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Conspiracy (KGB)
KGB/CONSPIRACY - Cryo/Virgin Games Updated Walk through by Lord
Marcus Dracon (marhar@wr.com.au)
Wait in office for call from Volvov. Go through office door into
hall. Enter 2nd door from left. Get assignment from Volvov. Leave
hall by going through rightmost door.
Go to Golitsin's office. Show ID to guard. Tell guard to notify
you if anyone comes. Find matches and match box in desk. Find
batteries in transistor radio on table. Inspect file drawer -
locked. Ask guard for key to drawer. Open drawer with key. Get
article and cassette player. Read article and drop it. Put
batteries in cassette player. Look out window & notice a man
looking at you. Wait until guard notifies you of Golitsin's
sister's arrival. Question her. Tell her to sit and be nice to
her. Tell her to leave and she will give a tape to you. Put tape
in cassette player. Give key back to guard. Go back to Department
P. Tell Volvov that orders were obeyed; that you interviewed
Golitsin's sister. Give cassette to Volvov. It seemed advisable to
listen to cassette. Codename is Hollywood. Go to your office and
Get assignment from Galushkin to investigate Hollywood at the
Enthusiastic Progress Club (EPC). Go to Uncle Vanya's. Go to your
bedroom. Get clothes from closet. Wear clothes. Get money from
Go to Kursk Street. Enter bar and speak with bartender and Romeo
but do not discuss Hollywood or buyer 2. Find out that bar closes
at 10:30pm. Get beer glasses from the bar (for what?).
Leave bar. Go around the corner to the left. Enter the back room
of the bar; go upstairs. Light a match and get a clipboard from
the cabinet. Go downstairs. Go through door near stairs. Go 4
lefts to apartment door.
Enter apartments and speak with ladies in Apartment 7. Opinion
poll about opposite sex. Go in apartment 7. Not really a poll.
Investigating murders. Need their help. Ask about neighbours. Talk
to both women, be sure to get them to tell about Belussov in
Go to apartment 5 and speak with Belussov about Lefortovo. He
tells about Ryumin in apartment 4 spending 5 years on Wrangel
Go to apartment 4 and speak with Ryumin about Wrangel Island. He
tells about Systenko in apartment 6 and his meat market.
After leaving apartment 4, hear two thugs discussing their mugging
strategy as they walk up the stairs to the EPC.
Go upstairs and drop the clipboard in the hall and enter the EPC.
Pay $30.00 to stay. Speak with the people there and buy a video
tape for $5.00. Go into the bathroom and find $200.00 cash in the
trash; put it back. Leave bathroom and then enter the bathroom
again to find cocaine in the trash. Flush coke and pee.
Speak with thugs standing by the right wall in EPC. They invite
you to party with them and do so.
Fight Lyonka outside and kill him. Search him and find a lock pick
tool. Move his body to the trash can in the next right screen.
Go to the door next to the meat market and open it using the lock
pick tools. Go through the door to the meat market. Light a match
and look at the counter. Move the switch to turn ON the diode.
Enter the freezer, see the bodies and throw up. Come out, light
another match, and turn the diode OFF.
For extra:
Go to the bar and wait until 10:30; get kicked out and go around
the corner and enter the bar from the back. The bartender
confronts me and I kill him. Search him and find a key (to bar
back door).
Go to apartment 6 and speak with Systenko and ask about his meat
market. He lets you in and tells about how he was being
blackmailed. He tells about Chevchenkova in apartment 8 and her
cats and the bad guys that use her apartment.
Go to hall and watch Chevchenkova leave to feed cats. Use lock
pick tools to enter apartment 8. Look in drawer and find white
paper and picture of some KGB. Then enter door on right. Discover
assurance portfolio with pictures of your parent's car in the TV.
Try the video tape that you bought in the EPC in the VCR (boring
movie). Find other video tapes in the drawer and try them in the
VCR (snuff movie). Find the Polaroid camera.
Eventually get caught by 4 guys and wind up in a room where they
threaten you. Find out that one of them is Hollywood and Romeo
tells that he has seen you tonight.
Rita comes in to the room; don't tell her anything. Mickey Duck
comes in and tries to kill Rita. Try to protect her. Verto lets
her out. Mickey Duck and you talk but he doesn't trust you. Listen
at the door and hear that Rita wants cocaine. Verto says that he
doesn't have it.
Find the bug on the table, destroy it, and show it to Mickey Duck.
Look at the alarm above the door and Mickey wants to hot wire it
to cause a distraction. Say it must be for the meat locker and to
go ahead.
Verto gets excited and leaves. Call Rita, help Rita, say you will
get coke for Rita. When Rita lets you out of room, attack Rita.
Take all the stuff. Hide behind door. Fight Verto when he comes
in. Take his stuff. Find Polaroid camera. Find white and blue
papers. Use camera on blue & white papers, keep photos. View
videos, if not already seen. Return blue & white papers and
videos. Leave apartment.
See codes on photos of papers (should say Leningrad Aug 16 3pm
Ladoga Park). Return to Dept. P. Answer Volvov's questions. Get
new assignment from Galushkin. Say you will to Leningrad, Ladoga
Park, Aug 16 @ 3;00 PM. Get equipment from Guzenko.
Look at phone in hotel room. Read mission instructions and
personnel files. Go to bathroom, but answer phone when it rings.
Say no & get another phone number (37452) from caller. Enter
bathroom. Look above mirror, take paper. Look at paper & decode
message using Boris & 37452
Go to your bedroom. Switch light off & on 3 times. Use phone; call
37452. Leave everything in room except rubles & ID. Go to room
across hall & look at phone # 37493. Go to dept 7. Show ID to desk
guard. Say that you are expected in Dept 7 by Kusnetsov. Give pass
to guards. Go to Kusnetsov's office & listen to him. Go to
Agabekov's office & wait till he is ready to talk. Smell cigar
odour. Look at both phones. Ask questions of Agabekov. Leave
Agabekov's office & go to Drobnitsa's office. Ask him questions &
look at phones. Leave his office & go to Chapkin's office. Look at
phones. Call Agabekov & get him to meet you outside in 3 minutes
(say you are Yakovlev). Go to Agabekov's office & look in trash
can at cigar (take it).
Go back to your hotel room. Take headphones, listening device,
microphone, & camera. Go to Ladoga Park before 3:00 PM. Go to left
and hide behind tree. Put microphone on bench, set listening
device to record. Wait till surly man arrives at 2:55pm. Wait till
Romeo appears at 3:05pm. Wait till both men leave. Take
Go to right, go to metro station. Watch surly man meet Chapkin.
Follow surly man (Romeo's contact) to warehouse. Use camera to
watch him enter key pad code (14C9A). Enter bar, go through door
on left. Go upstairs. Unlock roof window. Go downstairs. Go
through door on left into bathroom. Unlock window. Go out window.
Go through side street between buildings to front of warehouse.
Unlock keypad (14C9A). Enter warehouse. Take suitcase from desk.
Open suitcase & see video tapes. Put tapes back in suitcase. Put
suitcase on desk. Go through door into next room. Go through door
on left into office. Put microphone on desk. Leave office & hide
behind boxes. Put recorder on boxes. Wait until guys come and
enter office. Wait till door bell rings and 3rd guy goes into
office. Wait till 3rd guy comes out of office & leaves - he is
Climb ladder. Unlock roof window, exit through window. Go into
window on next roof. Go downstairs and then into bathroom. Exit
through window and then between buildings to front of warehouse.
See Obukov enter subway. Enter subway and follow Obukov to Hotel
Syevyernaya Zvyezda.
Enter hotel and watch Obukov enter cocktail bar. Enter bar and
wait. Watch Agabekov meet Obukov. Wait till they leave. Go to
lobby & watch Agabekov & Obukov. Wait till both leave. Exit hotel.
Go to warehouse before 6:30pm. Go to back of warehouse via right
side of screen. Enter bathroom window. Go through bathroom door.
Go upstairs, through roof window, down roof window, down ladder,
and hide behind boxes again. Wait until Savchenko makes call to
say day after tomorrow morning is OK. Take listening device. Leave
warehouse at 7:02pm. Listen to all tape recordings. Go back to
your hotel. Go to left (hotel alley). Show cut-throat your ID.
Tell about Agabekov's cigar. Mechilaiev & Savchenko are handling
the tapes. Yakuchev is contact. Transport is Viktor Matsnev, will
exchange tapes for drugs. Mr. X is Agabekov. Ask questions about
NEW BIRTH & Matsnev. Go to front of your hotel. Go in hotel. Go
upstairs. Go to room across the hall from your room. Wait for
Savinkov. Search killer, take hat & coat & photo. Use phone, call
number on killer's hand. Answer "yes", "come up", "come up". Move
body to bathroom. Wear hat & coat. Go to bedroom. Turn off light.
Wait for knock & say come in. Explain everything to Savinkov. Ask
Savinkov questions. Listen to killer.
Dispose of body: Put hat & coat on body. Move body to room across
hall. Turn on light and look at bed. Take bottle and use on body.
Look out window and see cigarette glow below. Go outside hotel. Go
to alley on left. Give bottle to bums. Go to hotel lobby. Tell
receptionist about noise. Look at desk and take wheelchair. Go to
alley and drop wheelchair. Go to hotel room across hall from
yours. Move body out window. Go to alley. Take wheelchair. Use
wheelchair on body. Move body to canal street (to left). Move body
into canal. Get back to room (within 1 hour).
Wait for Savinkov, get instructions. vGo to Hotel S. Z. Go into
lobby. Go into bar. Talk to prostitute on right of screen
(Natasha). Ask about room 304. Another prostitute arrives
(Tamara). Talk to Tamara. Ask what room she uses. Talk to Carla
Wallace (American lady in booth on right of screen). Get info and
$150.00 from her. Go to bar. Talk to Tamara. Pay $50.00 and go to
room 304. Ask Tamara about other room she uses and pay $50.00 for
info (Room 416). Go to 4th floor. Tell House lady room 416; pay
her $10.00. Look at mirror (2-way). Look at table; take ashtray.
Use ashtray on mirror. Go through mirror to room 418. Look at
table; take photo of Chapkin and Kusnetsov. Go to 1st floor. Go to
bar. Talk to Greenburg (man in booth on middle left of screen).
Tell that Savinkov is controller. Tell that you went to Hammer &
Sickle Street today. Never hear of Protopopov. Get more info and
maybe money too.
Return to your room in Hotel G. Stop recorder. Set recorder to
Voice-Activated. Remove headphones from recorder. Use bed and
Go to bathroom when Chapkin wakes you up. Say that you are ready
to TALK to him. When recorder starts to distract him, attack him.
Look at body; take gun and syringe. Use syringe on him and ask
questions. Wait for Savinkov and tell all. Give gun to Savinkov.
Sleep until 10:15am.
Go to hotel alley and wait for bum to appear. Talk to bum and ask
for his paper. Give new camera to bum for newspaper. Look at
newspaper. Go to front of Hotel G and wait until phone rings.
Answer phone, identify yourself, and talk to cut-throat. Say that
you don't know about NEW BIRTH. Say that Matsnev is a boat.
Go to Ladoga Park before noon. Wait for Greenburg. Talk to
Greenburg. Say that you don't know about Protopopov. Go to dock.
Dive into water. Go up onto boat. Hide behind fish boxes in front
part of boat. After mechanic leaves, go down hatch to radio room.
Go through door on left to rest room. Look at drawer under the
bed; take all that stuff (bottle & belt). Go to radio room. Go up
to deck before Savinkov arrives. Throw bottle into water on left
side of ship. When mechanic jumps overboard, go to rear of ship.
Go down hatch to engine room. Hide in closet. Wait until engine
wakes you up. Look at engine. Use belt on engine. Hide in closet.
Wait until midnight. When mechanic goes up to deck, go up to deck.
Watch transaction at front of ship; casket and 2 suitcases are
loaded. After everyone goes below deck; go to front of ship. Go
down hatch into radio room. Look at box and suitcases (be sure to
leave them there). Listen at door of rest room. Go up on deck
before Savinkov enters radio room. Hide behind fish boxes on front
of ship. Wait until 5:00am. Watch meeting with another ship. Wait
until dawn; go to rear of ship and hide behind fish boxes. Wait
and then go into water when you get near the dock.
Go to Dept 7. Wait outside until 9:15am & watch as Agabekov leaves
in a car. Go; hail taxi and follow Agabekov. Go into building on
Progress of Mankind Street. Tell guards that you are KGB. Show ID.
Talk to Litvinov; routine questioning, just the facts. Ask about
what was to be done to Protopopov; no time for dithering. Leave
Litvinov's office. Go through farthest room (3) on right wall. Go
through door on right. Wait in green room & answer anything until
the professor lets you out. Go through door on right.
Question Professor; ask about work, say that Agabekov is not my
colleague. When professor leaves the room, press the button on the
table to trap him in the green room. Wait until he says he will
tell you anything. Talk to microphone on table; ask about his
work. Ask about his patients. Ask about the big cabinet. Ask about
nurse Saneyeva. Ask about nurse Savinkov.
Go into big cabinet & listen to dad. Push button table to open
door. Go through door to green room. Go through left door to room
3. Talk to patient; say 'saliva' & listen to his response. Leave
building onto street.
Go to Hotel G.; get tip from bum. Go to Gorki Street. Enter door.
Ask Greenburg what happened. Ask about 'Memory's Bible'. Ask about
'Motherland'. Go to Great Patriotic War Street. Enter art Gallery.
Tell manageress that you are just looking around. Wait until she
says that it is time to close. When she goes to back room, hide in
the closet. Wait until she leaves gallery. Turn off lights using
wall switch. Go to back of gallery. Take letter opener from desk.
Take sword from statue. Use letter opener on statue. Enter the
opened panel. Talk to the man there.
Don't kill Protopopov when Volvov tells you to. Thank your uncle
for coming. When Volvov is down, take gun from floor. Use gun on
Volvov before he shoots you. Listen to Protopopov.
The End.
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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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