
Combat Arms Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Combat Arms

Combat Arms

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 art by:

A collection of tips and tricks, and possibly even FAQs
for a wonderful online first-person shooter.


"LOL n00b I shooted you"

Written by Jeremiah V. Barnes/Pemmican


"Combat Arms" copyright Nexon 2008.


Guide Version 0.07

Version History:

0.01 (10/28/08)
First version, successfully published online.

0.02 (10/28/08)
Fixed minor errors in spelling and formatting.

0.03 (11/7/08)
Corrected info on flash grenades, updated control buttons
section.  Added info on Black Market and health 

0.04 (11/11/08, Veteran's Day, woot!)
Updated copyright info and made additions to map commentary.
Added "kill streak" information.  Edited Table of Contents.

0.05 (11/26/08)
Major edit, added a seperate section for controls, moved
some text around for clarity, added additional info where
necessary.  Added "Sand Hog" map and additional comments to
map section.

0.06 (12/1/08)
Corrections to minor errors, updated info on S+D mode.

0.07 (12/18/08)
Holiday update, including new mode Spy Hunt, additional
comments on some of the maps, and included info on Supply


Forward (yes, you can skip this part)

First and foremost, I'd like to thank the good folks
out there on the Introweb who share their slice of the pie
to support the hobby of video gaming.  This guide is 
dedicated to all who have ever played, and possibly even
enjoyed, a video game.  Online gamers get extra brownie

This will be my first such foray into video game instruction,
and while I have read FAQs and absorbed the style and tone of
many of the similar documents, I will gladly appreciate any
criticism, negative or constructive, as I continue to work
on this guide.

I was introduced to the Nexon corporation through its flagship 
title "Maple Story," and a buddy from that game introduced 
me to Combat Arms.  Sometimes, casting spells and swinging
weapons just doesn't cut it - sometimes you need bullets!

I'd been playing Combat Arms for several weeks before I 
decided to look online for any tips or tricks.  I was 
disturbed and shaken to see that there were, in fact, no FAQs!
Probably more disturbed than when Nickelodeon fired John
Kricfalusi from producing "Ren and Stimpy."  Sad sad, loss loss.

So I took it upon myself to draft a guide for this great game,
in the hopes that others would seek Combat Arms enlightenment;
and hopefully not quit gaming and start reading literature, or
exercise outdoors.  There's insects and other people outside,
oh noes!

'Nuff said, let's get down to content, eh?

#	*** Ye Table 'O Contents ***		  #
#						  #
#	1. What it is (whatitis)		  #
#	2. What it ain't (whatitaint)		  #
#	3. General information (infogen)	  #
#	4. Controls (joybuttons)		  #
#	5. Shop/Modification (shopmod)		  #
#	6. Game Modes (gamemodes)		  #
#	7. Maps (mapscharts)			  #
#	8. Weaponry (armedweapons)		  #
#	9. Netiquette and Noobery (nubery)	  #
#	10. FAQs (askafaq)			  #
#	11. About your humble author (authornub)  #
#	12. Copyright shtuff (shtuff)		  #
#	13. Sources/URLs (sourceurl)		  #

How to use the ToC: Each heading is followed by
a (parenthetical) listing to allow you to jump to 
the desired section you wish to read.  I'm rather bad
at brevity, and long-winded in general; so to save 
yourself agonizing seconds and seconds of scrolling, 
I highly reccommend you follow these steps:

- Highlight the word in parentheses

- Use your operating system's shortcut or command
to "copy" the text

- Open your browser's "Find" dialog box
(typically CTRL-F in Windows)

- "Paste" the copied text in the find box

- Mash the button what lets you 'find' that
daggone text string you wus searching for

Oddly enough, I have included the *exact same* text, 
parentheses and all, at the start of each section.  
Therefore, you can in fact copy the entire parenthetical
text, "parens and all," as one of my favorite teachers 
used to say, and with a little luck and digital magic, you
will arrive at the desired section.

You stopped reading several lines ago, eh?  I warned you
that I was long winded!


	1. What it is (whatitis)


- Lil Jon,
popularized further by comedian Dave Chappelle


Combat Arms is a free, multiplayer-only online game
brought to you by the good folks at Nexon.  The game is a
first person shooter (FPS) in form, meaning that your
perspective is that of a soldier in a hostile situation.
You are looking through his or her eyes, and you are holding
the weapon that you are directing at the enemy.

The game is "free" to play, meaning you don't have to
ever pay a penny to Nexon if you don't want to.  It is 
available for download at the Combat Arms website:

- Terms used in this guide:

Spawn: Not the McFarlane creation; a programming term which
indicates where your in-game character will appear at the
start of the round or after you lose a life.  Spawn points
differ depending on your game type and map, but you can view
them at any time by pressing your "M" key while in-game.

Frag: General online gaming term for a kill.  I'm just going to
use 'kill' in this guide.

Noob: General term to describe anyone you don't like, and 
depending on context, can be either flattering or derogatory.
Derives from the term "newbie," meaning a player who is
unfamiliar with a set of circumstances.  "Noob," more 
specifically, refers to a player who is aware of the 
general rules and culture of the game they're playing, 
yet ignores them.

Camp: Also seen as "camping," "camper," and "lol campnub."
Refers to any player who remains in a favorable position to
continually slay other opponents.  Generally not a good idea
strategically; other people know the maps, and are wary of
the various areas to expect hidden resistance.


You'll need to signup (register) a Nexon ID in order to
download the content.  Please refer to the main Nexon website:

for more detailed information regarding your Nexon ID.

Now, I'm not going to personally endorse the following
method, but since we live in an age of "Identity Theft,"
and "1337 haxx0r noobs," you may find yourself considering
entering in false information for the purposes of making
a 'fake' account.


Nexon prides themselves on offering "family friendly" gaming,
and will most likely use the information you give them
purely for demographic (info about the people playing their 
games) and marketing (advertising!) purposes. They're not 
going to show up at your house at 3am, pounding on your door,
asking why you're not online, "fragging teh noobs." (sic)

However, if you do falsify your information, at least 
write it all down, including your username and password, and
store the written down material someplace safe. You may need
to verify your account one day, and you don't want to lose
any progress you've made in the game just because you
can't remember what fake birthdate you entered.

Besides, it's not particularly honest, or helpful to Nexon!

- A note on passwords:

This above all, write down your password, and keep it safe.
The human brain is hardwired to remember things like "eat food,"
"eliminate toxins from bloodstream," and "watch TV."  As such,
chances are you may forget your password.

You'll be tempted to make your password something personal or
easy to remember, such as "kittens."  This is not reccommended.

The ideal "Age of Internet Noobery" password consists of at 
least 6+ characters, and those characters can be letters or 
numbers, and less typically include punctuation.  Your author 
reccommends a password of at least 8 (eight!) characters, and 
should include both alphabetic and numeric characters.  

An example:


Don't use that particular one, as it's extremely stupid and easy
to guess.  Luckily, there are many great places online which
will generate secure passwords for you; here are two:

The second one is probably a little on the extreme side, but you
could easily take a section of the passwords provided and be at
least 99.995% safe.

However you come up with your alphanumeric password, WRITE IT
DOWN and KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE! You're bound to forget it
at some point.  Do not e-mail me asking what your password was.

   *System requirements*

(crudely re-formatted to suit this guide by Pemmican)


OS           	    Windows 2000       	 Windows XP or better
CPU	   	   Pentium 3 - 1GHz+      Pentium 4 - 2.4GHz+
MEMORY 			256Mb RAM		512Mb RAM
VIDEO CARD   	  GeForce 2 MX 		GeForce FX 5600 or better
DIRECT X   	 Version 9.0C or later   Version 9.0C or later
HARD DISK SPACE		 2.0 Gb		    	 2.0 Gb

   *Downloading Combat Arms*

At the above site, there are two options for your downloading

"DOWNLOAD A" Refers to the North America server download.
"DOWNLOAD B" Refers to the Global Server download.

Please download from the appropriate source; if you're not sure
whether or not you are a resident of North America, please seek
professional help immediately.

Once your download is complete, do not rush to install.
I reccommend first scanning your download with the anti-virus
software of your choice, to ensure nothing bad came along with 
your game. This is not because I don't trust Nexon or their
entertainment content; but because you can never be too careful
downloading something off of the Introweb.

Upon completion of the virus scan, locate the file called 
"CombatArmsSetup" and click or do whatever it is you do to
install software on your particular computer.  Do not e-mail
me asking for assistance for the installation procedure on
your computer.  I would reccommend you seek this advice from
your parents/older sibling/spiritual advisor.  Well, maybe not
the last option; chances are they don't want you playing this
game, anyway.

Upon successful installation, open the game client, and 
enter your NexonID and password. You did create a NexonID and 
password... right?


	2. What it ain't (whatitaint)

"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
- Robert Heinlein, "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."


Combat Arms is *not* free to play. 

Oh, think I'm a liar, do you? Here's something that will
hopefully (though probably not) clear up that point.

Nexon is a "for profit" corporation, meaning that they're
in the business of designing and marketing their products.
Since their products are mostly in the form of videogame
entertainment programs, it's in their best interests to 
pay people to design and market these games for them.

Unless you possess biotechnical sophistication far beyond
my limited human brain, chances are you'll need a sort
of machine that can quickly computate large amounts of
binary data.  One of them thinking boxes.  You'll need:

- a computer
- a (preferably high-speed) internet connection
- a source of electricity to run your computer
- an ability to pay for the things listed above

If you're living with your parents or sponging off of
a relative, then you should be okay.  If you're like me,
then you have to pay the power bill, the connection bill,
and keep your own computer up and running.  Paying for these
things requires a JOB, or some very helpful friends and 

Further, Nexon wants to make money off of their game.  They
keep the game servers a'humming by charging their players in what
has been termed "Microtransactions."  Instead of a regular fee,
you will have to occasionally pay Nexon to unlock game
features and exclusive content.  

The currency for Nexon games is known as "Nexon Cash,"
or amongst most of its players, simply as "NX."  I'm sorry,
but I will not buy NX for anyone other than myself,
so don't ask, please.

All that being said, you can play Combat Arms until "The
Big One" hits the greater L.A. area, where the servers are
presumably located.  Try connecting to a server when it's
on fire, crushed under rubble, or underwater!

Do not mail me with advice on how to connect to a 
malfunctioning server.  I'm a writer, not a techy dude.


   **The BIG "What it ain't."**

Combat Arms is a video game, okay?  You can pretend to be
a weapon-toting soldier and shoot your opponents in the head
and type things to them such as, "Pwnt, noob!"  Nobody really
dies, they simply "respawn" after about 5 seconds.

Combat Arms is not real warfare.  Real warfare is quite
unpleasant, from what I've heard from others.  There, the bullets
are real, the explosions are real, and you don't respawn while
typing "LOL snyper nub" after you take a round to the head.  

Do not mistake Combat Arms (or any video game simulation!) for
what we serious types, Rene Descartes included, call 'reality.'
Warfare is one of humankind's worst inventions, and yet also one
of its saving graces.  It's somewhat ironic to say that you're
"Saving lives," by directing a rocket propelled grenade at
an enemy position, but look at it from this perspective:

At least in "civilized" warfare, including contemporary combat,
the fighting is done by professionals.  They know the risks and 
rewards, and are prepared to give up their own lives to complete
tasks.  This includes the folks "driving desks," all the way
to the front line infantry.  In just about every industrialized
nation, military service is among the highest respected 
positions available.  If you're serving in your nation's military,
you're really serving your fellow people.  You're looking out
not only for your fellow soldiers, but for your family and
friends.  There are no real winners in warfare; conflicts are
only listed as 'victories' or 'defeats.'

Never mistake Combat Arms for real military service; just play
it for the video game that it is, and leave the fighting out
in reality.  No matter how many headshots or how good your 
kill/death ratio is, this video game is not intended to be
an accurate depiction of real military conflict.

That being said, it'd be a better world if conflicts *were*
resolved via Combat Arms!  Sure is a fun game.


	3. General information (infogen)

- PFC Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.


  *Getting into the game*

All right, so you've downloaded the game client and successfully
installed it on your computer.  You wanted a medal or something?

Start up the program and enter your Nexon ID and password.  If
this is your very first log-on, you'll be brought to a screen
where you can name your character.  Pick a name that is different,
and not similar to your Nexon ID.  Nexon is pretty strict about
not having offensive names, so skip anything that you wouldn't
want to have said aloud at a daycare center.  You can check
the availability of your name by entering it in the appropriate
field, and then hitting the 'check' button.  If it's taken,
just try a variation on the theme.

Depending on when you first login with your account, you may
receive "new recruit" bonuses of extra weapons.  They'll expire
just like weapons purchased in the store; see (shopmod)
for more details.

Upon logging in, you'll be automatically connected to a 'main'
server lobby, which will allow you access the actual game servers.
Each server has the same game content and options, though there
are a few which have special restrictions.

The 'main' servers, as of v0.05, are as follows:


In addition, Nexon has provided "grunt" servers for those
new to the game; they are:

-Jackson (Recruit rank only)

There are presently two "special servers," for those who *REALLY*
never get outside:

-Kilo (Officer Rank only)
-Bulldog (Clan/guild only)

The servers generally fill from the top down; that is, Alpha will
fill up before Bravo, etc.

Once you connect with a server, you'll have a second option;
ten "channels," each providing the same in-game content.  Click
on a channel.  Depending on the time of day and your connection
speed, you may run into the message "The server is a little too
full at this time."  Don't fret; simply return to the server
lobby and try another.

Repeat as necessary.

Once you have entered a server and channel, you'll be
presented with available Game Rooms.  Here's the dilly, yo:

You can be a 'room master,' and set up a room with a title and
game content of your choosing (more on that in a moment), or you
can join an already existing room.  Grayed out rooms are full,
and will not accept additional players.  Yellow rooms are open,
and you can join in the mayhem.  Additionally, some rooms are
(surprise!) password protected by users; these are indicated by
a padlock next to the room's name.  If you know the password,
chances are good that you know the people in the room already,
and they'll be happy to see/frag you upon entry.  If not, 
these soldiers don't want you in their unit, and will probably
say very unkind things to you, if you manage to get in.  A recent
update (December '08) has introduced the NX item "Elite Mod,"
which allows room masters to kick unwanted players.

Once you find an available room with a play mode of your liking,
you'll be in the room lobby.  To sort of keep things fair, 
you're not shown the 'score' of the game before you pick your team.
The Teams are:  Alpha and Bravo.  No, not the servers; basically 
think of them as "Side A" and "Side B."  Not unlike primitive 
analog cassette tapes.  
Phht, y'all don't even know what those are, DO YA?

Teams can be as few as one, or as many as eight.  I reccommend
choosing a room with a lot of players, as it adds to the fun.  
Try out all the various methods of play (I promise, I'm getting to 
them!), as well as the maps (Section 7, "Maps"), until you find
maps and game types you enjoy.  That way, you can make a quick
selection and not worry if you're good enough at Elimination
or Search and Destroy.

  *Character progression*

Combat Arms uses an experience system for promotion to higher ranks,
not unlike RPGs.  You earn 'exp' for every round you play to 
completion, and lose any gains you've made if the room is closed
or you leave prematurely.  The longer your stay and the more goals
you meet, the more experience you'll earn.  Conversely, popping 
into a room where the round is about to end will earn you just a 
trickle of experience.

Ranking up will unlock new weapons, available from the shop.  There
are currently 56 ranks, beginning with Recruit and ending with
General of the Army.  Many of the ranks share the same name, but
have a number next to them to indicate a further subdivision 
within those ranks.


Private First Class

-Field Officers

Staff Sergeant (1,2,3)
Sergeant First Class (1,2,3)
Master Sergeant (1,2,3,4)
Sergeant Major (1,2,3,4,5)

-Commissioned Officers

Second Lieutenant (1,2,3,4,5)
First Lieutenant (1,2,3,4,5)
Captain (1,2,3,4,5)

-Command Officers

Major (1,2,3,4,5)
Lieutenant Colonel (1,2,3,4,5)
Colonel (1,2,3,4,5)


Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
General of the Army.

The General ranks have a few restrictions, as noted on the Combat
Arms website, from the URL listed above:

General of the Army
"Only one (1) player at a time can hold the rank of General of 
the Army. The player with the highest total EXP at any time will
hold this rank."

"The next three players with the highest total EXP will hold this
rank.  Only three (3) players can hold the rank of General."

Lieutenant General
"The ten players with the highest total EXP below the three generals
will hold this rank.  Only ten (10) players can hold the rank of 
Lieutenant General."

Major General
"The one hundred players with the highest total EXP below the 10
Lt. Generals will hold this rank.  Only one hundred (100) players
can hold the rank of Major General."

Brigadier General
"All remaining players who have achieved enough EXP for the 
Brigadier General rank but are not valid for the higher ranks will
hold this rank."

The experience needed for a rank-up gets larger and larger as you
progress, so why are you still reading this?  Get in there and earn
some EXP!  No, I didn't mean that; continue reading if you wish.

Players are also awarded a "K/D" ratio, which displays your
"Kills/Deaths."  The ratio is useful only for bragging rights,
and is determined by dividing your number of kills by your
number of deaths.  Represented in decimal, ie: "KD: .49"

 *Health and Well Being*

Getting shot hurts!  Your soldier's health is listed at the 
lower left hand corner of the screen, and starts with 100 HP,
or health points (or hit points, for any of you oldschool RPG
players out there).  Depending on where you take damage, your
health will drain differently; a hit to the limbs will leave
you running and gunning, but a headshot will often result in
a one hit kill, or "OHKO" (one hit knockout) for short.  When
your health gets to 30 HP or below, your display will turn red,
indicating a need to take cover.  You'll also be treated to
the sound of your pounding heart, as if you needed a reminder.

Health is also determined by AP, or Armor Points.  Depending
on whether or not you have additional armor equipped, your
AP will lower alongside your HP when you take damage.  The more
armor you have, the more AP you have to protect you, but the
speed of your character will suffer.

Danger and damage come at you from all directions in Combat
Arms, and death for your character can come quickly.  Damage
from bullets will be your primary concern, so remember to 
KEEP MOVING!  Rifle rounds will damage you the most, while
pistol rounds, at least of the semi-automatic variety, will
damage you the least.  Revolver and shotgun blasts can kill
in one hit.

Fragmentation grenades, being a default equip, should be second 
on your list.  If you see one land near you, flee in the opposite
direction quickly.  They offer up a lot of damage, and you don't
have to be directly near one to take a significant hit.  Same
goes for land mines, though they only get tripped if you or
another player walks directly over them.

The non-explosive grenades; nerve gas and incendiaries, will
drain your HP and AP slowly but steadily.  You can avoid the
orange and purple clouds more easily, but even with protective
gear, you'll take damage.  

You may think that your last fear would be from a knife, but
be aware of other players sneaking up on you.  Knife attacks
will either give you a nasty slash or miss completely, but
you can even get a headshot with your bladed badness.

Some maps feature explosive barrels which will detonate after 
taking damage.  You'll want to keep your distance from these, 
but be aware of other players who linger near them.  A few well
placed rounds will send the barrel, as well as your opponents, 
flying into the sky.  Their damage is similar to that of a grenade,
and again, is affected by proximity.  The downside to this is 
that you won't get credit for the kill if the barrel does the deed,
but you'll still be eliminating a player until the next spawn.

Your highly trained soldier can't swim, so try not to test
the water on maps which feature aqua morte, or "water of 

Lastly, try not to jump from high places.  You'll take a little
damage from a short fall, but will die quickly if you fall too
far.  If you must jump from a tower or ledge, try to aim for
something besides the ground; your soldier has remarkable
balance and will easily survive an otherwise fatal fall if
you take it in small portions.

 *Kill Streaks*

So, you're in the game, you've pointed the business end of
your weapon at your enemies, and unleashed righteous fury.
To the upper left of your screen, you'll notice a list of
player names; this is the "kill list."  If it has an official
name, I'm not quite sure what it is...

Players listed to the left are the killers, and are followed
by an icon indicating which weapon they used to do the deed.
The unfortunate players to the right side of the list are the
victims.  If you're unsure what happened during a combat 
situation, take a glance to the kill list to see who did what
to whom.

Killing one opponent is enough to get you on the list, but doing
more will get your name highlighted to the other players in the 
room.  More kills means more experience and GP, and has a lot
of bragging rights attatched.  Netting more than one kill during
a spawn will produce a list which your opponents will learn to
fear, as well as enthusiasm from the game's narration:

1 kill: Name gets listed
2 kills: Double kill
3 kills: Multi kill
4 kills: Ultra kill

5 kills: Fantastic
6 or more kills: Fantastic +

According to my notes, there was a further listing of
'unbelievable,' but it is likely that this has been patched out,
and replaced with the current "Fantastic +" system.  I haven't
noticed 'unbelievable' recently, but if you do, please feel free
to drop me an e-mail, noting the circumstances which led to this

Although I will go into a little more detail about hacking in
section 9, "Netiquette and Noobery," it should be noted that
the kill list is often an indicator of someone who is breaking
the rules.  If you're in a room and notice a player consistently
getting a "Fantastic +" over and over, chances are they're 
being noobish.

This is not to say that streaks are impossible, but even the best
player is going to catch a round to the torso after a while.  Take
pride in your achievement, but KEEP MOVING!


(Trying to represent a simulated 3D image in ASCII would not be
pretty, and would waste valuable kilobytes, so no pics)

After entering a room, your view changes to your character's;
take a moment to observe the various information about your
current round.

Depending on the round, you may see an icon displaying a distance
to a target, this is handy to hone in on objectives.  Your
team mates, if any, will have their names displayed in blue
above their heads, while your enemies' will be displayed in
red.  This is true regardless of whether you are on Alpha
or Bravo team.

To the top right of the screen is a map of your immediate
surroundings, which will also show the location of your
team mates.  

The top middle will show the current score, and will change
depending on the room format.  Information on individual
players' scores can be accessed by pressing (TAB).

The top left displays the most recent kills, this list
will move quite fast at times!  Take a glance every now
and then to see who's using what, or if you want to 
identify your mysterious benefactor from the previous spawn.

Just above the bottom left corner is where lines of room chat
will be displayed.

The bottom left corner shows your Health Points, Armor Points,
and your dash bar.

The bottom middle is a display bar for entering your own chat

The bottom right corner will show the type, amount of remaining
ammo, and for rifles and guns, the rate of fire.  One bullet in
the corner means one round will fire at a time, three indicates
the weapon is set on a three round burst, and five means fully
automatic.  Your default key to change this setting is "F."


	4. Controls (joybuttons)

The format of Combat Arms is FPS, first person shooting.

Your default controls are as follows, but can be changed to
your liking:

   *Movements and direction*







Keep moving.  The more you move, the less of a target you are.
Even if you're going to be mostly in the same area, shift your
general position every chance you get.  

In Combat Arms, you have the advantage of camo to break up
your outline a little, but you can still be seen via muzzle 
flashes, little movements, etc.  If you stay still in one
camping spot, eventually someone else familiar with the map will
come along and use you like the proverbial fish in a barrel.

	  W		 up

	A S D   = left  down  right

Mouse determines where you're looking.

-Left click: fires or uses your weapon.

-Right click: for scope-equipped firearms, engages scope.
Activates secondary use, melee only.

-Left Shift: Runs.  Your run meter is at the lower left corner
of your screen, and it depletes quickly.  In general, you'll run
the slowest when you have your main weapon equipped, and the 
fastest when you have an explosive or melee weapon equipped.  
Your armor and other gear also affects your running speed.

-Left CTRL: Crouch. Handy for avoiding incoming bullets or taking
cover, but you can be outrun by box turtles.

-Space Bar: Jumps. You won't jump very high standing still, but
if you're sprinting or otherwise moving, you'll improve your
jump distance.  Jumping can sometimes help you avoid bullets
in a close up encounter, but has the result of making you look
very goofy to the other players.

-C: Makes you walk.  Your speed will be significantly reduced
from your normal rate of speed, but there is an advantage:
While walking, you'll be holding your weapon more steadily, thus
increasing your accuracy.  Try walking into a combat situation
instead of running, and you'll find that your bullets fly true.

-E: "Action" button.  Opens doors, or swaps main weapon for
one lying on the ground.  The 2nd use is great for trying out
weapons unfamiliar to you.

-R: reloads your weapon.  Reloading takes about 2-3 seconds,
longer for shotguns, and you're unable to attack while reloading.
You will automatically reload if you use up your clip.  Try
to reload right after a confrontation, but be sure you can
survive the couple of seconds you'll be vulnerable.

-F: Adjusts your rate of fire.  Depending on your firearm,
you may be able to fire one round at a time, three at a 
time, or a continuous burst.

-Tab: Brings up the score of the current round.  All players active
in the room will be displayed, along with their current number of
kills, deaths, and mission points, if applicable.

-M: Brings up a map of the... map.  Very helpful though, as it
will show you spawn points or target locations, albeit in 2D.

-Print Screen/SysRQ: Takes a screenshot.

   *Weapon selection*

-1. Your main firearm, what you'll mostly be firing.
-2. Your secondary firearm, usually more effective up close.
-3. Melee
-4. Explosives/gas/smoke bombs.
-6. Mission weapon (Search and Destroy only, usually a bomb)
-Q. Switches to previously held weapon, resets every spawn.

There's about a 2-3 second delay as you switch between weapons.
Generally, it'd be wise if you switch only when you are in a 
'safe' position. 

   *Chat commands*

Hitting "enter" will bring up your chat bar, automatically
set to "Room Speak."  The keys listed below will accomplish
the same task, but limit your chat options as defined.  If you
select one of these, hitting "enter" again will bring up
the last chat option you selected.

-F2: Room speak.  Everyone will be able to read what you type.
Comments from your team will appear in white, while comments
from your opponents will appear in orange.

-F3: Team speak.  Only your team will be able to read what you
type.  Appears as light blue.

-F4: Clan speak.  Will only relay messages to your clan/guild,
whether or not you're in the same room.  Very handy for talking
to friends!

   *Communication commands*

(V), (B), and (N) each bring up a sub-menu of commands which can
substitute manually typed out commands.  You won't get any
benefits by using them, other than clearly stating your
purpose, in-game.  On the other hand, some of the statements
are vague enough to where a manual note would perhaps be more
informative.  Example:

V5: "Site A."  Implies that you're at Alpha Site.  But where?
Unless you have a plan charted out beforehand, your team will
know you're at Alpha Site, but only that.  It might be more
helpful to type, "At Alpha's base, in tunnel," or something
to that effect, depending on the map.

To use these commands, press the appropriate letter button, and
follow it up with the number of the statement you wish to make.
They're considered "team speak" and will only be heard by
your team members, so try not to get silly with them.

BE WARNED: If you're trying to use one of these commands and
suddenly feel the need to change your weapon, 1-4, you will
first say the command, and then need to re-strike the number
key to change to the appropriate weapon.

   V - Reply: Reports basic info on your location and situation.

1. Roger that.
2. Negative.
3. No way.
4. In position.
5. Site A.
6. Site B. (no "Lost World" jokes, okay?)
7. Covering Fire.
8. Heading to your position.
9. Sector clear.

   B - Situation: Basic maneuvering commands.

1. Go go go!
2. Follow me!
3. Regroup!
4. Hold your positions!
5. Take cover!
6. Report in.
7. Open fire!
8. Cease fire!
9. Fall back!

   N - Request: More on the polite or funny side; N9
   has a tendency to be spammed.

1. I'm on it!
2. Thank you.
3. Sorry!
4. Careful!
5. Nice shot!
6. Good job!
7. Hoo-ah!
8. Coward!
9. (bleeped expletive) I don't wanna die!


	5. Shop/Modification (shopmod)

Combat Arms features a unique equipment and modification system.
Upon logging in and entering a channel, you will have two options
available at the top of your screen: Shop/Storage, and Modification.

Gear Points (GP) are earned after every round, and can be used to
rent weapons from the Shop.  Note the word, 'rent.'  Other than 
your default equipment, anything you purchase from the Shop has a 
set time limit; of one, seven, thirty, or ninety days.  You'll get 
a price break if you buy for a longer time period, but that requires 
a lot of GP to put up.  If your weapon runs out and your GP is low, 
you'll be stuck with the default equipment until you raise some 
more GP.

You're awarded a GP bonus with every rank-up, allowing you to rent
some of the better weapons for longer periods of time.


Upon clicking this, you'll have the option of browsing for new 
weapons and gear.  To make a purchase, double click the item you 
want, and a window will appear, prompting you to select the number
of days you wish to keep the item.

Weapons are discussed in greater detail in section 8, "Weaponry,"
except for the following, which I had a bit of trouble sorting:

- Supply Cases
Not really a weapon, but they have weapons inside!  Supply cases
will randomly give you one of five items inside, and you will
get that item for thirty days.

There are pros and cons to this: You have access to weapons not
usually available, but you have a chance of not getting the item
you want.  On the other hand, if you do get the item you want,
you'll get it for 30 days, at a fraction of the GP cost you'd
pay for buying it outright.


Body modification (put your piercing apparatus away) can happen
on the following areas:

- Hat
Includes decorative caps and berets, as well as actual helmets 
which decrease the risk of taking a headshot.

- Face
Includes goggles which allow you to see through smoke, gas masks
to save your poor lungs, and stylish sunglasses.  The gas masks
offer a little extra protection from fire and gas grenades, but
you will still take damage.

- Vest
Mostly your "bullet resistant" armor, these items will increase
your defensive ability, but will also slow you down.  Lighter 
armor offers less protection, but allows greater speed.

- Uniform
Offers you options for different camo, be sure you pick a scheme
which works well with your favorite maps.

- Backpack
Allows for extra weapon storage.  Larger backpacks will offer
greater storage, but may reduce your speed.


Here, you can upgrade your primary weapon in three ways: muzzle,
scope, and magazine.  Certain modifications can be transferred
to similar weapons, but not across different types of weapons.
For example, a clip extension for a sniper rifle won't work
on a submachine gun.  

Modifications are purchased with GP as well, and have similar
time restrictions for use.  Some weapons come pre-modified, saving
you some GP.

- Muzzle
Adds a silencer to the end of the barrel.  Masks some of the sound,
and also takes away 10% of your damage.  Not reccommended unless
you really enjoy the high-pitched noise it makes... in place of

- Scope
Allows you to 'zoom' (right click) to a particular area.  Useful
for identifying far-off targets, but be aware that your accuracy
is affected by distance.  Some of the scopes offer range-finding, 
i.e. how far away you are from the target, while others will give
you an additional display showing your health and remaining ammo.

- Magazine
Allows you to serve up extra helpings of bullets by extending
the clip holding your remaining ammo.  Your reload time is affected
by having a larger magazine, though maybe with extra bullets,
you won't need to reload as often.  Some weapons can be equipped
with a speed loader which offers faster reloads, but with reduced
clip size.

 *Black Market*

This section of the shop features items which can only be purchased
with NX, Nexon Cash.  The items won't give you a significant
advantage over other players, but in the right hands, you can
make a great impression.

In addition to modifications and unique supplemental gear such
as longer knives and more protective armor, you can also hire
a mercenary or 'merc' to temporarily replace your main character.
The mercs have different speed and armor characteristics, but still
need to be equipped with regular gear from the GP shop.  Upon 
purchase, you're awarded a GP bonus so you can get your merc down
to business quickly.  Just like the regular items, the mercs will
expire after a certain amount of time, but your regular soldier
will still be there, waiting patiently in the barracks.


	6. Game modes (gamemodes)

There are presently five modes of play, and Nexon promises
more are in the works.  All modes are multiplayer, though a case
could be made for One Man Army being a 'single player' experience.

After logging on to a server and selecting a channel, you can either
join an existing room, by double clicking, or create your own room.

  *Creating a Room*

If you select the "Create A Room" option, you'll automatically be
made the room master, and have the choice of settings.  The 
chat box at the bottom is useful for having arguments with other
players about which options you want.  If you are the master of a
room, don't go 'idle.'  This will occur if you're inactive for 
several minutes, and will make eager players waiting for the round
to start typing very angry comments.

After clicking "Create A Room," a pop-up box will appear, offering
you options for mode, number of players, and password protection.
You also have the option of selecting a randomly generated room
name, or making your own; though you're limited in length if
you choose to make your own name.  These options can be changed
once you're "in" the room lobby, with the title of "Master" noted
above your name, so don't worry if you didn't get the initial 
settings to your liking.

Rooms can be locked by password to allow only your friends to enter;
passwords for rooms are limited to four characters.

- Mode:

You can select Elimination, Search and Destroy, One Man Army,
Capture the Flag, or Spy Hunt.

- Goal:

This option will automatically update upon selection of a mode.
You can set number of kills, S+D rounds, flag captures (each
with their own different time limit), or Phase 1 of Spy Hunt
time limits.

- Players:

You can select from 1v1 to 8v8 (default).  Teams must be allowed
to be equal, but the actual number of active players may differ.

- Arms:

Limits the types of weaponry you allow in your room, they are as 

*All permitted
*Pistol Only
*Melee Only
*No sniper rifles
*No explosives (any thrown weapon)
*No backpack
*Sniper Only

- Options

At the lower right hand corner of the screen, you have three 
further options which will effect gameplay.

*Join mid-combat:  Allows extra players to join after the 
round has begun.  On by default.

*Friendly Fire:  Off by default, if activated, your teammates'
weapons fire will affect not only the opponent, but yourself
and the rest of your team.  If left off, you'll get an amusing
message from time to time saying, "Hey, same team!"  If turned on,
your team is subject to "TK" or "team kills."  Not a good way to
make friends, but having this option activated adds realism.

*Kill cam:  Upon taking a few rounds to the torso or head, your
perspective will switch to the opponent who killed you, revealing
their position, and allowing you to run after them on your next 
spawn.  If turned off, after a death your perspective will
follow a random teammate on the battlefield.  The Kill Cam is
on by default, and prior to a round start the chat field will
occasionally be filled with angry "KILL CAM OFF" comments.

  *Types of game mode*

- Elimination:

You and your team simply kill off enemy combatants as you see them.
Round ends when number of kills is met.  Available on all maps.  
You can set the number of kills anywhere from 30-140.

- Search and Destroy:

Currently available only on Snow Valley, Gray Hammer, Warhead, and
Sand Hog.  Depending on your team, you are tasked with either 
planting a bomb, or defending a target area, which may include
defusing the bomb if it gets set.

If you're killed during S+D, you have to wait until a team meets
the objective, or all members of a team are killed off, giving a
win by default.

Your display will indicate how close you are to your target, but
the path you take will vary depending on familiarity with the
map, and enemy resistance.  If you get a message saying, "The 
bomb has been planted!" you must either defend the bomb from the 
enemy, or attempt to deactivate it (by pressing 'E').  Again, this 
depends on the side you're on.

- One Man Army

You're on your own, soldier!  Shoot anything that moves.  No teams.
Available on all maps, a winner is declared when that player
reaches 15, 30, or 45 kills.  Good for the true nihilist, you're
lucky to survive more than a minute or two in the all-out mayhem.
Lucky, or skilled!  Available on all maps.

- Spy Hunt

A somewhat complex, two phase play mode.  Each player starts out
on the same team, the "Mercs," and scavenges the stage for intel
cases.  When a player grabs one of these cases, they become a
"Spy," and their former friends become enemies.  The Mercs seek
out the Spy or Spies, becoming a spy themselves if they grab an
intel case.  Grabbing a case will net you a refill on your health,
and give you a slight speed boost, though you'll still have your
normal weapons.  The intel cases are dropped randomly, and will
even appear underground, depending on the map.

Once a player gets all three intel cases, either by picking them
up manually or 'extracting' them from other spies, they become a 
Super Spy, and the second phase begins.  Think of Phase 2 as a boss
fight, with the Super Spy versus everyone else remaining.

The Super Spy basically becomes a tank with legs.  You get a 500AP
armor boost, and special weapons not yet available to the rest
of the players.  Weapon (1) becomes a minigun with 1,000 rounds
and unbelievable lethality, but it is very hard to control.  (2)
becomes a flamethrower, which is more for show; incendiaries tend
to burn opponents more effectively.  (3) becomes a rocket launcher
with four rounds, as opposed to the LAW's usually 3.  (4) remains
your normal thrown weapon slot; I must admit I'm unsure if you get
a refill on these upon becoming a Super Spy.

The goal now is for the remaining Mercs to defeat the Super Spy;
while the Spy's goal is to transmit the intel via a terminal
which gets dropped at the start of phase 2.  Once the Super Spy
finishes transmitting or kills off the Mercs, or gets killed off;
the round ends.  If you're a Merc, your best bet is to keep your
distance from the Super Spy and hope you're not spotted.  If you
get killed during Phase 2 you won't respawn, but you can still 
help by informing your living teammates of their surroundings
while you float in what is apparently the astral plane.

Spy Hunt has a phase 1 time limit of 8, 12, or 16 minutes, and
can only be played on the following maps:  Snow Valley, Gray Hammer,
Two Towers, Sand Hog, Warhead, and Waverider.  Players can range
from 4-16, since you need at least three possible spies during the
first phase.

- Capture the Flag (author favorite)


Alpha Team and Bravo Team got together one day and their leaders
had a nice chat.  

"Gosh," said the Corporal of Alpha, "That sure is a nice flag 
you Bravo folks have."

The Corporal of Bravo was nonplussed.  "I reckon your flag
would look pretty nice if we was to take it to our side, 
and put it next to our flag."

A kind British gentleman stepped in: "Of course you realize,
this means war."


In short, the task is very easy: Make your way to the enemy's flag
(often near their spawn point), grab their flag, and run it 
back to where your flag is located.  Need I mention that your
opponents will attempt to stop you at every turn?

You can still use all of your weaponry while you possess your
opponents' flag, but in general you'll want to switch to either
an explosive or your melee weapon, as they allow you to sprint
faster.  You'll get round points for every successful capture,
as well as flag defense.  Defending your flag involves killing
the opponent who has it, and then running up to it to automatically
restore it back where it belongs.  In addition, you get extra points
for kills, but those aren't considered as important as capturing
or defending your flag.  Except in tie games... more in a moment.

Rounds can be set to 3, 5, or 7 captures.  Know the maps; as
Alpha and Bravo often have differing terrain to deal with, each
will require a tailor-made strategy.  In the event of a tie,
the winner is determined by whichever team has the greater number
of total kills.

In general, CTF in online gaming is plagued by a lack of strategy
and a 'gung-ho' attitude.  You'll reap the benefits of playing
the round, but you'll reap more if you help out in your team's 
victory.  Here are some simple pointers, if you feel like
using teamwork isn't a waste of your time:

- Defend your flag.  Make sure you have 1-2 people just guarding
your property, being wary of incoming assaults and staying alert
to the actions of your teammates.  Plant your snipers in a safe
spot where they can monitor approaches to your flag.  Land mines
are a great deterrent.

- Don't go alone.  Establish a 'capture team' to distract the
enemy and allow the runner a chance to make a clean break.  While
you do get more points for individual captures, don't be afraid
to take up the flag from a fallen comrade and run it home.  If they
whine, just reply that it's the team effort that counts.  You can't
'drop' the flag unless you get killed, so it's really in your team's
best interest to take up a flag from a fallen friend.

- Capture the Flag!!!  It seems that many players enter a round of
CTF with the goal of fragging as many opponents as possible, and
never take heed to the points being scored.  If you're online just
for mayhem, then pick Elimination or One Man Army.  CTF is supposedly
a more 'strategy' based approached, and while wiping out the enemy
with a few bursts of your SMG may be fun, they'll quickly respawn.


	7. Maps (mapscharts)

"Don't fight forces, use them."
- Buckminster Fuller, 1932


A great deal of information for this section was gleaned from:

In the same way that strategy and strength of numbers can lead
to victory, any military type person will tell you that terrain
matters.  In general, pick your battlefield, and let the enemy
come to you.  That being said, you'll want to adjust your strategy
based on game type.  The locations either have fictional names
or a guess provided by world geography.

   *Snow Valley*
Nunavut, Canada

One of the more popular maps for snipers.  As the name implies,
it's winter combat, so those with winter camo have an advantage.

This map has a four-entrance tunnel system, and can also be 
reached by jumping down the missile silo, though you'll suffer
damage if you enter by that route.  The tunnel exits are usually
watched by wary snipers, and never put you in a position to easily
approach either spawn point.

Not enough can be said about the advantage snipers have on this
map.  Not only is there a convenient tower in the middle of
the action, but the flags and other surroundings are sprinkled
with many easily defended positions.  The map is fairly 
balanced in regards to the open terrain versus the tunnels,
with each side being able to position snipers but also being
vulnerable to a sneak attack from below.

The flags on this map are located on hills, making approach

   *Junk Flea*
Belarus or Russia

The smallest map, the setting here is a junkyard, filled with
debris.  Fights here are usually intense and fast, due to the
close quarters.  Make note of the fact that you can travel
in the shipping-container 'tunnel' above, but you can also
snake your way below this murder hole.  

Make use of the barrels on this map, if you detonate one by
firing a few rounds into it, anyone directly nearby will 
take significant damage.

The relative small size of this map makes it a thrown weapons
paradise, and difficult for sniping.  Snipers can still play
a very important role by taking positions above their flag,
but are not as well protected.  It's very easy to reach your
opponents' spawn point and deploy mines or other goodies, 
though this is the online equivalent of spraying a wasp nest
from the inside out.

The flags are located directly beside the spawn points, making
defense fairly easy.  However, each flag area has a platform
above it with an opened door; certain players could camp in 
these relatively safe areas and then leap down to capture
the flag.

   *Cold Seed*
Oskrov, Yukon Territory, Canada

Similar to Snow Valley only in that there's frozen precipitation
on the ground.  Much of this map is filled with buildings, and
an elevated 'tunnel' which links the flag areas.  Many sniping 
ledges also make this a popular head-shot spot.

Alpha team gets direct access to the elevated tunnel via their
spawn point, while Bravo must go outside of their native areas
to reach it.  To contrast this, Alpha's flag is located near
the tunnel in an open area, whereas Bravo's is tucked into
a position with many hiding places.  Bravo's spawn point(s)
is also a little larger, so if you're an Alpha, make use of
the extended area to do some hiding and striking.

   *Two Towers*
United Kingdom

Nope, no Sarumon here!  This map consists of a large, gutted
building, giving the opportunity for both close-quarter combat
and rooftop sniping.  The water on this map is deadly, don't go
for a swim!  Yes, more highly trained video game characters
incapable of treading water.

Flags are about 25-40 meters from each spawn point, in the bottom
portion of each 'side.'  In your author's opinion, this map
is better suited to Elimination or One Man Army, rather than CTF.

Rupheria, Europe

A similar map in the same 'locale' as Two Towers.  This is a
seaside town, so once again, avoid the water.  Roughly symmetrical
in basic shape, each side has a covered spawn point, and has to
travel a short distance to defend their flag.

As of version 0.07, this map is strewn with glitches.  While it
is possible to get underneath the map and take out opponents from
below, this isn't how you're supposed to play the game.  The
concept of "glitching," or taking advantage of a defect in the 
map, is also against the rules, and you can be banned for it.

The buildings and rooftops define this map.  Each side has easy
access to the rooftops, and many of the buildings have windows
which can be used for a quick "snipe'n'go."  Further, make use
of the lighthouse on the far side of the map; a dedicated sniper
with a defender at the base can ensure you'll hold the tower
for at least a short while.

   *Gray Hammer*
Northwest Brazil

A large, sprawling industrial map.  CTF is not listed as an
option on the official website, but I've run a few flags on 
this map, so it must be an oversight.

This map has an extensive warehouse area and it's fairly
easy to get lost, as these portions don't usually lead you
directly to the flags or spawn points.  Explore them thoroughly,
and you'll find lots of great places to mount an ambush.

The open areas are contrasted by constraining indoor areas,
where an ambush could greet you easily.

Italy or Switzerland

Another industrial area which got re-zoned as a "Frag-friendly"
neighborhood.  Much of your combat will occur in the... sewage..
tunnels and "facilities" above.  A great map, not so friendly
on the snipers, but plenty of open room for run and gun.

Flags are located a short distance from the spawn points, each in 
an open area inside a building.  Although enclosed, attacks can
come from any direction, so be sure to watch the multiple 
entrances to your vulnerable areas.

   *Pump Jack*
Nuzak, Navare Desert

A train depot and refueling spot, players can also sneak through 
the connecting buildings a little afternoon sniping, or to sneak
behind and make a dash for the flag.  The train cars are popular
spots to plant mines or mount an ambush.

While you can jump in and out of the open boxcars, note that
you can also climb atop the fuel/boiler cars with their convenient
ladders.  You'll be easily noticed from just about anywhere on the
map, so try not to linger too long.

Flags are positioned in an open hallway/facade, giving an 
advantage to eagle-eyed defenders.

"I love refueling, I do."
 - Crow T. Robot

Argentina or Uruguay

A very interesting jungle map.  The default camo comes in very
handy here, and many of the "walls" have layers of plant cover
behind which a wary camper can hide.  Snipers make use of the
aircraft, giving a distinct advantage to Bravo team if you have
a few scope-sters with you.  You can also travel through the
aircraft for a "straight" path between the flags.

Both flags have large obstacles located directly near them, 
sometimes making a zig-zag approach difficult.  

   *Sand Hog*
Mogadishu, Somalia

An outdoor map with a few enclosed spaces, the terrain here
is very spread out, so don't be surprised if you take a bullet
from out of no where.  The fire burning near the helicopter is
part of the map and won't hurt you, so think of it as a bit
of free cover.

Ground assaults will go through one of three channels between
the buildings, and the two flag/spawn areas are connected by
a winding passage of scaffolding and semi-completed buildings.
As of v0.05 there doesn't seem to be any way to get onto the
balconies of the middle buildings, but at least one wall glitch
has been found.  Don't use it.

The flags of both Alpha and Bravo are almost within itching
distance of their respective spawn points, so be prepared for
a swarm of enemy as soon as you near their flag.


Because Combat Arms is constantly being updated, this section
will be added upon as new maps are released.


	8. Weaponry (armedweapons)

"If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit 
training... you will be a weapon, you will be a minister
of death, praying for war."

- R. Lee Ermey, portraying Gunnery Sergeant Hartman,
in Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket."


This here page helped me make this section:

One of the key ways to learn weapon effectiveness would
be to simply mess around with it a little.  Be it firearm,
knife, or explosive, don't be afraid to take a few test
uses; you get free refills with every spawn.  You should
also know how much and how fast you go through your available

Firearms are affected by recoil, the action of the weapon
stock moving backwards due to a bullet being expelled.  Combat 
Arms is designed to take this into account.  As you fire your
weapon, make sure to keep to sights (the reticule) honed in
on your target.  The weapon is going to move around a bit,
messing with your aim.  Sniper rifles are typically "one hit
one kill" type affairs, so their recoil doesn't come into
play as much.

Remember, you can upgrade or modify your armament at the shop.

   * Primary Weapon (1)*

This will be your main offensive badness.  I'll go into greater
detail about individual weapons in further editions; however:

- Assault Rifles, with the M16 as your default main weapon, are
a very balanced combination of accuracy, portability, and rate
of fire.  Many can be equipped with a silencer or scope.

- Machine Guns have an incredible rate of fire but lack
portability and accuracy over long distances.  Still, there's
nothing worse than having to "take down a machine gun nest."

- Submachine Guns are for the maniac on the run.  Very unlike
the movies, SMGs are not horribly accurate, and the descriptions
on some of them list their accuracy as "wild."  They're
very popular due to their rate of fire in close-combat 
situations.  As with the other firearms, get used to how
it fires, and don't try to just spray the general area with

- Sniper Rifles.  Where to begin... though their rate of fire
is only one round at a time, they make up for this with
insane accuracy and lethality.  Don't be surprised to be
picked off from the opposite end of the map, the rounds
can travel and stay on target pretty well.  Sniper rifles
are surprisingly useful in close combat, *IF* the sniper
gets off the first shot.  If not, snipers are usually 
sitting ducks.

- LAW: Your basic bazooka/rocket propelled grenade anti-tank
weapon.  Since there aren't tanks in this game (yet...), this
weapon is hindered in use due to low portability, rate of
fire, and low ammo (only 3 shots!).  The rounds travel in
a very straight line, but are relatively slow and loud.
Like land mines, the LAW can be lethal to its user as well.
Might be a handy thing to tug along in your backpack, if 
you have one.

   * Secondary Weapon (2)*

Your backup, usually pistols and shotguns.  Better for close
up encounters, the rate of fire is significantly reduced,
but they can be very effective if used properly.

- Pistols: The semi-automatic pistols offer rapid fire but aren't
great in stopping power.  The revolvers have a more powerful shot,
but are slower in their rate of fire.

- Shotguns: Inaccurate to a fault, they're great for a close
encounter, or the back of a fleeing opponent.  Their rounds
(actually, 'shot') spread out over a large area.

   * Melee Weapon (3)*

Yeah, I was expecting this to include golf clubs and bludgeons
as well, but it's for knives.  Your knife is only good at 
extremely close quarters, but can be great if you have the 
opportunity to sneak up.  Left or Right clicking your mouse
produces different attacks.  In addition to the knives, there
is a latrine tool (read: shovel) available.

   * Thrown Weapons (4)*

A very fun class of weapons, these are delayed action weapons
you can toss ahead of you, or plant strategically.  

- Grenades are very powerful, and will get a lot of one-hit kills.  
Loved or loathed, I think Combat Arms may be part of the movement
that introduces "'nade NOOB!" to the English lexicon.  Your default
thrown weapon.

- Chemical/nerve gas will linger in an area and poison those not 
equipped with a gas mask, but the poison doesn't affect enemies
as long as incendiaries. 

- Incendiaries burn out quickly, but leaves the victims burning 
for quite a while, often resulting in delayed kills.

- Smoke bombs don't damage your opponents, but fog up
the area, allowing for concealed entry.  

- Land Mines can be placed in high-traffic areas or at 
'special' locations, such as a flag.  The more mines,
the merrier, but be careful while you're deploying them,
they'll go off quickly and can turn on their user.

- Flash grenades will temporarily blind the opponent by giving
off a burst of light.  This effect lasts about 3-5 seconds. 
The best way to overcome the effects if hit by one of these is 
to rapidly move your mouse around in circles.  The closer your
proximity to the blast, the longer the effect will last, and 
the harder it will be to 'shake off.'

- The Heartbeat sensor isn't a weapon at all, but will allow
you to detect enemy positions should they be well hidden.  To 
use it, hold down the left mouse button and move from side to
side; when it detects someone, the screen will glow white.  
Not a popular choice for a 'thrown' slot due to the proximity
needed, however the 'battery' recharges for unlimited use.  Plus,
you can't bludgeon anyone with your fancy electronic gizmo.

   *Backpack (1) (2) (3) (4)*

While not a weapon, this item and its upgrades are associated
in with the armament due to its giving of one extra slot.  The
backpack is extremely versatile, and can tote apparently large,
heavy equipment, maybe folded in 2-3 times.  Especially the LAW.

Expanded backpacks allow for greater storage, but are locked
out by rank requirements initially.  They also give a slight 
decrease in speed, so watch out for that, if you're trying
to keep your soldier 'lite.'

To access your backpacked weapons, press the same weapon 
key again to switch from your 1st held to 2nd held item.
If you have extra thrown weapons on (4), for example, you
would press the (4) key again to access the other choice.

   *Mission item (6)*

Used only in Search and Destroy mode.  Depending on your
team, you may be given a bomb to plant; pressing (6) allows
you to deploy this weapon.


	9. Netiquette and Noobery (nubery)

"The Internet makes you stupid."

-Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka


Online interaction is still a relatively new phenomenon, and
while it has given us new options for meeting people, it has
also led to a great deal of problems.

Bear in mind that in Combat Arms, you're not fighting a computer
controlled opponent, you're up against another human being.
A few insults or general bravado is good for taunting, but try
not to take the kills and deaths personally.  In general, avoid:

- Deliberate, scathing insults
- Calling your teammates incompetent
- Declarations of "(player) hacks," unless it's blatantly obvious.

Unless you're in a clan, there are no real "squad leaders" for 
your team, so avoid being an armchair general, and try to rally
behind whomever is accomplishing the particular round's goals.

Hacking is a problem in any online game, and Combat Arms is
no exception.  Without going into details about hacks available
and how they work, let me just say this:

Don't hack.

I realize that's not going to change the mind of every player,
but hacking basically equates to cheating.  Professional sports
players are frequently called out for cheating, and are often
fined or suspended by their respective organizations.

Some people are going to be better at games than others, that's
just a fact of life.  You'll earn the respect of only a minority
of players if you decide to cheat, and are subject to being
banned by Nexon.  The company encourages honest players to take
screenshots of offenders and send them to the appropriate 
GameMasters (GMs).

When you first start the game, you'll be astounded at how fast
the bullets come at your position, but resist the urge to call
out a hacking incident.  Combat Arms is designed to be a warfare
simulator, so rapid, multiple deaths are simply part of the
experience.  You'll respawn, so don't worry.

Deliberate programming manipulation aside, it's also possible
to "glitch" in several maps, and take advantage by encasing
yourself in a wall or underneath the map.  Glitching is 
specifically against the rules, and will earn you a ban just
as quickly as a hacking attempt.


	10. FAQs (askafaq)

A short section thus far; one or two glaring errors were
already corrected by the time v0.05 rolled around.  In the
interest of general concern, here are some pasty, audacious,
and cynical hypothetical questions.

*Q* "I found something in your guide that is incorrect.  You
said that your guide was handed down to you on top of Mount
Rushmore during a severe lightning storm when you were in a 
deep trance.  Misinformation?  What gives?"

A.  There will always be an error or two, or a section that 
needs a bit of updating.  That's the nature of documenting an
online game, it's a little ephemeral.  There are some real world
explanations to this.  In the event I am uncertain of a fact, I 
first try to investigate it to the extent possible, and then
do one of three things:

- Use the 'best fit' answer to the question
- Acknowledge a lack of information
- Let my imagination do the typing

I regret the third option, but it's human necessity at some points.
And it wasn't during a lightning storm, it was the time I was
abducted by those idiot Zeta Reticulans.

*Q* "Hey, you left out ('newly updated feature') and I am
completely at a loss to find out the newest and latest on my
most favortist shooting game thing because I am simply incapable
of using the keyboard to ask other people in-game."

A.  Calm yourself!  Updates and corrections to the game will 
come often, and you have my word I will do my best to keep
this guide up to date.  At least until December 21st, 2012,
the expected release date of "Starship Hector 2."

*Q* "How come I got on Alpha Channel 5 one day and owned
you silly?  Mr. Expert, thinks he's gonna get carpal tunnel
'cuz he plays so much!"

A.  Thank you!  Actually, I devote a larger portion of my time
to work and sleep, and Combat Arms is a "funtime" activity.
I'm not horribly skilled at FPS type games, being more
accustomed to platformers and RPGs.  However, preparing this
guide has helped me hone my "CA" arts, so please, gentle 
people, bring it on.


This concludes the main portion of the guide, but
if you're eager for more information, please read on:


	11. About your humble author (authornub)

"I don't see no p'ints about that frog that's any better'n
any other frog."

- Mark Twain, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"


I've been a lifelong gamer since the days of Atari, and I view
video games as art.  Yes, I realize that they're not as culturally
significant as some other forms of expression, but Picasso and
DaVinci had plenty of bad projects.  Some hit, some miss - much
like in Combat Arms!

Typically more of an RPG or platformer player, I was drawn in
to online gaming due to the interactivity lent to it by the Internet.
Forget education and the sharing of knowledge, the 'Net was really
waiting for online gaming to come out!

I have no formal weapons training or military experience.  I do,
however, have a great deal of respect for those enlisted in the
military of any nation.  That being said, I've always kept a keen
ear to when veterans or enlisted persons speak about their job
and their lives.  If you listen, sometimes you learn things!  I
can occasionally be found at the local firing range, popping
off a few rounds.  It's really a rather fun sport, as long as
it's an inanimate target in a controlled, safe setting.

My hobbies include reading and writing, and I usually try to
eat right and exercise moderately.  I'm proud to say that any
image you may have of me as an overweight gamer who never goes
outside is factually wrong.  I enjoy eating right and regular
exercise, but I try not to go hog-wild; Stuffed Crust pizzas
are too tasty!  Fresh air is also good for you, except if you
live in a high smog area.  Then, you may want a mask.

Indeed, I'm awaiting a time when electronic
gaming is considered as worthwhile a hobby as model ship
making or stamp collecting.  

Now, those are some violent pasttimes!

I currently live in northeast Georgia but am trying to work my
way out so I can move to a colder state.  Not enough snow, and
too much heat in the Dirty South.  However, the hip-hop we have
here is a treat in itself.

As I stated in the forward, this is my first game guide, and I
would gratefully appreciate any comments, suggestions, or
areas for improvement regarding this guide.  I can be reached at:

e-mail: pemmican518 (at sign)
Twitter: Pemmican (on this only to get on CNN)

Otherwise, you can (amazingly!) reach me in-game.  Character
name is Pemmican, and I'm often found on Alpha or Bravo servers.


	12. Copyright shtuff (shtuff)

"If creativity is the field, copyright is the fence."
- John Oswald 


This document is copyright 2008 Jeremiah V. Barnes
Combat Arms is a copyright of the Nexon Corporation
Windows is a copyright of the Microsoft Corporation
"Ren and Stimpy" copyright 1991 Nickelodeon
"Nickelodeon" copyright Viacom Corporation, 1977-2008
"Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C." copyright 1964 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.
"Starship Hector" copyright Hudson Soft 1990
"CNN" copyright Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc/
Time Warner 1980-2009

All other quoted material or sources are copyright of their
respective owners or authors, and should be treated accordingly.
(thorough, ain't I?)

*** Use ***

This guide is intended for personal, non-profit use.

Originally posted on, 2008.

For web publishing only on the following websites:

If you deem my words worthy of reproduction anywhere else, feel
free to contact me at the e-mail listed above and we can talk 
something out.  I'm talking seven figures, baby!  Okay, maybe
not on this writing...


   13.  Sources and URLs (sourceurl)

I once went to this place called a 'University' where they made
me do work like "papers," and all the Courier New in 12pt font
couldn't save me from a bad grade unless I cited my sources.
While I've made sure to include relevant URLs in the text where
they'll be of the most use, I decided to sort them into one place,
for your browsing pleasure.

Look for yourself if you think I'm lying!


Thank you very much for reading!

"For honor, for your friends, for excessive noobery."
- Pemmican, 2008

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