
CSI - Hard Evidence Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 CSI - Hard Evidence

CSI - Hard Evidence

Author: The_Will
Version: 1.0
Date: 04-10-2007

+-- Table of Contents --
 +-- Walkthrough -- 1.0 --
   +-- Case 1 - Burning for You -- 2.1 --
   +-- Case 2 - Double Down -- 2.2 --
   +-- Case 3 - Shock Rock -- 2.3 --
   +-- Case 4 - In Your Eyes -- 2.4 --
   +-- Case 5 - The Peacemaker -- 2.5 --
 +-- Thoroughness Points -- 3.0 --
 +-- Bug locations. -- 4.0 --
 +-- Copyright and contact -- 5.0 --

+-- Walkthrough -- 1.0 --

+-- Case 1 - Burning for You -- 2.1 --

After the introductions, you'll find yourself in Grissom's Office. Access your
PDA, and go to the crime scene.

The Alley - crime scene

Pan to fron of the car, and click on the windscreen. Get your camera out and
take a picture. Go back untill you see a full view of the car and take another

Look at the ground next to the right rear wheel. You'll find a footprint and
some red stuff. Use the tweezers to pick up the red stuff. Then zoom back in to
the footprint and use the casting plaster and frame to make a copy of the

Rotate camera to the left towards the dumpster. Walk towards it, zoom in on the
jerrycan and pick it up. Then zoom in on the dumpster and open the right lid.
Look inside and pick up the bug crawling around. Ga back as far as you can.

Rotate the camera to the right, and move towards the bushes next to the fence.
Zoom in on the piece of metal on the ground for a thoroughness point. Zoom out
and zoom in on the broken fence. Pick up the piece of cloth.

Examine the piece of cloth and use the tweezers to pick up the pinkish flake
from the cloth.

Rotate camera to the right to find a turpentine can leaning against the fence.
Pick it up and examine it. Use the fingerprint brush and powder on the partial
print that's visible in the white square just underneath 'tine'. Then use the
adhesive lifting tape to collect the print.

Go back and rotate camera to the right and move towards the door. Zoom in on
the door for a thoroughness point. Zoom in on the flyer lying on the ground 
next to the doorstep for another thoroughness point.

Go to the Mobile Lab. Use the Trace Analysis Computer and select Shoeprints / 
Tire Treads. Compare the footprint from the crime scene with CSI Samples Search
Result D. Go to Fingerprints and compare the fingerprint from turpentine can
with LVPD Records Search Result B.

Your partner will tell you you're done with the Mobile Lab, however, while
we're here, we might aswell use the Chemical Analysis machine before we leave.
Analyze the Gas Can, Blue Jean Cloth and the Turpentine Can.

Go to Brass' Office and ask all questions. You should be able to get a suspect
warrant for 'Ed Danville' after asking all questions, get it.

Go to the Morgue and afk Doc Robbins to recover the body for you. Examine the
body and zoom in on his tattoos. Zoom out and talk to Robbins, ask all
questions. Move over to the side table and pick up the cabby's shirt. Examine
the shirt and pick up the piece of paper sticking out of the shirt pocket.
Talk to Robbins again and ask him about the victim's pants.

Go to the Lab. Use the Comparison Microscope and compare the red plastic to CSI
Samples Search Result B. Go over to the Trace Analysis Computer and compare the
Victim's Fingerprints to LVPD Records Search REsult A. Finally, use the
Chemical Analysis machine to analyze the Cab Driver's Shirt.

Go to Brass' Office and ask him about golf courses using red greens. Leave his
office, then return and ask about golf courses again to get a new location. Now
go to the Abandoned Mini Gold Course.

That bloke looks familiar, doesn't he? Talk to him, ask all questions to bring
him in for questioning. Back at the station, talk to him again. Before going to
Debra's place, go by Brass and ask for a warrant for the golf course.

Go over to the 'Tribal Leader's House' and talk to the lady in front of you. As
usual, ask all questions. Take the flyer from the fridge, then talk to Debra
again. Go outside to the 'Fire Temple'.

Pan to the right and examine the turpentine can standing on a cardboard box.
Then talk to Liz. During the conversation you should get a call from Brass
about the car being ready for investigation in the garage. Ask Liz the last 
questions before going to the garage.

The garage.

Enter the car and use the flashlight on the matchbook lying on the floor. Pick
it up and examine it. Use Ninhydrin on the fingerprint to collect it. Examine
the car's dashboard, zoom in on the navigation unit and take it. Go over to the
back seat and use the flashlight to find a used match. Use the tweezers to pick
it up.

Move around the car towards the removed front seat and examine it. Zoom in on
the lighter, then use the flashlight to discover that - guess what? - it's 
actually a lighter! Pick it up and use the Fingerprint Brush and Powder on the
print on the right side, use the Adhesive Lifting Tape to collect it.

Move over to where the car doors are standing, and pick up the piece of paper
from the right front door. Grab the bug from the right rear door to make 
Grissom happy.

Let's head back to the lab and examine our new acquisitions. Use the Trace
Analysis Computer to compare some fingerprints. Match the Fingerprint from
the Matchbook with LVPD Records Search Result A. Match the Prints from the
Lighter with FBI Records Search Result B. Now use the Special Search function
to analyze the GPS Device and the Bank Receipt. 

Debra's House (Warrant)

Go to Brass' Office. Ask for a warrant for Debra Finch's house, then go over to
her house. Talk to Debra, ask everything and tell her you've got a warrant to
search her house. Rotate the camera to the right and examine the cabinet near
the door for a thoroughness point, and a new bug.

Move over to the fireplace area and examine the fireplace for another thorough-
ness point (TP from now on). Then look at the window and pick up the matchbook.

Go into the kitchen and examine the stove for another TP.

Enter the bedroom and examine the open drawer for a TP, the examine the
nightstand on the other side of the bed for another. Enter the closet and look
at the shoes in the right corner for a third TP. Exit the bedroom and ask Debra
about the shoes.

Fire Temple (Warrant)

Go to the Fire Temple again and talk to Liz. Ask everything and mention the
warrant. Investigate the stuff next to the colourful pillar on the right for a
thoroughness point. Investigate the burned fence for another.

Pick up the turpentine can standing on the cardboard boxes. Zoom in on the
metal sculpture on the stage. Zoom in on the bug on the right and pick it up
for Grissom. Then enter the back area.

Examine the shoes on the left for a TP. Examine the statue on the table next to
it for another, then the weird mask hanging to the right of that for a third.
Look at the chest next to the bed and move the blue piece of clothing to find a
condom. Use the UV light on it and use the Tweezers to pick it up.

Examine the condom and rotate it sideways to find bodily fluids on the outside.
Use the swab to collect them. Then rotate the condom downwards so you can see
inside it. Use the swab to collect the semen. 

Leave the back area and talk to Liz about the condom and ask for her DNA. You
should get a call from Brass about the security cam footage afterwards. Time to
head back to the lab.

Use the Trace Analysis Computer to view the security footage. Play the video
once, then move forward 8 frames and enhance the image. Recognise that design?
Go over to the DNA machine and match the Swab from the Outside of the Condom to
Liz's DNA. Examine the used match you found in the cab earlier, turn it around
and use Ninhudrin on the print. Compare the print to Ed's. He's got some
explaining to do, head over to the Interrogation Room to question him. After
asking all questions, head back to the lab. Match Ed's DNA with both the Swab
From the Inside of the Condom and with the Flake From Blue Jean Cloth.

Go to the Interrogation Room again and talk to Ed. Afterwards, go to the Fire
Temple and enter the backstage area. Look at the chest, and pick up the blue
piece of clothing. Go to Brass' Office and ask for a warrant for Liz. As usual,
talk about everything. Examine the poncho and use the Adhesive Mount on the 
singed area. Then examine the singed fibers under the microscope. Go to Debra's
House and ask her all questions. Go to Brass and ask for a warrant for Debra
and again, ask her all questions. After questioning her, go to Brass' Office
and ask a warrant for the Abandoned Mini Golf Course. 

Abandoned Mini Golf Course

Pan to the left and examine the grass overgrown hole for a TP. Examine the
fallen down lamp for another. Walk towards the windmill and go down the stairs.
Examine the hole for a third TP. Then look at the dumpster to find another bug.

Go back upstairs and enter the windmill. Look at the rubbish bin to the right
for a another TP, then move aside the matress. Push one of the golf balls into
the hole, then go outside, down the stairs and look at the pipe extruding from
the building. Go back inside and push the other golf ball into the hole.
Go downstairs and pick up the roll of money. Examine the roll and use the 
tweezers to collect the hair that's stuck between the rubber bands. Let's find
out whom that hair belongs to, to the labratory!

Use the DNA Analyzer and match the Hair from the Roll of Cash to the Victim's
DNA. We've got enough evidence to point out our perp now. Go to Brass' Office
and ask for an arrest warrant for Ed. 

+-- Case 2 - Double Down -- 2.2 --

After the introductions, head to the crime scene.

The Apartment - Crime Scene.

Examine the note on the fridge for a thoroughness point. Examine the sink next
to it for another. Move over to the cookie jar and capture the bug that's
hiding there. Walk towards the door to your right and examine the drops of 
blood on the floor. Use the Leuko Crystal Violet (LCV from now on) on the blood
to prove that it's actually blood, then use the swab to collect it. Examine the
doorknob for another TP. Zoom in on the bull's head statue next to the door
and use the tweezers to collect the bullet from the bullet hole behind it.
Examine the bullet and use the Adhesive Mount to collect the green stuff.

Examine the wall next to the opening leading to the bedroom for another TP.
Enter the bedroom. Look at the bed and take a picture of the scene. Zoom in on
the blanket and use UV lamp to discover some fibres. Use the Adhesive Lifting
Tape to collect them. Zoom in on the big puddle of blood, and take a swab. Look
at the open drawer for another TP. Look at the phone lying on the ground next
to the bed and pick it up. Turn it over and take a swab of the blood.

Look at the cabinet in the right corner and use the flashlight on the photo,
then pick it up. After this, head to the hospital to see if we can find out
some more.

The Hospital

Look at the heart monitor for a TP. Then look at the patient's charts on
the bed for another. Look at the IV for a third. Examine Connie to
learn some more about the stab wounds. Then look in the corner behind the door
and pick up the bug sitting there. Finally, look at the cart next to the door
for a fourth TP. Nothing more we can do here until our vic wakes up, let's go
to the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope to match the Fibres from the Bedsheet with CSI
Samples Search Result B. Go over to the Trace Analysis Computer and analyze the
Phone and the Picture using the Special Search function. We can't do anything
with the blood samples, nor with the bullet or the material from the bullet, so
let them be for now and head over to the Casino's High Rollers' Room.

Talk to Shane about everything as usual. He'll (understandably) rush off to the
hospital and, after following him there, continue questioning him. Make sure to
talk to him again after Sarah's call to ask him about Everett.

If you're after all TP's and bugs, return to the casino. Examine the liquor
bottles for the first, then pick up the bug from the bar. Look at the plant 
next to the entrance for a second TP, then look at the golden poles and rope
on the right for the third and final TP.

Go to the Luxury Suite and have a chat with Mr. Brower and his wife. Talk to
both of them and as always, ask all questions.

Return to the lab to get some more information from Sara. Use the DNA Analysis
machine to match Blood Drops from Apartment with Shane's DNA. Then go to Brass'
Office and ask all questions. After questioning Shane go to the Hospital.

Talk to Connie. Make a picture of her wounds, then continue the questioning.
Examine the purple dress on the nightstand, use Adhesive Lifting Tape to
collect fibers from Connie's Dress. Then take the letter and go back to the
Apartment to get the gun. Funnily enough, there's no gun where Connie said it
should be. Let's ask her where it really is. Go back to the hospital and ask
her, she'll give you the gun. Let's head to the lab to check some things.

First of all, go to the Assembly Tabel and click on the gun to do a ballistics
test. Then use the Comparison Microscope to match the Bullet from Connie's
Wall with the one from her gun. Go over to the Trace Analysis Computer and
examine the photo of Connie's wounds. Finally, use the DNA Analysis Computer to
match Connie's DNA with the Blood from the Bed and the Blood from the Phone.

Luxury Suite - warrant

Talk to Brass and get a warrant for the luxury suite. Go over there and present
the warrant to Everett, who is obviously less than pleased. Let's start with
getting a TP for examining the dish hanging on the wall next to the entrance in
the far left corner. Look at the knife lying on the counter, use LCV to 
determine if the stain is actually blood, I'm sure you're as surprised as I was
to find out it is. Use the swab to collect it. Examine the bust to the right
of the counter for another TP. Then look at the piano stool and pick up the
piece of green cloth. Then go into the small sitting room next to the stairs.
Examine the flowers for a TP, then zoom in the lamp on the smaller table to
find another bug.

Go upstairs and examine the plant for another TP, then enter the room in front
of you. Pick up the gun in front of you. Examine the coat lying on the bed, and
use the Adhesive Lifting Tape to collect some fibers. Look under the small
table in the right corner to find the last bug. Go downstairs and ask Everett
about the gun. Let's head to the lab and examine the new evidence.

Use the Comparison Microscope to match the Fibers from the Bedsheet to the
Fibers from Nicole's Overcoat. Then use it to examine the green cloth found
on the piano stool. Afterwards, talk to Brass and get a warrant to bring Nicole
in for questioning. When you're done with her, go to the hospital and talk to
Connie (try to ignore the terrible voice acting). 

Then go to the lab and use the DNA Analysis machine to match Everett's DNA to 
the baby's DNA Report. Let's go talk to Everett about his parenthood. After
that, return to the hospital and talk to COnnie. Then go to the interrogation
room and request Brass to bring Shane in.

Go to the lab and use the Assembly Table to piece together the photo. After
that, use Everett's gun to do a ballistics test. Use the Comparison Microscope
to compare the Bullet from Everett's Revolver with the Bullet from the Wall to
rule his gun out. After that, go and talk to Nicole. Looks like she's not as
happy about her hubby. Let's see what Connie has to say about the photo.

Go to the lab to find Sara bringing goodies: security cam photos! You've now
got enough evidence to justify a warrant for Everett's computer, go get it from

Go to the Luxury Apartment and walk over to the table with the laptop. Examine
the pills, then the laptop. Use the USB Data Drive to detect encrypted files on
the laptop. Move over to the fruit basket and pick up the paper. After that
move over to the envelope and pick it up. Go to the lab and use the Trace
Analysis Computer to analyze the encrypted files from Everett's Laptop.

Head over to Brass' Office and get that warrant to interrogate Everett. After
that, go to the Luxury Suite and check the room upstairs. Pick up the blouse 
and examine it. Use Luminol and the small stain on the right, then use a swab
to collect the blood sample. Afterwards use the Adhesive Lifting Tape on the
mended section on the left to collect some fibers. Finally, pick up the USB 
card from the coathanger. Then go back to the lab to examine everything.

Use the Trace Analysis Computer to analyze the photo from the USB drive. After
that, use the Comparison Microscope to match the Material from the Bullet to
the Fibers from the Green Blouse. Head over to Brass' Office and get an Arrest
Warrant for Nicole.

+-- Case 3 - Shock Rock -- 2.3 --

After the introductions with the necessary stupid joke, head over to the crime
scene: Hot Rod Casino - Auditorium.

Hot Rod Casino Auditorium - Crime Scene

Don't be shocked by what you see. Get it? Get it? Thinking of jokes like that,
maybe I should've been in the design team. Anyway, have a chat with the sound
engineer. Afterwards, look to the right and examine the camera for a TP.

Walk over to the stage and examine the boots next to the guitar for another TP.
Examine the drum set for a third. Then have a look at the bandmembers; as usual
make a picture of the scene. Examine all the band members, then pick up the mic
lying on the ground. Examine it and use the Fingerprint Brush and Powder and
then the Adhesive Lift Tape to collect the print.

Next, pick up the vocal effects pedal. Rotate it and use the Fingerprint Brush
on the left side to lift another print. Then turn it over and use the tweezers
to collect the loose screw from the bottom.

Examine the boots on the left side of the stage for another TP. Afterwards,
enter the back room. Take a look at the bottle on the ground, use the
flashlight to find it (getting annoying, I know) and pick it up. Examine it and
look at the cork, use the Magnetic Brush and Powder to enhance the print, then
use Lifting Tape to collect it. Then turn the bottle over and look at the
label. Use the Ninhydrin on the print to collect it. Finally, find the print on
the bottle neck, and use the Fingerprint Powder and Brush followed by the
Lifting Adhesive Tape to collect it. 

After collecting the prints from the bottle, look at the little straw lying
just at the border of the shadowy area. Even though it's clearly visible, you
will still need to use the flashlight (sigh) to find it, then pick it up.
Examine the straw and use the LCV to identify the red stain as blood, then take
a swab.

Walk over to the back and unplug the cable that's causing the sparks. Obviously
you can't possibly see it without a flashlight. Go back to the stage and pan
left, move towards the left side of the back area and pick up the bug.

Finally, go over to Todd and question him about all the evidence.

Go to the Morgue and ask Doc Robbins to recover the bodies. Investigate the
marks on Andrea's arm, then talk to Robbins and ask all questions. Then ask to
see Ray Brown. Investigate his feet and talk to Robbins, ask everything and ask
to see Marty Party. Look at the side table for a TP, then ask Robbins about him
and ask to see Steve Olachek. Look at the circular marks on his chest, then ask
Robbins about him. 

Afterwards, go to the lab.

Use the Assembly Table to dismantle the echo pedal. Remove the red switch on
the right side. Examine the switch and take a swab of the white powder. Go over
to the Trace Analysis Computer and match the Fingerprint from the Microphone
with Andrea's Fingerprints. Compare the Print from the Bottle Label with Civil
Records Search Result C. Match the Print from the Bottle Neck to Civil Records
Search Result E. Finally, view the videotape you got from Todd: play it once
then go forward 7 frames and enhance the image. Before you leave the lab, use
the CSI Chemical Analysis computer to analyze the Residue from Polarity Switch.

Go to the Luxury Suite and talk to Kathy. Look at the bust next to the piano
for a TP. Look at the small table in the left corner for another. Pick up the
letter from the table near the front door. Go into the room with the stairs and
look at the laptop. Use your USB stick to find an encrypted email. 

Go upstairs and examine the plant for a TP. (feels familiar, doesn't it?) Look
at the table next to it to find another bug for Grissom. Enter the bedroom and
look at the rubbish bin. Grab the photos. Look to the right and pick up the
black shirt. Examine it and use the Adhesive Mount on the white residue on the
shirt's back. Examine the puke colored bag for another TP. Go back downstairs
and talk to Kathy before heading towards another familiar location: the Casino
High Roller's Room.

Talk to Jill. Examine the golden poles in the right corner to find a bug for
Grissom, then head to the lab. Use the Comparison Microscope to match the 
Threatening Note to Jill's Autograph. Move over to the Trace Analysis computer
and analyze Todd's email. Use the Chemical Analysis machine to analyze the
residue from Andrea's Clothes. Go to Brass' Office and get a warrant for Todd.

After questioning him, head over to the Recording Studio and talk to Eddie.
Look at the monitor on Eddie's desk for a TP. Then examine the pile of cd's.
Move over to the cabinet behind Eddie for another TP. Then look at the tape and
letter lying on the cabinet on the right side of the room. Ask Eddie about the
letter. Examine the demo cd you just received, and use the Fingerprint Brush
and Powder followed by the Adhesive Lifting Tape to collect the print on the
cd cover.

Go to the lab. Use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the Fingerprint on the
Echo Pedal to Eddie's Fingerprint. Go to Brass and get a warrant for Eddie's

Recording Studio - warrant

Enter the back room. Examine the laptop and use the USB drive to extract data.
Open the desk drawer and take the letter. Look at the audio equipment for a TP.
Look at the three other devices to the left for another. Enter the recording
room. Grab the bug from the stool in front of the door. Look at the guitar
amplifier in the right corner. Zoom in on the little peg and pick it up with
your tweezers. Examine the bottle next to it for a TP. Talk to Eddie before
leaving for the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope and match the Power Cord to the Ground Prong. Use
the Trace Analysis computer to analyze the file from Eddie's computer. Go to
Brass and bring Eddie in for questioning. Next go to the High Roller's Room and
talk to Jill. When she puts her cup down, grab it. Use the swab on the lipstick
stained area. Make sure you ask Jill everything before returning to the lab.
Use the DNA Analysis machine to match the Blood from the Straw to Jill's DNA.
That should be enough to bring her in for questioning. Head over to Brass and
get that warrant. Head over to the lab and analyze the Residue from Jill's
Dress with the chemical analyser. 

Head back to the interrogation room and question Todd. Then go over to the
Luxury Suite and talk to Kathy. Go to the recording studio and pick up the tape
I forgot to mention ealier, then go to the lab and listen to the contents.
Question Jill again and confront her with the evidence. Talk to Eddie and then
head over to his private jet. 

Look in the cockpit to find a bug for Grissom. Enter the 'living room' and pick
up the Fire Extinguisher. Look at the big screen tv for a TP. Walk further back
and pick up the video camera from the top left cabinet. Look at the cushions on
the other side and use the Adhesive Mount on the white stuff. Look at the
cabinet next to the cushions for a TP. Zoom in on the ground next to it and
pick up the screw with the tweezers. Walk further back and examine the chair
for another TP. Go outside and go over to the tables behind the plane for a TP.

Go to the lab. Use the Comparison Microscope and compare the two screws.
Examine the video camera from the plane and remove the tape. Use the Trace
Analysis computer to view it; go forward seven frames and enhance the image.
Use the Chemical Analysis Machine to analyze the Fire Extinguisher, and the
Residue from the Jet.

Go to the Interrogation Room and talk to Todd. Go back to the Jet and open the
drawer below the TV. Pick up the audio tape and head back to the lab. Use the
Trace Analysis computer to match the Fingerprint from Bottle Cap to Civil
Records Search Result D. Then use the Audio function to play the Audio Tape
from the Jet. Compare and match it to the Audio CD.

You've now got all the evidence you need to make the arrest. I'm writing this
guide as I play along, so sometimes I miss something along the way, like now.
2 TPs to be precise. If you really want to get them, do that before getting a
warrant. The first one's in the recording studio: examine the back door to get
it. The other one I haven't found yet, if anyone knows which one I'm missing, 
send me an email.

+-- Case 4 - In Your Eyes -- 2.4 --

Dr. Bandereet's House - Crime Scene.

After the necessary introductions, head over to the crime scene. Talk to Amita
Bandereet, ask everything. Examine the clothes she gave you and take a swab of
the blood on the left sleeve. Examine the little table next to Amita for a TP.
Move to the left and examine the answering machine. Head over to the fireplace
and zoom in on the logs to find a bug. Zoom in on the print on the stairs and
take a picture of it.

Go upstairs. Look at the door to the left and use the Adhesive Lifting Tape on
the print. Walk over to the poker lying on the ground and pick it up. Use LCV
on the bloody part, then take a swab. Then use Fingerprint Brush and Powder on
the print on the handle and lift them with the Lifting Tape. Examine the
cabinet ahead for a TP before heading into Bandereet's room.

Zoom in on Dr. Bandereet and take a picture, then take a swab of the blood.
Zoom in on the blood spatter on the wall and take a picture. Look at the night-
stand and pick up the broken teacup, then take a swab of the spilt liquid.

Rotate the camera until you can see the ceiling above Bandereet. Zoom in on the
blood spatter on the ceiling and take another picture. Walk over to the cabinet
with the pictures on it opposite the bed for another TP. Then look to the right
at the closet for another. Go back downstairs and question Amita. Examine the
slippers she gave you and turn them over. Use the Adhesive Mount on the stain.

Go to the lab. Use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the Fingerprint from the
Fire Poker with Civil Records Search Result A. Match the Photo of the Bloody
Footprint to Amita's Slippers. Go over to the DNA Analysis Machine and match
Dr. Bandereet's DNA to both the Blood from Amita's Clothes and the Blood from
the Fire Poker. Use the Assembly Table to put the broken teacup back together.
Finally use the Chemical Analysis Machine to analyze the Liquid from the Teacup
and the Residue from Amita's Slippers.

Go to the Morgue and ask Doc Robbins to recover the body. Talk to Robbins and
ask all questions. Go to Brass and ask all questions, then return to Amita. Ask
her everything, then go to the new location: The Driveway.

Examine the fire hydrant on the left for a TP. Examine the tire tracks and use
your Casting Plaster and Frame on them. Look at the drops of blood on the
driveway, use the LCV on them, then take a swab. Look at the front door for
another TP. Look at the garbage container and pick up the broken taillight.
Look at the other side of the container for another TP. Finally look at the
Storm Drain to find another bug for Grissom.

Go to the lab and use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the Tire Tread from
the Driveway to CSI Samples Search Result A. Finally use the DNA Analysis
Machine to match the Blood from the Driveway to Dr. Bandereet's DNA.

Return to the Driveway and examine the open trash can. Pick up the tape and
take it to the lab. Use the Trace Analysis Machine to listen to it. Go back to
the Bandereet residence and talk to Amita, then head over to Adya's house.
Talk to Adya about everything, then take a picture of the muddy footprint next
to the door. Afterwards, go to the garage.

Examine the car's grille to find another bug. Examine the right tail light and
take the broken cover with you. Go to the lab and use the Assembly Table to
piece together the tail light. Go to Brass and get a warrant for the car, then
go back to the garage.

Use your USB Data Drive on the laptop sitting on the rear seat. Then collect
the letter lying under the right front seat. Look in the trunk, then return to
Brass and ask to speak to the business partner.

Oh my goodness gracious, the voice acting is terrible! Ask him everything, then
go to the garage. Look in the trunk and pick up the vacuum cleaner. Go to the
lab and remove everything from the dust reservoir to find a porcelain chip.
Fit it into the hole in the cup. Use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the
Muddy Footprint to Amita's Slippers. Then use the special search to analyze
Dr. Diwan's encrypted files. Head over to Brass and ask him to check up with
Visa, then get a warrant for Adya's House.

Go over to Adya's House. Look at the laptop on the table next to the door and
use your USB thingy. Look at the painting above it for a TP. Look at the boxes
next to the window to find another bug. Go over to the dinner table and pick up
the purple piece of fabric from under one of the chairs. Examine the sink and
use Luminol on the blood spatter then take a swab. Look at the stuff in the 
corner for another TP. Examine the fruit basket in front of Adya for a third.

Go to the lab. Examine the Torn Fabric and use the Adhesive Mount on the white
powder. Then use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the Bloody Fingerprint to
Adya's Fingerprint. Do a special search to analyze the encrypted files from
Adya's computer. Use the DNA Analysis machine and match the Blood from Adya's
Sink to Dr. Bandereet's DNA. Finally, use the Chemical Analysis machine to
analyze the Residue from the Silk Fabric.

Go over to Dr. Bandereet's Poolhouse. Look at the tool marks on the window on
your right and use Microsil to make an impression. Look at the double doors and
use LCV on the blood stain, then take a swab. Look at the hammock to find the
last bug. Look at the bucket of Chem-pool and rotate the camera left. Zoom in
on the white powder on the door step and use the Adhesive Mount to pick it up.

Go to the lab and use the Chemical Analysis machine to analyze the Residue from
the Pool House. Use the DNA Analysis machine to match the Blood from the Pool
House Door to Dr. Bandereet's DNA. Go to Brass and get a warrant for the pool

Go back to the poolhouse and go inside. Look at the bed for a TP, then enter
the bathroom. Remove the grate from the shower and pick up the robe inside.
Examine them and use a swab on the blood stain. Enter the little kitchen and
pick up the screwdriver from the counter. Look at the sink for another TP then
at the cabinet above it for a third. Go to the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope and match the Scratch Impression from Pool House
to the Screwdriver. Then match the Torn Fabric to the Silk Robe. Use the DNA
Analysis machine to match the Blood from the Robe to Dr. Bandereet's DNA.

Go to Brass and get a warrant for Amita Bandereet and she'll confess.
Unfortunately, Adya now confesses aswell. Time for some more investigating. Go
to the Bandereet residence and go upstairs into the bedroom. So we're looking
for a lefty. Go to Adya's House and examine the table. Now go to the pool house
and pick up the crossword puzzle from the little table. 

Go to the lab and examine the crossword puzzle with the Trace Analysis computer
to find out Amita is the lefty we're looking for. Go to the interrogation room
and talk to Amita.

I'm beginning to make a habit missing 1 TP for every case. If you know which
one I'm missing, drop me a line.

+-- Case 5 - The Peacemaker -- 2.5 --

Old West Tourist Museum - Crime Scene

Talk to Keith, then look at our vic. Take a picture as usual. Zoom in further
and take another picture. Zoom in on his right hand and use the tweezers to
pick up the fibers from under his nails. Then pick up his gun. Look at the
blood on the ground and take a swab. Look at the gun on the ground near him and
pick it up. 

Look at the bullet hole in the wall above our vic and use the tweezers to 
collect the bullet. Then look at the bullet hole in the wall above the cabinet
next to our vic and use the tweezers to collect that bullet.

Look at the vending machines in the corner for a TP.

Move to the other side of the counter. Pick up the two guns lying on the left
side. Look at the bullet hole in the ground and use the tweezers to pick up the
bullet. Then look at the cash register and again use the tweezers to collect
the bullet. Look at the shattered display.

Look at the T-shirt display. Look at the blood stain on the ground, use the LCV
on it and then take a swab. Look at the bullet hole in the wall and pick up
the bullet.

Look at the table to the left, then zoom in on the bullet hole in the window
frame and pick up the bullet. Look at the barrel left of it for a TP.

Enter the back room and examine the barrel on the left for a TP. Look at the 
pieces of fabric in the back for a bug. Look at the statue of a bull to get
another TP. Look at the display with the mannequin for a third. Look at the
horse statue for a fourth.

Go to the mobile lab. Use the DNA Analysis Machine to match the Blood from the
Floor of the Crime Scene to Keith's Blood. Examine the first 9mm and dust the
barrel for prints, use the Adhesive Tape to lift it. Examine the second 9mm and
dust the grip for prints, then lift it using the tape.

Use the Trace Analysis laptop to match the Fingerprint from the first 9mm to
Keith's Fingerprints. Then match those from the second 9mm to Keith's prints 
aswell. Enough of this shitty lab, head to the proper lab.

Go over to the assembly table and 'use' all guns to perform a ballistics test.
Time for lots of comparing. Match these together:
Bullet found in Wall - Bullet from second 9mm
Bullet found Near Postcards - Bullet from second 9mm
Bullet found in Floor - Bullet from first 9mm
Bullet found in Cash Register - Bullet from first 9mm
Bullet found Behind Sales Rack - Bullet from Peacemaker
Bullet found in Window Sill - Bullet from Peacemaker
Pink Fibers - CSI Samples Search Result B.

Wasn't that fun? Go to Brass and ask everything, then get a warrant for Keith.
Go to the Morgue and ask Doc Robbins to recover the body, then ask him all
questions. Look at the nipple ring, then head back to the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope to match the following together:
Bullet from Victim's Chest - Bullet from second 9mm
Bullet from Victim's Shoulder - Bullet from first 9mm.

Now head back to the Old West Tourist Museum. Examine all eight bullet holes to
set up all the lasers. Look at the shattered glass and pick it up. Now go to
the lab and use the assembly table to put the glass back together.

Time to meet some familiar people. Head over to the Casino and talk to Jill.
Look at the plant next to the entrance for a bug. Now head over to Eddie's
studio and talk to Eddie. Examine the cabinet behind Eddie for another bug.

Let's pay the triplets a visit, go to their apartment. Talk to both twins.
Look in the bathroom to find another bug. Examine the stove for a TP. Look at
the cans on the kitchen counter to find another bug. Examine the sink for a TP.

Go into the living room. Pick up the bra and Kathy's picture lying on the pool
table. Look at the open boxes for a TP. Look at the laptop case on the table
and dust the handle for prints, then use the tape to lift it. Look at the TV
for another TP. Talk to both twins again before going to the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope to match the Pink Fibers to the Pink Bra. Use the
Trace Analysis Machine to match the Fingerprint from the Laptop Case to Ed's
Fingerprints. Go to Brass. Ask all questions, then ask to talk to Kathy. Return
to Brass and get a warrant for Anthony and Billy. 

Return to the triplets' apartment and use your USB thingy on the laptop. Go to
the lab and use the Trace Analysis Machine to analyze the encrypted file. Go to
Brass and bring Eddie Tillis in for questioning. Talk to Keith, then to Billy
and Anthony.

Go back to the Old West Tourist Museum. Look at the overturned table on the
left and examine the scratch marks on the underside. Use Mikrosil to make an
impression. Look at the ground and pick up the broken zipper with the tweezers.
Look at the other overturned table and find the fingerprint on the other side.
Use the Magnetic Brush and Powder followed by the Adhesive Lifting Tape to lift

Go to the lab and use the Trace Analysis Machine to match the Fingerprint from
behind the Shirt Rack to Billy's Fingerprints. Then use the Comparison 
Microscope to match the Impression of the Scratch Marks to the zipper fragment.
Go to Brass and get a warrant for the triplets' apartment.

Go over to the triplets' apartment and enter the bedroom. Look at the empty gun
case on the right bed for a TP. Look at the desk for another. Look at the empty
gun case on the left bed for a third. Then pick up the gun from the gun case on
the other bed. Look under that bed for a fourth TP. Look in the closet and use
the flashlight on the pile of laundry to find a pair of pants. Pick them up.
Examine the pants and pick up the cell phone from the pocket. Examine the cell
phone and dust it for prints, then lift them using the Adhesive Tape.

Go to the lab. Use the Comparison Microscope to match the Pants with Broken
Zipper to the Metal Zipper Fragment. Use the Trace Analysis Machine to analyze
the Cell Phone. Then compare the Print found on the Cell Phone with Anthony's

Job done! Go to Brass and get an arrest warrant for Anthony and Billy.

+-- Thoroughness Points -- 3.0 --

Case 1 (18)

I am aware I haven't listed all TP spots here, this is because I wasn't really
sure which spot exactly triggered the TP. I must've missed the message.
If you follow the complede guide however, you should get all 18. I'll probably
fix this in a future update.

The Alley
* Piece of metal lying near the broken fence.
* The door on the right side.
* The flyer lying next to the doorstep.

Fire Temple
* Charred fence on the right.
* Stuff standing next to the right colourful pillar.
* Shoes on the left at the stage's back area.
* Statue in the back area.
* Hanging mask in the back area.

Debra Finch's House
* Cabinet on the right near the door.

Abandoned Mini Gold Course
* The overgrown hole on the left.
* The fallen down lamp on the left.
* Hole next to the dumpster downstairs.
* Rubbish bin inside the 'windmill suite'.

Case 2 (17)

I am aware there is one TP missing for this case, and I don't have a clue where
it might be. I've gone over all locations multiple times trying to find it, but
my efforts were fruitless. Following my walkthrough though will still give you
a Master ranking for this case, which is really all that counts. If anyone can
tell me which point I'm missing, send me an e-mail and I'll add it to the list.

The Apartment
* Note on the fridge
* Sink
* Doorknob
* Open drawer in the bedroom
* Bullet hole in the wall next to opening leading to bedroom.

The Hospital
* Heart monitor
* Patient charts
* IV
* Cart next to door

The Casino
* Liquor bottles
* Plant next to entrance
* Golden poles and rope on the right

Luxury Suite
* Dish on the wall near entrance
* Bust next to counter
* Flowers on table in stairs room
* Plant upstairs

Case 3 (20)

Missing one again, let me know if you know which one it is.

Casino Auditorium
* Examine the camera overlooking the stage.
* Boots on the right of stage.
* Drum set.
* Boots on left side of stage.

* Examine the side table when Marty Party's on the table.

Luxury Suite
* Bust near the piano.
* Table in the left corner near the exit.
* Plant upstairs.
* Bag on the little table in the bedroom.

Recording Studio
* Look at the monitor on Eddie's desk.
* Cabinet behind Eddie.
* Audio equipment in back room.
* Three devices at the left side of the back room.
* Bottle of tequila on the guitar amp in the right corner.
* Back door.

Private Jet
* Examine the TV.
* Cabinet in the room where you found the video camera.
* Chair in the last section.
* Tables behind the plane.

Case 4 (14)

Missing one again, let me know if you know which one.

Dr. Bandereet's House
* Little table next to Amita.
* Cabinet upstairs
* Cabinet with pictures in the bedroom.
* Bedroom closet.

The Driveway
* Fire Hydrant.
* Front Door to the Bandereet residence.
* Backside of the garbage container.

Adya's House
* Painting above the table next to the front door.
* Kitchen supplies in the corner left of the sink
* Fruit basket in front of Adya.

Dr. Bandereet's Pool House
* Bed.
* Kitchen sink.
* Cabinet above kitchen sink.

Case 5 (14)

Old West Tourist Museum
* Vending machines in the corner.
* Barrel left of the front window.
* Barrel just left after entering the back room.
* Statue of a bull in the back room.
* Statue of a horse in the back room.
* Display with the mannequin in it in the back room.

Triplets' apartment
* Examine the stove.
* Kitchen sink.
* Open boxes in the living room.
* TV in the living room.

Triplets' apartment bedroom
* Empty guncase on right bed.
* Examine the desk.
* Empty gun case on left bed.
* Look under the bed left of the desk.

+-- Bug locations. -- 4.0 --

Case 1
* In the dumpster in the alley.
* In the cabinet near the door on the right of Debra Finch's House.
* On the back rear door of the car in the garage.
* On the sculpture at the Fire Temple.
* On the dumpster at the Abandoned Golf Course.

Case 2
* Next to the cookie jar in the Apartment.
* Behind the door in the hospital.
* On the bar in the casino.
* On the lamp on the small table in the stairs room.
* Underneath the small table in the room upstairs.

Case 3
* Left side of the back stage in the Casino Auditorium.
* Table at the top of the stairs in Kathy's Luxury Suite.
* Golden poles on the right in the Casino High Roller's Room.
* Stool in front of the door in the recording studio.
* In the cockpit of Eddie's private jet.

Case 4
* Logs next to fireplace in Dr. Bandereet's house.
* Storm Drain in the middle of the road outside Bandereet's house.
* Grille of the car in the garage.
* Boxes in Adya's house.
* On the hammock outside the poolhouse.

Case 5
* On the fabric in the back room.
* Plant next to entrance at the Casino.
* Cabinet behind Eddie in his studio.
* In the twins' apartment bathroom.
* In the twins' apartment on the kitchen counter next to some cans.

+-- Copyright and contact -- 5.0 --

Copyright 2007 Jan-Willem Willebrands.

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright. Yada yada yada.

Right enough of that. If you liked this guide and would like to publish it at
your website, just send me an email. Also if you have any suggestions, 
additions or other things you really think I should know, drop me a line:


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