Crime Stories
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( C | R | I | M | E ) ( S | T | O | R | I | E | S ) - ( F | R | O | M )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( T | H | E ) ( F | I | L | E | S ) ( O | F ) ( M | A | R | T | I | N )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( M | Y | S | T | E | R | E )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
Crime Stories : From the Files of Martin Mystere
Platform - PC
Genere - Adventure
Creator/Publisher - The Adventure Company with
Arematica Entertainment
Made with Virtools
Author of this FAQ - mattandclank (yours truly)
E-Mail - clankandmatt(at)yahoo(dot)com
FAQ Version 1.10
6/14/06 - Added Site.
Table of Contents - (ctrl+f to find something)
(1)- Introduction
(2)- Legal
(3)- Funky Controls (Important!)
(4)- Act 1 - Martin
(5)- Act 2 - Martin
(6)- Act 3 - Martin
(7)- Act 4 - Martin
(8)- Act 5 - Martin
(9)- Act 6 - Diana
(10) - Act 7 - Martin
(11) - Act 8 - Alfie
(12) - Act 9 - Alfie and Martin
(13) - Contact Me
(14) - Thanks
Introduction -
Thank you for clicking on my guide. I will promise
you have made a wise choice. I bought this game apon
hearing about it on a commercial. I always loved
to solve things and I got hooked. No, I mean REALLY
hooked. So hooked I had to get a new mouse! But I am
here to tell you all the secrets of this game without
spoiling to much. And let me tell you! The finalle
is something you don't want to spoil! And all the
graphics look great!
Legal -
You can make a copy of this guide for reading off
the computer. But you may not host this on your
website unless you have permission from me. So far
these are the websites that can hold my guide -
And thats it for now. E-mail me at
clankandmatt(at)yahoo(dot)com if you want
it on your site.
Funky Controls -
Yes, we took a while in the begining to answer the
phone. But that's going to change. When ever in my
guide when I say (get it), you will have be in the
vicintity of the object and you are going to press
the right button (your cursor will turn into a
green hand) and then the left mouse button about
3 seconds later. So remember that! When you don't
do all of that, you cursor is blue (when on an
object) and a target when not. Use the "target"
to move around. When you are near a door or a
passage, your cursor turns into a yellow door with
an arrow pointing in. This is how you get around.
To use an object with another object or person,
right click it and then left click on the object
and then left click the red thing on the
person/object. This also works to combine stuff
in your inventory. When I say
(combine) in the walktrough, do what I said above.
Act 1 - Martin
You wake up having a bad dream. The phone makes it
no easier to wake up! Get it, and hear Martin and
Insepector Travis talk about Proffesor Eulemburg
murder. But you can't go in your robe! And your
car is at the mechanics. There are 4 objectives
in this Act.
1. Get Dressed.
2. Call the Mechanic.
3. Get a Map of New York.
4. Get your Cellphone.
To get dressed, you need to open your wordrobe.
Read the yellow sticky note and you will find
out your loving wife Diana wants you to stay!
How nice! Go down stairs and talk to Java.
Clearly Java wants something in exchange for
your dressor key.. Go to your study.(the room
with the books near the living room.) And on
the 2nd shelf by the door Martin should see
"artifact assortment of objects" Get the
stone head and take it to Java. Java will
give you your dresser key. Use the key on
your dresser and Martin will change.
Now you have to call the mechanic. But where
is the number? Try the logical place. Your
study. Next to your Mac, on the left you
will find a piece of paper. Rats! It's been
torn. Grab it! You got half of the mechanics
number. Go to the kitchen and inspect the
fridge. To the left of the recpie, there is
a piece of paper. The rest of the mechanics
number! Combine it with the other half to
get a full mechanics number. Click on it
and Martin will call the mechanic. Go to the
front door and pick up the keys that are
on the floor. Next, you need a map of New York.
It is next to the cordless phone base to the
right of the kitchen door. Grab it and Martin
will store this map in his inventory. Lastly,
you need your cell. Call it useing your phone.
(presets) Martin hears riging from the couch.
Inspect it and find your cellphone under a
pillow. Grab it! You can now leave out the
front door to Proffesor Elumbergs Estate.
Grab your car! (the ferrari) Select Prof.
Eulemburgs estate on the map. Off you go!
Act 2 - Martin
When you arrive, a intrusive journalist
asks you something about the case. Say
anything, it wont change the outcome as
Malcolm (the cop) is standing by. Go in
the estate and talk to Travis. The body
of the Prof. is upstairs. You can't see
him until you have your I.D. The guard
won't let you. (talk to him and it will
activate a phone call at home.) You
can skip other things upstairs until
Act 4. There are only 2 things to do
in this act.
1. Retrive your I.D.
2. Retrive Gloves.
For now, you need your I.D. Go to your
inventory, (the I) and click on the New -
York Map. Select your home and you will go
there instantly. (Weird huh?) Go through the
front door and head for the living room.
Java is reading a newspaper. (Good thing
you got your phone!) You should have
gotten a call from the plumber saying
that the basement has been repaired. Go
through the door behind Java. This is
the basement. On the shelf to your left
is a box of gloves. Grab a pair and Martin
will put then in his inventory. Click on
the washer and Martin will say the door is
stuck. You need degreser. Go back to the
living room and click near the botom of
the arm chair to see a diffrent view. Go
through the kitchen door to the kitchen.
Under the table sticking out of the
wall, there is a set of cabinets with
detergents and stuff. Grab the top one
and add it to your inventory. Go back
down to the basement and use the powerful
stuff on the washer door. Open it. Grab
your pants and Martin will find his I.D.
Go to your map (if you don't want to
drive) and select the Prof. Estate. Go in.
Go back upstairs to the cop. Show him your
I.D. Go into the room he was guarding.
Eww! Anyways, go to the dresser near the
window. Inspect. Get the photo of two
people in a jungle. Take it. Away from
that view inspect the photo in your
inventory. Martin finds an envolope.
You can't open it now with your
fingers! Try steaming it open. Head back
home and go to the kitchen. Use the
kettle on the table with the stove.
Then use the kettle on the envolope. Have
Martin see the open envolope, revealing
a note. Read it. Martin dials a number.
A recorded messege ensues from the
telephone. Parcels!?! You'll find out
later. The airport appears on the map,
head to Mexico.
Act 3 - Martin
So here you are with Java in Veracruz. You
need to find Proffesor Uben. The nice lady
folding clothes tells you Prof. Uben's house
is right next to hers. There are 2 things
to do in this act.
1. Find the key to the Prof. House.
2. Travel to the site.
Inspect the door to the right of the
truck. You need a key becuase it's
locked. Go to the chained fence in
front of the truck. Unbolt it from
the weak wall. Inspect the storage
shed. Take the vinyl album. Take the
box as well. Go to the mule. Combine
the box and the mule. The mule will
kick the box. Talk to Pedro on the
street corner. He will tell you his
problem. Take a vinyl from the open
box and combine it with the album
sleeve. Take the result to Pedro.
Pedro will give you the key to Profs.
house. Open the door and inspect the
monkey/lemur and Martin will say he
is sitting on something. Above the
sink is a weird plug. Take it. Go
to the middle of the bookcase and
take the map thats there. Martin
will say it's incomplete. Look at
the bin thats holding the maps at
the corner of the desk.(not the
maps, but the bin) Combine the
thing you found with the map.
Go outside. Go to the truck and
zoom in where the cab and the bed
meet. It should say tube in the subtitles.
Use the strange plug on the valve and
then turn the plug. Exit out and use
the truck. Martin and Java drive to
the site. Uben is guarding the entrance
to the temple. No your I.D wont work.
Go back home.(take the trail or the map)
Act 4 - Martin
Ah, home sweet home. Oh, yeah the murder!
Listen to Martin and Diana talk. Head to the
Prof. estate. There are 8 things to
1. Inspect the Housekeepers Room.
2. Inspect the Libary.
3. Inspect the Prof. Room.
4. Visit the Muesum.
5. Visit the Blue Rose.
6. Visit your home again.
7. Visit Barney's Bookstore.
8. Go back to Mexico.
Talk to Travis in the estate. He tells you
his room has been ransaked. Head there.
Ransaked! Yup. Go again to the dresser
near the window again and Inspect around
for a letter. Then head to the left of the
bed. See the notepad? Take a page. Use the
pencil in your inventory on the note. The
Muesuem should appear on the map. But there
are still lots of things to do here. Head
to the Housekeepers room.(The room on top
in the middle as you were coming in) There
is something behind the chest.... Click on
the blanket to reveal a box. Inside the box
there is a key. Use the key with the chest.
Ooops! It broke. Don't worry this is
supposed to happen. Head back downstairs
and go through the biggest doors you can
find. (In the back of Inspector Travis
when he talked to you.) Enter again. Go
to the desk in the right corner. Inspect.
Under some letters, there is a letter opener.
Grab it. Go back to the housekeepers room. Use
the opener on the chest and the chest will open.
Martin will get the contents out and reveal a
painting. Inspect it. He says it depicts
Perguatory. Go back to where you
found the opener. Go into the room facing
oppisite from that table.(behind you) And look
at the ceiling and at the rug. Martin says all
the photos he has found represent "a divine
comedy". Grab the phone from the desk. Look
at the numbers. 4, 1, 3, are all faded. Go
to the middle book case and Martin will
remove "a divine comedy". Plug the phone
into the jack and punch in 413. This will
reveal a secret passage. Grab a magnetic
card that is in the box right of the
computer. Now go to Barney's Bookstore.
Talk to him. He says he has a Blue Rose
ticket. But first you have to return his
book. Go home. Go to your study and go
to the table with the globe on it. See
that book next to that paper? Grab it.
Head to the bookstore. Give Barney the
book. Barney will give you a Blue Rose
ticket. The Blue Rose appears on the map.
Head there. Oh, no Barney gave you the
wrong ticket! Go to the poster on the
left of the bodyguard. Grab the "Men
only stamp". Go to the muesum. Use the
magnetic card on the switch next to the
metal door. Enter. Go to the elevator
on the left. Enter. Go past the skeleton
to an elavator on the left. Enter. Go to a
set of double doors. Enter. Talk to Erika.
You need the medallion that she is wearing.
But you can't get it now. Go to a photocopier
on the left where all the bookshelves are.
Combine the stamp with the ticket. Then use
the ticket on the photocopier. Whala! A perfect
reproduction of the ticket. Go back to the
blue rose. Enter. Try to grab the blue rose
that's on the tables to your left. When the
barkeep says don't, talk to the dancer and
tell her to distract the barkeep. She will,
and Martin will grab the blue rose. Exit.
Go home. Go to the basement. In the basement
on top of the dryer are some paits. Grab the
purple one. Use it on the rose. Use the purple
rose on the letter you got from the proffesors
bedroom. Head back to the Muesum.
Act 5 - Martin
Martin needs that Medallion if he is going to prove
to Prof. Uben that he is the real deal. There are 2
things to do.
1. Get the Medallion.
2. Go back to Prof. Uben.
Go to Erika's office. Inspect the
"Purple Rose" poster. Give the letter
and rose combination to Erika. She
will give you the medallion. Go back
to the airport. Martin will fly to
Mexico. Go up the temple steps. Martin
and Uben talk about the "auidou".
Forget about the box for now. Go to
the right wall with the hireoglyphics.
Inspect. Go to the big stone pillir
next to Uben. Inspect. Arrange the
Hiroglyphics in the color order from
top to bottom - Purple, Green, Redissh, Blue,
and Yellow. The door behind you closes,
but the door in front opens. Go through.
The place where the "auidou" ceromony
was held! On the left of the door, there
are stone heads. Grab the glowing rock
between the heads lips. Take that rock
and use it on the boat. Martin will
climb in and Uben will tell Martin to
think of a place or someone. Martin is home!
But wait, thats just his soul. While
you are here, play with the wardrobe
and the mirror for a little giggle!
Talk to Diana. Pick choice Number Three.
Act 6 - Diana
Diana wakes up unsure if it was a dream.
Go back into the bedroom. Inspect the window.
Diana will open it. This reveals something on
the floor. Inspect it. Can it be? Blue dust!
So it wasn't a dream! There are 3 things to
do in this act.
1. Find out where Martin is.
2. Go to the temple in Mexico.
3. Help the guys escape!
Diana need to find Martin! Where do
notes get hung up? In the kitchen!
Inspect the whiteboard next to the
fridge. Martin's address! Diana calls a
cab and goes automaticlly to Mexico. Go
into Prof. Ubens house. Inspect the
monkey/lemur and see what he is sitting on.
That's our map! Next to the sink, (diffrent
view) there are "jars" and "jars of nuts".
Use "nuts" on the armchair. The monkey/lemur
will move and you can now get the map he
was sitting on. Exit out to the street. Diana
will go to the site automaticlly. Go to the
dig site and have diana grab the "machete".
Continue on to your left. Cut the vines on
the right, then the vines on the left.
Inspect both sides so Diana gets an idea
of whats going on. Inspect the stone head
that's broken on the ground as well. Talk
to Java and Diana will tell him to move
the head on the platform. Java will do so,
but that won't be enough weight. Talk to
Java again and Diana will tell him to sit
on the platform. Buttons will pop out of
the walls by the door. Push them in this
order - Top right near Java, bottom left
near the big head, bottom right near Java,
and top left near big head. The door will
open. Prof. Uben watches in horror
as the door closes again.
Act 7 - Martin
Martin thanks Diana for her heroics and Martin
sets off to find the rest of the parcels. Here are
the 4 objectives.
You might need the letter you got in the game
1. Find Parcel Number 1.
2. Find Parcel Number 2.
3. Find out how to get in the secret passage.
4. Read the Prof. Notes.
Check your study for the first Parcel. Get it.
Now we are off to Elumbergs estate. Go back to
the room before the libary. (where you found
the letter opener.) See the box on the couch?
Pick it up. It is the second Parcel. Use the
medallion you got from Erika on all the boxes.
The 3rd or second parcel reveals another box
with a combination. the numbers under the
"buttons" are - I, II, III. If you have your
letter from the game box, use that combination
on the "buttons" now.
If you don't have that, this is the order
you need to place -
This is the code. Once you access whats
inside put every rock glowy thing you found.
(I'm not sure in what order, but
Martin will tell you if they don't want to fit.
Once you put everything together, use the
scpete thing on the secret passage in the next
room. Enter. Martin will go down automaticlly.
Explore as much as you like but as soon as you
inspect the notes on a chair... OUCH!
Act 8 - Alfie
What?!?! Who's Alfie? You'll see. You are stuck in a
warehouse with no exit. And man does this guy walk
slow. Here are the 3 objectives.
1. Get out!
2. Get help!
3. Talk to Malocchio.
Let's turn on some lights. Go over to the
forklift to get a better view. See that switch
near the door on the right? Use it. Ah! Light!
Now we can see stuff. See that metal stick to
the left of the generator? Grab it. Go to the
truck door. Use the rod on the door and then
open the door. Near the rubbish, there is a key.
Grab it. Head toward the locked door left of the
generator. Use the wiskey you have on the key.
Use the key on the door. Exit. Talk to Terry near
the car. He says he saw the bad guys leave, but
he wont tell you where they went unless you can
find his police badge. Have Alfie/Martin inspect
the right car door near Travis. Have
Alfie/Martin get the map of the docks. Head
over to the hood. Grab the wire thats there.
Now we should go find that badge. In front of the
car and to the left of the door you came outside
in, there is a passage. Enter. Equip the wire
and use it on the switches to the left of the
metal door. Bzzt! Alfie/Martin hears a fan turning
on. Head up the stairs. (ignore the sign good-doer!)
Grab the boots and grab the pocket watch in the dirt.
Go to the Metal door. This is Malocchio's. Home of
the crazy guy! Any ways, talk to him. He is willing
to trade a "gold" chain for the boots. You can't
refuse, so take it and combine it with the pocket
watch. Talk to Malocchio again and he will trade it
for a key. Take that key back to the truck and use
it on the glove compartment. Get the badge/medal.
Take it to Travis. Travis will tell you where they
went. Alfie/Martin will circle it on the map. Click
on it to go there.(only way)
Act 9 - Alfie/Martin
Last of the acts. See the conversation between Jinx and
Feng. You have to get back in your body! You are losing
energy! There are 2 things to do in this final act.
1. Get back in your body!
2. Get Jinx!
There is a window behind you and under the
posters. Go through it. There you are! You
can't get back in unless you have
a rock that the thieves stole! Go through
the hallway to your left and you will find
Prof. Eulemburgs assistant! You need
to distract Feng! There are some posters on
the wall to the right of a desk. Take one.
Equip it and then use it on the
door. Feng likes it, but is too busy to
notice that his head is right on the doors
path! Click on the door and exit.
Ohh! Ouch that had to hurt. Inspect the
unconsoius body to find keys to the van.
Use the key on the van's back door.
Inspect. A diary! Grab it. Alfie/Martin
will tear a page. See where there is JINX
and then a number? That's our safe code!
Here it is so you don't have to see
it - 001 - 857890. (Note - It won't work
on the safe unless you grab the page first.)
Head south of the van. Enter the diffrent
section. See a green thing on top of the
box? That's the safe. Enter the
combination. Grab the stone. Go back to
the Prof. Assistant. He will put you back
in your body. You two will automaticly
go to the docks. Epp! A gun! The third
option is the only one that works.
Contact Me -
You can contact me at
for comments, any further questions,
and any other things.
Thanks -
I want to say thanks to all the prople at the
Crime Stories Message Boards.
The Adventure Company with Arematica
Entertainment for making such a great game.
And anyone else that feels he deserves some