
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go FAQ Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Diner Dash - Flo on the Go FAQ

Diner Dash - Flo on the Go FAQ
    __   _  _  _  ___  __         __    _    __   _  _
    | \  |  |\ |  |_   |_|        | \  /_\  |__   |__|
    |_/  |  | \|  |__  | \        |_/ /   \  __|  |  |

___ _   ____       ____ _  _      ___ _  _ ___        ___  ____
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|   |__ |__|       |__| | \|       |  |  | |__        |__| |__|

Although it's maybe rather late, but an FAQ/Walkthrough for Diner Dash: Flo on
the Go finally has been completed. This game has improved from its predecessors
IMO: The environment variable representing several Real Life(TM) sound effects,
some funny and creative secret levels have been added. But this game also
increases on complicatedness, some expert goals are pretty hard to reach so that
it needs a good step-by-step plan.
This document is best viewed with the original display on the net, or with a
word processor using fixed-width font style, such as courrier series or lucida
console. Using some other font styles (example: Arial) will make the tables/maps
displayed incorrectly.
Lastly, some legal notice: This document is protected by copyright law and
international copyright treaties. The old rules still apply, do not post it as
your own, do not sell it for profit, etc...

Ver. 1.00 -- 2/2/2008
Ver. 1.01 -- 8/8/2008
Ver. 1.02 -- 10/17/2008
Ver. 1.06 -- 4/4/2009
Ver. 1.07 -- 25/5/2009
1.02 to 1.06: Added more diagrams. The others are minor fixes.


PROLOGUE. Diner Dash Series Note
A. Menu
B. Rules
C. General Tips
D. Walkthrough
E. Endless Shift
G. Special Thanks


Here are some known Diner Dash game releases. The --recommended-- sign means the
game is recommended to be played/completed first before playing this game to
increase your playing enjoyment and knowledge about this game.
1. Diner Dash (GBA 2006)
-> Canceled?
2. Diner Dash (Mobile 2006)
-> Cellphones? Cellphones are still not accessible (for me) (yet).
3. Diner Dash (Win 2004) --recommended--
4. Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue (Win 2006) --recommended--


1. Story Mode.
>> This is what the walkthrough is talking about.
2. Endless Shift.
>> See endless shift section.
3. Options.
>> You can only switch to windowed mode if you set the screen resolution to
   1024x768 or higher.
   A great option has been added: Environment. I really recommend to set this to
   the ~maximum to make the game more enjoyable.
4. Flo's Closet.
>> Change Flo's clothes. You can change it anytime.
5. How to Play.
>> If you're new to the series, you may look at this instruction. I'm sure it'll
   help a lot.
6. High Scores.
7. Change Player.
>> Reset the game from the beginning with another player name.


The basic rules of the game can be found by clicking "How To Play" in the main

The customers types has increased! Here are their tipping behavior:

1. Young lady:
- She gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- She'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after she finishes

2. Tourist:
- Tourist can come alone or in pairs.
- She gives maximum 120 pts. A couple of tourists give maximum 140 pts.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- They'll ask for dessert if 3/5 of the heart is filled after they finish

3. Family:
- The family can come in various combinations of senior, dads, mums, kids, and
  babies with the total number of people = 2 or 3 (the babies do not count).
- Two of them give maximum 130 pts, three of them give maximum 145 pts.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- They'll ask for dessert if 3/5 of the heart is filled after they finish

4. Lovebirds:
- They give maximum 120 pts.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- They'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after they finish

5. Bookworm:
- He gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- He'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after he finishes eating.

6. Senior:
- He gives maximum 105 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 5 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- He'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after he finishes eating.

7. Jogger:
- She gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- She will never ask for dessert.

8. Business woman:
- She gives maximum 120 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 20 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- She'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after she finishes

9. Cell addict:
- He gives maximum 120 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 20 pts to
  the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
- He'll ask for dessert if 4/5 of the heart is filled after he finishes eating.

10. Mix:
- It's the mix of the groups above. Only appears at secret levels.
- The camping group (2) give maximum 60 pts. Every one addition to the group
  will add 5 pts to the maximum point. Losing half heart costs you 5 pts.
- The other mixes behave like business types.

1. Picking menu = 20 pts each action.
2. Serving food = 30 pts each action.
3. Giving the cheque = 50 pts each action.
4. Clearing the dishes = 40 pts each action.
5. Matching the color seat = 100 pts per person. Maximum color bonus per seat is
   400 pts.
6. Mopping  = 30 pts each action.
7. Serving desserts = 80 pts each action.
8. Serving snacks = 100 pts each action.


1. Things are more complicated right now. With A BUNCH of customers types and
some new rules are introduced in this game, you are urged to concentrate more in
order to complete this game. More than when you are playing Diner Dash 2.
2. I advise you (again) to play, or at least know the previous Diner Dash
releases. This game is very similar with Diner Dash 2 , all the things there
also apply in this game.
3. This tip should be pretty general: You can restart the shift unlimited times
if you fail to concentrate or something like that happens.
4. Last but not least: Try to enjoy your adventure especially if you don't earn
any money from this activity.


Before anything, let's do some hardware check:
->I'm no expert in hardware, but after analyzing computer hardware practically
around here in my Real Life(TM), the result shows me a quite surprising result.
What they say about video game system requirement and/or hardware specification
can be VERY different from my analysis. So, I don't know if I should make some
comment about it... ;____;
->FREE physical memory in your PC at least around 120 MB to run this game
smoothly and completely.
->This game can't be run under DOS.

Here we go:

Our restaurant manager hero, Flo, now has a trip with his friend, Darla whom
she had saved earlier in Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue (TM). But, something
happens in the cruise ship... Darla will be the chef and you, Flo, will be the


All of the customers will dress a la Bali or Hawaii or something like that
during this game, even in the space ship. Don't wish for a piece of cake at
early levels and -500 for every leaving customer.

Let's check what is inside your wardrobe at start:
--Baseball Cap: Red
--Apron: Red, Blue, Green, White
--Shoes: Red, Brown, Green, Reddish Brown, White
--Shirt: Blue, Light Blue, Green, White
--Pants: Black, Green, Red, White
The inventory will add when you are further on your trip.

There are 7 upgrades ready for the ship, you are gonna use only four of them:
1. Counters
2. Tables & Chairs
3. Pool
4. Lounge Chairs
5. Umbrellas
6. Palm Trees
7. Flowers


Goal: 500 pts.
Expert goal: 1000 pts.
Difficulty: 1/10.
Total tables: 3.
Fail Note: Darn, we didn't earn enough this shift. Let's give it another shot so
I can get back to my vacation!

The goal is a significant raise from the previous game. If you have
difficulties, just follow the tutorial, you'll make it.


Goal: 2000 pts.
Expert goal: 3500 pts.
Difficulty: 2/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sunglasses: Yellow
--Sandals: Yellow
--Flower Shirt: Orange
--Shorts: Blue
Total tables: 8.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember that we can seat customers
in chairs that match the color of their outfits to earn a bonus.

I'm not good with fashion...., but anyway, you can change Flo's clothing anyway
you like. You also can find some good combinations on your own. For me, I just
match all the colors of the clothing since the sprite is so small, the effect is
not a big deal.


Goal: 2500 pts.
Expert goal: 5000 pts.
Difficulty: 3/10.
Total tables: 10.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Don't forget to serve the Tourists
quickly once they sit down.

The tourists are not patient on the table, but they do not eat quickly like
business types. They may ask you to take their pictures while they are reading
menus (often) or after finish eating (rarely). They are no big deal, but they
often disturb your chaining.
There are many upgrades available, but you can only upgrade 4 items.


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 7000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Visor: Blue
--Flower Apron: Red
--Sandals: Blue
--Capris: Red
Total tables: 12.
Fail Note: Wow, that was a blackout. But we'll get it next time!

Birds singing at night?? Hmm.. if you think that this does not make sense, this
is the time to lower the Environment volume.
This kind of event surely is annoying. Just luckily, there are only 4 tables,
place the light on the center of the tables and you can see all of the eating


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 15.
Fail Note: That didn't go so well. Remember to serve drinks to tables that are
getting unhappy.

Feel like almost the same with Diner Dash 2, but tourist >> families.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: Blue
--Shoes: Blue
--Sailor Shirt: White
--Capris: White
Total tables: 15.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember to mop spills up as soon
as you see them happen.

The spill only makes you a little busy, but it's chainable, thus can add some
pretty points.


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember to bring families a
highchair as soon as you seat them.

Families are nothing new. But, they shouldn't be much problem in this shift.


Goal: 6200 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sunglasses: Red
--Open Toe Shoes: Orange
--Flower Shirt: Green
--Skirt: Orange
Total tables: 16.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. We'll have to move a little quicker
to keep those customers happy!


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Let's make sure not to seat two
Moms at a two-top table or else we can't bring them two highchairs!

Double click the high chairs to lift two of them at once and double click the
moms to give them two high chairs at once. And nope, they won't spill two
times, so don't worry if you have to mop two times for them.


Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert goal: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Flower Apron: Green
--Shoes: Orange
--Flower Shirt: Blue
--Pants: Cream
Total tables: 19.
Fail Note: Oh so close! We gotta make it through this shift or they'll make us
walk the gangplank!

Eight tables, as usual for this level, but not as hard as the previous game, I
think 0___0

If you get expert for all levels of this ship, then you will unlock a new secret
level. The expert goals so far won't be a problem if you have finished Diner
Dash 1 & 2 already. If you haven't, then you need to learn chaining.


You arrive at a train station and you can see that nobody can handle the dishes
as well as you two. So, it's time for action!

There are 6 upgrades ready for the train:
1. Counters
2. Tables & Chairs
3. Clock
4. Lights
5. Chandelier
6. Shelves


Goal: 4500 pts.
Expert goal: 6200 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.
Total tables: 13.
Fail Note: Oh no, let's get this train back on track.

Some of you may have known the pattern. The customer's color have increased by
one. And some of you may think that this does not make sense: Nothing is on the
table, but how can something be spilt??


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Hair Band: Green
--Long Sleeve Shirt: White
--Closed Toe Shoes: Black
--Skirt: Green
Total tables: 14.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember to serve the Lovebirds
before they get all kissy-kissy.

One more new customer type: Lovebirds. This means more things to memorize since
they have their own behavior. They may smooch randomly on the table which counts
like baby's noise.


Goal: 7800 pts.
Expert goal: 9700 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember to serve drinks to seated
customers who are getting unhappy.

You just need to be rather quick for this shift because many customers will be
waiting on the line.


Goal: 8800 pts.
Expert goal: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Long Sleeve Shirt: Red
--Open Toe Shoes: Red
--Skirt: Black
Total tables: 19.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough that time, but I know we can do it. Don't
forget to keep an eye out for spills after the train shakes.

What?! They say that there will be many spills everywhere, but no, nothing
shakes here.


Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 18.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough that time, but I know we can do it. Don't
forget to click on the podium and stand next to it for several seconds before
clicking somewhere else.

Make sure to use the podium because some business women will sneak into your
restaurant at the middle of this shift.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Hair Band: Orange
--Long Sleeve Shirt: Orange
--Open Toe Shoes: Green
--Pants: Black
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Keep a close eye on the Bookworms
to make sure they're not getting too upset by other noisy tables.

This is easier than the previous game because no business types at early levels.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 8500 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 19.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember to use that flashlight and
keep checking the line to see if new customers have appeared.

First thing first, learn the tables. There are 6 tables and your flashlight is
too small to see them all. No other way, you need to move your flashlight around
to see all the tables. You should know the behavior of all the customers well
and be sure to turn the sound system ON, that will be helpful.


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Striped Shirt: Yellow
--Closed Toe Shoes: Blue
--Apron: Blue
--Capris: Orange
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. But let's give it another try.

Unlike the previous game, you can only take the dessert if and only if there is
demand. The goal targets are pretty high, you can only attain the expert goal if
you chain the dessert well enough.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: Amazing effort, but we didn't earn quite enough. Let's get this crazy
train going again.

The goal target is back to "normal" again, so don't worry about dessert
chaining. And you can get some help too, if you have played Diner Dash 2 well
enough, you should know them:
1. Busser => Help you receiving the cheque and clearing the dishes. But you do
   not get any action scores.
2. Drink server => Serve contionous drinks to unhappy customers.
3. Hostess => Stand at the podium for a period.
4. Entertainer => Cheer sitting customers, different from level to level. This
   level has a pianist (the same with Mr. Big's Plaza from DD2).


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Long Sleeve Shirt: Blue
--Hair Band: Pink
--Pants: Pink
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: Oh so close! Remember to match the customer color to the seat color.
But anyone can sit in the seats that have no color.

This is only a teaser version, harder version is yet to come. If you manage to
get no customer leaving, the color bonuses should be enough to get even an
expert score.

Playfirst programmers seem to have planned on a bonus restaurant after this
level. This time, it's the Yahoo edition to be said that has the bonus
restaurant. Some info about the bonus restaurant is below the secret levels.


Darla asks you to go to a Sea World-like place. You can see once again that
nobody there can handle the dishes as well as you two. Now, every customer
leaves your restaurant mad will cut your points by 750 and like always, the
color has increased. Here we go!

There are 6 upgrades ready for the sub:
1. Counters
2. Tables & Chairs
3. Helmet
4. Pillars
5. Anchor
6. Periscope


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: Great effort, but we didn't earn quite enough this shift. It's tough
without a podium. We'll have to clear tables as quickly as we can.

The shakes can be annoying in this shift since we have to move quickly.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: White
--Sailor Shirt: Red
--Pants: Blue
--Shoes: Blue
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: Darn, We didn't earn enough this shift. Don't forget to match
customers to the right colored seats for extra bonus points.

Seniors?? They shouldn't add your problem too much.


Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert goal: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: Oops, we must have been so busy snapping photos for the tourists that
we didn't earn enough this shift. Let's try that again.

First snack in this game. The customers will ask those randomly when they are
sitting. You can only get the snack if there is a customer who asks for it.


Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert goal: 11500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: Blue
--Striped Shirt: Green
--Apron: Yellow
--Skirt: Blue
Total tables: 18.
Fail Note: Almost, but not quite enough. It's tough to stay on your feet with
all that shaking going on!


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 13500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Remember that Lovebirds will only
sit at tables for two.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 8800 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: Orange
--Open Toe Shoes: Blue
--Sailor Shirt: Orange
Total tables: 17.
Fail Note: Ack, we didn't earn enough this shift. Remember, Lovebirds aren't
bothered by noise, so we can always seat them next to chatty Cellphone Addicts.

The customer type has increased once more. You should try to concentrate
yourself more to pass through this and the upcoming shifts.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: Let's give it another shot.Boy, it's not easy when we can't see where
we're going, but I know we can do it. Let's give it another shot before my
flashlight runs out!

It's another dark shift.


Goal: 10500 pts.
Expert goal: 13000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Apron: Brown
--Sailor Shirt: Green
--Skirt: Brown
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: Whew, it's tough keeping up with the crowd! Let's give it another

The kids can spill, but can't make noises when the group is getting impatient.


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: Oh so close! Let's give it another shot.

Most people will ask for the dessert. But now, in fact, they do not always ask
for dessert when they're reading the menu and eating.


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 13000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Hair Band: Red
--Sailor Hat: Green
--Long Sleeve Shirt: Green
--Capris: Pink
Total tables: 23.
Fail Note: Great effort, but we didn't quite earn enough this shift. Let's get
back out on that floor and try again.

Many tables, podium, staff and low goal target. Shouldn't be hard.


Now you begin your journey at a blimp. It should be a giant blimp which has a
dining room. If you somehow can get the bonus restaurant for Diner Dash 2, this
can be it.
Here is the final addition to customers color and -1000 for each customers quit
the restaurant mad.

There are 6 upgrades ready for the blimp:
1. Counters
2. Tables & Chairs
3. Binoculars
4. Painting
5. Record
6. Jukebox


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.
Total tables: 18.
Fail Note: Good effort, but we didn't earn quite enough. Remember to serve up
milkshakes to cheer up a table, especially if a table is getting annoyed by
Cellphone Addicts!

The expert goal is very heavy, a step-by-step strategy is required! Here is the
simple table diagram. There may be a few other placements that can also reach
the expert goal.
Make sure to be quick and do other things correctly for this entire level.
Reserve and give drinks to the annoyed BOOKWORMS and young ladies at the 3rd

|  -------   -------  |
|  |  1  |   |  2  |  |
|  -------   -------  |
|                     |
|  -------   -------  |
|  |     |   |     |  |
|  |  3  |   |  4  |  |
|  -------   |     |  |
|            -------  |

| Customer type      | Chaining order | Table number |
| 4 Young Ladies     |       1        |      3       |
| 2 Cell Addicts     |       1        |      2       |
| 2 Tourists         |       2        |      1       |
| 6 Bookworms        |       2        |      4       |
| Lovebirds          |       2        |      2       |
| 2 Mums & Babies    |       2        |      3       |
| 2 Young Ladies     |       3        |      1       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       3        |      3       |
| 2 Cell Addicts     |       3        |      2       |
| 2 Tourists         |       4        |      1       |
| 6 Cell Addicts     |       3        |      4       |
| Family             |       4        |      3       |
| 3 Seniors          |       5        |      3       |
| 6 Young Ladies     |       4        |      4       |
| 2 Cell Addicts     |       4        |      2       |
| Lovebirds          |       5        |      1       |
| 2 Bookworms        |       5        |      2       |
| 2 Young Ladies     |       5        |      4       |


Goal: 6500 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Apron: Purple
--Closed Toe Shoes: Purple
--Striped Shirt: Purple
--Skirt: Blue
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: Good effort, but we didn't earn quite enough. We'll need to use the
podium a bunch of times in order to get through this shift.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 21.
Fail Note: Almost, but not quite enough. Remember that Joggers don't mind noise,
so you can seat them anywhere.

One more customer type, the Jogger. She is not a trouble, but 8 (eight) kinds of
customers can give you troubles.


Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert goal: 13500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Baseball Cap: Blue
--Apron: Pink
--Striped Shirt: Blue
--Capris: Black
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. But don't worry, we all hit a few
bumps now and then. Let's get right back out there!


Goal: 9500 pts.
Expert goal: 11500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: Almost, but not quite enough. We'll have to remember the basics like
doing the same action a few times in a row for a chain bonus.


Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert goal: 12500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Visor: White
--Closed Toe Shoes: Red
--Shirt: Black
--Skirt: Red
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: Great effort, but we didn't earn quite enough this shift. We'll have
to use the podium to keep those Businesswomen happy while they wait in line.

An old but new customer type, ahemm..the business women has come, makes all nine
kinds of people gather together to have meal at your restaurant. Good luck to
handle all of them ^__^


Goal: 9500 pts.
Expert goal: 11500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Total tables: 19.
Fail Note: Great effort, but we didn't earn quite enough this shift.

A dark restaurant with five tables, not so bad..


Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert goal: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Baseball Cap: Orange
--Sunglasses: Purple
--Flower Shirt: Purple
--Capris: Yellow
Total tables: 23.
Fail Note: Whew, this is a tough shift. Remember to reserve 2-top tables for

The lovebirds refuse to sit so close to others? No.......

 1|     |
 2|     |        If chair number 3 is occupied, the lovebirds will sit on chair
 3|  B  |        1 and 2. The strength of their love is in question.....
 4|  A  |
 5|  R  |
 6|     |
 7|     |
 8|     |


Goal: 16000 pts.
Expert goal: 19000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Total tables: 21.
Fail Note: Almost, but not quite enough. It's not easy to match everyone to the
right color seat!

The color matching is slightly more difficult right now. Just carefully match
'em and use the podium often if you face some difficulties...


Goal: 19500 pts.
Expert goal: 22500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Visor: Yellow
--Closed Toe Shoes: White
--Long Sleeve Shirt: Brown
--Capris: White
Total tables: 22.
Fail Note: Oh so close, but not quite enough. Let's try that again!

Just about the same with above with more diversified colors and slightly higher
goal target.

After all the tiring works, you meet with some strange guy in limousine (Oh, he
appears to be the owner of all of those restaurant). Now what kind of restaurant
that he wants to show us?


You are now begin your journey to Saturnus with serving hungry holograms -___^
Just jokin' BTW, the spaceship will provide you challenging levels of Diner
Dash. Many of the expert goals are hard to reach, so make sure you focus
yourself better. Do not let even one of the customers leave your restaurant mad
especially for the expert goal because they will cut your pts by 2000 pts.

There are 5 upgrades ready for the spaceship:
1. Counters
2. Tables & Chairs
3. Computers
4. Control Center
5. Path


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 16000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Total tables: 25.
Fail Note: Almost, but not quite. Make sure to use Waitbot- two more arms really
come in handy!

You may need some planning to get the expert score.


Goal: 16000 pts.
Expert goal: 20000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Space Shoes: Blue
--Space Shirt: Blue
--Space Pants: Blue
Total tables: 26.
Fail Note: Nice try, but we've got to take advantage of the podium and drink
station to make sure that nobody leaves unhappy.

Ah.. another hard level. The music is good BTW, good luuuuck.


Goal: 25000 pts.
Expert goal: 30000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.
Total tables: 28.
Fail Note: Some parties really take their time, seat them carefully so nobody
has to wait for a table.

I remember somebody asked me the expert strategy for this level. The expert goal
is really no joke I think, the slow types and the fast types queue up for a
meal at this shift. Below is the example of a step-by-step strategy which can
pass the expert goal.
You have to make FULL use of the podium to be able to pass the expert goal for
this shift. Be careful when sitting the customers because color matching bonus
is very important.

|  -------   -------   -------  |
|  |     |   |     |   |     |  |
|  |  1  |   |  2  |   |  3  |  |
|  |     |   -------   -------  |
|  -------                      |
|                               |
|  -------   -------   -------  |
|  |     |   |     |   |  6  |  |
|  |  4  |   |  5  |   -------  |
|  |     |   |     |            |
|  -------   -------            |

| Customer type      | Chaining order | Table number |
| 6 Seniors          |       1        |      4       |
| 4 Seniors          |       1        |      2       |
| 5 Bookworms        |       1        |      1       |
| 2 Seniors          |       1        |      6       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       1        |      3       |
| 6 Seniors          |       1        |      5       |
| 2 Seniors          |       2        |      6       |
| 4 Business Women   |       2        |      2       |
| 4 Business Women   |       2        |      3       |
| 4 Seniors          |       4        |      2       |
| 1 Bookworm         |       3        |      6       |
| 6 Seniors          |       2        |      4       |
| 6 Seniors          |       2        |      1       |
| 6 Bookworms        |       5        |      1       |
| 2 Cell Addicts     |       4        |      6       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       5        |      5       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       5        |      3       |
| 6 Seniors          |       3        |      5       |
| 4 Business Women   |       3        |      2       |
| 6 Seniors          |       3        |      4       |
| 6 Seniors          |       3        |      1       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       3        |      3       |
| 6 Business Women   |       4        |      4       |
| 4 Seniors          |       4        |      3       |
| 6 Business Women   |       4        |      5       |
| 4 Bookworms        |       5        |      2       |
| 4 Cell Addicts     |       5        |      4       |
| 6 Bookworms        |       4        |      1       |


Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Visor: Red
--Space Shoes: Red
--Space Shirt: Red
--Space Pants: Red
Total tables: 29.
Fail Note: Yikes! It's hard to keep up with all those spills, but I know we can
do it.

The expert goal is still quite heavy. I find that dessert chaining is not very
easy to do, so it is not recommended, --sorry--. Just chain the rest (it's from
menu until dish) and match the color well. This will reach the expert goal.


Goal: 15000 pts.
Expert goal: 20000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Total tables: 20.
Fail Note: Good try. Make sure we're not ignoring the customers in line when
there isn't much seating, put that podium to use.

The expert goal is very steep! Below is the chaining plan and now, PLUS the
color matching for the sake of the matters get more complicated. But, you have
to pay attention to their color pattern. Some of you probably think that this is
way too simple (no shining graphics or such) or too hard to track, please don't
blame me for that matter.

Example: 6 customers go to 6 top tables. The customers will sit in
counter-clockwise order.

                    Table without         Table with
                      customers            customers

------------           -------              -------
|Customers:|         A |     | F          3 |     | 2        Sitting order:
|123456    |  --->   B |     | E   --->   4 |     | 1   --->    EFABCD
------------         C |     | D          5 |     | 6
                       -------              -------

Got that? If you manage to do this color matching perfectly, then some good
long dessert chaining is required for the expert goal. Does not have to be
perfect, but should be long enough.

|                                          |
|                 -------                  |
|               A |     | D                |
|               B |  1  | C                |
|                 -------                  |
|                                          |
|    -------      -------                  |
|  A |  2  | B  A |  3  | B                |
|    -------      -------                  |
|                                          |
|                 -------      -------     |
|               A |     | F  A |     | D   |
|               B |  4  | E  B |  5  | C   |
|               C |     | D    -------     |
|                 -------                  |
|                                          |

| Customer type      | Chaining order | Table number | Sitting order  |
| 2 Young Ladies     |       1        |      5       | AB             |
| Lovebirds          |       1        |      2       | AB             |
| Lovebirds          |       1        |      3       | Any            |
| 4 Bookworms        |       1        |      1       | ABCD           |
| 6 Business Women   |       1        |      4       | ABCDEF         |
| 2 Tourists         |       2        |      5       | DA             |
| 2 Mums & Babies    |       2        |      2       | BA             |
| 2 Young Ladies     |       4        |     2/1      | BA/BC          |
| 2 Joggers          |       2        |      3       | Any            |
| 6 Business Women   |       2        |      4       | DEFABC         |
| 4 Seniors          |       2        |      1       | DABC/CDAB      |
| Father & Son       |       3        |      3       | AB             |
| 6 Business Women   |       3        |      4       | CDEFAB         |
| 4 Young Ladies     |       3        |      5       | DABC           |
| 2 Tourists         |       3        |      2       | AB             |
| 4 Cell Addicts     |       3        |      1       | DABC           |
| 6 Business Women   |       4        |      4       | EFABCD         |
| 1 Young Lady       |       4        |      2       | A              |
| 4 Bookworms        |      4/5       |     1/5      | Any for chain 4|
|                    |                |              | ABCD/CDAB for  |
|                    |                |              | chain 5        |
| Family             |       4        |      5       | CDA            |


Goal: 34000 pts.
Expert goal: 39000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Space Shoes: Pink
--Space Shirt: Pink
--Space Pants: Pink
Total tables: 31.
Fail Note: It's tough dealing with such picky customers, let's give it another

Boy... Now you have to do everything correctly: Matching colors, chaining
everything to the tables, including the dessert and never let ANYone leave your
restaurant mad. You may ask for help, the drink server is great, the alien
entertainer is also not bad.


Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 39.
Fail Note: We didn't earn enough this shift. Let's give it another shot.

Yes!!! This shift is a break from the previous tough shifts. If you think that
desert chaining is hard or annoying, then you can rest from doing that. Phew...

Now about noise inside the bar:
 1|     |
 2|     |        You need two empty seats to free a customer from a noise.
 3|  B  |        Example: If cell addicts occupy chair number 1 and 2, then
 4|  A  |        a young lady on chair 4 is still annoyed by the noise. You
 5|  R  |        should move her to chair 5 instead.
 6|     |
 7|     |
 8|     |


Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: Blue
--Space Shoes: Orange
--Space Shirt: Orange
--Skirt: Orange
Total tables: 32.
Fail Note: It's even darker in space, but I know we're up to the challenge…

Goddamit..Aw..sorry, But this time you have a bunch of seats with blackout. You
don't have any choice but to move your mouse quickly to see all of them. The
downfall this time is although you can hear the sounds, but you can't hear if
any of your customers want the snack and/or the Milky Way dessert.

Table diagram is added because I think it's necessary. It's made as straight as
possible (proportional with our beloved customers +____+).
Long chaining is not preferred and dessert chaining is hard to do. So, in order
to mend the needed pts, color matching bonus is required. With a good table
diagram, this should be done easier.
Also note that in chain 4, you have to perform a very long chain with high risk.
The first is you can't see your surroundings so that you do not know if some
groups have become really angry, the second is there are many lovebirds who may
smooch many times, but you don't know it. And they may disturb many customers
around (bar chair 3 and 4 BOTH are disturbed by the lovebirds you sit "ilegally"
nearby). To make sure that nobody leave your restaurant, you may phone one of
the staff members. Or, if you confident enough with your color matching, you may
put some of them into the last chain (and see the result yourself, of
course.. ^___^).

|  -------                           |
|  |     |                           |
| 1|     |                           |
|  |     |                           |
| 2|  B  |               -------     |
|  |     |               |  1  |     |
| 3|     |               -------     |
|  |     |    -------                |
| 4|     |    |     |    -------     |
|  |  A  |    |  2  |    |  3  |     |
| 5|     |    -------    -------     |
|  |     |                           |
| 6|     |                           |
|  |     |    -------    -------     |
| 7|  R  |    |     |    |     |     |
|  |     |    |  4  |    |  5  |     |
| 8|     |    -------    -------     |
|  |     |                           |
|  -------                           |

| Customer type      | Chaining order |  Table number   |
| Lovebirds          |      1         |        1        |
| Lovebirds          |      1         |        3        |
| 2 Young Ladies     |      1         |     BAR 7,8     |
| 3 Business Women   |      1         |        2        |
| 2 Seniors          |      1         |        4        |
| 3 Cell Addicts     |      1         |    BAR 2,3,4    |
| Lovebirds          |      2         |        3        |
| 4 Young Ladies     |      2         |        4        |
| 1 Cell Addicts     |      2         |        1        |
| 2 Tourists         |      2         |        5        |
| 2 Joggers          |      2         |        2        |
| 4 Business Women   |      2         |   BAR 4,5,6,7   |
| 2 Young Ladies     |      2         |     BAR 1,2     |
| Lovebirds          |      3         |        3        |
| 1 Tourist          |      3         |        4        |
| 4 Business Women   |      3         |        5        |
| 2 Young Ladies     |      3         |  BAR 1,2,3,4,5  |
| Family             |      3         |        2        |
| 2 Cell Addicts     |      3         |        1        |
| 2 Business Women   |      4         |        3        |
| Lovebirds          |      4         |     BAR 1,2     |
| Lovebirds          |      4         |        1        |
| 2 Joggers          |      4         |        5        |
| Family             |      4         |        2        |
| 1 Young Lady       |      4         |      BAR 4      |
| 4 Cell Addicts     |      4         |        4        |
| 4 Joggers          |      4         |   BAR 5,6,7,8   |
| Lovebirds          |      5         |       1/2       |
| 1 Business Woman   |      4         |      BAR 3      |
| Family             |      5         |   5/BAR 3,4,5   |
| Lovebirds          |      5         |     1/BAR 1,2   |
| 2 Tourists         |      5         |BAR 7,8/1/BAR 3,4|


Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 41.
Fail Note: This is one tough shift!

This idea comes from Diner Dash 1. Without the color bonuses, chaining will be
critical for us to pass this shift. And also, be careful because in this
spaceship, the noise from the bar will reach the table on the right and vice
versa. But, there is something unusual about this behavior at this shift:

     |     |
   1 |     |
     |  B  |
   2 |     |        -------
     |     |        |  1  |
   3 |  A  |        -------
     |     |
   4 |     |        -------
     |     |        |  2  |
   5 |  R  |        -------
     |     |
   6 |     |

Above is just a piece of this shift's table diagram. Noise from chair 2+3 will
reach table 1 and noise from chair 4+5 will reach table 2, but 4 noise makers
sitting on chair 2,3,4,5 will not disturb customers on both table 1 and 2,


Goal: 30000 pts.
Expert goal: 40000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.
Clothing unlocked:
--Sailor Hat: Pink
--Hair Band: White
--Space Shirt: White
--Capris: Green
Total tables: 32.
Fail Note: Wow! That's one heck of a line to keep up with, pay close attention
to the customer colors so we don't lose anybody!

The expert goal seems impossible to get, but I will help you with the careful
planning below. It's not the only plan that can make it to the expert goal. If
you think tracking this is boring or what, you may do it yourself or just play
without plan if console games are your daily meal or such..

This plan does not exceed much than the expert goal (it means: it may depend on
your luck at chaining the snack or how quick you are at serving drinks), but it
can make you act constantly without waiting (like your customers do).
You may use staff's help for making things easier and you may want to memorize
this plan before playing to make things smoother.

The map has been revised, please understand the limited ability of this format.
It probably does not represent the condition very exactly since things get
complicated, at least more complicated than this format can hold.
The noise from table 1 and 4 will not reach table 3, but it will reach table 2
and 5 respectively. And chair no. 1 probably will not reach table no. 1 but this
theory can't be proven and it's useless anyway.

Note that at chain 3, the noise from cell addicts will not reach the nearby
tables due to the anomaly above.

|  -------                           |
|  |     |                           |
| 1|     |                           |
|  |     |    -------    -------     |
| 2|  B  |    |     |    |  2  |     |
|  |     |    |  1  |    -------     |
| 3|     |    |     |                |
|  |     |    -------    -------     |
| 4|     |               |     |     |
|  |  A  |               |  3  |     |
| 5|     |               -------     |
|  |     |    -------                |
| 6|     |    |     |                |
|  |     |    |  4  |    -------     |
| 7|  R  |    |     |    |  5  |     |
|  |     |    -------    -------     |
| 8|     |                           |
|  |     |                           |
|  -------                           |

| Customer type      | Chaining order | Table number | Additional notes    |
| Father & Son       |      1         |      5       |                     |
| Lovebirds          |      1         |      2       |                     |
| 3 Bookworms        |      1         |      3       |Make full use of the |
| 4 Seniors          |      7         |     1/3      |                     |
| 6 Cell Addicts     |      2         |      4       |podium. Chain        |
| 4 Joggers          |      2         | BAR 5,6,7,8  |                     |
| 4 Business Women   |      2         | BAR 1,2,3,4  |everything including |
| 4 Young Ladies     |      2         |      3       |                     |
| 6 Seniors          |      3         |      4       |the dessert.         |
| 3 Bookworms        |      4         |  BAR 5,6,7   |                     |
| 3 Business Women   |      3         |      3       |                     |
| 4 Cell Addicts     |      3         | BAR 3,4,5,6  |                     |
| Family             |      4         |      3       |                     |
| 2 Tourists         |      3         |      5       |                     |
| 1 Senior           |      3         |      2       |                     |
| 4 Bookworms        |      3         |      1       |                     |
| 2 Business Women   |      4         |   BAR 1,2    |                     |
| Family             |      6         |  BAR 2,3,4   |                     |
| 2 Joggers          |      4         |      5       |                     |
| Lovebirds          |      4         |      2       |                     |
| 6 Business Women   |      4         |      4       |                     |
| 4 Seniors          |      7         | BAR 5,6,7,8  |                     |
| 2 Tourists         |      4         |      1       |                     |
| 2 Joggers          |      7         |      5       |                     |
| 6 Cell Addicts     |      5         |      1       |                     |
| 2 Mums & Babies    |      5         |      2       |Give drinks to this  |
| 3 Business Women   |      5         |  BAR 1,2,3   |<- business women    |
| 3 Young Ladies     |      7         |      4       |                     |
| 6 Cell Addicts     |      6         |      1       |                     |
| 4 Seniors          |      7         | BAR 5,6,7,8  |                     |
| 1 Young Lady       |      7         |      2       |                     |
| 4 Joggers          |      7         | BAR 1,2,3,4  |                     |

Succesfully clearing this level makes you conquer all levels. Congrats!!


Secret level in this game is accessible by gaining all the expert goals from a
restaurant. Example: If you get all the expert goals from level 1-10, you will
get a secret level.
You do not get anything from completing any secret levels, just play this for
fun if you wish...


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 15000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 15.

Nope, it's not night. We can see everything clearly. And look at your customers!
Funny, isn't it? They are all couples of male and female.
1. Business woman's couple is the cell addict. Fits very well, isn't it? But how
does the business woman not get annoyed by the noise? The answer is LOVE,
2. The young lady has an affair with the father of family(!?)
3. Foursome of 2 business women, a cell addict and a bookworm. 4 in love??
4. Foursome of two fathers, a young lady and a jogger.


Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert goal: 13750 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Total tables: 23.

Another funny level... The girls come to the train's dining room secretly with
random girl companions.


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 14250 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 20.

The business men and women join with the other random people to eat.


Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Total tables: 30.

The young ladies and the father brings many kids to join camping groups. I
recall that I have seen something like this in my Real Life(TM). A nostalgia
to the past....not a link to the past..


Goal: 25000 pts.
Expert goal: 30000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Total tables: 35.

All people come in random groups wanna eat before they arrive to the moon. No,
seniors, mums and babies are missing...



Goal: ????
Expert goal: ????
Difficulty: ??/10
Total tables: ??
Fail Note: We must've had a heat stroke, we'll get it next time.


Goal: ????
Expert goal: ????
Difficulty: ??/10
Total tables: ??
Fail Note: We really got burnt on that shift, but let's try it again.


Goal: ????
Expert goal: ????
Difficulty: ??/10
Total tables: ??
Fail Note: Don't sweat it, let's try that again!


Goal: ????
Expert goal: ????
Difficulty: ??/10
Total tables: ??
Fail Note: That was tough. But let's get our second wind and try again!


Goal: ????
Expert goal: ????
Difficulty: ??/10
Total tables: ??
Fail Note: We're just trying to prolong our vacation, aren't we? Let's give it
another try!


Endless shift offers you endless stream of customers in your already-decorated
restaurant. Easier level have more patient customers, lower goal target, less
customer type, less customer color and more lives.


Easy level:
Level 1 goal: 1000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 2500 pts.
Level 3 goal: 5000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 8500 pts.
Level 5 goal: 14000 pts.
Level 6 goal: 21500 pts.
Level 7 is missing!
Level 8 goal: 34000 pts.
Level 9 goal: 49000 pts.
Adds 15000 pts per next level up.

Cruise Ship starts with 5 tables, Train starts with 4 tables, Sub starts with 4
tables, Blimp starts with 4 tables, Spaceship starts with 4 tables, and Beach
Island Resort starts with ? tables.

Starts with 5 lives.


Medium level:
Level 1 goal: 2000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 5000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 10000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 17500 pts.
Level 5 goal: 27500 pts.
Adds 13000 pts per next level up.

Cruise Ship starts with 4 tables, Train starts with 5 tables, Sub starts with 5
tables, Blimp starts with 5 tables, Spaceship starts with 5 tables, and Beach
Island Resort starts with ? tables.

Starts with 4 lives.


Hard level:
Level 1 goal: 3000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 8000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 15000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 25000 pts.
Level 5 goal: 37000 pts.
Adds 17000 pts per next level up.

Cruise Ship starts with 3 tables, Train starts with 4 tables, Sub starts with 4
tables, Blimp starts with 4 tables, Spaceship starts with 4 tables, and Beach
Island Resort starts with ? tables.

Starts with 3 lives.


1. New Table
= Add a new table to the restaurant.
2. Radio, Stereo, Pianist, Mermaid(?) Harpist, Singer, Space Musician
= Gives seated customers a mood boost
3. Standard Energy Bars, Super Energy Bars, Super Max Energy Bars
= Makes Flo move faster.
4. Oven Pro
= Food appears fast.
5. Oven Pro Silver
= Food appears faster.
6. Oven Pro Gold
= Food appears fastest.
7. Standard Drink Station
= Serve your customers a drink for a mood boost.
8. Drink Master Ultra
= Makes drinks faster.
9. Ultra Drinkmaster Max Pro
= Makes better drinks for a bigger mood boost.
10. Standard Podium
= Stand at the podium to chat with waiting customers for a mood boost.
11. Podium Deluxe
= Podium can be used sooner and gives more mood boost.
12. Podium Cruiser 2000
= Podium charges up faster.
13. Podium Elite Cruiser
= Podium gives a bigger mood boost.
14. Bench
= Increases customers' patience when waiting in line.
15. Luxury Bench
= Customers will be even more patient.


Here are some noticed questions from Playfirst and Gamefaqs message board.

1. Q: I'm stuck at [some some] level.
   A: See walkthrough section.

2. Q: How can I unlock the bonus level at the island in the middle of the map?
   A: People said it's only available at Yahoo Edition. I see some pattern here,
      bonus restaurant of Diner Dash 2 is the blimp and the blimp comes from
      this game. The bonus restaurant of Diner Dash: Flo on the Go is the
      island, maybe the island is also available at the sequel of this game >.>

3. Q: I want an activation code.
   A: .......maybe Gamefaqs will moderate my FAQ/Walkthrough if I post it here.
      But if you're serious, I'm sure you will be able to figure it out another

4. Q: This game slows down. I'm at level 10/20/30/40/50. Why?
   A: Decorated restaurants need a lot of free physical memory to load. Be sure
      to free the physical memory by ~120 MB for this game to run smoothly.

From Supercheats message board.

5. Q: (Approximately) Level 43 expert strategy error.
   A: How come I write [HeadShot] instead of [HeatShot]?


- Gamefaqs and Supercheats. For posting this document.
- Playfirst(TM). For creating this game.
- My friend, Andi. For lending me this game.
- That person(?) on Supercheats message board (I.D. = parisbaby 2006). For the

I shall open my contributor e-mail for a moment. If there is no question or new
information/suggestion, I will finalize this document.

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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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