38        34        9.000
3           40        38        14,250
3.5         60        42        20,250
4           62        47        27,000
4.5         70        53        36,000
5           75        60                 

Tao – "Competitor's Bear" – Bear
  Hire cost: $20,000
  (I haven't hired/used this performer yet.)

Special Rules

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         xx        xx        xx
3           xx        xx        xx
3.5         xx        xx        xx
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Toby – "Kind Non-Aggressive Lion" – Lion
  Toby is a strong lion and a good performer.  His stats are far above that 
of Dante or Inga and he quickly became my main lion performer.

Special Rules:  none

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           40        30        3,500
2.5         42        35        6,000
3           44        40        10,000
3.5         48        45        15,000
4           50        50        22,000
4.5         70        55        30,000
5           80        60                 

Twinkie – "Dainty Bear" – Bear
  Twinkie is a good performer once trained some, but his habit of demanding 
rich food and begging for food can be frustrating.

Special Rules:  Twinkie can occasionally beg for candy from guests.  This 
will result in a drop in his energy.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           40        33        500
0.5         42        34        1,000
1           44        35        1,500                
1.5         52        37        2,000
2           56        40        3,000
2.5         60        45        6,000
3           63        50        10,000
3.5         66        55        15,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Wikoli – "Curious Dolphin" – Dolphin
  Hire cost: $19,000
  When hired the only issue was his "bad mood" and poor stress resistance.  
I'm beginning to believe that dolphins just don't work well in shows.

Special Rules:  can become stubborn for a full day

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           17        12        500
0.5         20        14        1,000
1           23        16        1,700                
1.5         26        19        2,500
2           30        22        3,500
2.5         34        25        6,000
3           38        28        10,000
3.5         42        31        15,000
4           xx        xx        xx
4.5         xx        xx        xx
5           xx        xx                 

Yvette – "Big Mamma" - Tamer
  Yvette is not as strong or as stress resistant as the male tamers, but she 
is dependable and had no faults, making her a good choice.

Special Rules:  +2 exotic points per trick.  +1 impression to kids.  Lowers 
risk of trick failure and injury.

Stars       Energy    Stress    Exp for next level
0           xx        xx        xx
0.5         xx        xx        xx
1           xx        xx        xx                
1.5         xx        xx        xx
2           xx        xx        xx
2.5         30        32        15,000
3           35        38        21,000
3.5         40        44        27,000
4           45        50        34,500
4.5         50        56        42,000
5           60        62                

Section V - Buildings:

Name         Price     Upkeep   Garb   Ad   Env    Use
Caravan      $20,000   $0       30     0    -50    House one performer
Small Cage   $25,000   $5       12     2    20     House dogs or monkeys 
Beast Cage   $50,000   $5       20     2    20     House lions or bears
Large Cage   $50,000   $5       30     2    50     House 
Manager      N/A                                   Office     
Bigtop       N/A                                   Stage for Shows
Service     $120,000   $80      20     0    -300   Cleaners work faster
Cotton Candy $23,000   $80      30     0    -100   1.5 Star visitors demand 
Drink        $33,000   $80      30     0    -150   1 star visitors demand 
Toilet       $15,000   $80      100    0    -200   1 Star visitors demand 
Housing      $40,000   $10      10     0    -5     House 1 performer
Group House  $90,000   $15      40     0    -20    House 5 performers
Ice Cream    $31,000   $80      30     0    -100   3.5 Star visitors
Popcorn      $22,000   $80      30     0    -100   2 star visitors
Hamburger    $24,000   $80      30     0    -150   1.5 Star Visitors
Vet Office   $180,000  $80      110    0    -200   Vets get a bonus
Hospital     $200,000  $80      120    0    -200   Doctors get a bonus
Restaurant   $190,000  $120     40     5    100    4 star visitors
L. Drink     $160,000  $120     40     5    50     3.5 star visitors
L Toilet     $55,000   $100     150    5    -300   3.5 star Visitors
Pancake      $45,000   $80      30     0    -50    3 star visitors
Souvenir     $45,000   $80      20     5    100    4.5 star visitors

Name         Price     Upkeep   Garb   Ad   Env    Use
Kebab Stall  $12,500   $20      30     30   -150   1.5 star visitors (Orient)

Name         Price     Upkeep   Garb   Ad   Env    Use

Section VI – Accessory Buildings

Item         Cost      Maint  Garb   Ad   Env    Purpose
Sm Tree      $7,000    $0     5      1    80         
Sm Tree      $8,000    $0     5      1    80         
Sm Tree      $7,000    $0     5      1    80   
Lg Tree      $15,000   $0     7      2    120    2 versions
Bush         $4,500    $0     2      1    60         
Bush         $5,000    $0     2      1    60         
Fountain     $25,000   $0     8      5    250    Rest Area for 2 Star 
Bench        $3,000    $0     10     1    30     Rest Area for 2 star 
Litter Bin   $500      $0     10     0    -50
Billboard    $25,000   $0     6      40   -50    Advertising, must be near 
Lantern      $2,000    $0     8      1    15
Floodlight   $20,000   $5     15     50   -20

Section VII - Walkthrough:

Europe Campaign

The game starts with a dialogue series where you quit your job at a bank and 
travel to your uncle's circus, planning to help.  You are met first by a 
talking dog Buddy, and then your uncle who puts you in charge of the circus 
and leaves for vacation.

Task 1:  At the start the circus has a bigtop, your managers office, 3 
caravans (2 occupied), a small animal enclosure, and a large herbivore 
enclosure.  You start in exploration mode and are tasked to walk to the door 
of one of the caravans.  

Task 2:  Right click on the caravan you just walked to

Task 3:  Hit f5 to get the bird's eye view.  This is where you do all 
building in the circus

Task 4:  The game will switch to show creation mode, you are to make a simple 
show with the performers you have and watch the preview of it.  

Task 5:  save the show, then exit the show browser.

Another dialogue scene starts where you talk to Buddy about not being able to 
use the horse Jasper in a show.  Buddy mentions that you need a "tamer"

Task 6:  Go to the managers office and see who is available for hire.  Pauli 
the tamer is available and you'll be instructed to hire him.

Another dialogue scene; this one with Pauli and you talking about how animal 
care and healing works.  

Task 7: planning of a daily routine.  Buddy is still walking you through the 
various screens at this point.

Task 8:  plan a "Repeating training" for Jasper.

Dialogue with Buddy about how well tricks need to be learned and the danger 
of failure of tricks during a show.  Also buddy will mention that failure to 
use a trick regularly will cause it to be forgotten.

Task 9:  View your circus's first show

Dialogue with buddy talking about training new tricks, and the fact that when 
a performer gains a half star new tricks might be unlocked.

Task 10: teach Jasper 2 new tricks and use them in a show that has no 

Task 11: Create a show where everyone performs.  (should already have this 
from completing task 10.

Show will gain a half star

Dialogue with Buddy, he mentions that your circus is missing drink stalls.

Task 12:  build drink and cotton candy stalls.

Task 13:  Teach the Alley dogs 2 tricks and perform flawlessly in a show.  
(if you have been training them since the start they already know at least 2 
new tricks.)

Buddy starts a dialogue.  A man wants you to put on a birthday show for his 

Task 14:  Make a show with 30 fun points and 10 different animal tricks.

Dialogue:  Buddy tells you about how you have a sudden problem with huge 
amounts of trash

Service building becomes available

Task 15: hire cleaners and clean the circus.

Task 16: teach any performer 3 new tricks and make a show with them.  (if you 
have been training Patrick since day 1, he'll know more than 3 new tricks and 
you'll immediately pass this task)

Task 17: purchase a music track.  (Buddy explains how)

Dialogue:  Pepe will get drunk and destroy the cotton candy and drink stalls.

Task 18: pay $10,000 to repair the stalls

Task 19:  put together a show where the Alley Dogs perform 2 4-star and 2 5-
star tricks without a failure.

Dialogue:  Buddy tells that the person who requested the show with the dog 
tricks is offering an effect for $500.

Task 20: purchase an effect.  (Buddy explains how)

Dialogue about how to use effects.

Task 21:  make a big show, music, effects, 4 four-star tricks, 2 5-star 
tricks.  No failures.

New performers become available.  (Ben, Pedro, Salvatore, Bizzy)
New buildings become available  (nice house, 5 person dorm, icecream stall)
New Music & fanfares are available.

Circus goes up to 1 star

Dialogue: Buddy mentions that you can make 2 shows a day, an afternoon one 
and an evening one.  He warns about the possibility of fatigue.

Task 22:  must make an afternoon and evening show and keep both running for 1 

Dialogue:  Buddy explains that the afternoon show tends to attract more 
children who want to see fun tricks.

Task 23: do an afternoon show where a bear and a clown perform together.  
(Pepe needs to be at 3 stars minimum to learn a trick with a bear, this one 
might take a while – if you are not ready, click "Do it later" or your shows 
will suffer from children expecting to see that trick.) 

Dialogue: Buddy talks about advertising.  Either building billboards, or run 
ads through the entrance gate menu.  

Task 24: run an ad campaign on a bear or a clown.  Make sure that the 
advertised performer is actually performing.

Dialogue: first appearance of Federico De Rango.  He will become your nemesis 
and a constant pain in the side.  He is basically the local mafia boss.  
He'll come by and demand money on a regular basis, this first appearance he 
demands that you pay him $50,000 in ten days.

Task 25: gather up the $50,000 that Federico demands.  (if you run 2 shows 
you should easily be able to meet this demand.)

After the 10 days a short dialogue screen appears where Federico says "That's 
good" as he takes the first $50K he'll steal from you.  (honestly I found 
myself wishing for the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch to use on him during the 

Task 26: Upgrade the manager building.  (Buddy explains how)  ($30,000 cost)

Dialogue:  Buddy is thrilled that 3 female performers want to join the 

New performers are available for hire.  (Diana, Ariana, Alice)
New effects become available.

Circus is now 1.5 Star

Task 27: Hire at least one female artist put her in a show where she performs 
5 tricks without a failure.

Task 28:  Create a show with female performers performing 15 tricks without a 
failure within 30 days

Dialogue:  Buddy tells you that there is another "gorgeous girl" to hire.  It 
turns out to be a monkey

New performer is available. (Juliet the monkey)

Task 29:  Hire Juliet and train her so she can perform 3 tricks that each 
have a minimum of 5 fun points without failure in a single show.  (Juliet 
already knows 2 tricks with the minimum, teach her one trick and you can 
complete this task)

Task 30:  Now you have to create a show where a monkey performs at least 5 
different tricks with at least 5 points of fun each.  (Juliet will need to be 
at 1.5 star level or higher to be able to learn enough tricks to meet this 

Task 31:  Time to create El Magnific!  An evening show with all performers.  
Everyone must do at least 5 tricks, minimum of 30 tricks total and audience 
impression must be at least 1500.

New music tracks are available
New Effects are available.

Circus is now 2 star

Task 32: earn more than $5,000 per day for 5 days in a row.  (if you are 
running 2 shows this is easy.  With the new performers available, this should 
be easy)

New performer is available  (Yvette, Barney the bear, Dante the Lion)
New building is available.  (popcorn stall)

Dialogue with Buddy:  The men who go to Derango's cabaret want to see a show.

Task 33:  need a show with 100 thrill and 100 exotic points, and at least one 
trick with 5 thrill and one with 5 exotic points.  Also build toilets and a 
hamburger stall.  (the show will need to be ready in 10 days.)

New building (hamburger stall)

Dialogue: Derango shows up, he demands that you put together a show for the 
girls from his cabaret.

Task 34:  need a show with 100 art and 100 exotic points.  (the show will 
again need to be ready in 10 days)

Dialogue: Derango visits again and demands money, claiming it's a payment of 
a debt your uncle owes him.  This time he wants $60,000 in ten days.

Dialogue:  meeting with the city mayor to discuss your problems with Derango.  
The mayor demands a new show for him and the other politicians.

Task 35:  show must have at least 3 types of animals and artists and have an 
impression of 1400.

Dialogue:  the mayor says the show was excellent, but then says that he will 
do nothing about Derango

Task 36:  Upgrade the big top.  Celebrate with a show that includes all your 
performers.  Has 10 5-star tricks. (you can do the same trick multiple times) 
and order an advertising campaign.

Note: upgrading the bigtop means that you have to purchase new lighting 

New effects become available
New fanfares become available.

New dialogue:  Buddy mentions that you can now hire new tamers.  Buddy points 
out that having more performers gives increased options

Circus is now at 2.5 star rating.

New performer is Available.  (Svetlana)

Task 37:  make a show for people who like funny tricks.  Show must have 200 
points in funny tricks.

Task 38: make a show for the local biology club.  They want to see at least 
25 animal tricks and an impression value of 1500.  (save this show as you'll 
need it again for task 40)

Dialogue:  Derango is back for more money.  This time he wants $50,000 in 7 

Task 39:  pay $50,000 in 7 days.    (if you have been running 2 shows and 
conservative with your cash, this should be easy to pay)

Dialogue:  Derango will appear to say "that's good" when you pay him off.

Dialogue:  an elderly gentleman with some martial arts skills shows up at the 
zoo.  He has rescued a monkey from some smugglers, but can't care for this 
monkey.  He is going to offer her to the circus, but only if he can be sure 
that she will be in good hands.  He wants to see a good animal show.

Task 40: must do an animal show.  Minimum of 5 animals need to perform and 
the animals must complete at least 30 total tricks.

Dialogue:  the elderly gentleman will give you Ebi the monkey.  He wants to 
see her in a show before he leaves on a journey.

Task 41: run a show where Ebi performs at least 3 tricks.  (they can be 

Dialogue: the elderly gentleman will praise you for your work with Ebi.

Task 42: upgrade your office

New music available
New effects available.
New building available  (Hospital, Vet Office)

Circus is now 3 star

Dialogue: Every performer will suddenly turn ill, and Buddy will report it to 
you.  (Most will be out for 1-2 weeks and will need some retraining when they 
do recover.  You'll need to switch to a single show for a while)

Dialogue:  A blond woman shows up and says that she is a "Famous Artist" and 
might be willing to perform in your circus.  However, she won't join until 
you put on a superb show.

Task 43:  Show must gain at least 1200 impression points, involve 2 artists 
and one horse and have no failures.  (of course this right as all your 
performers are out due to illness.)

New Performer is available to hire: (Jessie the Monkey)
New building is available (luxury drink stall, restaurant, luxury toilet)

Dialogue (if successful at task 43): the blond lady appears saying she wants 
to work for your circus.

New performer is available for hire  (Janet).

Task 44: make a funny show with monkeys.  It must include at least 2 monkeys 
and 150 fun points.

Task 45: Build the family house building

New building is available  (family house)

Task 46: must earn $5,000 or more on shows for every day during the week.   

Dialogue: Buddy is a bit worried you might leave.  He hints that you can try 
to date the female performers.

New music is available
New effects are available
New fanfares are available

Circus is at 3.5 stars

Dialogue:  Janet hears that the horse Raider is available for hire.  She 
demands that you purchase him.

Task 47: Hire Raider or Janet won't perform.   

New Performer is Available.  (Raider/ Horse;  Toby/ Lion)
New Building is Available.  (Pancake Stall, Souvenir Shop)

Dialogue: Janet thanks you for hiring Raider, you respond sarcastically

Dialogue: Buddy reveals that a concert was cancelled in the city.  The 
promoter wants the circus to take the place of the concert.  

Task 48:  Create a show for a very demanding audience.  You need hard tricks, 
difficult training and everything combined with music and effects.  You get 
double money if you succeed.

Task 49:  Create a demanding show for kids that leaves an average impression 
of 500

Task 50: Several high class ladies are talking about visiting the show.  You 
need a show with 200 art and 200 exotic points, no garbage cluttering the 
circus and a average impression of at least 800.

Task 51: Make "A Grande Day with Circus Grande"  The circus must have 0 
garbage.  You'll need a funny afternoon show for the kids and a thrilling and 
arty show at night with both shows leaving an impression of 400.

New Effects are available for purchase.

Circus is now 4 stars

New Performer Available for Hire  (Inga the Lioness)

Dialogue:  Derango returns.  He wants to become the owner of the circus 
without paying for it, basically claiming that you owe so much that he can 
just do it.  

Task 52: Daily Show Revenue has to be at least $8,000 per day for 5 days in a 

Task 53: Create a show with at least 150 Art and 150 Thrill points and no 

Dialogue:  Derango shows up again with his 2 thugs.  They intimidate Buddy 
and then demand $200,000 claiming that after receiving that much money they 
will never again bother you.

Task 54: you have 20 days to save up the $200,000 to pay Derango.  (warning, 
from now on there will be a series of high cost tasks.  Its best to start 
saving if you have not already been doing so.)

Dialogue: Buddy reports that all the money from the cash register for the day 
has been stolen, it appears to have been Derango's two thugs.

Dialogue:  When you pay Derango, he gives some veiled threats about how an 
"arrangement" with him might be good for you. 

New effects are available for purchase

Circus is at 4.5 stars

Dialogue:  Buddy reports a complete disaster.  All of your stalls have been 
destroyed.  Interestingly enough Derango shows up tries to pretend he didn't 
do it at first, but one of his henchmen admits that they destroyed them.

Task 55: you have to rebuild all of your stalls and toilets.

Dialogue:  After you finish the rebuild you talk to Buddy about the fact that 
the current mayor protects Derango.  Buddy mentions that the mayor has 
competition in the next election and suggests that you talk to his opponent.

Dialogue: Meeting with the mayors opponent in the election.  He reveals that 
he is willing to take down Derango, but that his campaign lacks money.  You 
need to run a series of shows and give the money to him for the campaign.  He 
will make sure the shows are sold out.

Task 56:  Must have no more than 3 failures for the next week and that the 
circus earns at least 70,000 for the week.

Dialogue:  The election is over and the challenger has won.  He comes and 
promises to help with Derango the next time Derango commits a crime.

Circus is now 5 star

Dialogue:  Inga the lioness has been kidnapped.  Derango demands $500,000 for 
her return.  You have 30 days to raise the money to pay him.   (This event is 
why I suggest you save a lot of money early on.)  

Dialogue:  You go to the challenger and ask for help dealing with Derango.  
The challenger tells you that you have to get the money first and then he 
will arrest Derango.

Task 57:  Earn $500,000 in 30 days to pay for the kidnapped lioness.  (you 
just have to have the money available.  Once you have $500,000 you can pay 
anytime by selecting "Accept Now")

Dialogue:  Talk to DeRango trying to get him to show up and be arrested.  The 
event takes place at a windmill.  Derango is very upset when he is arrested. 
(you do get to keep your money)

Task 58:  Need to do a show staring Inga the Lioness.  She needs to perform 8 
tricks with no failures.

Dialogue:  You tell Buddy that its about time to move on.  

Task 59: You need 1,500,000 to found a new circus.

Dialogue:  You meet with your uncle and thank him for allowing you to run the 
circus.  He suggests a final "nostalga show" before you leave

Task 60: Create an evening show with everyone who was in the circus in the 
beginning – Jasper, Patrick, Pepe and the Alley Dogs, then show the best 
tricks of your circus.

--------  Congrats you have finished Europe


Dialogue:  Shows you talking about finding a perfect place for your circus in 
a small country in the Middle East.  Buddy then interrupts, reminding you 
that you have no performers.

Task 1:  Build Homes, Hire performers and create an opening show with at 
least 3 performers.

At this point you can move about your new circus.  You have a managers 
office, and a big top as well as $500,000.  If you married one of the female 
performers during the Europe tour you also have a family dwelling where you 
wife and son will be living.  They will not need to be hired.

Your bigtop is basic.  All the upgrades you purchased in Europe, stay in 

New Performers are available here. (in addition to all your workers from 
Europe there are: Twinkie the Bear, Mambo the Elephant)

Dialogue:  Its revealed that the grand vizier wanted to get the property to 
build a palace.  He is very upset that you are there, but figures that you 
will leave shortly.

Task 2: Create a show with at least 3 performers and at least 200 thrill 

Task 3: The people want to see a good show with bears.  You need a show with 
at least 3 bears and no less than 20 bear tricks.

Task 4: A good show with artists.  Create a show where at least 2 artists 
perform tricks, at least 200 art points and 2200 impression.

Task 5:  Get $40,000 in the bank.   

Dialogue:  The vizier is shown talking to the Sultan of the nation your 
circus is in, and trying to ruin your circus by claiming that you threaten 
their traditions.  The Sultan's daughter seems thrilled by the idea of a 
circus being near.

New music is now available
New effects are available

Circus is at 0.5 stars

Unofficial Task:  Buddy tells you that you should use the next 2 weeks to 
improve your cash position as surely you'll need money in the future.  (Buddy 
isn't kidding, there will be a period where you go 40 days with almost no 
audience which means almost no money.  A large bank account will be critical 
to get through this period)

New Performer is available:  (Silky the Horse)

Dialogue:  You are talking about how nice things are, but Buddy is much more 
cynical about what might happen in the future.

New Building becomes available. (kebab stall)

Dialogue: Buddy talks about how different foods are popular in the Orient.  

Task 7: Build a kebab stall

Task 8: Plant greenery and build nice structures until you have at least 2000 
environment points.

Task 9: Make at least $20,000 on stalls in a week.  

Task 10: earn at least $200,000.

New Music tracks available
New Effects available
New Fanfares available.

Dialogue:  The vizier is even more upset because your circus is successful.  
He is convinced that he must drive away your customers so that the circus 
dies out.

Circus is now at 1 star

Dialogue:  Buddy is saying that the circus is no longer being attended.  
(this starts the attendance drought.  For a long time you will never get more 
than 35 people to come see the show, your circus will lose a lot of money 
during this period.)

Task 11:  in 7 days you must create a different show every night, each with 
at least 5 artist or animals and 30 tricks total.  Impression should not be 
less than 2300.  (note this is an all or failure task.  Should you fail to 
get the 2300 impression at any time during the 7 days you fail the task and 
the game will offer to let you reload from the start of the event.  Hopefully 
you have the performers to get through this, after this event I recommend 
cutting back to the bare minumum you need to do 2 smaller shows a day to save 

New performer is available for hire  (Speedy the Horse, Rubi the monkey)

Dialogue: about a week after finishing the task attendance is still down.  
You and Buddy talk about why.  Buddy suggests more advertising.

Task 12: throw a parade, and then start an advertising campaign.

Dialogue: you finally meet the Vizier.  He demands to collect the sultan's 
taxes.  When you demand to see proof that he represents the sultan, the 
Vizier throws a fit.  He demands $100,000 in tax and then gives you 30 days 
to get it.  (attendance continues to be very low, by this time I'd cut my 
performer roster down to Patrick, Ben, Barney, Silky, Twinkie, Yvette, 
Ariana, Alice, Oliver and Nadia)

Task 13: Pay $100,000 in 30 days.

Dialogue:  Call from your Uncle.  You tell him about your trouble with the 
show and he will send $50,000.   (this occurs when you have 15 days to go in 
the 30 days.)  

Dialogue:  when the thirty days are over the Vizier, Jaffer comes to collect 
the tax.  He isn't happy that you have managed to pay this tax.

Dialogue: You talk to Buddy about how you aren't getting an audience and are 
losing money rapidly.

Task 14: don't let your cash go below $0,00 for the next 14 days.

Dialogue:  You and Buddy talk about the fact that you have no audience, but 
you say you are going to keep trying to make the circus work.

New Fanfares available
New Effects available
Circus is now 1.5 stars

Dialogue:  After another week of even lower attendance, Buddy tells you that 
there is someone you can see to talk about the poor attendance.  

Dialogue:  You meet a new person who finally tells you that the Vizier is 
ordering people to stay away from your circus, telling them that your shows 
are simple and that you have few animals.  This man promises to find you some 
new local artists to help attract more people to watch the show.

New Performers become available: (Abdul, Ali, Hakim the artists, Rashid the 
clown, and Bingo the Elephant)

Task 15: Hire at least 2 local artists and put them in a show where the 
perform at least 4 tricks.

Dialogue: after a conversation with the man who helped you he suggests a show 
with Elephants.  

Task 16:  You need a show with elephants where elephants perform 10 tricks.
   (during this time your max attendance is 295, half the max of 590 for the 
circus tent.)

Dialogue:  Hassan suggests a free show for the poor kids in town.  You love 
the idea and suggest that you can put together a superb show for the kids.

Task 17: do an afternoon show for the kids.  It must be funny and with 
animals.  There must be at least 5 animals and 8 tricks with clowns.   (these 
shows get about 37 kids in attendance and almost no money. )

Dialogue:  You talk to Hassan who suggests a march through town, and then 
reveals that he could be in a lot of trouble if the Vizier figures out that 
he helped you.

Task 18: Start an ad campaign for one of your elephants and throw a parade 
through the town.  (I suggest Mambo for the campaign, he has good stamina and 
can do 2 shows a day for the week the campaign runs.)

Dialogue:  Buddy tells you that the elephants created a disaster during the 
latest parade.  The cost is going to be $15,000 to pay for all the damage.

Task 19:  Pay the $15,000 for the damage caused by the elephants

Dialogue:  Hassan tells you that everyone is talking about your circus after 
the elephant's antics the previous day. 

Dialogue:  Hassan tells you he knows a Beduin named Aziz who loves horses and 
camels.  He suggests hiring him and creating a show with more horses and 

New Music are available
New Effects are available
New Fanfares are available

Circus is now 2 star

Dialogue:  a lady shows up and talks like she is upset with how poor your 
circus is.  Says she is called the "Pearl of the Orient" and will only work 
in the best circus.

New performers are available  (Rufi the clown, Aziz the tamer, Sam, Sugar, 
Suni and Salim the camels)

Task 20:  Hire Aziz and 2 camels, create a show where they perform circle 

Dialogue:  you congratulate Aziz for his work with the camels.  He says he 
can do a show with 3 camels.

Task 21: Hire a third camel and do a show with 3 camels in the circle.  They 
must finish at least three whole circles.  (this means 11 tricks per camel 
during the circle run, however just having a camel run in a circle 3 times 
counts, so this task isn't really more difficult than the one before.)

Dialogue: a local bigwig shows up, he wants some help.  It turns out his 2 
wives have pets, but one is a bear who has become a lot of trouble.  However, 
he is uncertain which pet to see because he doesn't want to anger his wives.

Task 22:  Create a superb animal show.  It must contain at least 5 animals 
and leave an impression of 2500 points or more.  (note, this is a private 
show with attendance of 3)

Dialogue:  The sheikh will show up and offer you the bear, saying that his 
wife's loved the show, and agreed to give you the bear.  He's thrilled 
because his wife's never before agreed on anything.  He also gives you 
$20,000 as a reward for the show.  (Paddy the bear is received as a gift)

Task 23:  What about training the bear (Paddy) and putting him in a show 
where he performs at least 5 different tricks.

Dialogue: The Sheikh and his wives were greatly impressed by all the tricks 
Paddy has learned and he gives you $50,000 as a reward for the hard work.

Dialogue: the mysterious woman who appeared earlier and called herself "The 
Pearl of the Orient" now says she's willing to work at your circus.

New Performer is available for Hire  (Salma – female artist)
New Music 
New Effects
New Fanfares
New Performer is available for hire (Nazir the tamer, Sheba the female 

Circus receives another half star. Now 2.5 stars

Task 24: You can now hire Salma, Pearl of the Orient.  Hire her and create a 
show where she performs at least 10 tricks.  (this is just any 10 tricks, so 
it should be easy to complete)

Dialogue: talk with Hassan about the show.  He hints that people like seeing 
more animals together.  You end up talking about having more elephants in the 

Task 25: create a show with at least 2 male elephants, elephant ladies or 
elephant children together, they must complete at least 3 circles.

Task 26: People like circle tricks.  Now create a show with at least 3 horses 
in the ring together.  They must complete 3 circles.

Task 27: Create a funny show with monkeys. At least 3 monkeys must perform in 
a show

Dialogue: a traveling caravan master shows up and has an offer for you.  He 
has found a young lion during his journeys, but is having trouble keeping 
him.  He is willing to let you have the lion, but you must show him a great 
show with lions. He also wants a show with camels.

Task 28: You must create a show with 3 lions or lionesses.  The show should 
also have 3 camels who do at least 2 circles (7 tricks) and at least 20 

Dialogue: if the show meets the requirements you'll be given the lion by a 
grateful man.  (if you don't have cage space you'll have to quickly build a 
new cage.

Buddy then tells you "Superb, we have made it, Peter"  Now we must collect 
enough experience points and advance forward."

(I never saw the exact requirement for this task as I immediately was told I 
completed it while working on the walkthrough.)

New music
New effects
New fanfares

Circus is now 3 Star

Dialogue:  Salma turns up pregnant, but the father has disappeared.  She is 
ready to leave because she will no longer be "useful."  You insist that she 

Task: Build a family house for Salma and move her there.   (Salma disappears 
from your performer roster at this time.  You can move her to the family 
house, but there are no other interactions available.)

New performer is available for hire: (Luloah the tamer)

Buddy tells you that Salma is sad that she can't perform, so he is going to 
teach her to care for the animals.

Dialogue: Buddy tells you that Salma's son, Sami is ready to start training, 
but that he is very sad because he believes his mother doesn't love him. When 
you protest he replies that Salma is also very sad.

Dialogue: You have a talk with Salma about her depression.  She only sees 
that she isn't performing and doesn't understand that perhaps she can still 
perform.  You try to both cheer her up and remind her that she can still be 

Task 29: Teach Sami at least 5 tricks and create a successful show with him 
and Salma together  (Salma reappears in your performer roster at this time.)

Dialogue: You talk to Salma and she's realized that Sami is something 
special.  Sami joins the conversation and Salma opens up to him and talks 
about her father and grandfather.  Buddy then tries to drag you away.  

Dialogue: The vizier Jaffer goes and talks to the sultan.  He complains that 
a single mother is acting in the circus.  He demands that the circus be 
closed.  The sultan instead commands that you be summoned.  The sultan is a 
bit unhappy with you for letting her perform.  You defend Salma and make it 
clear that you will protect Salma and her son.  Finally the sultan demands a 
show with Salma and her son.  

Task 30: Sami has to perform at least 10 flawless tricks and Salma 10 
flawless tricks.  The whole show needs an impression of at least 1500.

New Music Tracks available
New Effects available
New Fanfares available

Circus is now 3.5 stars

New Performer is available for hire.  (Aida the tamer, Stella the lioness)

Dialogue: The sultan agrees that Salma and Sami deserve protection.  The 
vizier claims that you can only do one show, and you reply that you can do a 
different show every day.  So the Sultan says he is willing to come for 7 
days for you to prove your claim.

Task 31: every evening for 7 days you must do a whole new show, absolutely 
flawlessly (no failures) with every show having an impression of at least 
3000 points.   (The technique I uxed to complete this was basically a brute 
force method.  I created a rather long show with most of my best tricks, so 
that I drove the impression well above 3000 and then made minor changes every 
day.  The game seems to accept any change to a show as being a "new" show, 
although I usually changed 10-20 different tricks)

Dialogue: The sultan is thrilled by the shows, and says next time he will 
invite the princess.  He then says that he has meetings planned with foreign 
investors and he shall invite them to come to your circus.  You will be 
expected to customize shows for them.  Jaffar the Vizier is upset.

Dialogue: Jaffar shows up and tells you that the Sultan sends you a message 
that he's bringing a group of businessmen to see the show.  You need at least 
4 female artists who perform a minimum of 20 tricks.  He says you'll lose 
your head if you fail.  

Task 32: Make a show with at least 4 female artists performing at least 20 

Dialogue: Jaffar appears again and is openly upset that you succeeded last 
time.  This time you need a world class thrilling show with no mistakes.  
Buddy makes a comment and Jaffar gets upset about the talking dog.  (he'd 
complained before.)

Task 33: Make a show with tricks totaling at least 300 thrill points.  

Dialogue: Jaffar shows up with a message from the palace.  He tells you that 
the investors wifes want to see a pleasing show.  It has to have 200 cute 

Task 34: create a show with 200 cute points.

Dialogue:  Jaffar shows up and once again is upset.  He reports that the 
foreign investors want to see a show with female artists and animals.  He's 
upset about this idea.  

Task 35: create a show with at least 4 femals artists and 5 different 

New Effects are available

Circus is now 4.0 Star

Dialogue:  The vizier tells the sultan that his favorite horse is ill and 
should be sold immediately.  He then reports that there isn't enough money to 
send the animal to an animal hospital.  The sultan then says that the horse 
should be give to you to be cured.  If you fail you will be expelled.

Task 36: a very ill horse has been provided by the palace.  He starts with 
5,000 points of wounds and will gain another 100 per day.  If he reaches 
6,000 he dies.  You have 14 days to cure him.

Dialogue: the Sultan is thrilled that you cured his favorite horse, and then 
asks if you can train the horse.  The vizier is convinced you can't do it 
without breaking the horse's spirit.

Task 37: Train Spike to perform at least 5 tricks flawlessly, it can be any 
trick.  You have 40 days to do it.

Dialogue: the Sultan is thrilled to see that Spike is doing well and gives 
you the horse.  The Vizier is less than thrilled, but the Sultan is adamant.

Dialogue: the Vizier shows up and says his master sent him.  When Buddy 
comments the Vizier gets upset.  Once you calm him down he reports that a 
group of foreign investors want to see an exotic show.

Task 38:  Create a show with at least 300 eXotic points

Dialogue: You greet the vizier asking what new requirement he has.  The 
vizier tells you that the investors want to see a flashy and dramatic show.  
After that Buddy causes trouble by completely miss telling the story of Ali 

Task 39: Create a show with at least 500 thrill points.

Buddy appears and says a few more XP and you'll get another half star

Task 40: (unknown, he never told me specifically, he just told me I completed 

Circus is 4.5 star

New Effect are available.

Dialogue: the vizier comes with another requirement.  This time the investors 
want to see "the immoral woman and her brat son".  Buddy as usual antagonizes 
the vizier.

Task 41: Create an artist show containing Salma, Sami and at least 4 other 
artists.  Salma and Sami must perform at least 5 tricks together, and Salme 
at least 5 more.  The show must be flawless.  (note: this will be the next 
show that completes once you select "Accept now", be careful.  -  Failure 
means game over.)

Dialogue: the Sultan is again thrilled, as is the princess.  The Sultan then 
introduces you to the foreign investor who speaks in a distinct Texas accent.

Dialogue: you meet with the foreign investor.  He mentions that he'd like to 
see another show.  Once with a lot of local influence.  He seems extremely 
interested in Salma.

Task 42: Create a show not only with Salma, but other local artists (I had 
Aida, Aziz and Hakim mentioned to me by Buddy).  The show must have at least 
500 eXotic points.

Dialogue: you talk to the foreign investor.  He suggests that you take the 
circus to the states, when you mention that there isn't much money, the 
investor says that the vizier Jaffar is always making great deals.  Then he 
talks about what could be imported to Europe and the US.

Task 43: I couldn't say, again I got a signal that I'd completed the task 
without ever seeing the taxk.

Dialogue: The princess wants to talk to you.  She wants to meet at the 
ancient temple behind the circus.

Circus is now 5 star

Dialogue:  The princess wants some advice.  She is trying to avoid an 
arranged marriage to Jaffar.  You suggest that she find something to prove 
that Jaffar is corrupt and evil to show her father and therefore end the 

Dialogue: you are shown a conversation between the princess and the sultan.  
The princess reports that she isn't feeling well.  The sultan finally 
suggests going to the circus.  The princess says she wants to laugh.

Task 44: The order from the palace is to make the funniest show ever.  And 
Leila wants to see you at the temple tonight.  500 fun points and at least 70 

Dialogue: Leila and the others are happy with the show.  Leila than accepts 
the wedding, but demands a circus show with 101 tricks.  Jaffar isn't happy.

Dialogue: the princess meets with you.  She reveals that she needs the circus 
to have a long dress rehearsal so that she can complete hacking the vizier's 
computer and prove that he's stealing money.

Task 45: Jaffar is coming in 3 days for the dress rehearsal.  You need a show 
containing 101 tricks and flawless so that he doesn't leave early.

Dialogue: Jaffer meets with the sultan and isn't all that happy with the 
dress rehearsal.  Leila shows up and again tells her father than she doesn't 
want to get married.  The sultan tells the land has no money.  Leila then 
talks about the vizier's hidden money.  In the end Jaffar is jailed and the 
Sultan agrees that Leila can go to Cairo to study.

Dialogue: the princess is going to leave to study in a week.  You suggest a 
farewell show.

Task 46: Create a superb show with all the performers and their best tricks.  
Everyone has to do at least 3 tricks.  (This task was a bit annoying, as the 
definition of "Superb" is never covered.  The one suggestion I found that 
does work is to fire most of your performers and put on a smaller, much more 
controlled show.  It appears that you need to get a certain level of audience 
response – not impression, but how good of a smile face you get.)

Dialogue: you receive a card from Cairo from the princess.  With the show a 
success in the Orient, you and Buddy are wondering what to do.  The idea 
becomes to go to the States.  You need at least $2,000,000

Task 47: Earn $2,000,000

Dialogue: Buddy wonders what is going to happen to the circus once you leave 
and head to the states.  You then meet with Hassan and ask him to manage the 
circus once you leave.

Task 48: Its time to say farewell in a genuine Circus Grande Way.  All 
performers must perform at least 5 tricks.  At least 10 performers must 
appear, and the show needs at least 20 five-star tricks.

Dialogue: you announce that you are going to America, but that Hassan will be 
taking over the circus.

End of Orient Campaign

America Campaign

Once again you start with a simple circus.  This time you have a big top 
(that can seat 940 people), 4 sets of floodlights, a manager's office, and a 
family dwelling for your wife and kids.

Task 1: Finish building the circus and hire at least 3 performers to create a 
show.  (this requires that you perform a show with at least 3 performers)

New performers (Rusty - clown, Donna – young artist (Meggie's daughter), 
Naomi – Tamer, Meggie – female artist)

Task 2: Make sure you have at least half the tent full for 5 days in a row. 
(this means you need to get your attendance up to 470 and keep it there for 5 
days)  (This is a lot easier than it might sound.  I had a show with just 7 
performers.  Alice, Oliver, Nadia, Ariana, Ben, Nazir and Spike and was 
pulling in full houses after only 4 days.)

Task 3: Make $1,000 or more per show for the next 7 days.  (if you are 
selling out the circus you are most likely seeing $7,000 or more, even if you 
only get 0 & 0.5 star visitors.)

Dialogue: A local tycoon is talked about.  He apparently is a bit of a 
megalomaniac and has a new project idea.  He wants to build a new steel mill 
right in the port.  Guess where the land he wants to purchase is.

New music is available
New effects are available
New fanfares are available.

Circus is 0.5 stars

Task 4: It is necessary for the circus to make some cash.  Make sure that the 
circus is in black numbers at least for the week.   (this means you have to 
limit your building and hiring for the week as you need to end the 7 days 
with more money than you started)

Dialogue: a meeting between the unknown businessman and his assistant.  She 
reveals to him that the circus is in the way.  She goes to the press and 
begins a negative press campaign.

New Performers are available: Kiwi – clown, Buzz,Spyro – artists, Bonnie – 
female artist, Cutie – monkey

Task 5: Hire at least 2 local artists and create a show where each performs 
at least four tricks.

When you pass the task of hiring local artists, Buddy suggests inviting the 
journalist to watch the show.

Dialogue: the assistant talks to the journalist.  He was impressed with the 
show and gave the circus a good review.  The assistant tries another angle 
saying that the show is limited.  She gets the journalist to admit that 
despite being in a beach, there is no water show.

Dialogue: You read the latest review and its all about how only hiring the 
local artists saved the circus.  Buddy mentions that the circus shall upgrade 
to a water show.

Task 6: earn $100,000 to improve the ring to allow a water show.

New Music is available
New effects are available
New fanfares are available

Circus is now 1.0 Stars

New Building is available (Cage for water animals - $90,000)
New Performer is available for hire  (Kulo, Akamu – Dolphins)

Task 7: Hire at least one water anima and create a water show where you 
perform at least five tricks in the water.

Dialogue: You have a short meeting with the journalist.  He admits that the 
circus isn't bad, but he won't praise the circus until you earn another half 
star.  (he wants you to be at 1.5 stars)

Buddy appears to tell you that you need to get that half star.

Dialogue: the latest paper shows up with the review from the journalist.  He 
has high praises for the circus

New Music is available.
New Effects are available
New Fanfares are available

Circus is now at 1.5 stars

Dialogue: the businessman is upset because the journalists are writing good 
reviews about the show.  Now Laura comes up with the idea of convincing your 
competitors to get involved in a price war.  She goes to the local thrill 
ride park and openly lies to the owner.

Task 8: Create an afternoon show for kids everyday of the week that is 
perfect and offers at least 2000 impression points.

New performer is available: Wikoli – dolphin

Task 9: As punishment for completing the last task you now have to create a 
show for kids and sell it out three days in a row.  No failures are allowed 
and the ompression needs to be at least 2100.

Dialogue: another scene with the evil assistant.  This time she's visiting 
the local cinema and claiming that the circus is pushing a marketing strategy 
which will get the adults to come to your circus rather than go to the 
cinema.  The cinema owner claims he'll do a different movie every night for a 
week to stop you.

Task 10: You have to match the cinema.  For 7 nights you have to do a 
different show every night.  Each show must contain at least 40 tricks, 10 
performers and have an impression level of 2200.

Task 11: Once again the cinema is challenging you.  This time you have to run 
only perfectly flawless shows for adults with an impression of at least 600.  
You must sell at least 705 tickets each show.

Dialogue:  Our favorite gossip is now down at the beach and talking to the 
beach manager claiming that you are advertising the show as the best water 
show and a reason to avoid the beach.  Naturally the beach manager says he's 
going to do something to stop you.

Task 12: the beach owner claims he has the best water entertainment.  Create 
three different shows with three water animals

New performers are now available:  Aika – Tamer; Bob, Dino – Seal

Dialogue (once you complete the previous task).  The big tycoon is throwing a 
fit that your circus is still in business.  His assistant tries to say that 
you are just good, but her boss won't accept that.  You then see her talking 
to a journalist.  She's now claiming that your circus has been cutting 
corners on fool quality in order to stay in business.

New Building is Available: Luxury Drink Stall, Fast Food.

Dialogue: Buddy reveals that people are no longer eating at the food stalls.  
After a short conversation he remarks that there has been a recent article in 
the paper saying the food is no good.

Task 13:Build a luxury drink stall and fast food.  (Total cost for these 2 
buildings is $170,000)

Dialogue: you meet with the journalist who wrote the poor review of your 
food.  You challenge him to eat your food and he finds it very tasty.  You 
find out that this is the first time he has tasted the food.  He tells you 
that he wrote a bad review because of what he'd been told previously.  This 
is the first time you receive direct word about the attempt to run down the 

New Music is available
New Effects are available
New Fanfares are available

Circus is now 2 star

Dialogue: the owner of the multiplex shows up to say that he's about to go 
bankrupt because of the price war he had been fighting with you.  You talk to 
him and find out that "the woman from the marketing company" caused him to 
spend too much in an attempt to win the price war you never knew about.  In 
the end you agree to help him out by providing money until the end of the 

Task 14: the cinema needs $10,000 per day for the next ten days in order to 
stay in business.

Dialogue: the cinema owner thanks you for keeping him from going bankrupt.
Dialogue: The other owners who were fooled by the "assistant" show up and 
tell you that they are now having problems.  You tell them that you'll do a 
big week of advertising for them.

Task 15: for one week you must either march through the town or perform 
outdoors, and half the earnings must go to the owners who were fooled by 
Laura.  They have to receive at least $3,000 per day.  (you have to reissue 
the parade command every morning.)

Dialogue: the 2 owners thank you for your generousity.  And one of the two 
knows someone who used to own a circus and who may have some animals that 
might be good for your show.

New Performers are available.  (Tao – bear, Boris – elephant, Bina – female 
elephant, Solo – elephant kid, Nellie – female dolphin)

Task 16: Upgrade the bigtop and put on a superb show with all the performers.  
(upgrade cost $450,000 – this will also increase capacity to 1200)  Superb 
isn't defined, but I passed with a show that had an average impression of 
1965, and the best smiley face for the average content.

New Music is available
New Effects are available
New Fanfares are available

Dialogue: Laura the gossip you hate is now talking to some lady Cristy who 
apparently works for some animal rights group.  She's claiming that you don't 
treat the animals well.  The claim is that you starve and beat the animals.  
Cristy however demands immediate action and when she says she's going to the 
mayor immediately Laura takes a powder.

The circus is now at 2.5 stars

Dialogue: Cristy is meeting with the mayor and she's passing on the rumor 
that your circus mistreats animals.  The mayor orders one of his underlings 
to investigate.

Dialogue: The city investigators arrive and accuse you of mistreating 
animals.  You are naturally very upset and shocked to be accused of 
mistreating animals.  You get an agreement with the investigators to 
independently watch the animals and verify that you don't mistreat the 
animals.  You are ordered not to release any animal during the investigation.

Task 17: animal satisfaction must be above average for the next week.

Dialogue:  one of the officials says that you exceed all the standards, but 
the other official wants to see about the level of garbage in the circus.

Task 18: for the next week the garbage level must never exceed 200 points.

Dialogue: You are meeting against with the officials.  This time they are 
going to monitor the animal stress level.

Task 19: For one week each animal's stress level cannot exceed the maximum 
safe level.

Dialogue: You talk to the official again.  He's now satisfied with the 
treatment of the animals, but wonders about the artists.

Task 20: all artists and tamers must have a satisfaction above average for 
the next seven days.  (even Buddy seems to be sick of this official)

Dialogue: You meet with the official again and he's happy with the treatment 
of the artists, but once again he wants to check the litter situation

Task 21: for the next week there can be absolutely no litter in the circus.

Dialogue: you meet with the officials again and ask if you've done enough.  
They want to check on the animals again.

Task 22: Animal satisfaction must stay at least 10 percent over average for 
the whole week.

Dialogue: You talk to the officials and ask if they have anything more they 
want to check.  They finally say that they have seen enough.  You demand that 
the officials tell you who accused you.  The official tells the whole story.  
Needless to say Buddy quickly figures out that Laura is behind it.  He asks 
the officials to provide a certification that the circus is clean, and the 
number for the person who accused you.

Dialogue: you meet with Cristy in a private spot near the lighthouse.  You 
immediately ask if a dark haired lady was the one who came to her with the 
stories of animal abuse.  Cristy immediately figures out the story and knows 
a bit about the corporation that's causing all the trouble.

New music is available
New effects are available
New fanfares are available

Circus is now 3 star

Dialogue: Laura has found out that a sultan and a princess as coming to the 
city and want to go to the circus.  Its your friends from the Orient 
campaign.  The sultan is happy that the nation's economy is better and the 
princess is thrilled to have gotten to further her studies.  You offer a 
special show just for them.  A water show.

Task 23: Create an exclusive water show with all your water animals

New performer is available: (Boca – Seal)

Dialogue: Leila and the Sultan are thrilled by the show.  They offer to help, 
but you say that their attendance was gift enough.  And the sultan admits 
that letting his daughter study was a good thing.  The sultan also gives you 
a great gift of $500,000

Task 24: I didn't see a dialogue before, was just told by Buddy that I needed 
to build a cage for water animals.  (which brought the total up to 3)

Dialogue: The city officials show up and ask you for help.  They have 
recovered a wounded dolphin on the beach and ask you to cure him.

Task 25: The wounded dolphin – Holeka,  must be completely cured.  He starts 
with 4000 points of illness which will increase 100 points per day.  If he 
reaches 6000 he will die.

Dialogue: the male city official is thrilled that Holeka is now healthy.  He 
wants to see if you can train Holeka.

Task 26: teach Holeka four tricks and perform a flawless show.  There is a 30 
day time limit.


Section VIII: Trick list – by type (under construction)
I'm still working out how to put all the information into this.  For now I'm 
going to have 2 lists.  The first will be a list of all the tricks and their 
stats.  Later I'm going to add a section for each performer listing which 
tricks they learn at each star level.

Note: for all tricks that require a trainer or more than one performer I'm 
using an x/y configuration for the energy, stress and XP levels.  X would be 
the primary performer and y for the tamer or secondary performer.  

Artist Solo Tricks
Description                     Star  En  Str  XP   T  A  X  F  C  SP
Walk Forward on Hands            1    3    2   10   2  4  1  1  0  4 
Walk Backwards on Hands          1    3    3   15   2  5  1  1  0  4
Spin in a Ring                   1    2    3   15   6  4  6  1  1  5
Forward tuck from springboard    2    5    5   25   3  3  2  1  1  6
Spin in rotating wheel 2 hands   2    4    3   20   6  6  7  1  0  5
Collect and stack boxes          2    3    5   20   3  3  3  7  2  6
Hand stand to walkover to splits 3    
Swing around trapeze             3    
Springboard, Back tuck           3    5    6   30   4  4  3  1  1  6 
Spin in rotating wheel 1 hand    3    5    4   25   8  8  7  1  0  5 
Back flip, tuck, flip trampoline 3    5    6   30   5  5  2  3  1  7 
Jump from trapeze to trapeze     3    6    6   35   8  7  7  1  2  7
Front tuck through firewheel     4    6    7   40   9  7  5  0  0  6
Double front tuck springboard    4    7    6   40   6  6  3  0  1  6
Double back tuck springboard     5    7    7   45   7  7  4  0  1  6

Female Artist Solo Tricks
Description                     Star  En  Str  XP   T  A  X  F  C  SP
Spin rings on both arms          1    3    2   10   1  2  1  1  2  5 
Forward Walkover                 1    4    2   15   0  3  2  1  2  4
Walk on Tightrope                2    4    7   30   6  4  2  2  1  4
3 rings spin around waist        2    3    3   15   2  4  3  1  2  5
3 rings spin around arms & waist 2    3    3   15   1  3  1  1  2  5
Balance desk on a barrel         3    4    8   35   7  5  3  3  1  4
Swivel desk on a barrel          4    5    9   45   8  6  3  3  1  4
Add second board to barrel trick 4    6    9   50   8  7  4  3  1  4
Device balance on barrel         5    7    10  75   9  7  4  3  1  4

Tricks for 2 artists
Description                     Star En    Str    XP    T  A  X  F  C  SP
2 Artist Tower, Hula             2   6/3   4/6   30/25  3  7  7  3  1  5 
2 Artist Tower, Juggle           3   7/4   5/7   40/35  4  7  7  3  1  5
2 Artist Spreadeagle Thighs      3
2 Artist Spreadeagle             3
2 Artist Handstand on Hands      4   7/8   8/8   55/75  6  6  5  3  2  4

Clown Solo Tricks
Description                     Star  En  Str  XP   T  A  X  F  C  SP
Squirting Flower                 1    3    4   20   8  2  2  7  0  7 
Clown on Stilts                  1    3    3   15   2  1  1  7  1  4 
PingPong juggle by mouth         1    2    3   10   0  3  4  7  2  3
5 Plate Spin                     2    3    6   25   5  6  4  7  3  3
Clown on Unicycle                2    4    4   20   3  4  3  6  2  4
Clown on low tightrope           2    3    4   15   2  3  4  6  2  3
Clown on Trampoline              2    3    2   10   5  1  0  7  1  3
Clown snake charmer              2    3    4   20   3  5  9  6  0  1
Clown walks on ball              3    4    4   20   3  4  5  6  2  4
Clown with large ring            3    3    6   30   5  10 10 8  5  3  
Clown juggles balls off head     3    4    5   25   3  8  10 9  3  3 
Clown using magic box            3    3    2   15   6  10 10 8  1  3
Losing control of 5 plate spin   3    4    7   35   9  10 10 10 2  3
Clown conjures a dog             4    3    6   30   1  7  8  8  4  3
Clown walks over a chair         4    5    6   35   1  10 10 9  3  3
Clown loses a motorcycle         4    4    5   30   4  10 9  9  2  7
Clown performs human cannonball  4    5    8   55   9  8  10 9  2  5

Clown w/ Artist
Description                     Star En    Str    XP    T  A  X  F  C  SP
Clown tries to hula              3

Young Artist Tricks
Name                            Star  Energy  Stress   T  A  X  F  C  SP

Name                            Star  Energy  Stress   T  A  X  F  C  SP


2 Clown/Monkey

Description                     Star En    Str    XP    T  A  X  F  C  SP
Run (circle)                    1    1/1   1/1   10/10  0  0  0  0  1  5 
Dance on hind legs              1
Run through tunnel (circle)     1    2/1   3/2   15/15  1  0  0  1  4  5
Jump stand 2 stand              2                     
Bounce ball back to tamer       2
Jump over stick                 2
Jump over obstacle (circle)     2    2/1   2/2   10/15  2  1  0  1  1  5
Do a spin (circle)              2    2/1   3/2   15/15  2  1  1  1  4  4
Stand on front legs             3    4/1   4/2   35/20  5  4  3  3  5  3
Jump through hoop               3    4/2   3/3   30/20  5  2  1  2  3  4
Bounce on Trampoline            3    5/1   4/2   40/20  4  3  4  5  7  4        
Run and push ball (circle)      3    2/1   3/2   15/15  3  1  2  6  5  4
Run under tamers legs           3    3/2   5/2   30/25  3  2  2  5  5  5
Circle on back legs (circle)    3   
Dance with tamer                4    3/2   5/2   35/25  1  4  3  8  7  4
Stand on front legs on stand    4    4/1   3/2   30/15  6  5  2  1  3  3
Hop on back legs (circle)       4
Ride Scooter (circle)           4    4/1   5/3   75/35  6  8  9  8  9  5
Walk on front legs (circle)     5    5/1   5/3   75/35  6  5  2  6  6  4
Somersault on trampoline        5    6/1   5/3   85/40  5  4  4  7  7  4
Go over obstacles on scooter    5    4/1   6/4   85/50  7  9  10 9  9  5
Go around cones on scooter      5    4/1   6/4   85/50  7  9  10 9  9  5
Front leg stand on tamer hand   5    6/2   6/4   100/80 7  5  2  3  5  3

Name                            Star  Energy  Stress   T  A  X  F  C  SP

2 Monkey
Name                            Star  Energy  Stress   T  A  X  F  C  SP

3 Monkey
Name                            Star  Energy  Stress   T  A  X  F  C  SP

Dolphin Tricks (single)
Description                     Star En    Str    XP    T  A  X  F  C  SP
Grab fish hanging from rope      1   2/1   3/1   10/10  3  4  5  3  8  3 
Swim in circle (Circle)          1   1/1   1/1   10/10  0  0  4  1  1  5
Spin                             2   5/1   4/1   30/15  5  7  7  3  6  6
Slalom around buoy (circle)      2   2/1   4/1   25/10  2  4  6  2  3  5
Jump obstacle (circle)           3   5/1   4/2   35/15  5  5  8  3  3  5
Jump out of water (circle)       3   5/1   3/1   25/10  4  5  8  3  3  5
Somersault above water           3   4/1   4/1   25/10  7  7  6  2  2  6
Wave tail fin (circle)           3
Jump and spin (circle)           4
Bounce ball back to tamer        4   6/1   5/2   40/15  2  6  7  3  5  5
Swim balanced on tail fin (cir)  4
Play basketball                  5   6/1   5/2   40/15  2  8  9  7  8  5
Double somersault                5
Jump through hoop (circle)       5

Dolphin Tricks (2 dolphins, one make & one female)
Description                   Star En      Str      XP     T  A  X  F  C  SP
Simultaneous spin              4
Simultaneous somersault        4
Simultaneous jump              5
Bounce ball between dolphins   5

Horse & Rider Tricks
Description                   Star En      Str      XP     T  A  X  F  C  SP
Single jump on horse           3
Multiple jumps on horse        4
Stand on horse's back          4
Riding a rearing horse         5
hoop jump from horse's back    5
Juggle on horse's back         5
Headstand on horse's back      5
Backflip from Horse's back     5

Seal Tricks
Description                     Star En    Str    XP    T  A  X  F  C  SP
S-Style Swim (Circle)            1   3/1   2/1   10/10  0  5  6  2  2  3 
Flaps Rear Flipper               2   3/1   3/1   15/10  0  3  5  4  2  2 
Lie on back and clap hands       2   4/2   3/1   20/15  1  2  4  3  3  2
Flip over at tamer's command     2   4/1   4/1   20/10  1  3  4  3  2  2  
Circle around Buoy (circle)      2   4/1   3/1   15/10  1  5  6  2  2  3 
Slalom through Buoy (circle)     2   3/1   2/1   10/10  0  5  6  2  2  3
Clap Flippers                    2   4/1   3/1   15/10  0  3  5  5  3  2
Tamer Rides on Seal's Back       3   6/2   5/1   30/15  3  5  7  4  2  3
Walk on arena Edge, Greet (Cir)  3   3/1   3/2   30/15  2  6  5  3  3  2
Balance ball on nose (circle)    3
Spin ring around neck            4   5/1   7/1   30/10  2  7  7  5  5  2
Tamer Handstand on Nose          4   7/3   6/2   40/40  8  9  10 2  1  2
Spin Ring /neck Flipper Support  5

Section IX: Trick list by performer
  Note: when hired means that the perform will fully know the trick at the 
time they are hired.

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
2 Artist SpreadEagle		2 artist			when hired
2 Artist Spreadeagle Thigh    2 artist                When hired
2 artist One hand handstand   2 artist                when hired
2 artist handstand overhead   2 artist                when hired
2 artist flip onto shoulders  2 artist                when hired
hoop jump from horse's back   Horse & Artist          1
Stand on horse's back         Horse & Artist          1
Juggle on horse's back        Horse & Artist          1
Walk Backwards on hands       Artist                  1
2 artist head to headstand    2 artist                1
2 artist leg's forward        2 artist                1
Riding a rearing horse        Horse & Artist          1.5
Multiple jumps on horse       Horse & Artist          1.5
Single jump on horse          Horse & Artist          1.5
Forward walkover              Artist                  1.5
Hang by legs from ring        Artist                  1.5
Balance desk on a barrel      Artist                  1.5
2 Artist Tower, Hula          2 Artist                1.5
Juggle 3 skittles             Artist                  1.5
2 artist headstand & spin     2 Artist                1.5
Headstand on horse's back     Horse & Artist          2
Swivel desk on a barrel       Artist                  2
Trampoline, Back Twist        Artist                  2
2 Artist Tower, Juggle        2 Artist                2
Springboard, Back Tuck        Artist                  2
Springboard, Front Tuck       Artist                  2
2 Artist, toss to back tuck   2 Artist                2
Headstand to splits           Artist                  2.5
Add second board to barrel    Artist                  2.5
Trampoline, Back Flips        Artist                  2.5
Juggle, 5 Skittles            Artist                  2.5
Springboard, double front     Artist                  2.5
Spin in a Ring                Artist                  2.5
2 Artist, Toss to 3 Tucks     Artist                  2.5
Handstand on barrel           Artist                  3
Device balance on barrel      Artist                  3
Juggle, 3 flaming skittles    Artist                  3
Springboard, double back      Artist                  3
Spin in rotating wheel 1 hand Artist                  3
Backflip from Horse's back    Horse & Artist          3
2 person tower on tightrope   2 Artist                3
Trapeze flip                  Artist                  3.5
Rotate around Trapeze         Artist                  3.5
Spin in rotating wheel 2 hand Artist                  3.5
2 person tightrope on unicy   2 Artist                3.5
Trapeze 2 person switch       2 Artist                4
Trapeze 2 person              2 Artist                4
2 person tightrope w/ ring    2 Artist                4
solo Trapeze complex          Artist                  4.5
Trapeze Catch                 2 Artist                4.5
Trapeze switch                2 Artist                4.5
Flying trapeze catch          2 Artist                4.5
2 person tightrope handstand  2 artist                4.5
Trapeze twist catch           2 Artist                5
Trapeze tuck catch            2 Artist                5 
Trapeze tuck                  Artist                  5

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Grab fish hanging from rope   Single Dolphin          0
Spin                          Single Dolphin          0
Swim in circle (Circle)       Circle                  0.5    
Slalom around buoy (circle)   Circle                  0.5
Somersault above water        Single Dolphin          1
Jump out of water (circle)    Circle                  1.5
Bounce ball back to tamer     Single Dolphin          2
Play basketball               Single Dolphin          2
Simultaneous spin             Paired Dolphins         2.5
Jump obstacle (circle)        Circle                  3
Simultaneous somersault       Paired Dolphins         3
Jump and spin (circle)        Circle                  3.5
Double somersault             Single Dolphin          3.5
Wave tail fin (circle)        Circle                  4
Simultaneous jump             Paired Dolphins         4
Bounce ball between dolphins  Paired Dolphins         4.5
Jump through hoop (circle)    Circle                  4.5
Swim balanced on tailfin      Circle                  5

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
2 Artist SpreadEagle		2 artist			when hired
2 Artist Spreadeagle Thigh    2 artist                When hired
2 artist handstand overhead   2 artist                when hired
Forward Walkover              Artist                  When Hired
Juggle and Hula               Artist                  When Hired
3 ring Hula                   Artist                  When Hired
1 ring Hula                   Artist                  When Hired
Walk on Tightrope             Artist                  When Hired
2 Artist Juggle               2 Artist                2
2 Artist Hula                 2 Artist                2
Juggle on Horseback           Horse & Artist          2
Clown tries to hula           Artist & Clown          2
3 Rings Arms and Waist        Artist                  2
2 Rings on Arms               Artist                  2
Hoop jump from horse's back   Horse & Artist          2.5
Stand on horse's back         Horse & Artist          2.5
2 Artist cartwheels           2 Artist                2.5
Tightrope, Jump               Artist                  2.5
Handstand /walkover /splits   Artist                  2.5
Single jump on horse          Horse & Artist          3
Handstand on horse's back     Horse & Artist          3
2 artist, paired walkovers    2 Artist                3
2 artist flip onto shoulders  2 Artist                3
Tightrope, Ballet             Artist                  3
Tightrope, Handstand          Artist                  3 
Balance desk on a barrel      Artist                  3.5
Ride a horse as it Rears      Horse & artist          3.5
Multiple jumps on horseback   Horse & Artist          3.5
2 artist, one hand handstand  2 artist                3.5       
2 artist leg's forward        2 Artist                3.5
One hand handstand on barrel  Artist                  3.5
Tightrope, Unicycle           Artist                  3.5
Backflip from Horse's back    Horse & Artist          4
Tightrope, 2 artist tower     2 Artist                4
2 Artist, handstand and spin  2 Artist                4
2 Artist, Headstands          2 Artist                4
Tightrope, Juggle             Artist                  4
Tightrope, Juggle Unicycle    Artist                  4
Swivel desk on a barrel       Artist                  4.5
Add second board to barrel    Artist                  4.5
Device balance on barrel      Artist                  4.5
2 Artist, Toss to back Tuck   2 Artist                4.5
2 Artist, Toss to 3 Tucks     2 Artist                4.5
2 Artist, Tightrope headstand 2 Artist                5
2 Artist, tightrope ring      2 Artist                5
2 Artist, Tightrope unicycle  2 Artist                5

Alley Dogs
Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Jump stand 2 stand            Dog                     when hired
Bounce ball back to tamer     Dog                     when hired
Jump over stick               Dog                     when hired
Dance on hind legs            Dog                     when hired
Bounce on Trampoline          Dog                     2
Run (circle)                  Circle                  2
Walk on front legs (circle)   Circle                  2
Jump over obstacle (circle)   Circle                  2
Stand on front legs           Dog                     2.5
Jump through hoop             Dog                     2.5
Somersault on trampoline      Dog                     2.5
Run and push ball (circle)    Circle                  3
Run through tunnel (circle)   Circle                  3
Dance with tamer              Dog                     3
Stand on front legs on stand  Dog                     3
Run under tamers legs         Dog                     3.5
Circle on back legs (circle)  Circle                  3.5
Do a spin (circle)            Circle                  3.5
Hop on back legs (circle)     Circle                  4
Ride Scooter (circle)         Circle                  4
Go over obstacles on scooter  Circle                  4.5
Go around cones on scooter    Circle                  5
Front leg stand on tamer hand Dog                     5

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
3 Rings Arms and Waist        Artist                  when hired
2 rings on arms               Artist                  When hired

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Trapeze, Double Tuck          Artist                  4
2 Artist/Tightrope, Handstand 2 Artist                4
2 Artist, Juggle              2 Artist                4 
2 Artist, Hula                2 Artist                4
2 Artist, Handstand           2 Artist                4
2 Artist, Paired Walkovers    2 Artist                4
2 Artist/Tightrope, Ring      2 Artist                4

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Tamer Rides Seal              Regular                 0
Flaps rear flipper            Regular                 0
S Style Swim                  Circle                  0.5
Walks on Edge of arena        Circle                  0.5
Lie on back and clap hands    Regular                 1
Flip over at tamer's command  Regular                 1
Circle around a buoy          Circle                  1.5
Circle Slalom through buoy    Circle                  1.5
Spin Wheel around neck        Regular                 2
Clap hands                    Regular                 2
Spin Ring/neck Flipper Sup    Regular                 2.5
Balance ball on nose          Circle                  3
Tamer handstand on nose       Regular                 3.5

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
2 unicycle, rings&bridge      2 youth artists         3.5
Tricycle riding               2 youth artists         3.5 
2 Ring and juggle             2 youth artists         4
tricycle, steps               2 youth artists         4
tricycle, bridge              2 youth artists         4

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Grab fish hanging from rope   Single Dolphin          0   
Somersault above water        Single Dolphin          0

Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Simultaneous Somersaults      Paired Dolphins         4
Double Somersault             Single Dolphin          4.5
Paired Jump                   Paired Dolphins         4.5
Trick					#/Type performers		Star Learned at
Jump through hoop (circle)    Circle                  3.5

Section X: Show planning (under construction)

I'm still working out how to make a great show, but during the campaign there 
were 3 basic kinds of shows that you had to make.  
1) Show with a minimum number of tricks based on performer type or star 

2) Show with a minimum score in a type of trick

3) Show with a minimum impression.

Each has some similarities, but its own challenges.

1) The show with a minimum number of specific tricks is usually the most 
straightforward to complete.  Hire the type of performers and make sure they 
know the tricks you need.  After that its merely a case of setting up the 
show.  The only problems you can run into are either inexperienced performers 
who don't know the show you need, lack of money to hire the needed 
performers, or injured performers.

2) This can be a bit more complex, but its still rather easy to complete.  
All tricks are scored for the traits, Thrill, Art, Exotic, Fun and Cute.  You 
just have to make sure that the tricks in your show add up enough points in 
the required trait.  Repeat tricks are allowed.

3) This is the most difficult type of challenge to complete.  Impression is 
based on the complete package of the show.  This means number of tricks, type 
of tricks, what effects and music are paired with each trick and the overall 
structure of the show.  I'm still working out the best method, but I will say 
now that you can "brute force method" to complete these tasks.  There is a 
penalty for having a show that's too long or chaotic, but it is not always as 
big as the bonus you get for having the trick in the show.  I often will set 
up so that I'm only running one show a day during periods when I have to hit 
a certain impression level and packing the required time period with a long 
show using all my performers.  So far it has worked.  

(this section will be expanded on as I develop a more complete method of 
putting shows together)

Section XI: Rest Levels 
For both human and animal performers there are several levels of rest that 
you can offer.  Some only last the specific time period, others are full day 
rest periods.  All offer a different recovery of energy and stress 

Humans –
Rest at home – no cost and performer will recover 1/3 of his powers
Rest in Town for $100 - $100 and performer will recover half of his powers
Enjoy self in town for $500 - $500 and performer will recover three quarters 
of his powers.
Vacation for a day - $200 and performer rests as if sleeping and improves 
mood.  (must be selected as an AM activity and removes the performer for the 
Day trip to Exotic location - $1,000.  Performer rests and improves mood 
significantly.  (must be selected as an AM activity and removes the performer 
for the day)
Luxury Nursing-Home - $5,000.  Significant improvement to energy and mood. 
(must be selected as an AM activity and removes the performer for the day)

Animals –
Rest in Run – no cost and will recover a third of its powers
Rest in closed part of run – no cost and will recover half of its powers, but 
will lose some popularity.
Rest for the day – Recovers three quarters of its powers  (animal will not 
perform, must be selected as an AM activity.)
Spend day outside the circus – Recover as if night and improve mood.  Costs 
$200 (animal will not perform, must be selected as an AM activity.)
Spend day in large run outside circus - $1,000.  Performer rests and improves 
mood significantly.  (must be selected as an AM activity and removes the 
performer for the day)
Luxury pet resort for the day - $5,000.  Significant improvement to energy 
and mood.  There will be a popularity loss because the animal cannot be seen. 
(must be selected as an AM activity and removes the performer for the day)

Section XII: Marriage and what it brings (under construction)

Marriage to a female performer is possible in Circus Empire.  It starts when 
any female performer is hired.  There is a "Manager Actions" tab that appears 
on every performers screen.  While you are unmarried the following options 
will appear for a female performer.  (artist or tamer)

Invite for Dinner
Buy Flowers
Write a Poem
Take her for sea trip
Take her Mountain climbing
Invite her to the theater
Invite her for fashion show.

Each of these options can either annoy or please the lady.  If she is pleased 
her loyalty rating will increase.

Once the circus is at 2 stars, a new option will appear

Propose Marriage

If the lady is at "Great" loyalty she will accept and marry you.

Once married the lady will give you a bonus based on her personality.  She 
also will eventually give birth to a son, Oliver and a daughter, Nadia.  Both 
children can be trained to perform.

Effects list:
Alice: Stress Regen of all performers improves by 20%, cleaners do an extra 
30%, accessories cost 30% less.  She can also occasionally intervene with an 
overstressed performer and bring their stress down.  60% for a human, 30% for 
an animal.

XIII: Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this walkthrough.  
Hopefully this has made gameplay a bit more entertaining for you.  I do 
welcome any input from other players.  Just send me an e-mail at 

XIX: Version History
Version 0.36 – first published, walkthrough complete for Europe and Orient 
through task 25.  No information on tricks or marriage.
Version 0.40 – completed Orient Campaign.  Expanded information in other 
Version 0.60 – Started work on American campaign.
Version 0.65 – Continued the American Campaign.  Began work on trick list.
Version 0.72 – Up to Task 25 in American Campaign.  Work on trick list 
expanded to include some performer lists.

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