Code Blue
Created by: K. R.
No Unauthorized Use unless given expressed permission by me.
For permission contact me at:
So far this walkthrough is only available on GAMEFAQS.com
(No, I am NOT a Doctor.)
(Note: Always do Hospital, Aftercare, and Discharge orders at the NURSE
(Note: Sometimes the game will give errors... IE.. you ALWAYS press EKG
when using the monitor. even if you don't press anything else...even if
she says you did something wrong... if you follow the directions on this
Walkthrough you'll be fine.. those are errors in the game too. You'll
notice those... This Walkthrough is best used with the "Beginner" level
of the game until you get to know the tools.)
Case 1. Dog Bite
Blood Pressure, Pulse Ox Meter, Respertory rate, Temperature.
Magnifying Glass - left arm
Glove - Left arm
X-ray - Left arm
Medical Syringe - Left shoulder
Oral Medication - Mouth/Throat
Sponge - Left Arm
Foreceps - Left Arm
Irrigation Seringe - Left arm
Suture & Needle - Left arm
Topical Medication - Left arm
Bandage - Left Arm
Discharge Orders:
Aftercare instructions: Animal Bite
Prescriptions: Antibiotic, Analgestic
Special Services: Home health care
Follow up Physician: General Surgury
Dog bite to left arm
Case 2. Lead Poisoning
Blood Pressure, Pulse Ox Meter, Resperatory Rate, Temperature
Magnifying glass - Abdomen
Glove - Chest
Tongue depressor - Mouth/Oral
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Medicine Syringe- Left shoulder
Diagnosis: Lead Poisoning
Prescriptions: Antiemetic
Follow up Physician: General Surgery
Special Services: Children's services, Home healthcare
Aftercare Instructions: Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea.
Case 3. Cocaine Overdose
Blood pressure, Respratory rate, Pulse ox meter, Temperature, EKG 12 LED
Stethescope - Chest
Magnifying Glass - Nose
Glove - Chest
Penlight - Left eye
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray - Chest
Ultrasound - Chest
Oxygen Mask - Mouth/Throat
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V Med - Left elbow
Oral Med - Mouth/Throat
Topical Med - Chest
Disposition: Medical intensive care
Hospital Orders: Transport orders: Monitored with RN
Emergency, Urgent Consultation: Cardiology, Social Services(Rehab/drugs)
Diagnosis: Myrocardinal Infraction with drugs
Case 4. Pnemonia
Monitor: Blood Pressure,Resporatory Rate, Pulse Ox meter, Temperature,
EKG 12 Led
Magnifying glass - Head
Stethescope - Chest - Back
Glove - Chest
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Swab culture - Mouth/throat
Blood test - Left elbow
Blood gas seringe - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest
I.V. Left - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Oral Medication - Mouth/throat
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
Hospital Orders: Transport Orders: Wheel chair,
Standard holding orders: Medical, Respritory
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Diagnosis: Pnemonia
Case 5. Backpain.
Monitor: Blood Pressure, Pulse ox, Resp Rate.
Glove - Back
Urine test - pelvis
X-ray - Back
Oral medication - Mouth/throat
Discharge Orders: Aftercare instructions: Backpain
Special Services: Home Healthcare
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Diagnosis: Backpain
Case 6. Motorcycle Accident.
Monitor: Blood pressure, Pulse ox meter, Resperatory rate, Temperature.
Magnifying Glass - Chest - Right arm - Head.
Glove - Chest - Right arm
Stethescope - Chest - Back
Pen Light - Mouth/throat
Cervical collar - Chin/neck
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest - Right arm
I.V Left elbow
Oxygen mask - mouth/throat
Medicine Syringe - Left shoulder
Sponge - Chest
Chest Tube - Chest
Suture & Needle - Chest
Hospital Orders:
Standard Holding Orders: Surgery Observation
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery, Pulmonology
Transport Orders: Monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Right Pneumothorax / Right arm contusion
Case 7. Broken leg/Neck Sprain
Monitor: Blood pressure, Pulse oxygen meter, Resperatory Rate.
Glove - Chin/neck - Left leg
Magnifying glass - Left leg
Cervical Collar - Chin/neck
X-Ray - Head - Left leg
Medicine Syringe - Left Shoulder
Splint - Left leg
Discharge Orders:
Aftercare Instructions: Acute Neck Strain
Aftercare Instructions: Fracture Care General
Aftercare Instructions: Splint Care
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Special Services: Home healthcare
Follow up Physician: Orthopedics
Diagnosis: Left Femur Fracture/Neck Strain
(Note: Case 8 and 9 are worked on together so be quick!)
Case 8. Electric Shock Ventricular fibrillation / burn injury
(Innocent Bystander.)
Monitor: Blood Pressure, Pulse Ox Meter, Resporatory Rate, Temperature,
Defibilator - Chest
Glove - Chest
Magnifying Glass - Chest
Penlight - Left eye
Cervical Collar - Chin/neck
Stethescope - Chest
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray - Head - Chest - Pelvis
CT- Scan - Head
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. Med - Left elbow
Medical Syringe - Left shoulder
Sponge - Left arm - Left leg
Irrigation syringe - Left arm - Left leg
Topical medication - Left arm - Left leg
Bandage - Left arm - Left leg.
Hospital Orders:
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Cardiology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Standard Holding Orders: Intensive Care: General
Transport orders Monitored with RN
Disposition: Medical Intensive care
Diagnosis: Ventricular fibrillation/ burn injury
Case 9. Left Subdural hematoma, left tention pneumothothorax, left femur
fracture, rhabdomyolosis
(Bad guy)
Monitor: Blood Pressure, EKG, Pulse Ox Meter, Resperatory Rate,
Temperature, EKG 12 LED
Tongue Depressor - Mouth/throat
Cervical Collar - Chin/neck
Stethescope - Chest - Back
Penlight - Eyes
Magnifying Glass - Left leg - Head
Blood test lab - Left elbow
Blood gas Syringe - Left elbow
Urine Test - Pelvis
X-Ray - Head - Chest - Pelvis - Left leg
Ultrasound - Abdomen - Chest
Sponge - Chest
Chest tube - Chest
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Endotracheal tube Mouth/throat
Compress - Left leg
Splint - Left leg
Medicine Syringe - Left shoulder
Hospital Orders:
Disposition: Neurology Floor
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Neuro Surgury
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Orthopedics
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Internal Medicine
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Vascular Surgury
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Standard Holding Orders: Intensive Care: Neurologic
Transport Orders Monitored with MD
Diagnosis: Left Subdural hematoma, left tention pneumothothorax, left
femur fracture, rhabdomyolosis.
Case 10. Appendicitis
Monitor: Blood Pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate, Temperature.
Glove - Abdomen
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray -Abdomen
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. - Meds - Left elbow
Hospital Orders:
Standard holding orders: surgery, pre operative
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Transport Orders: Gurney
Diagnosis: Appendicitis
Case 11. Car accident victim
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate, Temperature
Magnifying Glass: Head - Chest - Right arm
Glove - Right arm - Head - Chin/neck
Penlignt - Left eye
Stethescope - Chest
Cervical Collar - Chin/Neck
X-ray - Head - Chest - Right arm
CT Scan - Head
I.V. AND I.V. meds -Left elbow
Splint - Right arm
Sponge - Head
Foreceps - Head
Irrigation syringe - Head
Suture & Needle - Head
Topical Medication - Head
Bandage - Head
Discharge Orders:
Special services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: Orthopedics
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Aftercare instructions: Wound care, General
Diagnosis: Right humerus fracture/Rib Fractures
Case 12. Unknown Ingestion
Monitor: EKG, Blood Pressure, Temeprature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate,
Glove - Abdomen.
Penlight - Nose
Tongue Depressor - Mouth/throat
Stethescope - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
Blood gas syringe - Left elbow
Urine Test - Pelvis
X-ray - Chest
Oral medication - Mouth/throat
Oxygen Mask - Mouth/throat
NG Tube - Nose
IV - Elbow
Hospital Orders:
Standard Holding Orders: Intensive care, Pediatric
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pediatric
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Internist
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Standard holding orders: Intensive care, Pediatric
Transport Orders Monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Acetaminophen overdose
Case 13. (Our friend Monte with a headache and "Double Vision")
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate.
Glove - Head
Penlignt - Eyes
Blood test - Left elbow
CT scan - Head
Oral Medication - Mouth/throat
Discharge Orders:
Aftercare instructions: Headache
Special Services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: General Surgery
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Diagnosis: Tention headache
Case 14. Double Knee bruises/easily bruise.
Monitor: EKG, Blood Pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate
Magnifying glass -Left or right knee.
Glove - Left leg - Right leg
Stethescope - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Left and right leg
IV and IV meds - Left elbow
Compress - right and left leg
Splint - Right and left leg
Diagnosis: Fall/Hemophilla
Discharge Orders:
Follow up Physician: General Surgery
Follow up Physician: Pediatrics
Follow up Physician: Hematologist
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Aftercare Instructions: Leg Contusion.
Case 15. Drowning victim
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Temperature, Resperatory Rate.
Glove - Chest
Magnifying glass - Chest
Penlight - Left eye
Stethoscope - Chest
Cervical Collar - Chin/neck
Blood gas syringe - Left elbow
Blood test - Left elbow
Endothracheal tube - Mouth/throat
X-ray - Chest
I.V - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Hospital Orders:
Standard holding orders: Intensive care, General
Standard holding orders: Medical: Neurology.
Emergency Urgent Consultation: intensive care, pediatrics
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Transport orders monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Near drowning with hypothermia
Case 16. Left arm absess
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate,
Magnifying glass - Left arm
Glove - Left arm
Medicine syrings - Left shoulder
Sponge - Left arm
Forceps - Left arm
Irrigation syringe - Left arm
Topical Medication - Left arm
Gauze - Left arm
Bandage - Left arm
Discharge orders:
Aftercare instructions: Wound care, General
Special services: Drug & Alcohol
Prescriptions: Antibiotic
Special Services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: General Surgery
Diagnosis: Left arm absess
Case 17. Right arm lacerations/Swallowed Gems.
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate,
Magnifying glass - Right arm
Glove - Right arm
X-ray - right arm - abdomen
Oral medication - Mouth/throat
Medicine Syrings - Left arm
Sponge - Right arm
Foreceps - Right arm
Irrigation syringe - Right arm
Suture & Needle - Right arm
Topical medication - Right arm
Bandage - Right arm
Diagnosis: Lacerations on right arm
Discharge Orders: Aftercare instructions: wound care, general
Prescriptions: Antibiotic
Special services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: General Surgery
Case 18. Attempted suicide.
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Magnifying glass - Right arm - Left arm
Glove - Right arm - Left arm
Blood test - Left elbow
Blood gas Syringe - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
I.V. and I.V. meds - Left elbow
NG Tube - Nose
Compress - Right arm
Sponge - Right arm
Foreceps - Right arm
Irrigation syringe - Right arm
Suture Needle - Right arm
Topical medication - Right arm
Compress - Left arm
Sponge - Left arm
Foreceps - Left arm
Irrigation syringe - Left arm
Suture Needle - Left arm
Topical medication - Left arm
Bandage - Right arm
Hospital Orders:
Disposition: Medical floor
Emergency Urgent consultation: Internist
Emergency Urgent consultation: Psychiatry
Standard holding orders: Medical: General
Transport orders: Gurney
Diagnosis: Suicide attempt/Wrist lacerations/amphenemine toxicity
Case 19. Burn injury/multiple fractures.
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Temperature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate,
Magnifying glass - Chest
Glove - Chest
Penlight - Eyes
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Stethescope - Chest - Back
Cervical collar - Chin/neck
Blood gas syringe - Left elbow
Blood test lab - Left elbow
X-ray - Head - Left leg - Right leg - Right foot - Pelvis - Chest -
Right arm
CT scan - Head
Ultrasound - Abdomen
Endothracheal tube - Mouth/throat
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Splint - Left leg
Splint - Right leg
Sponge - Right arm
Irrigation syringe - Right arm
Topical medication - Right arm
Bandage - Right arm
Hospital Orders:
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Disposition: Operating room
Emergency Urgent consultation: Orthopedics
Standard holding orders: Surgery, Pre operative
Transport orders monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Multiple fractures/burn injury/internal Hemorrhage
Case 20. Soccar ball hit to chest
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate, Temperature.
Magnifying glass - Chest
Stethescope - Chest
X-ray - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
Sponge - Chest
Chest tube - Chest
Suture & Needle - Chest
I.V. I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Hospital Orders:
Transport Orders monitored with RN
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Standard holding orders: Surgery: Observation
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Diagnosis: Left Pneumothorax
Case 21. Right arm fracture/parental abuse
Monitor: EKG, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Blood pressure
Magnifying glass - Right arm - Back - Chest - Left arm
Glove - Right arm
X-ray - Right arm
Compress - Right arm
Splint - Right arm
Medicine Syrings - Left shoulder
Discharge orders:
Aftercare instructions: Splint care
Aftercare instructions: Fracture care, General
Special services: Children's services
Special services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: Orthopedics
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Diagnosis: Right radius Fracture/Suspected Abuse.
Case 22. Guy on PCP
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Glove - Chest
Penlight - Left eye
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Stethescope - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Holding Orders:
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Internist
Disposition: Medical Intensive care
Standard holding orders: Intensive care: MI
Transport Orders monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Organophosphates toxicity
Case 23. Esophageal/ Upper GI Hemorrhage
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Temperature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate,
Magnifying glass - Chest
Glove - Abdomen
Stethescope - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
I.V. - Left Elbow
NG tube - Nose
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Hospital Orders:
Disposition - Medical floor
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Gastroenterology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Dietician
Standard Holding Orders: General Surgery
Transport Orders Monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Esophageal/ Upper GI Hemorrhage
Case 24. Meningitis
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Magnifying glass - Chest
Glove - Chest
Stethescope - Chest
Penlight - Left eye
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Blood test - Left elbow
Swab Culture - Mouth/throat
Urine test - Pelvis
Spinal Catheter - Back
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
I.V and I.V. Meds - Left arm
Hospital Orders:
Transport Orders monitores with RN
Standard holding orders: Intensive care, General
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Neurology
Disposition: Medical Intensive care
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Infectious Disease
Diagnosis: Meningitis
Case 25. Car Accident patient 3 (Adult Male)
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Glove - Chest
Magnifying glass - Chest
Stethescope - Chest
Cervical Collar - Chin/Neck
Blood test - Left elbow
Sponge - Chest
X-ray - Chest
Chest tube - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
Suture & Needle - Chest
I.V. - Left elbow
Medicine Syringe - Shoulder
Hospital Orders:
Transportation orders monitored by RN
Emergency Urgent consultation: General Surgery
Disposition: Operating room
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Vascular Surgery
Standard holding orders: Surgery, Pre opererative
Diagnosis: Right Hemopneumothorax
Case 26. Car accident Patient 2 (Female Adult)
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Temperature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate
Glove - Chest
Magnifying glass - Head
Penlight - Eyes
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Cervical collar - Chin/neck
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
CT Scan - Head
X-ray - Chest
Endothracheal tube - Mouth/throat
I.V. - Left elbow
I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Sponge - Head
Foreceps - Head
Irrigation syringe - Head
Suture & Needle - Head
Topical medication - Head
Bandage - Head
Hospital orders:
Standard holding orders: Intensive care: Neurologic
Emergency Urgent consultation: Neuro Surgery
Transport Orders Monitored with RN
Diagnosis: Intracerebral hemorrhage/ laceration.
Case 27. Car Accident Patient 1 (Child)
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Temperature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate
Glove - Left arm
Magnifying glass - Left arm
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Left arm
Medical syringe - Left shoulder
Splint - Left arm
Discharge Orders:
Aftercare instructions: Splint care
Aftercare instructions: Fracture care, general
Special services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: Orthopedics
Prescriptions: Analgestic
Diagnosis: Left ulna Fracture
Case 28. TB Pnemonia
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Temperature, Resperatory rate,
Stethescope - Chest - Back
Glove - Chest
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Blood test - Left elbow
Blood gas Syrings - Left elbow
Swab culture - Mouth/throat
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
X-ray - Chest
Oral Medication - Mouth/throat
Hospital Orders:
Disposition: Medical floor
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Infectious Disease
Standard holding orders: Medical, Resperatory
Transport orders: Wheel chair
Diagnosis: TB Pneumonia
Case 29. Swallowing of a ring
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Glove - Abdomen
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Stethescope - Chest
Swab culture - Mouth/throat
X-ray - Abdomen
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Hospital Orders:
Disposition: Pediatric floor
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Gasteroenterology
Standard holding orders: Medical, GI
Transport Orders: Wheel chair
Diagnosis: Stomach with foreign body
Case 30. Our friend Monte gets stabbed
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory Rate, Temperature.
Magnifying glass - Back
Stethescope - Chest
Glove - Back
Blood gas Syringe - Left elbow
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
X-ray - Chest
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Sponge - Back
Sponge - Chest
Chest tube - Chest
Suture & Needle - Chest
Suture & Needle - Back
Topical medication - Back
Bandage - Back
Hospital Orders:
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Standard holding orders: Surgery, PreOperative
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services, (rehab,drugs)
Standard holding orders: Surgery, Observation
Transport Orders: Gurney
Diagnosis: Stab wound/pneumothorax
Case 31. Gunshot wound to Right arm.
Monitor: EKG, Blood pressure, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate, Temperature
Magnifying glass - Right arm
Glove - Right arm
X-ray - Right arm
Oral medication - Mouth/throat
Medicine Syringe - Left shoulder
Sponge - Right arm
Forceps - Right arm
Irrigation syrings - Right arm
Suture & Needle - Right arm
Topical Medication - Right arm
Bandage - Right arm
Discharge Orders:
Aftercare instructions, wound care general
Follow up physician: General Surgery
Special Services: Home healthcare
Follow up Physician: Antibiotic }
> Both of
these seem wrong, but thats how it looks in the report.
Try (prescriptions) if it doesn't turn out right
Follow up Physician: Analgestic}
Diagnosis: Gunshot wound on right arm
Case 32. Massive Abdominal Hemorrhage
Monitor: EKG, Blood Pressure, Temperature, Pulse Ox, Resperatory rate
Magnifying glass - Abdomen
Stethescope - Chest
Cervical Collar - Chin/Neck
Blood test - Left Elbow
I.V. and I.V. Meds Left elbow
CT Scan - Head
X-ray - Chest
Endothracheal tube - Mouth/throat
Medicine Syringe - Left shoulder
Hospital Orders:
Disposition: Operating room
Emergency Urgent Consultation: General Surgery
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Social Services
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pediatrics
Standard Holding Orders: Surgery, Preoperative
Transport orders monitored with MD
Diagnosis: Laceration with Intra-Abdominal Hemorrhage
Case 33. Toxic Seizure
Monitor: EKG, Pulse Ox, Temperature, Resperatory rate, Blood pressure,
Glove - Chest
Penlight - Eyes
Tongue depressor - Mouth/throat
Blood test - Left elbow
Urine test - Pelvis
CT Scan - Head
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Discharge Orders:
Special Services: Home healthcare
Follow up physician: Neurology
Prescriptions: Anticonvulsant
Aftercare instructions: Seizure
Diagnosis: Toxic Seizure
Case 34. Heart attack Myocardial infraction
Monitor: EKG, Resperatory Rate, Pulse Ox, Temperature, EKG 12 LEAD,
Blood pressure
Stethescope - Chest
Magnifying glass - Chest
Glove - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest
Ultrasound - Chest
Oral Medication - Mouth/throat
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Oxygen mask - Mouth/throat
Topical Medication - Chest
Hospital Orders:
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Cardiology
Disposition: Medical, Intensive care
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Dietician
Standard holding orders: Intensive care: MI
Transport Orders Monitored by RN
Diagnosis: Myocardial infraction
Case 35. Gunshot Wound to chest.
Monitor: EKG, Pulse Ox Meter, Temperature, Blood pressure, Resperatory
Magnifying glass - Chest
Stethescope - Chest
Blood test - Left elbow
X-ray - Chest
I.V. and I.V. Meds - Left elbow
Endothracheal tube - Mouth/throat
Sponge - Chest
Rib spreader - Chest
Cautery - Chest
Suture & Needle - Chest
Medicine Syringe - Left shoulder
Hospital Orders:
Transport orders Monitored with MD
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Pulmonology
Disposition: Operating room
Emergency Urgent Consultation: Vascular Surgery
Standard Holding Orders: Surgery, Pre Operative
Diagnosis: Cardiac Preforation/ Gun shot wound
And that concludes our tour of this wonderful Emergency Room game
created by Legacy Interactive. Dont forget you can download additional
cases from their website at http://www.legacyinteractive.com I will be
unable to help you with those cases, so please no E-mails I hope this
walkthrough helped you through some of the hard sequences in the game.
and Provided you with helpful information and hints. this is my first
walkthrough. I had troubles with this game and decided to walkthrough it
on my own, and take my own notes... Overall it took me a good week to
write it. Once again.. I hope I helped. Take it easy.