
Diablo Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 



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   =======   === === === =======   ======= =======      

                                Dedicated to Jan and Frank, David and Eileen.

¦      This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2007)            ¦
¦ I don't mind it being lifted in its entireity, but if you do so, please   ¦
¦ make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it off as     ¦
¦ your own.  Thanks !                                                       ¦

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                   INDEX                                   ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

           PART ONE              CHOOSING YOUR CHARACTER
           PART TWO              THE TOWN OF TRISTRAM
           PART THREE            LEVELS 01-04 - THE DUNGEON
           PART FOUR             LEVELS 05-08 - THE CATACOMBS
           PART FIVE             LEVELS 09-12 - THE CAVES
           PART SIX              LEVELS 13-16 - HELL
           PART SEVEN            QUESTS
           PART EIGHT            SPELLS
           PART NINE             SHRINES
           PART TEN              BESTIARY AND CAPTAINS
           PART TWELVE           UNIQUE ITEMS

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                           BEFORE WE GET STARTED                           ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Yes, before we get started I just wanted to say a quick thank you to you for
choosing to read my guide for Diablo.  I try and put as much work and detail
and detail into my walkthroughs as possible, and it is always nice to get 
(ideally positive) feedback, so if you do have any questions, queries or 
HELPFUL suggestions (as sending me UNhelpful suggestions will just result in
you getting ignored - perhaps after a chiding), then feel free to contact me
by e-mailing me at

So - the game at hand.  Diablo.  Fantastic Game.  The End.  Wait a minute -
you want ... what ?  You want MORE ?  Ok then ...

Diablo is a very simple-interface point-and-click, few-frills, many-spills,
hack-and-slash adventure games where you select a character from one of the 
three that is on offer, and then get a' hackin' !!

Your adventure starts in the town of Tristram, a town which has more than its
fair share of secrets let me tell you.  You arrive and swiftly learn that a 
lot has changed since last you were there ... little do you know just HOW 
much ... or what a huge part you will have to play in shaping forthcoming 

The game itself is very, VERY easy to play.  You simply left-click on the
things you want to hit, pick up, open or move, and right-click on the things
you want to fry or heal with magic spells.  What could be simpler !!      )

Obviously it's a BIT more complex than that, but not much ... honest !!

Here are the basic commands ... all of which can be found by pressing the F1
key at any time during play ...

   F1       Opens the Help Screen
   Escape   Displays the Main Menu
   Tab      Displays the Auto-Map
   Space    Hides all Information Screens
   S        Open your Spells and Skills Speedbook
   B        Open your Spellbook
   I        Open your Inventory
   C        Open your Character Screen
   Q        Open your Quest Log
   F        Reduce Screen Brightness (aka Gamma Correction)
   G        Increase Screen Brightness (aka Gamma Correction)
   Z        Zoom Game Screen
   + / -    Zoom In/Out of the Auto-Map
   1 - 8    Use Belt Item 1 - 8
   F5 - F8  Set Hot Key for Skill or Spell
   To move, simply click-and-hold the left mouse button to move in a given
   direction.  If you want your character to move to an object/enemy, etc.,
   then just click on that object/enemy.
   To interact with a character (which means to either speak with a friendly
   player, or strike an enemy character), simply left-click on them.
   To pick up an object, simply left-click on it.
   To strike at a target without moving, hold Shift and left-click the object
   or character you wish to strike at.
   To drop a specific amount of gold, right-click on a pile of gold in your
   inventory, and select how much of it you want to drop, in GP (Gold Pieces).
   You can "hot key" up to four skills or spells using the F5-F8 commands.  To
   use this functionality (which is VERY very helpful I must admit), press S
   to call up your Spells and Skills Speedbook, and then move the mouse over 
   the skill you want to hot key, and press either F5, F6, F7 or F8 to bind
   that command to that key.
   When you are in-game, pressing that key will make the bound skill or spell
   available to you immediately.  Simply repeat the process (S, hover, press
   the key) to bind another skill to the same key (should you pick up more 
   powerful spells, etc., etc.)

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                 PART ONE                                  ¦
¦                          CHOOSING YOUR CHARACTER                          ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Obviously the single most important decision you will make in any game of 
this ilk is one of the very first - choosing your character.  This is because
you cannot change your player once you have started them.  You can make new
ones, sure ... and you probably will, but you cannot change this one ...

So, without further ado, here are your choices !!

- T H E   W A R R I O R -

The Warrior is a very strong, brutish and capable fighter.  He likes to get 
stuck hip-deep in enemies and then slice them to pieces, wading through their 
battered corpses and bloodied bodies as he goes.  In short, he's a nasty pig.

Capable of wielding the most demanding of weapons, and heaviest of suits of 
armour the Warrior loves nothing more than the taste of battle, and the sound 
of his enemies screaming in agony as they expire upon his blades.


   Strength        30 
   Magic           10 
   Dexterity       20 
   Vitality        25 
   Life            70 
   Mana            19 
   Armour Class    04 
   To Hit          60% 
   Damage          1-1 


   Strength       250 
   Magic           50 
   Dexterity       60 
   Vitality       100 


   Strength        +1 damage per 3 points 
   Magic           +1 mana   per 1 points 
   Dexterity       +1 to Hit per 2 points, +0 Damage, +1 AC per 5 points 
   Vitality        +2 Life   per 1 point 


   Life            +2 Life per level 
   Mana            +1 Mana per level 


   Repair          This skill enables the warrior to perform repairs to his 
                   weapons and armour, thus negating the need to have Griswold
                   repair them for you.  HOWEVER, this skill comes at a high
                   price, for every time you repair an item, its overall 
                   durability decreases.  Griswold repairs items up to their
                   original durability (but he cannot replace maximum 
                   durability lost as a result of your having used this skill),
                   so use it wisely.


Well the most OBVIOUS reason to choose a warrior would be because you like to
hit things ..... a lot.  You would be the type of person that would rather just
pummel something into millions of little pieces with your fists and THEN ask
it for directions than to begin with a nice cup of tea and cucumber sandwich.

The Warrior's near TOTAL lack of skill with magic makes it an absolute 
necessity for him to be THE best when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, and I 
must say he does hold his own very well.  A high-level warrior will be able to
be completely surrounded by powerful enemies and batter them one-by-one with
his combat skills.

Statistically-speaking, the warrior gets the best benefits from the strength
attribute when compared with the other character classes.  This will enable
your warrior character to wear the best suits of armour comparatively quickly
when contrasted with the other classes.


His near total lack of skill in magic is the most obvious.  He will be able to
learn the bulk of spells in the game, but his limited maximum mana means he 
will never be able to do so at higher levels - he just won't have the skill
points needed to be able to read the tomes !!

- T H E   R O G U E -

Mistress of Stealth and Subterfuge, the Rogue excels at anything involving a 
high degree of dexterity and nimbleness of finger and foot.  She is swift to 
draw her bow, and swift to launch volleys of pain and death upon her enemies 
from afar.

Though she lacks the absolute mastery of either weapon or magic (as the Warrior 
and Sorceror have already taken those areas), her power comes from her ability 
to blend the two elements into one.  Thus, she is a formidable warrior both at 
close-quarters, at range, and with a magic spell in her midst.

Her forte is undoubtedly her ranged attacking powers, however.  Give her a bow,
and she'll turn herself into a minigun awaiting your command to fire.


   Strength        20 
   Magic           15 
   Dexterity       30 
   Vitality        20 

   Life            45 
   Mana            22 
   Armour Class    06 
   To Hit          65% 
   Damage          1-1 


   Strength        55 
   Magic           70 
   Dexterity      255 
   Vitality        80 


   Strength        +0 Damage 
   Magic           +3 Mana   per 2 points 
   Dexterity       +1 to Hit per 2 points, +0 Damage, +1 AC per 5 points 
   Vitality        +3 Life   per 2 points


   Life            +2 Life per level 
   Mana            +2 Mana per level 


   Disarm Traps    The Rogue has the power to disarm any trapped chests, 
                   sarcophagi, etc., that she encounters during her travels
                   in the game.  Beware, however, as it is only a CHANCE to
                   disarm these items - it is not guaranteed.


Representing balance between the other two extremes - the Warrior and the 
Sorceror, the Rogue is a fierce character when armed with a bow and arrow, 
and can hold her own pretty well in close-quarters combat.  However her 
general emphasis is on speed, and keeping her distance where possible from 
her enemies.

She can blend magic and regular attacks in a good, solid balance, and with
a potential maximum Dexterity (before modifiers) of 255, her chances of hitting
enemies are virtually guaranteed, and her Armour Class should be VERY healthy

So ... you would probably choose the Rogue if you wanted to be a jack of all
trades and master of none ... or if you just wanted to play the only female
character in the game.

The Rogue is a balanced character, to be sure.


It is her balanced approach as a character that is both her greatest asset and
her greatest downfall.  Since she lacks the insanely high Magic Attribute of
the Sorceror, and the insanely high Strength Attribute of the Warrior, her 
power comes from her pinpoint accuracy and resilience to being struck, meaning
you have generally got to play her with your head or you'll get MUTHERED in
close-quarters combat later on in the game.

- T H E   S O R C E R O R -

The Sorceror is an absolutely dreadful hand-to-hand combatant.  He can't swing a
staff for beans, and gets battered every time he tries to defend himself.  Give 
him a few magic books to leaf through, however, and you get the Sherman Tank of
the game.

Bolstered by the Mana Shield Spell, the Sorceror becomes a virtually 
undefeatable force of magic energy, able to stand up to Diablo himself with a 
smirk on his face.

Focus on his strengths and you will have a weapon of mass destruction.  Focus on
his weaknesses, and you might as well be grabbing your ankles.


   Strength        15
   Magic           35 
   Dexterity       15 
   Vitality        20 

   Life            30 
   Mana            70 
   Armour Class    03 
   To Hit          57% 
   Damage          1-1 


   Strength        45 
   Magic          250 
   Dexterity       85 
   Vitality        80 


   Strength        +0 damage 
   Magic           +2 mana   per point 
   Dexterity       +1 to Hit per 2 points, +0 damage, +1 AC per 5 points 
   Vitality        +1 Life   per point


   Life            +1 Life per level 
   Mana            +2 Mana per level 


   Recharge        The Sorceror has the power to recharge staves, thus 
                   increasing their longevity during play.  The only other 
                   character that can do this in the game is Adria, the Witch
                   on the far-eastern side of the town.  Be careful when using
                   this power, however, as every time you recharge your staff,
                   the maximum number of charges of whatever spell the staff
                   is imbued with decreases, so you are ultimately damaging
                   the staff as well as regenerating its power.  Adria does 
                   NOT do this - she replenishes a staff up to its maximum 
                   number of charges with no penalty (aside from the cash it
                   costs of course !!).


Well, you definitely SHOULDN'T choose a sorceror because you like to hit things
with your big staff - that really ISN'T his best selling point.  Oh no.  You
would play the sorceror if you were more the "ah-HAH !!  KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM !!"
kinda "I like to click on things and watch them burst into flames" kinda dude.

The Sorceror should be kept out of hand-to-hand combat (particularly earlier 
on in the game) AT ALL COSTS, or he WILL become mincemeat, guaranteed.

Once he has learned the infamous Mana Shield Spell, however, the worm turns, 
and with his HUGE Magic Attribute, he can DECIMATE huge numbers of enemies 
in very short order with his magical powers.


Well, basically he's CR@P at hand-to-hand combat !!  He's slow, he has two 
left-feet, he doesn't know how to fight, he just smacks things as hard as he
can and makes a poor "dink" kinda noise ... he's just pants basically.  However
if you can look past this and see him for what he is - basically a HUGE mana 
resource with a potentially LIMITLESS arsenal of magic powers at his disposal,
then I think you might find him worth the time it takes to get used to him ;)


Higher Strength means      

          - more damage 
          - you can wear better armour and wield cooler weapons 

Higher Magic means      

          - normal mana potions restore more mana 
          - you can read more spell books 
          - spells have a greater effect, such as casting faster, lasting 
            longer, or doing more damage

Hence, if you have the option of an increase in mana or an item that increases 
magic so that mana goes up by the same amount, the second item (an increase in 
magic) is definitely better.

Higher Dexterity means      

          - better AC 
          - higher to-hit 
          - more damage 
          - can wield the heavier bows 

Higher Vitality means      

          - more hit points 
          - normal heal potions (not full healing potions) restore more HP per 

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART TWO                                 ¦
¦                            THE TOWN OF TRISTRAM                           ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Tristram - the town in which you start the game - was once a great place.  
They had a carnival, and regular fêtes where people would come and drop off
their children, and elderly ladies would make jam and everybody would smile
and be happy ...

... then, just recently, demons descended upon it and destroyed the vast 
majority of it.  Over half the townsfolk were slain in a demented slaughterfest
that swept the town, much like chuck-out down the town centre round our way.

Now there are only eight villagers left in the town of Tristram ..............
.................. so let's waste no time and introduce ourselves to them eh !!


   Also known as Deckard Cain, the Elder, or the creepy old guy that hangs 
   around by the well, Cain can be found right in the centre of Tristram, 
   standing by the well (whether it be brown or blue).  He is a deceptively
   knowledgeable character who knows HEAPS about the denizens of the dungeon,
   the legends and tales you will encounter therein, the other townsfolk ...
   in fact pretty much anything !!  If you can put up with his dodgy Scottish
   accent for long enough that is ... =./
   Cain is able to identify any unidentified magic or unique items you pick up
   in the game at a cost of 100 Gp per item.  Usually this works out as being
   a good investment, but smart money says save BEFORE shelling out to have 
   him identify the item/s, as those which are negatively enchanted (e.g. the
   WEAK staff of bla or the BENT shield of ka-ching), can only be sold for 
   1 Gp, meaning you lose 99 Gp a pop on those.  If you save before you speak
   with him, get him to ID everything, and then if you DID come a cropper and
   find out that he identified one or more items as being total POO, reload
   your game, drop those items and then only have him ID the ones that are 
   worth selling on.  Voilà !!

   Cain is responsible for giving you both the "Archbishop Lazarus" and 
   "Diablo" Quests.

   ANNOYANCE  : 2/5


   Another Scottish resident of Tristram, bless him.  Griswold is the resident
   Smith, and can rustle up quite a few tasty treats for you as the game moves
   along.  His shop is just to the north-east of Cain, in the main square of 
   The only downside to dealing with Griswold (aside from his only marginally
   better than Cain's Scottish accent) is the PRICE of the things that he wants
   to sell you.  I mean fine, I can appreciate that we are like ... his only
   living customer and everything ?  But we're not MADE of money, y'know !?!?!
   Anyhow - aside from that Griswold is sound.
   As a tradesman, Griswold will buy any regular, magic or unique weapons (with
   the exception of magic staves, which he does not deal in), or armour from 
   you.  He can also repair any damaged weapons or armour that you have on 
   your person, making him a VERY handy lad to know indeed !!

   Griswold is responsible for giving you both the "Magic Rock" and "The Anvil
   of Fury" Quests.
   ANNOYANCE  : 2/5


   Pepin the Healer has set up his shop on the western-side of the main square
   in Tristram, and you should pay him a quick visit if ever you come back to
   the town and are injured, as he will immediately replenish your health to 
   its maximum amount free of charge, just as a thank you for speaking to him !
   Sweet eh !!
   Pepin peddles an assortment of wares, all centred around healing.  He sells
   potions of healing, potions of full healing, potions of rejuvenation, potions
   of full rejuvenation, and scrolls of healing.
   Later on in the game (as in when you enter Hell), Pepin will begin selling
   you elixirs as well (but we shall come to those later on).

   Pepin gives you the "Poisoned River Water Supply" Quest, and is instrumental
   in progressing Adria's "Black Mushroom" Quest later on in the game.
   ANNOYANCE  : 1/5


   Adria the Witch is the most removed member of the townsfolk you will be 
   visiting on a regular basis.  Her shack is aaaaaaaaaaaall the way to the 
   east of the town, and you'll have to walk quite a distance to get there.

   Adria will gladly buy any staves and potions you have on your person, and
   will sell you spellbooks, scrolls, potions of mana, potions of full mana,
   magic staves.
   When you enter Hell, she will begin peddling (along with Pepin) elixirs for
   your use as well, but we'll come to that in due course.
   Adria can also replenish any magical staves you have on your possession, so
   if you find one that you like but you run out of charges in it ?  Bring it 
   to her and, for a fee, she will gladly replenish it to its maximum number
   of charges for you ...
   Adria is responsible for giving you the "Black Mushroom" Quest.
   ANNOYANCE  : 4/5 (just from having to walk as far in Diablo !!)


   Ogden and his wife Garda run the "Tavern of the Rising Sun" - the Tristram
   Inn, located on the northern-side of the main square in Tristram and, not 
   surprisingly, he appears to have had rather a downturn in his business of 
   Ogden is a pleasant-enough chap, but there is no point in speaking with him
   beyond picking up quests from him, as he cannot sell you anything, nor can
   he buy anything off you.

   Ogden is responsible for giving you the "Curse of King Leoric" and "Ogden's 
   Sign" Quests.
   ANNOYANCE  : 1/5

   Wirt, the peg-legged boy, is a Wheeler Dealer who buys and sells goods of
   dubious origin (as quoted by Griswold).  He used to be a nice, playful kid,
   but having lost his leg in a painful altercation with some demons, he has 
   lost that side of his personality and become a money-grubbing little wide
   You can find Wirt all the way to the west of Tristram, amidst the rocks
   past the church to the west.
   Wirt will trade items with you, but whatever he tries to sell you will be
   fantastically expensive.  Sometimes his goods are worth the price, but much
   of the time you WILL get ripped-off, so ALWAYS save before buying anything
   from him or risk CONSIDERABLY annoyance.

   Wirt gives you no quests.  He's greedy like that.
   ANNOYANCE  : 3/5


   Gillian the Barmaid cares for her psychic grandmother, in a house to the
   west of the Tavern of the Rising Sun.  She is a pleasant girl, who serves
   absolutely NO useful purpose WHATSOEVER.  She doesn't give you any quests,
   she doesn't sell you anything, she doesn't buy anything from you - there
   is only one character more annoying than Gillian in the game and that is 
   Farnham, as at least Gillian talks sense, and gives you her honest opinion
   about anything you discuss with her.
   Gillian doesn't give you any quests.  Perhaps she's too busy tending to 
   her grandmother, poor love.
   ANNOYANCE  : 4/5


   This USELESS b@stard can be found sitting by himself, getting tanked, to the
   south-east of the main square of Tristram.  Granted, Farnham has had his 
   fair share of troubles in his time - he was part of the party that the 
   Archbishop Lazarus tried to rustle up to accompany him down into the 
   dungeons to save Prince Albrecht - King Leoric's son who had apparently 
   been kidnapped by the demons, but Farnham lost his mind when he saw his 
   friends and fellows being hewn to pieces by the demonic Butcher Demon that
   lives underneath the Chapel, and it has driven him to drink quite a bit.
   Now I'm not an unsympathetic kind of guy ... but that does NOT excuse the
   fact that Farnham is a COMPLETELY USELESS DOODOOHEAD with absolutely 
   NOTHING useful OR interesting to say about ANYTHING.  If I could choose 
   to erase one video games character from existence for all time ?  It would 
   be one of the Power Rangers for SURE ... but if I could choose to erase TWO ?
   The second would be Farnham, GUARANTEED.

   Farnham doesn't give you any quests BECAUSE HE'S USELESS.

   USEFULNESS : -500/5
   ANNOYANCE  : 5000/5

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                PART THREE                                 ¦
¦                         LEVELS 01-04 - THE DUNGEON                        ¦
¦               "The Sanctity of this Place has been Fouled !"              ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

So !!  You're ready to begin are you ??  Good good.

This is actually going to be a reasonably short area of the guide believe it
or not, because the levels of Diablo are all randomly generated terrain-wise
each time a new game is started.  Therefore they only conform to certain 
basic points game-by-game.

Similarly, the recurrence of Quests in-game is random, so you will never have
all the quests in a single play-through.  Therefore I shall try and make you
aware of the signs and triggers that signify quests are available for you,
as you adventure further.

Once you have done speaking with the townsfolk, head north-west of Ogden's
Tavern and follow the path that leads into the church.


If you spot a badly beaten and lacerated man lying by the entrance to the 
church, stop and speak with him to get the "Butcher" Quest (see the Quests
section for more information on this).

Once you're done making small talk (or if he isn't there), head into the 
church, to descend to ... Level One.

Now, just to make the entire process easier for you to visualise, if you 
imagine starting at ground level (which is easy ... since you have ...), and
taking steps down to level one, then again down to level two, and so on and 
so forth, until you reach level sixteen - the final level in the game.

Keeping that in mind, this is how the levels break-down

                 Ground Level = Tristram
                    Levels 01-04 = The Dungeons
                       Levels 05-08 = The Catacombs
                          Levels 09-12 = The Caves
                             Levels 13-16 = Hell

So !!

Levels one through four are what are called "The Dungeons".  They are a proper
set of rooms with interconnecting doors and archways that would once have been
populated by priests and worshippers, attending to the various needs of the 
church, praying and so on.

Now they have become the home of various low-level denizens of the demonic 
underworld including scavengers (scurrying creatures that scuttle about the
floor on all fours), carvers (small imp-like creatures armed with an assortment
of weaponry), skeletons and zombies.

During your travels you will encounter a number of things which warrant 
specific mention, namely :-


   Shrines are large structures that will either be mounted on walls, or free-
   standing in rooms.  They can generally only be used once, and have a 
   specific effect depending on their name - to see the shrine's name, move 
   your mouse over it.

   I have compiled a full list of shrines in Diablo, and inserted all of them
   in section ten for your reference.  Be forewarned that whilst some shrines
   are good and give positive benefits, others are positively awful, and will
   rob you of attributes, gold, and a whole lot more.  My advice ?  Save before
   activating a shrine (or refer to section ten - that'll serve you just as 


   Whilst I have called them simply 'chests', this applies equally to tombs,
   barrels, sarcophagi - pretty much any receptacle that you can click on and
   open with the left-mouse button.

   Some of them contain nothing - some contain great treasures.  Others yet 
   are trapped, and so you should be aware of this before you start randomly
   running around opening everything in sight ...

   When you open a trapped chest (or other receptacle), the trap will go off
   IMMEDIATELY.  The most common types of trap are :-

     - Skeleton Trap   - a skeleton rises from the receptacle to fight you);
     - Arrow Trap      - an arrow fires at you from the receptacle);
     - Lightning Trap  - a lightning spell strikes you;
     - Firebolt Trap   - a firebolt spell strikes you;
     - Nova Trap       - a nova spell strikes you;
     - Mana Bleed Trap - you lose ALL your mana !!!;
     - Belt Thief Trap - you lose a number of items from your belt;

   There are plenty of others, but those are some of the most common.

   The best advice I can give is this.

   When you are opening chests and other receptacles that are near walls ?  
   Always look on the walls for small circular holes from which projectiles
   might be fired.  If you see one, it's a dead cert that one of the chests
   in the immediate area IS booby-trapped, so try and stand out of the line
   of attack of the hole when opening the chest.

   Secondly, as it is usually not THAT easy to determine whether a chest is
   potentially boody-trapped or not before you try and open it, try and 
   open it and keep moving past it - this helps reduce your chances of being
   shot with the projectile traps.

   Finally, if you hear the noise of a projectile being fired at you but you
   do NOT take damage immediately ?  RUN !!  RUN AWAY !!!!!  You might have 
   lucked out and get away with avoiding the projectile.

   Beware as barrels sometimes explode (but the good news is that they will 
   take out any explosive adjacent barrels too, so if one explodes and the 
   ones immediately around it don't ?  They won't explode when you hit them).


   Tomes, aka Spellbooks, can be found all OVER the place in Diablo.  When 
   you pick one up it will take up four squares in your inventory, and can
   only be used once.  Reading a tome will cause the spell it contains to be
   transferred to your spellbook or, if you already know the spell, it will
   cause you to level-up in that spell by one level.

   The higher you progress in your knowledge of a given spell, the more points
   you will require on your Magic Attribute to be able to read the tome.

   The maximum Magic you need to be able to read a tome is 255.


   As with tomes, scrolls can only be used once, but unlike tomes, using a 
   scroll causes the spell written thereon to be cast - just once - and then
   the scroll is destroyed.

   There are certain advantages to using scrolls over tomes, namely that they
   only take up one inventory square each; that there are certain spells which
   can only be cast from scrolls, and that some scrolls are easier to cast than
   their spellbook spells of the same name, meaning those characters that are 
   not quite as hot on the old magic as others, are still able to cast them.


   ALWAYS always AlWaYs ALWAYS use bookcases.  A bookcase can only be used 
   once, but will ALWAYS drop a tome (or spellbook).


   Skeleton Tomes are usually found standing in the same room as bookcases,
   and are more often than not (shockingly) guarded by Skeletons.  They will
   contain either a tome or a scroll.


   Similar to Skeleton Tomes, Library Books are usually found standing in the
   same room as bookcases, and will contain either a tome or a scroll.


   You will encounter what I have named "Story Tomes" throughout the game - 
   they are written by various sources and you will almost always find them
   on pedestals on various levels, surrounded by lit candlesticks.  Their 
   purpose is to help fill you in on the storyline - usually what has already
   taken place to lead things to their present state.  All of them are worth
   reading, and I have tried to give you a complete run-down in section 
   fourteen - the Plot according to the Scribes.


In order to descend from level one to level two (and beyond), you will need to
locate a set of stairs leading down on each floor.  Common sense, right ?


Here are the quest indicators for levels one-four - the Dungeons.  In order
to get more information about the quests, please check out section ten - quests
as these are merely indicators to show you that you are on the right track.

*  Man lying on the ground outside the entrance to the church dying.
*  There is a large room filled with blood and bodies on level two.

*  The water in the well in the centre of town (behind Cain) is brown, not blue.
*  There is a hole in a wall on level two which, when wanded, says "to a dark

*  There is a large room on level three, the entrance to which says, when 
   wanded, "to King Leoric's Tomb".

*  There is four-room block of rooms, with Snotspill and a group of Overlords,
   USUALLY on level four, but sometimes on level three.  The stairs leading 
   down to the next level will be in the north-western room of the block.


Once you have descended from level four down to level five, you exit the 
Dungeons, and enter ...
¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART FOUR                                ¦
¦                         LEVELS 05-08 - THE CATACOMBS                      ¦
¦                       "The smell of Death surrounds me"                   ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

These are the darkest levels in the game light-wise.  The walls are dank, and
the rooms are considerably more cavern-like than the comparatively well-built
dungeons up above.

Similarly you will encounter several new and exciting enemy-types down here,
including the Unseen (malformed creatures with clawed hands that have the 
ability to turn invisible in the shadows), Goatmen (of various clans, each
of which has their own strengths and weaknesses), and Blinks (and their kin,
all small, flying imp-like creatures that shriek and bite and scratch their 

The rooms in the catacombs are generally not as well-designed - there are 
lots of them with no doors - just three-sided rooms basically, and this can
make for some very interesting combat sessions, as you don't have the luxury
of closing doors to prevent being swamped.

Here are some hints for navigating the catacombs effectively.


Since you can see, and wand shrines even in rooms you have not yet been into,
you can take it as read that a closed room with a Goat Shrine in it WILL be 
heavily protected by Goatmen, and you should prepare yourself on that basis.


Always listen out for shrieks in the distance, as these are often Glooms (kin
of the Blink) who charge at you from a distance.  Move out of their way and
they will sail past you - it's rather satisfying really !!


On levels five, nine and thirteen you will find a set of stairs leading you
back up to the town.  USE THESE as soon as you find them, as they open a 
permanent passageway back down to those levels.

This can save you a LOT of hassle, particularly if your last save was quite
a while ago.


Here are the quest indicators for levels five-eight - the Catacombs.  In order
to get more information about the quests, please check out section ten - quests
as these are merely indicators to show you that you are on the right track.

*  You will find Gharbad the Weak (a purple and red Goatman) just standing 
   around in the catacombs.

*  In a long, roughly torch-shaped room you will find the Book of Blood, 
   somewhere in the catacombs.

*  There is a lump of magic rock on a pedestal somewhere in the catacombs.

*  In a room with a bookcase and a fair few Skeleton Tomes, you will find Zhar
   the Mad, standing around, somewhere in the catacombs.

*  You will find a "Book of the Blind" on a pedestal somewhere in the catacombs.

*  You will find a "Mythical Book" on a pedestal somewhere in the catacombs.


Once you have descended from level eight down to level nine, you exit the 
Catacombs, and enter ...

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART FIVE                                ¦
¦                           LEVELS 09-12 - THE CAVES                        ¦
¦                           "It is HOT down here !!"                        ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Wow - nice !!  We appear to have wandered straight into a VOLCANO !!!!!  WHO
had the map ... who was it ??  COME ON OWN UP DAMMIT !!!!!

In spite of being one of the best lit sections of the game, the Caves are 
quite an awkward place to manoeuvre around really, for two main reasons :-

   1) For the most part, the walls do not fade - particularly at the edges of
      the screen - when you go up to them, meaning that quite often you will
      miss chests, barrels etc., etc., as you won't see them.  Therefore I 
      would suggest you counter this by wanding those areas you cannot see,
      just to make sure you're not missing anything; and
   2) The lava streams that criss-cross and weave throughout the levels can
      sometimes leave you stranded with no option but to go back and take, 
      often quite laborious detours, to get to where you want (unless you have
      one of the game's teleportation spells - Phasing or Teleport - to get
      you around).

As with the previous changeovers you will find that on level nine there are 
a set of "stairs to town", which you should DEFINITELY find and take ... and
the enemies you will encounter down here have become somewhat more brazen as
well, and include an assortment of Dogs (all of whom spit acid so watch your
step as you move about the place), Balrog Demons (who breathe Inferno Spells
at you), and Serpents (who slither about and then SHOOT into combat range to 
strike at you with their multiple arms).

Another change in the caves from the caverns and above is the introduction of
gates rather than doors.  There is no functional difference, aside from the 
fact that your enemies can see you (and Dogs can spit at you) through the 
gates ...

It is when you get to the Caves that I would suggest you start SERIOUSLY trying
to beef up your Fireball and/or Chain Lightning Spells, as the monsters you 
encounter from hereon in do start to become rather more challenging than their
weaker counterparts up above ...

You can buy Tomes from Adria in town, and I have developed a handy re-jig tip
which you can view in the tips section, should she not have what you want when
you FINALLY complete the trek to go and see her ...

One final thing I will mention is that you will find, on level nine, the 
decapitated body of a fallen comrade.  SEARCH HIS BODY and you will find an 
item that is specific to your player.  The Sorceror, for example, will ALWAYS
find a Tome of Lightning on the body.


Here are the quest indicators for levels nine-twelve - the Caves.  In order
to get more information about the quests, please check out section ten - quests
as these are merely indicators to show you that you are on the right track.

*  You will find the Anvil of Fury sitting proud in a VERY exposed area of 
   the Caves.

*  You will find both a Fungal Tome and a Mushroom Patch on the same level of
   the Caves (whichever level that may be).


Once you have descended from level twelve down to level thirteen, you exit the
Caves, and enter ...

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART SIX                                 ¦
¦                            LEVELS 13-16 - HELL                            ¦
¦                        "I must be getting close ..."                      ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Ah yes, HELL.  Much like my bedroom before a spring clean.  Hell is really 
quite a happenin' place - I dig the walls and all the boney pointy bits and
ooh look !!  People impaled on SPIKES ... how homely ...

Hell represents the final section of the regular Diablo game and, consequently,
is the breeding ground for the hardest, toughest enemies in the game.

You will encounter SCORES of Succubi (very scantily-clad female spellcasters),
as well as innumerate Demonic Knights (all of whom are wearing VERY spanktastic
armour), Serpents (as you did in the Caves above), and Advocates (old mages
with a MEGA penchant for throwing fireballs and firebolts at you in quick 


Here are the quest indicators for levels thirteen-sixteen - Hell.  In order
to get more information about the quests, please check out section ten - quests
as these are merely indicators to show you that you are on the right track.

*  You will find a "Steel Tome" on a pedestal somewhere in Hell.
*  The level will be replete with "Steel Lords" - Knights in shiny Steel Armour.

*  You will find Lachdanan, Captain of King Leoric's Knights, standing around
   in Hell.

*  You will find Lazarus' Staff balanced on a Vile Stand on level fifteen of

*  You will find a HUGE pentagram in a circle on level fifteen of Hell.

Once you have completed the Archbishop Lazarus and Diablo Quests (both of which
are mandatory), you will complete the game !!

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!  Now you can go through it aaaaaaaaall again either on 
the same difficulty, or on Nightmare or Hell ;)

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                 PART SEVEN                                ¦
¦                                   QUESTS                                  ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

D U N G E O N   Q U E S T S



   You will find a man lying on the ground, dying, at the entrance to the 
   Church in Tristram.  Speaking with him will show you that he was part of 
   the party that the Archbishop Lazarus led down into the Labyrinth to find
   Prince Albrecht, the son of King Leoric.

   It turns out that Lazarus led the men into a trap, and the vast majority
   of them were slaughtered where they stood - limbs being hewn from their 
   screaming bodies as the Demon under Lazarus' command - the Butcher - made
   mincemeat out of them.

   Sorry - that was a bit graphic wasn't it ... but I wanted to convey to you
   just what a NASTY piece of work the Butcher really is - he doesn't just 
   make sausages you know ... OH no ... he chops them off !!!!! =O

   Finding the dying man at the entrance to the Church will start this quest.
   If you ignore the man you will find the entrance to the Butcher's room on
   level two, and can start the quest this way - just look for the room with
   all the mutilated bodies in it - you can't miss it !!

   Find and slay the Butcher on level two.  As I have said, he is in a large,
   square room chock-full of blood and bodyparts - you really cannot miss it.
   When you open the door he will call out "Aaaaaah, fresh meat !!", and come
   running out to fight you.

   If he overpowers you (as he's like the Duracell bunny when he gets going),
   fall back !!  Try and use the terrain to your advantage and DON'T retreat
   into areas you haven't explored yet - otherwise you will just make the task
   of defeating him that much harder.

   He can open doors, but he doesn't always think to, so you might even be
   able to shut him in a room and pelt him with spells and arrows - your call.


   The Butcher's Cleaver - a unique item which the Butcher drops.  See section
   thirteen for its stats.



   The water in the well in the centre of town is poisoned - it will be brown
   instead of its usual deep blue colour.

   You can speak with Pepin (only after you have been into the Dungeons at 
   least once), and he will confirm that the water has become brackish and 
   stagnant, and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from it.  He
   suspects that the monsters have had something to do with it, and asks you to
   see if you can find out what has caused the pollution, and put it to rights.


   Talk to Pepin after returning to town from the dungeons for the first time,
   and he will give you the quest.  Failing that, you will find a small hole
   to squeeze through in a chamber on level two which, when wanded with the 
   mouse, will say "to a dark passage".


   Enter the aforementioned "dark passage", and purge it of ALL enemies inside.
   This will include a large contingent of carvers, some fire kin, and some 
   Goatmen.  Once all the enemies are slain, the water at the back of the 
   dark passage will turn from a sickening yellow to a beautiful blue via a 
   RATHER cool special effect.


   The Ring of Truth from Pepin.  Again, see section thirteen for its stats.



   You will either get this quest by speaking with Ogden on your return to 
   Tristram sometime, or by seeing a large room on level three of the Dungeon
   with an entrance that will say "to King Leoric's tomb" when wanded with the

   Ogden will tell you that when his son Prince Albrecht was kidnapped and 
   taken from him, King Leoric who had already fallen into a state of withdrawal
   compared to his usual self, FLEW into a rage, blaming innocent townsfolk for
   the disappearance of the boy.  Over half the population of Tristram was 
   executed at the King's order in his search for the boy, who continues to 
   elude them.

   Ogden goes on to say that the King had to be slain by his own guard as the
   final step in containing his ever-increasing madness, but that his tormented
   spirit has risen and possessed his body, which now stalks the halls of the
   third level of the dungeon.  Ogden asks that you find his King, and put him
   to eternal rest so that his soul may at last find peace.

                                              ... i.e. smash his head in ... =)


   Talking to Ogden at the Tavern, or finding the door "to King Leoric's tomb"
   on level three of the Dungeon.


   Find and slay King Leoric in his tomb.  This won't be QUITE as easy as you
   might have originally thought, however, as he is heavily protected.  Forget 
   trying to get the drop on him either, since as soon as you enter his tomb,
   he barks out "The Warmth of Life has entered my Tomb ... prepare yourself
   Mortal ... to serve my Master for Eternity !!  HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAR".
                    ... which is a bit of a bugger really ...
   SHOCKINGLY you will wind up fighting quite a lot of SKELETONS when you 
   enter the tomb - they come at you in waves from the north-west.  First you
   have just a few to deal with ... but then when you enter the next area,
   you are given a choice of two doors - one in the south-western wall, the 
   other in the north-eastern wall.  You won't be able to head further to the
   north-west at this time, as a large gate blocks all the archways.
   Take the door in the south-western wall first, kill the skeletons and pull
   the lever.  This will open up the gate in the north-western wall.  Head
   back through the door in the north-eastern wall, slay all the newly 
   released skeletons in the main chamber, and head through the door in the 
   north-eastern wall and clean that area out.  In that room you will find
   a further entrance to the north-west which leads to a small room and some
   TREASURE ... :)  Grab it and then head south-west and back into the main
   NOW.  Head to the north-west, through the previously blocked archways, and
   you will enter your audience with the Undead King, Leoric.
   Leoric is a BIG boy, and we have a bone to pick with him.  He must be almost
   twice your height, and armed with a rather handy sword which is swings with
   considerable ease unfortunately.
   He has the power to resurrect fallen skeletons as well, but generally if he
   wants to do that he kinda walks around the houses a bit - he isn't all there
   if you catch my drift ;)
   The easiest way to win this fight is therefore to take him on and all but 
   ignore any skeletons that are not directly in hand-to-hand combat with you.
   Forget the skeletal archers for now - we'll deal with them in a moment.
   Head into the Skeleton King's main chamber, and draw his attention to your
   presence - either by just walking sufficiently close to him that he comes
   running towards you, or by pelting him with some type of projectile.
   Once he starts to head towards you, fall back and lure him with you.  Not
   all the skeletons will follow him, and this will make him easier to take 
   out.  Focus all your attacks on him and then when HE has fallen, take the
   Undead Crown which he drops, and then proceed into his original chamber, 
   and wipe out ALL the skeletons that are there, taking the time to destroy
   all four of the crucified skeletons that are located in each of the four
   corners of the room, as this will open up a secret door in the north-eastern
   wall that leads to even MORE treasure !!

   Therefore once you have wiped out the four crucified skeletons there are
   three ways out of this chamber.  To the north-west (to treasure), to the
   north-east (to treasure), and to the south-east (back the way you came).

   Take all the treasure, and then leave the Skeleton King's Chamber via the
   original doorway all the way to the south-east.

   The Undead Crown, which the Skeleton King drops.  See section thirteen for
   its stats.



   You can get this quest one of two ways.  Either speak with Ogden on one of
   your trips to Tristram and he will give it to you (he will begin his 
   dialogue with "Master, I have a strange experience to relate ..."), or 
   alternatively you will come across a block of four rooms, usually on either
   the third or fourth floor.  The south-western room will contain a Dark One
   named Snotspill, with the stairs leading down to the next floor in the 
   north-western room, and a group of Overlords in the north-eastern and south-
   eastern rooms.  There is a treasure chest in the south-eastern room.


   Either speak with Ogden, or locate the block of four rooms yourself and 
   speak with Snotspill.

   If you speak with Ogden he will tell you that he cannot understand for the 
   life of him WHY, but a group of imps (I'm 99% sure they are Dark Ones) 
   came into his yard the other night and stole the sign to his Tavern.  He 
   cannot even venture a suggestion as to why, but it does seem strange.
   Whilst Ogden doesn't specifically ask for its return, he is sure to want 
   that sign back if at all possible ...

   If you speak with Snotspill instead, he will tell you (in his childish
   way) that he has heard of your reputation, and that he wants you to get him
   back his Magic Banner, or his troops will attack and you will surely die.

   It appears his Dark Ones have had the sign nicked by the Overlords !!
   TURF WAR !!!!! =)


   There are two distinctly different ways of dealing with this quest.  You 
   must decide whether you want to help Ogden, or Snotspill.

   If you choose to help Ogden, you should do as Snotspill suggests and head 
   around the complex and into the north-eastern room.  Kill the Overlords in
   that room and the south-eastern room, and then open the chest, retrieve 
   Ogden's Sign and return it to him in Tristram.  You will get a reward for
   this, but Snotspill will attack you on sight, and the wall to his north-
   east will disappear to reveal a small ARMY of Dark Ones (I would suggest 
   using either the Fire Wall or Lightning Wall Spells and systematically 
   eradicating the Dark Ones row by row).

   If you choose to help Snotspill, you should do as he suggests and head 
   around the complex and into the north-eastern room.  Kill the Overlords in
   that room and the south-eastern room, and then open the chest, retrieve 
   Ogden's Sign and give it back to Snotspill in the south-western room.  He 
   will thank you for returning it to him, and then promptly attack you with
   his Dark Ones.  The wall to his north-east will disappear and a small army
   of the little buggers will descend on you.  I would recommend using either
   the Fire Wall or Lightning Wall Spells and casting them row, after row, 
   after row, to push back and destroy the Dark Ones one rank at a time.
   You will NOT get a reward for helping Snotspill.


   If you help Ogden, he will give you the Harlequin Crest - a magical cap
   which was left in one of the rooms of his tavern by a Magician who happened
   to be travelling by and stopped off for the night.  See section thirteen
   for its stats.

   If you help Snotspill you get sod all !!


C A T A C O M B S   Q U E S T S



   Gharbad the Weak - a purple and red Goatman - will be standing around 
   somewhere in the Catacombs.  He won't move, and you can approach him without
   being attacked by him.


   Speak with Gharbad to receive his quest.  It turns out he's quite a 
   cowardly Goatman, who offers to bribe you with items of power in exchange
   for his safety.


   Head away from him until he disappears off the screen, and then return and
   speak with him.  He will, true to his word, give you an item or weapon of 

   Repeat this process and he will tell you that he hasn't got anything for 
   you just yet, but that he is working on something very powerful, and that 
   if you just him live that little bit longer, he will keep his promise.

   Repeat the process one last time, and he will tell you that he has changed
   his mind, that the item he has crafted is TOO powerful for you, and that if
   you want it you are going to have to take it from him.

   With that, he attacks you !!

   Just batter him to pieces (I personally enjoy turning him to stone and then
   smashing him to bits), and then take the "very powerful" item he had crafted
   as your own !! :)

   Usually these items aren't THAT powerful - it just appears that Gharbad is
   a very poor judge of most things !!


   Two magical items or weapons - one of which he will give to you whilst he 
   is still alive, and the other of which you can wrestle from his lifeless 
   corpse once he has been slain for his IMPUDENCE.



   Somewhere in the catacombs you will find "The Book of Blood" on a pedestal.
   It will be located in a large, roughly torch-shaped room that you will have
   to enter from the south-west, through one of two doors that are adjacent to
   each other.  You will have to fight some horny brutes (if you don't believe
   me check 'em out !!) to get to it.


   Read the Book of Blood.


   Just to the north-east of the Book of Blood you will find a Blood Stone next
   to the Pedestal of Blood (sensing a common theme for this quest ??).  Once
   you have placed the Blood Stone on the Pedestal of Blood, you will find that
   a door opens in an adjacent room to the north-east (on the northern side of
   the structure).  You can either walk around to that door, or teleport or 
   TRY and phase into that room.  Kill the Brutes in that room and grab the 
   Blood Stone on the floor there.  Place that Blood Stone on the Pedestal of 
   Blood to open another room to the north-east, this time on the southern 
   side of the structure.

   Nip in there, kill the Brutes, take the Blood Stone and place THAT on the 
   Pedestal of Blood to fully open up a pathway to the north-east.  You will
   hear the chink of something metallic falling to the ground as the path 

   Watch out for the final group of Brutes in this room, as they will attempt
   to charge you from the north-east.  Once they are defeated, pick up your 
   prize - Arkaine's Valour - a medium-ranking suit of armour !!


   Arkaine's Valour from the Chamber of Valour



   You will find a Magic Rock mounted on a pedestal somewhere in the Catacombs,
   or else Griswold will give you this quest at some point when you stop off
   at his shop.


   Either speaking with Griswold, or picking up the Magic Rock :)


   Quite simple really - just find the Magic Rock on the pedestal, and bring 
   it back to Griswold, who will fashion it into something swanky for you.


   The Empyrean Band - a ring that Griswold makes for you.  See section 
   thirteen for its stats.



   Zhar the Mad - a very orange-looking Advocate - will be standing around 
   in the catacombs somewhere.  He can be approached and will not attack you.
   He will be in a room (whether it has a doorway or not is another question),
   with at least one Bookcase and some Library Books or Skeletal Tomes kicking


   Speak with Zhar.


   Speak with Zhar the first time and he will bark at you that you are 
   interrupting his work, and he cannot understand why you are here.  He gives
   you a tome and asks you to leave him alone.

   If you encounter him in a room that has a door, MAKE SURE YOU LOCK 
   YOURSELVES IN IMMEDIATELY.  I will explain why in a second.

   You can pick up anything from any of the Library Tomes or Skeletal Tomes 
   in the room he is in, but woe betide you if you touch the Bookshelf, as 
   that sends him over the edge, and he attacks you.

   Zhar is slightly more powerful than a standard Advocate, and has their 
   regular compliment of powers, so he can throw fireballs at you, and more
   importantly he can teleport around the place.  If you have closed the door
   (if there IS a door - the catacombs can be a bit cack like that), then you
   won't have to worry about chasing him around the catacombs, as he cannot 
   teleport through a wall or locked door.  If you DIDN'T think to close the
   door, then this can become quite a protracted fight, as he can teleport 
   outside, down corridors and so on ...

   Once Zhar has died, examine his body and take whatever item he has dropped.


   A Spellbook (which he gives you to leave him alone), and a magical item or
   weapon (which he drops when you slay him).



   Somewhere in the catacombs you will find the "Book of the Blind" on a 
   pedestal.  Read it.
   Alternatively you may come across a room that is shaped like a big figure
   eight, but at an angle.  Both indicate this quest is available to you.


   Reading the Book of the Blind will open two entrances into the Halls of 
   the Blind.


   Enter the Halls of the Blind and kill all the Illusion Weavers (bright 
   yellow stalkers) that you find.  You don't need to kill them to complete
   the quest - just to prevent them ambushing you ;)

   Once you have cleared the outer hall, open the northernmost of the two 
   rooms, slay the Illusion Weavers there and take the Optic Amulet as your
   prize.  You can open the southernmost room if you like, but it only ever
   contains Illusion Weavers.


   The Optic Amulet - located in the northernmost of the two rooms in the 
   Halls of the Blind.



   Somewhere in the catacombs you will find a "Mythical Book" on a pedestal.
   In addition, you will come across a stairway leading "Up to the Chamber 
   of Bone", which will be inaccessible until the book has been read.


   Read the Mythical Book to open up the staircase that leads to the Chamber
   of Bone.


   Enter the Chamber of Bone and immediately prepare to defend yourself as 
   there are 2-4 Stalkers waiting in ambush for you, as well as several 

   Here is an approximated layout of the Chamber of Bone.  You start where
   it says "STAIRS DOWN" ...

   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦              BOOK                ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦     L      ¦                                  ¦      L     -    x    ¦
   ¦            ¦----------------------¦   ¦-------¦                      ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            -         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦    ROOM FILLED WITH SKELETONS    ¦            ¦---------¦
   ¦            ¦    [AND I DO MEAN FILLED !!!]    ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            -         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦                 x    ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            -         ¦
   ¦            ¦---------¦   ¦--------------------¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦---------¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ------------------------------------            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦            STAIRS                ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                DOWN              ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦            ¦                                  ¦            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦
   ¦                                                            ¦         ¦


      L   = Lever
      x   = Treasure
    BOOK  = Book of Arcane Knowledge

   Once you have cleared out the initial attack, head around the wall above
   you, and keep heading north-west (you have to imagine that my top-down 
   map above is tiled in alignment with the game on-screen).  You need to 
   go and activate each of the "L" markers on the map (L stands for LEVER in
   case you don't know), and this will open up the secret doors to the 
   otherwise inaccessible parts of the chamber for you.

   I would strongly suggest you clear out the two rooms to the north-east 
   before venturing anywhere NEAR the Skeleton Room.  This is because it is 
   easier to clear out the outer halls before worrying about being attacked 
   from in front as well ... common sense really ;)

   Once you have plundered the treasure and despatched the enemies in the two
   rooms to the north-east, then I would recommend you stand in front of the 
   door that leads to the Skeleton Room, and ready either a Fire Wall or 
   Lightning Wall Spell.

   When you are sure you are ready, open the door, AVOID cr@pping your pants
   when you realise that every single available square in the entire room is
   taken up with a Skeleton, and cast Fire Wall on the first square immediately
   inside the room, thus creating a barrier between you and the army of 

   Mana-permitting, keep casting either Fire Wall or Lightning Wall and destroy
   your Skeleton foes row-by-row.  If you do this calmly and sensibly, you will
   be able to wipe them out in seconds rather than having a protracted, pitched
   battle with them over the next 40 minutes or so ...

   Once they have all fallen, pick up all the items they dropped, and then head
   further north-west and into the next room, all the way up to the top where 
   you will find a Book of Arcane Knowledge.  My advice is that you leg it 
   straight up to the book, TOTALLY ignoring any enemies you face (as long as 
   you didn't get your BUTT kicked by the Skeletons in the previous room), and
   activate it.

   Activating the Book of Arcane Knowledge will automatically teach your 
   character the Guardian Spell (or raise your knowledge of this spell by one
   level should you already know it), AND, equally importantly, CAST the spell
   at your current level of knowledge on your behalf.

   The Guardian Spell (in case you haven't used it before), summons a three-
   headed Hydra from under the ground that spits firebolts at your enemies for
   a period of time and then disappears back into the ground from whence it 

   The Guardian always backs you up in combat, and cannot hurt you, so it 
   makes a FANTASTIC (albeit brief) bedfellow for the fight you have on your
   hands.  There are a small contingent of Brutes, plus Hidden that you must

   Once you have slain EVERYBODY in the Chamber of Bone ("eternal death ..."
   not for US mateypeeps !!), then head back to the stairs leading back down
   to whatever level of the catacombs you were on.


   Several magical items (all randomly generated) from the chests to the north-
   east of the level, plus one level's worth of Guardian Spell knowledge from
   the Book of Arcane Knowledge in the north-western room of the Chamber !!


C A V E S   Q U E S T S



   You will find the Anvil of Fury sitting in a VERY prone position on one 
   of the levels in the Caves.  Even drawing CLOSE to it will get you pelted
   with Night Clan Archers' Arrows, Dog Vomit and all sorts of other niceness.


   Either stop and speak with Griswold at his shop at some point during your
   trek through the Caves.  He will disclose his knowledge of the Anvil, and 
   offer to make you something natty with its power.


   Another simple search and retrieval mission for Griswold, bless him.  Just
   head into the Caves, find the Anvil of Fury, and take it back to him - just
   be VERY careful about the level of exposure which you are subject to when 
   taking the Anvil, however, as you CAN be killed quite quickly by the sheer 
   number of projectiles you WILL get chucked at you.

   Therefore I would MOST DEFINITELY ensure that you have enough inventory 
   space to pick up the Anvil before you get to it - otherwise you can kiss 
   yo' butt goodbye !!!


   Griswold's Edge - a KICK@SS sword which Griswold will fashion for you.



   Oh aye ... a MAGIC Mushroom eh ??  Hmmmmmm =./

   You will find two items on the same level of the Caves (the level will be 
   randomly chosen if the quest appears at all) - a Fungal Tome, and a Mushroom
   Patch.  These two things will VERY seldom be together.


   Taking the Fungal Tome to Adria will trigger this quest.


   Bear with me, as this is the longest quest in the game by FAR.
   I am going to do it in stages to make it easy to digest :-
     A)  Pick up the Fungal Tome and take it to Adria.
     B)  Adria will ask you to keep your eyes peeled for a big, black 
     C)  Head back into the Caves and examine the Mushroom Patch to obtain
         said big, black mushroom and take it to Adria.
     D)  Adria will tell you that the mushroom is PERFECT, and that you should
         go and speak with Pepin the Healer, as she has learned that he is 
         looking for the brain of some sort of demon to help him in creating
         an elixir to cure the effects of their poisonous attacks.
     E)  Go and speak with Pepin, and he will tell you that Adria (who must 
         have Air Jordans or something to move so quickly) has already spoken
         with him, and confirmed that you have offered to help him find the 
         brain of a demon (any demon will do), so that he can study it.
     F)  Head back into the Caves, and pay VERY close attention to the next 
         demon you slay, as he or she will drop ... their brain !!  Pick up the
         brain and take it back to Pepin.
     G)  Pepin is elated, and says that whilst he was able to complete his work
         on the elixir without the brain, it can't hurt to have it to study.
         He gives you a sample of the elixir, and asks you to carry it to 
         Adria, who is expecting it.
     H)  Take the elixir to Adria, who says that she no longer needs it, and 
         that you can keep it.


   The Spectral Elixir - a magical elixir which bolsters all your attributes
   by 3 points !!


H E L L   Q U E S T S



   You will find "the Steel Tome" on a pedestal on one of the levels in Hell.
   On the same level, you will find yourself fighting an awful lot of "Steel 


   Reading the Steel Tome when you come across it.  It tells a tale of how 
   the Warlord of Blood - a slayer of man and angel alike - has as his fortress
   the Armouries of Hell.  It turns out that he indiscriminately slaughters 
   anybody and anything he comes across in a blood-fuelled craze, to keep 
   offering sacrifices to his Dark Gods.  He has already slain thousands, so
   odds are it's time he met his match, non ?


   First off, you won't be able to descend to the next level until you've read
   the Steel Tome, as this opens the gateway to the Armoury which is, as I have
   already pointed out, inhabited by the Warlord of Blood (and his entourage).
   Therefore, you must read the Steel Tome.  THEN you must head for the exit.
   Once you get to him, he will initially stand where he is and call out the 
   following statement (which I just LOVE).
   "My blade sings for your blood MORTAL, and by my dark Masters it shall NOT
   be denied !!"
   COOL !!  FIGHT !!!!! =)
   I would suggest taking out the Warlord's Steel Lord Bodyguards whilst he is
   delivering his speech to you, as once he has finished he WILL come after 
   He isn't an insanely difficult enemy to face, but you should be aware that 
   if you let your guard down he WILL have you, so be alert ;)

   Once you have defeated him, you can raid the Armoury !!  WOOHOO !!!!! =)


   Numerous randomly-generated suits of armour and weapons, from the various
   stands (4 weapon, 2 armour) in the Warlord of Blood's Armoury.



   You will find Lachdanan, Captain of King Leoric's Knights, standing on one
   of the levels in Hell just waiting patiently for your arrival.  He will 
   not attack you.


   Speak with Lachdanan, and he will explain that as Captain of King Leoric's
   Knights, he and his fellows were subjected to a curse by King Leoric as 
   retribution for their part in his demise (if you recall, Leoric went berserk
   when his son Albrecht went missing, and blamed the innocent people of 
   Tristram for his abduction.  Enraged, he had over half of the townsfolk 
   executed in his search for the boy, and so his own knights felt forced to
   take the mutha DOWN), and fled the King's Burial Chamber as his fellow 
   knights succumbed to their fates.

   Whilst he has spent considerably energy trying to save himself from the 
   curse, he has been unable to find the Golden Elixir which purports to be 
   able to cure him.  He says if you find the Elixir and bring it to him, he
   will reward you.


   You need to search for, find, retrieve and bring back to Lachdanan, the 
   Golden Elixir.  It will always be either on the same level as Lachdanan,
   or one level further down.


   At least one random magic weapon which Lachdanan drops when he passes on,
   and the Veil of Steel - Lachdanan's Helm.  See section thirteen for its


   This is actually a mandatory quest, so there is no indicator per se, as it
   will ALWAYS be there.  On level fifteen you will find a Vile Stand with
   Lazarus' Staff perched on it.


   Take Lazarus' Staff and show it to Cain in Tristram.  He will tell you that
   it must have been the Archbishop Lazarus that kidnapped the boy Albrecht, 
   and that he cannot BELIEVE he didn't work that out previous (nor can we
   Cain ... nor can we).  Cain believes that Lazarus can only be planning on 
   sacrificing Albrecht to appease his dark Gods, and urges you to make haste
   to Lazarus' Chambers with all due haste !!


   Cain removes Lazarus' Staff from your inventory.  You should then return to
   level fifteen, and find the gigantic pentagram in the circle which will be
   somewhere on that level.

   You will find that a RED (Town) Portal Spell has been cast, and that this
   portal leads you to Lazarus' Lair.

   Take the Portal, and immediately save upon entering Lazarus' Lair.

   Rather than draw the floorplan of his lair for you, I am going to give you
   step-by-step instructions as to how to navigate it quickly, and reasonably

    A) Ready a Fireball Spell if you have one available, and open the door to
       the north-east.  Cast the Fireball Spell almost immediately to take out
       the Hell Spawn that is waiting for you there.
    B) Turn and head south-east, taking out the Hell Spawn in the enclosed 
       area to the south-west.
    C) Keep heading south-west and kill the Hell Spawn standing by the closed
       doors that lead south-west.
    D) Open the doors and kill the Advocates in the next area.
    E) Stand on the circle and activate the tome against the north-western 
       wall, to be teleported to the north-east and into the thick of combat
       with another group of Hell Spawn.
    F) Slay them and then head back to the south-west (to where you stood on
       the circle and activated the tome).
    G) From here, head south-west and then north-west, clearing out the long
       corridor of enemies.
    H) Turn and head north-east, taking out the Hell Spawn and Advocates.
    I) Open the door to the north-east and kill the Hell Spawn.
    J) Head north-east and take out the Hell Spawn in the enclosed room to the
    K) About-face and head back to the south-west, through the now opened door.
    L) Stand on the circle against the wall, and activate the tome to be 
       teleported to the north-east and into the thick of combat with YET 
       ANOTHER group of Hell Spawn.
    M) Dispatch these FREAKS, and then head back to the room where you started.

   Now, when you stand on the circle that you were standing on when you first
   set foot in this lair, you will be teleported to the boss fight with the 
   Archbishop and his cronies, so be prepared.


   After the RATHER cool cutscene of Lazarus closing his eyes and his irises
   turning red once he opens them again, you are placed in a previously hidden
   area of his chambers, immediately to the south-west of the main room where
   you started.

   Archbishop Lazarus (who is standing to your north-west) calls out "Abandon
   your foolish quest.  All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master.  You 
   are too late to save the child.  Now you will join him ... in Hell !!"

   His two lieutenants - Red Vex and Blackjade (both Hell Spawn) are to your
   north-east, and south-east.

   As soon as Lazarus starts speaking, leg it to either the south-west or the
   south-east, and hide.  The fight cannot begin until you draw sufficiently
   close to him or his lieutenants, so this gives you time to ENSURE you are
   fully healed-up and ready for a tough fight.

   Now ... you need to be aware that they have set a trap for you.  As soon 
   as the fight begins proper, the wall to the south-west of the three main
   villains in this piece will open up to reveal a squad of Hell Spawn and 
   Advocates, who will pelt you to bits in moments if you aren't careful.

   If you have the Flame Wave Spell available to you, this is the PERFECT time
   to use it.  Head up to Archbishop Lazarus, and when the trap is sprung, 
   wheel on your heels and fire off the Flame Wave at the Hell Spawn that have
   just appeared, and watch them WILT.  Despatch these lesser enemies before
   focusing on the bosses.

   Once all the bosses are in full fight mode, focus on Red Vex and Blackjade,
   as they move around a LOT more than Lazarus - he's an Advocate, so generally
   he will stay put unless you get TOO close in which case he will teleport 
   away to a safe distance so that he can continue bombarding you with Fireball
   Spells from afar.

   Once Red Vex and Blackjade have fallen to your MIGHT, focus all your 
   attention on Archbishop Lazarus.  Pelt that mutha until he CRACKS !!!!!

   Take note of the boy on the altar - the one that has just been recently 
   sacrificed ??  Could that be Albrecht ???  Are we too late !?!?!

   After his demise, pick up the items that are scattered about - at LEAST one
   magical item or weapon from each of the three bosses, plus whatever the 
   lesser muppets dropped, and then head back to the main circle that you 
   started the lair on, and you will find another red Portal has opened up for
   you.  It will take you back to level fifteen.


   At least 3 magical items or weapons (randomly generated) - one is dropped by
   Archbishop Lazarus, one is dropped by Red Vex, and the third is dropped by



   As with the Archbishop Lazarus Quest, this one is mandatory for the 
   completion of the Diablo title - therefore there is no indicator for it per
   se - you are GOING to find it - guaranteed.  The closest thing would be the
   presence of the huge pentagram in the circle on level fifteen, as this 
   denotes the entryway to Diablo's Lair.


   This quest is triggered by reporting to Cain upon completion of the 
   Archbishop Lazarus quest.  Cain will tell you that the time has now come
   for you to hunt down and destroy Diablo - the Lord of Terror - himself.

   Cain says that based on your description of the boy on the altar has
   ruled out the possibility of that being Albrecht.  It appears that the boy
   on the altar was no more than a diversion to trick you ... ANOTHER trick !!

   This raises many questions.  Where is Albrecht ?  Why was the other boy 
   sacrificed ?  Is Albrecht still alive ?  Lazarus said we were too late to
   save him, but if he isn't dead then ... where ... is he ... ?


   Return to level fifteen and step into the huge pentagram on the floor to 
   descend to Diablo's Lair.

   The lair is partially randomly-generated, and partially fixed in its 

   It will ROUGHLY look like this :-

   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦   -----------------------   ¦          ¦   -----------------------   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦       AREA 3        ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦       AREA 1        ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   -----------------------   ¦          ¦   -----------------------   ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                                                                      ¦
   ¦          START HERE                                OR START HERE     ¦
   ¦                                                                      ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦                             ¦          ¦                             ¦
   ¦   -----------------------   ¦          ¦   -----------------------   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦       AREA 4        ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦       AREA 2        ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦       DIABLO        ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦          ¦   ¦                     ¦   ¦
   ¦   -----------------------   ¦          ¦   -----------------------   ¦

   You will start the level at the foot of a set of stairs which is randomly
   placed on either the left, or right-hand sides (hence my saying start 
   here OR here on the map above).

   The level is divided up into four main areas, three of which (areas 2, 3 
   and 4) are locked and must be unlocked via a series of skull levers in 
   the preceding sections (e.g. to unlock area 4 you must activate the skull
   levers in area 3, but you can only unlock area 3 by using the skull levers
   in area 2, and so on).

   Only area 1 is available for you to ENTER at the outset.

   HOWEVER, before you even BEGIN considering activating the skull levers, I
   would STRONGLY suggest you explore the entire of this level and slay any 
   and all enemies you encounter.  TOTALLY DISREGARD ALL THE SKULL LEVERS AND
   ANY AREAS YOU CANNOT ACCESS FOR NOW - just go everywhere you can (which will
   be AROUND areas 2, 3 and 4, and inside and outside area 1), and kill ALL 
   your opponents.

   Ordinarily you will find Sir Gorash (a Blood Knight Captain) with a platoon
   of his troops kicking around somewhere.

   Once you have pacified the entire level, THEN I would suggest you do the 
   following :-

     1)  Go to Area 1 and activate the skull lever there to open Area 2;
     2)  Go to Area 2 and activate the skull lever there to open Area 3;
     3)  Go to Area 3 and activate the skull levers there to open Area 4;
     4)  Town Portal back to Tristram;
     5)  Pick up any items you may have left lying on the floor - treat it 
         as if you WON'T be coming back to Tristram ever again, and so every
         item you don't have in your inventory or on your belt WILL BE LOST 
         FOREVER - INCLUDING money;
     6)  SAVE THE GAME; and
     7)  Teleport back to Diablo's Lair and prepare yourself for the final 
         showdown !!

   It is VERY important to remember that as soon as you have killed Diablo,
   you MUST save the game.  You will only have a few seconds to do this, but
   it is of PARAMOUNT importance if you want to play your character through
   again and make them even more powerful, trust me on this.

   So !!  Ready to take on the Lord of Terror ??  Let's go !!

   When you activate the last skull lever in Area 3, the central portions of
   the north, south, east and west walls of Area 4 all disappear, making it 
   look like this :-

                            ----               ---- 
                             ........     ........  
                             ........  X  ........  
                            ----               ---- 

   Now, Diablo is waiting for you where the X is ... but do you see all the 
   little dots ??  Those are his cronies ...

   ... ok ok so there aren't QUITE that many, but Diablo is VERY well guarded
   I will say that.

   I have developed a sure-fire way of reducing his outer-guard before taking
   him on, and I would suggest you observe it, as it will make your life a 
   fair bit easier ...

   So here we go !!

   From Area 3, move to the very left-hand side of the wall and follow it to the
   south.  This will cause those enemies located nearest the outside of the left
   wall (but on the inside of Area 4) to come out and fight you.

                     ¦                                   ¦
                     ¦      ----               ----      ¦
           HUG       ¦      ¦.....................¦      ¦
          THIS ----->¦       .....................       ¦
          WALL       ¦       ........     ........       ¦
                     ¦       ........  X  ........       ¦
                     ¦       .....................       ¦
                     ¦      ¦.....................¦      ¦
                     ¦      ----               ----      ¦
                     ¦                                   ¦

   Once you get to the bottom, take ONE STEP to the right, and then head back
   up, and the enemies one-step into Area 4 from the previous lot will come out.

   Do this 3-4 times and Diablo will come out, but you will have taken out 
   enough of his entourage to make the fight considerably easier for you to cope


   Here he is !  The Big Boss of the Game !!

   Diablo is one TOUGH mutha - he is quick, LOVES fire, and is horny to boot. 
   Just LOOK at him - he could impale a HILLSIDE on those things.  Anyhow ...
   His primary attacks are twofold - he likes to strike you with the Apocalypse
   Spell (which causes a blast of flame to strike you wherever you are standing
   as long as you are within a radius - it's very hard to dodge because it does
   not emanate from him - it strikes from the ground underneath your feet so you
   don't get a lot of warning that it's coming) or, when he's up-close-and-
   personal, he likes to strike you with his clawed hands.

   He is, as I have already said, QUICK in combat, and quick to move as well,
   so you can expect that he will outpace and catch up to you ... which is MORE
   than can be said for his lackies.

   Therefore, once he comes at you, retreat back to Area 3 - not all his cronies
   will follow him, and so if you take the ones that DO come after you out 
   first, you can quickly reduce it to a 1-2-1 with him and you.

   I ALWAYS use the Fireball Spell to take Diablo out as, even though he is a 
   master of wielding flame attacks himself, he himself is NOT immune to fire,
   which is good ...

   If you've been beefing up your Fireball Spell like I suggested when you got
   into the Caves (or even Chain Lightning to be honest), then you should find
   that this is a very manageable fight.  HOWEVER, having said that, Diablo has
   one trick up his sleeve, which I actually regard as more of a glitch in the
   game to be honest, and that is that he can virtually parry magic ?  As in,
   you go to cast a Fireball Spell yeah ?  You get JUST as far as paying for 
   it from your available mana, and then he SLAPS you with his Apocalypse Spell.
   You've lost the mana for the Fireball Spell, but he's effectively parried it,
   so he takes no damage, and you come off worse for the encounter.

   Therefore, if you're going to rely on Fireball EXCLUSIVELY (like wot I do), 
   you should make sure that you are WELL stocked-up with potions of mana, and
   I do mean WELL stocked-up.

   Once Diablo dies, you will be unable to move, and should save the game 
   IMMEDIATELY.  This is because the end cutscene will then play, after which
   you will only be given two options with this character - either load your 
   previous save (which, if you didn't save it after defeating Diablo, means
   that you will have to slay him again), or starting a new game (which means
   you will start again from scratch in Tristram with the character that just
   slew Diablo, but everything on the ground in Tristram will have disappeared.

   THAT is why I told you to pick everything up and save the game immediately
   after defeating Diablo, as you can now begin a new game (on whatever 
   difficulty setting you choose), and you will still have all your inventory
   items and everything, which you can then drop off in Tristram and continue
   adventuring !!!!!


   You win the game - congratulations !!


¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART EIGHT                               ¦
¦                                    SPELLS                                 ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

- L E V E L   O N E -

NAME            : SPECIAL SKILL (Character-specific)
DESCRIPTION     : This skill is given to you automatically, and will be repair 
                  for the Warrior, Disarm Traps for the Rogue, and Staff 
                  Recharge for the Sorceror.

NAME            : FIREBOLT
DESCRIPTION     : Fires a small bolt of flame in a direct line.  The Firebolt
                  is very quick, and generally quite accurate.  It is sometimes
                  difficult to hit moving targets with it, but at lower levels
                  it is DYNAMITE.

NAME            : CHARGED BOLT
DESCRIPTION     : Charged Bolt discharges a number of small electrical pulses
                  which shoot across the floor in seemingly random directions.
                  They are generally quite reasonable at hitting their targets,
                  although they are seldom 100% accurate.  Their strength comes
                  from the number of projectiles they fire, and whilst this is
                  a decent spell at lower levels, against tough opponents you 
                  might as well be hitting them in the face with a handkerchief.

NAME            : HOLY BOLT
DESCRIPTION     : Holy Bolt is like the biblical equivalent of Firebolt.  This
                  divine projectile is, like Firebolt, very quick to move, and
                  makes a very satisfying "Bzzzzt" sound when it discharges,
                  whether against an enemy or a wall.  The biggest DOWNSIDE of
                  Holy Bolt is that it can only do damage to undead creatures.
                  It passes through any living being.

NAME            : HEALING
DESCRIPTION     : Ah, yes !!  This is a FANTASTIC spell - provided you have a
                  sufficiently plentiful mana reserve, you will find the Healing
                  spell will fully replenish your character to their maximum 
                  health, and the mana cost is actually NOT that painful once 
                  you start sinking serious pointage into the spell.  VERY 


NAME            : INFERNO
DESCRIPTION     : This spell creates a series of small, connected blasts of fire
                  that travel in a straight line towards your enemies.  
                  Unfortunately for you, the range of the Inferno spell is 
                  always VERY limited, which sucks.

- L E V E L   T W O -


NAME            : FIRE WALL
DESCRIPTION     : Fire Wall creates a wall of flame that extends for as many
                  squares in a direct line as the spell and its level will 
                  allow.  All units trying to traverse the flames stand a 
                  chance of taking damage, and in most cases this means the 
                  lower-level enemies will be atomised.  There is a drawback
                  to using this spell at higher levels, and that is that it
                  will last so long you will either need to teleport over it,
                  or go and make yourself a five-course meal before it dies
                  down !!

DESCRIPTION     : Undoubtedly one of the most useful spells in the game, the
                  Telekinesis spell enables you to manipulate objects remotely.
                  What this means is that you can open chests, doors, tombs, 
                  etc., at a distance (which is great if you are worried about
                  any traps going off), as well as pick up items and add them
                  to your inventory even if they are in locked rooms.  Anything
                  you can see you can pick up with one exception and that is
                  barrels.  You cannot destroy barrels with this skill.  You 
                  can, however, open and shut doors, so you can trap enemies
                  in rooms - it's just a GREAT great spell.

NAME            : LIGHTNING
DESCRIPTION     : Fires a bolt of lightning in a direct line.  The stronger
                  your mastery of the spell, the longer and more damaging the
                  bolt of lightning fired.  This is a great spell as it enables
                  you to kill not just one enemy, but a whole LINE of enemies
                  (if they are standing still and/or coming at you head-on).
                  It is best used against low-to-moderately-powered enemies,
                  as on higher levels you will get surrounded, and that is 
                  where this particular spell falls short unfortunately.

NAME            : TOWN PORTAL
DESCRIPTION     : This is one of THE single best spells in the game.  It 
                  creates a Town Portal - a fixed, two-way gate which allows
                  you to travel from your present location back to Tristram,
                  and then back to exactly where the portal was created, 
                  whereupon the Town Portal shuts, and the spell must be 
                  re-cast to create another, if required.  Just make sure that
                  you leave yourself enough mana to cast it, as it can save
                  your @rse in a pinch.  My advice ?  Carry an additional 
                  potion of Full Mana (or just a potion of Mana if you are
                  playing the Sorceror) to use in dire emergencies, and only
                  to fuel this spell.

NAME            : FLASH
DESCRIPTION     : Pretty ... but cr@p.  This creates a very small, concentrated
                  burst of light and energy that discharges in the immediate
                  area around the Spellcaster.  Even at the highest levels,
                  the extremely poor radius detracts from the raw power of the
                  spell, making this a USELESS addition to your library in my
                  humble opinion.

NAME            : STONE CURSE
DESCRIPTION     : Whilst it can only be used on one enemy at a time, this spell
                  enables you to turn that enemy to stone for the duration of
                  the spell.  PERFECT if you have small children and can't keep
                  track of where the little blighters are ;)  You can also fire
                  off other spells at them whilst they are held in their stone
                  form (or you can just smack them about) and, if they take
                  enough damage, they crumble into little bits of stone !!
                  WICKED fun.

- L E V E L   T H R E E -

NAME            : PHASING
DESCRIPTION     : This is like a baby teleportation spell, which will randomly
                  pop you from where you are to a different location in the
                  near vicinity.  It can be used to good effect if you are very
                  careful where you cast it, just as it can be your undoing if
                  you aren't careful with it.  For example, it can pop you
                  through a wall and into a room on the other side, thus saving
                  you the time and trouble of walking all the way around to it.
                  Similarly it can drop you right smack-bang in the middle of
                  a monster orgy, which can be a LITTLE compromising let me 
                  assure you !!

NAME            : MANA SHIELD
DESCRIPTION     : FANTASTIC - a REALLY useful spell this one.  It creates a 
                  golden orb above your head which ensures that any damage your
                  player sustains will be drained from your mana (until it 
                  reaches zero), and THEN your health.  If you are playing a
                  Sorceror, or any other character with a large mana reserve,
                  this spell will turn you into a TANK - just be mindful that
                  all your damage sustained will be being taken from the same
                  reserve as your spells cast, so you will need to stock up on
                  a LOT of Mana potions ... other than that, it's one of the
                  very best spells in the game !!

NAME            : ELEMENTAL
DESCRIPTION     : A nice, but ultimately not extremely useful spell - this one
                  summons a Fire Elemental who immediately charges at and bear
                  hugs the nearest enemy, causing him (the Fire Elemental) to
                  explode and do damage to that enemy, and anybody in his 
                  immediate vicinity.  Useful, but the high mana cost and poor
                  controllability make it one you won't use very often.

NAME            : FIREBALL
DESCRIPTION     : A MUST-HAVE Spell, and definitely one you will want to sink
                  a lot of training into.  The Fireball Spell is like a beefier
                  Firebolt spell, insofar as it still travels fast, but when it
                  hits, it does damage to any enemies in a small radius of the
                  blast - not just the enemy it hits.  The huge amounts of 
                  damage that it can inflict at higher levels make this THE 
                  choice of weapons for the discerning spellcaster.  I use it
                  to deal with most bosses - including Diablo himself !!

NAME            : FLAME WAVE
DESCRIPTION     : The Flame Wave spell causes a concentrated wall of flame to
                  rocket out in a horizontal line towards your enemies.  Think
                  of it as a fast-moving, smaller Fire Wall spell, and you will
                  have a good idea of what it can do.  It does HUGE (and I do
                  mean HUGE) amounts of damage to enemies en route, and is 
                  great for levelling large amounts of enemies coming straight
                  for you - particularly in enclosed spaces, like many of the
                  rooms in the Catacombs.

DESCRIPTION     : The perfect partner for the Fireball Spell, Chain Lightning
                  fires off as many Lightning Spells as are required to hit 
                  each and every enemy that is within your line of sight.
                  Quite often this will result in 5 ?  10 ?  Lightning Spells
                  being shot out at the same time, making this one of the most
                  visually impressive spells in the entire game (and one of the
                  deadlist to boot).

NAME            : GUARDIAN
DESCRIPTION     : The Guardian spell summons a three-headed Hydra from under
                  the ground to do battle with your enemies.  Whilst the Hydra
                  cannot move, it can launch Firebolts at any enemies it sees
                  for the duration of the spell.  You will find the Guardian
                  Spell up for grabs in the Chamber of Bone, so if you want
                  to get to Level 15 in this spell easily, just do that quest
                  15 times (!!)

- L E V E L   F O U R -

NAME            : NOVA
DESCRIPTION     : The Nova Spell kicks BUTT - it unleashes (and yep, that is
                  the right word) an expanding circle of lightning that travels
                  as far in every conceivable direction as possible until it
                  hits a wall.  It travels THROUGH people, just as Lightning 
                  and Chain Lightning do, and can level a room full of enemies
                  NO sweat.

NAME            : GOLEM
DESCRIPTION     : You might think that this would be a bit of a pants spell,
                  and in SOME ways you'd be right.  The Golem is a great ally,
                  but he has a will of his own, and will slowly plod off to 
                  do battle with the enemy nearest to him.  He doesn't stand
                  about, and this can mean he will level an entire floor of 
                  low-level enemies (great), or alert a bunch of high-level
                  enemies to your presence whilst you're trying to heal up 
                  (which is NOT so great obviously).  Use with care ;)  Also,
                  the Golem will explode when you use Town Portal or leave a
                  level to go up or down, so he only has a limited usefulness.
                  He can be destroyed by your enemies too (obviously).

NAME            : TELEPORT
DESCRIPTION     : A VERY expensive spell to buy OR cost, but with obvious 
                  reasons to back it up.  This is a VERY, very handy spell to
                  have in your repertoire.  You can use it to teleport to any
                  location on your screen, whether it is within your player's
                  line of sight or not.  If you teleport onto a set of stairs
                  or a Town Portal, your character will automatically activate
                  it, so you needn't worry about asking "Will I be able to make
                  it into the Town Portal or up/down the stairs before I get
                  lynched ??" - the game takes care of that for you !! :)

NAME            : APOCALYPSE
DESCRIPTION     : BRILLIANCE - absolutely BRILLIANCE.  All enemies within your
                  screen's view burst into flames, à la Diablo's main attack
                  stylee - WICKED !! :)  Pure, simple, chaotic fun.  Makes 
                  killing that muppet Na-Krul well worth it !!  Please do note,
                  however, that Apocalypse is NOT available in the regular 
                  single-player version of Diablo.

NAME            : BONE SPIRIT
DESCRIPTION     : To be honest I have never understood the viability of the 
                  Bone Spirit Spell.  Apparently it knocks 1/3 off the life 
                  force of any enemy it hits ... which tells me you have to 
                  cast THREE of them at any ONE enemy to get the full advantage.
                  In addition, you lose health when you cast it !!!!! :( :( :(
                  Add to that the high casting cost and VERY high cost of buying
                  any books to improve your knowledge of it, and you have a 
                  spell that is about as much use as ... ooh ... something 
                  really not very much use !!

NAME            : BLOOD STAR
DESCRIPTION     : You know those really annoying and quite powerful balls of
                  energy that the Succubi, Snow Witches and other cuties throw
                  at you in HUGE quantities in Hell ??  Those are Blood Stars.
                  Use this spell to give them a taste of their own medicine !!
                  The only real drawback is that it's quite costly to cast, as 
                  you actually have to sacrifice both mana AND life to cast
                  it, and it is very expensive to learn.


- S P E L L S   W H I C H   Y O U   C A N N O T   L E A R N -

Unfortunately there are some spells which you quite simply cannot learn.  These
include the Identify Spell (which will identify an item in your inventory), and
the Apocalypse Spell, which Diablo uses to great effect against you when you
do battle against him, the little GIT !!

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART NINE                                ¦
¦                                   SHRINES                                 ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

There are a great many shrines in the Diablo game, each of which having a set
effect (or set OF effects), depending on its name.  Here is a list of all the
shrines I have encountered, together with the quote you are given when they 
are activated, and what effect it has.

DO NOT FORGET that NOT every shrine grants you a benefit - some are really 
quite nasty !! =./



Abandoned Shrine
QUOTE  : The hands of men may be guided by fate
EFFECT : Dexterity +2

Creepy Shrine
QUOTE  : Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith
EFFECT : Strength +2

Cryptic Shrine
QUOTE  : Arcane power brings destruction
EFFECT : The shrine casts a Nova Spell, and your mana is fully replenished

Divine Shrine
QUOTE  : Drink and be refreshed
EFFECT : Your life and mana are fully replenished, and two potions are dropped
         for you (either 2 rejuvenation potions, or 1 full mana and 1 full 
         life potion)

Eerie Shrine
QUOTE  : Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self
EFFECT : Magic +2

Eldritch Shrine
QUOTE  : Crimson and Azure become as the Sun
EFFECT : All healing and mana potions become equivalent rejuvenation potions,
         so head back to the town and buy yourself loads and loads of full 
         Health or Full Mana potions ;)

Enchanted Shrine
QUOTE  : Magic is not always what it seems to be
EFFECT : One spell loses 1 or 2 levels, all others gain a level

Fascinating Shrine
QUOTE  : Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom
EFFECT : Maximum mana drops by -1 to -22; Firebolt spell gains 2 levels

Glimmering Shrine
QUOTE  : Mysteries are revealed in the light of wisdom
EFFECT : Identifies all unidentified items on your person

Gloomy Shrine
QUOTE  : Those who defend seldom attack
EFFECT : All shields, armour and helmets in your inventory gain +2 to their 
         armour class, but all weapons in your inventory lose -1 to their 
         maximum damage

Glowing Shrine
QUOTE  : Knowledge is Power
EFFECT : +5 Magic; -5% Experience

Hidden Shrine
QUOTE  : New strength is forged through destruction
EFFECT : One item suffers -10 to its durability; all others gain +10 to their

Holy Shrine
QUOTE  : Wherever you go, there you are
EFFECT : Phases you randomly

Imposing Shrine
QUOTE  : A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts
EFFECT : 1/4 of your maximum Mana is converted into your maximum Life

Magical Shrine
QUOTE  : While the spirit is vigilent, the body thrives
EFFECT : A Mana Shield is cast upon you

Mendicant's Shrine
QUOTE  : Give and you shall receive.
EFFECT : Halves your carried gold, and transfers it to your experience

Murphy's Shrine
QUOTE  : That which can break will
EFFECT : Varies - it will cause either :-
                    a) All weapons to take 8 points of damage; or
                    b) One item to take 50% damage; or
                    c) A 33.3% chance of damage to an item you wear; or
                    d) 1/3 of your gold to disappear.

Mysterious Shrine
QUOTE  : Some are weakened as one grows strong
EFFECT : One attribute gains 5 points, all others lose 1 point.

Mystic Shrine
QUOTE  : Your skills increase, but at a price
EFFECT : All gold piles are converted into XP.  (I believe this is only in the
         Demo-version of the game)

Oily Shrine
QUOTE  : That which does not kill you ...
EFFECT : Depends on your Class :-

                Warrior   +2 Strength
                Rogue     +1 Dexterity; +1 Magic
                Sorcerer  +2 Magic

Ornate Shrine
QUOTE  : Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom
EFFECT : Maximum Mana loses -15; Holy Bolt gains 2 levels

Quiet Shrine
QUOTE  : The essence of life flows from within
EFFECT : Vitality +2

Religious Shrine
QUOTE  : Time cannot diminish the Power of Steel
EFFECT : All items on your person are fully repaired

Sacred Shrine
QUOTE  : Energy comes at the cost of wisdom
EFFECT : Maximum Mana suffers a -1 to -20 loss; Charged Bolt spell gains 2 

Secluded Shrine
QUOTE  : The way is made clear when viewed from above
EFFECT : Auto-map reveals the entire level (which is not as good as it sounds)

Solar Shrine
QUOTE  : You feel (x)
EFFECT :          (x) depends on the local time where you are :-

                 (x =)         Local Time     Effect
                 Stronger      12:00-18:00    +2 strength
                 Wiser         18:00-20:00    +2 magic
                 Refreshed     20:00-04:00    +2 vitality
                 More Agile    04:00-12:00    +2 dexterity

Sparkling Shrine
QUOTE  : Some Experience is gained by Touch
EFFECT : Character gains a level of experience! - or - 1,000 - 7,000 Experience

Spiritual Shrine
QUOTE  : Riches about when least expected
EFFECT : All empty inventory slots are filled with gold of varying amounts.

Spooky Shrine
QUOTE  : Where avarice fails, patience gains reward
EFFECT : Invoke Full Rejuvenation on all other players (I believe this shrine
         is only available in multi-player mode)

Stone Shrine
QUOTE  : The power of mana refocused, renews
EFFECT : All staves are fully recharged

Supernatural Shrine
QUOTE  : You hear a strange cry from the distance
EFFECT : The level above your current level is restocked with creatures & items

Tainted Shrine
QUOTE  : Those who are last may yet be first
EFFECT : All other players get +1 to +3 on a random stat, all other stats are -1
         (I believe this shrine is only available in multi-player mode)

Thaumaturgic Shrine
QUOTE  : What once was opened now is closed
EFFECT : All chests on the level are closed and re-filled with items

Town Shrine
QUOTE  : There's no place like home
EFFECT : Opens a Town Portal for you (at your current location)!

Weird Shrine
QUOTE  : The sword of justice is swift and sharp
EFFECT : The maximum damage of all weapons on your person increases by +1



In addition to the Regular Shrines in Diablo, there are a number of Unique 
Shrines which you may, or may not encounter during your travels, including :-

Fountain of Tears
EFFECT : Raises 1 stat by 1 point; lowers 1 stat by 1 point

Goat Shrine
EFFECT : Invokes the effects of one of the Regular Shrines (randomly), so save
         before using it !! ;)

EFFECT : Invokes the effects of one of the Regular Shrines (randomly), so save
         before using it (as with the Goat Shrine) ;)

Pool of Blood
EFFECT : Restores 1 Hit Point each time used (and can be used indefinitely)

Purifying Shrine
EFFECT : Restores 1 Mana Point each time used (and can be used indefinitely)

Murky Pool
EFFECT : Grants you temporary Infravision - the ability to see your enemies
         through walls !! =)

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  PART TEN                                 ¦
¦                                  BESTIARY                                 ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Here is a list of all the races that I have found whilst playing Diablo, 
together with notes on their resistances, immunities and average hit points.
If you can fill in any of the blanks, please let me know and I shall give you 
full credit for your submissions =)

¦ RACE                   ¦ RESISTANCES       ¦ IMMUNITIES        ¦  AVG HP  ¦
¦ Acid Beast             ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   20-33  ¦
¦ Advocate               ¦ Fire              ¦ Magic Lightning   ¦   72-72  ¦
¦ Azure Drake            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Balrog                 ¦ Magic             ¦ Fire              ¦   90-100 ¦
¦ Black Death            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Black Knight           ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Blink                  ¦ None              ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Blood Claw             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Blood Knight           ¦ Fire              ¦ Magic Lightning   ¦  100-100 ¦
¦ Blood Stone            ¦ None              ¦ Magic Fire        ¦   27-37  ¦
¦ Bone Gasher            ¦ Magic             ¦ None              ¦   14-20  ¦
¦ Burning Dead (Archers) ¦ Fire              ¦ Magic             ¦    5-12  ¦
¦ Burning Dead           ¦ Fire              ¦ Magic             ¦          ¦
¦ Burning Dead (Captains)¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Cabalist               ¦ Magic Fire        ¦ Lightning         ¦   60-60  ¦
¦ Carver                 ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Cave Viper             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Corpse Axe             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Corpse Bow             ¦                   ¦ Magic             ¦    4-8   ¦
¦ Corpse Captain         ¦                   ¦ Magic             ¦          ¦
¦ Counselor              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Dark One               ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Death Wing             ¦ None              ¦ Magic Lightning   ¦   45-75  ¦
¦ Devil Kin              ¦                   ¦ None              ¦    8-12  ¦
¦ Doom Guard             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Fallen One             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Familiar               ¦ Magic             ¦ Lightning         ¦   10-17  ¦
¦ Fiend                  ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Fire Clan (Archers)    ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Fire Clan              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Fire Drake             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Flesh Clan (Archers)   ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   10-17  ¦
¦ Flesh Clan             ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   15-22  ¦
¦ Frost Charger          ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Gargoyle               ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Ghoul                  ¦                   ¦ Magic             ¦          ¦
¦ Gloom                  ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Gold Viper             ¦ Lightning         ¦ Magic             ¦   70-90  ¦
¦ Guardian               ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Flayed One             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Hell Spawn             ¦ Magic             ¦ Lightning         ¦   75-100 ¦
¦ Hell Stone             ¦ None              ¦ Magic Fire        ¦          ¦
¦ Hidden                 ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Horned Demon           ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Horror                 ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Horror Captain         ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Illusion Weaver        ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Lava Lord              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Lava Maw               ¦ Magic             ¦ Fire              ¦   50-75  ¦
¦ Maelstrom              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Magistrate             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Magma Demon            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Mud Man                ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦          ¦
¦ Mud Runner             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Night Clan             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Night Clan (Archers)   ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Obsidian Lord          ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Overlord               ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   30-40  ¦
¦ Pit Beast              ¦ Magic             ¦ None              ¦   40-55  ¦
¦ Plague Eater           ¦ None              ¦                   ¦    6-12  ¦
¦ Poison Spitter         ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   30-42  ¦
¦ Red Storm              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Rotting Carcass        ¦ None              ¦ Magic             ¦    7-12  ¦
¦ Scavenger              ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Shadow Beast           ¦                   ¦ None              ¦          ¦
¦ Skeleton               ¦                   ¦ Magic             ¦          ¦
¦ Skeleton Captain       ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Skeleton King          ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Slayer                 ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Snow Witch             ¦ Lightning         ¦ None              ¦   67-87  ¦
¦ Soul Burner            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Stalker                ¦ None              ¦ None              ¦   15-22  ¦
¦ Steel Lord             ¦ Magic Lightning   ¦ Fire              ¦   90-90  ¦
¦ Stone Clan             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Stone Clan (Archers)   ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Storm Lord             ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Storm Rider            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Succubus               ¦ Magic             ¦ None              ¦   60-75  ¦
¦ Toad Demon             ¦ None              ¦ Magic             ¦   67-80  ¦
¦ Unseen                 ¦ Magic             ¦ None              ¦   17-25  ¦
¦ Vortex Lord            ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Winged Demon           ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦
¦ Zombie                 ¦                   ¦                   ¦          ¦

Kill 15 of a given enemy and you learn their resistances and immunities
Kill 30 of a given enemy and you learn their hit points

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                  CAPTAINS                                 ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

So ... we have covered the various races that you may well encounter during
your travels in Diablo, but now let's take a look at their Captains.  To the
best of my knowledge, each race has one or more captains.  That being said
my list is not complete, so it may be that SOME races don't actually have a 
captain ... but ANYWAY - here is my list ...

¦ CAPTAIN'S RACE         ¦ CAPTAIN'S NAME              ¦   FOUND ON LEVEL   ¦
¦ Acid Beast             ¦ Deathspit                   ¦         06         ¦
¦ Advocate               ¦ Archbishop Lazarus          ¦         15         ¦
¦ Advocate               ¦ Zhar the Mad                ¦      Catacombs     ¦
¦ Azure Drake            ¦                             ¦         15         ¦
¦ Balrog                 ¦ Blackskull                  ¦         13         ¦
¦ Black Death            ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Black Knight           ¦ Lionskull the Bent          ¦         12         ¦
¦ Blink                  ¦ Moonbeam                    ¦         04         ¦
¦ Blink                  ¦ Moonbender                  ¦         04         ¦
¦ Blink                  ¦ Wrathraven                  ¦         05         ¦
¦ Blood Claw             ¦ Goldblight the Flame        ¦         10         ¦
¦ Blood Knight           ¦ Lachdanan                   ¦         14         ¦
¦ Blood Knight           ¦ Sir Gorash                  ¦         16         ¦
¦ Blood Stone            ¦                             ¦         10         ¦
¦ Bone Gasher            ¦ Spineeater                  ¦         04         ¦
¦ Burning Dead (Archers) ¦ Blackash the Burning        ¦         04         ¦
¦ Burning Dead           ¦ Madeye the Dead             ¦        03/04       ¦
¦ Burning Dead (Captains)¦ King Leoric                 ¦         03         ¦
¦ Cabalist               ¦ The Vizier                  ¦         15         ¦
¦ Carver                 ¦ Gutshank the Quick          ¦         03         ¦
¦ Cave Viper             ¦ Fangspeir                   ¦         11         ¦
¦ Corpse Axe             ¦ Bonehead Keenaxe            ¦         02         ¦
¦ Corpse Bow             ¦ Deadeye                     ¦         02         ¦
¦ Corpse Bow             ¦ Skullfire                   ¦         03         ¦
¦ Corpse Captain         ¦ Brokenhead Bangshield       ¦         03         ¦
¦ Counselor              ¦                             ¦         13         ¦
¦ Dark One               ¦ Shadowcrow                  ¦         05         ¦
¦ Dark One               ¦ Snotspill                   ¦      Dungeons      ¦
¦ Death Wing             ¦ Viletouch                   ¦         12         ¦
¦ Devil Kin              ¦ Bongo                       ¦         03         ¦
¦ Doom Guard             ¦ Graywar the Slayer          ¦         14         ¦
¦ Doom Guard             ¦ Rustweaver                  ¦         13         ¦
¦ Fallen One             ¦ Bladeskin the Slasher       ¦         02         ¦
¦ Fallen One             ¦ Pukerat the Unclean         ¦         02         ¦
¦ Familiar               ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Fiend                  ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Fire Clan (Archers)    ¦ Blightfire                  ¦         07         ¦
¦ Fire Clan              ¦ Bloodgutter                 ¦         06         ¦
¦ Fire Drake             ¦ Viperflame                  ¦         12         ¦
¦ Flesh Clan (Archers)   ¦ Bloodskin Darkbow           ¦         05         ¦
¦ Flesh Clan             ¦ Gharbad the Weak            ¦ Dungeons/Catacombs ¦
¦ Frost Charger          ¦ Bluehorn                    ¦         11         ¦
¦ Gargoyle               ¦ Nightwing the Cold          ¦         07         ¦
¦ Ghoul                  ¦ Rotcarnage                  ¦         03         ¦
¦ Gloom                  ¦ Foulwing                    ¦         05         ¦
¦ Gold Viper             ¦ Fangskin                    ¦         14         ¦
¦ Guardian               ¦                             ¦         11         ¦
¦ Flayed One             ¦                             ¦         12         ¦
¦ Hell Spawn             ¦ Blackjade                   ¦    Lazarus' Lair   ¦
¦ Hell Spawn             ¦ Red Vex                     ¦    Lazarus' Lair   ¦
¦ Hell Spawn             ¦ Stareye the Witch           ¦         14         ¦
¦ Hell Stone             ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Hidden                 ¦ Warpskull                   ¦         03         ¦
¦ Horned Demon           ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Horror                 ¦ Shadowdancer                ¦         05         ¦
¦ Horror                 ¦ Souldrinker                 ¦         05         ¦
¦ Horror Captain         ¦ Shadowdrinker               ¦         05         ¦
¦ Illusion Weaver        ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Lava Lord              ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Lava Maw               ¦                             ¦         12         ¦
¦ Maelstrom              ¦ Doomcloud                   ¦         13         ¦
¦ Magistrate             ¦ Dreadjudge                  ¦         14         ¦
¦ Magma Demon            ¦ Firewound the Grim          ¦         07         ¦
¦ Mud Man                ¦ Baron Sludge                ¦         08         ¦
¦ Mud Runner             ¦ Breakspine                  ¦         09         ¦
¦ Night Clan             ¦ Blighthorn Steelmace        ¦         07         ¦
¦ Night Clan (Archers)   ¦ Gorestone                   ¦         07         ¦
¦ Obsidian Lord          ¦ Blackstorm                  ¦         10         ¦
¦ Overlord               ¦ The Butcher                 ¦         02         ¦
¦ Overlord               ¦ Bilefroth the Pit Master    ¦         06         ¦
¦ Pit Beast              ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Plague Eater           ¦ El Chupacabras              ¦         03         ¦
¦ Plague Eater           ¦ Plaguewrath                 ¦         10         ¦
¦ Poison Spitter         ¦ Chaoshowler                 ¦         08         ¦
¦ Poison Spitter         ¦ Plaguewrath                 ¦         10         ¦
¦ Red Storm              ¦ Brokenstorm                 ¦         09         ¦
¦ Rotting Carcass        ¦ Goretongue                  ¦         03         ¦
¦ Scavenger              ¦ Shadowbite                  ¦         02         ¦
¦ Shadow Beast           ¦ Pulsecrawler                ¦         04         ¦
¦ Skeleton               ¦ Boneripper                  ¦         02         ¦
¦ Skeleton Captain       ¦ King Leoric                 ¦         03         ¦
¦ Skeleton King          ¦ King Leoric                 ¦         03         ¦
¦ Slayer                 ¦                             ¦         10         ¦
¦ Snow Witch             ¦ Witchmoon                   ¦         13         ¦
¦ Soul Burner            ¦ Bloodlust                   ¦         15         ¦
¦ Stalker                ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Steel Lord             ¦ Warlord of Blood            ¦        Hell        ¦
¦ Stone Clan             ¦ Deathshade Fleshmaul        ¦         06         ¦
¦ Stone Clan (Archers)   ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Storm Lord             ¦                             ¦         12         ¦
¦ Storm Rider            ¦ The Flayer                  ¦         10         ¦
¦ Succubus               ¦ Witchfire the Unholy        ¦         12         ¦
¦ Toad Demon             ¦ Oozedrool                   ¦         09         ¦
¦ Unseen                 ¦                             ¦         06         ¦
¦ Vortex Lord            ¦ Windspawn                   ¦         12         ¦
¦ Vortex Lord            ¦ Gorefeast                   ¦         13         ¦
¦ Winged Demon           ¦                             ¦                    ¦
¦ Zombie                 ¦ Soulpus                     ¦         02         ¦
¦ Zombie                 ¦ Rotfeast the Hungry         ¦         02         ¦

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                                PART ELEVEN                                ¦
¦                         ITEM PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES                        ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Hokay, so you may well pick up the Fantastic Shield of Cr@pness and think
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm ... mixed messages", so in order to try and give you a reasonable
idea as to whether it's a really WICKED Fantastic Shield of Cr@pness, or a 
really PANTS Fantastic Shield of Cr@pness ?  Here's my list of item prefixes,
and suffixes

¦ ITEM PREFIX            ¦ POWER                                            ¦
¦ Amber                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (All) +17-20%                ¦
¦ Angel's                ¦ + 1 Level to all known spells                    ¦
¦ Arch-Angel's           ¦ + 2 Levels to all known spells                   ¦
¦ Awesome                ¦ Bonus to Armour Class +131-138%                  ¦
¦ Azure                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Lightning) +22-29%          ¦
¦ Bent                   ¦ Penalty to Damage                                ¦
¦ Blessed                ¦ Bonus to Armour Class +93-108%                   ¦
¦ Blue                   ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Lightning) +11-16%          ¦
¦ Bountiful              ¦ Extra Charges                                    ¦
¦ Bronze                 ¦ Bonus to hit +1-5%                               ¦
¦ Brutal                 ¦ Bonus to Damage +81-95%                          ¦
¦ Champion's             ¦ Bonus to hit, Bonus to Damage                    ¦
¦ Clumsy                 ¦ Penalty to Hit -7-9%, Penalty to Damage-61-74%   ¦
¦ Cobalt                 ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Lightning) + 43-49%         ¦
¦ Crimson                ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Fire) + 21-37%              ¦
¦ Crystal                ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Magic) +42-50%              ¦
¦ Crystalline            ¦ Bonus to Damage +222-268%, Low Durability /12-24 ¦
¦ Deadly                 ¦ Bonus to Damage + 39-50%                         ¦
¦ Diamond                ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Magic) +54-60%              ¦
¦ Doppleganger's         ¦ Bonus to hit +24-5%, Bonus to damage +82-89%     ¦
¦ Dragon's               ¦ Bonus to Mana +53-55                             ¦
¦ Drake's                ¦ Bonus to Mana +41-49                             ¦
¦ Dull                   ¦ Penalty to hit -2-5%, Penalty to damage -32-45%  ¦
¦ Emerald                ¦ Bonus to Resistance (All) +48%                   ¦
¦ Fine                   ¦ Bonus to hit +6-10%, additional bonus :-         ¦
¦                        ¦  If a weapon, bonus to damage +39-50%            ¦
¦                        ¦  If armour/shield, bonus to Armour Class +22-30% ¦
¦ Flaming                ¦ Fire Damage 1 - 10                               ¦
¦ Frog's                 ¦ Penalty to Mana -6                               ¦
¦ Garnet                 ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Fire) +42-45%               ¦
¦ Glorious               ¦ Bonus to Armour Class +75-81%                    ¦
¦ Godly                  ¦ Mega Bonus to Armour Class                       ¦
¦ Gold                   ¦ Bonus to hit +23-30%                             ¦
¦ Grand                  ¦ Bonus to Armour Class + 41-55%                   ¦
¦ Heavy                  ¦ Bonus to Damage +52-63%                          ¦
¦ Holy                   ¦ Bonus to Armour Class                            ¦
¦ Hyena's                ¦ Penalty to Mana -12                              ¦
¦ Iron                   ¦ Bonus to hit +7-10%                              ¦
¦ Ivory                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Magic) +32-39%              ¦
¦ Jade                   ¦ Bonus to Resistance (All) +22-29%                ¦
¦ Jagged                 ¦ Bonus to Damage + 21-34%                         ¦
¦ Jester's               ¦ Random 0-500% Damage                             ¦
¦ King's                 ¦ Bonus to hit +82-97%, Bonus to Damage +157-175%  ¦
¦ Knight's               ¦ Bonus to hit +37%, Bonus to Damage +102%         ¦
¦ Lapis                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Lightning) +31-40%          ¦
¦ Lightning              ¦ Lightning Damage 2-20                            ¦
¦ Lord's                 ¦ Bonus to hit +21-28%, Bonus to Damage +82-92%    ¦
¦ Massive                ¦ Bonus to Damage +99-110%                         ¦
¦ Master's               ¦ Bonus to hit +45-48%, Bonus to Damage +118-124%  ¦
¦ Mercenary's            ¦ 
¦ Meteoric               ¦ Bonus to hit +62-80%                             ¦
¦ Mithril                ¦ Bonus to hit +43-58%                             ¦
¦ Obsidian               ¦ Bonus to Resistance (All) +31-39%                ¦
¦ Pearl                  ¦ Resist Magic +21-24%                             ¦
¦ Platinum               ¦ Bonus to hit +31-40%                             ¦
¦ Plentiful              ¦ Extra Charges / 48-154                           ¦
¦ Raven's                ¦ Bonus to Mana +18-20                             ¦
¦ Red                    ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Fire) +13-20%               ¦
¦ Ruby                   ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Fire) +54-57%               ¦
¦ Rusted                 ¦ Penalty to Armour -42%                           ¦
¦ Saintly                ¦ Bonus to Armour Class +113-128%                  ¦
¦ Sapphire               ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Lightning) +52-60%          ¦
¦ Savage                 ¦ Bonus to Damage +113-124%                        ¦
¦ Serpent's              ¦ Bonus to Mana +32-34                             ¦
¦ Sharp                  ¦ Bonus to hit +4%, Bonus to Damage +26%           ¦
¦ Silver                 ¦ Bonus to hit +16-20%                             ¦
¦ Snake's                ¦ Bonus to Mana +22-29                             ¦
¦ Soldier's              ¦ Bonus to hit +17-19%, Bonus to Damage +66-70%    ¦
¦ Spider's               ¦ Bonus to Mana +10-14                             ¦
¦ Steel                  ¦ Bonus to hit +11-15%                             ¦
¦ Strange                ¦ Bonus to hit                                     ¦
¦ Strong                 ¦ Bonus to Armour Class +31-40%                    ¦
¦ Tin                    ¦ Penalty to hit                                   ¦
¦ Topaz                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (All) + 10-13%               ¦
¦ Useless                ¦ Penalty to Damage -100%                          ¦
¦ Valiant                ¦ Bonus to Armour Class + 61-69%                   ¦
¦ Vicious                ¦ Bonus to Damage +71-79%                          ¦
¦ Vulnerable             ¦ Penalty to Armour -82%                           ¦
¦ Warrior's              ¦ Bonus to hit +11-15%, Bonus to Damage +52-65%    ¦
¦ Weird                  ¦ Mega Bonus to hit +100%                          ¦
¦ White                  ¦ Bonus to Resistance (Magic) +10-20%              ¦

¦ ITEM SUFFIX            ¦ POWER                                            ¦
¦ of Absorption          ¦ Reduces damage taken when hit - 3                ¦
¦ of Accuracy            ¦ Bonus to Dexterity +12-15                        ¦
¦ of the Ages            ¦ Indestructible                                   ¦
¦ of Atrophy             ¦ Penalty to Dexterity                             ¦
¦ of Balance             ¦ Fast hit Recovery                                ¦
¦ of Bashing             ¦ Penetrates or Damages Target's Armour            ¦
¦ of the Bat             ¦ Hit Steals 3% Mana from Target                   ¦
¦ of the Bear            ¦ Knocks Target Back                               ¦
¦ of Blocking            ¦ Fast Block                                       ¦
¦ of Blood               ¦ Hit Steals 3-5% Life from Target                 ¦
¦ of Brilliance          ¦ Bonus to Magic +11-15                            ¦
¦ of Brittleness         ¦ Decreased Durability / 12                        ¦
¦ of Burning             ¦ Fire Hit does 1 - 6 points of damage             ¦
¦ of Carnage             ¦ Bonus to Damage                                  ¦
¦ of Corruption          ¦ Wielder loses all mana !!                        ¦
¦ of Craftsmanship       ¦ High durability /30-81                           ¦
¦ of the Dark            ¦ -40% Light Radius                                ¦
¦ of Decay               ¦ Decaying +181-244% Damage                        ¦
¦ of Deflection          ¦ Reduces damage taken when hit -4                 ¦
¦ of Devastation         ¦ Occasional Triple Damage                         ¦
¦ of Dexterity           ¦ Bonus to Dexterity +2-5                          ¦
¦ of Dyslexia            ¦ Penalty to Magic -5                              ¦
¦ of the Eagle           ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +21-30                       ¦
¦ of Fire                ¦ Fire Hit does 1 - 6 points of damage             ¦
¦ of Flame               ¦ Fire Arrows 1 - 3 points of damage               ¦
¦ of the Fool            ¦ Penalty to Magic -9-10                           ¦
¦ of the Fox             ¦ Bonus to Hit Points                              ¦
¦ of Frailty             ¦ Penalty to Strength -6                           ¦
¦ of Giants              ¦ Bonus to Strength +16-20                         ¦
¦ of Gore                ¦ Bonus to Damage +9-12 to damage                  ¦
¦ of Harmony             ¦ Fastest hit Recovery                             ¦
¦ of Haste               ¦ Fastest Attack                                   ¦
¦ of the Heavens         ¦ Bonus to all Attributes (12 - 15)                ¦
¦ of Health              ¦ Reduces damage taken when hit -1                 ¦
¦ of Illness             ¦ Penalty to Vitality -7-8                         ¦
¦ of the Jaguar          ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +17-18                       ¦
¦ of the Jester          ¦ Casts a random spell each time it is used.       ¦
¦ of the Leech           ¦ Hit Steals 3% Life from Target                   ¦
¦ of Life                ¦ Bonus to Vitality +27-30                         ¦
¦ of Light               ¦ + 20% Light Radius                               ¦
¦ of Lightning           ¦ Lightning 1-10                                   ¦
¦ of the Lion            ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +53-58                       ¦
¦ of Magic               ¦ Bonus to Magic +3                                ¦
¦ of Maiming             ¦ Bonus to Damage +3-5                             ¦
¦ of the Mammoth         ¦ Bonus to Hit Points                              ¦
¦ of Many                ¦ High Durability / 60-70                          ¦
¦ of Might               ¦ Bonus to Strength +6-10                          ¦
¦ of the Mind            ¦ Bonus to Magic +6-10                             ¦
¦ of the Moon            ¦ Bonus to all Attributes (4-7)                    ¦
¦ of the Night           ¦ - 20% Light Radius                               ¦
¦ of Osmosis             ¦ Reduces damage taken when hit                    ¦
¦ of Paralysis           ¦ Penalty to Dexterity -7-10                       ¦
¦ of Perfection          ¦ Bonus to Dexterity +22-30                        ¦
¦ of Peril               ¦ 2x damage to monsters, 1x damage to you          ¦
¦ of Pain                ¦ Increases damage taken when hit                  ¦
¦ of Piercing            ¦ Damages Target's Armour                          ¦
¦ of the Pit             ¦ Penalty to all Attributes -4-5                   ¦
¦ of Plenty              ¦ High durability / 90-135                         ¦
¦ of Power               ¦ Bonus to Strength +11-14                         ¦
¦ of Precision           ¦ Bonus to Dexterity +16-20                        ¦
¦ of Protection          ¦ Reduces damage taken when hit -2                 ¦
¦ of Puncturing          ¦ Damages Target's Armour                          ¦
¦ of Quality             ¦ Bonus to Damage +1-2                             ¦
¦ of Radiance            ¦ + 40 % Light Radius                              ¦
¦ of Readiness           ¦ Quick Hit Recovery or Attack                     ¦
¦ of Shock               ¦ Lightning Damage 1-6                             ¦
¦ of Skill               ¦ Bonus to Dexterity +7-9                          ¦
¦ of the Sky             ¦ Bonus to all Attributes (1-3)                    ¦
¦ of Slaughter           ¦ Bonus to Damage                                  ¦
¦ of Slaying             ¦ Bonus to Damage + 8                              ¦
¦ of Sorcery             ¦ Bonus to Magic +16-20                            ¦
¦ of Speed               ¦ Faster Attack                                    ¦
¦ of Spirits             ¦ Hit Steals 5% Life from Target                   ¦
¦ of the Stars           ¦ Bonus to all Attributes (8-11)                   ¦
¦ of Stability           ¦ Faster hit Recovery                              ¦
¦ of Strength            ¦ Bonus to Strength +1-5                           ¦
¦ of Structure           ¦ High durability /69-127                          ¦
¦ of Sturdiness          ¦ High durability /22-35                           ¦
¦ of Swiftness           ¦ Fast Attack                                      ¦
¦ of Tears               ¦ Increases damage taken when hit +1               ¦
¦ of Thieves             ¦ Halves Trap Damage                               ¦
¦ of Thorns              ¦ Attacker takes 1 - 3 points of damage            ¦ 
¦ of Thunder             ¦ Lightning Damage 1 - 20 points                   ¦
¦ of the Tiger           ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +41-48                       ¦
¦ of Titans              ¦ Bonus to Strength +27-30                         ¦
¦ of Trouble             ¦ Penalty to all Attributes (-8-10)                ¦
¦ of Vampires            ¦ Hit Steals 5% Mana from Target                   ¦
¦ of Vigor               ¦ Bonus to Vitality +16-20                         ¦
¦ of Vim                 ¦ Bonus to Vitality +11-15                         ¦
¦ of Vitality            ¦ Bonus to Vitality +3-5                           ¦
¦ of the Vulture         ¦ Penalty to Hit Points - 21                       ¦
¦ of Weakness            ¦ Penalty to Strength                              ¦
¦ of Wizardry            ¦ Bonus to Magic + 23-30                           ¦
¦ of the Whale           ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +100                         ¦
¦ of the Wolf            ¦ Bonus to Hit Points +32-40                       ¦
¦ of Zest                ¦ Bonus to Vitality +7-10                          ¦
¦ of the Zodiac          ¦ Bonus to all Attributes (18-20)                  ¦

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                               PART TWELVE                                 ¦
¦                               UNIQUE ITEMS                                ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

There are a great many unique weapons and items in Diablo, the vast majority 
of which can be sold for a tidy sum $$$$$ =)

Here are the attributes of all the unique items which I have encountered in 



"Aguinara's Hatchet"
Type of Weapon / Item : Small Axe
Special Powers        : +10 Magic
                        Spells are increased 1 level
                        Max. Resist Magic
Damage                : 2-10
Durability            : 24/24
Value to Griswold     : 6,200 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Butcher's Cleaver"
Type of Weapon / Item : Cleaver
Special Powers        : +10 Strength
                        Unusual item damage 4-24
                        Altered Durability (/10)
Damage                : 4-24
Durability            : 10/10
Value to Griswold     : 912 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Celestial Axe"
Type of Weapon / Item : (Some sort of) Axe
Special Powers        : +15% to Hit
                        +15 Hit Points
                        -15 Strength
                        10-25 Damage
                        60 Durability
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Battle Axe
Special Powers        : +100% Damage
                        +25 Hit Points
                        -25 Mana
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Mangler"
Type of Weapon / Item : Large Axe
Special Powers        : +200% Damage
                        -5 Dexterity
                        -5 Magic
                        -10 Mana
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Messerschmidt's Reaver"
Type of Weapon / Item : 
Special Powers        : 12-30 Damage
                        +200% Damage
                        +15 Damage
                        +5 all Attributes
                        -50 Hit Points
                        2d6 Fire Hit Damage
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        :  Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : Great Axe
Special Powers        : +30 Hit Points
                        +20 to Hit
                        +50% Damage
                        +40% Resist Lightning
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Wicked Axe"
Type of Weapon / Item : Great Axe
Special Powers        : +30% to Hit
                        +10 Dexterity
                        -10 Vitality
                        -6 Damage from Enemies
                        6-16 Damage
                        Requires 30 Str. to wield
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -



"The Blackoak Bow"
Type of Weapon / Item : Hunter's Bow
Special Powers        : +10 Dexterity
                        -10 Vitality
                        +50% Damage
                        -10% Light Radius
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Composite Bow
Special Powers        : Lightning Damage 10-15
                        Unusual Item Damage - 0
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Bow of the Dead"
Type of Weapon / Item : Composite Bow
Special Powers        : +10% to Hit
                        +4 Dexterity
                        -3 Vitality
                        -20% Light Radius
                        Altered Durability (/30)
Damage                : 3-6
Durability            : 30/30
Value to Griswold     : 625 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Deadly Hunter"
Type of Weapon / Item : Composite Bow
Special Powers        : +200% Damage to Demons
                        Change to Hit +20%
                        -5 to Magic
Damage                : 3-6
Durability            : 45/45
Value to Griswold     : 2,187 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Battle Bow
Special Powers        : +20 Dexterity
                        +50% to Hit
                        +100% Damage
                        2-20 Damage
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Composite Bow
Special Powers        : Fire Hit 1d6
                        +10% to Hit
                        Resist Fire
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Bow
Special Powers        : +15 Dexterity
                        +40% to Hit
                        +80% Damage
                        High Durability (/37)
Damage                : 1-6
Durability            : 37/37
Value to Griswold     : 4,125 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Needler"
Type of Weapon / Item : Crossbow
Special Powers        : +50% to Hit
                        Unusual item dam. (1-3)
                        Fast Attack
Damage                : 1-3
Durability            : 30/30
Value to Griswold     : 2,225 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Rift Bow"
Type of Weapon / Item : Short Bow
Special Powers        : Fires random speed arrows
                        +2 Damage
                        -3 Dexterity
Damage                : 1-4
Durability            : 30/30
Value to Griswold     : 450 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Battle Bow
Special Powers        : +200% Damage
                        +5 Strength
                        Knocks Target Back
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Black Razor"
Type of Weapon / Item : Dagger
Special Powers        : +150% Damage
                        +2 Vitality
                        Altered Durability (5)
Damage                : 
Durability            : 5/5
Value to Griswold     : 500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Bonesaw"
Type of Weapon / Item : Claymore
Special Powers        : +10 Damage
                        +10 Strength
                        -5 Magic
                        -5 Dexterity
                        +10 Hit Points
                        -10 Mana
Damage                : 1-12
Durability            : 36/36
Value to Griswold     : 1,100 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Defender"
Type of Weapon / Item : Sabre
Special Powers        : Armour Class (5)
                        +5 Vitality
                        -5% to Hit
Damage                : 1-8
Durability            : 45/45
Value to Griswold     : 500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Sword
Special Powers        : Altered Durability (10)
                        Chance to Hit +50%
                        +100% Damage
                        Resist Lightning +50%
                        Armour Class       10
Damage                : 
Durability            : 10/10
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Bastard Sword
Special Powers        : +25% to Hit
                        +250% Damage
                        -5 to all Attributes
                        -25 Hit Points
                        -20% Light Radius
Damage                : 6-15
Durability            : 60/60
Value to Griswold     : 4,562 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Executioner's Blade"
Type of Weapon / Item : Falchion
Special Powers        : +150% Damage
                        -10 Hit Points
                        -10% Light Radius
                        High Durability /60
Damage                : 4-8
Durability            : 60/60
Value to Griswold     : 1,770 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Falcon's Talon"
Type of Weapon / Item : Scimitar
Special Powers        : Fastest Attack
                        +20% to Hit
                        -33% Damage
                        -10 Dexterity
Damage                : 3-7
Durability            : 28/28
Value to Griswold     : 1,966 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Gonnagal's Dirk"
Type of Weapon / Item : Dagger
Special Powers        : -5 Dexterity
                        +4 Damage
                        Fast Attack
                        +25% Resist Magic
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : 1,760 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Grandfather"
Type of Weapon / Item : Great Sword
Special Powers        : +5 to all Attributes
                        +20% to Hit
                        +70% Damage
                        +20 Hit Points
                        One Handed
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Grizzly"
Type of Weapon / Item : Two-Handed Sword
Special Powers        : +20 Strength
                        -5 Vitality
                        +200% Damage
                        Knocks Target Back
                        High Durability (/150)
Damage                : 8-16
Durability            : 150/150
Value to Griswold     : 12,500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Griswold's Edge"
Type of Weapon / Item : Broad Sword
Special Powers        : Fire Hit 1 - 10
                        +25% to Hit
                        Fast Attack
                        Knocks Target Back
                        +20 Mana
                        -20 Hit Points
Damage                : 4-12 (+ 1-20 Fire Hit)
Durability            : 50/50
Value to Griswold     : 10,500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Gryphon's Claw"
Type of Weapon / Item : (Some type of) Sword
Special Powers        : +100% Damage
                        -2 Magic
                        -5 Dexterity
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        :  Gp


"Ice Shank"
Type of Weapon / Item : (Some type of) Sword
Special Powers        : +40% Resist Fire
                        Altered Durability
                        +9 Strength
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Sword
Special Powers        : 2-6 Fire Hit Damage
                        +30% Light Radius
                        +20 Mana
                        Max. Resist Fire
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Sabre
Special Powers        : +20% Light Radius
                        Lightning Hit 1-6
                        +20% to Hit
                        +50% Resist Lightning
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        :  Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : Broadsword
Special Powers        : -20% Light Radius
                        Hit Steals 5% Life
                        +15% to Hit
                        +5% Resist All
Damage                : 4-12
Durability            : 50/50
Value to Griswold     : 3,437 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Dagger
Special Powers        : +15 Magic
                        +35 Mana
                        +25% to Hit
                        +15% Resist All
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -



"Baranar's Star"
Type of Weapon / Item : Morning Star
Special Powers        : Chance to Hit +12%
                        +80% Damage
                        Quick Attack
                        +4 to Vitality
                        -4 to Dexterity
                        Altered Durability /60
Damage                : 1-10
Durability            : 60/60
Value to Griswold     : 1712 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Celestial Star"
Type of Weapon / Item : Flail
Special Powers        : No Strength Requirement
                        +20% Light Radius
                        Adds 10 Points to Damage
                        Armour Class -8
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Civerb's Cudgel"
Type of Weapon / Item : Mace
Special Powers        : +200% Damage to Demons
                        -5 Dexterity
                        -2 Magic
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Mace
Special Powers        : +2 to all Attributes
                        +15% Resist All
                        -25% Damage
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Cranium Basher"
Type of Weapon / Item : Maul
Special Powers        : +20 Damage
                        +15 Strength
                        +5% Resist All
                        -150 Mana
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Flail
Special Powers        : +30 Magic
                        +50% Resist Magic
                        Spells Increased by 1 Level
                        +20% Light Radius
                        1-6 Damage
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Gnarled Root"
Type of Weapon / Item : Spiked Club
Special Powers        : +20% to Hit
                        +300% Damage
                        +10 Dexterity
                        +5 Magic
                        +10% Resist All
                        -10 Armour Class
Damage                : 3-6
Durability            : 20/20
Value to Griswold     : 2,455 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Hammer of Jholm"
Type of Weapon / Item : Maul
Special Powers        : +4% Damage
                        +15% to Hit
                        +3 Strength
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Mace
Special Powers        : +40% Light Radius
                        +150% Damage
                        +25% to Hit
                        Fire Hit 10-20
                        +8 to all Attributes
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Schaefer's Hammer"
Type of Weapon / Item : War Hammer
Special Powers        : -100% Damage
                        Lightning Hit 1-50
                        +50 Hit Points
                        +30% to Hit
                        Max. Resist Lightning
                        +10% Light Radius
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : War Hammer
Special Powers        : Charged Bolt upon Striking
                        +20 Strength
                        Resist Lightning +30%
                        +20% Light Radius
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     :  Gp
Value to Adria        : -



Type of Weapon / Item : Short Staff
Special Powers        : +25 Mana
                        -3 Strength
                        -3 Vitality
                        76 Phasing Charges
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : Long Staff
Special Powers        : +20% Resist Fire
                        Fire Hit Damage 4-4
                        +10 Mana
                        -5 Vitality
Damage                : 4-8 (+4-4 Fire Hit)
Durability            : 35/35
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : 975 Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : Short Staff
Special Powers        : +15 Magic
                        69 Guardian Spells
                        +15% Resist All
                        All Spells Gain 1 Level
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp


"Naj's Puzzler"
Type of Weapon / Item : Long Staff
Special Powers        : +20 Magic
                        +10 Dexterity
                        Resist All       +20%
                        57 Teleport Spells
                        -25 Hit Points
Damage                : 4-8
Durability            : 35/35
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : 8,500 Gp


"The Protector"
Type of Weapon / Item : (Some sort of) Staff
Special Powers        : +5 Vitality
                        -5 Damage from Enemies
                        Armour Class       40
                        86 Healing Spells
                        Attacker Taker 1-3 Dam.
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp


"Rod of Onan"
Type of Weapon / Item : War Staff
Special Powers        : +100% Damage
                        50 Golem Spells
                        +5 to all Attributes
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : 
Special Powers        : +35% to Hit
                        Lightning Hit
                        +20% Light Radius
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp


"Storm Spire"
Type of Weapon / Item : War Staff
Special Powers        : Resist Lightning +50%
                        Lightning Hit 2-8
                        +10 Strength
                        -10 Magic
Damage                : 8-16
Durability            : 75/75
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : 5,625 Gp


Type of Weapon / Item : Composite Staff
Special Powers        : +35% to Hit
                        1-10 Lightning Hit
                        +20% Light Radius
                        +30% Resist Lightning
                        76 Lightning Spells
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : -
Value to Adria        : Gp



"Arkaine's Valor"
Type of Weapon / Item : Medium-Ranking Armour
Special Powers        : Armour Class 25
                        +10 Vitality
                        -3 Damage from Enemies
                        Fastest Hit Recovery
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 40/40
Value to Griswold     : 10,500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Demon Plate Mail"
Type of Weapon / Item : Full Plate Mail
Special Powers        : Armour Class 80
                        Extra AC vs. Demons
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 90/90
Value to Griswold     : 20,000 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Demonspike Coat"
Type of Weapon / Item : Full Plate Mail
Special Powers        : Armour Class 100
                        -6 Damage from Enemies
                        +10 Strength
                        Resist Fire      +50%
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 62,793 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"The Gladiator's Bane"
Type of Weapon / Item : Studded Leather
Special Powers        : Armour Class 25
                        -2 Damage from Enemies
                        High Durability / 135
                        -3 to all Attributes
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 135/135
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Holy Defender"
Type of Weapon / Item : Gothic Armour
Special Powers        : Armour Class 15
                        -2 Damage from Enemies
                        +20% Resist Fire
                        High Durability /96
                        Fast Block
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 96/96
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Leather of Aut"
Type of Weapon / Item : Leather Armour
Special Powers        : Armour Class 15
                        +5 Strength
                        -5 Magic
                        +5 Dexterity
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 2,637 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Naj's Light Plate"
Type of Weapon / Item : Field Plate
Special Powers        : +5 Magic
                        +20 Mana
                        +20% Resist All
                        All Spells Gain 1 Level
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -

"Rainbow Cloak"
Type of Weapon / Item : Cloak
Special Powers        : Armour Class 10
                        +1 to all Attributes
                        +5 Hit Points
                        +10% Resist All
                        High Durability
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Scavenger Carapace"
Type of Weapon / Item : Breastplate
Special Powers        : -9 Armour Class
                        -15 Damage from Enemies
                        +5 Dexterity
                        +40% Resist Lightning
Damage                : 
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Sparking Mail"
Type of Weapon / Item : Chain Mail
Special Powers        : Armour Class 30
                        Lightning Hit 1-10
Damage                : 1-10 (Retaliatory Damage)
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Torn Flesh of Souls"
Type of Weapon / Item : Rags
Special Powers        : Armour Class 8
                        +10 Vitality
                        -1 Damage from Enemies
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 1,206 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Wisdom's Wrap"
Type of Weapon / Item : Robe
Special Powers        : Armour Class 15
                        +5 Magic
                        +10 Mana
                        +25% Resist Lightning
                        -1 Damage from Enemies
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -



"Blackoak Shield"
Type of Weapon / Item : Small Shield
Special Powers        : +10 Dexterity
                        -10 Vitality
                        Armour Class 18
                        -10% Light Radius
                        High Durability /60
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 60/60
Value to Griswold     : 1,431 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Dragon's Breach"
Type of Weapon / Item : 
Special Powers        : +25% Resist Fire
                        +5 Strength
                        Armour Class 20
                        -5 Magic
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Split Skull Shield"
Type of Weapon / Item : Buckler
Special Powers        : Armour Class 10
                        +10 Hit Points
                        +2 Strength
                        -10% Light Radius
                        Altered Durability (15/15)
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 15/15
Value to Griswold     : 506 gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Gothic Shield
Special Powers        : Armour Class 40
                        +4 Damage from Enemies
                        +10 Strength
                        Fast Block
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -



"Fool's Crest"
Type of Weapon / Item : Helm
Special Powers        : -4 to all Attributes
                        +100 Hit Points
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


Type of Weapon / Item : Helm
Special Powers        : +20 to all Attributes
                        Armour Class 60
                        -4 Damage from Enemies
                        Reduce all Resistance to 0
                        -40% Light Radius
                        Requires 50 Str. to wield
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 60/60
Value to Griswold     : 13,725 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Harlequin Crest"
Type of Weapon / Item : Helmet
Special Powers        : Armour Class -3
                        -1 Damage from Enemies
                        +2 all Attributes
                        +7 Hit Points
                        +7 Mana
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 15/15
Value to Griswold     : 1,000 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Overlord's Helm"
Type of Weapon / Item : Helm
Special Powers        : +20 Strength
                        +15 Dexterity
                        +5 Vitality
                        -20 Magic
                        Altered Durability (15/15)
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 15/15
Value to Griswold     : 3,125 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Royal Circlet"
Type of Weapon / Item : Unique (Actually looks like a Stone Belt !!)
Special Powers        : Armour Class 40
                        +10 to all Attributes
                        +40 Mana
                        +10% Light Radius
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Thinking Cap"
Type of Weapon / Item : Skull Cap with a Red Base
Special Powers        : Armour Class 3
                        +30 Mana
                        All Spells Gain 2 Levels
                        +20% Resist All
                        Enhanced Durability
Value to Griswold     
Value to Adria     


"The Undead Crown"
Type of Weapon / Item : Crown
Special Powers        : Armour Class 8
                        Life Stealing
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 50/50
Value to Griswold     : 4,162 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Veil of Steel"
Type of Weapon / Item : 
Special Powers        : Armour Class 18
                        +50% Resist All
                        -20% Light Radius
                        +60% Armour
                        -30 Mana
                        +15 Strength
                        +15 Vitality
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : 70/70
Value to Griswold     : 15,950 Gp
Value to Adria        : -



"Acolyte's Amulet"
Type of Weapon / Item : Amulet
Special Powers        : 50% Mana is converted to Health
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 2,500 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Constricting Ring"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : Maximum in ALL Resistances
                        Constantly lose Hit Points
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Empyrean Band"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : +2 to all Attributes
                        +20% Light Radius
                        Fast Hit Recovery
                        Absorbs Half of Trap Damage
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 2,000 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Ring of Engagement"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : -1 Damage from Enemies
                        Attacker takes 1-3
                        Armour Class 5
                        Damages Target's Armour
Damage                : 1-3 (Retaliatory Damage)
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 3,119 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Gladiator's Ring"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : 40% of your Health is moved to your Mana
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Optic Amulet"
Type of Weapon / Item : Amulet
Special Powers        : +20% Light Radius
                        +20% Resist Lightning
                        -1 Damage from Enemies
                        +5 Magic
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 2,437 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Ring of Regha"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : +10 to Magic
                        +10% Resist Magic
                        +10% Light Radius
                        -3 Strength
                        -3 Dexterity
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : Gp
Value to Adria        : -


"Ring of Truth"
Type of Weapon / Item : Ring
Special Powers        : +10 Hit Points
                        -1 Damage from Enemies
                        +10% Resist All
Damage                : N/A
Durability            : Indestructible
Value to Griswold     : 2,275 Gp
Value to Adria        : -


¦                                                                           ¦
¦                              PART THIRTEEN                                ¦
¦                     THE PLOT ACCORDING TO THE SCRIBES                     ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

Section 6

"The Plot according to the Scribes"

The Tale of the Horadrim

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last 
legacy of the Horadrim.  Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known 
that the three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our 
world.  The three brothers ravaged the lands of the East for decades, while 
humanity was left trembling in their wake.  Our order - the Horadrim, was 
founded by a group of secretive Magi to hunt down and capture the three evils 
once and for all.

The original Horadrim captured two of the three within powerful artifacts known 
as Soulstones, and buried them deep beneath the desolate Eastern Sands.  The 
Third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in 
pursuit.  The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror, was eventually 
captured, his essence set in a soulstone and buried within this labyrinth.

Be warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the 
faith.  If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily 
controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child.

The Great Conflict

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last 
legacy of the Horadrim.  There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the 
fields that we know - between the Utopian Kingdoms of the High Heavens and the 
Chaotic Pits of the Burning Hells.  This war is known as the Great Conflict, 
and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky.  Neither 
side ever gains sway for long, as the Forces of Light and Darkness constantly 
vie for control over all Creation.

The Dark Exile

So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the burning hells, 
known as the Dark Exile.  The lesser evils overthrew the three prime evils and 
banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm.  The demons Belial (the Lord 
of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during 
the absence of the three brothers.  All of Hell polarised between the factions 
of Belial and Azmodan, while the Forces of the High Heavens continually battered
upon the very Gates of Hell.

The Sin War

Many Demons travelled to the Mortal Realm in search of the Three Brothers.  
These Demons were followed to the Mortal Plane by Angels, who hunted them 
throughout the vast cities of the East.  The Angels allied themselves with a 
secretive order of mortal Magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at 
hunting Demons.  They also made many dark enemies in the Underworlds.

The Wages of Sin are War

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last 
legacy of the Horadrim.  When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and 
the Burning Hells falls upon Mortal Soil, it is called the Sin War.  Angels and 
Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the 
prying eyes of mortals.  Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied 
themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War.

The Binding of the Three

So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in Spirit form to the 
Mortal Realm, and after sewing Chaos across the East for decades, they were 
hunted down by the cursed order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used 
artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of 
Hatred, and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction.  The youngest brother - 
Diablo, the Lord of Terror, escaped to the West.

Eventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried 
him under an ancient forgotten Cathedral.  There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and 
awaits the time of his rebirth.  Know ye, that he will seek a body of youth and 
power to possess - one that is innocent, and easily controlled.  He will then 
arise to free his brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War.

The Realms Beyond

All Praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and survivor of the Dark Exile.  When he 
awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that 
few mortals know.  He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the Pits of 
the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war.  He revealed the powers that have 
brought this discord to the realm of man.  My lord has named the battle for this
world, and all who exist here "The Sin War".

Tale of the Three

Glory and approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three.  My 
Lord spoke to me of his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to 
this World long ago.  My lord wishes to bide his time, and harness his awesome 
power, so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the 
sands of the East.  Once my lord releases his brothers, the Sin War will once 
again know the fury of The Three.

The Black King

Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls.  When I 
awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form.  Diablo
attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my master was too weak from his 
imprisonment.  My lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this World, and 
so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task.  While the good King 
Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his 
son Albrecht and brought him before my master.  I now await Diablo's call and 
pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this World.

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                              PART FOURTEEN                                ¦
¦                              HINTS AND TIPS                               ¦
¦                                                                           ¦


   Do your best to try and learn the Town Portal Spell as soon as possible,
   as it will save you HUGE amounts of time in the long-run walking back to
   the town and selling all your clobber.  Always make sure you carry at least
   one full mana recharge potion on your person (unless you are playing the 
   Sorceror, in which case a regular mana recharge potion will suffice), so 
   that you can cast Town Portal and get the HELL outta thar when you need to.


   Take care when slaying your enemies, as the bodies of fallen foes can block
   doorways, meaning you can no longer close the doors over them.  This can 
   pose a number of problems for you, as lower-level enemies cannot open doors
   and can be routed around the dungeon on that basis.

   Therefore, wherever possible, stand IN the doorway to prevent enemies from
   blocking the door, and then fall back and CLOSE the door behind you when
   you go to prevent them from following you.  Doesn't work on ALL enemy types,
   granted, but even in the caves there are some enemies that just can't open
   doors - like the serpents, for example.


   Some enemies, most commonly the dogs you encounter in the caves and in hell,
   have the ability to spit acid which remains on the ground for a period of 
   time.  Be fleet of foot, and don't stand in it - it does unnecessary damage
   to your character.


   If ever you go to - particularly Pepin or Adria and think "I WISH you sold
   (x)", then you can force them to re-jig their inventory by viewing what 
   they have for sale, exiting your dialogue with them, saving the game and
   then reloading it.  Their inventory will be revamped and you might find what
   you're after !  If not, just rinse and repeat !!

   If you get tired of your player WHINING that he or she cannot carry any more
   in their inventory, don't forget that you can always drop things in the town
   and they WILL be there when you save and exit and then reload the game ...
   Just make sure you pick them up before you complete the game or start a new
   game ;)

   If you save the game, when next you reload it you will be in EXACTLY the 
   same location as you were.  This is a trick you should use whenever you're 
   about to fight a boss, as it can save you a HUGE amount of trouble.  Just 
   remember that you only have ONE save at a time with each character, so 
   saving at a poor time can make your life EXTREMELY more complicated than it 
   needs to be ;)


   Sometimes when you run out of space it is tempting to drop whatever you are
   carrying wherever you are, and to adorn yourself with unidentified magic 
   items for the trip back to Tristram.  This is all well and good, but beware
   as not all magic items are for your betterment.  Some are really quite CR@P
   as it happens, and as soon as Cain identifies each item, the full force of
   its enchantments is brought to bear (be they good or bad).  Therefore if I 
   were you, I would only ever have Cain identify magic items in your INVENTORY
   and NOT on your person.  Transfer items to your inventory from your person
   before he identifies them ;)
   Plus, this means that you won't forget to sell them off afterwards, as I 
   always seem to.  I get back to the caves wearing everything I'd so 
   painstakingly put on my body, having forgotten to sell any of it !!  Grrrr.

¦                                                                           ¦
¦                               PART FIFTEEN                                ¦
¦                             ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                              ¦
¦                                                                           ¦

This guide is dedicated to Jan and Frank, and David and Eileen - my best 
friends' parents.  Thank you for always looking after me while my parents are
away, thank you for taking me into your homes and into your lives, and thank
you for your unwavering support of everything I do.  I love you x

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