
Crysis 2 Weapon and Enemy Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Crysis 2 Weapon and Enemy Guide

Crysis 2 Weapon and Enemy Guide

Guide Started: April 2, 2011
by Alan Chan (joylock @

The latest version of this guide may be found at

The Usual:
This document is mine. Please don't rip it off or take credit for it. That 
being said, feel free to post it on any site you want, provided you a) 
don't make any changes to it, and b) don't charge money for it. You 
don't even have to get my permission to post it (as long as it remains 
unaltered), but it would be nice if you emailed me and let me know 
(joylock @ Please do credit me if you use any 
information taken directly from this guide on your own guide or 
website, though. Also, it took me a few hours to get all the stats
from the game files and compile them into an easily readable format,
so if you got the stats from my guide and post them elsewhere please
credit me.

However: If you do post this guide on your web site, UNDER NO 
Latest Version of This FAQ can be found at". 
Thank you.

I want to thank Luigi Auriemma, writer of QuickBMS, which helped 
me view the game data and NPC/Weapon files.

Purpose of this Guide:

Well, since I wrote a Weapon/Enemy guide for the original Crysis, I 
figure I might as well write one for Crysis 2 as well. I discovered some 
helpful stuff that I wanted to share, such as the full multiplayer 
damage values of the various weapons (hopefully they haven't 
change due to patches), and some easy ways to take out the Ceph 
Heavies and Pingers. This guide is marginally less in-depth than my 
previous ones, as I am trying to write it in a bit of a hurry due to not 
having as much free-time as I did back in the day. I do plan to edit 
and format it a bit later after the initial release.


- Game Mechanics

- Health and Suit Functions

- Weapons
     - Primary Weapons
          - Pistols
          - Submachine Guns
          - Shotguns
          - Assault Rifles
          - Other Weapons
          - Special Weapons
     - Explosives
     - Heavy Weapons

- Enemies
     - C.E.L.L. Operator
     - C.E.L.L. Gunship
     - Ceph Tick
     - Ceph Grunt
     - Ceph Stalker
     - Ceph Grunt Commander
     - Ceph Stalker Commander
     - Ceph Heavy
     - Ceph Pinger
     - Ceph Guardian

*Game Mechanics*

- The game's difficulty setting mostly affects enemy A.I. On the higher
  difficulties, enemies have faster reaction times and better situational
  awareness. Enemies also seem to have better aim and fire in longer bursts
  on the higher difficulties, making enemies with automatic weapons noticeably
  more dangerous.
  On all difficulties, enemies have the same amount of health and do the
  same amount of damage.
  The major exception is that, on the highest difficulty setting
  (Post-Human Warrior or Supersoldier, depending on the version you're playing)
  there's no split-second invincibility after you're hit, allowing you to be
  damaged by each consecutive bullet in a spray of automatic fire. As a result,
  you die a LOT faster against automatic fire when not in Armor Mode. In
  Armor Mode, however, your durability seems pretty much the same.

- Crysis 2 uses a "smart" cover system, similar to Call of Juarez: Bound
  In Blood or Killzone. When you're up against a low wall or crate, you can
  lean your weapon over it (or, alternatively, lean back down behind cover) by
  moving your aim up and down. When pressed against a wall, you can also
  lean left or right around corners by pressing the left or right direction
  keys while aiming.

*Health and Suit Functions*

- In single-player, you have 1000 health units. As a result, it takes about
  6 direct assault rifle hits to kill you when not in Armor Mode. Armor
  Mode completely absorbs all damage you take, as long as suit energy is
  available instead. Health quickly starts regenerating after about 5
  seconds if you can avoid taking any damage.

  The Deflection suit module lets you survive about 50% to 100% more damage,
  but is very expensive in terms of nano catalyst. It also has no effect
  on the effectiveness of your Armor Mode.
  In multi-player, each player has 130 health units. It takes about 5 SCAR
  rifle shots or 4 Nova pistol shots to kill a character in multi-player
  if they aren't in Armor Mode (which, interestingly, makes a multi-player
  character roughly as durable as a C.E.L.L. Operator from single-player).
  Armor Mode reduces the damage a player takes to about 65% as long as suit
  energy is available, so it takes about 7 SCAR rifle shots or 5 Nova
  pistol shots to kill an Armored player. 

- You have 100 units of energy for your nanosuit. Your various suit powers
  consume energy at different rates. After using a suit power, there's
  a delay of about 2 to 3 seconds before your energy will begin to recharge.
  Once energy begins to recharge, it recharges at a rate of 30 units per
  second (60 units per second if the Nano Recharge module is equipped).

  The majority of suit powers can be used at the same time, although the
  energy drain from using multiple powers at once is signficant. The only
  exception is Armor Mode and Cloak Mode, which are incompatible; only
  one can be used at once (although other suit powers, such as Speed,
  Strength, or Nano Vision, can still be used while Armored or Cloaked).

  In many cases the multi-player suits are much weaker than the one seen
  in the single-player campaign, due to multi-player characters being
  equipped with weaker mass-produced nanosuits rather than Prophet's
  unique N2 nanosuit. Thus, the mass-produced suits' modes drain energy
  much faster, and the Armor Mode offers noticeably less protection
  as well.

  ARMOR MODE: Acts as a hardened "shield" that absorbs all damage taken
  by the suit, leaving your health unscathed. Unlike games like Halo
  or the original Crysis, Armor Mode is not the default mode, and has
  to be activated manually. Also, when Armor Mode is active, it slowly
  drains your suit energy at a rate of 2 units per second (1 unit per
  second if the Armor Enhance module is equipped) which means you
  have a maximum of 50 seconds of Armor Mode (100 seconds with Armor
  Enhance) before running out of energy. Additionally, any damage you
  take will further drain suit energy while in armor mode. Every 40
  points of damage drains 1 unit of suit energy, so at full power you
  can withstand 4000 units of damage (about 23 assault rifle shots)
  before Armor Mode fails. While Armor Mode significantly improves your
  durability, it also slows down your movement speed down to about 82%
  of normal.

  In multi-player, the weaker mass-produced suit's Armor Mode withstands
  less damage, with 10 points of damage draining 1 unit of suit energy.
  Also, the Armor Mode only absorbs 35% of incoming damage instead of 100%,
  so 65% of damage will still get through to your health. Also, this
  Armor Mode is completely ineffective against gauss rifle rounds, sniper
  rifle rounds, and microwave beams, which all do 100% damage regardless
  of Armor Mode. The Hammer pistol, Majestic Pistol, and Grendel also have
  enhanced Armor Mode penetration, dealing 80% damage instead of 65% against
  Armored opponents. 

  CLOAK MODE: Creates a cloaking field that renders you almost completely
  invisible. The cloak mode still creates a Predator-like distortion effect
  that can be seen with close examination, but it's less noticeable than
  in other similar games. Enemies will still be able to spot you at about
  a dozen feet or so, but otherwise will be completely oblivious to you.
  Be careful when cloaking around Ceph, though, because if they think you're
  cloaked nearby they will periodically emit a spherical EMP burst which will
  drain your suit energy and drop you out of Cloak Mode. Also, unlike the
  first Crysis, enemies will be able to spot laser sights as well as
  flashlight beams through your cloak if you have them equipped. Finally,
  being shot while Cloaked drains a significant portion of your suit energy,
  which can leave you powerless, vulnerable, and out in the open if enemies
  notice you while cloaked and manage to shoot you a few times.

  Cloak Mode drains suit energy at a rate of about 1 unit per second when
  standing still, and 8 units per second when moving (0.5 units per second
  when standing still and 5 units per second when moving if the Stealth
  Enhance module is equipped). This gives you 100 seconds of cloak when
  standing still or 12.5 seconds of cloak if moving (200 seconds standing
  still and 25 seconds moving with Stealth Enhance).

  You can melee in Cloak Mode without draining energy, but firing a weapon
  while cloaked will completely drain your suit energy, boot you out of 
  cloak mode, and leave you vulnerable and exposed without the ability
  to run or use Armor Mode. However, you can deactive cloak mode manually,
  fire your weapon, then re-activate it to fire off your weapon without
  completely draining your suit energy. This is a very useful tactic for
  assassinating multiple enemies while cloaked, but it's not as effective
  as in the first game because enemies are more aware and will spray
  bullets at your last known position if they see you cloak in front of
  them. Alternatively, you can fire a silenced Nova pistol while cloaked,
  which only drains 10 units of suit energy. A single Nova headshot will
  kill C.E.L.L. troops, and any nearby C.E.L.L. troops who see the kill still
  won't be able to pinpoint your position.

  In multi-player, your suit drains energy at a rate of 5 units per second
  when standing still, and about 11 units per second when moving. This gives
  you 20 seconds of cloak when standing still, and only about 9 seconds of
  cloak when moving. Additionally, meleeing while cloaked will completely
  drain your suit energy, just like firing a weapon.

  SPEED MODE: Holding down the sprint button automatically activates speed
  mode, which allows you to run 80% faster than your normal movement
  speed. Speed Mode isn't as fast as in the first Crysis (where it let you
  run at 50 to 55 mph!!), but it still lets you move at about 20 mph and
  also lasts noticeably longer (about 7 seconds at full power, compared to
  just 2 seconds in the first game). Speed Mode drains energy at a rate of
  15 units per second, giving you about 7 seconds of sprinting time and
  letting you cover about 115 feet of distance. Speed Mode only drains 7.5
  units per second and lets you run for about 14 seconds if the Mobility
  Enhance module is equipped.

  When moving normally, you move at about 5 m/s (about 11 mph). When
  sprinting in Speed Mode, you move at about 9 m/s (about 20 mph).
  The multiplayer nanosuit actually drains suit energy in Speed Mode at
  a slower rate than the main N2 nanosuit, only draining 7 units per second
  and giving you about 15 seconds of running at full power. This is one
  of the few areas the multiplayer suit is superior to the main N2 suit.

  STRENGTH MODE: Strength Mode can be used to make enhanced jumps, which
  allow you to make about a dozen foot vertical leap to jump or mantle onto
  high ledges. This costs 10 units of suit energy (20 units in multiplayer). 
  You can also perform a Power Attack by holding down the melee button.
  This does enhanced damage and can kill CELL soldiers and Ceph Grunts
  in a single punch. However, it completely drains your suit energy, leaving
  you vulnerable, and also doesn't deal enough damage to significantly hurt
  Ceph Commanders or Ceph Heavies. Since CELL soldiers and Ceph Grunts can
  be killed with just 2 or 4 regular melee attacks, the Power Attack doesn't
  really seem useful given it's extreme energy cost.

  When standing next to a car, you can hold down the melee button to perform
  a Power Kick and boot the car up to 50 feet. The flying car will generally
  kill any regular enemies it hits. However, again, this attack completely
  drains your suit energy, and has limited utility other than sheer fun

  NANO VISION: Nano Vision is a combination of night-vision and heat-vision,
  significantly improving visibility in dark areas as well as outlining
  the heat signature of enemies (which also allows you to spot cloaked
  enemies). It drains energy at a rate of 2 units per second, giving you
  50 seconds of usage at full power. 

-  Collecting Nano Catalyst from downed Ceph will give you an instant
   10 units of suit energy. This is useful for boosting your suit energy
   quickly in the middle of combat or while stealthing around in Cloak Mode.


-  In Crysis 2 you can carry 2 primary weapons, as well as Frag Grenades,
   C4, and a JAW rocket launcher. Unlike the first game, pistols are
   considered a primary weapon rather than a sidearm you can carry as a
   3rd weapon.

-  Unlike the first game, you do not have a persistent store of ammo in
   your inventory for weapons you don't carry. So, if you drop a SCAR
   with 200 rounds in reserve, that ammo drops with the SCAR instead of
   remaining in your inventory.

-  Remember, you have 1000 units of health in single-player and 130 units
   of health in multi-player.

-  NOTE: My descriptions are mainly single-player focused, but the
   multi-player stats have been included for your convenience. Note that
   the performance of some weapons are vastly different between single-player
   and multi-player. For example, the Grendel is one of the most damaging
   rifles in the game in single-player, but only does marginally more damage
   than the Scarab or SCAR in multi-player (but compensates with improved

-  You can perform a melee strike using any weapon. This does 300 damage in
   single-player and 62 damage in multi-player.

-  Bullets in Crysis 2 can penetrate light cover, such as concrete, plaster,
   or brick. You can therefore shoot through concrete roadblocks to kill
   enemies trying to hide behind them. You cannot shoot through metal,
   however, even with the Gauss Rifle. Some concrete roadblocks have metal
   strips attached to serve as armor, these cannot be shot through (although
   the exposed concrete at the bottom can still be shot through).



M12 Nova: 
Ammo Type: 9mm
Damage: SP: 120 
        MP: 30 
        AI: 120
Rate of Fire: 450 rpm 
Clip Size: 20 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 140 
          MP: 80
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 25 meters, 5 damage per meter, lowest is 60 damage. 
     MP: After 10 meters, 0.5 damage per meter, lowest is 20 damage.
Barrel: Pistol Silencer
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Pistol Laser Sight

A basic 9mm semi-auto pistol, this weapon is the first one you start 
the game with, and can be found carried as a sidearm by the majority 
of CELL soldiers, especially in the earlier levels. It has good 
accuracy, a good rate of fire, and decent stopping power, capable of 
killing a CELL soldier in 4 shots or a Ceph trooper in 10 shots. 
Unfortunately, the lack of a scope prevents you from effectively 
engaging in long range combat with it. 

Although generally not as good as an assault rifle, the pistol has two 
modest advantages over larger rifles and submachine guns. It is 
extremely stable, and can be fired from the hip or while moving with 
very little loss of accuracy, making it good for close range 
run-and-gun firing. The quick-draw time and reload time are also 
very fast compared to an assault rifle or submachine gun. However, 
due to the lower damage-per-second and lack of long range 
capabilities, you should probably use an assault rifle or other primary 
weapon instead.

One advantage of the 9mm pistol is that if you equip it with a silencer, 
it can be fired in cloaked mode without emptying your energy meter 
or taking you out of cloak. Instead, each shot costs 10 units of energy. 
This can be used to kill CELL soldier with headshots without raising 
an alarm or causing enemies to see you, unlike silent kills or melee 

Ammo Type: .50 Compact 
Damage: SP: 300 
        MP: 40 
        AI: 175
Rate of Fire: 200 rpm 
Clip Size: 9 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 51 MP: 54
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 15 meters, 20 damage per meter, lowest is 150 damage.
     MP: After 15 meters, 1.3 damage per meter, lowest is 30 damage.
Barrel: Pistol Silencer
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Pistol Laser Sight

The Hammer is a high-powered Desert Eagle-style pistol with very 
high stopping power, capable of killing a CELL soldier in just 2 shots 
or a Ceph trooper in just 4 shots. Unfortunately, the rate of fire is 
average at best and the weapon needs to be reloaded after every 10 
shots. On the plus side, the reload speed is very fast, noticeably 
faster than for an assault rifle or other primary weapon. 

The Hammer is not quite as stable or accurate as the M12 Nova, but 
it's still much more stable than an assault rifle and thus less 
inaccurate when running-and-gunning from the hip. As with the M12 
Nova, the lack of a scope means you won't really be able to use it for 
long range combat, especially when combined with the fairly 
significant damage drop over long distance.

Like the M12 Nova, the Hammer can be equipped with a silencer and 
fired in cloaked mode without dropping your cloak. However, it costs 
20 units of energy per shot instead of 10, and the extra power is 
pretty pointless since a single headshot is all you need to kill a CELL 
soldier with either pistol. 

Ammo Type: .50 Compact
Damage: SP: 400 
        MP: 60 
        AI: 250
Rate of Fire: SP: 90 rpm 
              MP: 135 rpm 
Clip Size: 6 
Max Ammo: SP: 30 
          MP: 24
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 15 meters, 10 damage per meter, lowest is 200 damage.
     MP: After 20 meters, 1.5 damage per meter, lowest is 50 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Assault Scope

This powerful .50 caliber revolver is first acquired about halfway 
through the game, in Mission 10: Semper Fi Or Die. It has very high 
stopping power, and at close-to-medium range can kill CELL soldiers 
in just 1 shot or Ceph troopers in just 3. The bullets are so powerful 
that a single hit will flip a CELL soldier and send him flying through 
the air. The Majestic is the only pistol that can be mounted with a 
scope, allowing it to serve as a poor man's substitute for a sniper 
weapon. Unfortunately, the Majestic loses power surprisingly quickly 
over distance, requiring 2 shots to kill CELL soldiers or 4 to 5 shots to 
kill Ceph troopers at long range, which somewhat undermines its 
utility as a sniping weapon.

The other big drawbacks of the Majestic revolver are its fairly low rate 
of fire, as well as its very low bullet capacity, needing to be reloaded 
after every 6 shots. The reload time is marginally quicker than for an 
assault rifle, but slower than for the M12 Nova or Hammer pistol.

Ammo Type: 4.7mm Compact
Damage: SP: 65 
        MP: 20 
        AI: 140
Rate of Fire: 1200 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 60 (+1 in chamber) (75 with extended clip) 
           MP: 45 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 240 
          MP: 180
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 25 meters, 2 damage per meter, lowest is 45 damage.
     MP: After 15 meters, 0.33 damage per meter, lowest is 15 damage.
Barrel: Pistol Silencer
Under-Barrel: Semi-Automatic, Extended Clip
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight, Laser Sight

This bullpup submachine gun is carried semi-regularly by CELL 
soldiers. It does marginally less damage than an assault rifle, 
requiring 6 shots to kill a CELL soldier and about 15 shots to kill a 
Ceph trooper. The reduced damage is compensated for with a 
blisteringly high rate of fire, giving it an overall greater 
damage-per-second rating than the Scarab or SCAR. However, this 
also means it burns through ammo more quickly, which is 
compounded by the fact enemies don't drop ammo for it as often.

The drawback of the Feline is that it has significant bullet spread, 
especially when fired from the hip. Firing while aiming down the 
sights does noticeably decrease the bullet spread, but it still sprays 
bullets somewhat off-center and doesn't have the precision of aimed 
bursts from an assault rifle. Overall, it works decently for 
close-to-medium range, but is less suited for long range than an 
assault rifle.

Ammo Type: 9mm
Damage: SP: 80 
        MP: 17 
        AI: 25
Rate of Fire: 800 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 30 (+1 in chamber) (45 with extended clip) 
           MP: 25 (+ 1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 150 
          MP: 100
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 30 meters, 0.2 damage per meter, lowest is 50 damage.
     MP: After 15 meters, 1 damage per meter, lowest is 13 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: Semi-Automatic, Extended Clip
Scope: Ironsight, Pistol Laser Sight, Reflex Scope

The AY69 machine pistol is, along with the M12 Nova, one of the 
most stable weapons in the game. You can fire it full-auto from the 
hip while running-and-gunning and still get a relatively tight bullet 
spread. It's great for close-range room-clearing, and mows down 
enemies very quickly. It also deals surprisingly good damage, with 
each bullet being on par with an assault rifle round in terms of 
stopping power. However, it lacks the precision of short, controlled 
bursts from an assault rifle, and even while aiming down the sights 
you still get a moderate amount of bullet drift, which prevents you 
from using it effectively at long range.

Additionally, the AY69 burns through ammo very quickly, and you 
can't hold much ammo for it and therefore run out of bullets rapidly. 
It's also very rare, only appearing in a couple levels in the entire 
game. It can also periodically be found being used as a sidearm by 
the USMC Riflemen in the later levels of the game. 

Ammo Type: 6mm Electrostatic Pellet
Damage: SP: 50 (120 if direct hit) 
        MP: 17 
        AI: 50
Energy Drain: MP: 20 
              AI: 34
Rate of Fire: 850 rpm 
Clip Size: 50 
Max Ammo: SP: 250
          MP: 200
Damage Drop: N/A
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight, Assault Scope

The K-Volt is a special submachine gun that fires electric pellets 
instead of bullets. It has very good stopping power, killing CELL 
soldiers in 4 shots and Ceph troopers with about a dozen shots. It 
also has the added bonus of stunning enemies; a single pellet hit will 
knock a CELL soldier to the ground for a couple seconds, and 
repeated hits will cause Ceph to stop moving and twitch 
uncontrollably in shock. This stun ability makes it one of the better 
weapons for fighting the Ceph with, since it stunlocks them and 
prevents them from attacking.

The K-Volt also has the ability to drain your suit's energy; a few hits 
will reduce your energy to 0, and Armor Mode does nothing to protect 
against this effect. This makes CELL Operators armed with K-Volts 
very dangerous, as they can take out your Armor Mode with just a 
couple hits.

The K-Volt's bullet spray is fairly wide when fired from the hip, but 
much tighter when fired from aim mode. It doesn't have the precision 
accuracy of an assault rifle, but is still functional for medium-long 
range combat. One drawback of the K-Volt is that the energy pellets 
don't penetrate cover (not even bushes), unlike solid bullets.


Ammo Type: 12 Gauge Shot
Damage: SP: 125 x 8 pellets 
        MP: 30 x 8 pellets 
        AI: 325 x 8
Rate of Fire: SP: 47 rpm 
              MP: 55 rpm 
Clip Size: 10 
Max Ammo: SP: 34 
          MP: 40
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 15 meters, 10 damage per meter, lowest is 0 damage. 
     MP: After 11 meters, 4 damage per meter, lowest is 5 damage.
Barrel: Silencer
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Scope

The Marshall is a pump-action shotgun that deals very high damage 
at close range, but has a wide spread and therefore is ineffective at 
long range. It kills CELL soldiers with 1 shot up to about 15 feet, and 
with 2 or 3 shots up to about 40 feet. Unfortunately, it simply has no 
effect past about 40 feet, even when firing from aimed mode. At 
close range it also kills Ceph Troopers with 2 shots.

Unfortunately, the rate of fire is very low due to the pump-action, with 
a delay of more than 1 second between each shot. This, combined 
with its very short range, does somewhat limit it's overall usefulness. 
It is fairly common, especially in the earlier levels, and can be found 
in enemy weapon stockpiles or carried by Flanker-class CELL 

Ammo Type: 12 Gauge Shot
Damage: SP: 130 x 7 pellets (150 x 7 pellets in semi-auto mode) 
        MP: 14 x 7 pellets (32 x 7 pellets in semi-auto mode) 
        AI: 225 x 7
Rate of Fire: SP: 300 rpm 
              MP: 270 rpm 
Clip Size: 7 (+1 in chamber) (10 with extended clip) 
Max Ammo: SP: 32 
          MP: 30
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 15 meters, 10 damage per meter, lowest is 0 damage. 
     MP: After 9.5 meters, 2 damage per meter, lowest is 4 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: Extended Clip
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight

A relatively late-game weapon, the Jackal is a full-auto shotgun with 
a startlingly high rate of fire, capable of firing a full 7 round clip in
just a little over a second. With its full-auto fire the Jackal is extremely 
powerful, and at close range can even pulverize a Ceph Heavy in just 
a few seconds with just 2 full clips of fire. Standard Ceph troopers 
can be killed with just 2 or 3 shots, depending on range.

The Jackal has a noticeably tighter spread than the Marshall, giving it 
better range. It can kill a CELL soldier with a single shot at distances 
of up to 40 to 50 feet. It's still not quite as accurate as the shotgun 
from the original Crysis, though, which could one-shot-kill enemy 
soldiers at distances of more than 100 feet.


Ammo Type: 4mm Sabot Scar
Damage: SP: 75 
        MP: 24 
        AI: 180
Rate of Fire: 900 rpm 
Clip Size: 40 (+1 in chamber) (50 with extended clip) 
Max Ammo: SP: 200 
          MP: 160
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 50 meters, 2 damage per meter, lowest is 60 damage. 
     MP: After 20 meters, 0.25 damage per meter, lowest is 20 damage.
Barrel: Silencer
Under-Barrel: Semi-Automatic, Extended Clip, Light Shotgun
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight, Laser Sight

The Scarab assault rifle is the first real weapon you acquire in the 
game after the starting 9mm pistol, and should serve as your main 
weapon for the game's first few levels. It's the primary weapon used 
by CELL Operators, and is therefore extremely common, especially 
in levels where you fight CELL forces.

The Scarab has a higher-than-average rate of fire and decent 
stopping power, capable of killing CELL soldiers in 5 or 6 shots and 
Ceph troopers in about a dozen shots. It's got very good accuracy 
when fired from aimed mode, and can also clear enemies at close 
range by firing from the hip with full-auto bursts. The only real 
drawback to the Scarab is it cannot mount a long-range scope, which 
makes targeting enemies at long range with it somewhat more 

Ammo Type: 4mm Sabot Scar
Damage: SP: 90 
        MP: 30 
        AI: 180
Rate of Fire: 700 rpm 
Clip Size: 40 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 200 
          MP: 160
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 50 meters, 2 damage per meter, lowest is 70 damage. 
     MP: After 25 meters, 0.25 damage per meter, lowest is 25 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: Semi-Automatic, Grenade Launcher, Gauss 
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight, Assault Scope

The SCAR is the primary weapon of the Marines seen in the game, 
and can also occasionally be found being used by CELL Operators 
(mainly in Mission 4: Road Rage and Mission 5: Lab Rat). It has a 
slightly lower rate of fire than the Scarab, but also does slightly 
higher damage. However, the difference in power is pretty much 
insignificant, as the SCAR and Scarab both take the exact same 
number of bullets to kill most enemies. The Scarab has a marginally 
higher damage-per-second rating, but again the difference is pretty 
much insignificant. 

The main feature of the SCAR is that it can mount an assault scope 
with a 3x zoom, allowing you to target enemies at long range more 
easily. It has good accuracy when fired from aim mode, but the recoil 
does cause your aim to climb somewhat after each shot.

Ammo Type: 6.8mm Hollow-Point
Damage: SP: 275 
        MP: 35 
        AI: 250
Rate of Fire: 500 rpm 
Clip Size: 24 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: 120
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 35 meters, 5 damage per meter, lowest is 200 damage. 
     MP: After 30 meters, 0.25 damage per meter, lowest is 31 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: Semi-Automatic, Grenade Launcher, Light Shotgun
Scope: Ironsight, Reflex Sight, Assault Scope

The Grendel is a powerful late-game battle rifle with very high 
stopping power. It fires in fixed 3-shot bursts, but can also be fired in 
semi-auto single shots by changing the fire mode. It's similar to the 
Halo 3 battle rifle, Halo: Reach DMR, or Call of Duty FAL. The bullets 
are VERY powerful, and it can kill CELL soldiers in just 2 bullets, and 
Ceph troopers in just 4 bullets or a single bullet to the exposed jelly. 
It's also very accurate when fired from aim mode, making it a good 
sniping weapon. It's also decent for run-and-gun firing from the hip at 
close range.

Unfortunately, the gun's recoil causes your aim to climb with each 
shot in a 3-shot burst, so instead of 3 bullets grouped together you 
instead get a vertical line. The semi-auto fire mode seems superior to 
the default 3-shot burst, as long as you can press the fire button fast 
enough. It gives you more control over your shots, and you end up 
wasting less ammo as a result. The rate of fire is also slightly higher 
too if you can tap fast enough. 

Overall, the Grendel's damage-per-second and overall utility are 
much better than the Scarab or SCAR, and I highly recommend it for 
the later levels of the game.


DSG-1 Precision Rifle:
Ammo Type: .405
Damage: SP: 450 
        MP: 61 
        AI: 470
Rate of Fire: 90 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 6 (+1 in chamber) 
           MP: 8 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 24 
          MP: 40
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 100 meters, 10 damage per meter, lowest is 250 damage. 
     MP: None.
Barrel: Silencer
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Sniper Scope, Reflex Sight, Assault Scope

The DSG-1 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle with excellent stopping 
power; it kills CELL soldiers in 1 shot, and Ceph troopers in 2 torso 
shots or 1 headshot. The sniper rifle makes long range combat much 
easier compared to an assault rifle, because you only need to land 1 
or 2 shots to kill an enemy, instead of having to land several hits 
while also dealing with recoil causing your aim to climb. It also has a 
fairly decent rate of fire for a high-powered sniper rifle, with a delay of 
a little over half a second between each shot. 

It's excellent for wiping out enemies at long range, but there's no 
on-screen crosshair when not in aimed mode, preventing you from 
accurately firing it from the hip. Surprisingly, the sniper rifle is actually 
quite accurate when fired from the hip, there's just no crosshair to tell 
you where the bullet will go.

Mk60 Mod 0:
Ammo Type: 7.62mm AP
Damage: SP: 170 
        MP: 37 
        AI: 120
Rate of Fire: 550 rpm 
Clip Size: 100 
Max Ammo: 200
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 75 meters, 3 damage per meter, lowest is 130 damage.
     MP: After 35 meters, 0.3 damage per meter, lowest is 30 damage.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Ironsight, Assault Scope, Laser Sight

This light machine gun first appears about midway through the game, 
and can be found semi-commonly from that point on. In the later 
levels, CELL Operators start using it as their primary weapon instead 
of the Scarab or SCAR assault rifle. It deals about twice as much 
damage as an assault rifle and does about 50% more 
damage-per-second, and kills CELL soldiers in 3 shots or Ceph 
troopers in 8 shots. The LMG holds 100 rounds, allowing you to fire a 
significant number of bullets before needing to reload. The drawback 
is that the reload time is much slower than for an assault rifle.

The Mk60 has poor accuracy when fired from the hip, although you 
can still mow down enemies at point-blank range. However, the 
bullet grouping is surprisingly tight when fired from aim mode (better 
than that of a submachine gun), making the Mk60 an actually pretty 
good long-range weapon, especially if you attach an assault scope to 
it. It's actually a good general-purpose primary weapon for the 
second half of the game, especially against Ceph Grunts and other
enemies that require continuous fire to bring down. Just resist the
urge to reload it compulsively, as the reload time is quite long and
the 100 bullets it holds makes frequent reloading unnecessary.


- Special weapons are considered to be primary weapons; the difference
  is that you cannot refill ammo for them at ammo boxes due to the
  special ammo they use. The only way to get more ammo for a special
  weapon is to take it from another one of its kind (i.e. to get
  more Gauss rifle rounds, you need to take them from another Gauss

Ammo Type: 60mm Smart Grenade
Damage: SP: 1500 
        MP: 125
Rate of Fire: SP: 35 rpm 
              MP: 40 rpm 
Clip Size: 5 (+2 in chamber) 
Max Ammo: SP: 10 
          MP: 15
Attachments: None 

The L-TAG grenade launcher fires grenades that bounce along 
surfaces and explode after a couple seconds or upon impact with an 
enemy. When fired straight ahead the grenades have a pretty good 
range of about 100 feet, and when they explode they have a pretty 
decent splash damage radius and deal very good damage (capable 
of killing CELL soldiers and basic Ceph troopers with a direct hit). 

The grenade launcher is good for taking out close groups of enemies, 
or for use on heavy enemies like Ceph Heavies or Pingers (it takes 
about 5 direct hits to kill a Ceph Heavy, and 14 or more hits to kill a 

One drawback of the grenade launcher is that the grenades do NOT 
explode on impact with enemy vehicles, which prevents you from 
effectively using them against CELL humvees since they'll just 
bounce off.

As with all special weapons, you can't refill L-TAG ammo with bullets 
from ammo crates, only by picking up other L-TAGs. This, combined 
with the fairly small amount of ammo you can carry for the L-TAG, 
does limit your ability to use it long-term as a primary weapon, 
although it can be useful as a temporary weapon if picked up and 
used for specific situations.

X-43 MIKE:
Ammo Type: Weaponized Microwaves, Battery Powered
Damage: SP: 100 
        MP: 11.5
Rate of Fire: SP: 1200 rpm 
              MP: 1500 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 500 
           MP: 100 
Max Ammo: SP: 1000 
          MP: 400
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 15 meters, 5 damage per meter, lowest is 0 damage. 
     MP: After 17 meters, 11.5 damage per meter, lowest is 0 damage.
Attachments: None 

The X-43 MIKE is a microwave rifle that fires a continuous beam of 
microwave radiation. It deals very high damage-per-second, and kills 
Ceph troopers with about 15 units of charge (less than 1 second of 
exposure). Additionally, certain bullet-resistant enemies do not resist 
the microwave beam, making it more effective against them. These 
include CELL Leaders, Ceph Grunt Commanders, and Ceph 
Heavies. A Ceph Heavy can be brought down with about 150 units of 
MIKE charge, compared to about 350 assault rifle bullets. 

The X-43 MIKE has perfect accuracy, but the lack of a scope makes 
it difficult to aim at long range, especially against an enemy that's 
either moving or behind cover, making it more suited  for 
close-to-medium range combat. There's also no point in aiming 
down the weapon's sights instead of simply firing from the hip, since 
doing so doesn't improve the weapon's accuracy and blocks off the 
bottom half of the screen.

As with all special weapons, you can't refill X-43 MIKE ammo with 
bullets from ammo crates, only by picking up other X-43 MIKEs. You 
can carry a decent total of 1000 units of charge for the microwave 
rifle, which is enough to kill several dozen Ceph Grunts before 
running out of ammo.

M2014 Gauss Rifle:
Ammo Type: 10mm Solid Slug
Damage: SP: 6000 
        MP: 115 
        AI: 890
Rate of Fire: SP: 35 rpm 
              MP: 55 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 4 (+1 in chamber) 
           MP: 10 (+1 in chamber) 
Max Ammo:  SP: 16 
           MP: 40
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 100 meters, 25 damage per meter, lowest is 700 damage. 
     MP: None.
Barrel: None
Under-Barrel: None
Scope: Sniper Scope, Reflex Sight, Assault Scope

The Gauss Rifle is an "FPS railgun" that basically serves as a 
super-sniper rifle. It comes equipped with a sniper scope by default, 
and kills pretty much everything with one shot except for CELL 
helicopters, Ceph Grunt Commanders, Ceph Heavies, and Ceph 
Pingers. However, the rate is fire is very slow, with a delay of almost 
2 seconds between each shot.

Unfortunately, the Gauss Rifle is kind of overkill against normal 
enemies, and heavier enemies take significantly reduced damage 
from it (it takes about 5 Gauss Rifle shots to kill a Ceph Heavy, and 
14 shots to kill a Ceph Pinger). It's also extremely rare, only 
appearing about 3 or so times throughout the entire game (which is a 
problem since you can't get more ammo for it except from other 
Gauss Rifles, which in turn severely limits how often you can actually 
use this weapon).

It should be noted that although the Gauss Rifle has better 
penetration than a standard rifle, it still won't penetrate surfaces that 
a normal bullet wouldn't, like metal plates or shipping crates. The 
only thing the Gauss Rifle will shoot through that normal weapons 
won't is nanoglass, which only appears briefly in one level during the 
confrontation with Commander Lockhart.


M17 Frag Grenade:
Damage: SP: 1500 
        MP: 140 
        AI: 600
Max Ammo: SP: 5 
          MP: 1

Frag grenades have a 3 second fuse and an effective blast radius of 
about 40 feet. Unlike most post-Halo FPS games, you can't throw 
them with a hotkey without switching from your primary weapon. 
Instead, the game tells you to tap the weapon select key twice to 
switch to grenades. Grenades can be fairly commonly at grenade 
resupply boxes, and can be very useful due to their high damage and 
larger-than-normal blast radius for an FPS game.

Damage: SP: 2500 
        MP: 250
Max Ammo: SP: 4 
          MP: 1

C4 high explosive charges are tossed several feet in front of you. 
They stick to solid surfaces, and will only explode once detonated by 
pressing the detonator button (the zoom/alt-fire button). C4 does 
extremely high damage, and kills standard CELL or Ceph infantry 
instantly. C4 also does extra damage against Ceph Heavies and 
Ceph Pingers. It only takes 2 direct hits from C4 charges to kill a 
Heavy, and a direct C4 hit will take away about 25% of a Pinger's 
total health. C4 is somewhat rare, and can generally only be found 
just before you fight a particularly difficult enemy such as a Heavy or 

Ammo Type: Dual Purpose HEAT Warhead
Damage: SP: 6000 
        MP: 225 
        AI: 950
Rate of Fire: 20 rpm
Max Ammo: SP: 4 (glitched, you receive +1 missile every 
                 new level even past max amount) 
          MP: 1

The JAW is a single-shot rocket launcher that does heavy damage, 
and is intended for use against heavy targets such as enemy 
vehicles, Ceph Heavies, and Ceph Pingers. They can be found 
scattered throughout the game's levels, usually before a major fight 
against a large enemy. If fired while aiming down the scope, the 
JAW's targeting laser can be used to guide the course of the rocket 
in mid-air, similar to in Half-Life 2 or the original Crysis. It is very 
powerful, and can kill a CELL helicopter in 2 shots, a Ceph Heavy in 3 
shots, and a Ceph Pinger in 7 or 8 shots. However, you can only 
carry a limited number of JAW rockets, and the Jaw must be 
reloaded after each shot, which takes a few seconds to accomplish.


- Heavy weapons can be picked up and used at any time. However, you cannot
  run, mantle, or switch to another weapon when carrying them. To switch
  back to your primary weapons, you need to drop the heavy weapon. They
  also have fixed ammo which cannot be reloaded or refilled.

Ammo Type: .50 HMG
Damage: SP: 450 
        MP: 120 
        AI: 180
Rate of Fire: 400 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 150 
           MP: 100 
Max Ammo: SP: 150 
          MP: 100
Damage Drop: 
     SP: After 100 meters, 10 damage per meter, lowest is 100 damage. 
     MP: After 10 meters, 2 damage per meter, lowest is 70 damage.

These powerful mounted heavy machine guns can be found 
stationed throughout each level, usually being manned by CELL 
forces. With your Nanosuit-enhanced strength, you can rip them off 
their supports and carry them around as a man-portable weapon. 
The HMG is VERY powerful, killing CELL soldiers with just one hit 
and Ceph troopers with just 3 hits. Accuracy is also pretty good too 
when you consider the fact you're firing from the hip. The only 
drawbacks of the HMG are that they slow your movement speed 
down noticeably and prevent you from mantling up onto ledges, and 
also that they have a fixed, non-replenishable amount of ammo and 
must be discarded once empty.

Ammo Type:
Damage: SP: 450 
        MP: 60 
        AI: 250
Rate of Fire: 900 rpm 
Clip Size: SP: 64 
           MP: 24 
Max Ammo: SP: 64 
          MP: 24

The Swarmer is a large, multi-rocket launcher that is quite rare, only 
being found a few times throughout the entire game. It fires a swarm 
of 8 drunken missiles, and includes a laser-sight for directing the 
path of the missiles. Each individual missile is weaker than a single 
JAW rocket, but the swarm of 8 missiles will spread the total damage 
over a wider radius. Like the HMG, the Swarmer has the drawback of 
noticeably reducing your movement speed, and cannot be reloaded. 
You'll usually find one just before a major battle, such as against a 
Ceph Pinger.


-  Enemies in Crysis do have the same amount of health and deal the same
   amount of damage regardless of difficulty. Difficulty only affects
   their A.I.; i.e. reaction time, awareness, accuracy, and duration of
   burst fire.


C.E.L.L. Operator:

Damage Modifiers (Standard Armor): 
     Head: Hip shot: 200% 
           Aimed shot: 2000%
     Torso: 100% 
     Arm: 100%
     Back: 200%
     Leg: 75%

Damage Modifiers (Heavy Armor):
     Head: Hip shot: 100% 
           Aimed shot: 2000%
     Torso: 75%
     Arm: 50%
     Leg: 50%
     Back: 150%
     Microwave Emission: 100%

CELL Operators are PMC mercenary soldiers in the employ of the 
CryNET corporation, and will be your primary human opponents 
throughout Crysis 2. They're equipped with advanced body armor 
and can survive slightly more damage than the North Korean 
soldiers from the original Crysis, requiring about 5 or 6 hits from an 
assault rifle to put down. Their tactics are fairly standard for a modern 
FPS soldier-type enemy; they run for cover when attacked, can slide 
into cover from several feet away, take cover behind corners or low 
walls, lean out of cover to fire or blindfire around cover, move from 
cover to cover, can leap over low walls or jump down from higher
platforms, and occasionally toss frag grenades to attack you or 
flush you out of cover. 

If you return fire at them aggressively, they generally dig in behind 
cover and do their best not to get shot. Conversely, if you hide behind 
cover yourself for a long period of time, they'll often advance on you 
aggressively and try to get around your cover to overrun and shoot 
you. Their A.I. is decent (glitches aside), but there are often 
instances of them standing still in one spot out in the open while firing, 
which makes them an easy target. While they do occasionally strafe quickly
from cover to cover while firing, CELL Operators tend to hold still or
advance forward slowly while firing, and if shot at will usually stand
their ground and continue firing instead of trying to dodge or strafe
away (in contrast to the North Korean soldiers of the first game, who
tended to strafe away while still firing when shot at).

Overall, CELL Operators are easily dispatched individually, but can 
pose a threat in groups of several at once. If you don't have Armor 
Mode up, they can kill you in several bullet hits. You can either use 
Stealth Mode to evade them, or Armor Mode if you want to Rambo 
your way through a straight-up fight. 

C.E.L.L. Operator (Assault):
Appearance: CELL soldier with black body armor over light grey 
Health: 400
Armor: Standard
Primary Weapon: Scarab Assault Rifle (180 damage)
                SCAR Assault Rifle (180 damage)
                Feline Submachine Gun (140 damage)
                K-Volt Submachine Gun (50 damage)
                Mk60 Mod 0 Machine Gun (120 damage)
                Grendel Battle Rifle (250 damage)
Sidearm: M12 Nova Pistol (120 damage)
         Hammer Pistol (175 damage)
         Majestic Pistol (250 damage)
Other Attacks: Frag Grenades (600 damage)
               Melee Attack (250 damage)

The Assault-class CELL Operator is the basic CELL soldier, and the 
most common CELL enemy you'll face throughout the game. In the 
early levels of the game they're generally equipped with Scarab or 
SCAR assault rifles, while in the later levels they often carry Mk60 
Mod 0 light machine guns. They can also occasionally be found 
using Feline submachine guns, K-Volt submachine guns, or (most 
rarely) the Grendel battle rifle.

C.E.L.L. Operator (Flanker): 
Appearance: CELL soldier with white body armor over light grey 
            uniform. Does not wear a backpack.
Health: 400
Armor: Standard
Primary Weapon: Marshall Shotgun (325 damage x 8 pellets)
                Jackal Shotgun (225 x 7 pellets)
Sidearm: M12 Nova Pistol (120 damage)
         Hammer Pistol (175 damage)
         Majestic Pistol (250 damage)
Other Attacks: Frag Grenades (600 damage)
               Melee Attack (250 damage)

Flankers can be identified by their white body armor and lack of 
backpacks. They are equipped exclusively with shotguns for their 
primary weapon, using the pump-action Marshall in the early levels 
and the full-auto Jackal in the late game. Due to their use of shotguns, 
they're more effective at close range and less effective at long range. 
Tactically, they behave similarly to the Assault-class CELL 
Operators. Flanker-class and Assault-class CELL Operators are by 
far the two most common types of CELL Operators.

C.E.L.L. Operator (Demolitions): 
Appearance: CELL soldier with black and red body armor over dark 
            grey uniform.
Health: 400
Armor: Heavy
Primary Weapon: Scarab Assault Rifle (180 damage)
                L-Tag Grenade Launcher 
Sidearm: JAW Rocket Launcher (950 damage)
         Marshall Shotgun (325 damage x 8 pellets)
         Jackal Shotgun (225 x 7 pellets)
Other Attacks: Melee Attack (250 damage)

Demolitions-class CELL Operators can be identified by their 
additional black armor pieces (i.e. shoulder pads and leg guards) as 
well as red highlights on their armor and backpack. They have 2 
possible weapon loadouts; some Demolitions CELL Operators are 
equipped with Scarab assault rifles, and also carry a single-shot 
JAW missile launcher for long range use. Other Demolitions CELL 
Operators are equipped with L-Tag grenade launchers, and carry a 
shotgun as a secondary weapon. Their high-powered explosive 
weapons make them a priority target, due to the significant damage 
they can deal to you.

Like Leader-class CELL Operators, Demolitions-class CELL 
Operators are equipped with heavy body armor that reduces the 
damage they take from most weapons. They can typically survive 1 
or 2 bullets more than a standard CELL Operator, and most notably 
require 2 DSG-1 sniper rifle shots to kill instead of just 1.

C.E.L.L. Operator (Sniper):
Appearance: CELL soldier without helmet, instead wearing 
            balaclava mask and red electronic monocle. Also wears
            light kevlar vest instead of heavy armor plates.
Health: 400
Armor: Standard
Primary Weapon: DSG-1 Sniper Rifle (470 damage) 
Sidearm: Feline Submachine Gun (140 damage)
         Hammer Pistol (175 damage)
         Majestic Pistol (250 damage)
Other Attacks: Melee Attack (250 damage)

CELL snipers can be spotted easily by their lack of helmets, instead 
wearing a black balaclava ski-mask with a red electronic eyepiece 
over one eye. They're equipped with DSG-1 sniper rifles, and have 
very good accuracy with them. Snipers are typically found perched in 
high-up sniping positions such as balconies or guard towers, 
scanning the area for you and sniping at you once you're spotted. 
Fortunately, their weapons do high but not extreme damage, and 
even without using Armor mode it takes 3 shots to kill you on Normal 
difficulty. Snipers also carry a pistol or submachine gun as a 
secondary weapon, which they will use to fight you if you confront 
them at close range.

C.E.L.L. Operator (Leader):
Appearance: CELL soldier with black and blue body armor over 
            black uniform.
Health: 400
Armor: Heavy
Primary Weapon: Scarab Assault Rifle (180 damage)
                SCAR Assault Rifle (180 damage)
Sidearm: M12 Nova Pistol (120 damage)
         Hammer Pistol (175 damage)
         Majestic Pistol (250 damage)
Other Attacks: Frag Grenades (600 damage)
               Melee Attack (250 damage)

CELL Leaders are easily distinguished by their green helmet visors, 
and their all-black body armor and uniforms. These units lead 
squads of several regular CELL Operators, issuing orders and 
coordinating their movements and tactics on the battlefield. They're 
always equipped with a Scarab or SCAR assault rifle as a primary 
weapon, with a pistol as a sidearm. Leaders have enhanced body 
armor that reduces the amount of damage they take from most 
weapons, allowing them to survive one or two additional bullets 
compared to a regular CELL Operator. Most notably, it takes 2 torso 
shots from the DSG-1 sniper rifle to kill a CELL Leader, compared to 
just 1 shot to kill a regular CELL Operator.

C.E.L.L. Gunship:
Appearance: Blackhawk-style assault helicopter in the C.E.L.L. white
Health: 5000 
Weaponry: Two side-mounted minigun turrets (125 damage)
          Missile battery (400 damage)
Damage Modifiers:
     Bullet: 35%
     LMG Bullet: 25%
     Gauss Bullet: 35%
     HMG Bullet: 15%
     Explosion: 45%
     Frag Grenade: 50%
     Melee: 0%


A blackhawk-style military helicopter painted in the distinct white of 
the CELL, CELL Gunships will attack you periodically in the first 
several levels of the game, and you fight one in a fixed "boss fight" in 
Mission 5: Lab Rat. CELL gunships typically slowly hover through the 
air while firing at you with one of their two mounted turrets.

The gunship has a minigun turret mounted on each side, operated by 
a CELL soldier. These turrets are the gunship's primary form of 
attack, and can be disabled by killing the CELL soldier manning them. 
However, each turret operator benefits from the damage resistance 
of the gunship, so they'll take more bullets to kill than a normal CELL 

Killing both turret operators will usually force a gunship to retreat. 
However, in Mission 5: Lab Rat, the CELL gunship you fight inside 
Gould's lab will resort to bombarding you with missiles until you 
shoot it down.

CELL gunships can be brought down with 2 direct hits from a JAW 
rocket launcher. If you don't have a JAW rocket launcher, they CAN 
be shot down with a few clips of assault rifle fire, although it does 
take a lot of bullets to do so.

=The Ceph:=

Ceph Tick:
Appearance: Cat-sized mechanical tick, with a needle for a mouth 
            and a large red organic sac for a body.
Health: 90

Ceph ticks are small insect-like robots that the Ceph use to gather up 
the organic goo that their virus has melted the populace of New York 
City into. While there are a couple occasions near the beginning of 
the game where they can be seen attacking civilians and CELL 
Operators, Ceph Ticks don't actually fight you. They simply scuttle 
around the level gathering goo, and will flee from you at high speed if 
you attack them. The only reason to kill them is to collect the 20 units 
of nanocatalyst that they drop on death. You can either shoot them 
with a couple of bullets, or press the melee key while standing over 
them to step on them and kill them instantly.

Ceph Grunt [Ceph Combat Unit]: 
Appearance: 7.5 foot tall metal humanoid exoskeleton, with a 
            "Robocop 2" style faceplate helmet.
Health: 1200
Primary Weapon: Ceph energy rifle (250 damage)
Other Attacks: Charged shot (500 damage)
               Melee attack (250 damage)
Damage Modifiers:
     Torso: 100%
     Head (armored): Hip shot: 20% 
                     Aimed shot: 33%
     Head (exposed): Hip shot: 300% 
                     Aimed shot: 800%
     Exposed Jelly: 150%
     Exposed Jelly (back): 400%
     Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 300%
     Sniper Bullet: Body: 250% 
                    Head: 1000% 
                    Aimed headshot: 2000% 
                    Exposed Jelly: 600%
     Microwave Emission: 100%
     Microwave Emission (exposed jelly on back): 150%
     APC Cannon: 450%

The Ceph Grunt is the basic Ceph infantry unit, consisting of a red 
alien blob wearing a metal exoskeleton that gives it humanoid arms 
and legs. Ceph Grunts are armed with full-auto energy rifles and fight 
like soldiers, taking cover behind objects, firing over cover, and 
moving from cover to cover. Instead of throwing grenades, Ceph 
Grunts can fire a charged shot that sticks to surfaces or enemies and 
will explode after a couple seconds, dealing heavy damage.

Unlike human soldiers, Ceph Grunts have superhuman jumping 
ability and can leap more than a dozen feet into the air to climb up 
onto higher platforms or on top of crates for a better shooting position. 
They can also jump distances of more than a dozen feet to traverse 
from platform to platform. Grunts are capable of running at 
surprisingly high speeds, but most of the time they slowly and 
casually walk towards you while firing away with their energy rifles.

Additionally, Ceph Grunts can emit a spherical EMP burst with a 
radius of about a dozen feet. This EMP burst will completely drain 
your nanosuit's energy if you're caught in it, cancelling out your 
Armor Mode or Cloak Mode. Ceph periodically emit EMP bursts 
while searching for you if you're using Cloak Mode to evade them. 
Fortunately, they don't use it in actual combat, even at close range.

Their armored exoskeletons give Ceph good durability, and they can 
survive about 3 times as much damage as a human CELL Operator. 
It takes about 12 assault rifle shots, 2 shotgun blasts, or 2 sniper rifle 
shots to the torso to kill one. Their exoskeletons do not completely 
protect them, however, and their soft, squishy jelly body is exposed 
in the back of the suit as well as through small gaps in the front. 
Shots to their exposed jelly do increased damage, with a single shot 
to the back from a decent weapon such as the Hammer pistol or 
Grendel battle rifle being a one-shot-kill. The sniper rifle is also very 
effective against them, and can kill them with just 2 shots to the 
armored torso, or a single headshot.

Overall, Ceph Grunts can be killed using the normal tactics you'd use 
against other enemy soldiers, it just takes somewhat more bullets to 
get the job done. It helps that they're a slightly larger than normal 
target, and tend to walk around the battlefield casually while 
returning fire instead of running around to dodge your shots.

Ceph Stalker [Ceph Assault Unit]: 
Appearance: 6.5 foot tall metal humanoid exoskeleton, hunched 
            over with forearm-mounted claws and tentacle "dreadlocks"
            on the back of the head.  
Health: 1500
Primary Weapon: Claws (730 damage)
                Wrist-mounted energy fletchette launcher (200 damage)
Other Attacks: Leap attack
Damage Modifiers:
     Torso: 100%
     Head (armored): Hip shot: 20% 
                     Aimed shot: 33%
     Head (exposed): Hip shot: 300% 
                     Aimed shot: 800%
     Exposed Jelly: 150%
     Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 300%
     Sniper Bullet: Body: 300% 
                    Head: 1000% 
                    Aimed headshot: 2000% 
                    Exposed Jelly: 600%
     Microwave Emission: 150%
     APC Cannon: 850%


Ceph Stalkers are fast, agile, melee-oriented Ceph, which seem to 
serve a more scout/assassin type role in contrast to the basic infantry 
Ceph Grunts. They're somewhat less common than Ceph Grunts, 
but still appear with reasonable frequency throughout the game. 
Stalkers are very fast and agile, able to quickly run from place to 
place and spring-jump off walls and objects to climb up to higher 

Stalkers attack primarily by running towards you and striking you with 
their arm-mounted claws. They can also leap at you from more than 
a dozen feet away and hit you with a powerful strike that will knock 
you onto your back and send you flying backwards several feet. 
Their melee attacks are very powerful, and can kill you in just a few 
hits if you don't have Armor Mode on. Stalkers are also armed with 
dual arm-mounted rapid-fire energy fletchette guns for ranged combat, 
which they typically use at long range or if you're in an unreachable 
location such as a high ledge or on top of a crate.

Like Ceph Grunts, Ceph Stalkers will periodically emit a spherical 
EMP burst while searching for you if you're hiding using Cloak Mode. 
Being caught in this burst will completely drain your nanosuit energy, 
knocking you out of Cloak Mode or Armor Mode.
Stalkers can be mowed down with about half a clip of assault rifle fire 
or a couple shotgun blasts while they're charging at you. Additionally, 
for a sure kill you can grab them just as they run towards you for a 
melee attack, then instantly kill them with a throw or melee execution. 
This is best only done if you're only dealing with a couple enemies, 
since it takes a couple seconds to perform a grab-and-throw kill, and 
you're completely unable to shoot and are vulnerable to enemy fire 
during that time.

Stalkers are particularly annoying when fought together with Ceph 
Grunts and/or Heavies, since they can knock you on your back with 
their melee attacks and leave you vulnerable to weapons fire from 
the Grunts or Heavies for a few seconds.

For some reason, Stalkers will damage you and knock you 
backwards if you're standing next to them when they die. It's not 
clear if this is deliberate, or a bug, since they don't explode on death 
or anything like that.

Ceph Grunt Commander [Ceph Combat Command Unit]: 
Appearance: 7.5 foot tall metal humanoid exoskeleton, with a long, 
            triangle-shaped helmet.
Health: 1800
Shields: 2000
Primary Weapon: Ceph semi-auto energy rifle (350 damage)
Other Attacks: Charged shot (500 damage)
               Melee attack (250 damage)
Damage Modifiers:
     Torso: 75%
     Head (armored): Hip shot: 20% 
                     Aimed shot: 33%
     Head (exposed): Hip shot: 200% 
                     Aimed shot: 300%
     Exposed Jelly: 100%
     Exposed Jelly (back): 200%
     Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 200%
     Sniper Bullet: Body: 75% 
                    Head (armored): 200% 
                    Head (exposed): 100% 
                    Head (exposed + aimed headshot): 200% 
                    Exposed Jelly: 125% 
                    Exposed Jelly (back): 200%
     Gauss Bullet: Body: 25% 
                   Head (armored): 50% 
                   Head (exposed): 100%
     Microwave Emission: 75%
     Microwave Emission (exposed jelly on back): 150%
     JAW Rocket: 40%
     C4 Explosives: 200%
     APC Cannon: 450%


Ceph Grunt Commanders are the squad leaders of the Ceph infantry, 
with single Commanders appearing at the head of a squad of several 
Ceph Grunts. They're easily spotted due to their tall, triangular 
helmets and glowing red shield surrounding their bodies. 
Commanders first appear about halfway through the game in 
Mission 9: Dark Heart, and appear periodically in each level 
afterwards. They're semi-common, typically with several appearing 
throughout each level. 

Ceph Grunt Commanders have a glowing red Armor "shield" 
surrounding their bodies, similar to your nanosuit's Armor Mode. You 
need to bring down the shield before the Commander himself can be 
damaged. Also, if the Commander doesn't take damage for a long 
enough period of time, the shield will regenerate. Finally, the Armor 
shield prevents you from grabbing the Commander, although they 
can still be stealth-killed from behind if unaware of your presence.

In addition to their Armor shield, Grunt Commanders also have 
somewhat more health than standard Ceph Grunts. Overall, Grunt 
Commanders can survive about 3 times as much damage as 
standard Ceph Grunts, and it takes about a full clip and a half of 
assault rifle fire to bring one down. Overall, they can survive about as 
much damage as the "Heavy"-type enemies from other FPS games, 
such as the Heavy Armor soldiers from F.E.A.R. Additionally, 
Commanders have special resistance to sniper rifle bullets, gauss 
rifle rounds, JAW rockets, and the microwave beam of the C-43 
MIKE. It takes several sniper rifle rounds to kill a Commander, 
compared to just 2 for a standard Ceph Grunt. They also take 2 
Gauss Rifle shots or JAW rockets to kill.  

Grunt Commanders are also armed with a different energy rifle than 
standard Grunts. Their energy rifle has a lower rate of fire (150 rpm,
compared to the 450 rpm of the standard Ceph rifle), but it does 
more damage per hit and also has better accuracy. Like standard 
Grunts, Commanders can fire a charged shot that sticks to surfaces 
and explodes after a couple of seconds.

Other than their Armor shield and more precise weapon, Grunt 
Commanders behave the same as Ceph Grunts; they fight 
intelligently and make use of cover, can make superhuman jumps to 
climb to higher areas, and typically walk casually towards you while 
firing their weapon. Overall, they can be brought down with the same 
tactics you use against standard Ceph Grunts, although it takes a lot 
more bullets to do the job. More powerful later-game weapons such 
as the Grendel battle rifle, Jackal full-auto shotgun, or Mk60 Mod 0 
light machine gun are generally more effective against them.

Ceph Stalker Commander [Ceph Assault Command Unit]:
Appearance: 6.5 foot tall metal humanoid exoskeleton, hunched 
            over with forearm-mounted claws and tentacle "dreadlocks"
            on the back of the head.  
Health: 1500
Shields: 2000
Primary Weapon: Claws (730 damage)
                Wrist-mounted energy fletchette launcher (200 damage) 
Other Attacks: Leap attack
Damage Modifiers:
     Torso: 100%
     Head (armored): Hip shot: 20% 
                     Aimed shot: 33%
     Head (exposed): Hip shot: 300% 
                     Aimed shot: 800%
     Exposed Jelly: 150%
     Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 300%
     Sniper Bullet: Body: 200% 
                    Head: 100% 
                    Aimed headshot: 200% 
     Exposed Jelly: 400%
     Microwave Emission: 150%
     JAW Rocket: 40%
     C4 Explosives: 200%
     APC Cannon: 850%
     APC Rocket: 550%


Similar to the Ceph Grunt Commanders, Ceph Stalker Commanders 
serve as squad leaders over standard Ceph Stalkers. They're 
actually rather rare, and only several appear throughout the entire 
game. The first Ceph Stalker Commander you encounter is in 
Mission 10: Semper Fi Or Die, at the head of a huge pack of nearly a 
dozen Ceph Stalkers. Later Stalker Commanders will appear 
alongside smaller groups of Ceph.

Stalker Commanders behave similarly to regular Stalkers, except for 
the glowing red Armor shield that protects them from damage and 
regenerates over time. Just like the Armor shield of Grunt 
Commanders, the shield has to be brought down with weapons fire 
before you can damage the Stalker Commander itself. Stalker 
Commanders are particularly annoying since the shield prevents you 
from grabbing them, which is the best way to counter a Stalker's 
melee attacks. 

Like Grunt Commanders, Stalker Commanders can withstand quite 
a lot of damage, requiring about a full cip and a half of assault rifle
fire to bring down. Their high durability can be annoying when combined 
with their relentless melee attacks. High-powered or close range 
weapons such as the Jackal full-auto shotgun, Grendel battle rifle, 
Mk60 Mod 0 light machine gun, or AY69 machine pistol are 
particularly effective against them.

Ceph Heavy [Ceph Devastator Unit]:
Appearance: Massive, bulky, 10-foot tall Ceph exoskeleton, with a minigun 
            for one arm and a rocket launcher for the other. Helmet
            greatly resembles Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. 
Health: 10000
Primary Weapon: Ceph minigun (100 damage)
                Ceph mortar launcher (750 damage)
Other Attacks: Melee attack (900 damage)

Damage Modifiers: 
     LMG Bullet: 20%
     Assault Rifle Bullet: 15%
     SMG Bullet: 15%
     Pistol Bullet: 15%
     HMG Bullet: 25%
     Sniper Bullet: 200%
     Grendel Bullet: 15%
     Gauss Bullet: 33%
     Microwave Emission 75%
     Melee Attack: 50%
     All Other Attacks: 75%

Head (armored): 
     LMG Bullet: 20% (50% if aimed headshot)
     Assault Rifle Bullet: 15% (33% if aimed headshot)
     SMG Bullet: 15% (33% if aimed headshot)
     Pistol Bullet: 15% (33% if aimed headshot)
     HMG Bullet: 20% (50% if aimed headshot)
     Sniper Bullet: 75%
     Grendel Bullet: 25% (50% if aimed headshot)
     Gauss Bullet: 100%
     Microwave Emission 75%

Head (exposed):
     LMG Bullet: 500% (1500% if aimed headshot)
     Assault Rifle Bullet: 500% (1500% if aimed headshot)
     SMG Bullet: 500% (1500% if aimed headshot)
     Pistol Bullet: 500% (1500% if aimed headshot)
     HMG Bullet: 250% (500% if aimed headshot)
     Sniper Bullet: 300% (1500% if aimed headshot)
     Grendel Bullet: 250% (500% if aimed headshot)
     Gauss Bullet: 200%
     Microwave Emission 75%

Exposed Jelly: 
     Sniper Bullet: 250%
     HMG Bullet: 100%
     Gauss Bullet: 50%
     Microwave Emission: 75%
     All Other Attacks: 100%
Exposed Jelly (back): 
     Shotgun Shell: 1000%
     Gauss Bullet: 100%
     Microwave Emission: 150%
     All Other Attacks: 200%

Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 
     Gauss Bullet: 50%
     Microwave Emission: 75%
     All Other Attacks: 100%

Damage Modifiers (Explosives): 
     L-Tag Grenade: 150%
     Frag Grenade: 150%
     JAW Rocket: 60%
     C4 Explosives: 300%
     APC Cannon: 450%
     APC Rocket: 750%


The Ceph Heavy is a HUGE Ceph infantry unit, equipped with a 
rapid-fire 1200 rpm minigun-like energy weapon for one arm, and an
energy rocket launcher for the other. Heavies usually appear singularly, 
accompanied by several Ceph Grunts or Stalkers. However in the 
later levels there are times when you'll have to fight two Heavies at 
once. A total of about 30 Ceph Heavies appear throughout the game, 
with 2 or 3 appearing in each mission in the later stages of the game.

Heavies don't bother to take cover or use advanced infantry tactics, 
instead simply walking towards you slowly while blasting away with 
their energy minigun. If engaged at long range, they'll launch energy 
rockets at you with their rocket launcher. Heavies are also strong 
enough to casually toss cars and other objects aside while they 
relentless storm towards you.

Besides having extremely high health, the Heavy is also equipped 
with reinforced armor and takes significantly reduced damage from 
most small arms fire, with most bullets only doing about 15% to 25% 
normal damage. This makes Ceph Heavies EXTREMELY resistant 
to most standard projectile weapons; it can take about 350 assault 
rifle bullets to kill one. The electric pellets from the K-Volt 
submachine gun and microwave beam from the X-43 MIKE are 
reasonably effective against the Heavy, but it still takes about two 
and a half clips of K-Volt fire or about 150 units of X-43 MIKE fire to 
kill one.

Explosives are probably the most effective way of killing a Ceph 
Heavy; it only takes 2 charges of C4, 3 direct hits from the JAW 
rocket launcher, or about 5 frag or L-TAG grenades to kill a Heavy. In 
the later levels of the game the Jackal full-auto shotgun is also very 
effective against Heavies, and at close range can kill one in 3 or 4 
seconds with 2 full clips of full-auto fire.

Finally, it's possible to knock off a Ceph Heavy's helmet with a dozen 
or so direct bullet hits from an assault rifle or machine gun, exposing 
their more vulnerable jelly head. Once their head is exposed, they 
can be killed with several more direct headshots. This is best done 
while firing from cover to avoid the Heavy's return fire.

Ceph Pinger [Ceph Armored Assault Drone]:
Appearance: 25-foot tall giant robot, consisting of a huge crested 
            alien robot head walking on three tripod-like legs.
Health: 20000
Primary Weapon: Pinger cannon (120 damage)
Other Attacks: Plasma Rocket (750 damage)
               Sonic emission

Damage Modifiers (Armor):
     LMG Bullet: 33%
     Assault Rifle Bullet: 25%
     SMG Bullet: 25%
     Pistol Bullet: 25%
     HMG Bullet: 25%
     Sniper Bullet: 50%
     Gauss Bullet: 25%
     APC Cannon: 450%
     Microwave Emission: 25%
     Melee Attack: 50%
     All Other Attacks: 100% 

Damage Modifiers (Weak Point):
     Microwave Emission: 100%
     Sniper Bullet: Hip shot: 100% Aimed shot: 500%
     Gauss Bullet: Hip shot: 100% Aimed shot: 150%
     HMG Bullet: Hip shot: 25% Aimed shot: 50%
     APC Cannon: 450%
     Melee Attack: 2000%
     All Other Attacks: Hip shot: 50% Aimed shot: 100%

Damage Modifiers (Explosives):
     Swarmer Missile: 50%
     APC Rocket: 350%
     JAW Rocket: 50%
     C4 Explosive: 200%


The Pinger is a 25-foot tall, AT-ST style walking tank, somewhat 
similar to the Hunter Exosuits from the original game. They are 
equipped with a powerful nose-mounted automatic cannon, which 
can also fire a powerful charged "plasma rocket" shot that sticks
to objects and will explode after a couple seconds. They can also
periodically emit a spherical EMP shockwave which will completely
drain your nanosuit energy if you're standing too close. Their
auto-cannon is extremely powerful, and can shred you very quickly
even with Armor Mode activated, so it's very important to find good
cover to hide from the Pinger's attack.

These huge robots are used as "boss-like" encounters; a total of 3 of 
them are fought on foot throughout the game, with one appearing at 
the end of Mission 11: Corporate Collapse, Mission 14: Terminus, 
and Mission 15: Power Out. A 4th Pinger appears during the vehicle 
segment of Mission 18: Out of the Ashes, but is easily destroyed with 
your vehicle's onboard weaponry.

Pingers are heavily armored and extremely durable; small arms fire 
is largely ineffective against them (in theory it would take almost 900 
rounds of assault rifle fire to kill one), so they are best destroyed with 
explosives. Even with explosives it takes a lot to bring one down; it 
takes 7 or 8 direct hits from the JAW rocket launcher or 14 to 15 hits 
from the L-Tag grenade launcher to kill one. The HMG is also 
moderately effective due to its high damage, and a full magazine of 
150 HMG rounds will take off a little more than 3/4ths of a Pinger's 
health. Likewise, a full 200 rounds of Mk60 Mod 0 fire will take
off a little over 1/2th a Pinger's health. Fortunately, the areas
in which you fight them usually have explosives and other powerful
weapons lying around in stockpiles for you to use against them.

While Pingers have a barrel-sized power-core/weakspot on their 
backs, you don't actually have to shoot them there to damage them. 
Indeed, it's better just to shoot the main body a lot instead of trying to 
hit the weak spot, since the Pinger will constantly and rapidly twist its 
head to face you and prevent you from getting line-of-sight on the 
weak spot. It is possible to get a good shot on the weak spot by using 
Cloak Mode to sneak up behind the Pinger (but only after the latest 
patch, see notes below), but you'll only get a few shots off before the 
Pinger manages to spin around and face you again. Also, the weak 
spot only matters for bullets, explosives deal the same amount of 
damage regardless of where you hit the Pinger.

Pingers do have one major weakness: they have no resistance to the 
Grendel battle rifle or Jackal shotgun and can be killed surprisingly 
quickly with either weapon. It only takes about 73 Grendel rounds or 
22 direct close-range Jackal shots to kill one. You don't even have to 
shoot the main body; you can hide in a low doorway where the 
Pinger can't see you, and shoot it in the legs until it dies.

NOTE: Before the most recent patch, Pingers could see you even if 
you were cloaked and would continue shooting you. This no longer seems
to be the case after the patch, although the Pinger will still
occasionally swivel it's head in your direction and seem to stare
at you.

Individual Pinger Strategies: 
Mission 11: Corporate Collapse: The first Pinger you face has no 
support, and you'll have a handful of Marines on your side firing at it 
from the two nearby buildings. The battlefield has a pair of JAW 
rocket launchers hidden in two alcoves nearby (marked on your 
tactical display), as well as a stockpile of C4 and frag grenades on 
top of the bridge in the middle of the courtyard. While there are not 
enough JAW rockets around to kill the Pinger by themselves, it is 
possible to get on top of the bridge and drop C4 onto the Pinger from 
above; C4 charges deal very high damage to the Pinger and a 
couple C4 charges combined with a few JAW rockets should destroy 
it. You can also bring an L-TAG grenade launcher into the battle
from earlier in the level. Also, if you managed to get a Jackal shotgun
from the CELL troops earlier in the level (a possible but rare drop),
you can use that to take out the Pinger with close-range shots while
taking cover indoors. 

Mission 14: Terminus: The second Pinger is fought in the middle of 
Grand Central Station, and is accompanied by endlessly respawning 
Ceph Grunts. You have a couple Marines on your side, but they die 
pretty quickly (often before the Pinger even shows up). HMG turrets, 
L-TAG grenade launchers, JAW rocket launchers, Grendel rifles, 
and even 2 Swarmer missile pods can be found scattered around the 
upper platform, but moving about up there leaves you heavily 
exposed to the combined automatic fire from the Pingers and the 
Ceph Grunts. The easiest way to take out this Pinger is to take cover 
inside one of the stores on the lower level, and shoot the Pinger in 
the legs with your Grendel until it dies. Alternatively you use 
explosives and fire from the cover of the lower stores, and only 
venture up to the upper platform using Cloak Mode to retrieve more 

Mission 15: Power Out: The third Pinger is fought in Times Square, 
and is accompanied by endlessly respawning Ceph Stalkers. You 
have about 3 Marines on your side (depending on how many 
survived the earlier battle) and they actually survive pretty well, but 
don't do much good against the Pinger itself other than distract it 
occasionally. Again, there are about 3 or 4 JAW rocket launchers 
scattered around the area, as well as a few HMG turrets. Again, the 
easiest way to kill the Pinger is to shoot it with the Grendel from 
behind solid cover, occasionally stopping to kill any Ceph Stalkers 
that get too close to you. Alternatively, you can hit it with a few JAW 
rocket shots, then finish it off with an HMG turret, again being sure to 
fire from solid cover to hide from its return fire.

Ceph Guardian [Ceph Advanced Assault Unit]:
Appearance: 6.5 foot tall metal humanoid exoskeleton, hunched 
            over with forearm-mounted claws and tentacle "dreadlocks"
            on the back of the head, and a "Sauron" style horned helmet.  
Health: 10000
Primary Weapon: Claws (730 damage)
                Wrist-mounted energy fletchette launcher (200 damage)
Other Attacks: Leap attack
Damage Modifiers:
     Torso: 100%
     Head (armored): Hip shot: 20% 
                     Aimed shot: 33%
     Head (exposed): Hip shot: 300% 
                     Aimed shot: 800%
     Exposed Jelly: 150%
     Exposed Jelly (tentacles): 300%
     Sniper Bullet: Body: 300% 
                    Head: 1000% 
                    Aimed headshot: 2000% 
     Exposed Jelly: 600%
     Microwave Emission: 150%
     APC Cannon: 850%


Ceph Guardians are "Overlord"-like Ceph Stalkers who are equipped 
with unique cloaking devices, similar to the Cloak Mode of your 
nanosuit. They can be found observing you from a distance at 
several points in the game, but only fight you directly as a "final boss 
battle" at the very end of the game. You confront a group of 4 Ceph 
Guardians at the end of the final level, guarding the entrance to the 
Ceph Lithoship's core.

In addition to their cloaking ability, Ceph Guardians have the agility 
and speed of Ceph Stalkers, and the incredibly high health of Ceph 
Heavies. Their high speed and very high durability makes them very 
formidable enemies. While they lack the enhanced bullet-resistant 
armor of Heavies, they have the same extremely high health and can 
survive a very large amount of damage. It takes more than a 100 
bullets from most weapons to kill them. Ceph Guardians also cannot
be grabbed in melee, although stealth kills still work against them
provided they're unaware of your presence.

Guardians behave similar to regular Ceph Stalkers, although their 
cloaking devices make them significantly tougher to spot and track, 
as they run around while invisible and only decloak just before they 
attack you. The cloak is also more subtle than the ones used by other 
similar FPS enemies, and can be difficult to spot even if you know to 
look for it. You can spot them while cloaked using either Nano Vision
or the Cloak Tracker suit module.

The only real advantage you have when facing the Ceph Guardians 
is the fact that they can't see through your own Cloak mode. If you 
cloak before triggering the cutscene in which the four of them appear, 
the battle will start with them unaware and standing still, giving you a 
chance to sneak up on them and stealth kill them. You can usually 
manage to stealth kill 1 or 2 of the Guardians before the remaining 
ones catch on to your presence.

Once actual combat starts, you'll want to use hit-and-run tactics, 
firing as many bullets as possible at the nearest Guardian, then 
quickly running away before it can corner you and melee you to 
death. The area you fight them in has many branching canyons and 
plateau platforms for you to run and dodge around to evade them. 
Powerful weapons such as the Grendel rifle, Mk60 Mod 0 LMG, or Jackal 
auto-shotgun are very helpful here. The K-Volt can be used to 
stunlock individual Guardians, but don't try to make a stand with it if 
you're facing more than 1 at a time. Guardians can also be killed
with 2 JAW rockets or 2 Gauss rifle shots (provided you saved
the Gauss rifle from the previous level). The Gauss attachment for
the SCAR is less effective, requiring 5 shots to kill a Guardian.

One VERY easy way to kill the Guardians is to exploit the fact they 
won't follow you into the water at the beginning of the area 
(presumably the CryEngine A.I. has finally learned that it drowns 
instantly from the Trigens in Far Cry and the North Korean soldiers in 
Crysis). You can fire at them with impunity from the shallow lake, 
while they're stuck on shore. If their return fire drops your Armor 
Mode, you can take cover using the cliff walls to regenerate.

Copyright 2011 Alan Chan

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