Commandos - Strike Force
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FAQ by
Nicolas L. Clement
Table of contents
1.1 Introduction
1.2 About this guide
1.3 Characters
1.4 Weapons
2.1 Walkthrough
2.1.3 LEVEL 3 - A TRAITOR?
2.1.7 LEVEL 7 - CAT'S EYE
2.1.10 LEVEL 10 - THE WOLF'S DEN
2.1.13 LEVEL 13 - PANZERS!
3.1 Bonuses
3.2 Afterwords
Commandos: Strike Force is the fourth game released from the great
and acclaimed Commandos serie released by Pyro and Eidos. But it is
also the most unorthodox of the bunch since it uses a first person
shooter genre instead of the tactical strategy isometric view of the
previous titles. A choice that enraged tons of fans, including me.
As a result, the game felt very much like a travesty of the games we
loved and many people could not get passed that and reviewed this game
as a lemon.
Coupled with the fact that the old cast (Tiny, Duke, Inferno, Spooky,
Lupin, Natasha and the others) are completely absent and replaced by
another trio probably didn't help fans swallow the pill.
In all fairness though, if you take it "as it is" instead of trying to
make comparison, it becomes a surprisingly good game, especially the
more you play it.
It is very much like "Medal of Honor" or "Call of Duty", but with an
added strategy flair that mixed some elements of the "Hitman" serie
as well.
To be honest though, the Artificial Intelligence is beyond stupid in
this game and you can normally assassinate people right under the nose
of their comrades. So don't expect a realistic game (even the bodies
disappear after 30 seconds..)
All and all though, if you can get past the fact that it has zero
connections to the previous titles and a lack of AI, you'll get a good
FPS with some strategic elements combined into a fun title.
Since nobody made a guide for this game, I decided to take the plunge
and write a FAQ for it. This guide is aimed mostly toward a "hitman"
style of gameplay where I aimed for a roughly 100% silent killing. If
you follow this, no alarms should be triggered and you should never
be wounded, unless the mission calls for action (such as the 2nd one).
Be mindful that this game *can* be played in a berserk style with all
guns blazing, but in keeping with the spirit of the original Commandos
game, I decided to try to go with the stealth path.
I advice you play the game like that also, this is where you'll get
the most fun out of it. :)
This FAQ will permit you to complete the game at 100% in a stealth
style, with every secondary objectives completed and achieving a
5 star result on "Hard" difficulty.
[1] Lieutenant Hawkins (Sniper)
A mix between a Sniper and a Marine, he is the silent killer of the
team. Using both a sniper rifle and throwing knifes, he is very apt
at taking the enemy by surprise. He is also an accomplished swimmer.
Can use:
+Sniper's Throwing knives
+US Colt Pistol
+German Luger Pistol
+US Springfield Sniper Rifle
+German Gewehr 43 Sniper Rifle
+Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle
+Smoke Grenade
+Anti-Tank Mines
+Pack of 10 Cigarettes
[2] Captain O'Brian (Green Beret)
The Green Beret is the frontman soldier. Capable of using pistols,
rifles, machineguns, grenades, bazookas or even dual-wielding two
submachine-guns, he definitely is the man of action. He also possess
a knife (not throwing) for stealth kills. You will use him when
everything goes to hell.
Can use:
+Green Beret's Knife
+US Colt Pistol
+German Luger Pistol
+US Thomson Sub-machinegun (dual)
+German MP40
+US BAR M1918
+German STG44
+US Shotgun
+US Garand M1
+German Mauser
+Panzerfaust Bazooka
+Anti-Tank Mines
+Sticky Dynamite
+Smoke Grenades
+Molotov cocktails
[3] Colonel Brown (Spy)
My personal favorite since he reminds me most of the gameplay in the
original Commandos game. He is a master of disguise and can steal
german costumes to pose as a soldier or officer. He also has a coin
used to distract enemies and can silently assassinate them with a
garrotte wire. Often he is also equipped with a silenced pistol or
gas grenades.
Can use:
+Spy's garrotte
+German Lugger
+Walter PP Silenced Pistol
+German MP40
+Gas Grenade
+Pack of 10 Cigarettes
+Gas Mask
As a note, since this game is very keen on the headshots, I found
that personally any guns really are equally good from one to another
as long as you do headshots (instant kills). I thus do not really know
if the US BAR does more damage than the US Thomson or the German MP40.
The same applies for accuracy. It is often a personal preference of
which cross-sights you prefer (between say a Mauser or a Garand).
All that really matters is that you do headshots, so try to get a gun
that has the most bullets and the more reloads. A note on that is that
if your gun has reload cartridges, be mindful when you reload since
realistically you will "loose" your unused bullets to replace them for
a full cartridge. For example, if you use a US Colt pistol and you
have 3 bullets remaining and reload, you will lose those 3 bullets.
So it is advised to reload only when your cartridge is empty. In
opposition, for those guns marked with "more bullets" such as the
shotgun or the Springfield Sniper rifle, it means you have to reload
bullets by bullets, thus it makes no difference when you reload.
Use that fact to your advantage.
[1] Hand-to-Hand
Green Beret's Knife
Sniper's Throwing knives 6 Knives
Spy's garrotte
[2] Pistols
US Colt 7 Bullets (4 reloads)
German Lugger 12 Bullets (4 reloads)
Walter PP Silenced Pistol 7 Bullets (2 reloads)
[3] Submachine-Guns
German MP40 32 Bullets (4 reloads)
US Thomson 20 Bullets (4 reloads)
Two US Thomsons (Green Beret) 40 Bullets (4 reloads)
US BAR M1918 20 Bullets (4 reloads)
US PPSH41 71 Bullets (2 reloads)
German STG44 30 Bullets (2 reloads)
[4] Bolt-Action Rifles
US Shotgun 8 Bullets (24 more bullets)
US Garand M1 8 Bullets (4 reloads)
German Mauser 5 Bullets (4 reloads)
US Springfield Sniper Rifle 5 Bullets (10 more bullets)
German Gewehr 43 Sniper Rifle 8 Bullets (2 reload)
Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle 5 Bullets (10 more bullets)
[5] Demolition
Panzerfaust Bazooka 2 Rockets
Anti-Tank Mines 2 Mines
Sticky Dynamite 3 Sticks
The next items appear as secondary weapons
[6] Grenades
Grenade Explosion
Gas Grenade Poison
Smoke Grenade Smoke screen
Molotov cocktails Incendiary burst
[7] Utilities
Coin Distract
Pack of 10 Cigarettes Distract
Uniform (Spy) Disguise yourself
Gas Mask Avoid dying from Gas Grenades
(Part 1 - TUTORIAL)
This mission is rather easy to follow since the tutorial tells you
exactly what to do. You will play as the sniper in this one.
First approach the enemy and stab him with your knife, then kill the
second one by either throwing the knife or stabbing him. Before you
cross the river, look across on a hill by the moon and you should see
a guard taking a smoke. Shoot him with your sniper rifle. Swim across
the river and the final fourth enemy will be next to the fire and can
be dealt with a knife.
Eventually, you will get to a cutscene in which your mission is to
silently remove the enemy soldiers and rescue 3 POWs.
As you start near a barn, crouch and wait for the enemy patrolling
next to the crates to have his back turned so you can throw a knife at
him for a silent kill. Quickly continue as you crouch toward the back
of the truck where a second guard is patrolling. Make sure his back is
turned and throw a knife again at him. Quietly proceed toward the side
of the next barn.
As you go toward the back of the barn, you will notice an entrance so
go inside and go right to the second barn area. As you enter, directly
turn left to the dark area in which there is a hard to spot door. On
the other side lies a guard with his back turned. Perfect opportunity
to stab him in the back.
Still crouched go toward your objective and climb the stairs to stab
the guard on top with a knife (his three buddies downstairs won't hear
a thing).
NOTE: If your feeling cocky, you can head down, stab the first guy
and then quickly throw knifes at the face of both his pals. It's
not necessary, but it sure is fun! :)
Go back to the staircase and open the door upstair. There's a medpack
and ammo you won't need for now lying there. Inside the building, go
right to the staircase and the tutorial will tell you that while your
on higher grounds, the enemies can't see you. So slowly make you way
down the stairs and as soon as you see his pretty head, throw a knife
at it. Open the door and a cutscene occurs.
(Part 3 - NAZI ATTACK)
This is very straightforward. A bunch of nazi soldiers will arrive via
a truck. Your on top of the building on a balcony and you have to snipe
them all.
Make sure when the mission starts you switch to the sniper rifle and
are fully reloaded. Note that behind you are two boxes of ammos if you
ever needed them, and if you get wounded, you can use one of your
medkit (hotkey 'H').
There will be about 10 enemies total so try to get headshots while
holding your breath to slowdown so you get easier shots.
NOTE: Your 3 POWs will help you by shooting with submachine guns, but
don't count on them too much.
When everybody's dead, the mission will end. Congratulation.
You will soon learn to hate this mission. First off, it takes a DRASTIC
change from the Commandos stealth-style to plunge you in a crazy
"Medal-of-Honor" desperate battle style.
First thing to bear in mind is that you have 2 commandos on this ugly
mission (The Green Beret and the Sniper). So don't forget to switch
back and forth. The Sniper is on top of a barn in relative safety while
the Green Beret is in the middle of a battlefield from Hell with dying
comrades and bullets flying all over the damm place!
And that's how you start. The Green Beret being fired at like crazy.
Alright, to make matters even worst. You actually even have to protect
your soldiers as they are getting mawed by the german infantry. If too
many allied soldiers die, the mission fails. On this first part, you
will have to hold off the germans as best you can until two waves of
allied paratroopers land in the area.
Your best bet is to first get the heck out of where your standing now
(in the middle of the field with no cover that is) so try to backtrack
toward the Sniper's position (north-west) to a shed where a few of your
fellows are. This place is the best place to be for this mission. Since
first off you will get your second submachine-gun (so you can go nuts
as you dual-wield them) and find some health packs and a box of
ever-replenishing ammo! You will USE this ammo box a lot so stand near
it at all time!
When you get in the shed, you will see the second submachine gun, so
get it and the tutorial will explain to you how to dual-wield them, do
so and then lay low inside the shed.
When your Green Beret is in relative safety, switch to the Sniper. The
first task you should give yourself is to clear some of the germans in
the field and then as soon as you can, snipe those far away machine
gunners near the big lightspots. Mind you they are hard to spot, but
if you kill them, it will make this mission a lot easier.
NOTE: At any given moment in this mission, some of your allies will
get wounded. When that happens, try to switch to the Green Beret
and go help them by applying bandages on them. You can start the
healing sequence and then switch to the Sniper while the Green
Beret is playing medic.
Eventually, the first wave of enemies coming from the south will be
calmed down and a new wave of enemies will arrive from the north (you
can see that from the red dots on your map). When that occurs, you can
switch to the Green Beret and dual-shoot them with your submachine gun.
Just go back and forth between the Green Beret and the Sniper to try
to kill every germans you see. Be aware that they have unlimited
supplies of germans soldiers, so just do your best to stay alive.
Eventually a truck will arrive, you can do your best at sniping people
getting out, or sometimes it gets blowed up by explosions if your
Eventually even worst, an armored machine gun truck arrive and then
you NEED to use your sniper to snipe the gunner with much difficulty.
Good luck soldier, you'll need it.
(Part 2 - REGROUP)
Eventually, the Captain will be wounded. You will need to protect him
with either of your Commandos until his aides bring him to safety.
When he's safe, you will get your third objective.
(Part 3 - FALL BACK)
When you get this objective, just follow it as you have no reasons to
stay in this hellhole. First thing, you should switch to the Sniper
and get him back in the barn so he is out of danger.
Then go back to the Green Beret and while protecting your friends, run
toward the west of the map at the bridge.
When you reach the bridge, two bombs will be on it, simply activate
them to blow up the bridge so you are not caught on both sides of the
Finally, you need to use your Green Beret to go kamikaze at the end
of the road to take out the machine-gunner in the armored truck.
The best way to do that is to first reload your ammo, heal yourself and
get some smoke grenades. Then head toward the end of the road and you
will see a machine gun nest you can use to kill the approaching jerrys.
When the path is relatively clear, get off the gun nest and go toward
the left side of the trucks on the grass paths, using the trucks as
Now the smoke grenades will become essential. Throw one on the floor
in front of you and use that cover to kill some soldiers. Then throw
another one a bit further and continue your way in the smoke while
killing enemies, repeat the process to create more smoke and continue
toward that armored truck. Finally you will be close enough so go to
the left of it and shoot the machine gunner in the truck.
2.1.3 LEVEL 3 - A TRAITOR?
Complete departure from the last mission and a very fun stealth one
that teaches you on how to use the Spy.
I won't cover much here since the tutorial teaches you exactly what to
do, so if you can't do this.. your simply stupid. :)
Ok, just a bit of help at first. Make sure you crouch and hug the path
on the left so that the patrol on the right don't see you.
After that, it's tutorial after tutorial until you reach your objective
at the radio operator.
(Part 2 - SABOTAGE)
Again very simple to do, but this time the area is crawling with lots
of enemies. Don't be too intimidated by it though and try to be casual.
With your officer costume, the soldiers and sub-officers won't be a
treat at all. So the only ones to watch for are the other officers and
that general in black by the truck.
Simply said, just walk casual and place bombs on the trucks and flaks.
They will be marked with stars on your map. When they are all tagged,
the mission ends with a bang.
NOTE: If you feel like a challenge, you can try to kill everyone in
stealth by using gas bombs and the garrotte. On "Hard" I managed
to clear them all without anyone raising an eyebrow. It's fun. :)
Ahhh. A very fun mission this one, even if quite short. You play the
Spy for most of it, and the Sniper for only one shot.
Ok, you need to be very stealthy on that one since you don't want the
alarm to be raised. So you'll use your garrotte a lot on this one. As
you start off with a Sub-Officer suit, the soldiers won't bother you
so as soon as they got their back turned, assassinate them.
First target is right in front of you, get to it. The second one is
patrolling on the other side of the truck. The problem is that there
is an officer overlooking the convoys on a hill nearby, but if you
crouch and hug the left side of the road, he don't seem to see you
(must be all that rain). So as you crouch, quickly make you way to the
second target and when he's out of sight from the officer by being near
the truck, garrotte him.
You then switch to the Sniper for his sole role in the mission. Go
toward the window and zoom to see the officer overlooking the convoy
and snipe him. Nobody will notice that.
Switch back to the Spy and quickly go to that officer to steal the
costume off his dead body. Then go back down on the road and stand at
the back of the static guard (hey.. isn't that a brand of laundry
product or something..? anyway..lol). So wait that the patrolling guard
is going toward the right and garrotte the non-moving guard. Then very
QUICKLY (you can walk on this move), garrotte the second guard before
he has a chance of turning around and seeing your dirty deed.
You can now release the first two trucks of allies if you want.
Now off to the third truck. If you try to use the road, another officer
will automatically see you, you don't want that. So instead go to the
area where the officer on the hill was and continue in the wooden path.
There will be another officer there smoking so, make sure you go deep
in the woods so he don't see you coming and then garrotte him. Get his
MP40 machine gun.
Follow the wooden paths until you reach the last truck with 4 guards
nearby and the officer who now has his back turned on you.
Ok, this is the trickiest part of this mission. Also a lot of fun.
What you want to do here is to kill this officer and those four guards
and do it without being wounded too much. So head toward the truck on
the opposite side of the guards and ready your garrotte and a coin.
Throw the coin toward the back of the truck so that all 4 guards face
the back. Then quickly dash to the officer and garrotte him while his
four guards are looking the other way.
Finally for the fun finale, grab your MP40 and aim toward those 4 poor
bastards who have their back turned and open fire like a madman! Try
to go for headshots and remember, you only have 32 bullets before a
reload so make all those bullets count.
(Part 3 - FALL BACK)
Yeah right... everybody's dead. Just wait for the truck and dust that
rain off your shoulders. :)
Be aware that compared to the other previous missions, this one is
very very long, but...You'll play the spy this time again and with the
silenced pistol on top of it, so it's tons of fun!
First off, talk to the 2 people downstair for some more infos and make
sure you get the medpacks near your starting position. Head upstair
and talk to the third resistance member to get some final information.
Head outside and head toward the right in the small streets.
Soon, you will see a guard coming your way so duck and crawl back as
you retreat slowly toward the corner of the wall and wait. The green
arrow on your map will show you when he's going back to his patrol so
go to him and garrotte his pretty neck. Steal the soldier suit.
As you make your way on the road you will come to a crossroad, left or
right. For now go left, but wait off a bit as a sub-officer is by the
fire and a soldier is patrolling. Make sure the soldier is patrolling
with his back at you to quickly go garrotte the sub-officer. Then before
you steal his suit, go to the soldier and garrotte him. With the coast
clear, go get your sub-officer suit now.
Afterward you can use the right-path this time. Make a turn on the
first street you see right and a soldier should be patrolling there,
garrotte him when nobody's around.
Slowly continue down this alley, but stop when you see that green
arrow (it's a sub-officer and he will annoy you). Wait for him to turn
his back and smoke a cigarette to go behind him. A soldier might be
patrolling in the distance so make sure he don't see you, garrotte the
sub-officer. Then quickly go to that patrolling soldier and strangle
You should be near the town square (it's to the right from your
(Part 1 - TOWN CENTER - Free french doctor)
Ok, now it starts to get hairy. Lots of people here. First off, you
should see two guards talking, ignore them for now, but go in their
general direction. In the small street, you should find a door to the
right (this is the backdoor to the town center base). So enter this.
In the corridors you should see a lone guard, garrotte-him. And then
a sub-officer will soon join up. Wait for him in the corner of the
entryway and as soon as he peeks in, garrotte him. When both are dead,
you should backtrack a little bit to the door you just passed and in
that closet of sorts will be gas grenades, a gas mask and a MP40
machine gun if you didn't have one by now.
Now go in the lobby of this building and you have two choices. Either
the left door, or the staircases. Start with the staircases and go up.
There you will see an archway heading outside where two soldiers are
patrolling the small bridge. Wait for the one nearest you to arrive in
the staircases, and garrotte him. Then head to the bridge and garrotte
that guy on the bridge. Nobody should see that, but be careful for the
guard patrolling the balcony nearby. Now to take care of this balcony
fellow, you'll use your silenced pistol (since there is no way to
reach him by hand). Wait for him to have his back turned, then from
your bridge vantage point, shoot him in the back of the head.
*IMPORTANT* Don't forget to put back your clothes to hide the pistol.
You can head back down the stairs, there's nothing up. This time, go
all the way down to the basement and garrotte the soldier down there.
You will see two flashing green "generators" so...
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Disable Generators)
Obviously, this is simple.. disable those two generators. From now on,
this should take off the searchlights.
Head back upward and then go to the other unexplored area of this
building in the dark archway. A guard should be there, garrotte him when
he is facing the downward staircase (this is important) and while that
happens a small animation should play telling you that an officer is
giving orders to two of his soldiers. Now move quickly and even though
you see the two guards, ignore them for now and go walk toward the
officer and stand behind him for a bit until the soldier leaves the
room. Obviously, garrotte the officer and then quickly go assassinate
the guard that just walked away. Return to the officer to get his
NOTE: You have the option to trade the Silenced PP Walter for a Luger.
Don't as the silenced gun is more useful.
Now remember that second guard you just passed by that entered the
side room? Open that room and you'll see he's got a friend, now hide
at the side of the door and throw a coin inside the room to divert
their attention. With both their backs turned, garrotte them.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Neutralise Garrison)
Finally, in the last room near the officer's office, you have a green
square giving you the option to throw a gas grenade in (if you have
some). Do so as this will get rid of the Garrison by giving them a good
payback for those gas chambers.
The last detail you need to achieve to finish this area is to get rid
of the two soldiers and the gestapo officer in the fountain area and
those two guys we saw bickering earlier.
First for the fountain area. The easiest target is the guy right next
to the entrance of your building while The big danger here is the
gestapo officer who even outrank your officer uniform. So wait until
the gestapo stops hanging by the bridge wall and head toward the door
of your building. Get behind him and wait until the guard by your door
look inside the building. Perfect timing to garrotte the gestapo, then
garrotte the guard before he turns around, steal the gestapo uniform
and finally you can get rid of the last guard at your leisure. He must
be drugged up on cigarettes since he didn't saw any of this.
The good news here is that your now gestapo and can go virtually
anywhere undetected now. So to get rid of those last two guys nearby
the backdoor, simply go to them, hide in a corner, throw a coin so both
their backs are turned and garrotte them both, either that or wait until
one of them goes on his patrol and kill them both. Voila coast is clear
to finish the first objective!
Which is.. the hospital.
Ok, for now I won't go in details as to how to assassinate everyone
since you should get the drift by now (throw coins + assassinate) or
(wait for a lone guard + assassinate) or (shoot with silenced pistol
if the enemy is on a balcony or otherwise hard to get).
The reason being, there are tons of enemies in that hospital, and since
you have a gestapo uniform now, they all should be pretty easy to slay
one after the other. Just think like an assassin and you should do
You can enter from the main door if you wish and then kill everybody
as you make your way upstair to the last level. Now you can either go
the hard way and attack the gestapo and his two guards, or you can
sneak in the side door to reach the doctor.
Either way, you get a cutscene and then need to escort the doctor back
to the HQ. There will be some enemies along the way but luckily your
friends will provide various distractions for you to kill the enemies
either with the garrotte or the silent pistol. In the end you will bring
the doctor to safety, get another cutscene and your done with this
objective. It was LONG wasn't it??
(Part 2 - STATION - Steal truck containing explosives)
For our second objective, we need to go back to the fountain area up
north and then go to the thin alley near the crates (follow the star
objective on your map). Follow the alley until the map loads.
As soon as you start off, a truck passes by and you should see a guard
right in front of you. garrotte him, then quickly go right to the one
guarding the door and strangle him also. Then again quickly, go toward
where the truck just parked and without being noticed by the Gestapo,
go behind the truck to garrotte the guard right next to the truck. For
your fourth quick-kill, as soon as the other truck-soldier goes toward
the entrance of the building (where the 2nd dead body now lies), you
should choke him also. That should take care of the patrolling guards.
You can now enter the building from the front entrance and get rid of
the soldier patrolling the lobby. You can then head to the radio room
(on the left) to garrotte both the Officer and the soldier when they
are not talking to one another.
To finish up this floor and the outsides, now head to the right room
and garrotte the guard inside that tend to overlook down the pit. When
he's dead, the final targets are the Gestapo officer (who now have his
back turned to you as you stand inside the building) and his subofficer.
Wait for the subofficer to look away, garrotte the Gestapo, garrotte the
subofficer and we're all set for this floor!
Go back to the lobby and this time go to the staircase near the radio
room. There should be a guard on top of it, you know what to do. Then
go down the stairs and in the main room there should be a subofficer
to your right that also goes in the office behind. Wait for him to get
in the office to garrotte him. In the other office is a Gestapo, kill
him and you'll get the "Explosive Truck Documents". Be mindful of a
soldier patrolling nearby when you do all this.
Go toward this guard, but before killing him, enter the familiar area
behind him. On the metal railings, there's another guard that will
spot you if you try to kill the one next to you. So wait for this 2nd
guard to patrol toward the windows and while he is hidden by the piles
of crates, garrotte him. Your now free to kill the guard that we avoided
until now. Make your kill when that guard is back on the metal rails
(and not in the lobby).
Ok now to secure the truck we came here to steal. Go downstairs and
there should be a suboffier and two guys charging the truck with boxes.
Take care of the gards when they are away getting a new crate, and then
get rid of the subofficer. If you want a refill of ammo, this is the
spot for it btw. Finally, get in the truck and you'll steal it away.
When your done with it, your back outside near the gate. You could
call it a day, but let's clear the rest of the base shall we?
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Disable Railway control)
Follow the low road until you reach the railway. There will be two
guards chilling there, so wait for them to have their back on you and
kill them. Then let's head back to the garage where we stole the truck
and we'll clear the second building from the top down. So climb the
metal staircase until we come back to the lobby near the office where
you killed the gestapo who had the papers. In there is another room we
have not explored yet as it is rather dark. It is in fact a small
passerelle that links both building in which an officer often goes to
smoke. This is our destination.
Now before you get excited about killing that officer, you should let
him smoke and make a turn to the right in a room where there is a
soldier hanging near the far wall (kill him) and a subofficer too busy
to care as he looks at controls and file cabinets (kill him too).
There's a green thing here that sabotage the railway controls. Do that
and you just completed that secondary objective. Before we call it a
wrap, wait for the smoking officer to come back and garrotte him (it is
important that you do not kill him at his smoking spot as there is a
guard patrolling down that will see that easily).
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Disable Railway switch)
Go downstairs from this room and you should be in a small room where
a subofficer is busy over some papers at his desk. Make SURE that the
patrolling guard outside don't look at the window inside, if your sure
then garrotte the subofficer and his body will now be hidden behind the
Now is time to be quick and deadly. In the next room you should first
get rid of the patrolling guard, then the Gestapo officer, then outside
the guard on the left and then the officer looking at the train. Just
follow the patterns of patrols and you should do it fine. Your next
target in this area is on the other room on the left (a small room
filled with documents), there's a guard there so kill him.
As you exit this room, go left and do not climb that staircase yet.
Instead go outside from the small door and kill the guard by the wall
on your left, then quickly go to the patrolling guard. When they are
both dead, you can go in the small rail switch station, kill the guard
first and then the very busy subofficer. You can now derail the switch
to finish up your secondary objective.
You are now free to go back to the main city, but on your way back you
can always finish up the remaining guards. So go back to where you just
killed the past two guards outside the railway switch station and climb
the hard-to-spot stone staircase. You'll be facing 3 guys near a camp
fire and the ever-so-annoying guard that loves to patrol outside
between the two buildings. This one's finally going down! So wait for
him to be away from his pals, and garrotte his sorry ass.
For the 3 guys by the fire, you'll have to be quick. First make sure
that the subofficer is going away to the stone staircase. Then as you
stand behind the two remaining guards, throw a coin so the guards look
the other way, garrotte both of them fast and then dash to the
subofficer and garrotte him before he can turn around he see what you
The remaining two guards are inside the building, you can go kill them
at your leisure if you want, starting with the one polishing his gun
and then the one looking at the map.
Congratulation, you killed everyone! Now you can go back to the main
city map and go toward the last remaining objective you have.
(Part 3 - BORDELLO - Kill Major Gorlitz)
To access this, you will have needed to unlock the metal gate from the
inside of the hospital. Since you can roam freely in the hospital in
your gestapo uniform, you can easily do that by following the star.
Follow the small alcove tunnels until the game loads.
Ok, your first two targets are two soldiers talking to one another.
Coin to divert them, and then garrotte them both. It is important that
you kill them both in this little area before one of them goes on his
patrol. That is because your third target is just above the stairs on
the corner. Wait for him to be down the stairs to garrotte him.
Ok, now in the street levels, you'll see a subofficer looking at papers
and a soldier going to a nearby building to load crates. First, you can
get rid of the subofficer when nobody is around and then follow that
soldier and wait for him to pick up a crate. Now pay close attention
to that dirty window nearby as there is often a guard looking over. As
soon as the peeping tom guard turn around and your victim picks up a
crate (it should be done at the same time) you can subdue him. In that
same room, you probably noticed another subofficer being busy, garrotte
him too.
Exit from the other side of the building toward a parking lot of sorts.
You should see a car and two guards checking the entrance. That is your
destination so head over there. Ahh nice.. it is the bordello.
As soon as you enter the brothel, go straight in the passageway in
front of you and make a quick turn right. There should be a subofficer
and a Gestapo in there. Kill the subofficer first and then as the lone
Gestapo goes to the corridor, kill him also.
Ok, you will soon realize that this place not only is crawling with
guards and officers, but also have a lot of innocent whores who will
start screaming if you kill anyone in front of them. So this mission
cannot really require a full kill ratio unfortunately.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Disable Alarm in Bordello Area)
Thus, the first thing you should do before going to your target is to
disable the alarm. From your entrance point, you should cross the main
lobby (where there are a show going on) and exit from the main door to
go back to the plaza that is crawling with guards. Be mindful of a few
Gestopos, the other guards won't recognize you so don't sweat.
Again I cannot stress here that you cannot kill everybody, so just head
to the secondary objective star to get rid of that alarm.
If you want here, you can clear some guards for fun. After you climbed
the flight of stairs, you should see the alarm base. You can start your
kill with the soldier using the binoculars, then the officer in the
entryway, then the guard overlooking the small wall. You can then get
back in the alarm base, assassinate the Gestapo being totally oblivious
to what you are doing, *disable the alarm* for your secondary objective
and on your way downstairs, you can get rid of that subofficer going
back up. Whew.. lots of killing in a short time. :)
On your way down, you should be able to see a guard in some nearby
staircase, why not kill him... nobody cares about him being so far.
If you want to continue your killing spree, on the other side of the
plaza is some small round staircase with a lone officer on top in his
room. Wait for him to be back in the room to kill him, then wait for
the subofficer to climb up and kill him silently. Down this staircase
is also a guard near the garbage cans that you can also kill.
Why not continue. On the other side of the plaza in the dark area are
two guards. First get rid of the one on the small staircase and then
when nobody is looking, his friend at the bottom.
You now have two guards freezing their asses next to the fire barrel
and two other guards patrolling the area. It is these guards that are
a bit annoying. The easiest to get rid of is the one going back to the
loading beginning area (aka the peeping tom). Just way for him to go
back to the loading area and strangle him, nobody should care.
The other one that patrols the archway is more annoying due to the
Gestapo nearby. So your best bet is to wait that he goes joins his two
friends near the fire barrel and then use the good ol' coin technique.
First throw a coin so everyone looks away, then strangle one guy. Throw
a second coin so they get distracted again, and then piano-wire the
two others.
Ok, the only remaining guards outside are the Gestapo and his two poor
friends and the two guards near the entrance by the car.
Your best bet is to approach the Gestapo and his two guards from the
"parking lot" side. Throw a coin to get the attention of all three and
kill the Gestapo and then the two others. Finally for the two guards
by the door, sometimes one of them goes on the side a bit, perfect time
to kill him and then finish off the last guard.
You now proudly got rid of everyone outside! This will make your escape
a lot easier. So finally you can go for your main objective.
As mentioned earlier, this bordello is impossible to clean up of all
the soldiers due to the fact that there are too many innocents that
will scream so don't waste your time on that unless you want to go in
a blaze of glory with your silenced pistol.
So instead go downstairs in the girl's dressing area (marked with a
star). There one of the girls will distract the Gestapo officer that is
guarding the stairs. After the cutscene, proceed to the other end of
the dressing room back to the main tavern, and then climb the stairs.
In the only room where you can enter, lies your target: Major Gorlitz.
Enter the room and as you can see he is rather.. busy. So kill him
either way you wish.
(Part 4 - ESCAPE - Return to Resistance HQ)
That stupid girl will scream. Which alerts everybody and obviously
put you in trouble. A cutscene will play and you now have to escape.
Switch to your silenced pistol (or alternatively grab the Lugger) and
then escape from the rooftops. Get down to street level and then run
away to the exit. Since you killed everyone outside, it's a free run
without any problems to evacuate.
Return to HQ and finally this incredibly LONG mission is over.
Hope you enjoyed it :p
This one takes place in Norway and starts you right off in the middle
of the action in a gunfight. You have the Green Beret in this one along
with the Sniper. You also have 6 norwegians with you. You'll start as
the Green Beret who got a Shotgun and a BAR machinegun.
(Part 1 - SURVIVE - Eliminate every Nazis in dock area)
But seriously, get the Green Beret out of the way (to the left) and
switch to the Sniper so he can snipe everybody (especially the guys
using the big machine gun nest on the upper window). You have limited
ammo, so every bullet count. When every Nazis are dead, you can bring
the Sniper down from the Captain cabin for some ammo refills.
Chances are, there will still remain one enemy in a small shack on the
left side. As soon as this guy dies, you will see your heroic troop
act like the dumbest soldiers in history and rush the base without
thinking. They will soon be caught in a crossfire between enemies
arriving from the shores and some coming up from the mountains.
Obviously, they have the great idea to stand in the middle of that
crossfire and hide behind explosive barrels for cover... *sigh*. Not
to mention that you'll never have the time to bring your two commandos
to help as you can only control one at a time.
Sooooo... to prevent that from happening. BEFORE you kill that lone
enemy in the shack. Make sure everybody's healed and that you go a full
supply of ammo (just outside in the harbor is a box of unlimited ammo).
Then take your sniper and position him at the top of the boat near the
captain's cabin. Place him exactly on the right side of the cabin so
he has a better view of where the enemies will pop in. Then take your
Green Beret equipped with the BAR machine gun and bring him up the hill
toward the houses and blow up the barrels at the top of the stairs.
At that point, the enemies will start appearing from everywhere and
your dumb soldiers will rush the battle like kamikazes. Let the Sniper
on automatic, he should be able to pick a few enemies. And do the rest
with the Green Beret with either the BAR or the Shotgun in the middle
of battle.
The best place to be as the Green Beret is to rush your way to that
shack where tons of enemy snipers appear. If you go around that shack
from the left side, you can out-maneuver them by catching them from the
back. With either the BAR or the Shotgun, it should be easy to get rid
of those four snipers. Keep that vantage point and shoot anyone that
appear on the ground below near the boat.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Officer Escaping)
Eventually, the officer will try to make his escape to the boat and
you'll be in a perfect spot to shot him. When nobody's left on the
ground, you can continue on that small balcony and peak on the right
side, there you should see the back of the head of some enemies, shoot
The only problem come from the reinforcement in the mountain who can
snipe you for lots of damage. I then recommend you switch to one of the
german Mauser rifle laying around to shoot the remaining guys in the
Eventually you should be successful with only minor casualties.
(on Hard, only 2 of my stupid norwegians died).
(Part 2 - OBTAIN TRUCKS - Clear compound of Nazis)
Alright, maybe I'm a bit biased toward the Spy but.. finally another
stealth mission. This time you'll play the Spy and the Sniper.
Your first easy task is to get the inflatable boat just near your
starting position so get on it with the spy and use it. Then don't
forget your sniper, so switch to him and make him hop on the boat.
Switch back to the Spy and pilot the boat on the cold river to the
other pier. You can leave the sniper here for now if you want. Get
the Spy and make your approach slowly.
NOTE: Alternatively to all this sneaking around, if you prefer the
ways of the sniper. You can go all around the compound to the
lighthouse in the mountain. As you stand near the flag, you
will have a great view of the inner compound and will be able
to snipe a lot of enemies from there. (You even have two boxes
of sniper ammo right there!)
The first enemies you will notice is one that patrol the entrance of
the base while the other goes out of his way to the left side of the
base. That's the guy we want. So sneak while making a large arc to get
to the other side of that wall and stay out of sight. He will soon
get back to a position that is farther from the entrance of the base.
That is when you strike and garrotte him. Steal his uniform.
You will then infiltrate the base from the back, so counter around
until you find another entrance with a guard patrolling nearby. When
nobody's looking, neck him. You can then hide behind the crates and
wait for the other guard to go near the corner, this is going to be
far enough from his friends so that they don't see his body. Kill him
there. You can then open up the door to enter the base.
Directly on your left is a guard, wait for his patrolling friend to
turn around (he patrols right to his face). As soon as the patrol turns
around, you can garrotte the guy on the left. Then hide near the corner
to wait for his return. Technically speaking, when he return, the body
of his dead friend should have disapeared, if he did not, you can buy
yourself some time by throwing a pack of cigarette in the room to
confuse him a bit. Anyway, when your ready, wait for him at the corner
and as soon as he turns, jump him. Nobody should see that.
Then climb that ladder to reach the other floor. On top is a patrol, so
wait in silence behind the crates and as soon as he has his back turned
you will know what to do mister reaper.
You can then get down that ladder and chances are you could get rid the
soldier patrolling near the trucks to make it easier on you, but I
went with the violent approach on this one by throwing a gas grenade at
the entrance of the barn. That took care of 4 enemies but alerted the
remaining one by the trucks. I didn't had much problem outmaneuvering
around to assassinate him though as he kept being fascinated at the
body of his dead comrades.
The last two nazis are in the small radio barn. Just check for the
patrolling soldier to face the other way, kill him. The last guy is a
subofficer over a radio. And this will be important. Kill him with the
COSTUME! The reason why I'm writing this in bold is because there is a
cutscene that appears just at that moment, and you won't have a second
chance to get this uniform. If your quick to steal though before the
cutscene appears you will start as a subofficer, which will make the
mission MUCH easier.
(PART 3 - ROUTE BLOCKED : Eliminate Nazis at roadblock)
Alright, hopefully you got your subofficer costume. If not, we'll try
to get you one without too many problems. As you start the mission, you
should see on the other side of the river a house in the mountain and
in the distance a guard walking up a path. You can easily snipe him or
if your feeling like running, you can run toward the inflatable boat,
ride it to the other side of the river, then run up that path to choke
the guard before he reaches his friends. Either way works, you just
need to get up that house regardless.
The next challenge will remain virtually the same if you use the Sniper
and his throwing knives or if you use the Spy with his silenced gun. If
you have the subofficer costume, it might make this a bit easier, if
you don't then just get ready for some strategy.
What first seems like impossible becomes possible with the use of smoke
grenades. As we saw in the 2nd mission, those permits you to advance
without being seen, but what they also do is choke the enemy if they
are lobbed close enough to them. Be mindful that this choke effect last
only about 5 seconds so you'll have to be quick. First approach the
house in a crouch and hug the wall. You then throw a smoke grenade on
the subofficer and his guard, they will both choke and not fire at you.
You then quickly throw a second smoke grenade to the two guards next to
the fire barrel. And then you have to kill these four clowns in a
silent and quick way. Either with the throwing knives (Sniper) or with
the silenced pistol (Spy). After they are all dead, make sure to get
that subofficer uniform if you don't have one yet.
Remains two other soldiers inside the house and both are not paying
any attention at you since they are looking at the window with a pair
of binoculars, so gut or garrotte both of them. Now you have a great
sniping spot at that window.
We now have to take care of that pier we see in the distance. First off
you should bring your Spy with the inflatable boat next to the pier.
You should see an unguarded door before you reach the pier and that is
where you should go first. You will notice that inside is an officer
that likes to go look at the window. Your opportunity will be very short
as you need to open the door when the officer is at the window and then
quickly go to the other door before the officer starts getting worried.
And trust me, he get suspicious real quick that one. So stand in the
outside of the door right behind the guard.
Switch to the sniper and snipe the first enemy that you see patrolling
the upper path, nobody should care if he's far enough of the house.
Then your second target will be that explosive barrel where two guys are
near. Wait for the third guard to go talk to them and blow up that
barrel, should take care of all three of them. Quickly switch to the
Spy since that guard your just behind will raise his gun at be all
confused as to what happened, garrotte him before he can think. You now
only have to take care relaxingly of the soldier and the officer inside
the house who must be deaf since they are still in the green. Steal the
Officer's uniform, your now pretty clear to kill without worry.
You now need to get rid of those Nazis blocking the road so that your
trucks can pass. So climb up the path while your wearing your spiffy
new Officer uniform and get ready for some very not too realistic
"in-their-face" assassinations, these guys really must be blind.
Your first target should be the guy cutting the plank of wood, so take
him out with the garrotte when nobody's around. The second target will
be a guard patrolling that will go take a piss right in front of the
guy that used to cut wood (so make sure that this dead body has
disappeared before you attempt the garrotte). The third one should be
the guy chilling by the stairs. Finally the last one of this batch
will be the remaining loner by the woodpiles (be mindful to be closer
to the house when you choke him as his pal by the fire barrel might
see you).
This guy near the fire barrel will be our next target, but before you
act, make sure that the patrolling guy in white finish his talk with
the two others and turn his back, you'll need to be quick for this
chain of event. When the white guard turns, choke your target (again
try to hang out more on the right side of him so your not seen). Then
quickly go to choke the two other guards. Finally dash around the car
and choke the white guard before he sees anything.
The only remaining enemy is the officer inside the house. So you can
get in, he will complaint about your uniform, so get your silenced
pistol ready for his head, draw and shoot. Don't forget to recloth
yourself and then raise the gate.
(PART 4 - ROUTE BLOCKED : Clear the bridge of Nazi Presence)
Your next step will be the bridge. My recommendation is that you go
back down to the inflatable boat to go pick up the sniper. You can
then proceed the two of you near the left of the house on the hill.
There's a safe approach there for the Spy, so climb those steps and
enter the house where you can safely choke a subofficer.
The next guys are going to be a bit trickier since there are many of
them. Make sure that the guy in white that makes a long trek back to
the bridge is on his way off. When he is, garrotte the one near the
fire barrel, then the other white guard that likes to patrol and then
the green guard.
You can now head toward the bridge and get the white guard when he is
looking at the car (this should hide his body). Then you can go for
the green guard that patrols the other way, then the machine gunner and
finally you can get the white guard that is patrolling. Now before you
get excited to kill the last guy with the binoculars, you could do that
secondary objective first. If you kill the binocular guy, the mission
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (Plant Explosives on Boat)
This is rather easy to do. All you need to do is use your sniper to
snipe everybody on the boat and on the shore (a total of 6 enemies).
Your best spot is directly on your inflatable boat, so use it and park
it under the bridge (the guy with the binoculars won't even see you,
he must be looking at birds or something). So from your inflatable boat
simply stop using it, snipe your targets and then get back using the
boat to sail to the big metal boat. There's an explosive charge on the
left side of it, so activate it and then sail off toward the damm.
Wait 10 seconds and see the fireworks.
Finally you can switch to the Spy and garrotte the confused guy with
the binoculars... he probably thought he saw an eagle or something.
2.1.7 LEVEL 7 - CAT'S EYE
This one's fun. You'll play the Sniper at first and you need to kill
off a few enemies by the cover of a winter night. So let's get to it.
(PART 1 - INFILTRATE : Eliminate soldiers on the Harbor [7])
Alright, you got 7 nazis to kill silently without raising the alarm.
Go quickly and you gotta admire the devotion of Lt Hawkins to swim in
freezing water just like if he was in the tropics! As I said, go quick
and swim to the right side of the pier. Take a turn left under the
boardwalk and gut the first target you see that has his back at you.
There should be a gateplank going upward just to your left, so look up
and wait until you see a guard walking on that top level with his back
at you, gut him!
On that top level there is a guy nearby, throw a knife at his throat
and you got 3 out of 7. Quickly continue your way and head for that
small corridor in between buildings to your right and wait for your
fourth target to pass by. Gut him.
Then proceed left and stay on the top floor and wait at a distance for
your fourth target to arrive from the staircase, throw a knife at him.
You can then climb down the gankplank and throw a knife to the guy on
the pier on the left side. Finally throw a knife at the last guy in the
distance before he realise what's going on. Grab your 3 knives and you
will have completed your first objective silently.
(PART 2 - POSITION SNIPER : Make way to the top of the tower)
The rest of the guards now become visible on your map and I would
suggest you take most them out as you get to your objective.
The building we need to clear is marked with a star objective. So turn
around and go near where we killed the fourth guard in objective 1
(the one that was coming down the stone staircases).
Do not use those staircases, but rather make your approach with the
snowy path going up near it. Keep yourself crouched so the patrolling
guard won't see you, and when he's going toward the east, jump the
small wall and gut him in the back. Your second target is just nearby
guarding a door, so gut him too. You can now enter that small door.
Inside the building directly on your right is a large open two-story
area with a patrolling guard at the top and one at the bottom. Wait for
both guards to look the other way and go gut the one at the bottom. You
can now make your approach upward using the staircase on the right (the
right when you arrived inside this building). You can kill the guard
upstair easily that way.
Before we go all the way upstair, we could clear out the guards outside
this building so let's get back on ground level and safely go toward
the back of the building where there is an opened bay door. There some
guards like to hang out. Wait for the first one to go on the left and
do some stretching while the second get square in the middle of those
bay doors with his back turned. Quickly you can throw a knife at the
back of his head and then gut his friend on the left. Finally, you
should take care of the guy on the right patrolling. That should cover
all the guards around this building. You can get back inside.
Go back to the spot where we killed the guard on the second floor and
an that second level is an opening with a weird ramp going up here,
this is where we are going, but be mindful of a patrolling guard in the
other room. When his back is turned and is going upward the ramp you
can safely gut him. Your last target will be upstairs paying absolutely
no attention to you. You can kill him and now have a choice of keeping
your Springfield rifle or using the german Gewehr 43 (the difference
is on how they reload). Personally I would keep the Springfield for now
so you can empty it's munitions and then switch to the Gewehr, but...
that's for objective 4. :)
That will complete your objective and after a small cutscene, you will
now switch to the Spy.
(PART 3 - SABOTAGE : Disable explosive on side of bridge)
You are on the inflatable boat, so use it to go on the harbor piers and
land over there. You should now head for that stone staircase (where
we killed the fourth target in objective 1) and proceed until you see
a subofficer which you should garrotte and steal his uniform. When that
occurs, a secondary objective should be triggered about an officer
arriving in town.
To quickly dispatch it, proceed toward the car that just arrived while
keeping your back at the subofficer. A white guard should be nearby.
So wait for him to look the other way, garrotte the subofficer and then
go quickly choke that white guard. You can now dash toward the officer
and his two pals who are all walking with their backs at you. Start
with the soldier, then the officer, then the subofficer (who probably
just entered the door, and if you want you can even get the guard on
the other side of the door that should have his back turned at you).
Yes, you can now get the officer uniform, congrats on being a quick
killing machine. 6 guys died in less than a minute.. wow.
You can now start to clear up the entire base. We will not start with
this nearby building since people outside will notice your deeds.
Instead we will go all the way back in the beginning to the boat house
near the pier. So go back over there and go inside (there's a medpack
on a table if your interested btw). You will see a white guard climbing
stairs and a green guard that's harder to spot at the bottom of those
stairs. garrotte the green guard and then get the white guard when he's
at the top of the stairs. Open the door when the coast is clear to kill
the other patrolling guard.
Ignore the kitchen area with the two guards for now and make your way
to the left where there is a staircase going up. Climb and kill the
guard patrolling those corridors. Then for a low blow, go choke the
guard urinating in the toilets. On one of the side rooms is another
health pack, and the final guy would be the subofficer patrolling the
last room. Wait for him to have his back turned and kill him.
You can now head back downstairs for those two guys in the kitchen.
First make sure that the guy patrolling on the opening is not looking.
Then from the other side of the counter, throw a coin to distract both
guys and choke them quickly. Then go outside and kill the patrolling
guard (even if there are some people outside, they should not bother).
You can now proceed in the center of this area to get the subofficer
that is walking near the fire barrel and a bunch of crates, again you
can safely get rid of him.
You should now head all the way right toward a gate with two guards.
They are easily killed.
Then, you can go back to the first building on the right where you can
choke a subofficer as he goes for a smoke on the side of the building
from time to time. From that position, jump the gate so you can go at
the back of the building (it's an annoying jump, so try again if you
fail). In the back should be a lonely guard, make him even lonier by
killing him. Then you can get the guy upstairs. Go back downstairs and
open the door at the end of the corridor. Your aim should be the evil
Gestapo officer, so wait for him to finish up talking to the two guys
at the entrance, and when he makes his return trip back inside, wait
for him to have his back turned and then choke him. Kill the guard just
next to him totally oblivious to anything and then steal the Gestapo
uniform. The two other guys outside can be easily killed also. Just
throw a coin so the guy on the left turn a little and kill him. Then
kill the subofficer on the right that surprisingly didn't saw a thing!
The last building before we head toward our objective is right in front
of you and will pose quite a bite of a challenge. Your first target
should be the bartender so get right next to him and duck behind the
counter. Wait for the patrolling guard to go outside and then throw
a coin to distract both drinking guards. Choke the bartender guard and
you can leave his body like that, as soon as the others turn around
they will be too drunk to realize that their bartender is dead just
under the bar. The others are now really easy to get. Simply choke
the patrolling guard, then the guy outside and finally by throwing a
coin, you can garrotte both drinking guards. Your last guard will be in
the left room of this building, he seems to be the cook. Again an
easy kill. Upstair, the only thing of interest is the medkit.
You can finally head toward your objective, but just before I would
advice you go inside the ammunition building just near the bridge to
kill an easy guard and refill ammo if you ever need it.
The rest of the guards on the bridge are nearly impossible to kill
without making a riot so forget about it. You will get them later on
the next objective with the Green Beret, so they will be taken care of.
If you really want to do it now though, you can always choke the guy
next to the ammo building when the 3 patrolling guards on the bridge
are looking the other way. Then pick the guard next to the small guard
station with a silenced pistol and then get the others either with the
silenced pistol or go Rambo-Style with the Machine Gun nest and mow
them down for tons of fun. Anyway...
For now ignore the guard standing next to the ammo building and head
on the right side of the bridge toward the water. There will be a first
guard near the small boats close to the water that needs a new necktie
and then his pal close to your objective (the bomb) that you should
kill when he is looking at the river to avoid being detected by the
guys above. You can finally disable the bomb.
(PART 4 - CALL O'BRIAN : Get control of the radio)
As soon as you get back toward the bridge, an ambulance with a lone
guard will arrive. He picked the wrong place to stop as you can easily
choke him without anyone noticing so do that.
If you want to continue with the mission though, go toward the next
objective (we already cleaned this building except for the top floor
that we did not have access of yet) so go to it.
Behind that door will be an officer standing up, a subofficer doing
some dactylo and a guard at the radio. Kill everyone in that order and
you can now wrap up this quick objective.
(PART 5 - RESCUE SPY : Clear comm station of enemies)
You will start off as the Sniper and your task is to clear the 2 guys
in the machinegun nests before the alarm time is up. You should also
be able to clear the 3 or so other guards that are going to notice you
and shoot back at you. It's easy picking seriously.
When that is done, you'll switch to the Green Beret with a Thomson. It
will be an easy task to go kill every guards that are on your way with
your machine gun until you reach the door where the Spy locked himself
in. Even on "Hard" difficulty, I did it with two fingers in my nose.
All of this will be done quick and the mission is over. Super :)
Be mindful.. this one is hard and frustrating
(PART 1 - DEFEND POSITION : Maintain control of the town)
This level is the continuation of the last as you need to protect the
area you just took in the previous mission. You got the sniper and
the green beret. Before the enemy actually arrive you can prepare a
little bit. First off, you should bring both your commandos near the
ambulance to get medpacks and then to the ammo supply house.
Start with the Sniper and equip your commandos with this:
Sniper's shopping list:
+ Medpacks
+ Anti-Tank Mines (2)
+ Smoke Grenades (6)
+ Grenades (6)
Green Beret's shopping list:
+ Medpacks
+ Smoke Grenades (6)
+ Panzerfaust Bazooka (2)
+ Mauser Rifle (exchange the BAR for this)
+ Switch to Dual-Thomsons
Your 8 norwegian troops will already have taken place on your side of
the bridge in strategic position (one actually even will man a
machinegun nest and he's about the only one that serves a purpose).
There is also another machinegun nest on the right side of the bridge.
This is where you should put your Green Beret at, so man that
machinegun nest with him. Then you can switch to the Sniper and wait
for the enemy to arrive. Since as soon as any shot is fired, all hell
breaks loose.
(PART 2 - ENEMY ATTACK : Repel First wave)
Your first wave of enemy will be those guards that were walking slowly
to their death. With the sniper, they are very easy picking, especially
that your team are mowing them up with machine guns. This should be
very easy to achieve. Remember that when your sniper have to reload
slowly it's five bullets, you can always switch to the Green Beret in
the meantime and shoot like a madman with the unlimited ammo that his
Machinegun nest is providing. Also, when you run out of ammo with the
sniper (he only have 15 bullets after all), don't forget that there is
an ammo supply crate just in the nearby building, so use that.
As soon as you get those 8 or so first enemies, you should advance with
your sniper boldly on the bridge as you snipe those guys. Get to about
halfway on the bridge until the game warns you of "desertion is not an
option" or something along those lines. Don't go further or you will
automatically loose, but this spot (middle of the bridge) will be a
perfect spot to place an anti-tank mine. Then backtrack a few meters
back and place your other anti-tank mine. Switch back to the sniper
rifle and snipe on your way back to your friends. Now should be about
the time to go reload your 15 bullets. Trust me, these anti-tank mines
are about the only time you can safely bring them across the bridge,
so don't forget those.
Eventually there will be more reinforcement attempting to cross the
bridge from three different points.
[A] They are coming straight on the bridge boldly. Use your sniper to
get those one by one.
[B] When your soldiers start bitching about "The Gangplanks, their
coming from the gangplanks", it means that they are coming from
the right side of the bridge on the smaller ledges below. For this
situation, you should switch to the Green Beret and blast them with
unlimited bullets off your machinegun nest.
[C] When your soldiers start bitching about "They are coming from the
right side of the bridge", it actually means they are coming from
the LEFT side of the bridge (I guess it's their right..). So for
those, you can use your sniper to snipe them on the left lower
Note that there will also be some soldiers on the piers on the other
side of the bridge that will try some mugshots but they are too far to
even be of any consequences.
When all of this is done, you will have probably killed at least 30
nazis and a secondary objective will pop up as the others retreat for
a few short seconds.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (MORTAR ATTACKS : Find and kill scouts [6])
Those scouts will appear one after the other slowly as the mission
progress, so don't stress about having all 6 at the same time. Take
care of one, then proceed with the mission until they warn you about
them again.
These guys are really annoying since they call for mortar bombardment
with their binoculars. You should get rid of them ASAP even though it
can be hard with all those incoming nazis. Those six scouts are
located on the other side of the bridge and can only be taken by the
sniper. Furthermore, they appear randomly so they could be on any of
these 7 positions. Luckily, you will see an arrow on your mini-map that
will point you toward the direction they are arriving. When they are
in position, you will see the zoomed objective picture when they appear
to get a more precise idea of where they might be.
(Personally I will write them down from left to right of your view).
Barrel scout: He is on the very far left of the map behind a bunch of
barrels. He has a soldier next to him. The one you want
(LEFT) is the guy on the right with the binoculars that likes
to hide behind his barrels. Stand on the left-side of
the bridge and look to the left of the houses.
L-Fence scout: He's located by the left wooden picked-fence on the left
side of the bridge on the hill above the piers. You can
(LEFT) get to him by positioning yourself on the left side of
the bridge and snipe him.
Truck scout: He is located on the left side of the bridge, near that
left fence whe just described, right next to the big
(LEFT) truck. Use the left side of teh bridge to snipe him.
Pier scout: This one is located on the pier just lower than where
the truck is located, he is in plain sight, but a bit
(LEFT) hard to see.
Balcony scout: This one can be seen when your on the left side of the
bridge. He is on the second house from the left on a
(LEFT) balcony that should be straight in front of you. He is
along another guy.
Snow scout: He's located on the right of the bridge on the snowbanks
right next to a crouched soldier. He's highly visible on
(RIGHT) the white background of the snow if you stand on the
right side of the bridge.
R-Fence scout: Another guy behind a wooden fence. This one is located
on the far right of the map. He seems to be alone even
(RIGHT) though there are a bunch of far away guys shooting off
that fence.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (BONUS: Eliminate the SDK and crew)
Note sure why they call this a "bonus" since if you don't destroy this,
it will make a mess of your soldiers in no time. The SDK is that
armored vehicle with a machinegun on top that we saw earlier in the
second mission. Luckily, since we got smart enough to use anti-tank
mines earlier on the bridge. We can pretty much forget about this guy
as he will explode as soon as he reach mid-bridge. But to make your
life easier, you can always snipe the machinegunner on top before the
vehicle reaches the mine (be warned, it's a tough shot).
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (ENEMY ATTACK: Repel boats and crew [3])
Those boats are coming from the left of the bridge, going across the
river to reach the piers that we were on the first part of the previous
mission. They are simple rowboats carrying about 6 guards each. The
only danger they present is the gunner at the front of the boat. If you
manage to kill this gunner, the other guys are too stupid to take his
place and become cannon fodder.
First step will be for you to bring the Green Beret closer to their
point of arrival. So obviously, as soon as you hear about this
objective, leave your machinegun nest and RUN toward the piers and
wait in hidding (inside the boathouse is good) for the boats to get in
range. Keep your dual thomsons ready or a well placed grenade.
Then switch to your Sniper and kill the gunner on the boat. You can
then continue using the sniper to kill the mortar scouts, people on
the bridge, etc.
When the boat is in range of arriving close to the pier, switch to the
Green Beret and open fire with your dual thomsons on the poor crew of
defenseless sods on that boat. They are easy picking and won't even
retaliate. Go back hiding inside the boat house.
Repeat the process with the Sniper when the second and third boats
Mind you, this is a difficult objective since you need to be at both
place at the same time.
(PART 3 - TANKS INcoming : Destroy the Panzers [2])
When you get rid of the last boats and mortar scouts, this objective
should trigger. Yeah, you actually have to destroy two tanks. Luckily
we already got one anti-tank mine on the bridge so that can take care
of that one. The other one will be done bazooka-style.
So put your Sniper to safety and switch to the Green Beret (since he
is the one equipped with the bazooka). Bring him on one of both sides
of the bridge and wait. While you do that, the first tank should be
destroyed by the mine.
You can snipe a few remaining soldiers that try to make a new push, but
compared to what we faced earlier.. this is nothing. Eventually the
second Panzer Tank will arrive so when it is at striking distance, pop
your Green Beret from his side of the bridge and shoot at the tank. It
might take two rockets to blow up.
The rest of the enemy will retreat after this mess and you can finally
pat yourself on the back for completing the hardest mission so far!
Your back for a cover relaxed mission as the Spy. Your friends have
been captured and you need to free them.
(PART 1 - INFILTRATION : Enter enemy compound)
Don't waste time at the beginning, circle the truck and choke the guard.
Then if you were fast, you can choke the other guard before he arrives
in the field of vision of the Subofficer.
Then quickly proceed around the crates and ignore the idiots brawling
and make sure the cheering guard don't see you too much. Wait behind
the stone column so that the soldier on the other side of the gate
don't see you and when his back is turned, garrotte the subofficer and
steal his costume. That should make his body disappear as well.
You can then garrotte that suspicious guard, and then proceed to the
next guy with the binoculars. Continue a bit on the right of the
planecrash and garrotte the guy standing next to the barrel.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (RESCUE: Rescue Russian Soldier)
Return to the guys brawling and garrotte the cheering guard. Then you
can garrotte the brawling nazi and you will be surprised that you just
saved a russian soldier being pummelled to death in a fistfight.
Ok, time to go back down the trenches of this messed up city. Go near
the wreck of the truck close to where you started this mission and
you will see that the street is so broken up that you can enter the
sewers from there. Follow this small trench until you can turn left.
In this area will be a patrolling guard (choke him) and a worker that
is fixing pipes (choke him too). You can then turn left until you get
into a larger area of the sewers. Be mindful of the subofficer on your
immediate left when you arrive.
You guessed right, go get that subofficer first. And as you did, there
were some papers laying around on the crate behind that triggered a
new secondary objective. You'll need to find the two other documents.
Be careful when you kill the subofficer as there are guards patrolling
the area. Make sure the one on the far corridor turns his back, at this
precise moment, choke the subofficer. Then go right to get the guard
next to the fire barrel. Then quickly get the one patrolling in the
far corridor and finally again quickly get the one that goes down the
stairs. If your fast, you should be able to get them all without an
alarm being raised.
Climb those little stairs and then use the right archway, there are
some smoke grenades there. Then use the left archway and make a short
turn right to get a medkit. Follow the only way out and choke that
There is now only one way to go throughout the rubbles so follow the
path until you reach a checkpoint with an officer and two soldiers. Be
mindful as if you go a bit too far, it will trigger a cutscene, so
you might want to kill everyone first and get that officer suit. The
only one patrolling is the officer, so wait for him to turn his back
and then dash forward to choke him and get his uniform. You can then
garrotte the subofficer listening to the radio and then the guy shaving.
Do not forget to check the table for the second documents and then
pursue for the cutscene.
When you start off, before heading right forward, turn around and head
toward that messed up staircase in the building. There's a medkit on
the top floor as well as a good vantage point to see what's head if you
want to plan your strategy a bit. Go back down.
You have choices on where to enter the base, the easiest would be to
make a left turn on that street and enter through the breach on the
broken wall. But I like to be cockier than that, simply proceed to the
gate and since you look like an officer, the guard will salute you and
lower the gate for you. Your inside the base.
(PART 2 - INFILTRATION : Use lift to enter Nazi HQ)
First get the subofficer near the machinegun nest while the guard is
lowering the guard (the dead body will be hidden by the nest). Then,
head right toward that tent. A guard should eventually come inside,
so choke him as nobody will see his death here. Then continue off the
other side of the tent and kill the guard patrolling the back of the
building. Finally, turn left next to the big cannon and left again to
choke the guard standing next to the truck.
I would advice that you then get the guard that let you in at the gate
and then the worker on top of the building roof fixing the headlight.
If you want you can enter this building from the door below to get
another medkit. Exit off the other entrance.
There is a worker hammering woodplanks, Ignoring him for now and go
behind the buildings to get the patrolling guard. Then you can get the
hammering guy. The next target would be the guard on the right by the
truck (be careful that the officer doesn't spot you). Then finally,
enter the building next to where the guy was hammering and choke the
worker that is dusting the floors.
These were all the easy targets. Before you get rid of everybody else,
you will need a diversion. So exit this building and circle it from the
back. Get to your objective and get the code book. If you notice, on
the wall will be an alarm. When you press this, the whole base thinks
that there is an air-attack from airplanes, so they will go crazy and
look at the skies or go man those big anti-plane flak guns.
(PART 3 - INFILTRATION : Use password to access building)
We could at this point simply go to our objective, but it's so much
fun to kill everybody first and foremost right?
Ok, your first target should be that annoying Gestapo officer in the
kitchen area and his friends. So as soon as you ring the alarm, you
should dash toward the area where the guy with the broom was by
circling the kitchen building from the back. Your first target should
then be the drunken guy by the bar. Then the bartender that is hiding
behind the bar like a coward. Then the moron guard that is dancing with
a drink in his hand. Then the other worker cowaring in the corner. You
can by the way get the 3rd set of documents to finish up your second
objective, they are just next to that guy, it's on the table with the
fan. Finally get the Gestapo and use his uniform. Now your stylin'!
Just outside, you can get the subofficer by the truck and then the
radio operator where you rang that alarm. Now wait a bit for the guard
that is running all over the place to go search through a crate on
your left next to the Flak gun and choke him. Forget about the guys
in the flak gun for now, they are busy.
Next, go to the house where you got the medkit and wait for another
running guard to come search through some crates, choke him away from
prying eyes. You can then get the two workers looking at the sky in
awe near both doors of this building. Then two other easy targets will
be the officer and subofficer looking at the sky next to the kitchen
Finally, you can get rid of the second Gestapo and his guards. So be
careful as you approach from one of the sides (hug the wall) and get
behind the Gestapo. First get the two guards one after the other, then
the Gestapo and finally the guard by the other side of the truck.
You can finally get the four guards manning the Flak guns by choke. As
you kill one, the other will stop manning the gun, but really acts
confused for a second, enough to kill him. Do that on the other gun.
Voila, entire base cleaned up by choking. Crazy..
You can finally peacefully go to the door for your final objective,
open it up and finish the mission.
2.1.10 LEVEL 10 - THE WOLF'S DEN
Now to my amazing surprise, you start off and you don't have your
Gestapo uniform anymore!!! WHY?!? Anyway.. we'll get a new one in a
(PART 1 - GET KEYS : Find Jail Keys)
Proceed toward the door and assassinate the guard by the crates, and
steal his uniform if you want. You'll also get a MP40 there. Then will
be a long and boring waiting game. Stay crouched behind these crates
and wait until a Gestapo officer arrives and pass right next to you.
Make sure nobody's around and kill him in the corridor, and then you'll
obviously want to steal his uniform. Note that throughout this prison
level, it is crawling with other Gestapos, so this suit is not as
great as other levels, but it is regardless necessary.
Near your position is a door, inside are two guards that you can make
look the other way with a coin, choke both. Get the medpack in this
room and notice the ammo box on the table in case you need some.
Also in this room (in the locker) will be this second objective. You
have to find some documents across this floor. The first one you have
already. The second is in a spiral staircase going down to a library
of sorts (on a table). While the last is next to the radio in the radio
room where you will find the last alarm (see below).
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (DISABLE ALARMS: Find and disable alarms [3])
Proceed toward the other door, and you'll see a white star objective.
This is one of the 3 alarms of which you can disable. A subofficer
should patrol this corridor so you can choke him. A guard is near a
wall, get him. Then get the two other guards in the "L" of this other
corridor one after the other.
The only door that is unlocked (the star objective) is your next move.
Wait that the gestapo inside is looking at the map, and then go behind
the officer (kill him) and then get the Gestapo. In that room is a
medkit on a shelf and the important "Keys" on the table.
You can now unlock all doors, but before we do that, we should finish
clearing this floor. so let's have fun clearing things up.
On your way out, it is quite possible that a Gestapo will come your
way patrolling, so just circle him and get him in the back.
For your reputation, you should start off with the guards patrolling in
the corridors and then get in the rooms. If it has a staircase that
goes up or down, do not go yet as this will lead you to the other
areas. Of note, you should finish up clearing the alarms and the area
where the relic is.
NOTE: If you want an extra cutscene with a character that's a total
ripoff from the first Indiana Jones, click on the locked door
where lots of green arrows seem to be inside. From all that I've
tried, I don't believe it is possible to access this door. I
presume it is only some sort of Easter Egg.
(PART 2 - FREE COMMANDOS : Find and lead team upstairs)
Alright, when you cleared what you could of this floor, it's time to
use the staircases to go down. You will see a brutal cutscene and you
will only want to make these guys pay.
As you go down, this second objective will also be triggered. Make sure
that you clear this area of enemies before attempting to open the cells
of the civilians (white stars). When you do, they will head upstairs
in a secure area and wait for your commandos to be free.
You should now go free your pals. Note that there is a poor guy being
electrocuted in a nearby room, you cannot save him as he is past any
redemption, but you can surely put him out of his misery by killing
the two guys torturing him.
Finally for your pals, you go toward the last room with the golden star
and there will be 4 Gestapos. The first two are easy to choke and for
the last two, use a coin to distract and choke.
Hawkins will grab O'Brian on his shoulders and carry him to safety with
the rest of the civilians. You just have to follow them to make this
mission finish.
Again.. you loose your Gestapo uniform.. what a moron this Spy. First
step should be to choke the guard. Be mindful of the Gestapo in the
window, you should crouch to kill the guard, steal his uniform and get
his MP40.
Alright, you have two ways to do this mission. The Stealth way or the
Hard way. I did it both ways, and I was somewhat disappointed that even
if you save both russian soldiers from execution, you don't get any
bonus objective or anything... Just the satisfaction that you saved
two russians. Great..
The hard way is rather simple in fact and will follow the same first
steps (just needs to go fast) until it's time to go berserk.
From your starting room, head to the next one (some sort of garage)
and be careful not to be spotted by the tons of guys outside. There
will be a subofficer sitting on some crates on your left. Important,
you need to jump on the crates behind him to choke him, otherwise you
will be seen. Steal his uniform.
Then go back to the starting room and go upstairs to get the Officer
in his corner, and steal his uniform. Then get the two soldiers here
when their backs are turned. You can then go on the other room on this
floor to get the soldier when he is off the windows or broken wall.
From this point on, if you want to go the Hard berserk Rambo way, then
from this vantage point simply shoot one of the soldiers in the court
and then retreat. You have 4 medkits (plus one downstairs), a MP40
with 4 clips and a silenced pistol with 2 clips. You should have enough
ammunition to take shots until everyone's dead. Be careful that some
guards will try to rush you from the door on the left, so kill them
when they arrive.
(PART 1 - VEHICLE REQUIRED : Eliminate Nazis around truck)
If you want to go the stealth way (recommended), then you simply can
go out of the garage and to the left (where there is not the army).
You can choke the patrolling guard there, and then the Gestapo when
the officer on the other side is not looking. Get the Gestapo Uniform
if you want.
Then for the actual truck, just wait for the Officer to have his back
turned to choke the guard on the wall, the one near the truck, and then
the officer himself.
You also must take care of the worker near the car and the soldier near
the gate.
When that is accomplished, you will see a cutscene where your guys will
go inside the truck.
(PART 2 - DAMM TRAITOR : Eliminate Salenkov)
Very easily. Simply wait for Salenkov to go toward his car. Wait for
him in the shadows of the side of the entrance. Choke his guard behind
and then choke the traitor.
(PART 3 - ESCAPE ROUTE : Escape in the Truck)
Simply open the glowing green truck door and the mission ends.
Pretty simple wasn't it?
You'll play the Sniper in this one in a destroyed russian city. Rather
fun mission actually. You will have a brand new semi-automatic sniper
rifle (Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle) but they warn you that ammunition is
rare, so you will often rely on your knives.
(PART 1 - VIP TARGET : Kill Nazi officers of higher rank [10])
You should switch to your knives and then enter the destroyed building.
For now stay downstairs and there will be two guards in this room. Coin
to distract and stab both of them. You should go upstair using the
stairs near the entrance of the building and stab the guard looking at
the window, he is an easy kill. Pay attention to this vantage point
since this is where we will get our first two officers. Look at the
first window on the right and you should see a bunch of troopers in
the distance. Your only objective is the officer, but if you feel like
some fireworks, you can blow up that barrel and kill most of them. Just
be sure to get the officer.
Leave this window before being spotted and still on this floor, go on
the fourth window from the right. Another good spot to snipe the 2nd
officer, but no explosive barrel this time. If you really want to kill
everyone you can, but remember that these would be wasted bullets.
Finally if you still want to waste bullets, you can go on the top floor
to get a vantage point for a team of mortar soldiers. After all of this
sniping, just make sure that you have at least 2 bullets left.
You can now proceed outside, and be very careful as there are lots of
guards in strategic places as well as snipers so when you are outside,
always crouch.
Go toward the left until you see a truck where an officer and worker
are near. Make sure nobody's around to see and assassinate both. You
just got your third officer.
There are two soldiers patrolling this area, to get rid of them wait
that they have their back turned, throw a knife at one from a distance
and then go stab the other (don't forget to go get your knife back).
Return next to the truck and this time we will go down the hard to see
stairs behind that metal gate near the truck (it goes to a basement).
Wait on the corner and when the guard gets closeby, throw a coin or two
to make him turn his head so you can stab him. Then be careful of the
guard that is always facing forward, keep yourself crouched and throw
him a knife before he spots you. Finally you can get that last guard
that now should be by the next set of stairs. In that room you will
find 6 Smoke Grenades and a Medkit.
Go out from the other set of stairs going up and quickly use the next
set of stairs to go one more story high. Crouch as you proceed and you
will see that we have a very nice vantage point of the second floor
and it's mortar teams. Keep yourself crouched and throw a coin behind
the first mortar team so that both of them turns around. Drop to their
level and stab both of them. Then also stab the soldier messing with
a big crate. By remaining hidden by the destroyed small wall, go to
the left side of it and among the broken parts, you should be able to
spot your 4th officer with his back turned, throw him a knife. For the
remaining mortar team, stay behind your broken wall and throw a coin
above it so both look the other way. Stab both of them and get your
knife again. That was some smooth phantom killing.
Get out of this building, we are done with this one. Return to the
truck and this time we will do a little bit of sniping to remove the
guys with the binoculars/snipers in the nearby buildings. To achieve
that, make sure that the patrolling trio of guards are nowhere close
to hear your gunshots. Your first target as you stand in the back of
the truck next to the barrels and crate would be by looking North-West
in a far away building. He should be a hard to see guy with binoculars
in a window on the destroyed section of the third floor. Snipe him. The
second target will be sniper Vs sniper. Stand on the left side of the
truck and look at that broken building in front of you. He's hard to
see, but he's on the third floor.
Next area will be the big middle building on the map. You should
approach carefully through the destroyed pipe tunnels and enter the
building from the main door. Once inside, stab the patrolling guard on
the right. The easy target right next to him would be your 5th officer
that is looking over a table.
You can then climb the stairs and quickly kill the 6th officer. Be
mindful of the guard patrolling *behind* the staircases by a good stab
in the back. Notice that in the next room on a shelf is a box of 5
sniper rifle ammo (very interesting, a refill) and if you look toward
the left in the half-boarded-up window, you can spot a guy on the
nearby building on a balcony using binoculars. You can simply use your
lugger for a headshot if your a good shot and he will fall. If you are
interested on the upper floor, all there is is a box of smoke grenades.
On your second floor though, you can get in the back door where you
can find two guards that are patrolling in those small rooms. If you
continue along, you can find a lonely room where you'll find a new
medkit, a replacement German Gewehr 43 rifle if you want to switch
sniper equipment (I wouldn't for now) and some ammo for that rifle.
NOTE: Keep this in mind as we will eventually probably have to get
this new rifle as we run out of bullets.
We are done with this building, so you can go out the way you came.
(Note that on the first floor of this building is a medkit on a table
if you crouch, you can get it without being seen).
Get back to the truck and this time, enter the shaddy doorway leading
to a broken up building (your doing this to get a strategic edge). On
the other way out, wait for the coast to be clear and you can first
get the lonely guard, and then stab the trio of guards patrolling one
after the other as they walk away. (notice that this area was where
the 6th officer was looking along with the guy with binoculars on the
balcony). Also since you killed the sniper earlier on the top floor,
we can get rid of another officer that is on the nearby building on
the ground level. Be careful there as he and his guard are both looking
your way, so approach from the side while crouching and advance toward
that little pile of rubble as you crouch. Throw a coin toward the walls
and they should turn around, stab both. Congrats, you got the 7th of
your VIPs.
Return to the truck, and this time head toward the star marked "FLAK".
Kill the guard in the trenches but do not make your approach from this
position. Instead go toward the unmanned russian tank and jump on top
(yes it is possible). Approach the doorway quietly and throw a smoke
grenade inside to choke the 3 guards. Throw them knives or stab them
in silence (there is also a box of 5 Mosin Nagant Sniper ammo here!).
Then proceed toward the FLAK gun and throw knives at the two operators
quickly. The officer should pop his head, perfect to throw a knife at
it. Great, you got 8 officers so far!
Exit the building from the Tank doorway and proceed forward, your map
will update about Nazi sappers. On the destroyed second floor of this
building you should see a sniper, so back off a bit to make sure your
gunshot is not heard and snipe him off. On the ground level of this
collapsed building will be your 9th officer and his demolition soldier
crouched over dynamite sticks, kill them both.
A new star objective should appear named detention center. You cannot
reach it easily from this point but as you exit the rubbles of this
building, go straight forward and the turn left. Look North-West on the
top of a large balcony and you should see a sniper, get him before he
gets you. Another sniper is also in the far away building that has a
large hole in the second story, get that one also.
Nearby will be a guard patrolling, stab or throw a knife when he is
by his lonesome. Near that is a truck with 3 patrolling guards that use
a very erratic pattern. Wait for one of the guard to get into the
nearby building, then throw a knife at the guy next to the truck, then
throw a knife to the guy in the street and then throw a knife to the
guard now inside the nearby building. The reason you are throwing
instead of stabbing is because speed is of the essence here. Collect
your knives and notice a box of Gewehr 43 Sniper Rifle ammo on the
crate near the truck (in case you need those).
Enter the building and use the only usable staircase. On the second
floor, start with the front archway with lots of ladders inside. All
the way to the top is a subofficer with binoculars, stab him. Now look
down to see some sort of glassed greenhouse. Inside will be a General,
your 10th officer and a subofficer. Kill all of them and you can then
call it a night if you want. Good job your main objective is done, and
if you want to wrap this up, simply go see the russian at the beginning
of the level to finish the mission. But you know me, I love to clean up
everything. So let's continue :).
NOTE: All of the next part is not necessary, to finish the mission you
only need to go back to the guy at the entrance of the mission.
Now go all the way down those ladders and enter the next archway on
the second floor. On a table are a box of 5 Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle
ammo so grab those if needed and get up the ladder in this room. You
will reach a good vantage point to snipe some Nazis that are otherwise
impossible to reach (walls all around them). You should see your 11th
Officer, a subofficer, two soldiers and 3 prisoners. Start with the
hard to see officer and then get the 3 others. This should also free
the prisoners, don't you feel good? :)
Exit the building and watch for a trio of guards patrolling the other
side of the building. When they are going back toward the alleys,
follow them while crouching (so that the nearby Nazis don't see you)
and assassinate all three of them one by one.
Then continue in those alleys until you get to the North-East building
where a lone guard attempts to be vigilant. When his back is turned,
dash and stab him in the back. Enter the building and as you make your
way in, near the staircase will be another box of 5 Mosin Nagant ammos.
Climb the staircase all the way up. On the roof will be a soldier to
stab and a 12th officer using binoculars that you can also kill. There
is a box of Gewehr 43 Sniper Rifle ammo here. If you feel like it, you
can look the direction the officer was looking at and in the distance
you will see a few more soldiers and a 13th officer. Kill 'em all if
you want. Before we get out of this building on the floor below is a
lone patrolling guard that you can go stab. Exit the building when all
of this carnage is done.
Go on the other alley and approach carefully. As you pop up, throw a
knife at the general next to the prisoner and quickly to his guard.
By freeing this prisoner as well as the 3 others in the courtyard, we
are awarded a bonus secondary objective. Good job!
Btw, if you want to clean everything up, in this small square tower of
a building, in the back is an oppening with a hard to spot guard with
binoculars (you'll see the green arrow, why not snipe him?).
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (VIP TARGET: Eliminate Engineering Officer)
On a nearby building, you will see a blue arrow (a friend) so go into
that building (and get the box of Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle ammo on
the nearby table on the ground floor). After you climbed the stairs, a
cutscene will play where you will see your pal the russian sniper. A
new sub-mission will be triggered in which he "claims" he will get the
officer, but he fails miserably, so it is your job to get the officer
in the car. Your first priority should be the machinegunner in the
armored vehicle and if you have time one of the soldiers parked inside.
Then as the car passes by, you have an opportunity to snipe the officer
inside the car. You can then get the remaining guards trying to rush
the building. No matter if you get them all, there will be 3 more
soldiers downstairs. Technically speaking, the russian sniper should
die by those as one bullet will kill him, but your strategy should be
to use smoke grenades to choke the guys downstairs and then throw
knives at the 3 of them. Personally I managed to keep my ally alive
even though it didn't change a thing on the objectives. Note that on
the second story of this building are a medkit and some other smoke
grenades. If you played like me, at this point I was out of sniper ammo
for my Mosin Nagant so if you want a replacement, remember that there
is a Gewehr 43 on top of the middle building.
Alright we are left with only one last building, which is the theater
house. You should approach that from the front door and hug the right
to climb the right staircase while crouching (the two guards in the
theater should not see you. On the balcony is an officer that you can
stab freely. Then throw a coin so both of them look toward the stage
and throw knives at their pretty heads. Get down to get your knives
and head toward the gramophone, there is a medkit and...
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (VIP TARGET: Eliminate informer and officer
You will also get some papers that will give you a new objective. As
soon as you get this, you should rush on the second floor with the
right staircases (right when you enter the building) and all the way
to the back where there is a ladder going up and down. Go all the way
up and go on the balcony so that your directly facing the stage and
then wait. You have to do the waiting game until the officer and the
informer are both on stage. You can then snipe both. In the meantime,
you can always throw knives on the guards on both side of the level 2
balconies, nobody will hear or see that. The Gewehr 43 is particularly
effective for this quick kill action since you never stop using the
scope. After your done with your objective, you can clear the remaining
guards in and out of the theater.
And we are done my friend!
(PART 2 - ESCAPE : Meet the soldier at the extraction point)
The body count must be terrible. You can now go to the beginning point
to tell the russian soldier that your name should now be the Angel of
2.1.13 LEVEL 13 - PANZERS!
In here you will play as the Green Beret armed with a brand new PPSH41
submachine gun. Packing 71 bullets and quite a punch, it's a great
rifle. Watch out for ammo though.
(PART 1 - DEMOLITION : Locate and destroy Panzers [4])
First off, talk to the medic as he will give you 3 more medkits (and
you can get more from him anytime, he's unlimited). Switch to your
knife (first time I used it in the entire damm game) and go stab the
urinating guard nearby, this will also land you a Mauser rifle for
long shots. Backtrack as going straight would be too dangerous and
circle your building until you reach a graveyard.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (FREE ALLIES: Eliminate enemies near graveyard)
First knife the two guards near the truck, they are easy pray. Then
go on the other side of the gate and circle the parked armored vehicle
so that the two other nazis don't see you. Be mindful of the Panzer
Tank that likes to patrol this street and when the coast is clear,
throw a coin so that they both look roughly at your direction. Then
circle the armored vehicle, cross the broken gate, get behind both
and stab them quickly. You freed the two russian soldiers and they
will go hide near the medic.
At this point, it is quite possible that the two guards patrolling this
street will notice the bodies or get alerted a bit, get out of the
cemetery for a while until they calm down and resume their patrol. When
your ready for them, sneak behind and throw a coin so that one is
distracted while you kill his friend. Then rush to the first and stab
him before he realise it was just a quarter that cost him his life.
Now proceed west of the graveyard until you can make a right into what
seems to be an old hotel. Upstairs is a guard looking at the window
waiting to be stabbed and at a table, an officer looking at papers.
And as you check those papers, your awarded a new secondary objective.
You got the first set of papers, the others will be scattered across
this level, follow the walkthrough and you'll know where.
Get out of the hotel the way we came and this time, we will go back
to our point of origin where we stabbed our first urinating guard and
as we stay crouched, we will actually go toward the front of the base
but while hugging the right wall so that those 4 guards in front of us
won't see us. Turn right on that street and continue sneaking and
circling the ammo base until you see an opened window on the street
level at your left. Sneak inside of it and kill the four guards one
after the other with the knife. Near the machinegun nest. you will get
yourself a nice panzerfaust bazooka. You can resupply ammo here btw.
But first we will finish up cleaning this small base.
Wait in the shadow of this area until the Panzer circling the base
arrives. When he's passed you, get behind it and shoot it's back with
the Bazooka, it will blow it up and kill the officer that was on top.
That's one panzer out of four done!
Go back the way you came and return to the hotel. This time exit from
the other door as you crouch. As you exit, look to your left and sneak
by the front of the truck, stab the guard near the crates, nobody will
mind this one. Then for the two guys nearby, throw a coin, jump their
sandbags and stab them both.
You can then proceed upward in the nearby staircases and stab the
guard manning the machinegun nest. If you use the machinegun, 3 or 4
guards will appear and you can easily shoot them with the machinegun.
Alright, the ammo depot is yours! You have unlimited ammo now and if
your interested, in one of the house is a German STG44 submachine gun
that will take the place of the Mauser. So if your into submachine guns
then you can have this one and another. Personally I would stick to the
Mauser for versatility.
As the north of the map belongs to you, your next step will be to get
the way you shot those soldiers with the machinegun nest. You will soon
see a destroyed section of a wall, go inside and wait for the tank to
pass by. Continue your way and use the Mauser to snipe that guard down
in the sewer entrance. Then switch to the Panzerfaust and shoot the
tank in the back. That two tanks down now!
I would advice you get out of this area for now as the explosion of the
tank caused a commotion and besides, it would be a good idea to go back
to the ammo depot to get the two other Panzerfaust. So go do that now.
Return the way you came to the 2nd tank and there should be a patrol
around the streets, stab him.
(PART 2 - RESCUE PETROV : Find and rescue him)
We will now do a quick rescue to get ourselves some good explosives.
Return to the sewer entrance where you sniped the nazi with the Mauser
and crawl toward the opening on the right. Wait that the second guard
look the other way and then enter. Stab the first Nazi holding three
russians hostage and then throw a coin to the left to distract the
second Nazi. Then proceed toward the crates and throw another coin to
distract the officer and his pal. Stab the second nazi and get closer
to the other two, throw another coin to make sure you wont be seen and
stab both of them. Congratulation, you just rescued Sergeant Petrov
and as a reward he gives you 3 sticks of dynamites and a free resuply
of them. On one of the nearby table, you will also find the second
set of documents for your secondary objective. Wonderful. :)
You can exit from the other side where a ladder going up greets you.
Back to street level, you will be in a ruined church. Wait that nobody
sees you and at the entrance, stab both guards near the sandbags.
Then get into that small park you see in front, and while sneaking,
head to the left where a guard should go relax next to a busted up
german vehicle, stab him. You can then get the lone patrol in the east
street. Return to the park toward the busted up vehicle and while
crouching still wait for the lone patrolman to get back facing the
church, stab him.
Now we will kill right under the nose of some nazis. Our targets are
the 3 guys pushing the tank out of the mud. So make your approach
behind them and then throw a coin to the right of the tank so that
they all face the same direction. Stab them one after the other and
their bodies will not be found by the guys facing you since they are
being hidden by the tank! hurray!
You *could* blow up the tank now, but since there are too many enemies
around, it would be foolish. Let's get rid of them first. Use the tank
as cover and crouch on the right side of it. Snipe the explosive barrel
next to the 3 soldiers in front with the Mauser rifle and kill the
remaining one if he's still alive. (be careful, one of them is in a
machinegun nest). Now we can use the sticky dynamite on the back of the
tank and get out until it blows up. That's three!
Near that machinegun nest is a medkit and 2 more panzerfaust if you
need them. Also if you'd like some anti-tank mines, they are located
next to a sign on the east of your current position.
If you move a bit south from that point, a second objective will be
triggered as a Tiger Tank bust through a wall and you need to destroy
it along with a platoon of about 10 soldiers, you have 2 soldiers that
will come help you btw. Your best angle of attack should be from the
east street (near where you got the mines). And go near the place where
the tank arrives aiming your PPSH41 submachine gun at the point of
entry of the soldiers. As they come out of the smoke, simply gun them
down like pigs, they won't even think to retaliate. When that is done,
simply throw a sticky bomb at the back of the tank and kaboom!
Since we are in the area, let's finish those secret documents objective
that we started back in the hotel. It is right next to that metal gate
the Tiger Tank was going through in the building on the left. Enter
through the rubbles and as you hug left, you should find a small
corridor that leads to a room with 3 nazis in it. Wait for one of the
guard to go get a crate and as he return, stab the officer, then stab
the guy carrying the crate and then stab the last one looking through
files. The last documents are on the table. Note that there are also
some Panzerfausts here. Return the way you came back and go near the
church again.
Now to take care of our last tank, it would be south of the church by
the flashing star. Now you can go face on against it, but since the
tank is partially inside a broken building, it is best to get from the
back. At the south of the church is an entrance to a building where
the tank is. But to get the better angle of attack, you should use the
side street on the left and climb through that rubble of debris that
leads to a hole on the second level. There will be two guards there.
So throw a smoke grenade inside their room and then assassinate them
both. You can then throw a sticky bomb from the top (try to aim for
the back of the tank) or use panzerfausts, there is a supply of 4 more
in here so that's what they are for. All the tanks are busted and we
can finish up or clear up the last second objective. Let's do that.
*SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: (DESTRUCTION: Destroy Nashorn tank destroyer)
Get out of your building and head toward the silver objective by using
the street of the carcass of our latest tank victim. Be mindful that
there will be a guard left next to the tank, you can snipe him easily
with the Mauser.
Crouch from the dead guard's position and then make your way across the
street (be careful there are TWO machinegun nest pointed right at you
along with a few trigger happy guards). You have to approach slowly
from the pile of debris and throw them a few smoke grenades to choke
the team of Nazis waiting for you. Then from the smoke, use your PPSH41
submachine gun to shoot the enemy. If you kill enough (3 or so) you
will have the pleasant surprise of having a russian soldier get them
from the back with a bazooka, blowing them all up!
There you go, that was the end of it. You can return to the medic at
the beginning to finish up this mission.
(PART 1 - DEFEND POSITION : Nazis must not take square)
(PART 2 - PROTECT ALLIES : Cover your russian allies)
This is it, the last mission! The principle is really simple as there
is not much exploration to do. You simply have to hold off the square
and make sure that not too many of your allies die. You start off with
16 russians soldiers and your players will be the Green Beret armed
with a PPSH41 submachinegun and the Sniper using the Mosin Nagant.
As you start with the Green Beret, you should first off get those
grenades and smoke grenades in front of you, then talk to the medic
outside for a full set of medkits and finally go in the right of the
street next to an explosive barrel to get a bunch of molotov cocktails.
You can then position yourself on the left of the russian general in
the square where you can find a Gattling repeating machinegun.
Your man main will be the Sniper who took position on the top floor of
your building. Problem is, he only have 15 bullets. The only quick
refill is in the room next to him where there is a box of 5 ammo and
a medkit. Which means that eventually you will have to run all the way
down on the first floor to get more ammo eventually. Why didn't they
put that damm crate up there beats the HELL out of me!
Anyway... So switch to the Sniper and start sniping the Nazis. After
about 15 of them, they will make a strategic retreat. Time for you to
make a quick dash downstairs, get some grenades, smoke grenades, talk
to the medic for some medkits and most importantly, that ammo crate to
get more ammos for your sniper rifle. Then quickly head back up and
take up the left window again to snipe the new wave of enemy.
(PART 3 - ENEMY ATTACK : Repel Assault)
Now this wave will be special because every now and then, the enemies
will arrive from the left or the right of you in an attempt to flank
you. Your only hope in such cases is to switch to the Green Beret, get
off the Gatling Gun and mow down the flanking nazis with your PPSH41.
To move on, you'll need to snipe the subofficer. There are about 3 of
them until you finally clear this objective.
Eventually, some Nazi Snipers will appear.
[1] The first one is on a building on the left that is a bit broken
up. He is hard to spot since there is tons of smoke filling up the
area by now.
[2] The second is on the right street which can only be accessed by
the Green Beret. He is located on the bridge that connects both
buildings on the second floor. Do your best to shoot him with your
submachine gun. He's actually the easiest to spot.
[3] The last sniper is impossible to see from your current sniping
angle. You will need to go on the left room and shoot the last
window (use your lugger for that), then you will clearly see him
on the right on the second floor of a building.
Eventually also, a SDK armored vehicle will arrive. You should snipe
the gunner, it's not too hard and really will help you out.
Your next objective will pop up shortly after the SDK vehicle has
unloaded. From the right street, some sappers will attempt to blow up
the rockblock installed there. The only hope is the Green Beret so
bring him there, but not too close as there is a freaking tank at the
end of that street. Just wait behind the rubbles that some sappers pop
up and you can shoot them down. Some supporting soldiers will also be
there, so except to drop a lot of bullets.
Eventually, you will have completed this objective and everything will
start to calm down. Until the russians arrive to finish up the job.
And there you have it my friends, the end of Commandos. :)
If you finish levels with a 5 star rating (which means you get to kill
nearly everybody in a silent stealth style) you will unlock some
bonus artwork. To achieve 5 stars, try to sneak and stab/garrotte your
opponents, make headshots and finish every second objectives.
I personally finished the game on "Hard" difficulty. As you finish the
game with 5 stars rating on every level, you well get a new difficulty
available to you. The "Commando" difficulty. Not sure I'd really like
to start this game from the beginning, especially if it's harder but
oh well, it's there for those who really liked it the first time.
It took me about a week to finish the game (mind you while writing
this walkthrough). I wrote this document as I was playing the game on
my first try so it is possible that with practice my strategies could
get better. But regardless, I managed to beat it off 5 stars on "Hard"
difficulty, so I probably didn't miss a thing. Consider this the 100%
completion FAQ. I will not touch this again.
I hope this served a purpose to someone that got stuck on a mission.
It was nice to contribute to the gaming community, even if it was only
by a small way. Thank you for reading.
This FAQ was originally released on www.gamefaqs.com
The FAQ is under Copyright © Nicolas Louis Clement 2009